GridViewColumn.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / GridViewColumn.cs / 1305600 / GridViewColumn.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System.ComponentModel;        // DesignerSerializationVisibility 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Data;          // BindingBase 
using System.Windows.Markup;        // [ContentProperty]

using MS.Internal;                  // Helper

namespace System.Windows.Controls 
    /// template of column of a details view. 

    [StyleTypedProperty(Property = "HeaderContainerStyle", StyleTargetType = typeof(System.Windows.Controls.GridViewColumnHeader))] 
    [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)] // cannot be read & localized as string
    public class GridViewColumn : DependencyObject, INotifyPropertyChanged 
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        /// constructor
        public GridViewColumn()
            // Descendant of this class can override the metadata to give it
            // a value other than NaN and without trigger the propertychange 
            // callback and thus, result in _state be out-of-[....] with the 
            // Width property.
            _state = Double.IsNaN(Width) ? ColumnMeasureState.Init : ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth; 

        //  Public Methods 

        #region Public Methods

        /// Returns a string representation of this object.
        public override string ToString()
            return SR.Get(SRID.ToStringFormatString_GridViewColumn, this.GetType(), Header);


        //  Public Properties

        #region Public Properties
        // For all the DPs on GridViewColumn, null is treated as unset,
        // because it's impossible to distinguish null and unset. 
        // Change a property between null and unset, PropertyChangedCallback will not be called. 

        #region Header 

        /// Header DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderChanged))
        /// If provide a GridViewColumnHeader or an instance of its sub class , it will be used as header. 
        /// Otherwise, it will be used as content of header 
        /// typical usage is to assign the content of the header or the container
        ///         GridViewColumn column = new GridViewColumn();
        ///         column.Header = "Name"; 
        /// or 
        ///         GridViewColumnHeader header = new GridViewColumnHeader();
        ///         header.Content = "Name"; 
        ///         header.Click += ...
        ///         ...
        ///         GridViewColumn column = new GridViewColumn();
        ///         column.Header = header; 
        public object Header 
            get { return GetValue(HeaderProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(HeaderProperty, value); }

        private static void OnHeaderChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d; 
        #endregion Header

        #region HeaderContainerStyle
        /// HeaderContainerStyle DependencyProperty 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderContainerStyleProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderContainerStyleChanged))
        /// Header container's style 
        public Style HeaderContainerStyle
            get { return (Style)GetValue(HeaderContainerStyleProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(HeaderContainerStyleProperty, value); }
        private static void OnHeaderContainerStyleChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d;
        #endregion HeaderContainerStyle
        #region HeaderTemplate 

        /// HeaderTemplate DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderTemplateProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderTemplateChanged)) 

        /// column header template 
        public DataTemplate HeaderTemplate 
            get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(HeaderTemplateProperty); }
            set { SetValue(HeaderTemplateProperty, value); } 

        private static void OnHeaderTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d;
            // Check to prevent Template and TemplateSelector at the same time 
            Helper.CheckTemplateAndTemplateSelector("Header", HeaderTemplateProperty, HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty, c); 

        #endregion  HeaderTemplate

        #region HeaderTemplateSelector 

        /// HeaderTemplateSelector DependencyProperty 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty = 
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderTemplateSelectorChanged)) 

        /// header template selector
        ///     This property is ignored if  is set.
        public DataTemplateSelector HeaderTemplateSelector
            get { return (DataTemplateSelector)GetValue(HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty); }
            set { SetValue(HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty, value); }
        private static void OnHeaderTemplateSelectorChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d; 
            // Check to prevent Template and TemplateSelector at the same time
            Helper.CheckTemplateAndTemplateSelector("Header", HeaderTemplateProperty, HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty, c); 

        #endregion HeaderTemplateSelector 

        #region HeaderStringFormat 
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the HeaderStringFormat property. 
        ///     Flags:              None
        ///     Default Value:      null
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderStringFormatProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                (String) null,
                              new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderStringFormatChanged)));

        ///     HeaderStringFormat is the format used to display the header content as a string. 
        ///     This arises only when no template is available. 
        public String HeaderStringFormat 
            get { return (String) GetValue(HeaderStringFormatProperty); }
            set { SetValue(HeaderStringFormatProperty, value); }

        ///     Called when HeaderStringFormatProperty is invalidated on "d." 
        private static void OnHeaderStringFormatChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewColumn ctrl = (GridViewColumn)d;
            ctrl.OnHeaderStringFormatChanged((String) e.OldValue, (String) e.NewValue);

        ///     This method is invoked when the HeaderStringFormat property changes. 
        /// The old value of the HeaderStringFormat property. 
        /// The new value of the HeaderStringFormat property.
        protected virtual void OnHeaderStringFormatChanged(String oldHeaderStringFormat, String newHeaderStringFormat)

        #endregion HeaderStringFormat 
        #region DisplayMemberBinding
        /// BindingBase is be used to generate each cell of this column.
        /// Set to null make this property do not work.
        public BindingBase DisplayMemberBinding
            get { return _displayMemberBinding; } 
                if (_displayMemberBinding != value)
                    _displayMemberBinding = value;

        private BindingBase _displayMemberBinding; 

        /// If DisplayMemberBinding property changed, NotifyPropertyChanged event will be raised with this string.
        internal const string c_DisplayMemberBindingName = "DisplayMemberBinding";
        private void OnDisplayMemberBindingChanged() 

        #region CellTemplate
        /// CellTemplate DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty CellTemplateProperty =
                new PropertyMetadata( 
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCellTemplateChanged)) 
        /// template for this column's item UI
        public DataTemplate CellTemplate 
            get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(CellTemplateProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(CellTemplateProperty, value); } 
        private static void OnCellTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d;

        #region CellTemplateSelector 

        /// CellTemplateSelector DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty CellTemplateSelectorProperty =
                new PropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCellTemplateSelectorChanged))
        /// templateSelector for this column's item UI 
        public DataTemplateSelector CellTemplateSelector 
            get { return (DataTemplateSelector)GetValue(CellTemplateSelectorProperty); }
            set { SetValue(CellTemplateSelectorProperty, value); }

        private static void OnCellTemplateSelectorChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d;

        #region Width
        /// Width DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty WidthProperty =
                new PropertyMetadata( 
                    Double.NaN /* default value */,
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnWidthChanged)) 

        /// width of the column
        /// The default value is Double.NaN which means size to max visible item width. 
        public double Width 
            get { return (double)GetValue(WidthProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(WidthProperty, value); }

        private static void OnWidthChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d; 
            double newWidth = (double)e.NewValue;
            // reset DesiredWidth if width is set to auto
            c.State = Double.IsNaN(newWidth) ? ColumnMeasureState.Init : ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth;


        #region ActualWidth 

        /// actual width of this column
        public double ActualWidth
            get { return _actualWidth; } 

            private set 
                if (Double.IsNaN(value) || Double.IsInfinity(value) || value < 0.0)
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid value for ActualWidth."); 
                else if (_actualWidth != value) 
                    _actualWidth = value;
        #endregion Public Properties 

        #region INotifyPropertyChanged 

        /// PropertyChanged event (per ).
        event PropertyChangedEventHandler INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
                _propertyChanged += value; 
                _propertyChanged -= value; 
        private event PropertyChangedEventHandler _propertyChanged;
        #endregion INotifyPropertyChanged

        //  Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods 

        /// Raise INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event.
        /// event arguments with name of the changed property
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            if (_propertyChanged != null)
                _propertyChanged(this, e);
        //  Internal Methodes 

        #region Internal Methodes 

        // Propagate theme changes to contained headers 
        internal void OnThemeChanged() 
            if (Header != null) 
                DependencyObject d = Header as DependencyObject;

                if (d != null) 
                    FrameworkElement fe; 
                    FrameworkContentElement fce; 
                    Helper.DowncastToFEorFCE(d, out fe, out fce, false);
                    if (fe != null || fce != null)
                        TreeWalkHelper.InvalidateOnResourcesChange(fe, fce, ResourcesChangeInfo.ThemeChangeInfo);

        /// ensure final column width is no less than a value
        internal double EnsureWidth(double width)
            if (width > DesiredWidth)
                DesiredWidth = width; 
            return DesiredWidth; 

        /// column collection should call this when remove a column from the collection. 
        internal void ResetPrivateData() 
            _actualIndex = -1;
            _desiredWidth = 0.0; 
            _state = Double.IsNaN(Width) ? ColumnMeasureState.Init : ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth;


        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties
        ///  Reachable State Transition Diagram: 
        ///                        +- - - - - - - - - - +
        ///                        |       Init         | 
        ///                        +- - - - - - - - - - +
        ///                           / /|   A   |\ \
        ///                          / /     |     \ \
        ///                         / /      |      \ \ 
        ///                        / /       |       \ \
        ///                       / /        |        \ \ 
        ///                      / /         |         \ \ 
        ///                     / /          |          \ \
        ///                   |/ /           |           \ \| 
        ///    +--------------------+        |        +--------------------+
        ///    |      Headered      |--------+------->|        Data        |
        ///    +--------------------+        |        +--------------------+
        ///                      \           |           / 
        ///                       \          |          /
        ///                        \         |         / 
        ///                         \        |        / 
        ///                          \       |       /
        ///                           \      |      / 
        ///                            \|    |    |/
        ///                        +--------------------+
        ///                        |   SpecificWidth    |
        ///                        +--------------------+ 
        /// Note: 
        /// 1) Init is a intermidiated state, that is a column should not stop on such a state;
        /// 2) Headered, Data and SpecificWidth are terminal state, that is a column can stop at 
        ///     the state if no further data change / user interaction to trigger a change.
        /// Typical state transiton flows:
        ///   Case 1: column is auto, LV has header and data
        ///     Init --> [ Headered --> ] Data 
        ///   Case 2: column is auto, LV has header but no data
        ///     Init --> Headered 
        ///   Case 3: column has a specified width
        ///     SpecificWidth
        ///   Case 4: couble click a column of case 3
        ///     SpecificWidth --> Init --> Headered / Data (depends on the data) 
        ///   Case 5: resize a column which has width as auto
        ///     Headered / Data --> SpecificWidth 
        internal ColumnMeasureState State
            get { return _state; }
                if (_state != value)
                    _state = value;

                    if (value != ColumnMeasureState.Init) // Headered, Data or SpecificWidth
                        DesiredWidth = 0.0; 
                else if (value == ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth)
        // NOTE: Perf optimization. To avoid re-search index again and again
        // by every GridViewRowPresenter, add an index here.
        internal int ActualIndex
            get { return _actualIndex; }
            set { _actualIndex = value; } 

        /// Minimum width requirement for this column. Shared by all visible cells in this column
        /// Below table shows an example of how column width is shared: 
        ///     1. In the first round of layout, DesiredWidth continue to grow when each row comes into measure 
        ///     2. after the 1st round, the desired width for this column is decided, each row on layout updated
        ///         with check this value with its copy of maxDesiredWidth, if not equal, triger another round of 
        ///         measure.
        ///     3. after 2nd round of layout, all rows should be in same size.
        ///     +------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------+-------------+ 
        ///     |            |   Width   |    Cell      |  Desired   | Presenter  |   Column    |
        ///     |            |           | DesiredWidth |   Width    | LocalCopy  |    State    | 
        ///     |------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------|-------------| 
        ///     | 1st round  |   NaN     |              |    10.0    |            |    Init     |
        ///     |            |           |              |            |            |             | 
        ///     |  (row 1)   |           |    12.0      |    12.0    |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 2)   |           |    70.0      |    70.0    |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 3)   |           |    80.0      |    80.0    |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 4)   |           |    60.0      |    80.0    |            |             | 
        ///     |------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------|-------------|
        ///     | layout     |   NaN     |              |            |            |             | 
        ///     | updated    |           |              |            |            |             | 
        ///     |            |           |              |            |            |             |
        ///     | [hdr_row]  |           |              |            |            | [Headered]* | 
        ///     |            |           |              |            |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 1)   |           |              |    80.0    |    12.0    |    Data     |
        ///     |  (row 2)   |           |              |    80.0    |    70.0    |             |
        ///     |  (row 3)   |           |              |    80.0    |    80.0    |             | 
        ///     |  (row 4)   |           |              |    80.0    |    80.0    |             |
        ///     |------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------|-------------| 
        ///     | 2nd round  |   NaN     |              |            |            |             | 
        ///     |            |           |              |            |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 1)   |           |    12.0      |    80.0    |    80.0    |             | 
        ///     |  (row 2)   |           |    70.0      |    80.0    |    80.0    |             |
        ///     +------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------+-------------+
        ///   * Depends on the tree structure, it is possible that HeaderRowPresenter accomplish first 
        ///     layout first. So the column state can be Headered for a while. But will be changed to
        ///     'Data' once a data row accomplish its first layout. 
        internal double DesiredWidth 
            get { return _desiredWidth; }
            private set { _desiredWidth = value; }

        internal const string c_ActualWidthName = "ActualWidth"; 
        #region InheritanceContext

        ///     InheritanceContext 
        internal override DependencyObject InheritanceContext 
            get { return _inheritanceContext; }

        // Receive a new inheritance context
        internal override void AddInheritanceContext(DependencyObject context, DependencyProperty property)
            // reinforce that no one can compete to be mentor of this element.
            if (_inheritanceContext == null && context != null) 
                // Pick up the new context
                _inheritanceContext = context; 
        // Remove an inheritance context
        internal override void RemoveInheritanceContext(DependencyObject context, DependencyProperty property) 
            if (_inheritanceContext == context)
                // clear the context
                _inheritanceContext = null;
        // Fields to implement DO's inheritance context 
        DependencyObject _inheritanceContext;
        #endregion InheritanceContext

        //  Private Methods / Fields

        #region Private Methods 

        /// Helper to raise INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event
        /// Name of the changed property
        private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) 
            OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

        /// force ActualWidth to be reevaluated
        private void UpdateActualWidth()
            ActualWidth = (State == ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth) ? Width : DesiredWidth; 

        #region Private Fields
        private double _desiredWidth;
        private int _actualIndex; 
        private double _actualWidth; 
        private ColumnMeasureState _state;

    /// States of column when doing layout
    /// See GridViewColumn.State for reachable state transition diagram 
    internal enum ColumnMeasureState
        /// Column width is just initialized and will size to content width
        Init = 0, 

        /// Column width reach max desired width of header(s) in this column 
        Headered = 1, 

        /// Column width reach max desired width of data row(s) in this column
        Data = 2,
        /// Column has a specific value as width
        SpecificWidth = 3

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System.ComponentModel;        // DesignerSerializationVisibility 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Data;          // BindingBase 
using System.Windows.Markup;        // [ContentProperty]

using MS.Internal;                  // Helper

namespace System.Windows.Controls 
    /// template of column of a details view. 

    [StyleTypedProperty(Property = "HeaderContainerStyle", StyleTargetType = typeof(System.Windows.Controls.GridViewColumnHeader))] 
    [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)] // cannot be read & localized as string
    public class GridViewColumn : DependencyObject, INotifyPropertyChanged 
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        /// constructor
        public GridViewColumn()
            // Descendant of this class can override the metadata to give it
            // a value other than NaN and without trigger the propertychange 
            // callback and thus, result in _state be out-of-[....] with the 
            // Width property.
            _state = Double.IsNaN(Width) ? ColumnMeasureState.Init : ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth; 

        //  Public Methods 

        #region Public Methods

        /// Returns a string representation of this object.
        public override string ToString()
            return SR.Get(SRID.ToStringFormatString_GridViewColumn, this.GetType(), Header);


        //  Public Properties

        #region Public Properties
        // For all the DPs on GridViewColumn, null is treated as unset,
        // because it's impossible to distinguish null and unset. 
        // Change a property between null and unset, PropertyChangedCallback will not be called. 

        #region Header 

        /// Header DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderChanged))
        /// If provide a GridViewColumnHeader or an instance of its sub class , it will be used as header. 
        /// Otherwise, it will be used as content of header 
        /// typical usage is to assign the content of the header or the container
        ///         GridViewColumn column = new GridViewColumn();
        ///         column.Header = "Name"; 
        /// or 
        ///         GridViewColumnHeader header = new GridViewColumnHeader();
        ///         header.Content = "Name"; 
        ///         header.Click += ...
        ///         ...
        ///         GridViewColumn column = new GridViewColumn();
        ///         column.Header = header; 
        public object Header 
            get { return GetValue(HeaderProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(HeaderProperty, value); }

        private static void OnHeaderChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d; 
        #endregion Header

        #region HeaderContainerStyle
        /// HeaderContainerStyle DependencyProperty 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderContainerStyleProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderContainerStyleChanged))
        /// Header container's style 
        public Style HeaderContainerStyle
            get { return (Style)GetValue(HeaderContainerStyleProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(HeaderContainerStyleProperty, value); }
        private static void OnHeaderContainerStyleChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d;
        #endregion HeaderContainerStyle
        #region HeaderTemplate 

        /// HeaderTemplate DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderTemplateProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderTemplateChanged)) 

        /// column header template 
        public DataTemplate HeaderTemplate 
            get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(HeaderTemplateProperty); }
            set { SetValue(HeaderTemplateProperty, value); } 

        private static void OnHeaderTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d;
            // Check to prevent Template and TemplateSelector at the same time 
            Helper.CheckTemplateAndTemplateSelector("Header", HeaderTemplateProperty, HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty, c); 

        #endregion  HeaderTemplate

        #region HeaderTemplateSelector 

        /// HeaderTemplateSelector DependencyProperty 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty = 
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderTemplateSelectorChanged)) 

        /// header template selector
        ///     This property is ignored if  is set.
        public DataTemplateSelector HeaderTemplateSelector
            get { return (DataTemplateSelector)GetValue(HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty); }
            set { SetValue(HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty, value); }
        private static void OnHeaderTemplateSelectorChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d; 
            // Check to prevent Template and TemplateSelector at the same time
            Helper.CheckTemplateAndTemplateSelector("Header", HeaderTemplateProperty, HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty, c); 

        #endregion HeaderTemplateSelector 

        #region HeaderStringFormat 
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the HeaderStringFormat property. 
        ///     Flags:              None
        ///     Default Value:      null
        public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderStringFormatProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                (String) null,
                              new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHeaderStringFormatChanged)));

        ///     HeaderStringFormat is the format used to display the header content as a string. 
        ///     This arises only when no template is available. 
        public String HeaderStringFormat 
            get { return (String) GetValue(HeaderStringFormatProperty); }
            set { SetValue(HeaderStringFormatProperty, value); }

        ///     Called when HeaderStringFormatProperty is invalidated on "d." 
        private static void OnHeaderStringFormatChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewColumn ctrl = (GridViewColumn)d;
            ctrl.OnHeaderStringFormatChanged((String) e.OldValue, (String) e.NewValue);

        ///     This method is invoked when the HeaderStringFormat property changes. 
        /// The old value of the HeaderStringFormat property. 
        /// The new value of the HeaderStringFormat property.
        protected virtual void OnHeaderStringFormatChanged(String oldHeaderStringFormat, String newHeaderStringFormat)

        #endregion HeaderStringFormat 
        #region DisplayMemberBinding
        /// BindingBase is be used to generate each cell of this column.
        /// Set to null make this property do not work.
        public BindingBase DisplayMemberBinding
            get { return _displayMemberBinding; } 
                if (_displayMemberBinding != value)
                    _displayMemberBinding = value;

        private BindingBase _displayMemberBinding; 

        /// If DisplayMemberBinding property changed, NotifyPropertyChanged event will be raised with this string.
        internal const string c_DisplayMemberBindingName = "DisplayMemberBinding";
        private void OnDisplayMemberBindingChanged() 

        #region CellTemplate
        /// CellTemplate DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty CellTemplateProperty =
                new PropertyMetadata( 
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCellTemplateChanged)) 
        /// template for this column's item UI
        public DataTemplate CellTemplate 
            get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(CellTemplateProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(CellTemplateProperty, value); } 
        private static void OnCellTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d;

        #region CellTemplateSelector 

        /// CellTemplateSelector DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty CellTemplateSelectorProperty =
                new PropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCellTemplateSelectorChanged))
        /// templateSelector for this column's item UI 
        public DataTemplateSelector CellTemplateSelector 
            get { return (DataTemplateSelector)GetValue(CellTemplateSelectorProperty); }
            set { SetValue(CellTemplateSelectorProperty, value); }

        private static void OnCellTemplateSelectorChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d;

        #region Width
        /// Width DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty WidthProperty =
                new PropertyMetadata( 
                    Double.NaN /* default value */,
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnWidthChanged)) 

        /// width of the column
        /// The default value is Double.NaN which means size to max visible item width. 
        public double Width 
            get { return (double)GetValue(WidthProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(WidthProperty, value); }

        private static void OnWidthChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewColumn c = (GridViewColumn)d; 
            double newWidth = (double)e.NewValue;
            // reset DesiredWidth if width is set to auto
            c.State = Double.IsNaN(newWidth) ? ColumnMeasureState.Init : ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth;


        #region ActualWidth 

        /// actual width of this column
        public double ActualWidth
            get { return _actualWidth; } 

            private set 
                if (Double.IsNaN(value) || Double.IsInfinity(value) || value < 0.0)
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid value for ActualWidth."); 
                else if (_actualWidth != value) 
                    _actualWidth = value;
        #endregion Public Properties 

        #region INotifyPropertyChanged 

        /// PropertyChanged event (per ).
        event PropertyChangedEventHandler INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
                _propertyChanged += value; 
                _propertyChanged -= value; 
        private event PropertyChangedEventHandler _propertyChanged;
        #endregion INotifyPropertyChanged

        //  Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods 

        /// Raise INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event.
        /// event arguments with name of the changed property
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            if (_propertyChanged != null)
                _propertyChanged(this, e);
        //  Internal Methodes 

        #region Internal Methodes 

        // Propagate theme changes to contained headers 
        internal void OnThemeChanged() 
            if (Header != null) 
                DependencyObject d = Header as DependencyObject;

                if (d != null) 
                    FrameworkElement fe; 
                    FrameworkContentElement fce; 
                    Helper.DowncastToFEorFCE(d, out fe, out fce, false);
                    if (fe != null || fce != null)
                        TreeWalkHelper.InvalidateOnResourcesChange(fe, fce, ResourcesChangeInfo.ThemeChangeInfo);

        /// ensure final column width is no less than a value
        internal double EnsureWidth(double width)
            if (width > DesiredWidth)
                DesiredWidth = width; 
            return DesiredWidth; 

        /// column collection should call this when remove a column from the collection. 
        internal void ResetPrivateData() 
            _actualIndex = -1;
            _desiredWidth = 0.0; 
            _state = Double.IsNaN(Width) ? ColumnMeasureState.Init : ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth;


        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties
        ///  Reachable State Transition Diagram: 
        ///                        +- - - - - - - - - - +
        ///                        |       Init         | 
        ///                        +- - - - - - - - - - +
        ///                           / /|   A   |\ \
        ///                          / /     |     \ \
        ///                         / /      |      \ \ 
        ///                        / /       |       \ \
        ///                       / /        |        \ \ 
        ///                      / /         |         \ \ 
        ///                     / /          |          \ \
        ///                   |/ /           |           \ \| 
        ///    +--------------------+        |        +--------------------+
        ///    |      Headered      |--------+------->|        Data        |
        ///    +--------------------+        |        +--------------------+
        ///                      \           |           / 
        ///                       \          |          /
        ///                        \         |         / 
        ///                         \        |        / 
        ///                          \       |       /
        ///                           \      |      / 
        ///                            \|    |    |/
        ///                        +--------------------+
        ///                        |   SpecificWidth    |
        ///                        +--------------------+ 
        /// Note: 
        /// 1) Init is a intermidiated state, that is a column should not stop on such a state;
        /// 2) Headered, Data and SpecificWidth are terminal state, that is a column can stop at 
        ///     the state if no further data change / user interaction to trigger a change.
        /// Typical state transiton flows:
        ///   Case 1: column is auto, LV has header and data
        ///     Init --> [ Headered --> ] Data 
        ///   Case 2: column is auto, LV has header but no data
        ///     Init --> Headered 
        ///   Case 3: column has a specified width
        ///     SpecificWidth
        ///   Case 4: couble click a column of case 3
        ///     SpecificWidth --> Init --> Headered / Data (depends on the data) 
        ///   Case 5: resize a column which has width as auto
        ///     Headered / Data --> SpecificWidth 
        internal ColumnMeasureState State
            get { return _state; }
                if (_state != value)
                    _state = value;

                    if (value != ColumnMeasureState.Init) // Headered, Data or SpecificWidth
                        DesiredWidth = 0.0; 
                else if (value == ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth)
        // NOTE: Perf optimization. To avoid re-search index again and again
        // by every GridViewRowPresenter, add an index here.
        internal int ActualIndex
            get { return _actualIndex; }
            set { _actualIndex = value; } 

        /// Minimum width requirement for this column. Shared by all visible cells in this column
        /// Below table shows an example of how column width is shared: 
        ///     1. In the first round of layout, DesiredWidth continue to grow when each row comes into measure 
        ///     2. after the 1st round, the desired width for this column is decided, each row on layout updated
        ///         with check this value with its copy of maxDesiredWidth, if not equal, triger another round of 
        ///         measure.
        ///     3. after 2nd round of layout, all rows should be in same size.
        ///     +------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------+-------------+ 
        ///     |            |   Width   |    Cell      |  Desired   | Presenter  |   Column    |
        ///     |            |           | DesiredWidth |   Width    | LocalCopy  |    State    | 
        ///     |------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------|-------------| 
        ///     | 1st round  |   NaN     |              |    10.0    |            |    Init     |
        ///     |            |           |              |            |            |             | 
        ///     |  (row 1)   |           |    12.0      |    12.0    |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 2)   |           |    70.0      |    70.0    |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 3)   |           |    80.0      |    80.0    |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 4)   |           |    60.0      |    80.0    |            |             | 
        ///     |------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------|-------------|
        ///     | layout     |   NaN     |              |            |            |             | 
        ///     | updated    |           |              |            |            |             | 
        ///     |            |           |              |            |            |             |
        ///     | [hdr_row]  |           |              |            |            | [Headered]* | 
        ///     |            |           |              |            |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 1)   |           |              |    80.0    |    12.0    |    Data     |
        ///     |  (row 2)   |           |              |    80.0    |    70.0    |             |
        ///     |  (row 3)   |           |              |    80.0    |    80.0    |             | 
        ///     |  (row 4)   |           |              |    80.0    |    80.0    |             |
        ///     |------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------|-------------| 
        ///     | 2nd round  |   NaN     |              |            |            |             | 
        ///     |            |           |              |            |            |             |
        ///     |  (row 1)   |           |    12.0      |    80.0    |    80.0    |             | 
        ///     |  (row 2)   |           |    70.0      |    80.0    |    80.0    |             |
        ///     +------------+-----------+--------------+------------+------------+-------------+
        ///   * Depends on the tree structure, it is possible that HeaderRowPresenter accomplish first 
        ///     layout first. So the column state can be Headered for a while. But will be changed to
        ///     'Data' once a data row accomplish its first layout. 
        internal double DesiredWidth 
            get { return _desiredWidth; }
            private set { _desiredWidth = value; }

        internal const string c_ActualWidthName = "ActualWidth"; 
        #region InheritanceContext

        ///     InheritanceContext 
        internal override DependencyObject InheritanceContext 
            get { return _inheritanceContext; }

        // Receive a new inheritance context
        internal override void AddInheritanceContext(DependencyObject context, DependencyProperty property)
            // reinforce that no one can compete to be mentor of this element.
            if (_inheritanceContext == null && context != null) 
                // Pick up the new context
                _inheritanceContext = context; 
        // Remove an inheritance context
        internal override void RemoveInheritanceContext(DependencyObject context, DependencyProperty property) 
            if (_inheritanceContext == context)
                // clear the context
                _inheritanceContext = null;
        // Fields to implement DO's inheritance context 
        DependencyObject _inheritanceContext;
        #endregion InheritanceContext

        //  Private Methods / Fields

        #region Private Methods 

        /// Helper to raise INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event
        /// Name of the changed property
        private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) 
            OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

        /// force ActualWidth to be reevaluated
        private void UpdateActualWidth()
            ActualWidth = (State == ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth) ? Width : DesiredWidth; 

        #region Private Fields
        private double _desiredWidth;
        private int _actualIndex; 
        private double _actualWidth; 
        private ColumnMeasureState _state;

    /// States of column when doing layout
    /// See GridViewColumn.State for reachable state transition diagram 
    internal enum ColumnMeasureState
        /// Column width is just initialized and will size to content width
        Init = 0, 

        /// Column width reach max desired width of header(s) in this column 
        Headered = 1, 

        /// Column width reach max desired width of data row(s) in this column
        Data = 2,
        /// Column has a specific value as width
        SpecificWidth = 3

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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