PolicyFactory.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ WCF / WCF / 3.5.30729.1 / untmp / Orcas / SP / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / infocard / Service / managed / Microsoft / InfoCards / PolicyFactory.cs / 1 / PolicyFactory.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Presharp uses the c# pragma mechanism to supress its warnings. 
// These are not recognised by the base compiler so we need to explictly
// disable the following warnings. See http://winweb/cse/Tools/PREsharp/userguide/default.asp 
// for details. 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691      // unknown message, unknown pragma 

namespace Microsoft.InfoCards 
    using System; 
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.IdentityModel.Tokens;
    using System.IdentityModel.Selectors; 
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
    using System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens;
    using IDT = Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics.InfoCardTrace;

    internal enum PolicyType
    // This class contains the xml string forms of the incoming policy.  It is used to manage the cases where we
    // are dealing with a composite of primary and secondary policies.
    internal class ParsedPolicy
        private string m_policyXmlOriginal;     // Stores a copy of the original xml from which the policies were parsed. 
        private string m_policyXmlPrimary;      // Stores the raw policy xml for the primary policy.
        private string m_policyXmlSecondary;    // Stores the raw policy xml for the secondary policy. 
        private PolicyType m_policyType;        // Stores whether both primary and secondary policy are present.

        public string PolicyXmlOriginal
                return m_policyXmlOriginal; 

        public string PolicyXmlPrimary
                return m_policyXmlPrimary; 
        public string PolicyXmlSecondary
                return m_policyXmlSecondary;

        public PolicyType PolicyType 
                return m_policyType; 
        public ParsedPolicy( string policyXmlOriginal, string policyXmlPrimary, string policyXmlSecondary )
            IDT.Assert( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyXmlOriginal ), "Original Policy Xml cannot be null or empty" );

            m_policyXmlOriginal = policyXmlOriginal;
            m_policyXmlPrimary = policyXmlPrimary;
            m_policyXmlSecondary = policyXmlSecondary; 

            if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyXmlPrimary ) && String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyXmlSecondary ) ) 
                m_policyType = PolicyType.PrimaryOnly;
            else if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyXmlPrimary ) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyXmlSecondary ) ) 
                m_policyType = PolicyType.Composite; 
            else if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyXmlPrimary ) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyXmlSecondary ) )
                m_policyType = PolicyType.SecondaryOnly;
                IDT.Assert( false, "Both policies cannot be empty" );
    internal class PolicyFactory
        private PolicyFactory()
        public static Policy CreatePolicyFromUnwrappedPolicyXml( string originalPolicyXml ) 
            // wrap it in a root element to make it parseable
            string rstPolicyXml = String.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<{0}:{1} xmlns:{0}='{2}'>{3}"
                                           , XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyXmlSoap2005.Instance.DefaultPrefix 
                                           , XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyXmlSoap2005.Instance.RequestSecurityTokenTemplate
                                           , XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyXmlSoap2005.Instance.Namespace 
                                           , originalPolicyXml ); 

            return new Policy( originalPolicyXml, rstPolicyXml ); 

        // Used by CustomTokenProvider 
        public static InfoCardPolicy CreatePolicyForCustomTokenProvider( EndpointAddress immediateTokenRecipient, 
                                                                         IssuedSecurityTokenParameters issuedTokenParameters, 
                                                                         ProtocolProfile profile )
            ParsedPolicy policy = CreateParsedPolicy( issuedTokenParameters.CreateRequestParameters( profile.MsgSecurityVersion, profile.TokenSerializer ) );

            return new InfoCardPolicy( immediateTokenRecipient
                                      , issuedTokenParameters.IssuerAddress 
                                      , policy
                                      , PolicyUsageContext.GetToken 
                                      , null  //there is no privacy URL 
                                      , 0     //there is no privacy version
                                      , null  //recipientIdentity will be populated later via SetRecipientInfo 
                                      , false );

        // Used by GetBrowserTokenRequest
        // Remarks: 
        // (a) If target xmlelement is null, which is not supposed to be, this will automatically throw.
        // (b) IssuerElement can be null. 
        public static InfoCardPolicy CreatePolicyForGetBrowserTokenRequest( CardSpacePolicyElement policyElement,
                                                                            Uri recipientPolicyNoticeLink,
                                                                            uint recipientPolicyNoticeVersion, 
                                                                            RecipientIdentity recipientIdentity,
                                                                            PolicyUsageContext usageContext ) 

            EndpointAddress immediateTokenRecipient = null; 
            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyElement.Target.OuterXml ) )
                immediateTokenRecipient = CreateEndpointAddressFromString( policyElement.Target.OuterXml );

            EndpointAddress issuer = null; 
            if( null != policyElement.Issuer ) 
                if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyElement.Issuer.OuterXml ) ) 
                    issuer = CreateEndpointAddressFromString( policyElement.Issuer.OuterXml );

            ParsedPolicy policy = CreateParsedPolicy( policyElement.Parameters ); 
            // Don't use policyElement.PolicyNoticeLink (and PolicyNoticeVersion) here because 
            // we need to pass in the RECIPIENT's PolicyNoticeLink (and policyNoticeVersion).
            return new InfoCardPolicy( immediateTokenRecipient
                                        , issuer 
                                        , policy
                                        , usageContext 
                                        , null != recipientPolicyNoticeLink ? recipientPolicyNoticeLink.ToString() : null 
                                        , recipientPolicyNoticeVersion
                                        , recipientIdentity 
                                        , false );  // we need the recipientIdentity here because we validate the recipient before we parse the policy

        // Used by GetBrowserTokenRequest 
        // Remarks:
        // (a) If target xmlelement is null, which is not supposed to be, this will automatically throw. 
        // (b) IssuerElement can be null.
        public static InfoCardPolicy CreatePolicyForIntermediateGetBrowserTokenRequest( CardSpacePolicyElement policyElement,
                                                                            Uri recipientPolicyNoticeLink, 
                                                                            uint recipientPolicyNoticeVersion,
                                                                            RecipientIdentity recipientIdentity ) 

            EndpointAddress immediateTokenRecipient = null; 
            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyElement.Target.OuterXml ) )
                immediateTokenRecipient = CreateEndpointAddressFromString( policyElement.Target.OuterXml );

            EndpointAddress issuer = null; 
            if( null != policyElement.Issuer ) 
                if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyElement.Issuer.OuterXml ) ) 
                    issuer = CreateEndpointAddressFromString( policyElement.Issuer.OuterXml );

            ParsedPolicy policy = CreateParsedPolicy( policyElement.Parameters ); 
            // Don't use policyElement.PolicyNoticeLink (and PolicyNoticeVersion) here because 
            // we need to pass in the RECIPIENT's PolicyNoticeLink (and policyNoticeVersion).
            return new InfoCardPolicy( immediateTokenRecipient
                                        , issuer 
                                        , policy
                                        , PolicyUsageContext.Intermediate 
                                        , null != recipientPolicyNoticeLink ? recipientPolicyNoticeLink.ToString() : null 
                                        , recipientPolicyNoticeVersion
                                        , recipientIdentity 
                                        , false );  // we need the recipientIdentity here because we validate the recipient before we parse the policy

        // Used by GetTokenRequest
        public static InfoCardPolicy CreatePolicyForGetTokenRequest( BinaryReader reader, 
                                                                     string recipientXml,
                                                                     string issuerXml, 
                                                                     string policyXml,
                                                                     bool isManaged )
            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( policyXml ) ) 
                // We need to convert the incoming raw policy XML string into a DOM so we can manipulate it. 
                // wrap it in a root element to make it parseable
                string wrappedPolicyXml = String.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<{0}:{1} xmlns:{0}='{2}'>{3}" 
                                               , XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyXmlSoap2005.Instance.DefaultPrefix
                                               , XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyXmlSoap2005.Instance.RequestSecurityTokenTemplate 
                                               , XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyXmlSoap2005.Instance.Namespace 
                                               , policyXml );
                XmlDocument policyElements = new XmlDocument();
                policyElements.LoadXml( wrappedPolicyXml );

                Collection elements = new Collection(); 

                foreach( XmlElement element in policyElements.DocumentElement.ChildNodes ) 
                    elements.Add( element );

                ParsedPolicy policy = CreateParsedPolicy( elements );

                return new InfoCardPolicy( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( recipientXml ) ? CreateEndpointAddressFromString( recipientXml ) : null 
                                          , !String.IsNullOrEmpty( issuerXml ) ? CreateEndpointAddressFromString( issuerXml ) : null
                                          , policy 
                                          , PolicyUsageContext.GetToken 
                                          , null   //privacy URL will be populated later as this is NOT true
                                          , 0      //privacy version will be populated later 
                                          , null
                                          , isManaged ); //recipientIdentity will be populated later via SetRecipientInfo
                // policyXml is null.  We should only receive a null policy Xml if the isManaged flag is set. 
                if( !isManaged ) 
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new PolicyValidationException( SR.GetString( SR.InvalidPolicySpecified ) ) );
                return new InfoCardPolicy( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( recipientXml ) ? CreateEndpointAddressFromString( recipientXml ) : null
                                          , !String.IsNullOrEmpty( issuerXml ) ? CreateEndpointAddressFromString( issuerXml ) : null 
                                          , null 
                                          , PolicyUsageContext.GetToken
                                          , null   //privacy URL will be populated later as this is NOT true 
                                          , 0      //privacy version will be populated later
                                          , null
                                          , isManaged ); //recipientIdentity will be populated later via SetRecipientInfo
        private static ParsedPolicy CreateParsedPolicy( IEnumerable elements )
                XmlElement secondaryParams = null;
                StringBuilder primaryPolicyBuilder = new StringBuilder();       // Used to concatenate the strings belonging to the primary policy.
                StringBuilder originalPolicyBuilder = new StringBuilder();      // Used to concatenate all strings inside the Xml elements 
                foreach( XmlElement element in elements )
                    originalPolicyBuilder.Append( element.OuterXml );

                    if( element.LocalName == XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_SecondaryParameters &&
                        element.NamespaceURI == XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace ) 
                        // Found a SecondaryParameters element.  Set this element aside to use later 
                        // on in the formation of the composite policy.
                        secondaryParams = element;
                        primaryPolicyBuilder.Append( element.OuterXml );

                if( null != secondaryParams ) 
                    // We have a valid SecondaryParameters element.
                    return new ParsedPolicy( originalPolicyBuilder.ToString(), primaryPolicyBuilder.ToString(), secondaryParams.InnerXml );
                    return new ParsedPolicy( originalPolicyBuilder.ToString(), primaryPolicyBuilder.ToString(), null ); 
            catch( XmlException xe )
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new PolicyValidationException( SR.GetString( SR.InvalidPolicySpecified ), xe ) );

        // Summary:
        // Takes a fragment of xml and tries to deserialize it into an EndpointAddress.
        // Parameters: 
        // fragment - A fragment of Xml to deserialize into an EndpointAddress.
        private static EndpointAddress CreateEndpointAddressFromString( string fragment ) 
                using( XmlReader reader = LoadXmlIntoReader( fragment.Trim() ) )
                    // We ignore the reader.MoveToElement return, because the
                    //  constructor of EndpointAddress will throw an exception 
                    //  for us. 
                    EndpointAddress epr;

                    epr = EndpointAddress.ReadFrom( XmlDictionaryReader.CreateDictionaryReader( reader ) );
                    return epr;
            catch( Exception e )
                if( IDT.IsFatal( e ) )
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError(
                                new PolicyValidationException( 
                                                    SR.ServiceInvalidEprInPolicy ), e ) );

        // Summary: 
        // Takes a fragment of xml in the form of a string and returns an XmlReader.
        // Parameters: 
        // fragment - A fragment of Xml to load into an XmlReader.
        private static XmlReader LoadXmlIntoReader( string fragment )
            return InfoCardSchemas.CreateReader( fragment );

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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