IIS7WorkerRequest.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Hosting / IIS7WorkerRequest.cs / 1305376 / IIS7WorkerRequest.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.Hosting { 
    using System; 
    using System.Text;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.Principal; 
    using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Web.Caching; 
    using System.Web.Management;
    using System.Web.Util; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Web.Configuration;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.Web.Security;
    using IIS = UnsafeIISMethods; 

    internal sealed class IIS7WorkerRequest : HttpWorkerRequest { 

        // In http.h, Translate is 39 and User-Agent is 40, but in WorkerRequest.cs Translate is unknown and User-Agent is 39
        private const int IisHeaderTranslate = 39;
        private const string IisHeaderTranslateName = "Translate"; 
        private const int IisHeaderUserAgent = 40;
        private const int IisRequestHeaderMaximum = 41; 
        // unless otherwise noted all pointers here
        // are not ref'counted and do not need cleanup 
        private IntPtr _context;  // W3_MGD_HANDLER *
        private Encoding _headerEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

        private int _contentType; 
        private int _contentTotalLength;
        //private int _queryStringLength; 
        private string _appPath; 
        private string _appPathTranslated;
        private string _path; 
        private string _queryString;
        private string _filePath;
        private string _pathInfo;
        private string _pathTranslated; 
        private bool _rewriteNotifyDisabled;
        private bool _rebaseClientPath; 
        private bool _requestHeadersAvailable; 
        private String[][] _unknownRequestHeaders;
        private String[] _knownRequestHeaders; 
        private int         _cachedResponseBodyLength;
        private ArrayList   _cachedResponseBodyBytes;
        #pragma warning disable 0649
        private bool _preloadedLengthRead; 
        private int  _preloadedLength;
        #pragma warning restore 0649 
        private string _cacheUrl; 

        private const int CONTENT_NONE = 0; 
        private const int CONTENT_FORM = 1;
        private const int CONTENT_MULTIPART = 2;
        private const int CONTENT_OTHER = 3;
        private const int MIN_ASYNC_SIZE = 2048; 

        private static readonly char[] s_ColonOrNL = { ':', '\n'}; 

        private Guid    _traceId;   // ETW traceId 
        private bool    _traceEnabled;
        private bool    _connectionClosed;
        private bool    _disconnected;
        private bool    _headersSent; 
        private bool    _trySkipIisCustomErrors;
        private bool      _clientCertFetched; 
        private DateTime  _clientCertValidFrom;
        private DateTime  _clientCertValidUntil; 
        private byte []   _clientCert;
        private int       _clientCertEncoding;
        private byte []   _clientCertPublicKey;
        private byte []   _clientCertBinaryIssuer; 
        private ChannelBinding   _channelBindingToken;
        internal IIS7WorkerRequest(IntPtr requestContext, bool etwProviderEnabled) { 


            if ( IntPtr.Zero == requestContext ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("requestContext");

            _context    = requestContext; 
            _traceEnabled = etwProviderEnabled; 

            if (_traceEnabled) { 
                EtwTrace.TraceEnableCheck(EtwTraceConfigType.IIS7_INTEGRATED, requestContext);


                IIS.MgdGetRequestTraceGuid(_context, out _traceId); 
                if (EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(EtwTraceLevel.Verbose, EtwTraceFlags.Infrastructure)) EtwTrace.Trace(EtwTraceType.ETW_TYPE_APPDOMAIN_ENTER, this, Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName);

        internal IntPtr RequestContext {
            get { 
                if ( _context == IntPtr.Zero ) {
                    return IntPtr.Zero; 

                return _context; 

        internal void ReadRequestBasics() { 
            IntPtr pathTranslatedBuffer;
            int pathTranslatedBufferSize; 
            IntPtr cacheUrl; 
            int cacheUrlBufferSize;
            int hr = IIS.MgdGetRequestBasics(_context, out _contentType, out _contentTotalLength, out pathTranslatedBuffer, out pathTranslatedBufferSize, out cacheUrl, out cacheUrlBufferSize); 

            _cacheUrl = (cacheUrlBufferSize <= 0) ? null : StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(cacheUrl, cacheUrlBufferSize);
            _pathTranslated = (pathTranslatedBufferSize <= 0) ? String.Empty : StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pathTranslatedBuffer, pathTranslatedBufferSize);
            // path-info is the trailing part of the URL, after the script name, but before the query string (if any). 
            // E.g., if the URL is "/test.aspx/Something", then path-info is "/Something"
            _path = GetUriPathInternal(true /*includePathInfo*/, false /*useParentContext*/);  // includes path-info
            _filePath = GetUriPathInternal(false /*includePathInfo*/, false /*useParentContext*/); // does not include path-info

            // set _pathInfo and adjust _pathTranslated so it does not include path-info 
            int lengthDiff = _path.Length - _filePath.Length;
            if (lengthDiff > 0) { 
                _pathInfo = _path.Substring(_filePath.Length); 
                int pathTranslatedLength = _pathTranslated.Length - lengthDiff;
                if (pathTranslatedLength > 0) { 
                    _pathTranslated = _pathTranslated.Substring(0, pathTranslatedLength);
            else { 
                _filePath = _path;
                _pathInfo = String.Empty; 

            _queryString = GetQueryString(); 

        internal static IIS7WorkerRequest CreateWorkerRequest(IntPtr requestContext, bool etwProviderEnabled) {
            IIS7WorkerRequest req = new IIS7WorkerRequest(requestContext, etwProviderEnabled); 

            if ( null != req ) { 
                Debug.Trace("ClientUrl", " *********** NEW REQUEST ****************"); 

            return req;
        internal void InitAppVars() {
            IntPtr virtAddr; 
            IntPtr physAddr; 
            int virtLen, physLen;
            int hr = IIS.MgdGetApplicationInfo(_context,
                                               out virtAddr,
                                               out virtLen,
                                               out physAddr, 
                                               out physLen);
            if ( hr < 0 ) { 
                throw new HttpException(
            else {
                unsafe { 
                    _appPath = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(virtAddr, virtLen);
                    _appPathTranslated = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(physAddr, physLen); 

                if ( _appPathTranslated != null && 
                     _appPathTranslated.Length > 2 &&
                     !StringUtil.StringEndsWith(_appPathTranslated, '\\') )
                    // IIS 6.0 doesn't add the trailing '\'
                    _appPathTranslated += "\\"; 

        internal void Initialize() { 
            // setup basic values

        internal void Dispose() { 
            //  The native request context will be disposed separately, 
            //  but we need to stop holding on to it to prevent attempts
            //  to call it 
            _context = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (_channelBindingToken != null && !_channelBindingToken.IsInvalid)

        internal override void RaiseTraceEvent(IntegratedTraceType traceType, string eventData) { 
            if (_traceEnabled && _context != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                // the area is derivative of the type, either page or module
                int areaFlag = (traceType < IntegratedTraceType.DiagCritical) ? EtwTraceFlags.Page : EtwTraceFlags.Module; 
                if (EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(EtwTrace.InferVerbosity(traceType), areaFlag)) {
                    string message = String.IsNullOrEmpty(eventData) ? String.Empty : eventData;
                    IIS.MgdEmitSimpleTrace(_context, (int)traceType, message);
        internal override void RaiseTraceEvent(WebBaseEvent webEvent) {
            if (_traceEnabled && _context != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                if (EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(webEvent.InferEtwTraceVerbosity(), EtwTraceFlags.Infrastructure)) {
                    int fieldCount;
                    string[] fieldNames;
                    int[] fieldTypes; 
                    string[] fieldData;
                    int webEventType; 
                    webEvent.DeconstructWebEvent(out webEventType, out fieldCount, out fieldNames, out fieldTypes, out fieldData); 
                    IIS.MgdEmitWebEventTrace(_context, webEventType, fieldCount, fieldNames, fieldTypes, fieldData);

        internal string GetUriPathInternal(bool includePathInfo, bool useParentContext) { 
            string uri = String.Empty;
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufSize;
            int hr = IIS.MgdGetUriPath(_context,
                                       out buffer,
                                       out bufSize,
            if (hr < 0) { 
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_retrieve_request_data));

            // is there anything to copy?  if not, just use String.Empty
            if (bufSize > 0) {
                uri = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufSize); 
            return uri; 
        // HttpWorkerRequest overrides
        public override string GetUriPath() {
            return _path;

        public override string GetQueryString() { 
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int len;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetQueryString(_context, out buffer, out len);

            if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero) { 
                return String.Empty;
            else { 
                return StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, len);

        public override string GetRawUrl() {
            // CACHE_URL is the original URI, unaffected by any rewriting or routing 
            // that may have occurred on the server
            string rawUrl = GetRawUrlHelper(_cacheUrl); 
            Debug.Trace("ClientUrl", "*** GetRawUrl --> " + rawUrl + " ***"); 
            return rawUrl;

        public override string GetHttpVerbName() {
            return GetMethodInternal();

        public override string GetHttpVersion() { 
            return GetServerVariable("SERVER_PROTOCOL"); 
        public override string GetRemoteAddress() {
            return GetServerVariable("REMOTE_ADDR");
        public override string GetRemoteName() {
            return GetServerVariable("REMOTE_HOST"); 

        public override int GetRemotePort() { 
            return IIS.MgdGetRemotePort(_context);

        public override string GetLocalAddress() { 
            return GetServerVariable("LOCAL_ADDR");
        public override int GetLocalPort() {
            return IIS.MgdGetLocalPort(_context); 

        public override string GetServerName() {
            return GetServerVariable("SERVER_NAME"); 
        internal override String GetLocalPortAsString() 
            return GetServerVariable("SERVER_PORT"); 

        // not implemented
        public override bool IsSecure() { 
            String https = GetServerVariable("HTTPS");
            return(https != null && https.Equals("on")); 

        public override String GetFilePath() { 
            return _filePath;

        public override string GetFilePathTranslated() { 
            return _pathTranslated;
        public override string GetPathInfo() {
            return _pathInfo; 

        public override string GetAppPath() {
            return _appPath; 
        public override string GetAppPathTranslated() { 
            return _appPathTranslated;

        // CODEWORK
        // if this is called before the execute state
        // it defeats reloading 
        public override int GetPreloadedEntityBodyLength() {
            if( !_preloadedLengthRead ) { 
                int availSize = 0; 
                int hresult = IIS.MgdGetPreloadedSize(_context, out availSize);
                _preloadedLength = availSize;
                _preloadedLengthRead = true;
            return _preloadedLength; 
        public override int GetPreloadedEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int offset) { 
            if (null == buffer) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer"); 

            if (offset >= buffer.Length) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); 
            if (GetPreloadedEntityBodyLength() == 0) { 
                return 0;

            int maxBytesToRead = buffer.Length - offset;
            int bytesRead = GetPreloadedContentInternal(buffer, offset, maxBytesToRead);
            return bytesRead;
        public override byte[] GetPreloadedEntityBody() {
            byte[] buffer = null; 

            int size = GetPreloadedEntityBodyLength();
            if (size > 0) {
                buffer = new byte[ size ]; 

                // dont care about size this time 
                // this will throw if it fails 
                GetPreloadedContentInternal(buffer, 0 /*offset*/, size);

            return buffer;
        // force read of entity body
        public override bool IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded() { 
            return GetTotalEntityBodyLength() == 


        public override int GetTotalEntityBodyLength() { 
            return _contentTotalLength;
        private int ReadEntityCoreSync(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) {
            int bytesRead = 0; 

            int result = IIS.MgdSyncReadRequest(_context,
                                                out bytesRead); 
            // DevDiv Bugs 177323: mimic classic mode and don't throw if the client disconnected
            if (result < 0) { 
                RaiseCommunicationError(result, false /*throwOnDisconnect*/);

            if (bytesRead > 0) { 
                PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_IN, bytesRead);
            return bytesRead;

        // synchronous read
        public override int ReadEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int size) {
            if ( size > buffer.Length ) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size");
            return ReadEntityCoreSync(buffer, 0, size);

        public override int ReadEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) {
            if ( buffer.Length - offset < size ) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); 
            return ReadEntityCoreSync(buffer, offset, size);

        public override long GetBytesRead() {
            throw new HttpException(
        public override String GetKnownRequestHeader(int index)  {
            if ( !_requestHeadersAvailable ) { 
                // special case important ones so that no
                // all headers parsing is required

                switch ( index ) { 
                case HeaderCookie:
                    return GetCookieHeaderInternal(); 
                case HeaderContentType:
                    if ( _contentType == CONTENT_FORM ) 
                        return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

                case HeaderContentLength: 
                    if ( _contentType != CONTENT_NONE )

                case HeaderUserAgent: 
                    return GetUserAgentInternal();

                // parse all headers 
            return _knownRequestHeaders[index];

        public override String GetUnknownRequestHeader(String name) {
            if ( !_requestHeadersAvailable ) 
            int n = _unknownRequestHeaders.Length; 

            for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { 
            if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, _unknownRequestHeaders[i][0]))
                    return _unknownRequestHeaders[i][1];
            return null;
        public override String[][] GetUnknownRequestHeaders() {
            if ( !_requestHeadersAvailable ) 

            return _unknownRequestHeaders;

        public override String GetServerVariable(String name) { 
            // fall back for headers 
            // (IIS6 doesn't support them as UNICODE_XXX)
            if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(name, "HTTP_")) { 
                return GetServerVariableInternalAnsi(name);
            else {
                return GetServerVariableInternal(name); 

        internal override void SendStatus(int statusCode, int subStatusCode, string statusDescription) { 
            if (null == statusDescription) {
                statusDescription = String.Empty;
            int hr = IIS.MgdSetStatusW(_context,
                                       null /*pszErrorDescription*/, 

            // set to false after status has been set
            _trySkipIisCustomErrors = false; 


        public override void SendStatus(int statusCode, 
                                        String statusDescription) {

            SendStatus(statusCode, 0, statusDescription);

        internal override void SetHeaderEncoding(Encoding encoding) { 
            _headerEncoding = encoding; 
        // because we may update headers N times in IIS 7
        // we can no longer throw after headers have been sent once
        // Instead, just push headers through 
        public override void SendKnownResponseHeader(int index, String value) {
            if ( index < 0 || index >= HttpWorkerRequest.ResponseHeaderMaximum ) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); 
            SetKnownResponseHeader(index, value, false /*replace*/); 

        public override void SendUnknownResponseHeader(String name,
                                                       String value) { 
            if ( null == name ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); 

            SetUnknownResponseHeader(name, value, false /*replace*/); 

        public override void SendCalculatedContentLength(int contentLength) {
        public override bool HeadersSent() {
            return _headersSent; 

        public override bool IsClientConnected() {
            return (!_connectionClosed && IIS.MgdIsClientConnected(_context)); 
        internal bool IsHandlerExecutionDenied() { 
            return IIS.MgdIsHandlerExecutionDenied(_context);

        public override void CloseConnection() {
            _connectionClosed = true; 
        public override IntPtr GetUserToken() { 
            IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetUserToken(_context, out token ); 
            return token;
        public override IntPtr GetVirtualPathToken() {
            IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero; 
            int result = IIS.MgdGetVirtualToken(_context, out token ); 
            return token; 

        // called directly by HttpResponse for chunked prefixes and suffixes 
        // this contains managed memory and needs to be copied
        public override void SendResponseFromMemory(byte[] data, int length) { 
            if (_connectionClosed) 
                        "SendResponseFromMemory(byte[], int)");

            if ( length > 0 )
                AddBodyToCachedResponse(new MemoryBytes(data, length)); 
        public override void SendResponseFromMemory(IntPtr data, int length) { 
            if (_connectionClosed)
                        "SendResponseFromMemory(IntPtr, int)");
            SendResponseFromMemory(data, length, false);

        internal override void SendResponseFromMemory(IntPtr data, 
                                                      int length,
                                                      bool isBufferFromUnmanagedPool) { 
                        "SendResponseFromMemory(IntPtr, int, " +
                        isBufferFromUnmanagedPool.ToString() +

            if (length > 0) { 
                        new MemoryBytes(data,
                                        isBufferFromUnmanagedPool ? BufferType.UnmanagedPool : BufferType.Managed));
        internal void SendResponseFromIISAllocatedRequestMemory(IntPtr data,
                                                                int length) { 
                        "SendResponseFromIISAllocatedRequestMemory(IntPtr, int)");
            // WOS 1926509: ASP.NET:  WriteSubstitution in integrated mode needs to support callbacks that return String.Empty
            if (data != IntPtr.Zero && length >= 0) {
                        new MemoryBytes(data, 
        internal override void TransmitFile(String filename, long offset, long length, bool isImpersonating) {
            if (_connectionClosed)
                        "TransmitFile(String, long, long, bool)");
            if (length > 0) { 
                AddBodyToCachedResponse(new MemoryBytes(filename, offset, length));

        // VSWhidbey 555203: support 64-bit file sizes for TransmitFile on IIS6
        internal override bool SupportsLongTransmitFile { 
            get { return true; }
        private void SendResponseFromFileStream(FileStream f,
                                                long offset, 
                                                long length) {
            long fileSize = f.Length;

            if (length == -1) 
                length = fileSize - offset;
            if (offset < 0 || length > fileSize - offset) { 
                throw new HttpException(

            if (length > 0) { 
                if (offset > 0)
                    f.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
                byte[] fileBytes = new byte[(int)length];
                int bytesRead = f.Read(fileBytes, 0, (int)length); 
                if (bytesRead > 0) {
                            new MemoryBytes(fileBytes, bytesRead));

        public override void SendResponseFromFile(string name, 
                                                  long offset,
                                                  long length)
            if (_connectionClosed) 
                        "SendResponseFromFile(string, long, long)"); 

            if (length == 0) {
            FileStream f = null;
            try { 
                f = new FileStream(name,

                SendResponseFromFileStream(f, offset, length); 
            finally { 
                if (f != null) 

        // override has signed long already
        public override void SendResponseFromFile(IntPtr handle, 
                                                  long offset,
                                                  long length) { 
            if (_connectionClosed) 
                        "SendResponseFromFile(IntPtr, long, long)");

            if (length == 0) {
            FileStream f = null; 

            try { 
                f = new FileStream(
                            new Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle(

                SendResponseFromFileStream(f, offset, length); 
            finally {
                if (f != null)
        public override void FlushResponse(bool finalFlush) {
            if (_connectionClosed) 
            Debug.Trace("IIS7WorkerRequest", "FlushResponse( " + finalFlush + ")");

        public override void EndOfRequest() { 
            // this work is done in HttpRuntime.FinishPipelineRequest 
        public override Guid RequestTraceIdentifier {
            get { return _traceId; }
        private string GetServerVariableInternalAnsi(string name) {
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufLen; 

            int retval = IIS.MgdGetServerVariableA(_context, 
                                                   out buffer,
                                                   out bufLen);
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                return StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen);

            return null;
        private string GetServerVariableInternal(string name) {
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufLen; 

            int retval = IIS.MgdGetServerVariableW(_context, 
                                                   out buffer,
                                                   out bufLen);
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                return StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufLen);

            return null;
        internal string GetCurrentModuleName() {
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufferSize; 
            string moduleName = null;
            int retval = IIS.MgdGetCurrentModuleName(_context,
                                                     out buffer,
                                                     out bufferSize);
            if (bufferSize > 0) { 
                moduleName = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufferSize);

            return moduleName;
        private string GetMethodInternal() {
            string var = String.Empty; 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufLen; 

            int retval = IIS.MgdGetMethod(_context,
                                          out buffer,
                                          out bufLen); 

            // HTTP method is ASCII string 
            var = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen);
            return var;

        private string GetUserAgentInternal() { 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufLen; 
            int retval = IIS.MgdGetUserAgent(_context,
                                             out buffer, 
                                             out bufLen);

            // User-Agent is ASCII string
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                return StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen); 
            return null;

        private string GetCookieHeaderInternal() { 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufLen; 
            int retval = IIS.MgdGetCookieHeader(_context,
                                                out buffer, 
                                                out bufLen);

            // Cookie header is ASCII string 
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) {
                return StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen); 

            return null; 

        private void ReadRequestHeaders() { 
            if ( _requestHeadersAvailable )
            _knownRequestHeaders = new String[RequestHeaderMaximum];
            // construct unknown headers as array list of name1,value1,...

            ArrayList headers = new ArrayList();
            String s = GetServerVariable("ALL_RAW");
            int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; 
            int i = 0; 

            while ( i < l ) { 
                //  find next :

                int ci = s.IndexOfAny(s_ColonOrNL, i);
                if ( ci < 0 )
                if ( s[ci] == '\n' ) {
                    // ignore header without : 
                    i = ci+1;
                if ( ci == i ) {
                // add extract name
                String name = s.Substring(i, ci-i).Trim();

                //  find next \n 
                int ni = s.IndexOf('\n', ci+1);
                if ( ni < 0 ) 
                    ni = l; 

                // continuation of header (ASURT 115064) 
                while ( ni < l-1 && s[ni+1] == ' ' ) {
                    ni = s.IndexOf('\n', ni+1);
                    if ( ni < 0 )
                        ni = l; 
                // extract value 
                String value = s.Substring(ci+1, ni-ci-1).Trim();
                // remember
                int knownIndex = GetKnownRequestHeaderIndex(name);
                if ( knownIndex >= 0 ) {
                    _knownRequestHeaders[knownIndex] = value; 
                else { 

                i = ni+1;
            // copy to array unknown headers
            int n = headers.Count / 2; 
            _unknownRequestHeaders = new String[n][];
            int j = 0; 

            for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
                _unknownRequestHeaders[i]    = new String[2];
                _unknownRequestHeaders[i][0] = (String)headers[j++]; 
                _unknownRequestHeaders[i][1] = (String)headers[j++];
            _requestHeadersAvailable = true;

        private void AddBodyToCachedResponse(MemoryBytes bytes) {
            if ( _cachedResponseBodyBytes == null ) { 
                _cachedResponseBodyBytes = new ArrayList();
            Debug.Assert(null !=bytes, "null != bytes"); 

            _cachedResponseBodyLength += bytes.Size;

        private void FlushCachedResponse(bool isFinal) { 
            if (_connectionClosed)
            if ( _context == IntPtr.Zero ) 
            int         numFragments    = 0;
            IntPtr[]    fragments       = null;
            int[]       fragmentLengths = null;
            long        bytesOut        = 0; 
            int[]       bodyFragmentTypes = null;
            try { 
                // prepare body fragments as IntPtr[] of
                // pointers and int[] of lengths 
                if ( _cachedResponseBodyLength > 0 ) {
                    numFragments = _cachedResponseBodyBytes.Count;

                    fragments = 
                    fragmentLengths = 
                    bodyFragmentTypes =

                    for ( int i = 0; i < numFragments; i++ ) { 
                        MemoryBytes bytes =
                        // lock memory locks managed memory,
                        // just returns the IntPtr for native memory 
                        fragments[i] = bytes.LockMemory();

                        bodyFragmentTypes[i] = (byte) bytes.BufferType;
                        fragmentLengths[i] = bytes.Size; 

                        if (bytes.UseTransmitFile) { 
                            bytesOut += bytes.FileSize; 
                        else { 
                            bytesOut += bytes.Size;

                int delta = (int) bytesOut; 
                if (delta > 0) { 
                    PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_OUT, delta);

                // send to unmanaged code
                // sends are always [....] now since they're buffered by IIS
            finally {
                // unlock pinned memory
                // recycle buffers

        private void FlushCore(bool       keepConnected,
                               int        numBodyFragments, 
                               IntPtr[]   bodyFragments,
                               int[]      bodyFragmentLengths, 
                               int[]      bodyFragmentTypes) 
            if (_connectionClosed)
            if ( _context == IntPtr.Zero )

            Debug.Trace("IIS7WorkerRequest", "FlushCore with " + 
                    numBodyFragments.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +  " fragments\n"); 

            int rc = IIS.MgdFlushCore(

            // don't throw when the client disconnected to mimic classic mode 
            // DevDiv Bugs 177323: mimic classic mode and don't throw if the client disconnected
            if (rc < 0) {
                RaiseCommunicationError(rc, false  /*throwOnDisconnect*/);
        internal void UnlockCachedResponseBytes() { 
            // unlock pinned memory
            if ( _cachedResponseBodyBytes != null ) { 
                int numFragments = _cachedResponseBodyBytes.Count;
                for ( int i = 0; i < numFragments; i++ ) {
                    try {
                    catch { 

            // don't remember cached data anymore

        private void ResetCachedResponse() { 
            _cachedResponseBodyLength = 0; 
            _cachedResponseBodyBytes = null;

        private int GetPreloadedContentInternal(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
            if (offset >= buffer.Length) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); 
            if (length + offset > buffer.Length) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");

            // in theory, this should never return INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
            // since the caller has sized it so we'll throw if it fails
            // for any reason 
            int bytesReceived = 0;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetPreloadedContent(_context, buffer, offset, length, out bytesReceived); 

            if (bytesReceived  > 0) { 
                PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_IN, bytesReceived);
            return bytesReceived;

        // WOS 1555777: kernel cache support 
        // If the response can be kernel cached, return the kernel cache key; 
        // otherwise return null.  The kernel cache key is used to invalidate
        // the entry if a dependency changes or the item is flushed from the 
        // managed cache for any reason.
        internal override string SetupKernelCaching(int secondsToLive, string originalCacheUrl, bool enableKernelCacheForVaryByStar) {
            string cacheUrl = _cacheUrl;
            // if we're re-inserting the response into the kernel cache, the original key must match
            if (originalCacheUrl != null && originalCacheUrl != cacheUrl) { 
                return null; 
            // If the request contains a query string, don't kernel cache the entry
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheUrl) || (!enableKernelCacheForVaryByStar && cacheUrl.IndexOf('?') != -1)) {
                return null;

            // enable kernel caching by setting up the HTTP_CACHE_POLICY 
            int result = IIS.MgdSetKernelCachePolicy(_context, secondsToLive); 

            // if we failed to setup the kernel cache policy, return null to disable 
            // kernel caching for this response
            if (result < 0) {
                return null;

            // okay, the response will be kernel cached, here's the key 
            return cacheUrl; 
        // WOS 1555777: kernel cache support
        internal override void DisableKernelCache() {
            // disable kernel cache for this response in IIS
        internal override bool TrySkipIisCustomErrors { 
            get { return _trySkipIisCustomErrors;  }
            set { _trySkipIisCustomErrors = value; } 

        // This should only be used to fix up the handler mapping and paths after a call to HttpContext.RewritePath
        internal string ReMapHandlerAndGetHandlerTypeString(HttpContext httpContext, string path, out bool handlerExists) { 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufferSize; 
            string handlerTypeString = null; 

            int result = IIS.MgdReMapHandler(_context, 
                                             out buffer,
                                             out bufferSize,
                                             out handlerExists); 
            if( bufferSize > 0 ) { 
                handlerTypeString = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufferSize);

            if (handlerExists) {
                //DevDivBugs 187445: need to update _path, _filePath, _pathTranslated, _pathInfo, and _queryString 
                // clear things that depend on path 
                httpContext.ConfigurationPath = null;
                try { 
                    // disable RewriteNotifyPipeline
                    _rewriteNotifyDisabled = true;
                    // rewrite path on request
                    httpContext.Request.InternalRewritePath(VirtualPath.CreateAllowNull(_filePath), VirtualPath.CreateAllowNull(_pathInfo), _queryString, _rebaseClientPath); 
                finally { 
                    // enable RewriteNotifyPipeline 
                    _rewriteNotifyDisabled = false;

            return handlerTypeString;

        // if method is null, the method for the current request is used 
        // path must be rooted (i.e., not relative) 
        internal string MapHandlerAndGetHandlerTypeString(string method, string path, bool convertNativeStaticFileModule) {
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufferSize;
            string handlerTypeString = null;

            int result = IIS.MgdMapHandler(_context, 
                                           out buffer, 
                                           out bufferSize,

            if( bufferSize > 0 ) {
                handlerTypeString = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufferSize); 
            return handlerTypeString; 
        internal string GetManagedHandlerType() {
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufferSize;
            string handlerTypeString = null; 

            int result = IIS.MgdGetHandlerTypeString(_context, 
                                                     out buffer, 
                                                     out bufferSize);

            if( bufferSize > 0 ) {
                handlerTypeString = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufferSize);

            return handlerTypeString; 

        internal void SetRemapHandler(string handlerType, string handlerName) { 
            int result = IIS.MgdSetRemapHandler(_context,
        internal void RewriteNotifyPipeline(string newPath, 
                                            string newQueryString,
                                            bool rebaseClientPath) { 
            if (_rewriteNotifyDisabled)

            Debug.Trace("IIS7WorkerRequest", "RewriteNotifyPipeline(" + newPath + ")"); 

            if(IntPtr.Zero != _context) { 
                string url = newPath; 

                if(null != newQueryString) { 
                    url = newPath + "?" + newQueryString;

                IIS.MgdRewriteUrl(_context, url, null != newQueryString); 

                // recall so that we can fix-up paths after ReMapHandlerAndGetHandlerTypeString is called 
                _rebaseClientPath = rebaseClientPath; 

        internal void DisableNotifications(
                RequestNotification notifications,
                RequestNotification postNotifications) { 
            IIS.MgdDisableNotifications(_context, notifications, postNotifications);
        internal void PushResponseToNative() {

        internal void ClearResponse(bool clearEntity, bool clearHeaders) {
            IIS.MgdClearResponse(_context, clearEntity, clearHeaders); 
        private void GetStatusChanges(HttpContext ctx) { 
            ushort status;
            ushort subStatus; 
            IntPtr buffer;
            ushort bufLen;
            string description = null;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetStatusChanges( _context, out status, out subStatus, out buffer, out bufLen);
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) {
                description = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen); 

            // set to false after status has been set
            _trySkipIisCustomErrors = false; 

            ctx.Response.SynchronizeStatus(status, subStatus, description); 

        internal IntPtr AllocateRequestMemory(int size) { 
            if (size > 0) {
                return IIS.MgdAllocateRequestMemory(_context, size);
            return IntPtr.Zero; 
        internal ArrayList GetBufferedResponseChunks(bool disableRecycling, ArrayList substElements, ref bool hasSubstBlocks) { 
            IntPtr[] fragments;
            int [] fragmentLengths; 
            int [] fragmentTypes;

            // pick a reasonable size as a guestimate
            int numFragments = 32; 
            int startFragments = numFragments;
            fragments = 
            fragmentLengths =

            fragmentTypes = 
            int result = IIS.MgdGetResponseChunks( 
                    ref numFragments, 
            // did it fail? 
            // see if we need to reallocate or just fail
            if (result < 0) { 

                // realloc
                if (result == HResults.E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
                    // make sure we really need to realloc 
                    Debug.Assert(numFragments > startFragments, "numFragments > startFragments");
                    // recycle the current stuff 

                    fragments =

                    fragmentLengths = 

                    fragmentTypes = 

                    result = IIS.MgdGetResponseChunks(
                        ref numFragments,

                if (result == HResults.E_INVALID_DATA) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_http_data_chunk));


            // if we get here, we've acquired the data and need to copy it 
            // the basic strategy is to pack as much as possible into
            // each buffer and save those
            // we need to handle file chunks by reading those into memory
            // (this is bogus but much refactoring is needed to handle them from 
            // a handle or chunk them)
            ArrayList buffers = new ArrayList(); 
            HttpResponseUnmanagedBufferElement elem = null; 
            HttpSubstBlockResponseElement[] substElemAry = null;
            if (substElements != null) { 
                substElemAry = (HttpSubstBlockResponseElement[]) substElements.ToArray(typeof(HttpSubstBlockResponseElement));

            int bytesLeftInChunk = 0; 
            for (int i = 0; i < numFragments; i++) {
                // is it memory based?  just copy it in... 
                if (fragmentTypes[i] == 0) {
                    if (substElemAry != null) {
                        int substElemAryIndex = -1;
                        for (int j = 0; j < substElemAry.Length; j++) {
                            if (substElemAry[j].PointerEquals(fragments[i])) { 
                                substElemAryIndex = j;
                        // did we find a match 
                        if (substElemAryIndex != -1) {
                            if (elem != null) {
                                elem = null; 
                            hasSubstBlocks = true; 

                    if (null == elem) {
                        elem = new HttpResponseUnmanagedBufferElement(); 
                        if (disableRecycling) {
                            elem.DisableRecycling(); // since we're holding onto it 
                    bytesLeftInChunk = fragmentLengths[i];

                    // does it fit?
                    if (bytesLeftInChunk <= elem.FreeBytes) { 
                        elem.Append(fragments[i], 0, bytesLeftInChunk);
                    else { 

                        int offset = 0; 
                        int bytesWritten;

                        do {
                            // loop, packing buffers as completely as possible
                            bytesWritten = elem.Append( 

                            // see how much we've got left
                            bytesLeftInChunk -= bytesWritten;
                            offset           += bytesWritten; 

                            // if the buffer is exhausted 
                            if (elem.FreeBytes == 0) { 
                                elem = new HttpResponseUnmanagedBufferElement(); 
                                if (disableRecycling) {
                                    elem.DisableRecycling(); // since we're holding onto it
                        } while (bytesLeftInChunk > 0);                                                                                     } 

                    // handle full buffers 
                    if (elem.FreeBytes == 0) {
                        elem = null;
                } // end of MemoryBased chunk
                else if (fragmentTypes[i] == 1) { 
                    // get the size info 
                    long offset = 0;
                    long bytesToRead = 0; 
                    result = IIS.MgdGetFileChunkInfo(_context, i, out offset, out bytesToRead);

                    while (bytesToRead > 0 && offset >= 0) { 

                        // ensure we have space in buffer 
                        if (null == elem || elem.FreeBytes == 0) { 
                            if (null != elem) {
                            elem = new HttpResponseUnmanagedBufferElement();
                            if (disableRecycling) {
                                elem.DisableRecycling(); // since we're holding onto it 
                        // read as much as we have space in the buffer
                        int readSize = elem.FreeBytes; 

                        // or however many bytes are left, whichever is smaller
                        if (elem.FreeBytes > bytesToRead) {
                            readSize = (int)bytesToRead; 
                        result = IIS.MgdReadChunkHandle( _context, fragments[i], offset, ref readSize, elem.FreeLocation); 
                        // bump the free size to account for the data we just read

                        bytesToRead -= readSize; 
                        offset += readSize;
                // invalid chunk type
                else { 
                    Debug.Assert(fragmentTypes[i] <= 1, "invalid fragment type");
            // do we need to add the last buffer?
            if (null != elem) { 
            // recycle the arrays

            return buffers; 

        internal bool IsResponseBuffered() { 
            int numFragments = 0;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetResponseChunks(_context,
                                                  ref numFragments,
                                                  null /*fragments*/, 
                                                  null /*fragmentLengths*/,
                                                  null /*fragmentTypes*/); 
            // Because no buffer supplied, don't fail
            if (result != HResults.E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { 
            return numFragments > 0; 
        [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)] 
        internal void SetPrincipal(IPrincipal user, IntPtr pManagedPrincipal)
            string userName = null;
            string authType = null;
            IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (user != null) {
                if (user.Identity != null) { 
                    userName = user.Identity.Name; 
                    authType = user.Identity.AuthenticationType;
                    WindowsIdentity wi = user.Identity as WindowsIdentity; 
                    if (wi != null) {
                        token = wi.Token;

                if (userName == null) { 
                    userName = String.Empty; 
                if (authType == null) { 
                    authType = String.Empty;
            int result = IIS.MgdSetRequestPrincipal(


        internal void ResponseFilterInstalled() { 
            if (null != _context) { 

        private void RaiseCommunicationError(int result, bool throwOnDisconnect) {
            if (IIS.MgdIsClientConnected(_context)) { 
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Server_Support_Function_Error, result.ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(result));
            else { 
                //give different error if connection was closed
                if (!_disconnected) { 
                    _disconnected = true;
                if (throwOnDisconnect) { 
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Server_Support_Function_Error_Disconnect, result.ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), result);
        internal void ExplicitFlush() {
            if (null != _context) {
                int result = IIS.MgdExplicitFlush(_context);
                // DevDiv Bugs 177323: mimic classic mode and throw if the client disconnected
                if (result < 0) { 
                    RaiseCommunicationError(result, true /*throwOnDisconnect*/); 
                _headersSent = true;
        internal void SetServerVariable(string name, string value) {
            if (null != _context) { 
                int result = IIS.MgdSetServerVariableW(_context, name, value); 

        internal void SetRequestHeader(string name, string value, bool replace) {
            int knownIndex = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderIndex(name); 
            if (knownIndex >= 0) {
                SetKnownRequestHeader(knownIndex, value, replace); 
            else {
                SetUnknownRequestHeader(name, value, replace); 

        [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)] 
        private void SetKnownRequestHeader(int index, string value, bool replace) {
            if (null != _context) { 
                Debug.Assert(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent == 39, "HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent == 39"); 
                // User-Agent is 39 in WorkerRequest.cs, but it is 40 in http.h.
                if (index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent) { 
                    index = IisHeaderUserAgent;
                byte[] valueBytes = (value != null) ? _headerEncoding.GetBytes(value) : null;
                int valueLength = (valueBytes != null) ? valueBytes.Length : 0; 
                int result = IIS.MgdSetKnownHeader(_context, true /*fRequest*/, replace, (ushort)index, valueBytes, (ushort)valueLength);
        [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)]
        private void SetUnknownRequestHeader(string name, string value, bool replace) {
            if (null != _context) {
                byte[] valueBytes = (value != null) ? _headerEncoding.GetBytes(value) : null; 
                int valueLength = (valueBytes != null) ? valueBytes.Length : 0;
                int nameByteCount = _headerEncoding.GetByteCount(name); 
                byte[] nameBytes = new byte[nameByteCount + 1]; 
                _headerEncoding.GetBytes(name, 0, name.Length, nameBytes, 0);
                nameBytes[nameByteCount] = 0; 
                int result = IIS.MgdSetUnknownHeader(_context, true /*fRequest*/, replace, nameBytes, valueBytes, (ushort)valueLength);

        internal void SetResponseHeader(string name, string value, bool replace) { 
            int knownIndex = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderIndex(name); 
            if (knownIndex >= 0) {
                SetKnownResponseHeader(knownIndex, value, replace); 
            else {
                SetUnknownResponseHeader(name, value, replace);
        private void SetKnownResponseHeader(int index, string value, bool replace) { 
            if (index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderWwwAuthenticate
                || index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderSetCookie 
                || index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderServer) {
                // IIS7 treats Server, WWW-Authenticate, and Set-Cookie as unknown headers
                SetUnknownResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderName(index), value, replace);
            else {
                byte[] valueBytes = (value != null) ? _headerEncoding.GetBytes(value) : null; 
                int valueLength = (valueBytes != null) ? valueBytes.Length : 0; 
                int result = IIS.MgdSetKnownHeader(_context, false /*fRequest*/, replace, (ushort)index, valueBytes, (ushort)valueLength);

        private void SetUnknownResponseHeader(string name, string value, bool replace) { 
            byte[] valueBytes = (value!=null) ? _headerEncoding.GetBytes(value) : null;
            int valueLength = (valueBytes != null) ? valueBytes.Length : 0; 
            int nameByteCount = _headerEncoding.GetByteCount(name); 
            byte[] nameBytes = new byte[nameByteCount+1];
            _headerEncoding.GetBytes(name, 0, name.Length, nameBytes, 0); 
            nameBytes[nameByteCount] = 0;
            int result = IIS.MgdSetUnknownHeader(_context, false /*fRequest*/, replace, nameBytes, valueBytes, (ushort)valueLength);

        private void GetServerVarChanges(HttpContext ctx) { 
            int    count; 
            IntPtr names;
            IntPtr values; 
            int    diffCount;
            IntPtr diffIndices;

            int result = IIS.MgdGetServerVarChanges(_context, 
                                                    out count,
                                                    out names, 
                                                    out values, 
                                                    out diffCount,
                                                    out diffIndices); 

            if (diffCount != 0) {
                unsafe { 
                    int * indices = (int*) diffIndices.ToPointer();
                    IntPtr * snapshotNames = (IntPtr *) names.ToPointer(); 
                    IntPtr * snapshotValues = (IntPtr *) values.ToPointer(); 
                    for (int i = 0; i < diffCount; i++) {
                        int index = indices[i]; 
                        IntPtr pName = snapshotNames[index];
                        IntPtr pValue = snapshotValues[index];
                        string name = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(pName, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenA(pName));
                        string value = null; 
                        if (pValue != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            value = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pValue, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenW(pValue)); 
                        Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Server Variable Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value);
                        ctx.Request.SynchronizeServerVariable(name, value); 

        private void GetHeaderChanges(HttpContext ctx, bool forRequest) { 
            IntPtr knownHeaderSnapshot; 
            int    unknownHeaderSnapshotCount;
            IntPtr unknownHeaderSnapshotNames; 
            IntPtr unknownHeaderSnapshotValues;
            IntPtr diffKnownIndices;
            int    diffUnknownCount;
            IntPtr diffUnknownIndices; 
            int knownIndicesMaximum = forRequest ? IisRequestHeaderMaximum : HttpWorkerRequest.ResponseHeaderMaximum;
            int headerIndex = -1; 
            int result = IIS.MgdGetHeaderChanges(_context,
                                                 out knownHeaderSnapshot,
                                                 out unknownHeaderSnapshotCount,
                                                 out unknownHeaderSnapshotNames,
                                                 out unknownHeaderSnapshotValues, 
                                                 out diffKnownIndices,
                                                 out diffUnknownCount, 
                                                 out diffUnknownIndices); 
            unsafe {
                int * knownIndices = (int*) diffKnownIndices.ToPointer();
                IntPtr * snapshot = (IntPtr *) knownHeaderSnapshot.ToPointer();
                for (int i = 0; i < knownIndicesMaximum+1; i++) { 
                    int index = knownIndices[i];
                    // the array is terminated by -1 
                    if (index < 0)

                    string name;
                    if (forRequest) {
                        // For IIS, 39 is HttpHeaderTranslate, and 40 is HttpHeaderUserAgent.
                        // ASP.NET is missing HttpHeaderTranslate, and 39 is HttpHeaderUserAgent. 
                        Debug.Assert(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent == 39, "HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent == 39");
                        Debug.Assert(HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum == 40, "HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum == 40"); 
                        if (index > HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum) {
                            throw new NotSupportedException();
                        if (index < IisHeaderTranslate) {
                            name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderName(index); 
                        else if (index == IisHeaderTranslate) {
                            name = IisHeaderTranslateName; 
                        else {
                            name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderName(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent);
                    else { 
                        if (index >= HttpWorkerRequest.ResponseHeaderMaximum) { 
                            throw new NotSupportedException();
                        // Dev10 767257: IIS always sets known "Server" header to an empty string, and an unknown "Server" header with the value
                        if (index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderServer)
                        name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderName(index);
                        headerIndex = index; 

                    IntPtr pValue = snapshot[index]; 
                    string value = null;
                    if (pValue != IntPtr.Zero) {
                        value = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(pValue, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenA(pValue));

                    if (forRequest) { 
                        Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Known Request Header Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value); 
                        ctx.Request.SynchronizeHeader(name, value);
                    else {
                        Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Known Response Header Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value);
                        ctx.Response.SynchronizeHeader(headerIndex, name, value);
            if (diffUnknownCount != 0) {
                unsafe { 
                    int * unknownIndices = (int*) diffUnknownIndices.ToPointer();
                    IntPtr * snapshotNames = (IntPtr *) unknownHeaderSnapshotNames.ToPointer();
                    IntPtr * snapshotValues = (IntPtr *) unknownHeaderSnapshotValues.ToPointer();
                    for (int i = 0; i < diffUnknownCount; i++) { 
                        int index = unknownIndices[i];
                        IntPtr pName = snapshotNames[index]; 
                        IntPtr pValue = (index < unknownHeaderSnapshotCount) ? snapshotValues[index] : IntPtr.Zero; // if index >= diffCount, need to delete header 
                        string name = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(pName, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenA(pName));
                        string value = null; 
                        if (pValue!=IntPtr.Zero) {
                            value = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(pValue, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenA(pValue));
                        if (forRequest) {
                            Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Unknown Request Header Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value); 
                            ctx.Request.SynchronizeHeader(name, value); 
                        else { 
                            Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Unknown Response Header Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value);
                            int knownHeaderIndex = -1; /*unknown*/
                            if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, "Set-Cookie")) {
                                knownHeaderIndex = HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderSetCookie; 
                            ctx.Response.SynchronizeHeader(knownHeaderIndex, name, value); 

        private IPrincipal GetUserPrincipal() 
            IntPtr pToken; 
            IntPtr pAuthType; 
            int cchAuthType = 0;
            IntPtr pUserName; 
            int cchUserName = 0;
            IIdentity identity = null;
            IPrincipal user = null;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetPrincipal(_context,
                                             out pToken, 
                                             out pAuthType, 
                                             ref cchAuthType,
                                             out pUserName, 
                                             ref cchUserName);

            string userName = String.Empty; 
            if (pUserName != IntPtr.Zero && cchUserName > 0) {
                userName = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pUserName, cchUserName); 

            string authType = String.Empty; 
            if (pAuthType != IntPtr.Zero && cchAuthType > 0) {
                authType = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pAuthType, cchAuthType);
            if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) )
                // anonymous user 
                user = WindowsAuthenticationModule.AnonymousPrincipal;
            else if ( pToken != IntPtr.Zero )
                // windows user
                identity = new WindowsIdentity(pToken, authType, WindowsAccountType.Normal, true); 
                user = new WindowsPrincipal((WindowsIdentity)identity);
                // generic user 
                identity = new GenericIdentity(userName, authType);
                user = new IIS7UserPrincipal(this, identity);
            return user;
        internal bool IsUserInRole(String role) {
            bool isInRole = false; 

            int result = IIS.MgdIsInRole(_context,
                                         out isInRole); 
            return isInRole;

        [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
        internal void SynchronizeVariables(HttpContext context) {
            if (context.IsChangeInServerVars) {
            if (context.IsChangeInRequestHeaders) {
                GetHeaderChanges(context, true /*forRequest*/); 
            if (context.IsChangeInResponseHeaders) {
                GetHeaderChanges(context, false /*forRequest*/);
            if (context.IsChangeInResponseStatus) {
            if (context.IsChangeInUserPrincipal && WindowsAuthenticationModule.IsEnabled) {
                context.SetPrincipalNoDemand(GetUserPrincipal(), false /* needToUpdateNativePrincipal */); 
            if (context.AreResponseHeadersSent) {
                context.Response.HeadersWritten = true;
        internal override bool SupportsExecuteUrl { 
            //  WOS 1453642:Executing the url directly is not currently supported in Integrated mode
            get { return false; } 

        [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
        internal void ScheduleExecuteUrl(string url, string queryString, string method, bool preserveForm, byte[] entity, NameValueCollection headers) { 
            // prepare headers if specified
            string[] headerNames = null; 
            string[] headerValues = null; 
            int headerCount = 0;
            if (headers != null && headers.Count > 0) { 
                headerCount = headers.Count;
                headerNames = new string[headerCount];
                headerValues = new string[headerCount];
                for(int i = 0; i < headerCount; i++) {
                    headerNames[i] = headers.GetKey(i); 
                    headerValues[i] = headers.Get(i); 

            bool replaceQueryString = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString);
            if (replaceQueryString) {
                url = url + "?" + queryString; 
            //  This schedules the child execute to be done when the request processing 
            //  returns to native code.  It does not perform a child execution immediately.
            int result = IIS.MgdExecuteUrl(_context, 
                                           entity == null ? 0 : (uint) entity.Length,
            if (result == HResults.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.TransferRequest_cannot_be_invoked_more_than_once));

        public override byte[] GetQueryStringRawBytes() { 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int len;

            int result = IIS.MgdGetQueryString(_context, out buffer, out len); 
            if (len == 0) { 
                return null;

            // DevDiv Bugs 189331: HttpRequest.QueryString incorrectly converts ASCII
            // characters above 0x7F to 0x3F ('?') in IIS7 integrated mode only.
            // HTTP.sys creates HTTP_REQUEST.CookedUrl.pQueryString by padding the 
            // query string with 0x00 to concoct a UTF-16 string.  The correct way to
            // convert it to bytes is to cast each WCHAR to a CHAR. 
            byte[] rawBytes = new byte[len]; 
            unsafe {
                char * pQueryString = (char*)buffer; 
                for(int i = 0; i < rawBytes.Length; i++) {
                    rawBytes[i] = (byte)pQueryString[i];

            return rawBytes; 
        public override byte[] GetClientCertificate() {
            if (!_clientCertFetched) 

            return _clientCert;

        public override DateTime GetClientCertificateValidFrom() { 
            if (!_clientCertFetched) 
            return _clientCertValidFrom;

        public override DateTime GetClientCertificateValidUntil() { 
            if (!_clientCertFetched)
            return _clientCertValidUntil;

        public override byte [] GetClientCertificateBinaryIssuer() {
            if (!_clientCertFetched)
            return _clientCertBinaryIssuer;
        public override int GetClientCertificateEncoding() {
            if (!_clientCertFetched) 
            return _clientCertEncoding;
        public override byte [] GetClientCertificatePublicKey() {
            if (!_clientCertFetched) 
            return _clientCertPublicKey;

        private void FetchClientCertificate() {
            if (_clientCertFetched)

            _clientCertFetched = true; 
            IntPtr pClientCert;
            int clientCertSize; 
            IntPtr pClientCertIssuer;
            int clientCertIssuerSize;
            IntPtr pClientCertPublicKey;
            int clientCertPublicKeySize; 
            uint certEncodingType;
            long notBefore; 
            long notAfter; 
            int hr = IIS.MgdGetClientCertificate(_context,
                                                 out pClientCert, out clientCertSize, 
                                                 out pClientCertIssuer, out clientCertIssuerSize,
                                                 out pClientCertPublicKey, out clientCertPublicKeySize,
                                                 out certEncodingType,
                                                 out notBefore, out notAfter); 

            _clientCertEncoding = (int) certEncodingType;
            if (clientCertSize > 0) {
                _clientCert = new byte[clientCertSize];
                Misc.CopyMemory(pClientCert, 0, _clientCert, 0, clientCertSize);

            if (clientCertIssuerSize > 0) { 
                _clientCertBinaryIssuer = new byte[clientCertIssuerSize]; 
                Misc.CopyMemory(pClientCertIssuer, 0, _clientCertBinaryIssuer, 0, clientCertIssuerSize);

            if (clientCertPublicKeySize > 0) {
                _clientCertPublicKey = new byte[clientCertPublicKeySize];
                Misc.CopyMemory(pClientCertPublicKey, 0, _clientCertPublicKey, 0, clientCertPublicKeySize); 
            _clientCertValidFrom = (notBefore != 0) ? DateTime.FromFileTime(notBefore) : DateTime.Now; 
            _clientCertValidUntil = (notAfter != 0) ? DateTime.FromFileTime(notAfter) : DateTime.Now;

        public override String MapPath(String path)
            return HostingEnvironment.MapPathInternal(path); 
        public override String MachineConfigPath 
                return HttpConfigurationSystem.MachineConfigurationFilePath;

        public override String RootWebConfigPath 
                return HttpConfigurationSystem.RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
        public override String MachineInstallDirectory
                return HttpRuntime.AspInstallDirectory; 

        internal ChannelBinding HttpChannelBindingToken { 
            get {
                if (_channelBindingToken == null) { 
                    IntPtr token       = IntPtr.Zero; 
                    int    tokenSize   = 0;
                    int    hr          = HResults.S_OK; 

                    hr = IIS.MgdGetChannelBindingToken(_context, out token, out tokenSize);
                    if (hr == HResults.E_NOTIMPL)
                        throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); 
                    _channelBindingToken = new HttpChannelBindingToken(token, tokenSize); 
                return _channelBindingToken;

        internal void InsertEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
            int hr = IIS.MgdInsertEntityBody(_context, buffer, offset, count); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.Hosting { 
    using System; 
    using System.Text;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.Principal; 
    using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Web.Caching; 
    using System.Web.Management;
    using System.Web.Util; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Web.Configuration;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.Web.Security;
    using IIS = UnsafeIISMethods; 

    internal sealed class IIS7WorkerRequest : HttpWorkerRequest { 

        // In http.h, Translate is 39 and User-Agent is 40, but in WorkerRequest.cs Translate is unknown and User-Agent is 39
        private const int IisHeaderTranslate = 39;
        private const string IisHeaderTranslateName = "Translate"; 
        private const int IisHeaderUserAgent = 40;
        private const int IisRequestHeaderMaximum = 41; 
        // unless otherwise noted all pointers here
        // are not ref'counted and do not need cleanup 
        private IntPtr _context;  // W3_MGD_HANDLER *
        private Encoding _headerEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

        private int _contentType; 
        private int _contentTotalLength;
        //private int _queryStringLength; 
        private string _appPath; 
        private string _appPathTranslated;
        private string _path; 
        private string _queryString;
        private string _filePath;
        private string _pathInfo;
        private string _pathTranslated; 
        private bool _rewriteNotifyDisabled;
        private bool _rebaseClientPath; 
        private bool _requestHeadersAvailable; 
        private String[][] _unknownRequestHeaders;
        private String[] _knownRequestHeaders; 
        private int         _cachedResponseBodyLength;
        private ArrayList   _cachedResponseBodyBytes;
        #pragma warning disable 0649
        private bool _preloadedLengthRead; 
        private int  _preloadedLength;
        #pragma warning restore 0649 
        private string _cacheUrl; 

        private const int CONTENT_NONE = 0; 
        private const int CONTENT_FORM = 1;
        private const int CONTENT_MULTIPART = 2;
        private const int CONTENT_OTHER = 3;
        private const int MIN_ASYNC_SIZE = 2048; 

        private static readonly char[] s_ColonOrNL = { ':', '\n'}; 

        private Guid    _traceId;   // ETW traceId 
        private bool    _traceEnabled;
        private bool    _connectionClosed;
        private bool    _disconnected;
        private bool    _headersSent; 
        private bool    _trySkipIisCustomErrors;
        private bool      _clientCertFetched; 
        private DateTime  _clientCertValidFrom;
        private DateTime  _clientCertValidUntil; 
        private byte []   _clientCert;
        private int       _clientCertEncoding;
        private byte []   _clientCertPublicKey;
        private byte []   _clientCertBinaryIssuer; 
        private ChannelBinding   _channelBindingToken;
        internal IIS7WorkerRequest(IntPtr requestContext, bool etwProviderEnabled) { 


            if ( IntPtr.Zero == requestContext ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("requestContext");

            _context    = requestContext; 
            _traceEnabled = etwProviderEnabled; 

            if (_traceEnabled) { 
                EtwTrace.TraceEnableCheck(EtwTraceConfigType.IIS7_INTEGRATED, requestContext);


                IIS.MgdGetRequestTraceGuid(_context, out _traceId); 
                if (EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(EtwTraceLevel.Verbose, EtwTraceFlags.Infrastructure)) EtwTrace.Trace(EtwTraceType.ETW_TYPE_APPDOMAIN_ENTER, this, Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName);

        internal IntPtr RequestContext {
            get { 
                if ( _context == IntPtr.Zero ) {
                    return IntPtr.Zero; 

                return _context; 

        internal void ReadRequestBasics() { 
            IntPtr pathTranslatedBuffer;
            int pathTranslatedBufferSize; 
            IntPtr cacheUrl; 
            int cacheUrlBufferSize;
            int hr = IIS.MgdGetRequestBasics(_context, out _contentType, out _contentTotalLength, out pathTranslatedBuffer, out pathTranslatedBufferSize, out cacheUrl, out cacheUrlBufferSize); 

            _cacheUrl = (cacheUrlBufferSize <= 0) ? null : StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(cacheUrl, cacheUrlBufferSize);
            _pathTranslated = (pathTranslatedBufferSize <= 0) ? String.Empty : StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pathTranslatedBuffer, pathTranslatedBufferSize);
            // path-info is the trailing part of the URL, after the script name, but before the query string (if any). 
            // E.g., if the URL is "/test.aspx/Something", then path-info is "/Something"
            _path = GetUriPathInternal(true /*includePathInfo*/, false /*useParentContext*/);  // includes path-info
            _filePath = GetUriPathInternal(false /*includePathInfo*/, false /*useParentContext*/); // does not include path-info

            // set _pathInfo and adjust _pathTranslated so it does not include path-info 
            int lengthDiff = _path.Length - _filePath.Length;
            if (lengthDiff > 0) { 
                _pathInfo = _path.Substring(_filePath.Length); 
                int pathTranslatedLength = _pathTranslated.Length - lengthDiff;
                if (pathTranslatedLength > 0) { 
                    _pathTranslated = _pathTranslated.Substring(0, pathTranslatedLength);
            else { 
                _filePath = _path;
                _pathInfo = String.Empty; 

            _queryString = GetQueryString(); 

        internal static IIS7WorkerRequest CreateWorkerRequest(IntPtr requestContext, bool etwProviderEnabled) {
            IIS7WorkerRequest req = new IIS7WorkerRequest(requestContext, etwProviderEnabled); 

            if ( null != req ) { 
                Debug.Trace("ClientUrl", " *********** NEW REQUEST ****************"); 

            return req;
        internal void InitAppVars() {
            IntPtr virtAddr; 
            IntPtr physAddr; 
            int virtLen, physLen;
            int hr = IIS.MgdGetApplicationInfo(_context,
                                               out virtAddr,
                                               out virtLen,
                                               out physAddr, 
                                               out physLen);
            if ( hr < 0 ) { 
                throw new HttpException(
            else {
                unsafe { 
                    _appPath = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(virtAddr, virtLen);
                    _appPathTranslated = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(physAddr, physLen); 

                if ( _appPathTranslated != null && 
                     _appPathTranslated.Length > 2 &&
                     !StringUtil.StringEndsWith(_appPathTranslated, '\\') )
                    // IIS 6.0 doesn't add the trailing '\'
                    _appPathTranslated += "\\"; 

        internal void Initialize() { 
            // setup basic values

        internal void Dispose() { 
            //  The native request context will be disposed separately, 
            //  but we need to stop holding on to it to prevent attempts
            //  to call it 
            _context = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (_channelBindingToken != null && !_channelBindingToken.IsInvalid)

        internal override void RaiseTraceEvent(IntegratedTraceType traceType, string eventData) { 
            if (_traceEnabled && _context != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                // the area is derivative of the type, either page or module
                int areaFlag = (traceType < IntegratedTraceType.DiagCritical) ? EtwTraceFlags.Page : EtwTraceFlags.Module; 
                if (EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(EtwTrace.InferVerbosity(traceType), areaFlag)) {
                    string message = String.IsNullOrEmpty(eventData) ? String.Empty : eventData;
                    IIS.MgdEmitSimpleTrace(_context, (int)traceType, message);
        internal override void RaiseTraceEvent(WebBaseEvent webEvent) {
            if (_traceEnabled && _context != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                if (EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(webEvent.InferEtwTraceVerbosity(), EtwTraceFlags.Infrastructure)) {
                    int fieldCount;
                    string[] fieldNames;
                    int[] fieldTypes; 
                    string[] fieldData;
                    int webEventType; 
                    webEvent.DeconstructWebEvent(out webEventType, out fieldCount, out fieldNames, out fieldTypes, out fieldData); 
                    IIS.MgdEmitWebEventTrace(_context, webEventType, fieldCount, fieldNames, fieldTypes, fieldData);

        internal string GetUriPathInternal(bool includePathInfo, bool useParentContext) { 
            string uri = String.Empty;
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufSize;
            int hr = IIS.MgdGetUriPath(_context,
                                       out buffer,
                                       out bufSize,
            if (hr < 0) { 
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_retrieve_request_data));

            // is there anything to copy?  if not, just use String.Empty
            if (bufSize > 0) {
                uri = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufSize); 
            return uri; 
        // HttpWorkerRequest overrides
        public override string GetUriPath() {
            return _path;

        public override string GetQueryString() { 
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int len;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetQueryString(_context, out buffer, out len);

            if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero) { 
                return String.Empty;
            else { 
                return StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, len);

        public override string GetRawUrl() {
            // CACHE_URL is the original URI, unaffected by any rewriting or routing 
            // that may have occurred on the server
            string rawUrl = GetRawUrlHelper(_cacheUrl); 
            Debug.Trace("ClientUrl", "*** GetRawUrl --> " + rawUrl + " ***"); 
            return rawUrl;

        public override string GetHttpVerbName() {
            return GetMethodInternal();

        public override string GetHttpVersion() { 
            return GetServerVariable("SERVER_PROTOCOL"); 
        public override string GetRemoteAddress() {
            return GetServerVariable("REMOTE_ADDR");
        public override string GetRemoteName() {
            return GetServerVariable("REMOTE_HOST"); 

        public override int GetRemotePort() { 
            return IIS.MgdGetRemotePort(_context);

        public override string GetLocalAddress() { 
            return GetServerVariable("LOCAL_ADDR");
        public override int GetLocalPort() {
            return IIS.MgdGetLocalPort(_context); 

        public override string GetServerName() {
            return GetServerVariable("SERVER_NAME"); 
        internal override String GetLocalPortAsString() 
            return GetServerVariable("SERVER_PORT"); 

        // not implemented
        public override bool IsSecure() { 
            String https = GetServerVariable("HTTPS");
            return(https != null && https.Equals("on")); 

        public override String GetFilePath() { 
            return _filePath;

        public override string GetFilePathTranslated() { 
            return _pathTranslated;
        public override string GetPathInfo() {
            return _pathInfo; 

        public override string GetAppPath() {
            return _appPath; 
        public override string GetAppPathTranslated() { 
            return _appPathTranslated;

        // CODEWORK
        // if this is called before the execute state
        // it defeats reloading 
        public override int GetPreloadedEntityBodyLength() {
            if( !_preloadedLengthRead ) { 
                int availSize = 0; 
                int hresult = IIS.MgdGetPreloadedSize(_context, out availSize);
                _preloadedLength = availSize;
                _preloadedLengthRead = true;
            return _preloadedLength; 
        public override int GetPreloadedEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int offset) { 
            if (null == buffer) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer"); 

            if (offset >= buffer.Length) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); 
            if (GetPreloadedEntityBodyLength() == 0) { 
                return 0;

            int maxBytesToRead = buffer.Length - offset;
            int bytesRead = GetPreloadedContentInternal(buffer, offset, maxBytesToRead);
            return bytesRead;
        public override byte[] GetPreloadedEntityBody() {
            byte[] buffer = null; 

            int size = GetPreloadedEntityBodyLength();
            if (size > 0) {
                buffer = new byte[ size ]; 

                // dont care about size this time 
                // this will throw if it fails 
                GetPreloadedContentInternal(buffer, 0 /*offset*/, size);

            return buffer;
        // force read of entity body
        public override bool IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded() { 
            return GetTotalEntityBodyLength() == 


        public override int GetTotalEntityBodyLength() { 
            return _contentTotalLength;
        private int ReadEntityCoreSync(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) {
            int bytesRead = 0; 

            int result = IIS.MgdSyncReadRequest(_context,
                                                out bytesRead); 
            // DevDiv Bugs 177323: mimic classic mode and don't throw if the client disconnected
            if (result < 0) { 
                RaiseCommunicationError(result, false /*throwOnDisconnect*/);

            if (bytesRead > 0) { 
                PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_IN, bytesRead);
            return bytesRead;

        // synchronous read
        public override int ReadEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int size) {
            if ( size > buffer.Length ) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size");
            return ReadEntityCoreSync(buffer, 0, size);

        public override int ReadEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) {
            if ( buffer.Length - offset < size ) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); 
            return ReadEntityCoreSync(buffer, offset, size);

        public override long GetBytesRead() {
            throw new HttpException(
        public override String GetKnownRequestHeader(int index)  {
            if ( !_requestHeadersAvailable ) { 
                // special case important ones so that no
                // all headers parsing is required

                switch ( index ) { 
                case HeaderCookie:
                    return GetCookieHeaderInternal(); 
                case HeaderContentType:
                    if ( _contentType == CONTENT_FORM ) 
                        return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

                case HeaderContentLength: 
                    if ( _contentType != CONTENT_NONE )

                case HeaderUserAgent: 
                    return GetUserAgentInternal();

                // parse all headers 
            return _knownRequestHeaders[index];

        public override String GetUnknownRequestHeader(String name) {
            if ( !_requestHeadersAvailable ) 
            int n = _unknownRequestHeaders.Length; 

            for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { 
            if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, _unknownRequestHeaders[i][0]))
                    return _unknownRequestHeaders[i][1];
            return null;
        public override String[][] GetUnknownRequestHeaders() {
            if ( !_requestHeadersAvailable ) 

            return _unknownRequestHeaders;

        public override String GetServerVariable(String name) { 
            // fall back for headers 
            // (IIS6 doesn't support them as UNICODE_XXX)
            if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(name, "HTTP_")) { 
                return GetServerVariableInternalAnsi(name);
            else {
                return GetServerVariableInternal(name); 

        internal override void SendStatus(int statusCode, int subStatusCode, string statusDescription) { 
            if (null == statusDescription) {
                statusDescription = String.Empty;
            int hr = IIS.MgdSetStatusW(_context,
                                       null /*pszErrorDescription*/, 

            // set to false after status has been set
            _trySkipIisCustomErrors = false; 


        public override void SendStatus(int statusCode, 
                                        String statusDescription) {

            SendStatus(statusCode, 0, statusDescription);

        internal override void SetHeaderEncoding(Encoding encoding) { 
            _headerEncoding = encoding; 
        // because we may update headers N times in IIS 7
        // we can no longer throw after headers have been sent once
        // Instead, just push headers through 
        public override void SendKnownResponseHeader(int index, String value) {
            if ( index < 0 || index >= HttpWorkerRequest.ResponseHeaderMaximum ) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); 
            SetKnownResponseHeader(index, value, false /*replace*/); 

        public override void SendUnknownResponseHeader(String name,
                                                       String value) { 
            if ( null == name ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); 

            SetUnknownResponseHeader(name, value, false /*replace*/); 

        public override void SendCalculatedContentLength(int contentLength) {
        public override bool HeadersSent() {
            return _headersSent; 

        public override bool IsClientConnected() {
            return (!_connectionClosed && IIS.MgdIsClientConnected(_context)); 
        internal bool IsHandlerExecutionDenied() { 
            return IIS.MgdIsHandlerExecutionDenied(_context);

        public override void CloseConnection() {
            _connectionClosed = true; 
        public override IntPtr GetUserToken() { 
            IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetUserToken(_context, out token ); 
            return token;
        public override IntPtr GetVirtualPathToken() {
            IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero; 
            int result = IIS.MgdGetVirtualToken(_context, out token ); 
            return token; 

        // called directly by HttpResponse for chunked prefixes and suffixes 
        // this contains managed memory and needs to be copied
        public override void SendResponseFromMemory(byte[] data, int length) { 
            if (_connectionClosed) 
                        "SendResponseFromMemory(byte[], int)");

            if ( length > 0 )
                AddBodyToCachedResponse(new MemoryBytes(data, length)); 
        public override void SendResponseFromMemory(IntPtr data, int length) { 
            if (_connectionClosed)
                        "SendResponseFromMemory(IntPtr, int)");
            SendResponseFromMemory(data, length, false);

        internal override void SendResponseFromMemory(IntPtr data, 
                                                      int length,
                                                      bool isBufferFromUnmanagedPool) { 
                        "SendResponseFromMemory(IntPtr, int, " +
                        isBufferFromUnmanagedPool.ToString() +

            if (length > 0) { 
                        new MemoryBytes(data,
                                        isBufferFromUnmanagedPool ? BufferType.UnmanagedPool : BufferType.Managed));
        internal void SendResponseFromIISAllocatedRequestMemory(IntPtr data,
                                                                int length) { 
                        "SendResponseFromIISAllocatedRequestMemory(IntPtr, int)");
            // WOS 1926509: ASP.NET:  WriteSubstitution in integrated mode needs to support callbacks that return String.Empty
            if (data != IntPtr.Zero && length >= 0) {
                        new MemoryBytes(data, 
        internal override void TransmitFile(String filename, long offset, long length, bool isImpersonating) {
            if (_connectionClosed)
                        "TransmitFile(String, long, long, bool)");
            if (length > 0) { 
                AddBodyToCachedResponse(new MemoryBytes(filename, offset, length));

        // VSWhidbey 555203: support 64-bit file sizes for TransmitFile on IIS6
        internal override bool SupportsLongTransmitFile { 
            get { return true; }
        private void SendResponseFromFileStream(FileStream f,
                                                long offset, 
                                                long length) {
            long fileSize = f.Length;

            if (length == -1) 
                length = fileSize - offset;
            if (offset < 0 || length > fileSize - offset) { 
                throw new HttpException(

            if (length > 0) { 
                if (offset > 0)
                    f.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
                byte[] fileBytes = new byte[(int)length];
                int bytesRead = f.Read(fileBytes, 0, (int)length); 
                if (bytesRead > 0) {
                            new MemoryBytes(fileBytes, bytesRead));

        public override void SendResponseFromFile(string name, 
                                                  long offset,
                                                  long length)
            if (_connectionClosed) 
                        "SendResponseFromFile(string, long, long)"); 

            if (length == 0) {
            FileStream f = null;
            try { 
                f = new FileStream(name,

                SendResponseFromFileStream(f, offset, length); 
            finally { 
                if (f != null) 

        // override has signed long already
        public override void SendResponseFromFile(IntPtr handle, 
                                                  long offset,
                                                  long length) { 
            if (_connectionClosed) 
                        "SendResponseFromFile(IntPtr, long, long)");

            if (length == 0) {
            FileStream f = null; 

            try { 
                f = new FileStream(
                            new Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle(

                SendResponseFromFileStream(f, offset, length); 
            finally {
                if (f != null)
        public override void FlushResponse(bool finalFlush) {
            if (_connectionClosed) 
            Debug.Trace("IIS7WorkerRequest", "FlushResponse( " + finalFlush + ")");

        public override void EndOfRequest() { 
            // this work is done in HttpRuntime.FinishPipelineRequest 
        public override Guid RequestTraceIdentifier {
            get { return _traceId; }
        private string GetServerVariableInternalAnsi(string name) {
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufLen; 

            int retval = IIS.MgdGetServerVariableA(_context, 
                                                   out buffer,
                                                   out bufLen);
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                return StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen);

            return null;
        private string GetServerVariableInternal(string name) {
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufLen; 

            int retval = IIS.MgdGetServerVariableW(_context, 
                                                   out buffer,
                                                   out bufLen);
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                return StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufLen);

            return null;
        internal string GetCurrentModuleName() {
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufferSize; 
            string moduleName = null;
            int retval = IIS.MgdGetCurrentModuleName(_context,
                                                     out buffer,
                                                     out bufferSize);
            if (bufferSize > 0) { 
                moduleName = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufferSize);

            return moduleName;
        private string GetMethodInternal() {
            string var = String.Empty; 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufLen; 

            int retval = IIS.MgdGetMethod(_context,
                                          out buffer,
                                          out bufLen); 

            // HTTP method is ASCII string 
            var = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen);
            return var;

        private string GetUserAgentInternal() { 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufLen; 
            int retval = IIS.MgdGetUserAgent(_context,
                                             out buffer, 
                                             out bufLen);

            // User-Agent is ASCII string
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                return StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen); 
            return null;

        private string GetCookieHeaderInternal() { 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufLen; 
            int retval = IIS.MgdGetCookieHeader(_context,
                                                out buffer, 
                                                out bufLen);

            // Cookie header is ASCII string 
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) {
                return StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen); 

            return null; 

        private void ReadRequestHeaders() { 
            if ( _requestHeadersAvailable )
            _knownRequestHeaders = new String[RequestHeaderMaximum];
            // construct unknown headers as array list of name1,value1,...

            ArrayList headers = new ArrayList();
            String s = GetServerVariable("ALL_RAW");
            int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; 
            int i = 0; 

            while ( i < l ) { 
                //  find next :

                int ci = s.IndexOfAny(s_ColonOrNL, i);
                if ( ci < 0 )
                if ( s[ci] == '\n' ) {
                    // ignore header without : 
                    i = ci+1;
                if ( ci == i ) {
                // add extract name
                String name = s.Substring(i, ci-i).Trim();

                //  find next \n 
                int ni = s.IndexOf('\n', ci+1);
                if ( ni < 0 ) 
                    ni = l; 

                // continuation of header (ASURT 115064) 
                while ( ni < l-1 && s[ni+1] == ' ' ) {
                    ni = s.IndexOf('\n', ni+1);
                    if ( ni < 0 )
                        ni = l; 
                // extract value 
                String value = s.Substring(ci+1, ni-ci-1).Trim();
                // remember
                int knownIndex = GetKnownRequestHeaderIndex(name);
                if ( knownIndex >= 0 ) {
                    _knownRequestHeaders[knownIndex] = value; 
                else { 

                i = ni+1;
            // copy to array unknown headers
            int n = headers.Count / 2; 
            _unknownRequestHeaders = new String[n][];
            int j = 0; 

            for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
                _unknownRequestHeaders[i]    = new String[2];
                _unknownRequestHeaders[i][0] = (String)headers[j++]; 
                _unknownRequestHeaders[i][1] = (String)headers[j++];
            _requestHeadersAvailable = true;

        private void AddBodyToCachedResponse(MemoryBytes bytes) {
            if ( _cachedResponseBodyBytes == null ) { 
                _cachedResponseBodyBytes = new ArrayList();
            Debug.Assert(null !=bytes, "null != bytes"); 

            _cachedResponseBodyLength += bytes.Size;

        private void FlushCachedResponse(bool isFinal) { 
            if (_connectionClosed)
            if ( _context == IntPtr.Zero ) 
            int         numFragments    = 0;
            IntPtr[]    fragments       = null;
            int[]       fragmentLengths = null;
            long        bytesOut        = 0; 
            int[]       bodyFragmentTypes = null;
            try { 
                // prepare body fragments as IntPtr[] of
                // pointers and int[] of lengths 
                if ( _cachedResponseBodyLength > 0 ) {
                    numFragments = _cachedResponseBodyBytes.Count;

                    fragments = 
                    fragmentLengths = 
                    bodyFragmentTypes =

                    for ( int i = 0; i < numFragments; i++ ) { 
                        MemoryBytes bytes =
                        // lock memory locks managed memory,
                        // just returns the IntPtr for native memory 
                        fragments[i] = bytes.LockMemory();

                        bodyFragmentTypes[i] = (byte) bytes.BufferType;
                        fragmentLengths[i] = bytes.Size; 

                        if (bytes.UseTransmitFile) { 
                            bytesOut += bytes.FileSize; 
                        else { 
                            bytesOut += bytes.Size;

                int delta = (int) bytesOut; 
                if (delta > 0) { 
                    PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_OUT, delta);

                // send to unmanaged code
                // sends are always [....] now since they're buffered by IIS
            finally {
                // unlock pinned memory
                // recycle buffers

        private void FlushCore(bool       keepConnected,
                               int        numBodyFragments, 
                               IntPtr[]   bodyFragments,
                               int[]      bodyFragmentLengths, 
                               int[]      bodyFragmentTypes) 
            if (_connectionClosed)
            if ( _context == IntPtr.Zero )

            Debug.Trace("IIS7WorkerRequest", "FlushCore with " + 
                    numBodyFragments.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +  " fragments\n"); 

            int rc = IIS.MgdFlushCore(

            // don't throw when the client disconnected to mimic classic mode 
            // DevDiv Bugs 177323: mimic classic mode and don't throw if the client disconnected
            if (rc < 0) {
                RaiseCommunicationError(rc, false  /*throwOnDisconnect*/);
        internal void UnlockCachedResponseBytes() { 
            // unlock pinned memory
            if ( _cachedResponseBodyBytes != null ) { 
                int numFragments = _cachedResponseBodyBytes.Count;
                for ( int i = 0; i < numFragments; i++ ) {
                    try {
                    catch { 

            // don't remember cached data anymore

        private void ResetCachedResponse() { 
            _cachedResponseBodyLength = 0; 
            _cachedResponseBodyBytes = null;

        private int GetPreloadedContentInternal(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
            if (offset >= buffer.Length) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); 
            if (length + offset > buffer.Length) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");

            // in theory, this should never return INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
            // since the caller has sized it so we'll throw if it fails
            // for any reason 
            int bytesReceived = 0;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetPreloadedContent(_context, buffer, offset, length, out bytesReceived); 

            if (bytesReceived  > 0) { 
                PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_IN, bytesReceived);
            return bytesReceived;

        // WOS 1555777: kernel cache support 
        // If the response can be kernel cached, return the kernel cache key; 
        // otherwise return null.  The kernel cache key is used to invalidate
        // the entry if a dependency changes or the item is flushed from the 
        // managed cache for any reason.
        internal override string SetupKernelCaching(int secondsToLive, string originalCacheUrl, bool enableKernelCacheForVaryByStar) {
            string cacheUrl = _cacheUrl;
            // if we're re-inserting the response into the kernel cache, the original key must match
            if (originalCacheUrl != null && originalCacheUrl != cacheUrl) { 
                return null; 
            // If the request contains a query string, don't kernel cache the entry
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheUrl) || (!enableKernelCacheForVaryByStar && cacheUrl.IndexOf('?') != -1)) {
                return null;

            // enable kernel caching by setting up the HTTP_CACHE_POLICY 
            int result = IIS.MgdSetKernelCachePolicy(_context, secondsToLive); 

            // if we failed to setup the kernel cache policy, return null to disable 
            // kernel caching for this response
            if (result < 0) {
                return null;

            // okay, the response will be kernel cached, here's the key 
            return cacheUrl; 
        // WOS 1555777: kernel cache support
        internal override void DisableKernelCache() {
            // disable kernel cache for this response in IIS
        internal override bool TrySkipIisCustomErrors { 
            get { return _trySkipIisCustomErrors;  }
            set { _trySkipIisCustomErrors = value; } 

        // This should only be used to fix up the handler mapping and paths after a call to HttpContext.RewritePath
        internal string ReMapHandlerAndGetHandlerTypeString(HttpContext httpContext, string path, out bool handlerExists) { 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufferSize; 
            string handlerTypeString = null; 

            int result = IIS.MgdReMapHandler(_context, 
                                             out buffer,
                                             out bufferSize,
                                             out handlerExists); 
            if( bufferSize > 0 ) { 
                handlerTypeString = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufferSize);

            if (handlerExists) {
                //DevDivBugs 187445: need to update _path, _filePath, _pathTranslated, _pathInfo, and _queryString 
                // clear things that depend on path 
                httpContext.ConfigurationPath = null;
                try { 
                    // disable RewriteNotifyPipeline
                    _rewriteNotifyDisabled = true;
                    // rewrite path on request
                    httpContext.Request.InternalRewritePath(VirtualPath.CreateAllowNull(_filePath), VirtualPath.CreateAllowNull(_pathInfo), _queryString, _rebaseClientPath); 
                finally { 
                    // enable RewriteNotifyPipeline 
                    _rewriteNotifyDisabled = false;

            return handlerTypeString;

        // if method is null, the method for the current request is used 
        // path must be rooted (i.e., not relative) 
        internal string MapHandlerAndGetHandlerTypeString(string method, string path, bool convertNativeStaticFileModule) {
            IntPtr buffer; 
            int bufferSize;
            string handlerTypeString = null;

            int result = IIS.MgdMapHandler(_context, 
                                           out buffer, 
                                           out bufferSize,

            if( bufferSize > 0 ) {
                handlerTypeString = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufferSize); 
            return handlerTypeString; 
        internal string GetManagedHandlerType() {
            IntPtr buffer;
            int bufferSize;
            string handlerTypeString = null; 

            int result = IIS.MgdGetHandlerTypeString(_context, 
                                                     out buffer, 
                                                     out bufferSize);

            if( bufferSize > 0 ) {
                handlerTypeString = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(buffer, bufferSize);

            return handlerTypeString; 

        internal void SetRemapHandler(string handlerType, string handlerName) { 
            int result = IIS.MgdSetRemapHandler(_context,
        internal void RewriteNotifyPipeline(string newPath, 
                                            string newQueryString,
                                            bool rebaseClientPath) { 
            if (_rewriteNotifyDisabled)

            Debug.Trace("IIS7WorkerRequest", "RewriteNotifyPipeline(" + newPath + ")"); 

            if(IntPtr.Zero != _context) { 
                string url = newPath; 

                if(null != newQueryString) { 
                    url = newPath + "?" + newQueryString;

                IIS.MgdRewriteUrl(_context, url, null != newQueryString); 

                // recall so that we can fix-up paths after ReMapHandlerAndGetHandlerTypeString is called 
                _rebaseClientPath = rebaseClientPath; 

        internal void DisableNotifications(
                RequestNotification notifications,
                RequestNotification postNotifications) { 
            IIS.MgdDisableNotifications(_context, notifications, postNotifications);
        internal void PushResponseToNative() {

        internal void ClearResponse(bool clearEntity, bool clearHeaders) {
            IIS.MgdClearResponse(_context, clearEntity, clearHeaders); 
        private void GetStatusChanges(HttpContext ctx) { 
            ushort status;
            ushort subStatus; 
            IntPtr buffer;
            ushort bufLen;
            string description = null;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetStatusChanges( _context, out status, out subStatus, out buffer, out bufLen);
            if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) {
                description = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(buffer, bufLen); 

            // set to false after status has been set
            _trySkipIisCustomErrors = false; 

            ctx.Response.SynchronizeStatus(status, subStatus, description); 

        internal IntPtr AllocateRequestMemory(int size) { 
            if (size > 0) {
                return IIS.MgdAllocateRequestMemory(_context, size);
            return IntPtr.Zero; 
        internal ArrayList GetBufferedResponseChunks(bool disableRecycling, ArrayList substElements, ref bool hasSubstBlocks) { 
            IntPtr[] fragments;
            int [] fragmentLengths; 
            int [] fragmentTypes;

            // pick a reasonable size as a guestimate
            int numFragments = 32; 
            int startFragments = numFragments;
            fragments = 
            fragmentLengths =

            fragmentTypes = 
            int result = IIS.MgdGetResponseChunks( 
                    ref numFragments, 
            // did it fail? 
            // see if we need to reallocate or just fail
            if (result < 0) { 

                // realloc
                if (result == HResults.E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
                    // make sure we really need to realloc 
                    Debug.Assert(numFragments > startFragments, "numFragments > startFragments");
                    // recycle the current stuff 

                    fragments =

                    fragmentLengths = 

                    fragmentTypes = 

                    result = IIS.MgdGetResponseChunks(
                        ref numFragments,

                if (result == HResults.E_INVALID_DATA) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_http_data_chunk));


            // if we get here, we've acquired the data and need to copy it 
            // the basic strategy is to pack as much as possible into
            // each buffer and save those
            // we need to handle file chunks by reading those into memory
            // (this is bogus but much refactoring is needed to handle them from 
            // a handle or chunk them)
            ArrayList buffers = new ArrayList(); 
            HttpResponseUnmanagedBufferElement elem = null; 
            HttpSubstBlockResponseElement[] substElemAry = null;
            if (substElements != null) { 
                substElemAry = (HttpSubstBlockResponseElement[]) substElements.ToArray(typeof(HttpSubstBlockResponseElement));

            int bytesLeftInChunk = 0; 
            for (int i = 0; i < numFragments; i++) {
                // is it memory based?  just copy it in... 
                if (fragmentTypes[i] == 0) {
                    if (substElemAry != null) {
                        int substElemAryIndex = -1;
                        for (int j = 0; j < substElemAry.Length; j++) {
                            if (substElemAry[j].PointerEquals(fragments[i])) { 
                                substElemAryIndex = j;
                        // did we find a match 
                        if (substElemAryIndex != -1) {
                            if (elem != null) {
                                elem = null; 
                            hasSubstBlocks = true; 

                    if (null == elem) {
                        elem = new HttpResponseUnmanagedBufferElement(); 
                        if (disableRecycling) {
                            elem.DisableRecycling(); // since we're holding onto it 
                    bytesLeftInChunk = fragmentLengths[i];

                    // does it fit?
                    if (bytesLeftInChunk <= elem.FreeBytes) { 
                        elem.Append(fragments[i], 0, bytesLeftInChunk);
                    else { 

                        int offset = 0; 
                        int bytesWritten;

                        do {
                            // loop, packing buffers as completely as possible
                            bytesWritten = elem.Append( 

                            // see how much we've got left
                            bytesLeftInChunk -= bytesWritten;
                            offset           += bytesWritten; 

                            // if the buffer is exhausted 
                            if (elem.FreeBytes == 0) { 
                                elem = new HttpResponseUnmanagedBufferElement(); 
                                if (disableRecycling) {
                                    elem.DisableRecycling(); // since we're holding onto it
                        } while (bytesLeftInChunk > 0);                                                                                     } 

                    // handle full buffers 
                    if (elem.FreeBytes == 0) {
                        elem = null;
                } // end of MemoryBased chunk
                else if (fragmentTypes[i] == 1) { 
                    // get the size info 
                    long offset = 0;
                    long bytesToRead = 0; 
                    result = IIS.MgdGetFileChunkInfo(_context, i, out offset, out bytesToRead);

                    while (bytesToRead > 0 && offset >= 0) { 

                        // ensure we have space in buffer 
                        if (null == elem || elem.FreeBytes == 0) { 
                            if (null != elem) {
                            elem = new HttpResponseUnmanagedBufferElement();
                            if (disableRecycling) {
                                elem.DisableRecycling(); // since we're holding onto it 
                        // read as much as we have space in the buffer
                        int readSize = elem.FreeBytes; 

                        // or however many bytes are left, whichever is smaller
                        if (elem.FreeBytes > bytesToRead) {
                            readSize = (int)bytesToRead; 
                        result = IIS.MgdReadChunkHandle( _context, fragments[i], offset, ref readSize, elem.FreeLocation); 
                        // bump the free size to account for the data we just read

                        bytesToRead -= readSize; 
                        offset += readSize;
                // invalid chunk type
                else { 
                    Debug.Assert(fragmentTypes[i] <= 1, "invalid fragment type");
            // do we need to add the last buffer?
            if (null != elem) { 
            // recycle the arrays

            return buffers; 

        internal bool IsResponseBuffered() { 
            int numFragments = 0;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetResponseChunks(_context,
                                                  ref numFragments,
                                                  null /*fragments*/, 
                                                  null /*fragmentLengths*/,
                                                  null /*fragmentTypes*/); 
            // Because no buffer supplied, don't fail
            if (result != HResults.E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { 
            return numFragments > 0; 
        [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)] 
        internal void SetPrincipal(IPrincipal user, IntPtr pManagedPrincipal)
            string userName = null;
            string authType = null;
            IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (user != null) {
                if (user.Identity != null) { 
                    userName = user.Identity.Name; 
                    authType = user.Identity.AuthenticationType;
                    WindowsIdentity wi = user.Identity as WindowsIdentity; 
                    if (wi != null) {
                        token = wi.Token;

                if (userName == null) { 
                    userName = String.Empty; 
                if (authType == null) { 
                    authType = String.Empty;
            int result = IIS.MgdSetRequestPrincipal(


        internal void ResponseFilterInstalled() { 
            if (null != _context) { 

        private void RaiseCommunicationError(int result, bool throwOnDisconnect) {
            if (IIS.MgdIsClientConnected(_context)) { 
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Server_Support_Function_Error, result.ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(result));
            else { 
                //give different error if connection was closed
                if (!_disconnected) { 
                    _disconnected = true;
                if (throwOnDisconnect) { 
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Server_Support_Function_Error_Disconnect, result.ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), result);
        internal void ExplicitFlush() {
            if (null != _context) {
                int result = IIS.MgdExplicitFlush(_context);
                // DevDiv Bugs 177323: mimic classic mode and throw if the client disconnected
                if (result < 0) { 
                    RaiseCommunicationError(result, true /*throwOnDisconnect*/); 
                _headersSent = true;
        internal void SetServerVariable(string name, string value) {
            if (null != _context) { 
                int result = IIS.MgdSetServerVariableW(_context, name, value); 

        internal void SetRequestHeader(string name, string value, bool replace) {
            int knownIndex = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderIndex(name); 
            if (knownIndex >= 0) {
                SetKnownRequestHeader(knownIndex, value, replace); 
            else {
                SetUnknownRequestHeader(name, value, replace); 

        [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)] 
        private void SetKnownRequestHeader(int index, string value, bool replace) {
            if (null != _context) { 
                Debug.Assert(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent == 39, "HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent == 39"); 
                // User-Agent is 39 in WorkerRequest.cs, but it is 40 in http.h.
                if (index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent) { 
                    index = IisHeaderUserAgent;
                byte[] valueBytes = (value != null) ? _headerEncoding.GetBytes(value) : null;
                int valueLength = (valueBytes != null) ? valueBytes.Length : 0; 
                int result = IIS.MgdSetKnownHeader(_context, true /*fRequest*/, replace, (ushort)index, valueBytes, (ushort)valueLength);
        [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)]
        private void SetUnknownRequestHeader(string name, string value, bool replace) {
            if (null != _context) {
                byte[] valueBytes = (value != null) ? _headerEncoding.GetBytes(value) : null; 
                int valueLength = (valueBytes != null) ? valueBytes.Length : 0;
                int nameByteCount = _headerEncoding.GetByteCount(name); 
                byte[] nameBytes = new byte[nameByteCount + 1]; 
                _headerEncoding.GetBytes(name, 0, name.Length, nameBytes, 0);
                nameBytes[nameByteCount] = 0; 
                int result = IIS.MgdSetUnknownHeader(_context, true /*fRequest*/, replace, nameBytes, valueBytes, (ushort)valueLength);

        internal void SetResponseHeader(string name, string value, bool replace) { 
            int knownIndex = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderIndex(name); 
            if (knownIndex >= 0) {
                SetKnownResponseHeader(knownIndex, value, replace); 
            else {
                SetUnknownResponseHeader(name, value, replace);
        private void SetKnownResponseHeader(int index, string value, bool replace) { 
            if (index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderWwwAuthenticate
                || index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderSetCookie 
                || index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderServer) {
                // IIS7 treats Server, WWW-Authenticate, and Set-Cookie as unknown headers
                SetUnknownResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderName(index), value, replace);
            else {
                byte[] valueBytes = (value != null) ? _headerEncoding.GetBytes(value) : null; 
                int valueLength = (valueBytes != null) ? valueBytes.Length : 0; 
                int result = IIS.MgdSetKnownHeader(_context, false /*fRequest*/, replace, (ushort)index, valueBytes, (ushort)valueLength);

        private void SetUnknownResponseHeader(string name, string value, bool replace) { 
            byte[] valueBytes = (value!=null) ? _headerEncoding.GetBytes(value) : null;
            int valueLength = (valueBytes != null) ? valueBytes.Length : 0; 
            int nameByteCount = _headerEncoding.GetByteCount(name); 
            byte[] nameBytes = new byte[nameByteCount+1];
            _headerEncoding.GetBytes(name, 0, name.Length, nameBytes, 0); 
            nameBytes[nameByteCount] = 0;
            int result = IIS.MgdSetUnknownHeader(_context, false /*fRequest*/, replace, nameBytes, valueBytes, (ushort)valueLength);

        private void GetServerVarChanges(HttpContext ctx) { 
            int    count; 
            IntPtr names;
            IntPtr values; 
            int    diffCount;
            IntPtr diffIndices;

            int result = IIS.MgdGetServerVarChanges(_context, 
                                                    out count,
                                                    out names, 
                                                    out values, 
                                                    out diffCount,
                                                    out diffIndices); 

            if (diffCount != 0) {
                unsafe { 
                    int * indices = (int*) diffIndices.ToPointer();
                    IntPtr * snapshotNames = (IntPtr *) names.ToPointer(); 
                    IntPtr * snapshotValues = (IntPtr *) values.ToPointer(); 
                    for (int i = 0; i < diffCount; i++) {
                        int index = indices[i]; 
                        IntPtr pName = snapshotNames[index];
                        IntPtr pValue = snapshotValues[index];
                        string name = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(pName, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenA(pName));
                        string value = null; 
                        if (pValue != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            value = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pValue, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenW(pValue)); 
                        Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Server Variable Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value);
                        ctx.Request.SynchronizeServerVariable(name, value); 

        private void GetHeaderChanges(HttpContext ctx, bool forRequest) { 
            IntPtr knownHeaderSnapshot; 
            int    unknownHeaderSnapshotCount;
            IntPtr unknownHeaderSnapshotNames; 
            IntPtr unknownHeaderSnapshotValues;
            IntPtr diffKnownIndices;
            int    diffUnknownCount;
            IntPtr diffUnknownIndices; 
            int knownIndicesMaximum = forRequest ? IisRequestHeaderMaximum : HttpWorkerRequest.ResponseHeaderMaximum;
            int headerIndex = -1; 
            int result = IIS.MgdGetHeaderChanges(_context,
                                                 out knownHeaderSnapshot,
                                                 out unknownHeaderSnapshotCount,
                                                 out unknownHeaderSnapshotNames,
                                                 out unknownHeaderSnapshotValues, 
                                                 out diffKnownIndices,
                                                 out diffUnknownCount, 
                                                 out diffUnknownIndices); 
            unsafe {
                int * knownIndices = (int*) diffKnownIndices.ToPointer();
                IntPtr * snapshot = (IntPtr *) knownHeaderSnapshot.ToPointer();
                for (int i = 0; i < knownIndicesMaximum+1; i++) { 
                    int index = knownIndices[i];
                    // the array is terminated by -1 
                    if (index < 0)

                    string name;
                    if (forRequest) {
                        // For IIS, 39 is HttpHeaderTranslate, and 40 is HttpHeaderUserAgent.
                        // ASP.NET is missing HttpHeaderTranslate, and 39 is HttpHeaderUserAgent. 
                        Debug.Assert(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent == 39, "HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent == 39");
                        Debug.Assert(HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum == 40, "HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum == 40"); 
                        if (index > HttpWorkerRequest.RequestHeaderMaximum) {
                            throw new NotSupportedException();
                        if (index < IisHeaderTranslate) {
                            name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderName(index); 
                        else if (index == IisHeaderTranslate) {
                            name = IisHeaderTranslateName; 
                        else {
                            name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeaderName(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent);
                    else { 
                        if (index >= HttpWorkerRequest.ResponseHeaderMaximum) { 
                            throw new NotSupportedException();
                        // Dev10 767257: IIS always sets known "Server" header to an empty string, and an unknown "Server" header with the value
                        if (index == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderServer)
                        name = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderName(index);
                        headerIndex = index; 

                    IntPtr pValue = snapshot[index]; 
                    string value = null;
                    if (pValue != IntPtr.Zero) {
                        value = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(pValue, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenA(pValue));

                    if (forRequest) { 
                        Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Known Request Header Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value); 
                        ctx.Request.SynchronizeHeader(name, value);
                    else {
                        Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Known Response Header Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value);
                        ctx.Response.SynchronizeHeader(headerIndex, name, value);
            if (diffUnknownCount != 0) {
                unsafe { 
                    int * unknownIndices = (int*) diffUnknownIndices.ToPointer();
                    IntPtr * snapshotNames = (IntPtr *) unknownHeaderSnapshotNames.ToPointer();
                    IntPtr * snapshotValues = (IntPtr *) unknownHeaderSnapshotValues.ToPointer();
                    for (int i = 0; i < diffUnknownCount; i++) { 
                        int index = unknownIndices[i];
                        IntPtr pName = snapshotNames[index]; 
                        IntPtr pValue = (index < unknownHeaderSnapshotCount) ? snapshotValues[index] : IntPtr.Zero; // if index >= diffCount, need to delete header 
                        string name = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(pName, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenA(pName));
                        string value = null; 
                        if (pValue!=IntPtr.Zero) {
                            value = StringUtil.StringFromCharPtr(pValue, UnsafeNativeMethods.lstrlenA(pValue));
                        if (forRequest) {
                            Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Unknown Request Header Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value); 
                            ctx.Request.SynchronizeHeader(name, value); 
                        else { 
                            Debug.Trace("IIS7ServerVarChanges", "Unknown Response Header Changed: name=" + name + ", value=" + value);
                            int knownHeaderIndex = -1; /*unknown*/
                            if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, "Set-Cookie")) {
                                knownHeaderIndex = HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderSetCookie; 
                            ctx.Response.SynchronizeHeader(knownHeaderIndex, name, value); 

        private IPrincipal GetUserPrincipal() 
            IntPtr pToken; 
            IntPtr pAuthType; 
            int cchAuthType = 0;
            IntPtr pUserName; 
            int cchUserName = 0;
            IIdentity identity = null;
            IPrincipal user = null;
            int result = IIS.MgdGetPrincipal(_context,
                                             out pToken, 
                                             out pAuthType, 
                                             ref cchAuthType,
                                             out pUserName, 
                                             ref cchUserName);

            string userName = String.Empty; 
            if (pUserName != IntPtr.Zero && cchUserName > 0) {
                userName = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pUserName, cchUserName); 

            string authType = String.Empty; 
            if (pAuthType != IntPtr.Zero && cchAuthType > 0) {
                authType = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pAuthType, cchAuthType);
            if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) )
                // anonymous user 
                user = WindowsAuthenticationModule.AnonymousPrincipal;
            else if ( pToken != IntPtr.Zero )
                // windows user
                identity = new WindowsIdentity(pToken, authType, WindowsAccountType.Normal, true); 
                user = new WindowsPrincipal((WindowsIdentity)identity);
                // generic user 
                identity = new GenericIdentity(userName, authType);
                user = new IIS7UserPrincipal(this, identity);
            return user;
        internal bool IsUserInRole(String role) {
            bool isInRole = false; 

            int result = IIS.MgdIsInRole(_context,
                                         out isInRole); 
            return isInRole;

        [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
        internal void SynchronizeVariables(HttpContext context) {
            if (context.IsChangeInServerVars) {
            if (context.IsChangeInRequestHeaders) {
                GetHeaderChanges(context, true /*forRequest*/); 
            if (context.IsChangeInResponseHeaders) {
                GetHeaderChanges(context, false /*forRequest*/);
            if (context.IsChangeInResponseStatus) {
            if (context.IsChangeInUserPrincipal && WindowsAuthenticationModule.IsEnabled) {
                context.SetPrincipalNoDemand(GetUserPrincipal(), false /* needToUpdateNativePrincipal */); 
            if (context.AreResponseHeadersSent) {
                context.Response.HeadersWritten = true;
        internal override bool SupportsExecuteUrl { 
            //  WOS 1453642:Executing the url directly is not currently supported in Integrated mode
            get { return false; } 

        [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
        internal void ScheduleExecuteUrl(string url, string queryString, string method, bool preserveForm, byte[] entity, NameValueCollection headers) { 
            // prepare headers if specified
            string[] headerNames = null; 
            string[] headerValues = null; 
            int headerCount = 0;
            if (headers != null && headers.Count > 0) { 
                headerCount = headers.Count;
                headerNames = new string[headerCount];
                headerValues = new string[headerCount];
                for(int i = 0; i < headerCount; i++) {
                    headerNames[i] = headers.GetKey(i); 
                    headerValues[i] = headers.Get(i); 

            bool replaceQueryString = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString);
            if (replaceQueryString) {
                url = url + "?" + queryString; 
            //  This schedules the child execute to be done when the request processing 
            //  returns to native code.  It does not perform a child execution immediately.
            int result = IIS.MgdExecuteUrl(_context, 
                                           entity == null ? 0 : (uint) entity.Length,
            if (result == HResults.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.TransferRequest_cannot_be_invoked_more_than_once));

        public override byte[] GetQueryStringRawBytes() { 
            IntPtr buffer;
            int len;

            int result = IIS.MgdGetQueryString(_context, out buffer, out len); 
            if (len == 0) { 
                return null;

            // DevDiv Bugs 189331: HttpRequest.QueryString incorrectly converts ASCII
            // characters above 0x7F to 0x3F ('?') in IIS7 integrated mode only.
            // HTTP.sys creates HTTP_REQUEST.CookedUrl.pQueryString by padding the 
            // query string with 0x00 to concoct a UTF-16 string.  The correct way to
            // convert it to bytes is to cast each WCHAR to a CHAR. 
            byte[] rawBytes = new byte[len]; 
            unsafe {
                char * pQueryString = (char*)buffer; 
                for(int i = 0; i < rawBytes.Length; i++) {
                    rawBytes[i] = (byte)pQueryString[i];

            return rawBytes; 
        public override byte[] GetClientCertificate() {
            if (!_clientCertFetched) 

            return _clientCert;

        public override DateTime GetClientCertificateValidFrom() { 
            if (!_clientCertFetched) 
            return _clientCertValidFrom;

        public override DateTime GetClientCertificateValidUntil() { 
            if (!_clientCertFetched)
            return _clientCertValidUntil;

        public override byte [] GetClientCertificateBinaryIssuer() {
            if (!_clientCertFetched)
            return _clientCertBinaryIssuer;
        public override int GetClientCertificateEncoding() {
            if (!_clientCertFetched) 
            return _clientCertEncoding;
        public override byte [] GetClientCertificatePublicKey() {
            if (!_clientCertFetched) 
            return _clientCertPublicKey;

        private void FetchClientCertificate() {
            if (_clientCertFetched)

            _clientCertFetched = true; 
            IntPtr pClientCert;
            int clientCertSize; 
            IntPtr pClientCertIssuer;
            int clientCertIssuerSize;
            IntPtr pClientCertPublicKey;
            int clientCertPublicKeySize; 
            uint certEncodingType;
            long notBefore; 
            long notAfter; 
            int hr = IIS.MgdGetClientCertificate(_context,
                                                 out pClientCert, out clientCertSize, 
                                                 out pClientCertIssuer, out clientCertIssuerSize,
                                                 out pClientCertPublicKey, out clientCertPublicKeySize,
                                                 out certEncodingType,
                                                 out notBefore, out notAfter); 

            _clientCertEncoding = (int) certEncodingType;
            if (clientCertSize > 0) {
                _clientCert = new byte[clientCertSize];
                Misc.CopyMemory(pClientCert, 0, _clientCert, 0, clientCertSize);

            if (clientCertIssuerSize > 0) { 
                _clientCertBinaryIssuer = new byte[clientCertIssuerSize]; 
                Misc.CopyMemory(pClientCertIssuer, 0, _clientCertBinaryIssuer, 0, clientCertIssuerSize);

            if (clientCertPublicKeySize > 0) {
                _clientCertPublicKey = new byte[clientCertPublicKeySize];
                Misc.CopyMemory(pClientCertPublicKey, 0, _clientCertPublicKey, 0, clientCertPublicKeySize); 
            _clientCertValidFrom = (notBefore != 0) ? DateTime.FromFileTime(notBefore) : DateTime.Now; 
            _clientCertValidUntil = (notAfter != 0) ? DateTime.FromFileTime(notAfter) : DateTime.Now;

        public override String MapPath(String path)
            return HostingEnvironment.MapPathInternal(path); 
        public override String MachineConfigPath 
                return HttpConfigurationSystem.MachineConfigurationFilePath;

        public override String RootWebConfigPath 
                return HttpConfigurationSystem.RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
        public override String MachineInstallDirectory
                return HttpRuntime.AspInstallDirectory; 

        internal ChannelBinding HttpChannelBindingToken { 
            get {
                if (_channelBindingToken == null) { 
                    IntPtr token       = IntPtr.Zero; 
                    int    tokenSize   = 0;
                    int    hr          = HResults.S_OK; 

                    hr = IIS.MgdGetChannelBindingToken(_context, out token, out tokenSize);
                    if (hr == HResults.E_NOTIMPL)
                        throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); 
                    _channelBindingToken = new HttpChannelBindingToken(token, tokenSize); 
                return _channelBindingToken;

        internal void InsertEntityBody(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
            int hr = IIS.MgdInsertEntityBody(_context, buffer, offset, count); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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