/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / WF / Activities / Rules / Parser / Scanner.cs / 1305376 / Scanner.cs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2006 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CODE_ANALYSIS using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Workflow.ComponentModel; using System.Workflow.Activities.Common; namespace System.Workflow.Activities.Rules { #region IntellisenseKeyword internal class IntellisenseKeyword { private string name; internal IntellisenseKeyword(string name) { = name; } internal string Name { get { return name; } } } #endregion internal class Scanner { #region Keywords private class KeywordInfo { internal TokenID Token; internal object TokenValue; internal KeywordInfo(TokenID token, object tokenValue) { this.Token = token; this.TokenValue = tokenValue; } internal KeywordInfo(TokenID token) : this(token, null) { } } private static DictionarykeywordMap = CreateKeywordMap(); private static Dictionary CreateKeywordMap() { Dictionary map = new Dictionary (27); map.Add("mod", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Modulus)); map.Add("and", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.And)); map.Add("or", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Or)); map.Add("not", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Not)); map.Add("true", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.True, true)); map.Add("false", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.False, false)); map.Add("null", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Null, null)); map.Add("nothing", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Null, null)); map.Add("this", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.This)); map.Add("me", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.This)); map.Add("in", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.In)); map.Add("out", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Out)); map.Add("ref", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Ref)); map.Add("halt", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Halt)); map.Add("update", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.Update)); map.Add("new", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.New)); map.Add("char", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(char))); map.Add("byte", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(byte))); map.Add("sbyte", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(sbyte))); map.Add("short", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(short))); map.Add("ushort", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(ushort))); map.Add("int", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(int))); map.Add("uint", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(uint))); map.Add("long", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(long))); map.Add("ulong", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(ulong))); map.Add("float", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(float))); map.Add("double", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(double))); map.Add("decimal", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(decimal))); map.Add("bool", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(bool))); map.Add("string", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(string))); map.Add("object", new KeywordInfo(TokenID.TypeName, typeof(object))); return map; } internal static void AddKeywordsStartingWith(char upperFirstCharacter, ArrayList list) { foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in keywordMap) { if (char.ToUpper(kvp.Key[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == upperFirstCharacter) list.Add(new IntellisenseKeyword(kvp.Key)); } } #endregion #region Number scanning [Flags] private enum NumberKind { UnsuffixedInteger = 0x01, Long = 0x02, Unsigned = 0x04, Double = 0x08, Float = 0xc, Decimal = 0x10 } #endregion private string inputString; private int inputStringLength; private object tokenValue; private TokenID currentToken = TokenID.Unknown; private int currentPosition; private int tokenStartPosition; internal Scanner(string inputString) { this.inputString = inputString; this.inputStringLength = inputString.Length; } internal void Tokenize(List tokenList) { Token token = null; do { token = NextToken(); tokenList.Add(token); } while (token.TokenID != TokenID.EndOfInput); } internal void TokenizeForIntellisense(List tokenList) { Token token = null; do { try { token = NextToken(); tokenList.Add(token); } catch (RuleSyntaxException) { // Instead of the invalid token, insert a "placeholder" illegal // token. This will prevent accidentally legal expressions. token = new Token(TokenID.Illegal, 0, null); tokenList.Add(token); } } while (token != null && token.TokenID != TokenID.EndOfInput); } private char NextChar() { if (currentPosition == inputStringLength - 1) { ++currentPosition; // Point one past the last character, equal to the length return '\0'; } ++currentPosition; return CurrentChar(); } private char CurrentChar() { return (currentPosition < inputStringLength) ? inputString[currentPosition] : '\0'; } private char PeekNextChar() { if (currentPosition == inputStringLength - 1) return '\0'; int peekPosition = currentPosition + 1; return (peekPosition < inputStringLength) ? inputString[peekPosition] : '\0'; } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")] private Token NextToken() { string message = null; // for any error messages. TokenID tokenID = TokenID.Unknown; char ch = CurrentChar(); ch = SkipWhitespace(ch); if (ch == '\0') return new Token(TokenID.EndOfInput, currentPosition, null); tokenStartPosition = currentPosition; tokenValue = null; if (char.IsDigit(ch)) { tokenID = ScanNumber(); } else if (char.IsLetter(ch)) { tokenID = ScanKeywordOrIdentifier(); } else { switch (ch) { case '_': tokenID = ScanKeywordOrIdentifier(); break; case '+': tokenID = TokenID.Plus; NextChar(); break; case '-': tokenID = TokenID.Minus; NextChar(); break; case '*': tokenID = TokenID.Multiply; NextChar(); break; case '/': tokenID = TokenID.Divide; NextChar(); break; case '%': tokenID = TokenID.Modulus; NextChar(); break; case '&': tokenID = TokenID.BitAnd; if (NextChar() == '&') { NextChar(); tokenID = TokenID.And; } break; case '|': tokenID = TokenID.BitOr; if (NextChar() == '|') { NextChar(); tokenID = TokenID.Or; } break; case '=': tokenID = TokenID.Assign; if (NextChar() == '=') { // It's "==", so the token is Equal NextChar(); tokenID = TokenID.Equal; } break; case '!': tokenID = TokenID.Not; if (NextChar() == '=') { NextChar(); tokenID = TokenID.NotEqual; } break; case '<': tokenID = TokenID.Less; ch = NextChar(); if (ch == '=') { NextChar(); tokenID = TokenID.LessEqual; } else if (ch == '>') { NextChar(); tokenID = TokenID.NotEqual; } break; case '>': tokenID = TokenID.Greater; if (NextChar() == '=') { NextChar(); tokenID = TokenID.GreaterEqual; } break; case '(': tokenID = TokenID.LParen; NextChar(); break; case ')': tokenID = TokenID.RParen; NextChar(); break; case '.': tokenID = TokenID.Dot; if (char.IsDigit(PeekNextChar())) tokenID = ScanDecimal(); else NextChar(); // consume the '.' break; case ',': tokenID = TokenID.Comma; NextChar(); break; case ';': tokenID = TokenID.Semicolon; NextChar(); break; case '[': tokenID = TokenID.LBracket; NextChar(); break; case ']': tokenID = TokenID.RBracket; NextChar(); break; case '{': tokenID = TokenID.LCurlyBrace; NextChar(); break; case '}': tokenID = TokenID.RCurlyBrace; NextChar(); break; case '@': ch = NextChar(); if (ch == '"') { tokenID = ScanVerbatimStringLiteral(); } else { message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidCharacter, ch); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidCharacter, message, tokenStartPosition); } NextChar(); break; case '"': tokenID = ScanStringLiteral(); NextChar(); break; case '\'': tokenID = ScanCharacterLiteral(); NextChar(); break; default: NextChar(); message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidCharacter, ch); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidCharacter, message, tokenStartPosition); } } Token token = new Token(tokenID, tokenStartPosition, tokenValue); currentToken = tokenID; return token; } // Scan a string that starts with '"' and may contain escaped characters private TokenID ScanStringLiteral() { // The current character is the initiating '"' StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); bool isEscaped = false; char ch = ScanCharacter(out isEscaped); for (;;) { if (ch == '\0' && !isEscaped) throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_UnterminatedStringLiteral, Messages.Parser_UnterminatedStringLiteral, tokenStartPosition); if (ch == '"' && !isEscaped) break; sb.Append(ch); ch = ScanCharacter(out isEscaped); } tokenValue = sb.ToString(); return TokenID.StringLiteral; } // Scan a string that starts with '@' and contains no escaped characters private TokenID ScanVerbatimStringLiteral() { // We've already eaten the initiating '@', and the current character is '"' StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); char ch = NextChar(); // eat the opening '"' for (;;) { if (ch == '\0') throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_UnterminatedStringLiteral, Messages.Parser_UnterminatedStringLiteral, tokenStartPosition); if (ch == '"') { if (PeekNextChar() == '"') { // It's a doubled-double-quote: "" NextChar(); // consume the first '"' sb.Append('"'); } else { // It's the end of the string as we know it. (... and I feel fine.) break; } } else { sb.Append(ch); } ch = NextChar(); } tokenValue = sb.ToString(); return TokenID.StringLiteral; } private char ScanCharacter(out bool isEscaped) { isEscaped = false; char ch = NextChar(); if (ch == '\\') { // It's an escape code isEscaped = true; ch = NextChar(); switch (ch) { case '\\': case '\'': case '"': break; case '0': ch = '\0'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'a': ch = '\a'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'v': ch = '\v'; break; case 'u': ch = ScanUnicodeEscapeSequence(); break; default: string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidEscapeSequence, ch); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidEscapeSequence, message, currentPosition - 1); } } return ch; } private char ScanUnicodeEscapeSequence() { char ch; // Scan 4 hex digits. uint value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { ch = NextChar(); int hDigit = HexValue(ch); value = (16 * value) + (uint)hDigit; } return (char)value; } private TokenID ScanCharacterLiteral() { // The current character is the initiating ' bool isEscaped = false; char ch = ScanCharacter(out isEscaped); tokenValue = ch; if (NextChar() != '\'') throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_UnterminatedCharacterLiteral, Messages.Parser_UnterminatedCharacterLiteral, currentPosition); return TokenID.CharacterLiteral; } private TokenID ScanNumber() { char ch = CurrentChar(); if (ch == '0') { ch = PeekNextChar(); if (ch == 'x') { NextChar(); // Eat the '0' NextChar(); // eat the 'x' return ScanHexNumber(); } } // We get here if it wasn't a hex number. Try // scanning again as a decimal number. return ScanDecimal(); } private TokenID ScanDecimal() { NumberKind numberKind = NumberKind.UnsuffixedInteger; // Start by assuming it's an "int" constant. StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); char ch = CurrentChar(); while (char.IsDigit(ch)) { buffer.Append(ch); ch = NextChar(); } switch (ch) { case '.': numberKind = NumberKind.Double; // It's a double or float. buffer.Append('.'); NextChar(); // eat the '.' numberKind = ScanFraction(buffer); break; case 'e': case 'E': buffer.Append('e'); NextChar(); // eat the 'e' numberKind = ScanExponent(buffer); break; case 'f': case 'F': numberKind = NumberKind.Float; NextChar(); // eat the 'f' break; case 'd': case 'D': numberKind = NumberKind.Double; NextChar(); // eat the 'd' break; case 'm': case 'M': numberKind = NumberKind.Decimal; NextChar(); // eat the 'm' break; default: numberKind = ScanOptionalIntegerSuffix(); break; } string message; TokenID token; string numberString = buffer.ToString(); if (numberKind == NumberKind.Float) { token = TokenID.FloatLiteral; try { tokenValue = float.Parse(numberString, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception exception) { message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidFloatingPointConstant, exception.Message); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidRealLiteral, message, tokenStartPosition); } } else if (numberKind == NumberKind.Double) { token = TokenID.FloatLiteral; try { tokenValue = double.Parse(numberString, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception exception) { message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidFloatingPointConstant, exception.Message); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidRealLiteral, message, tokenStartPosition); } } else if (numberKind == NumberKind.Decimal) { token = TokenID.DecimalLiteral; try { tokenValue = decimal.Parse(numberString, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception exception) { message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidDecimalConstant, exception.Message); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidRealLiteral, message, tokenStartPosition); } } else { token = TokenID.IntegerLiteral; ulong value = 0; try { value = ulong.Parse(numberString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception exception) { message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidIntegerConstant, exception.Message); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidIntegerLiteral, message, tokenStartPosition); } switch (numberKind) { case NumberKind.UnsuffixedInteger: // It's an "int" if it fits, else it's a "long" if it fits, else it's a "ulong". if (value > long.MaxValue) // too big for long, keep it ulong tokenValue = value; else if (value <= int.MaxValue) // fits into an int tokenValue = (int)value; else tokenValue = (long)value; // it's a long break; case NumberKind.Long: tokenValue = (long)value; break; case NumberKind.Unsigned: // It's a "uint" if it fits, else its a "ulong" if (value <= uint.MaxValue) tokenValue = (uint)value; else tokenValue = value; break; case NumberKind.Unsigned | NumberKind.Long: tokenValue = value; break; } } return token; } private NumberKind ScanFraction(StringBuilder buffer) { char ch = CurrentChar(); while (char.IsDigit(ch)) { buffer.Append(ch); ch = NextChar(); } NumberKind numberKind = NumberKind.Double; switch (ch) { case 'e': case 'E': buffer.Append('E'); NextChar(); numberKind = ScanExponent(buffer); break; case 'd': case 'D': numberKind = NumberKind.Double; NextChar(); break; case 'f': case 'F': numberKind = NumberKind.Float; NextChar(); break; case 'm': case 'M': numberKind = NumberKind.Decimal; NextChar(); break; } return numberKind; } private NumberKind ScanExponent(StringBuilder buffer) { char ch = CurrentChar(); if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') { buffer.Append(ch); ch = NextChar(); } if (!char.IsDigit(ch)) { string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidExponentDigit, ch); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidExponentDigit, message, currentPosition); } do { buffer.Append(ch); ch = NextChar(); } while (char.IsDigit(ch)); NumberKind numberKind = NumberKind.Double; switch (ch) { case 'd': case 'D': numberKind = NumberKind.Double; NextChar(); break; case 'f': case 'F': numberKind = NumberKind.Float; NextChar(); break; case 'm': case 'M': numberKind = NumberKind.Decimal; NextChar(); break; } return numberKind; } private NumberKind ScanOptionalIntegerSuffix() { NumberKind numberKind = NumberKind.UnsuffixedInteger; char ch = CurrentChar(); switch (ch) { case 'l': case 'L': ch = NextChar(); // eat the 'L' if (ch == 'u' || ch == 'U') { // "LU" is a ulong. numberKind = NumberKind.Long | NumberKind.Unsigned; NextChar(); // eat the 'U' } else { // "L" is a long numberKind = NumberKind.Long; } break; case 'u': case 'U': ch = NextChar(); // Eat the 'U' if (ch == 'l' || ch == 'L') { // "UL" is a ulong. numberKind = NumberKind.Long | NumberKind.Unsigned; NextChar(); // eat the 'L' } else { numberKind = NumberKind.Unsigned; } break; } return numberKind; } private TokenID ScanHexNumber() { char ch = CurrentChar(); int hValue = HexValue(ch); if (hValue < 0) { string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidHexDigit, ch); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidHexDigit, message, currentPosition); } int length = 1; ulong value = (ulong)hValue; ch = NextChar(); hValue = HexValue(ch); while (hValue >= 0) { ++length; value = (value * 16) + (ulong)hValue; ch = NextChar(); hValue = HexValue(ch); } if (length > sizeof(ulong) * 2) { // We had overflow. string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Messages.Parser_InvalidIntegerConstant, string.Empty); throw new RuleSyntaxException(ErrorNumbers.Error_InvalidIntegerLiteral, message, tokenStartPosition); } TokenID token = TokenID.IntegerLiteral; NumberKind numberKind = ScanOptionalIntegerSuffix(); switch (numberKind) { case NumberKind.UnsuffixedInteger: // It's an "int" if it fits, else it's a "long" if it fits, else it's a "ulong". if (value > long.MaxValue) // too big for long, keep it ulong tokenValue = value; else if (value <= int.MaxValue) // fits into an int tokenValue = (int)value; else tokenValue = (long)value; // it's a long break; case NumberKind.Long: tokenValue = (long)value; break; case NumberKind.Unsigned: // It's a "uint" if it fits, else its a "ulong" if (value <= uint.MaxValue) tokenValue = (uint)value; else tokenValue = value; break; case NumberKind.Unsigned | NumberKind.Long: tokenValue = value; break; } return token; } private static int HexValue(char ch) { int value = -1; if (char.IsDigit(ch)) { value = (int)ch - (int)'0'; } else { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') value = (int)ch - (int)'a' + 10; else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') value = (int)ch - (int)'A' + 10; } return value; } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")] private TokenID ScanKeywordOrIdentifier() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); bool hasLettersOnly; ScanIdentifier(sb, out hasLettersOnly); string strValue = sb.ToString(); TokenID token = TokenID.Unknown; if (hasLettersOnly && currentToken != TokenID.Dot) { // It might be a keyword. KeywordInfo keyword = null; if (keywordMap.TryGetValue(strValue.ToLowerInvariant(), out keyword)) { token = keyword.Token; tokenValue = keyword.TokenValue; return token; } } // Otherwise, it's an identifier token = TokenID.Identifier; tokenValue = strValue; return token; } private void ScanIdentifier(StringBuilder sb, out bool hasLettersOnly) { char ch = CurrentChar(); hasLettersOnly = char.IsLetter(ch); sb.Append(ch); for (ch = NextChar(); ch != '\0'; ch = NextChar()) { bool isValid = false; if (char.IsLetter(ch)) { isValid = true; } else if (char.IsDigit(ch)) { isValid = true; hasLettersOnly = false; } else if (ch == '_') { isValid = true; hasLettersOnly = false; } if (!isValid) break; sb.Append(ch); } } private char SkipWhitespace(char ch) { while (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) ch = NextChar(); return ch; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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