CompareInfo.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Globalization / CompareInfo.cs / 1 / CompareInfo.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
//  Class:    CompareInfo 
//  Purpose:  This class implements a set of methods for comparing
//            strings.
//  Date:     August 12, 1998 
namespace System.Globalization {
    // We're dependent on the m_pSortingTable getting created when an instance of the
    // class is initialized (through a call to InitializeCompareInfo).  When in
    // native, we assume that the table has already been allocated.  we may decide 
    // to delay-allocate any of the tables (as we may do for US English)//
    // System.Globalization.SortKey also uses the m_pSortingTables.  Currently the only 
    // way to get a SortKey is to call through CompareInfo, which means that the table 
    // has already been initialized.  If this invariant changes, SortKey's constructor
    // needs to call InitializedSortingTable (which can safely be called multiple times 
    // for the same locale.)

    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Reflection; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 

    //  Options can be used during string comparison. 
    //  Native implementation (COMNlsInfo.cpp & SortingTable.cpp) relies on the values of these, 
    //  If you change the values below, be sure to change the values in native part as well.

    public enum CompareOptions 
        None                = 0x00000000,

        IgnoreCase          = 0x00000001,
        IgnoreNonSpace      = 0x00000002,
        IgnoreSymbols       = 0x00000004, 

        IgnoreKanaType      = 0x00000008,   // ignore kanatype 

        IgnoreWidth         = 0x00000010,   // ignore width

        OrdinalIgnoreCase   = 0x10000000,   // This flag can not be used with other flags. 

        StringSort          = 0x20000000,   // use string sort method 
        Ordinal             = 0x40000000,   // This flag can not be used with other flags.
        // StopOnNull      = 0x10000000,

        // StopOnNull is defined in SortingTable.h, but we didn't enable this option here.
        // Do not use this value for other flags accidentally. 
    public class CompareInfo : IDeserializationCallback

        // Mask used to check if IndexOf()/LastIndexOf()/IsPrefix()/IsPostfix() has the right flags. 
        private const CompareOptions ValidIndexMaskOffFlags = ~(CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreSymbols | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace | CompareOptions.IgnoreWidth | CompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType);
        // Mask used to check if Compare() has the right flags. 
        private const CompareOptions ValidCompareMaskOffFlags = ~(CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreSymbols | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace | CompareOptions.IgnoreWidth | CompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType | CompareOptions.StringSort); 
        // Mask used to check if GetHashCodeOfString() has the right flags.
        private const CompareOptions ValidHashCodeOfStringMaskOffFlags = ~(CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreSymbols | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace | CompareOptions.IgnoreWidth | CompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType); 

        unsafe internal static extern byte[] nativeCreateSortKey(void* pSortingFile, String pString, int dwFlags, int win32LCID);
        unsafe internal static extern int nativeGetGlobalizedHashCode(void* pSortingFile, String pString, int dwFlags, int win32LCID); 
        unsafe internal static extern bool nativeIsSortable(void* pSortingFile, String pString); 

        internal static extern int nativeCompareString(int lcid, string string1, int offset1, int length1, 
                                                                 string string2, int offset2, int length2, int flags);
        // Private object for locking instead of locking on a public type for SQL reliability work. 
        private static Object s_InternalSyncObject; 
        private static Object InternalSyncObject {
            get { 
                if (s_InternalSyncObject == null) {
                    Object o = new Object();
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_InternalSyncObject, o, null);
                return s_InternalSyncObject;

        **Action: Get the CompareInfo constructed from the data table in the specified assembly for the specified culture.
        **       The purpose of this method is to provide versioning for CompareInfo tables.
        **       If you pass Assembly which contains different sorting table, you will sort your strings using the data
        **       in the assembly. 
        **Returns: The CompareInfo for the specified culture.
        **   culture     the ID of the culture 
        **   assembly   the assembly which contains the sorting table.
        **  ArugmentNullException when the assembly is null
        **  ArgumentException if culture is invalid.
        /* The design goal here is that we can still provide version even when the underlying algorithm for CompareInfo
             is totally changed in the future. 
             In the case that the algorithm for CompareInfo is changed, we can use this method to 
             provide the old algorithm for the old tables.  The idea is to change the implementation for GetCompareInfo()
             to something like: 
               1. Check the ID of the assembly.
               2. If the assembly needs old code, create an instance of the old CompareInfo class. The name of CompareInfo
                  will be like CompareInfoVersion1 and extends from CompareInfo.
               3. Otherwise, create an instance of the current CompareInfo. 
             The CompareInfo ctor always provides the implementation for the current data table.

        public static CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(int culture, Assembly assembly) { 
            // Parameter checking.
            if (assembly == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");

            if (CultureTableRecord.IsCustomCultureId(culture)) 
                // Customized culture cannot be created by the LCID.
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CustomCultureCannotBePassedByNumber", "culture")); 
            if (assembly!=typeof(Object).Module.Assembly) {
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_OnlyMscorlib"));

            // culture is verified to see if it is valid when CompareInfo is constructed. 
            GlobalizationAssembly ga = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationAssembly(assembly);
            Object compInfo = ga.compareInfoCache[culture]; 
            if (compInfo == null) {
                lock (InternalSyncObject) {
                    // Re-check again to make sure that no one has created the CompareInfo for the culture yet before the current 
                    // thread enters this sync block.
                    if ((compInfo = ga.compareInfoCache[culture]) == null) { 
                        compInfo = new CompareInfo(ga, culture);
                        ga.compareInfoCache[culture] = compInfo;

            return ((CompareInfo)compInfo); 

        // GetCompareInfoByName get CompareInfo object using the name. it is the shared code
        // between GetCompareInfo(name) and GetCompareInfo(name, assembly)

        private const int TraditionalChineseCultureId = 0x7C04; 
        private const int HongKongCultureId           = 0x0C04; 

        private static CompareInfo GetCompareInfoByName(string name, Assembly assembly) 
            CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(name);
            if (cultureInfo.IsNeutralCulture && !CultureTableRecord.IsCustomCultureId(cultureInfo.cultureID))
                // When requesting CompareInfo with name we always retun a specific (non neutral) one even
                // the input name is neutral. this to keep compatibility with Everett. 
                // "passing "en" we'll get "en-US" with 0x409 LCID 
                if (cultureInfo.cultureID == TraditionalChineseCultureId)
                    cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(HongKongCultureId); 
                    cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(cultureInfo.CompareInfoId);
            CompareInfo compareInfo;
            if (assembly != null) 
                compareInfo = GetCompareInfo(cultureInfo.CompareInfoId, assembly);
                compareInfo = GetCompareInfo(cultureInfo.CompareInfoId);

            // Compare info name is known by the cultureInfo
            compareInfo.m_name = cultureInfo.SortName; 

            return compareInfo; 

        **Action: Get the CompareInfo constructed from the data table in the specified assembly for the specified culture.
        **       The purpose of this method is to provide version for CompareInfo tables.
        **Returns: The CompareInfo for the specified culture. 
        **   name    the name of the culture 
        **   assembly   the assembly which contains the sorting table. 
        **  ArugmentNullException when the assembly is null 
        **  ArgumentException if name is invalid.

        public static CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(String name, Assembly assembly) { 
            if (name == null || assembly == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException(name == null ? "name" : "assembly"); 

            if (assembly!=typeof(Object).Module.Assembly) { 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_OnlyMscorlib"));

            return GetCompareInfoByName(name, assembly); 
        **Action: Get the CompareInfo for the specified culture.
        ** This method is provided for ease of integration with NLS-based software. 
        **Returns: The CompareInfo for the specified culture.
        **   culture    the ID of the culture.
        **  ArgumentException if culture is invalid.
        **  We optimize in the default case.  We don't go thru the GlobalizationAssembly hashtable. 
        **  Instead, we access the m_defaultInstance directly.

        public static CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(int culture) {

            if (CultureTableRecord.IsCustomCultureId(culture)) 
                // Customized culture cannot be created by the LCID. 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CustomCultureCannotBePassedByNumber", "culture")); 
            // culture is verified to see if it is valid when CompareInfo is constructed.
            Object compInfo = GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.compareInfoCache[culture];
            if (compInfo == null) {
                lock (InternalSyncObject) { 
                    // Re-check again to make sure that no one has created the CompareInfo for the culture yet before the current 
                    // thread enters this sync block. 
                    if ((compInfo = GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.compareInfoCache[culture]) == null) { 
                        compInfo = new CompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance, culture);
                        GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.compareInfoCache[culture] = compInfo;
            return ((CompareInfo)compInfo); 
        **Action: Get the CompareInfo for the specified culture.
        **Returns: The CompareInfo for the specified culture.
        **   name    the name of the culture.
        **  ArgumentException if name is invalid. 
        public static CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(String name) {
            if (name == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

            return GetCompareInfoByName(name, null); 

        public static bool IsSortable(char ch) {
        public static bool IsSortable(String text) { 
            if (text == null) { 
                // A null param is invalid here.
                throw new ArgumentNullException("text"); 

            if (0 == text.Length) {
                // A zero length string is not invalid, but it is also not sortable. 
            unsafe {
                return(nativeIsSortable(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.m_pSortingTable, text)); 

#region Serialization 
        // the following fields are defined to keep the compatibility with Everett.
        // don't change/remove the names/types of these fields. 
        private int win32LCID;             // mapped sort culture id of this instance 
        private int culture;               // the culture ID used to create this instance.
        private void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext ctx)
            this.culture         = -1; 
            this.m_sortingLCID   = -1;
        private unsafe void OnDeserialized()
            BCLDebug.Assert(this.culture >= 0, "[CompareInfo.OnDeserialized] - culture >= 0");

            // Get the Win32 LCID used to create NativeCompareInfo, which only takes Win32 LCID.
            if (m_sortingLCID <= 0) 
                m_sortingLCID = GetSortingLCID(this.culture); 
            if (m_pSortingTable == null && !IsSynthetic)
                m_pSortingTable = InitializeCompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, this.m_sortingLCID);
            BCLDebug.Assert(IsSynthetic || m_pSortingTable != null, "m_pSortingTable != null");
            // m_name is intialized later if it not exist in the serialization stream 
        private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext ctx) 
        private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext ctx) 
            win32LCID   = m_sortingLCID;
#endregion Serialization

        ///////////////////////////----- Name -----/////////////////////////////////
        //  Returns the name of the culture (well actually, of the sort).
        //  Very important for providing a non-LCID way of identifying 
        //  what the sort is. 

        public virtual String Name
                if (m_name == null) 
                    m_name = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(culture).SortName; 

        internal void SetName(string name) 
            m_name = name; 

        internal static void ClearDefaultAssemblyCache()
            lock (InternalSyncObject)
                GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.compareInfoCache = new Hashtable(4); 

        internal CultureTableRecord CultureTableRecord
                if (m_cultureTableRecord == null) 
                    m_cultureTableRecord = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(this.m_sortingLCID).m_cultureTableRecord; 

                return m_cultureTableRecord;
        private bool IsSynthetic { get { return CultureTableRecord.IsSynthetic; } }
        // pSortingTable is a 32-bit pointer value pointing to a native C++ SortingTable object.
        [NonSerialized] unsafe internal void* m_pSortingTable; 
        [NonSerialized] private int m_sortingLCID;             // mapped sort culture id of this instance
        [NonSerialized] private CultureTableRecord m_cultureTableRecord; 
        [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)]
        private String m_name = null;                          // The name of the culture of this instance 

        //  CompareInfo Constructor 

        // Constructs an instance that most closely corresponds to the NLS locale
        // identifier. 
        internal unsafe CompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly ga, int culture) {
            if (culture < 0) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("culture", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum")); 
            // Get the Win32 LCID used to create NativeCompareInfo, which only takes Win32 LCID. 
            this.m_sortingLCID = GetSortingLCID(culture);

            // If version support is enabled, InitializeCompareInfo should use ga instead of getting the default
            // instance. 

            // Call to the native side to create/get the corresponding native C++ SortingTable for this culture. 
            // The returned value is a 32-bit pointer to the native C++ SortingTable instance. 
            // We cache this pointer so that we can call methods of the SortingTable directly.
            if (!IsSynthetic) 
                m_pSortingTable = InitializeCompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, this.m_sortingLCID);
            // Since this.m_sortingLCID can be different from the passed-in culture in the case of neutral cultures, store the culture ID in a different place. 
            this.culture = culture;

        internal int GetSortingLCID(int culture) {
            int sortingLCID = 0;
            // Verify that this is a valid culture. 
            CultureInfo cultureObj = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(culture); 
            // Note we cannot use IsSynthetic property directly here because CultureTableRecord is not
            // constructed yet and it depends on the sort Id we return here in the construction. 
            if (cultureObj.m_cultureTableRecord.IsSynthetic)
                return culture;

            // We do the following because the native C++ SortingTable is based on the 
            // WIN32 LCID.  It doesn't work for neutral cultures liek 0x0009.  So we convert culture 
            // to a Win32 LCID here.
            // Get Sort ID from culture.  This will affect the result of string comparison.
            sortingLCID = cultureObj.CompareInfoId;

            int sortID = CultureInfo.GetSortID(culture); 
            if (sortID != 0) {
                // Need to verify if the Sort ID is valid. 
                if (!cultureObj.m_cultureTableRecord.IsValidSortID(sortID)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                            Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CultureNotSupported"), culture), "culture");
                // This is an alterinative sort LCID.  Hey man, don't forget to take your SORTID with you. 
                sortingLCID |= sortID << 16;
            return (sortingLCID); 



        // These flags is used in the native Win32. so we need to map the managed options to those flags
        private const int NORM_IGNORECASE       = 0x00000001;       // Ignores case. 
        private const int NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE   = 0x00010000;       // Does not differentiate between Hiragana and Katakana characters. Corresponding Hiragana and Katakana will compare as equal.
        private const int NORM_IGNORENONSPACE   = 0x00000002;       // Ignores nonspacing. This flag also removes Japanese accent characters. 
        private const int NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS    = 0x00000004;       // Ignores symbols.
        private const int NORM_IGNOREWIDTH      = 0x00020000;       // Does not differentiate between a single-byte character and the same character as a double-byte character.
        private const int SORT_STRINGSORT       = 0x00001000;       // Treats punctuation the same as symbols.
        internal static int GetNativeCompareFlags(CompareOptions options)
            int nativeCompareFlags = 0; 

            if ((options & CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)       != 0) { nativeCompareFlags |= NORM_IGNORECASE;        } 
            if ((options & CompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType)   != 0) { nativeCompareFlags |= NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE;    }
            if ((options & CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace)   != 0) { nativeCompareFlags |= NORM_IGNORENONSPACE;    }
            if ((options & CompareOptions.IgnoreSymbols)    != 0) { nativeCompareFlags |= NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS;     }
            if ((options & CompareOptions.IgnoreWidth)      != 0) { nativeCompareFlags |= NORM_IGNOREWIDTH;       } 
            if ((options & CompareOptions.StringSort)       != 0) { nativeCompareFlags |= SORT_STRINGSORT;        }
            return nativeCompareFlags; 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL

        //  Compare
        //  Compares the two strings with the given options.  Returns 0 if the 
        //  two strings are equal, a number less than 0 if string1 is less
        //  than string2, and a number greater than 0 if string1 is greater 
        //  than string2.

        public virtual int Compare(String string1, String string2) 
            return (Compare(string1, string2, CompareOptions.None));

        public unsafe virtual int Compare(String string1, String string2, CompareOptions options){
            if (options == CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                return String.Compare(string1, string2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); 
            // Verify the options before we do any real comparison.
            if ((options & CompareOptions.Ordinal) != 0)
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal) 
                    //Our paradigm is that null sorts less than any other string and 
                    //that two nulls sort as equal. 
                    if (string1 == null) {
                        if (string2 == null) { 
                            return (0);     // Equal
                        return (-1);    // null < non-null
                    if (string2 == null) {
                        return (1);     // non-null > null 

                    return String.nativeCompareOrdinal(string1, string2, false); 
                } else
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CompareOptionOrdinal"), "options");
            if ((options & ValidCompareMaskOffFlags) != 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options");

            //Our paradigm is that null sorts less than any other string and
            //that two nulls sort as equal.
            if (string1 == null) { 
                if (string2 == null) {
                    return (0);     // Equal 
                return (-1);    // null < non-null
            if (string2 == null) {
                return (1);     // non-null > null
            if (IsSynthetic) 
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal) 
                    return Compare(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, string1, string2, options);
                return nativeCompareString(m_sortingLCID, string1, 0, string1.Length, string2, 0, string2.Length, GetNativeCompareFlags(options));
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

            return (Compare(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, string1, string2, options)); 

        // This native method will check the parameters and validate them accordingly.
        // COMNlsInfo::Compare 
        unsafe private static extern int Compare(void* pSortingTable, int sortingLCID, String string1, String string2, CompareOptions options); 

        //  Compare
        //  Compares the specified regions of the two strings with the given 
        //  options.
        //  Returns 0 if the two strings are equal, a number less than 0 if 
        //  string1 is less than string2, and a number greater than 0 if 
        //  string1 is greater than string2.

        public unsafe virtual int Compare(String string1, int offset1, int length1, String string2, int offset2, int length2) 
            return Compare(string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2, 0); 

        public unsafe virtual int Compare(String string1, int offset1, String string2, int offset2, CompareOptions options)
            return Compare(string1, offset1, string1 == null ? 0 : string1.Length-offset1,
                           string2, offset2, string2 == null ? 0 : string2.Length-offset2, options); 
        public unsafe virtual int Compare(String string1, int offset1, String string2, int offset2)
            return Compare(string1, offset1, string2, offset2, 0);

        public unsafe virtual int Compare(String string1, int offset1, int length1, String string2, int offset2, int length2, CompareOptions options)
            if (options == CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
                int result = String.Compare(string1, offset1, string2, offset2, length1 length2? 1: -1);
                return (result);

            // Verifiy inputs 
            if (length1 < 0 || length2 < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException((length1 < 0) ? "length1" : "length2", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum")); 
            if (offset1 < 0 || offset2 < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException((offset1 < 0) ? "offset1" : "offset2", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum")); 
            if (offset1 > (string1 == null ? 0 : string1.Length) - length1) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("string1", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_OffsetLength"));
            if (offset2 > (string2 == null ? 0 : string2.Length) - length2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("string2", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_OffsetLength"));
            if ((options & CompareOptions.Ordinal) != 0)
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal) 
                    // Check for the null case.
                    if (string1 == null)
                        if (string2 == null)
                            return (0); 
                        return (-1); 
                    if (string2 == null)
                        return (1); 
                    int result = String.nativeCompareOrdinalEx(string1, offset1, string2, offset2, (length1 < length2 ? length1 : length2)); 
                    if ((length1 != length2) && result == 0)
                        return (length1 > length2? 1: -1);
                    return (result);
                } else 
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CompareOptionOrdinal"), "options"); 
            if ((options & ValidCompareMaskOffFlags) != 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options");
            // Check for the null case. 
            if (string1 == null)
                if (string2 == null)
                    return (0);
                return (-1);
            if (string2 == null) 
                return (1); 

            if (IsSynthetic)
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal) 
                    return CompareRegion( 

                return nativeCompareString(m_sortingLCID, string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2, GetNativeCompareFlags(options));
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
            // Call native code to do comparison 
            return (CompareRegion(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2, options));

        // This native method will check the parameters and validate them accordingly.
        // Native method: COMNlsInfo::CompareRegion
        unsafe private static extern int CompareRegion(void* pSortingTable, int sortingLCID, String string1, int offset1, int length1, String string2, int offset2, int length2, CompareOptions options);


        [NonSerialized] static int fFindNLSStringSupported;   // Defaults to 0 -- means valid, or not yet checked

        private static unsafe int FindNLSStringWrap(int lcid, int flags, string src, int start, int cchSrc, string value, int cchValue) 
            int retval = -1; 
            fixed (char *lpStringSource = src)
                fixed (char *lpStringValue = value)
                    if(1 == fFindNLSStringSupported)
                        // Already verified the API is present, so just use it.
                        retval = Win32Native.FindNLSString(lcid, flags, &lpStringSource[start], cchSrc, lpStringValue, cchValue, IntPtr.Zero); 
                            // Call the API once with a handler (in case it is not there)
                            retval = Win32Native.FindNLSString(lcid, flags, &lpStringSource[start], cchSrc, lpStringValue, cchValue, IntPtr.Zero); 
                            fFindNLSStringSupported = 1;
                            // Unable to find the method, so we will fall back to the old behavior. Return -2 
                            // so the caller knows this happeneed.
                            retval = fFindNLSStringSupported = -2;

        private bool SyntheticIsPrefix(string source, int start, int length, string prefix, int nativeCompareFlags)
            BCLDebug.Assert(start+length <= source.Length, "[CompareInfo.SyntheticIsPrefix] invalid parameters."); 
            if(fFindNLSStringSupported >= 0)
                int retval = FindNLSStringWrap(m_sortingLCID, nativeCompareFlags | Win32Native.FIND_STARTSWITH, source, start, length, prefix, prefix.Length); 
                if(retval >= -1)
                    return(retval != -1);
            for (int i=1; i<=length; i++)
                if (nativeCompareString(m_sortingLCID, prefix, 0, prefix.Length, source, start, i, nativeCompareFlags) == 0) { return true; } 
            return false; 

        // Returns the index of the substring if found one. otherwise it returns -1
        private int SyntheticIsSuffix(string source, int end, int length, string suffix, int nativeCompareFlags) 
            BCLDebug.Assert(end < source.Length && (end + 1 >= length), "[CompareInfo.SyntheticIsSuffix] invalid parameters."); 
            if(fFindNLSStringSupported >= 0) 
                int retval = FindNLSStringWrap(m_sortingLCID, nativeCompareFlags | Win32Native.FIND_ENDSWITH, source, 0, length, suffix, suffix.Length); 
                if(retval >= -1)
            for (int i=0; i= 0)
                int retval = FindNLSStringWrap(m_sortingLCID, nativeCompareFlags | Win32Native.FIND_FROMSTART, source, start, length, value, value.Length);
                if(retval > -1)
                    return(retval + start); 
                else if(retval == -1) 

            for (int i=0; i= length, "[CompareInfo.SyntheticLastIndexOf] invalid parameters.");
            if(fFindNLSStringSupported >= 0) 
                int retval = FindNLSStringWrap(m_sortingLCID, nativeCompareFlags | Win32Native.FIND_FROMEND, source, startIndex - length + 1, length, value, value.Length); 
                if(retval > -1) 
                    return(retval + (startIndex - length + 1)); 
                else if(retval == -1)
            for (int i=0; i= 0) { return index; }
            return -1; 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL

        //  IsPrefix 
        //  Determines whether prefix is a prefix of string.  If prefix equals 
        //  String.Empty, true is returned. 

        public unsafe virtual bool IsPrefix(String source, String prefix, CompareOptions options)
            if (source == null || prefix == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException((source == null ? "source" : "prefix"), 
            int prefixLen = prefix.Length; 

            if (prefixLen == 0)
                return (true); 
            if (options == CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
                return source.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); 

            if ((options & ValidIndexMaskOffFlags) != 0 && (options != CompareOptions.Ordinal)) {
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options"); 
            if (IsSynthetic) 
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal)
                    return nativeIsPrefix(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, prefix, options); 
                return SyntheticIsPrefix(source, 0, source.Length, prefix, GetNativeCompareFlags(options)); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

            return (nativeIsPrefix(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, prefix, options));
        unsafe private static extern bool nativeIsPrefix(void* pSortingTable, int sortingLCID, String source, String prefix, CompareOptions options); 

        public virtual bool IsPrefix(String source, String prefix) 
            return (IsPrefix(source, prefix, 0));

        //  IsSuffix
        //  Determines whether suffix is a suffix of string.  If suffix equals
        //  String.Empty, true is returned.

        public unsafe virtual bool IsSuffix(String source, String suffix, CompareOptions options) 
            if (source == null || suffix == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException((source == null ? "source" : "suffix"),
            int suffixLen = suffix.Length; 

            if (suffixLen == 0) 
                return (true);

            if (options == CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) {
                return source.EndsWith(suffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if ((options & ValidIndexMaskOffFlags) != 0 && (options != CompareOptions.Ordinal)) { 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options"); 
            if (IsSynthetic)
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal)
                    return nativeIsSuffix(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, suffix, options); 
                return SyntheticIsSuffix(source, source.Length - 1, source.Length, suffix, GetNativeCompareFlags(options)) >= 0; 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL

            return (nativeIsSuffix(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, suffix, options)); 
        public virtual bool IsSuffix(String source, String suffix)
            return (IsSuffix(source, suffix, 0));

        unsafe private static extern bool nativeIsSuffix(void* pSortingTable, int sortingLCID, String source, String prefix, CompareOptions options);
        //  IndexOf 
        //  Returns the first index where value is found in string.  The
        //  search starts from startIndex and ends at endIndex.  Returns -1 if
        //  the specified value is not found.  If value equals String.Empty, 
        //  startIndex is returned.  Throws IndexOutOfRange if startIndex or
        //  endIndex is less than zero or greater than the length of string. 
        //  Throws ArgumentException if value is null. 

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, char value)
            if (source==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            return IndexOf(source, value, 0, source.Length, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, String value)
            if (source==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            return IndexOf(source, value, 0, source.Length, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, char value, CompareOptions options)
            if (source==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            return IndexOf(source, value, 0, source.Length, options);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, String value, CompareOptions options)
            if (source==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            return IndexOf(source, value, 0, source.Length, options);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, char value, int startIndex)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            return IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, source.Length - startIndex, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, String value, int startIndex)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            return IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, source.Length - startIndex, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, char value, int startIndex, CompareOptions options)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            return IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, source.Length - startIndex, options);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, String value, int startIndex, CompareOptions options)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            return IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, source.Length - startIndex, options);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, char value, int startIndex, int count)
            return IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, String value, int startIndex, int count) 
            return IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, char value, int startIndex, int count, CompareOptions options) 
            // Validate inputs
            if (source == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > source.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Index")); 

            if (count < 0 || startIndex > source.Length - count) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Count")); 

            if (options == CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
                return TextInfo.nativeIndexOfCharOrdinalIgnoreCase(
            // Validate CompareOptions
            // Ordinal can't be selected with other flags
            if ((options & ValidIndexMaskOffFlags) != 0 && (options != CompareOptions.Ordinal))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options"); 

            if (IsSynthetic)
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal)
                    return IndexOfChar(
                return SyntheticIndexOf(source, new String(value, 1), startIndex, count, GetNativeCompareFlags(options));
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
            return IndexOfChar(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, value, startIndex, count, (int)options); 

        public unsafe virtual int IndexOf(String source, String value, int startIndex, int count, CompareOptions options)
            // Validate inputs 
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            if (value == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
            if (startIndex > source.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Index"));

            // In Everett we used to return -1 for empty string even if startIndex is negative number so we keeping same behavior here. 
            // We return 0 if both source and value are empty strings for Everett compatibility too. 
            if (source.Length == 0)
                if (value.Length == 0)
                    return 0;
                return -1;
            if (startIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Index"));

            if (count < 0 || startIndex > source.Length - count) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count",Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Count"));
            if (options == CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
                return TextInfo.IndexOfStringOrdinalIgnoreCase(source, value, startIndex, count); 

            // Validate CompareOptions
            // Ordinal can't be selected with other flags 
            if ((options & ValidIndexMaskOffFlags) != 0 && (options != CompareOptions.Ordinal))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options"); 
            if (IsSynthetic)
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal)
                    return IndexOfString(

                return SyntheticIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, GetNativeCompareFlags(options)); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
            return IndexOfString(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, value, startIndex, count, (int)options);

        // This native method will check the parameters and validate them accordingly. 
        // Native method: COMNlsInfo::IndexOfChar
        unsafe private static extern int IndexOfChar(void* pSortingTable, int sortingLCID, String source, char value, int startIndex, int count, int options); 

        // This native method will check the parameters and validate them accordingly. 
        // Native method: COMNlsInfo::IndexOfString
        unsafe private static extern int IndexOfString(void* pSortingTable, int sortingLCID, String source, String value, int startIndex, int count, int options);

        //  LastIndexOf
        //  Returns the last index where value is found in string.  The
        //  search starts from startIndex and ends at endIndex.  Returns -1 if
        //  the specified value is not found.  If value equals String.Empty,
        //  endIndex is returned.  Throws IndexOutOfRange if startIndex or 
        //  endIndex is less than zero or greater than the length of string.
        //  Throws ArgumentException if value is null. 

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, char value)
            if (source==null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
            // Can't start at negative index, so make sure we check for the length == 0 case. 
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, source.Length - 1,
                source.Length, CompareOptions.None); 

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, String value) 
            if (source==null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 

            // Can't start at negative index, so make sure we check for the length == 0 case. 
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, source.Length - 1,
                source.Length, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, char value, CompareOptions options) 
            if (source==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 

            // Can't start at negative index, so make sure we check for the length == 0 case.
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, source.Length - 1,
                source.Length, options); 
        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, String value, CompareOptions options) 
            if (source==null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            // Can't start at negative index, so make sure we check for the length == 0 case.
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, source.Length - 1, 
                source.Length, options);

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, char value, int startIndex) 
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, startIndex + 1, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, String value, int startIndex) 
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, startIndex + 1, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, char value, int startIndex, CompareOptions options)
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, startIndex + 1, options);

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, String value, int startIndex, CompareOptions options) 
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, startIndex + 1, options);

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, char value, int startIndex, int count) 
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, String value, int startIndex, int count)
            return LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, CompareOptions.None);

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, char value, int startIndex, int count, CompareOptions options) 
            // Verify Arguments
            if (source==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 

            // Validate CompareOptions 
            // Ordinal can't be selected with other flags 
            if ((options & ValidIndexMaskOffFlags) != 0 &&
                (options != CompareOptions.Ordinal) && 
                (options != CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options");

            // Special case for 0 length input strings 
            if (source.Length == 0 && (startIndex == -1 || startIndex == 0))
                return -1; 
            // Make sure we're not out of range
            if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > source.Length) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Index"));

            // Make sure that we allow startIndex == source.Length
            if (startIndex == source.Length) 
                if (count > 0) 

            // 2nd have of this also catches when startIndex == MAXINT, so MAXINT - 0 + 1 == -1, which is < 0.
            if (count < 0 || startIndex - count + 1 < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Count")); 

            if (options == CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
                return TextInfo.nativeLastIndexOfCharOrdinalIgnoreCase(
            if (IsSynthetic) 
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal)
                    return LastIndexOfChar( 
                return SyntheticLastIndexOf(source, new String(value, 1), startIndex, count, GetNativeCompareFlags(options));
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

            return (LastIndexOfChar(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, value, startIndex, count, (int)options)); 

        public unsafe virtual int LastIndexOf(String source, String value, int startIndex, int count, CompareOptions options) 
            // Verify Arguments 
            if (source == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
            if (value == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

            // Validate CompareOptions
            // Ordinal can't be selected with other flags 
            if ((options & ValidIndexMaskOffFlags) != 0 &&
                (options != CompareOptions.Ordinal) && 
                (options != CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options");
            // Special case for 0 length input strings
            if (source.Length == 0 && (startIndex == -1 || startIndex == 0))
                return (value.Length == 0) ? 0 : -1;
            // Make sure we're not out of range
            if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > source.Length) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Index")); 

            // Make sure that we allow startIndex == source.Length 
            if (startIndex == source.Length)
                if (count > 0) 
                // If we are looking for nothing, just return 0 
                if (value.Length == 0 && count >= 0 && startIndex - count + 1 >= 0)
                    return startIndex; 

            // 2nd have of this also catches when startIndex == MAXINT, so MAXINT - 0 + 1 == -1, which is < 0.
            if (count < 0 || startIndex - count + 1 < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Count"));
            if (options == CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
                return TextInfo.LastIndexOfStringOrdinalIgnoreCase(source, value, startIndex, count); 

            if (IsSynthetic)
                if (options == CompareOptions.Ordinal) 
                    return LastIndexOfString( 
                return SyntheticLastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, GetNativeCompareFlags(options));
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
            return (LastIndexOfString(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, value, startIndex, count, (int)options));
        // This native method will check the parameters and validate them accordingly.
        // Native method: COMNlsInfo::LastIndexOfChar 
        unsafe internal static extern int LastIndexOfChar(void* pSortingTable, int sortingLCID, String source, char value, int startIndex, int count, int options);

        // This native method will check the parameters and validate them accordingly. 
        // Native method: COMNlsInfo::LastIndexOfString
        unsafe internal static extern int LastIndexOfString(void* pSortingTable, int sortingLCID, String source, String value, int startIndex, int count, int options); 

        //  GetSortKey
        //  Gets the SortKey for the given string with the given options.

        public unsafe virtual SortKey GetSortKey(String source, CompareOptions options)
            if (IsSynthetic) { return new SortKey(this.m_sortingLCID, source, options); }
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 
            // SortKey() will check the parameters and validate them accordingly.
            return (new SortKey(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, options));

        public unsafe virtual SortKey GetSortKey(String source)
            if (IsSynthetic) { return new SortKey(this.m_sortingLCID, source, CompareOptions.None); }
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL

            return (new SortKey(m_pSortingTable, this.m_sortingLCID, source, CompareOptions.None));
        //  Equals
        //  Implements Object.Equals().  Returns a boolean indicating whether
        //  or not object refers to the same CompareInfo as the current 
        //  instance.

        public override bool Equals(Object value)
            CompareInfo that = value as CompareInfo;
            if (that != null)
                return this.m_sortingLCID == that.m_sortingLCID && this.Name.Equals(that.Name); 
            return (false);

        //  GetHashCode 
        //  Implements Object.GetHashCode().  Returns the hash code for the 
        //  CompareInfo.  The hash code is guaranteed to be the same for
        //  CompareInfo A and B where A.Equals(B) is true.

        public override int GetHashCode() 
            return (this.Name.GetHashCode()); 

        //  GetHashCodeOfString
        //  This internal method allows a method that allows the equivalent of creating a Sortkey for a 
        //  string from CompareInfo, and generate a hashcode value from it.  It is not very convenient
        //  to use this method as is and it creates an unnecessary Sortkey object that will be GC'ed. 
        //  The hash code is guaranteed to be the same for string A and B where A.Equals(B) is true and both
        //  the CompareInfo and the CompareOptions are the same. If two different CompareInfo objects
        //  treat the string the same way, this implementation will treat them differently (the same way that 
        //  Sortkey does at the moment).
        //  This method will never be made public itself, but public consumers of it could be created, e.g.: 
        //      string.GetHashCode(CultureInfo) 
        //      string.GetHashCode(CompareInfo)
        //      string.GetHashCode(CultureInfo, CompareOptions)
        //      string.GetHashCode(CompareInfo, CompareOptions)
        //      etc. 
        //  (the methods above that take a CultureInfo would use CultureInfo.CompareInfo) 
        unsafe internal int GetHashCodeOfString(string source, CompareOptions options) 
            //  Parameter validation
            if(null == source)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 
            if ((options & ValidHashCodeOfStringMaskOffFlags) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFlag"), "options");

            if(0 == source.Length) 



            if (IsSynthetic) { return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.GetHashCodeOfString(source, options); }
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

            return (nativeGetGlobalizedHashCode(m_pSortingTable, source, (int)options, this.m_sortingLCID)); 

        //  ToString
        //  Implements Object.ToString().  Returns a string describing the 
        //  CompareInfo.

        public override String ToString()
            return ("CompareInfo - " + this.culture);

        public int LCID 
                return (this.culture);

        // This is a thin wrapper for InitializeNativeCompareInfo() to provide the necessary 
        // synchronization. 

        **Action: Makes a native C++ SortingTable pointer using the specified assembly and Win32 LCID.
        **Returns: a 32-bit pointer value to native C++ SrotingTable instance.
        ** This method shouldn't be called when having synthetic culture (ELK) 
        ** Couldn't assert her because this is a static method and cannot detect the synthetic cultures case.
        **      pNativeGlobalizationAssembly    the 32-bit pointer value to a native C++ NLSAssembly instance.
        **      sortingLCID       the Win32 LCID. 
        **      None.
        unsafe private static void* InitializeCompareInfo(void* pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, int sortingLCID) {
            void* pTemp = null; 

            bool tookLock = false; 
                // This is intentionally taking a process-global lock, using a CER 
                // to guarantee we release the lock.
                // Note that we should lock on a internal mscorlib type, so that 
                // no public caller can block us by locking on the same type. 
                Monitor.ReliableEnter(typeof(CultureTableRecord), ref tookLock);
                // we should lock on the call of InitializeNativeCompareInfo because it uses native static 
                // variables that are not safe to be accessed in same time from different threads.
                // Since we're just calling an FCALL method here that will
                // probe for stack space, we don't need to use
                // ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup here. 
                pTemp = InitializeNativeCompareInfo(pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, sortingLCID);
                if (tookLock) 

            BCLDebug.Assert(pTemp != null, "pTemp != null"); 
            return (pTemp);
        unsafe void IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(Object sender)

        // This method requires synchonization because class global data member is used 
        // in the native side.
        // Native method: COMNlsInfo::InitializeNativeCompareInfo 
        unsafe private static extern void* InitializeNativeCompareInfo(void* pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, int sortingLCID);


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