/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Input / Stylus / MultiTouchSystemGestureLogic.cs / 1305600 / MultiTouchSystemGestureLogic.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Diagnostics; namespace System.Windows.Input { ////// Handles detection of TwoFingerTap and Rollover static gestures. /// internal class MultiTouchSystemGestureLogic { internal MultiTouchSystemGestureLogic() { _currentState = State.Idle; Reset(); } ////// Analyzes stylus input and determines if a SystemGesture should be generated. /// /// The latest stylus input report. ///The SystemGesture to generate, null otherwise. internal SystemGesture? GenerateStaticGesture(RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport) { switch (stylusInputReport.Actions) { case RawStylusActions.Down: OnTouchDown(stylusInputReport); return null; case RawStylusActions.Up: return OnTouchUp(stylusInputReport); case RawStylusActions.SystemGesture: OnSystemGesture((RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)stylusInputReport); return null; /* case RawStylusActions.Move: case RawStylusActions.Activate: case RawStylusActions.Deactivate: case RawStylusActions.OutOfRange: return null; */ default: return null; } } private void OnTouchDown(RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport) { switch (_currentState) { case State.Idle: // The first finger came down Reset(); // Clear old settings _firstStylusDeviceId = stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId; _currentState = State.OneFingerDown; _firstDownTime = Environment.TickCount; break; case State.OneFingerDown: // The second finger came down Debug.Assert(_firstStylusDeviceId != null && _firstStylusDeviceId != stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId); Debug.Assert(_secondStylusDeviceId == null); _secondStylusDeviceId = stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId; _currentState = State.TwoFingersDown; break; // Ignoring fingers beyond two } } private SystemGesture? OnTouchUp(RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport) { switch (_currentState) { case State.TwoFingersDown: if (IsTrackedStylusId(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId)) { // One of the two fingers released _firstUpTime = Environment.TickCount; _currentState = State.OneFingerInStaticGesture; } break; case State.OneFingerDown: if (IsTrackedStylusId(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId)) { // The single finger that was down was released _currentState = State.Idle; } break; case State.OneFingerInStaticGesture: // The last of two fingers released _currentState = State.Idle; // Check the times and see if a TwoFingerTap or Rollover should be generated. // TwoFingerTap is more constrained than Rollover, so check it first. if (IsTwoFingerTap()) { return SystemGesture.TwoFingerTap; } #if ROLLOVER_IMPLEMENTED else if (IsRollover()) { return SystemGesture.Rollover; } #endif break; case State.TwoFingersInWisptisGesture: if (IsTrackedStylusId(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId)) { // One of the two fingers released. _currentState = State.OneFingerInWisptisGesture; } break; case State.OneFingerInWisptisGesture: if (IsTrackedStylusId(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId)) { // The last finger released _currentState = State.Idle; } break; } return null; } private void OnSystemGesture(RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport stylusInputReport) { switch (_currentState) { case State.TwoFingersDown: switch (stylusInputReport.SystemGesture) { case SystemGesture.Drag: case SystemGesture.RightDrag: case SystemGesture.Flick: // One of the two fingers made a Wisptis detected gesture // that prevents TwoFingerTap or Rollover. _currentState = State.TwoFingersInWisptisGesture; break; } break; case State.OneFingerInStaticGesture: case State.OneFingerDown: switch (stylusInputReport.SystemGesture) { case SystemGesture.Drag: case SystemGesture.RightDrag: case SystemGesture.Flick: // A finger made a Wisptis detected gesture // that prevents TwoFingerTap or Rollover. _currentState = State.OneFingerInWisptisGesture; break; } break; } } private void Reset() { _firstStylusDeviceId = null; _secondStylusDeviceId = null; _firstDownTime = 0; _firstUpTime = 0; } private bool IsTrackedStylusId(int id) { return (id == _firstStylusDeviceId) || (id == _secondStylusDeviceId); } private bool IsTwoFingerTap() { int now = Environment.TickCount; int sinceFirstDown = now - _firstDownTime; int sinceFirstUp = now - _firstUpTime; return (sinceFirstUp < TwoFingerTapTime) && (sinceFirstDown < RolloverTime); } #if ROLLOVER_IMPLEMENTED private bool IsRollover() { int sinceFirstDown = Environment.TickCount - _firstDownTime; return sinceFirstDown < RolloverTime; } #endif private State _currentState; private int? _firstStylusDeviceId; private int? _secondStylusDeviceId; private int _firstDownTime; private int _firstUpTime; // private const int TwoFingerTapTime = 150; private const int RolloverTime = 1158; private enum State { Idle, OneFingerDown, TwoFingersDown, OneFingerInStaticGesture, TwoFingersInWisptisGesture, OneFingerInWisptisGesture, } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Diagnostics; namespace System.Windows.Input { ////// Handles detection of TwoFingerTap and Rollover static gestures. /// internal class MultiTouchSystemGestureLogic { internal MultiTouchSystemGestureLogic() { _currentState = State.Idle; Reset(); } ////// Analyzes stylus input and determines if a SystemGesture should be generated. /// /// The latest stylus input report. ///The SystemGesture to generate, null otherwise. internal SystemGesture? GenerateStaticGesture(RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport) { switch (stylusInputReport.Actions) { case RawStylusActions.Down: OnTouchDown(stylusInputReport); return null; case RawStylusActions.Up: return OnTouchUp(stylusInputReport); case RawStylusActions.SystemGesture: OnSystemGesture((RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)stylusInputReport); return null; /* case RawStylusActions.Move: case RawStylusActions.Activate: case RawStylusActions.Deactivate: case RawStylusActions.OutOfRange: return null; */ default: return null; } } private void OnTouchDown(RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport) { switch (_currentState) { case State.Idle: // The first finger came down Reset(); // Clear old settings _firstStylusDeviceId = stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId; _currentState = State.OneFingerDown; _firstDownTime = Environment.TickCount; break; case State.OneFingerDown: // The second finger came down Debug.Assert(_firstStylusDeviceId != null && _firstStylusDeviceId != stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId); Debug.Assert(_secondStylusDeviceId == null); _secondStylusDeviceId = stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId; _currentState = State.TwoFingersDown; break; // Ignoring fingers beyond two } } private SystemGesture? OnTouchUp(RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport) { switch (_currentState) { case State.TwoFingersDown: if (IsTrackedStylusId(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId)) { // One of the two fingers released _firstUpTime = Environment.TickCount; _currentState = State.OneFingerInStaticGesture; } break; case State.OneFingerDown: if (IsTrackedStylusId(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId)) { // The single finger that was down was released _currentState = State.Idle; } break; case State.OneFingerInStaticGesture: // The last of two fingers released _currentState = State.Idle; // Check the times and see if a TwoFingerTap or Rollover should be generated. // TwoFingerTap is more constrained than Rollover, so check it first. if (IsTwoFingerTap()) { return SystemGesture.TwoFingerTap; } #if ROLLOVER_IMPLEMENTED else if (IsRollover()) { return SystemGesture.Rollover; } #endif break; case State.TwoFingersInWisptisGesture: if (IsTrackedStylusId(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId)) { // One of the two fingers released. _currentState = State.OneFingerInWisptisGesture; } break; case State.OneFingerInWisptisGesture: if (IsTrackedStylusId(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId)) { // The last finger released _currentState = State.Idle; } break; } return null; } private void OnSystemGesture(RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport stylusInputReport) { switch (_currentState) { case State.TwoFingersDown: switch (stylusInputReport.SystemGesture) { case SystemGesture.Drag: case SystemGesture.RightDrag: case SystemGesture.Flick: // One of the two fingers made a Wisptis detected gesture // that prevents TwoFingerTap or Rollover. _currentState = State.TwoFingersInWisptisGesture; break; } break; case State.OneFingerInStaticGesture: case State.OneFingerDown: switch (stylusInputReport.SystemGesture) { case SystemGesture.Drag: case SystemGesture.RightDrag: case SystemGesture.Flick: // A finger made a Wisptis detected gesture // that prevents TwoFingerTap or Rollover. _currentState = State.OneFingerInWisptisGesture; break; } break; } } private void Reset() { _firstStylusDeviceId = null; _secondStylusDeviceId = null; _firstDownTime = 0; _firstUpTime = 0; } private bool IsTrackedStylusId(int id) { return (id == _firstStylusDeviceId) || (id == _secondStylusDeviceId); } private bool IsTwoFingerTap() { int now = Environment.TickCount; int sinceFirstDown = now - _firstDownTime; int sinceFirstUp = now - _firstUpTime; return (sinceFirstUp < TwoFingerTapTime) && (sinceFirstDown < RolloverTime); } #if ROLLOVER_IMPLEMENTED private bool IsRollover() { int sinceFirstDown = Environment.TickCount - _firstDownTime; return sinceFirstDown < RolloverTime; } #endif private State _currentState; private int? _firstStylusDeviceId; private int? _secondStylusDeviceId; private int _firstDownTime; private int _firstUpTime; // private const int TwoFingerTapTime = 150; private const int RolloverTime = 1158; private enum State { Idle, OneFingerDown, TwoFingersDown, OneFingerInStaticGesture, TwoFingersInWisptisGesture, OneFingerInWisptisGesture, } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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