XmlReaderSettings.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Core / XmlReaderSettings.cs / 1305376 / XmlReaderSettings.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
using System.IO; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Runtime.Versioning; 

namespace System.Xml { 
    // XmlReaderSettings class specifies basic features of an XmlReader.
    [PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
    public sealed class XmlReaderSettings {
        // Fields
        // Nametable 
        XmlNameTable nameTable;
        // XmlResolver
        XmlResolver xmlResolver;

        // Text settings 
        int lineNumberOffset;
        int linePositionOffset; 
        // Conformance settings
        ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel; 
        bool checkCharacters;

        long maxCharactersInDocument;
        long maxCharactersFromEntities; 

        // Filtering settings 
        bool ignoreWhitespace; 
        bool ignorePIs;
        bool ignoreComments; 

        // security settings
        DtdProcessing dtdProcessing;
        //Validation settings 
        ValidationType validationType; 
        XmlSchemaValidationFlags validationFlags;
        XmlSchemaSet schemas; 
        ValidationEventHandler valEventHandler;

        // other settings 
        bool closeInput;
        // read-only flag 
        bool isReadOnly;
        // Constructor
        public XmlReaderSettings() { 
        // Properties 
        // Nametable
        public XmlNameTable NameTable {
            get { 
                return nameTable;
            set { 
                nameTable = value; 

        // XmlResolver 
        public XmlResolver XmlResolver {
            set { 
                xmlResolver = value;

        internal XmlResolver GetXmlResolver() {
            return xmlResolver; 
        // Text settings 
        public int LineNumberOffset {
            get { 
                return lineNumberOffset;
            set {
                lineNumberOffset = value;

        public int LinePositionOffset { 
            get {
                return linePositionOffset;
            set { 
                linePositionOffset = value; 
        // Conformance settings
        public ConformanceLevel ConformanceLevel {
            get {
                return conformanceLevel; 
            set { 

                if ((uint)value > (uint)ConformanceLevel.Document) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                conformanceLevel = value;
        public bool CheckCharacters { 
            get {
                return checkCharacters; 
            set {
                checkCharacters = value; 
        public long MaxCharactersInDocument {
            get { 
                return maxCharactersInDocument;
            set {
                if (value < 0) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); 
                maxCharactersInDocument = value;

        public long MaxCharactersFromEntities {
            get { 
                return maxCharactersFromEntities;
            set { 
                if (value < 0) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                maxCharactersFromEntities = value;
        // Filtering settings 
        public bool IgnoreWhitespace {
            get { 
                return ignoreWhitespace;
            set {
                ignoreWhitespace = value;

        public bool IgnoreProcessingInstructions { 
            get {
                return ignorePIs;
            set { 
                ignorePIs = value; 
        public bool IgnoreComments {
            get {
                return ignoreComments;
            set {
                ignoreComments = value; 

        [Obsolete("Use XmlReaderSettings.DtdProcessing property instead.")]
        public bool ProhibitDtd { 
            get {
                return dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit; 
            set {
                dtdProcessing = value ? DtdProcessing.Prohibit : DtdProcessing.Parse;

        public DtdProcessing DtdProcessing { 
            get { 
                return dtdProcessing;
            set {

                if ((uint)value > (uint)DtdProcessing.Parse) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                dtdProcessing = value; 

        public bool CloseInput {
            get {
                return closeInput; 
            set { 
                closeInput = value;

        public ValidationType ValidationType { 
            get {
                return validationType; 
            set {

                if ((uint)value > (uint)ValidationType.Schema) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                validationType = value;

        public XmlSchemaValidationFlags ValidationFlags { 
            get {
                return validationFlags;
            set { 
                if ((uint)value > (uint)(XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema | XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessSchemaLocation | 
                                           XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings | XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints |
                                           XmlSchemaValidationFlags.AllowXmlAttributes)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                validationFlags = value;
        public XmlSchemaSet Schemas { 
            get {
                if (schemas == null) { 
                    schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
                return schemas;
            set {
                schemas = value; 

        public event ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler {
            add {
                valEventHandler += value;
            remove { 
                valEventHandler -= value; 
        // Public methods 
        public void Reset() {

        public XmlReaderSettings Clone() { 
            XmlReaderSettings clonedSettings = this.MemberwiseClone() as XmlReaderSettings;
            clonedSettings.ReadOnly = false; 
            return clonedSettings; 
        // Internal methods
        internal ValidationEventHandler GetEventHandler() {
            return valEventHandler; 
        internal XmlReader CreateReader(String inputUri, XmlParserContext inputContext) {
            if (inputUri == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inputUri"); 
            if (inputUri.Length == 0) { 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConvert_BadUri), "inputUri");

            // resolve and open the url 
            XmlResolver tmpResolver = this.GetXmlResolver();
            if (tmpResolver == null) { 
                tmpResolver = CreateDefaultResolver(); 
            Uri baseUri = tmpResolver.ResolveUri(null, inputUri); 
            Stream stream = (Stream)tmpResolver.GetEntity(baseUri, string.Empty, typeof(Stream));
            if (stream == null) {
                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_CannotResolveUrl, inputUri);

            // need to clone the settigns so that we can set CloseInput to true to make sure the stream gets closed in the end 
            XmlReaderSettings newSettings = this; 
            if (!newSettings.CloseInput) {
                newSettings = newSettings.Clone(); 
                newSettings.CloseInput = true;

            try { 
                // create reader
                return newSettings.CreateReader(stream, baseUri, null, inputContext); 
            catch {
        internal XmlReader CreateReader(Stream input, Uri baseUri, string baseUriString, XmlParserContext inputContext) {
            if (input == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input"); 
            if (baseUriString == null) { 
                if (baseUri == null) {
                    baseUriString = string.Empty;
                else { 
                    baseUriString = baseUri.ToString();

            // create text XML reader 
            XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReaderImpl(input, null, 0, this, baseUri, baseUriString, inputContext, closeInput);

            // wrap with validating reader 
            if (this.ValidationType != ValidationType.None) {
                reader = AddValidation(reader); 
            return reader;

        internal XmlReader CreateReader(TextReader input, string baseUriString, XmlParserContext inputContext) { 
            if (input == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input"); 
            if (baseUriString == null) {
                baseUriString = string.Empty; 

            // create xml text reader
            XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReaderImpl(input, this, baseUriString, inputContext); 

            // wrap with validating reader 
            if (this.ValidationType != ValidationType.None) {
                reader = AddValidation(reader); 

            return reader; 
        internal XmlReader CreateReader(XmlReader reader) { 
            if (reader == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); 
            // wrap with conformance layer (if needed)
            return AddConformanceWrapper(reader); 
            // wrap with validating reader and a conformance layer (if needed) 
            return AddValidationAndConformanceWrapper(reader); 

        internal bool ReadOnly {
            get {
                return isReadOnly; 
            set { 
                isReadOnly = value; 

        void CheckReadOnly(string propertyName) {
            if (isReadOnly) {
                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_ReadOnlyProperty, this.GetType().Name + '.' + propertyName); 
        // Private methods 
        void Initialize() {
            nameTable = null;
            xmlResolver = CreateDefaultResolver(); 
            lineNumberOffset = 0;
            linePositionOffset = 0; 
            checkCharacters = true; 
            conformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            ignoreWhitespace = false;
            ignorePIs = false;
            ignoreComments = false;
            dtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit; 
            closeInput = false;
            maxCharactersFromEntities = 0; 
            maxCharactersInDocument = 0;
            schemas = null;
            validationType = ValidationType.None;
            validationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints; 
            validationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.AllowXmlAttributes;
            isReadOnly = false; 
        XmlResolver CreateDefaultResolver() {
            return new XmlXapResolver();
            return new XmlUrlResolver();

        internal XmlReader AddValidation(XmlReader reader) {
            if (this.validationType == ValidationType.Schema) {
                reader = new XsdValidatingReader(reader, this.GetXmlResolver(), this);
            else if (this.validationType == ValidationType.DTD) {
                reader = CreateDtdValidatingReader(reader); 
            return reader;

        private XmlReader AddValidationAndConformanceWrapper(XmlReader reader) {
            // wrap with DTD validating reader
            if (this.validationType == ValidationType.DTD) { 
                reader = CreateDtdValidatingReader(reader);
            // add conformance checking (must go after DTD validation because XmlValidatingReader works only on XmlTextReader), 
            // but before XSD validation because of typed value access
            reader = AddConformanceWrapper(reader); 

            if (this.validationType == ValidationType.Schema) {
                reader = new XsdValidatingReader(reader, GetXmlResolver(), this);
            return reader;
        private XmlValidatingReaderImpl CreateDtdValidatingReader(XmlReader baseReader) {
            return new XmlValidatingReaderImpl(baseReader, this.GetEventHandler(), (this.ValidationFlags & XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints) != 0); 

        internal XmlReader AddConformanceWrapper(XmlReader baseReader) { 
            XmlReaderSettings baseReaderSettings = baseReader.Settings;
            bool checkChars = false; 
            bool noWhitespace = false; 
            bool noComments = false;
            bool noPIs = false; 
            DtdProcessing dtdProc = (DtdProcessing)(-1);
            bool needWrap = false;

            if (baseReaderSettings == null) { 

#pragma warning disable 618 
                if (this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto) { 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));
                if (this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto && this.conformanceLevel != XmlReader.GetV1ConformanceLevel(baseReader)) { 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));

                // get the V1 XmlTextReader ref
                XmlTextReader v1XmlTextReader = baseReader as XmlTextReader;
                if (v1XmlTextReader == null) {
                    XmlValidatingReader vr = baseReader as XmlValidatingReader; 
                    if (vr != null) {
                        v1XmlTextReader = (XmlTextReader)vr.Reader; 

                // assume the V1 readers already do all conformance checking;
                // wrap only if IgnoreWhitespace, IgnoreComments, IgnoreProcessingInstructions or ProhibitDtd is true;
                if (this.ignoreWhitespace) { 
                    WhitespaceHandling wh = WhitespaceHandling.All;
                    // special-case our V1 readers to see if whey already filter whitespaces 
                    if (v1XmlTextReader != null) {
                        wh = v1XmlTextReader.WhitespaceHandling; 
                    if (wh == WhitespaceHandling.All) {
                        noWhitespace = true; 
                        needWrap = true;
                if (this.ignoreComments) {
                    noComments = true; 
                    needWrap = true;
                if (this.ignorePIs) {
                    noPIs = true; 
                    needWrap = true;
                // DTD processing 
                DtdProcessing baseDtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse;
                if (v1XmlTextReader != null) {
                    baseDtdProcessing = v1XmlTextReader.DtdProcessing;
                if ((this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit && baseDtdProcessing != DtdProcessing.Prohibit) ||
                    (this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Ignore && baseDtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Parse)) { 
                    dtdProc = this.dtdProcessing; 
                    needWrap = true;
#pragma warning restore 618
            else {
                if (this.conformanceLevel != baseReaderSettings.ConformanceLevel && this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto) { 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));
                if (this.checkCharacters && !baseReaderSettings.CheckCharacters) { 
                    checkChars = true;
                    needWrap = true; 
                if (this.ignoreWhitespace && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreWhitespace) {
                    noWhitespace = true;
                    needWrap = true; 
                if (this.ignoreComments && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreComments) { 
                    noComments = true; 
                    needWrap = true;
                if (this.ignorePIs && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions) {
                    noPIs = true;
                    needWrap = true;
                if ((this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit && baseReaderSettings.DtdProcessing != DtdProcessing.Prohibit) ||
                    (this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Ignore && baseReaderSettings.DtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Parse)) { 
                    dtdProc = this.dtdProcessing; 
                    needWrap = true;

            if (needWrap) {
                IXmlNamespaceResolver readerAsNSResolver = baseReader as IXmlNamespaceResolver; 
                if (readerAsNSResolver != null) {
                    return new XmlCharCheckingReaderWithNS(baseReader, readerAsNSResolver, checkChars, noWhitespace, noComments, noPIs, dtdProc); 
                else {
                    return new XmlCharCheckingReader(baseReader, checkChars, noWhitespace, noComments, noPIs, dtdProc); 
            else {
                return baseReader; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
using System.IO; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Runtime.Versioning; 

namespace System.Xml { 
    // XmlReaderSettings class specifies basic features of an XmlReader.
    [PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
    public sealed class XmlReaderSettings {
        // Fields
        // Nametable 
        XmlNameTable nameTable;
        // XmlResolver
        XmlResolver xmlResolver;

        // Text settings 
        int lineNumberOffset;
        int linePositionOffset; 
        // Conformance settings
        ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel; 
        bool checkCharacters;

        long maxCharactersInDocument;
        long maxCharactersFromEntities; 

        // Filtering settings 
        bool ignoreWhitespace; 
        bool ignorePIs;
        bool ignoreComments; 

        // security settings
        DtdProcessing dtdProcessing;
        //Validation settings 
        ValidationType validationType; 
        XmlSchemaValidationFlags validationFlags;
        XmlSchemaSet schemas; 
        ValidationEventHandler valEventHandler;

        // other settings 
        bool closeInput;
        // read-only flag 
        bool isReadOnly;
        // Constructor
        public XmlReaderSettings() { 
        // Properties 
        // Nametable
        public XmlNameTable NameTable {
            get { 
                return nameTable;
            set { 
                nameTable = value; 

        // XmlResolver 
        public XmlResolver XmlResolver {
            set { 
                xmlResolver = value;

        internal XmlResolver GetXmlResolver() {
            return xmlResolver; 
        // Text settings 
        public int LineNumberOffset {
            get { 
                return lineNumberOffset;
            set {
                lineNumberOffset = value;

        public int LinePositionOffset { 
            get {
                return linePositionOffset;
            set { 
                linePositionOffset = value; 
        // Conformance settings
        public ConformanceLevel ConformanceLevel {
            get {
                return conformanceLevel; 
            set { 

                if ((uint)value > (uint)ConformanceLevel.Document) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                conformanceLevel = value;
        public bool CheckCharacters { 
            get {
                return checkCharacters; 
            set {
                checkCharacters = value; 
        public long MaxCharactersInDocument {
            get { 
                return maxCharactersInDocument;
            set {
                if (value < 0) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); 
                maxCharactersInDocument = value;

        public long MaxCharactersFromEntities {
            get { 
                return maxCharactersFromEntities;
            set { 
                if (value < 0) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                maxCharactersFromEntities = value;
        // Filtering settings 
        public bool IgnoreWhitespace {
            get { 
                return ignoreWhitespace;
            set {
                ignoreWhitespace = value;

        public bool IgnoreProcessingInstructions { 
            get {
                return ignorePIs;
            set { 
                ignorePIs = value; 
        public bool IgnoreComments {
            get {
                return ignoreComments;
            set {
                ignoreComments = value; 

        [Obsolete("Use XmlReaderSettings.DtdProcessing property instead.")]
        public bool ProhibitDtd { 
            get {
                return dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit; 
            set {
                dtdProcessing = value ? DtdProcessing.Prohibit : DtdProcessing.Parse;

        public DtdProcessing DtdProcessing { 
            get { 
                return dtdProcessing;
            set {

                if ((uint)value > (uint)DtdProcessing.Parse) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                dtdProcessing = value; 

        public bool CloseInput {
            get {
                return closeInput; 
            set { 
                closeInput = value;

        public ValidationType ValidationType { 
            get {
                return validationType; 
            set {

                if ((uint)value > (uint)ValidationType.Schema) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                validationType = value;

        public XmlSchemaValidationFlags ValidationFlags { 
            get {
                return validationFlags;
            set { 
                if ((uint)value > (uint)(XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema | XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessSchemaLocation | 
                                           XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings | XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints |
                                           XmlSchemaValidationFlags.AllowXmlAttributes)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                validationFlags = value;
        public XmlSchemaSet Schemas { 
            get {
                if (schemas == null) { 
                    schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
                return schemas;
            set {
                schemas = value; 

        public event ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler {
            add {
                valEventHandler += value;
            remove { 
                valEventHandler -= value; 
        // Public methods 
        public void Reset() {

        public XmlReaderSettings Clone() { 
            XmlReaderSettings clonedSettings = this.MemberwiseClone() as XmlReaderSettings;
            clonedSettings.ReadOnly = false; 
            return clonedSettings; 
        // Internal methods
        internal ValidationEventHandler GetEventHandler() {
            return valEventHandler; 
        internal XmlReader CreateReader(String inputUri, XmlParserContext inputContext) {
            if (inputUri == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inputUri"); 
            if (inputUri.Length == 0) { 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConvert_BadUri), "inputUri");

            // resolve and open the url 
            XmlResolver tmpResolver = this.GetXmlResolver();
            if (tmpResolver == null) { 
                tmpResolver = CreateDefaultResolver(); 
            Uri baseUri = tmpResolver.ResolveUri(null, inputUri); 
            Stream stream = (Stream)tmpResolver.GetEntity(baseUri, string.Empty, typeof(Stream));
            if (stream == null) {
                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_CannotResolveUrl, inputUri);

            // need to clone the settigns so that we can set CloseInput to true to make sure the stream gets closed in the end 
            XmlReaderSettings newSettings = this; 
            if (!newSettings.CloseInput) {
                newSettings = newSettings.Clone(); 
                newSettings.CloseInput = true;

            try { 
                // create reader
                return newSettings.CreateReader(stream, baseUri, null, inputContext); 
            catch {
        internal XmlReader CreateReader(Stream input, Uri baseUri, string baseUriString, XmlParserContext inputContext) {
            if (input == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input"); 
            if (baseUriString == null) { 
                if (baseUri == null) {
                    baseUriString = string.Empty;
                else { 
                    baseUriString = baseUri.ToString();

            // create text XML reader 
            XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReaderImpl(input, null, 0, this, baseUri, baseUriString, inputContext, closeInput);

            // wrap with validating reader 
            if (this.ValidationType != ValidationType.None) {
                reader = AddValidation(reader); 
            return reader;

        internal XmlReader CreateReader(TextReader input, string baseUriString, XmlParserContext inputContext) { 
            if (input == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input"); 
            if (baseUriString == null) {
                baseUriString = string.Empty; 

            // create xml text reader
            XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReaderImpl(input, this, baseUriString, inputContext); 

            // wrap with validating reader 
            if (this.ValidationType != ValidationType.None) {
                reader = AddValidation(reader); 

            return reader; 
        internal XmlReader CreateReader(XmlReader reader) { 
            if (reader == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); 
            // wrap with conformance layer (if needed)
            return AddConformanceWrapper(reader); 
            // wrap with validating reader and a conformance layer (if needed) 
            return AddValidationAndConformanceWrapper(reader); 

        internal bool ReadOnly {
            get {
                return isReadOnly; 
            set { 
                isReadOnly = value; 

        void CheckReadOnly(string propertyName) {
            if (isReadOnly) {
                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_ReadOnlyProperty, this.GetType().Name + '.' + propertyName); 
        // Private methods 
        void Initialize() {
            nameTable = null;
            xmlResolver = CreateDefaultResolver(); 
            lineNumberOffset = 0;
            linePositionOffset = 0; 
            checkCharacters = true; 
            conformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            ignoreWhitespace = false;
            ignorePIs = false;
            ignoreComments = false;
            dtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit; 
            closeInput = false;
            maxCharactersFromEntities = 0; 
            maxCharactersInDocument = 0;
            schemas = null;
            validationType = ValidationType.None;
            validationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints; 
            validationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.AllowXmlAttributes;
            isReadOnly = false; 
        XmlResolver CreateDefaultResolver() {
            return new XmlXapResolver();
            return new XmlUrlResolver();

        internal XmlReader AddValidation(XmlReader reader) {
            if (this.validationType == ValidationType.Schema) {
                reader = new XsdValidatingReader(reader, this.GetXmlResolver(), this);
            else if (this.validationType == ValidationType.DTD) {
                reader = CreateDtdValidatingReader(reader); 
            return reader;

        private XmlReader AddValidationAndConformanceWrapper(XmlReader reader) {
            // wrap with DTD validating reader
            if (this.validationType == ValidationType.DTD) { 
                reader = CreateDtdValidatingReader(reader);
            // add conformance checking (must go after DTD validation because XmlValidatingReader works only on XmlTextReader), 
            // but before XSD validation because of typed value access
            reader = AddConformanceWrapper(reader); 

            if (this.validationType == ValidationType.Schema) {
                reader = new XsdValidatingReader(reader, GetXmlResolver(), this);
            return reader;
        private XmlValidatingReaderImpl CreateDtdValidatingReader(XmlReader baseReader) {
            return new XmlValidatingReaderImpl(baseReader, this.GetEventHandler(), (this.ValidationFlags & XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints) != 0); 

        internal XmlReader AddConformanceWrapper(XmlReader baseReader) { 
            XmlReaderSettings baseReaderSettings = baseReader.Settings;
            bool checkChars = false; 
            bool noWhitespace = false; 
            bool noComments = false;
            bool noPIs = false; 
            DtdProcessing dtdProc = (DtdProcessing)(-1);
            bool needWrap = false;

            if (baseReaderSettings == null) { 

#pragma warning disable 618 
                if (this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto) { 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));
                if (this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto && this.conformanceLevel != XmlReader.GetV1ConformanceLevel(baseReader)) { 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));

                // get the V1 XmlTextReader ref
                XmlTextReader v1XmlTextReader = baseReader as XmlTextReader;
                if (v1XmlTextReader == null) {
                    XmlValidatingReader vr = baseReader as XmlValidatingReader; 
                    if (vr != null) {
                        v1XmlTextReader = (XmlTextReader)vr.Reader; 

                // assume the V1 readers already do all conformance checking;
                // wrap only if IgnoreWhitespace, IgnoreComments, IgnoreProcessingInstructions or ProhibitDtd is true;
                if (this.ignoreWhitespace) { 
                    WhitespaceHandling wh = WhitespaceHandling.All;
                    // special-case our V1 readers to see if whey already filter whitespaces 
                    if (v1XmlTextReader != null) {
                        wh = v1XmlTextReader.WhitespaceHandling; 
                    if (wh == WhitespaceHandling.All) {
                        noWhitespace = true; 
                        needWrap = true;
                if (this.ignoreComments) {
                    noComments = true; 
                    needWrap = true;
                if (this.ignorePIs) {
                    noPIs = true; 
                    needWrap = true;
                // DTD processing 
                DtdProcessing baseDtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse;
                if (v1XmlTextReader != null) {
                    baseDtdProcessing = v1XmlTextReader.DtdProcessing;
                if ((this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit && baseDtdProcessing != DtdProcessing.Prohibit) ||
                    (this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Ignore && baseDtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Parse)) { 
                    dtdProc = this.dtdProcessing; 
                    needWrap = true;
#pragma warning restore 618
            else {
                if (this.conformanceLevel != baseReaderSettings.ConformanceLevel && this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto) { 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));
                if (this.checkCharacters && !baseReaderSettings.CheckCharacters) { 
                    checkChars = true;
                    needWrap = true; 
                if (this.ignoreWhitespace && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreWhitespace) {
                    noWhitespace = true;
                    needWrap = true; 
                if (this.ignoreComments && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreComments) { 
                    noComments = true; 
                    needWrap = true;
                if (this.ignorePIs && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions) {
                    noPIs = true;
                    needWrap = true;
                if ((this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit && baseReaderSettings.DtdProcessing != DtdProcessing.Prohibit) ||
                    (this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Ignore && baseReaderSettings.DtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Parse)) { 
                    dtdProc = this.dtdProcessing; 
                    needWrap = true;

            if (needWrap) {
                IXmlNamespaceResolver readerAsNSResolver = baseReader as IXmlNamespaceResolver; 
                if (readerAsNSResolver != null) {
                    return new XmlCharCheckingReaderWithNS(baseReader, readerAsNSResolver, checkChars, noWhitespace, noComments, noPIs, dtdProc); 
                else {
                    return new XmlCharCheckingReader(baseReader, checkChars, noWhitespace, noComments, noPIs, dtdProc); 
            else {
                return baseReader; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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