AppDomain.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / AppDomain.cs / 7 / AppDomain.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** Class: AppDomain 
** Purpose: Domains represent an application within the runtime. Objects can
**          not be shared between domains and each domain can be configured
**          independently.
namespace System {
    using System; 
    using System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation;
    using System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.Manifest;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime; 
    using System.Runtime.Hosting;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Security.Policy;
    using System.Security.Util; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
    using Context = System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context;
    using System.Reflection.Emit;
    using Message = System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Message;
    using CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo; 
    using System.IO;
    using BinaryFormatter = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter; 
    using AssemblyHashAlgorithm = System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm; 
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;

    public class ResolveEventArgs : EventArgs
        private String _Name; 

        public String Name { 
            get {
                return _Name;

        public ResolveEventArgs(String name) 
            _Name = name;

    public class AssemblyLoadEventArgs : EventArgs 
        private Assembly _LoadedAssembly; 
        public Assembly LoadedAssembly {
            get { 
                return _LoadedAssembly;
        public AssemblyLoadEventArgs(Assembly loadedAssembly)
            _LoadedAssembly = loadedAssembly; 

    public delegate Assembly ResolveEventHandler(Object sender, ResolveEventArgs args);
    public delegate void AssemblyLoadEventHandler(Object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args); 

    public delegate void AppDomainInitializer(string[] args); 

    internal class AppDomainInitializerInfo 
        internal class ItemInfo
            public string TargetTypeAssembly;
            public string TargetTypeName;
            public string MethodName;

        internal ItemInfo[] Info; 
        internal AppDomainInitializerInfo(AppDomainInitializer init)
            if (init==null)
            ArrayList itemInfo=new ArrayList(); 
            ArrayList nestedDelegates=new ArrayList();
            int idx=0; 

            while (nestedDelegates.Count>idx) 
                AppDomainInitializer curr=(AppDomainInitializer)nestedDelegates[idx++];
                Delegate[] list= curr.GetInvocationList();
                for (int i=0;i 0) 
                permission = new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, dataDirectory); 
            this.SetData("DataDirectory", dataDirectory, permission);
            _activationContext = activationContext;

        private void SetupDomainSecurityForApplication(ApplicationIdentity appIdentity, ApplicationTrust appTrust) { 
            // Set the Application trust on the managed side.
            _applicationIdentity = appIdentity; 
            _applicationTrust = appTrust; 
            // Set the homogeneous bit in the VM's ApplicationSecurityDescriptor.
#endif //!FEATURE_PAL

        // This method is called from CorHost2::ExecuteApplication to activate a ClickOnce application in the default AppDomain. 
        private int ActivateApplication () {
            ObjectHandle oh = Activator.CreateInstance(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ActivationContext); 
            return (int) oh.Unwrap();
#else  // !FEATURE_PAL 
            return 0;
#endif //!FEATURE_PAL
        public AppDomainManager DomainManager {
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlDomainPolicy=true)] 
            get { 
                return _domainManager;

        internal HostSecurityManager HostSecurityManager {
            get { 
                HostSecurityManager securityManager = null;
                AppDomainManager domainManager = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainManager; 
                if (domainManager != null) 
                    securityManager = domainManager.HostSecurityManager;
                if (securityManager == null)
                    securityManager = new HostSecurityManager();
                return securityManager;
        private Assembly ResolveAssemblyForIntrospection(Object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) 
            return Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(ApplyPolicy(args.Name)); 

        private void EnableResolveAssembliesForIntrospection()
            CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(ResolveAssemblyForIntrospection);
        * If an AssemblyName has a public key specified, the assembly is assumed 
        * to have a strong name and a hash will be computed when the assembly
        * is saved.
        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly( 
            AssemblyName            name,
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, null, 
                                                 null, null, null, null, ref stackMark, null);

        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly( 
                    AssemblyName name,
                    AssemblyBuilderAccess access, 
                    IEnumerable assemblyAttributes) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; 
            AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name,
                                                                            null, null, null, null, null,
                                                                            ref stackMark, 
            return assemblyBuilder; 

        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly( 
            AssemblyName            name,
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access,
            String                  dir)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, 
                                                 null, null, null, null, 
                                                 ref stackMark,

        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly(
            AssemblyName            name, 
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access,
            Evidence                evidence) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, null, 
                                                 evidence, null, null, null,
                                                 ref stackMark,

        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly( 
            AssemblyName            name, 
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access,
            PermissionSet           requiredPermissions, 
            PermissionSet           optionalPermissions,
            PermissionSet           refusedPermissions)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; 
            return InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, null, null,
                                                 ref stackMark, 

        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly( 
            AssemblyName            name,
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access, 
            String                  dir, 
            Evidence                evidence)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, evidence,
                                                 null, null, null, ref stackMark, null);

        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly( 
            AssemblyName            name, 
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access,
            String                  dir, 
            PermissionSet           requiredPermissions,
            PermissionSet           optionalPermissions,
            PermissionSet           refusedPermissions)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, null, 
                                                 ref stackMark,
        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly(
            AssemblyName            name, 
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access, 
            Evidence                evidence,
            PermissionSet           requiredPermissions, 
            PermissionSet           optionalPermissions,
            PermissionSet           refusedPermissions)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; 
            return InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, null,
                                                 ref stackMark,
        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly(
            AssemblyName            name, 
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access, 
            String                  dir,
            Evidence                evidence, 
            PermissionSet           requiredPermissions,
            PermissionSet           optionalPermissions,
            PermissionSet           refusedPermissions)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, 
                                                 ref stackMark,

        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly( 
            AssemblyName            name,
            AssemblyBuilderAccess   access, 
            String                  dir,
            Evidence                evidence,
            PermissionSet           requiredPermissions,
            PermissionSet           optionalPermissions, 
            PermissionSet           refusedPermissions,
            bool                    isSynchronized) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, 
                                                                            ref stackMark, 
            return assemblyBuilder; 

        public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly(
                    AssemblyName name, 
                    AssemblyBuilderAccess access,
                    String dir, 
                    Evidence evidence, 
                    PermissionSet requiredPermissions,
                    PermissionSet optionalPermissions, 
                    PermissionSet refusedPermissions,
                    bool isSynchronized,
                    IEnumerable assemblyAttributes)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(name, 
                                                                            ref stackMark, 
            return assemblyBuilder; 

        private extern String nApplyPolicy(AssemblyName an);

        // Return the assembly name that results from applying policy.
        public String ApplyPolicy(String assemblyName)
            AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName); 

            byte[] pk = asmName.GetPublicKeyToken(); 
            if (pk == null)
                pk = asmName.GetPublicKey();

            // Simply-named assemblies cannot have policy, so for those, 
            // we simply return the passed-in assembly name.
            if ((pk == null) || (pk.Length == 0)) 
                return assemblyName; 
                return nApplyPolicy(asmName); 

        public ObjectHandle CreateInstance(String assemblyName, 
                                           String typeName)
            // jit does not check for that, so we should do it ...
            if (this == null) 
                throw new NullReferenceException();

            if (assemblyName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyName"); 

            return Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyName, 
        internal ObjectHandle InternalCreateInstanceWithNoSecurity (string assemblyName, string typeName) {
            return CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName);

        public ObjectHandle CreateInstanceFrom(String assemblyFile, 
                                               String typeName) 

            // jit does not check for that, so we should do it ...
            if (this == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException();
            return Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile,

        internal ObjectHandle InternalCreateInstanceFromWithNoSecurity (string assemblyName, string typeName) { 
            return CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyName, typeName);
        // The first parameter should be named assemblyFile, but it was incorrectly named in a previous 
        //  release, and the compatibility police won't let us change the name now. 
        public ObjectHandle CreateComInstanceFrom(String assemblyName,
                                                  String typeName) 

            if (this == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(); 

            return Activator.CreateComInstanceFrom(assemblyName, 
        public ObjectHandle CreateComInstanceFrom(String assemblyFile,
                                                  String typeName,
                                                  byte[] hashValue,
                                                  AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm) 

            if (this == null) 
                throw new NullReferenceException();
            return Activator.CreateComInstanceFrom(assemblyFile,

        public ObjectHandle CreateInstance(String assemblyName, 
                                           String typeName,
                                           Object[] activationAttributes)

            // jit does not check for that, so we should do it ...
            if (this == null) 
                throw new NullReferenceException(); 

            if (assemblyName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyName");

            return Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyName,
        public ObjectHandle CreateInstanceFrom(String assemblyFile,
                                               String typeName, 
                                               Object[] activationAttributes)

            // jit does not check for that, so we should do it ... 
            if (this == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(); 
            return Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile,

        public ObjectHandle CreateInstance(String assemblyName, 
                                           String typeName,
                                           bool ignoreCase, 
                                           BindingFlags bindingAttr, 
                                           Binder binder,
                                           Object[] args, 
                                           CultureInfo culture,
                                           Object[] activationAttributes,
                                           Evidence securityAttributes)
            // jit does not check for that, so we should do it ...
            if (this == null) 
                throw new NullReferenceException(); 

            if (assemblyName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyName");

            return Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyName,
        internal ObjectHandle InternalCreateInstanceWithNoSecurity (string assemblyName,
                                                                    string typeName, 
                                                                    bool ignoreCase, 
                                                                    BindingFlags bindingAttr,
                                                                    Binder binder, 
                                                                    Object[] args,
                                                                    CultureInfo culture,
                                                                    Object[] activationAttributes,
                                                                    Evidence securityAttributes) { 
            return CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes); 

        public ObjectHandle CreateInstanceFrom(String assemblyFile, 
                                               String typeName,
                                               bool ignoreCase,
                                               BindingFlags bindingAttr,
                                               Binder binder, 
                                               Object[] args,
                                               CultureInfo culture, 
                                               Object[] activationAttributes, 
                                               Evidence securityAttributes)
            // jit does not check for that, so we should do it ...
            if (this == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(); 

            return Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, 
        internal ObjectHandle InternalCreateInstanceFromWithNoSecurity (string assemblyName,
                                                                        string typeName, 
                                                                        bool ignoreCase,
                                                                        BindingFlags bindingAttr,
                                                                        Binder binder,
                                                                        Object[] args, 
                                                                        CultureInfo culture,
                                                                        Object[] activationAttributes, 
                                                                        Evidence securityAttributes) { 
            return CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes); 

        public Assembly Load(AssemblyName assemblyRef)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return Assembly.InternalLoad(assemblyRef, null, ref stackMark, false); 

        public Assembly Load(String assemblyString) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return Assembly.InternalLoad(assemblyString, null, ref stackMark, false);

        public Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return Assembly.nLoadImage(rawAssembly, 
                                       null, // symbol store
                                       null, // evidence
                                       ref stackMark,

        public Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly, 
                             byte[] rawSymbolStore)
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return Assembly.nLoadImage(rawAssembly, 
                                       null, // evidence 
                                       ref stackMark, 
                                       false // fIntrospection

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, ControlEvidence = true )]
        public Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly, 
                             byte[] rawSymbolStore,
                             Evidence securityEvidence) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return Assembly.nLoadImage(rawAssembly, 
                                       ref stackMark,
                                       false // fIntrospection 
        public Assembly Load(AssemblyName assemblyRef,
                             Evidence assemblySecurity) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            return Assembly.InternalLoad(assemblyRef, assemblySecurity, ref stackMark, false);

        public Assembly Load(String assemblyString, 
                             Evidence assemblySecurity) 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; 
            return Assembly.InternalLoad(assemblyString, assemblySecurity, ref stackMark, false);

        public int ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile) 
            return ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, null, null); 

        public int ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, 
                                   Evidence assemblySecurity)
            return ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, assemblySecurity, null);

        public int ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, 
                                   Evidence assemblySecurity, 
                                   String[] args)
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyFile, assemblySecurity);

            if (args == null)
                args = new String[0]; 

            return nExecuteAssembly(assembly, args); 

        public int ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, 
                                   Evidence assemblySecurity,
                                   String[] args,
                                   byte[] hashValue,
                                   AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm) 
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyFile, 
            if (args == null)
                args = new String[0];

            return nExecuteAssembly(assembly, args); 
        public int ExecuteAssemblyByName(String assemblyName) 
            return ExecuteAssemblyByName(assemblyName, null, null); 

        public int ExecuteAssemblyByName(String assemblyName,
                                         Evidence assemblySecurity) 
            return ExecuteAssemblyByName(assemblyName, assemblySecurity, null); 

        public int ExecuteAssemblyByName(String assemblyName, 
                                         Evidence assemblySecurity,
                                         params String[] args)
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName, assemblySecurity); 

            if (args == null) 
                args = new String[0]; 

            return nExecuteAssembly(assembly, args); 

        public int ExecuteAssemblyByName(AssemblyName assemblyName,
                                         Evidence assemblySecurity, 
                                         params String[] args)
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName, assemblySecurity); 

            if (args == null) 
                args = new String[0];

            return nExecuteAssembly(assembly, args);

        public static AppDomain CurrentDomain 
            get { return Thread.GetDomain(); }

        public Evidence Evidence
            [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, ControlEvidence = true)] 
            get {
                if (_SecurityIdentity == null) { 
                    if (IsDefaultAppDomain()) { 
                        // V1.x compatibility: the evidence of the default 
                        // AppDomain is that of the entry assembly.
                        Assembly entryAsm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
                        if (entryAsm != null) 
                            return entryAsm.Evidence;
                            return new Evidence(); 
                    if (nIsDefaultAppDomainForSecurity()) { 
                        // V1.x compatibility: If this is an AppDomain created
                        // by the default appdomain without an explicit evidence
                        // then reuse the evidence of the default AppDomain. 
                        return GetDefaultDomain().Evidence; 
                Evidence ev = this.InternalEvidence;
                return (ev == null ? ev : ev.Copy());

        internal Evidence InternalEvidence 
            get {
                return _SecurityIdentity; 

        // Should return a monotonically increasing appdomain ID that is unique for 
        // the lifetime of the process.
        internal extern uint GetAppDomainId(); 

        public String FriendlyName 
            get { return nGetFriendlyName(); }
        public String BaseDirectory
            get { 
                return FusionStore.ApplicationBase;

        public String RelativeSearchPath
            get { return FusionStore.PrivateBinPath; }
        public bool ShadowCopyFiles
            get {
                String s = FusionStore.ShadowCopyFiles;
                if((s != null) &&
                   (String.Compare(s, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)) 
                    return true;
                    return false; 

        public override String ToString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

            String fn = nGetFriendlyName(); 
            if (fn != null) { 
                sb.Append(Environment.GetResourceString("Loader_Name") + fn);

            if(_Policies == null || _Policies.Length == 0)
                          + Environment.NewLine);
            else { 
                          + Environment.NewLine);
                for(int i = 0;i < _Policies.Length; i++) { 

            return sb.ToString(); 

        public Assembly[] GetAssemblies() 
            return nGetAssemblies(false /* forIntrospection */);

        public Assembly[] ReflectionOnlyGetAssemblies() 
            return nGetAssemblies(true /* forIntrospection */);

        private extern Assembly[] nGetAssemblies(bool forIntrospection);
        // this is true when the handles are gone etc so really can't do anything 
        internal extern bool IsUnloadingForcedFinalize(); 

    // this is true when we've just started going through the finalizers and are forcing objects to finalize
    // so must be aware that certain infrastructure may have gone away
        public extern bool IsFinalizingForUnload();
        internal extern void PublishAnonymouslyHostedDynamicMethodsAssembly(Assembly assembly);
        // Appends the following string to the private path. Valid paths
        // are of the form "bin;util/i386" etc.
        [Obsolete("AppDomain.AppendPrivatePath has been deprecated. Please investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPath instead.")]
        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )] 
        public void AppendPrivatePath(String path)
            if(path == null || path.Length == 0) 
            String current = FusionStore.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.PrivateBinPathValue];
            StringBuilder appendPath = new StringBuilder();

            if(current != null && current.Length > 0) { 
                // See if the last character is a separator
                if((current[current.Length-1] != Path.PathSeparator) && 
                   (path[0] != Path.PathSeparator))

            String result = appendPath.ToString(); 

        [Obsolete("AppDomain.ClearPrivatePath has been deprecated. Please investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPath instead.")] 
        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )]
        public void ClearPrivatePath()
        [Obsolete("AppDomain.ClearShadowCopyPath has been deprecated. Please investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyDirectories instead.")] 
        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )]
        public void ClearShadowCopyPath() 
        [Obsolete("AppDomain.SetCachePath has been deprecated. Please investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.CachePath instead.")]
        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )] 
        public void SetCachePath(String path) 

        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true)]
        public void SetData (string name, object data) { 
            SetDataHelper(name, data, null); 
        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true)]
        public void SetData (string name, object data, IPermission permission) { 
            SetDataHelper(name, data, permission);
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.AppDomain)] 
        private void SetDataHelper (string name, object data, IPermission permission) {
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
            // Synopsis: 
            //   IgnoreSystemPolicy is provided as a legacy flag to allow callers to 
            //   skip enterprise, machine and user policy levels. When this flag is set,
            //   any demands triggered in this AppDomain will be evaluated against the 
            //   AppDomain CAS policy level that is set on the AppDomain.
            // Security Requirements:
            //   The caller needs to be fully trusted in order to be able to set
            //   this legacy mode. 
            // Remarks:
            //   There needs to be an AppDomain policy level set before this compat 
            //   switch can be set on the AppDomain. 
            if (name.Equals("IgnoreSystemPolicy")) {
                lock (this) {
                    if (!_HasSetPolicy)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_SetData")); 
                new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Demand(); 

            int key = AppDomainSetup.Locate(name); 

            if(key == -1)
                LocalStore[name] = new object[] {data, permission};
            else { 
                if (permission != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_SetData")); 
                // Be sure to call these properties, not Value, since 
                // these do more than call Value.
                switch(key) { 
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DynamicBaseValue:
                    FusionStore.DynamicBase = (string) data;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DevPathValue: 
                    FusionStore.DeveloperPath = (string) data;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ShadowCopyDirectoriesValue: 
                    FusionStore.ShadowCopyDirectories = (string) data;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DisallowPublisherPolicyValue:
                    if(data != null)
                        FusionStore.DisallowPublisherPolicy = true;
                        FusionStore.DisallowPublisherPolicy = false;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DisallowCodeDownloadValue: 
                    if (data != null)
                         FusionStore.DisallowCodeDownload = true; 
                        FusionStore.DisallowCodeDownload = false;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DisallowBindingRedirectsValue: 
                    if(data != null)
                        FusionStore.DisallowBindingRedirects = true; 
                        FusionStore.DisallowBindingRedirects = false;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DisallowAppBaseProbingValue:
                    if(data != null)
                        FusionStore.DisallowApplicationBaseProbing = true;
                        FusionStore.DisallowApplicationBaseProbing = false;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ConfigurationBytesValue: 
                    FusionStore.SetConfigurationBytes((byte[]) data);
                    FusionStore.Value[key] = (string) data;
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
        public Object GetData(string name)
            if(name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); 

            int key = AppDomainSetup.Locate(name); 
            if(key == -1) { 
                    return FusionStore.LoaderOptimization; 
                else {
                    object[] data = (object[]) LocalStore[name];
                    if (data == null)
                        return null; 
                    if (data[1] != null) {
                        IPermission permission = (IPermission) data[1]; 
                    return data[0]; 
           else {
                // Be sure to call these properties, not Value, so 
                // that the appropriate permission demand will be done
                switch(key) { 
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ApplicationBaseValue: 
                    return FusionStore.ApplicationBase;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ConfigurationFileValue: 
                    return FusionStore.ConfigurationFile;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DynamicBaseValue:
                    return FusionStore.DynamicBase;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DevPathValue: 
                    return FusionStore.DeveloperPath;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ApplicationNameValue: 
                    return FusionStore.ApplicationName; 
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.PrivateBinPathValue:
                    return FusionStore.PrivateBinPath; 
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.PrivateBinPathProbeValue:
                    return FusionStore.PrivateBinPathProbe;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ShadowCopyDirectoriesValue:
                    return FusionStore.ShadowCopyDirectories; 
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ShadowCopyFilesValue:
                    return FusionStore.ShadowCopyFiles; 
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.CachePathValue: 
                    return FusionStore.CachePath;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.LicenseFileValue: 
                    return FusionStore.LicenseFile;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DisallowPublisherPolicyValue:
                    return FusionStore.DisallowPublisherPolicy;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DisallowCodeDownloadValue: 
                    return FusionStore.DisallowCodeDownload;
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DisallowBindingRedirectsValue: 
                    return FusionStore.DisallowBindingRedirects; 
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DisallowAppBaseProbingValue:
                    return FusionStore.DisallowApplicationBaseProbing; 
                case (int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ConfigurationBytesValue:
                    return FusionStore.GetConfigurationBytes();
#if _DEBUG 
                    BCLDebug.Assert(false, "Need to handle new LoaderInformation value in AppDomain.GetData()");
                    return null; 

        [Obsolete("AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId has been deprecated because it does not provide a stable Id when managed threads are running on fibers (aka lightweight threads). To get a stable identifier for a managed thread, use the ManagedThreadId property on Thread.", false)]
        public static extern int GetCurrentThreadId();
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, ControlAppDomain = true ), 
         ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.MayFail)]
        public static void Unload(AppDomain domain) 
            if (domain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("domain");
            try {
                Int32 domainID = AppDomain.GetIdForUnload(domain); 
                if (domainID==0) 
                    throw new CannotUnloadAppDomainException();
            catch(Exception e) {
                throw e;    // throw it again to reset stack trace
        // Explicitly set policy for a domain (providing policy hasn't been set 
        // previously). Making this call will guarantee that previously loaded
        // assemblies will be granted permissions based on the default machine 
        // policy that was in place prior to this call.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlDomainPolicy=true)]
        public void SetAppDomainPolicy(PolicyLevel domainPolicy)
            if (domainPolicy == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("domainPolicy"); 
            // Check that policy has not been set previously.
            lock (this) { 
                if (_HasSetPolicy)
                    throw new PolicyException(Environment.GetResourceString("Policy_PolicyAlreadySet"));
                _HasSetPolicy = true;
                // Make sure that the loader allows us to change security policy
                // at this time (this will throw if not.) 
            // Add the new policy level.
        public ActivationContext ActivationContext { 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlDomainPolicy=true)] 
            get {
                return _activationContext; 

        public ApplicationIdentity ApplicationIdentity { 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlDomainPolicy=true)]
            get { 
                return _applicationIdentity; 

        public ApplicationTrust ApplicationTrust {
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlDomainPolicy=true)]
            get { 
                return _applicationTrust;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
        // Set the default principal object to be attached to threads if they
        // attempt to bind to a principal while executing in this appdomain. The
        // default can only be set once.
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPrincipal)] 
        public void SetThreadPrincipal(IPrincipal principal)
            if (principal == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("principal");
            lock (this) {
                // Check that principal has not been set previously.
                if (_DefaultPrincipal != null)
                    throw new PolicyException(Environment.GetResourceString("Policy_PrincipalTwice")); 

                _DefaultPrincipal = principal; 
        // Similar to the above, but sets the class of principal to be created
        // instead.
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPrincipal)]
        public void SetPrincipalPolicy(PrincipalPolicy policy) 
            _PrincipalPolicy = policy; 

        // This method gives AppDomain an infinite life time by preventing a lease from being 
        // created
        public override Object InitializeLifetimeService()
            return null; 
        // This is useful for requesting execution of some code 
        // in another appDomain ... the delegate may be defined
        // on a marshal-by-value object or a marshal-by-ref or 
        // contextBound object.
        public void DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
            if (callBackDelegate == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("callBackDelegate");

        public String DynamicDirectory
            get { 
                String dyndir = GetDynamicDir();
                if (dyndir != null) 
                    new FileIOPermission( FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, dyndir ).Demand(); 

                return dyndir; 

        public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName, 
                                             Evidence securityInfo) // Optional
            return CreateDomain(friendlyName, 

        public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName,
                                             Evidence securityInfo, // Optional 
                                             String appBasePath,
                                             String appRelativeSearchPath, 
                                             bool shadowCopyFiles) 
            AppDomainSetup info = new AppDomainSetup(); 
            info.ApplicationBase = appBasePath;
            info.PrivateBinPath = appRelativeSearchPath;
                info.ShadowCopyFiles = "true"; 

            return CreateDomain(friendlyName, 

        public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName)
            return CreateDomain(friendlyName, null, null); 
        extern private String GetDynamicDir();
        // Private helpers called from unmanaged code.

        // Marshal a single object into a serialized blob.
        private static byte[] MarshalObject(Object o) 
            return Serialize(o);

        // Marshal two objects into serialized blobs.
        private static byte[] MarshalObjects(Object o1, Object o2, out byte[] blob2)
            byte[] blob1 = Serialize(o1); 
            blob2 = Serialize(o2);
            return blob1; 

        // Unmarshal a single object from a serialized blob.
        private static Object UnmarshalObject(byte[] blob) 
            return Deserialize(blob);

        // Unmarshal two objects from serialized blobs.
        private static Object UnmarshalObjects(byte[] blob1, byte[] blob2, out Object o2)
            Object o1 = Deserialize(blob1); 
            o2 = Deserialize(blob2);
            return o1; 

        // Helper routines.
        private static byte[] Serialize(Object o) 
            if (o == null) 
                return null;
            else if (o is ISecurityEncodable)
                SecurityElement element = ((ISecurityEncodable)o).ToXml();
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream( 4096 ); 
                ms.WriteByte( 0 );
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter( ms, Encoding.UTF8 ); 
                element.ToWriter( writer ); 
                return ms.ToArray(); 
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 
                ms.WriteByte( 1 );
                CrossAppDomainSerializer.SerializeObject(o, ms); 
                return ms.ToArray(); 

        private static Object Deserialize(byte[] blob)
            if (blob == null) 
                return null;
            if (blob[0] == 0) 
                Parser parser = new Parser( blob, Tokenizer.ByteTokenEncoding.UTF8Tokens, 1 ); 
                SecurityElement root = parser.GetTopElement();
                if (root.Tag.Equals( "IPermission" ) || root.Tag.Equals( "Permission" ))
                    IPermission ip = System.Security.Util.XMLUtil.CreatePermission( root, PermissionState.None, false ); 

                    if (ip == null) 
                        return null;

                    ip.FromXml( root );

                    return ip; 
                else if (root.Tag.Equals( "PermissionSet" )) 
                    PermissionSet permissionSet = new PermissionSet();
                    permissionSet.FromXml( root, false, false );

                    return permissionSet;
                else if (root.Tag.Equals( "PermissionToken" ))
                    PermissionToken pToken = new PermissionToken(); 

                    pToken.FromXml( root ); 

                    return pToken;
                    return null; 

                Object obj = null;
                using(MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream( blob, 1, blob.Length - 1 )) { 
                    obj = CrossAppDomainSerializer.DeserializeObject(stream);
                BCLDebug.Assert( !(obj is IPermission), "IPermission should be xml deserialized" );
                BCLDebug.Assert( !(obj is PermissionSet), "PermissionSet should be xml deserialized" ); 

                return obj;

        private AppDomain() { 
            throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString(ResId.NotSupported_Constructor)); 
        private extern AssemblyBuilder nCreateDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName name,
                               Evidence identity,
                               ref StackCrawlMark stackMark, 
                               PermissionSet requiredPermissions,
                               PermissionSet optionalPermissions, 
                               PermissionSet refusedPermissions, 
                               AssemblyBuilderAccess access,
                               DynamicAssemblyFlags flags); 

        internal class AssemblyBuilderLock { }
        internal AssemblyBuilder InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(
            AssemblyName                    name, 
            AssemblyBuilderAccess           access,
            String                          dir, 
            Evidence                        evidence, 
            PermissionSet                   requiredPermissions,
            PermissionSet                   optionalPermissions, 
            PermissionSet                   refusedPermissions,
            ref StackCrawlMark              stackMark,
            IEnumerable   unsafeAssemblyAttributes)
                if (name == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
                if (access != AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run && access != AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save &&
                    access != AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave && access != AssemblyBuilderAccess.ReflectionOnly)
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EnumIllegalVal", (int)access), "access");
                // Set the public key from the key pair if one has been provided.
                // (Overwite any public key in the Assembly name, since it's no 
                // longer valid to have a disparity). 
                if (name.KeyPair != null)

                // If the caller is trusted they can supply identity
                // evidence for the new assembly. Otherwise we copy the
                // current grant and deny sets from the caller's assembly, 
                // inject them into the new assembly and mark policy as
                // resolved. If/when the assembly is persisted and 
                // reloaded, the normal rules for gathering evidence will 
                // be used.
                if (evidence != null) 
                    new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence).Demand();

                // Scan the assembly level attributes for any attributes which modify how we create the
                // assembly. Currently, we only look for SecurityTransparentAttribute, which will cause 
                // the demand for the target permissions to be suppressed if a critical assembly is emitting
                // the dynamic assembly. 
                List assemblyAttributes = null; 
                DynamicAssemblyFlags assemblyFlags = DynamicAssemblyFlags.None;
                if (unsafeAssemblyAttributes != null) 
                    // Create a copy to ensure that it cannot be modified from another thread
                    // as it is used further below.
                    assemblyAttributes = new List(unsafeAssemblyAttributes); 

                    foreach (CustomAttributeBuilder attribute in assemblyAttributes) 
                        if (attribute.m_con.DeclaringType == typeof(SecurityTransparentAttribute))
                            assemblyFlags |= DynamicAssemblyFlags.Transparent; 

                AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = new AssemblyBuilder(nCreateDynamicAssembly(name, 
                                                                                          ref stackMark, 

                assemblyBuilder.m_assemblyData = new AssemblyBuilderData(assemblyBuilder, 

                if (assemblyAttributes != null)
                    foreach (CustomAttributeBuilder assemblyAttribute in assemblyAttributes)

                // Make sure the manifest module is initialized to a ModuleBuilder 

                return assemblyBuilder;
        private extern int _nExecuteAssembly(Assembly assembly, String[] args);
        internal int nExecuteAssembly(Assembly assembly, String[] args) 
            return _nExecuteAssembly(assembly.InternalAssembly, args);
        internal void CreateRemotingData()
                    lock(this) { 
                        if (_RemotingData == null)
                            _RemotingData = new DomainSpecificRemotingData(); 

        internal DomainSpecificRemotingData RemotingData 
                if (_RemotingData == null)

                return _RemotingData;

        private extern String nGetFriendlyName(); 
        private extern bool nIsDefaultAppDomainForSecurity(); 

        // support reliability for certain event handlers, if the target
        // methods also participate in this discipline.  If caller passes
        // an existing MulticastDelegate, then we could use a MDA to indicate 
        // that reliability is not guaranteed.  But if it is a single cast
        // scenario, we can make it work. 
        public event EventHandler ProcessExit
            [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )]
                if (value != null) 
                        _processExit += value;
            [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )]
                    _processExit -= value; 

        public event EventHandler DomainUnload
            [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )] 
                if (value != null) 
                        _domainUnload += value;
            [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )]
                    _domainUnload -= value; 

        public event UnhandledExceptionEventHandler UnhandledException
            [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )] 
                if (value != null)
                        _unhandledException += value;
            [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )]
                    _unhandledException -= value;
        private void OnAssemblyLoadEvent(Assembly LoadedAssembly)
            AssemblyLoadEventHandler eventHandler=AssemblyLoad;
            if (eventHandler != null) {
                AssemblyLoadEventArgs ea = new AssemblyLoadEventArgs(LoadedAssembly);
                eventHandler(this, ea); 
        private Assembly OnResourceResolveEvent(String resourceName)
            ResolveEventHandler eventHandler=ResourceResolve;
            if ( eventHandler == null)
                return null;
            Delegate[] ds = eventHandler.GetInvocationList();
            int len = ds.Length; 
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 
                Assembly ret = ((ResolveEventHandler) ds[i])(this, new ResolveEventArgs(resourceName));
                if (ret != null) 
                    return ret.InternalAssembly;

            return null; 
        private Assembly OnTypeResolveEvent(String typeName) 
            ResolveEventHandler eventHandler=TypeResolve; 
            if (eventHandler == null)
                return null;

            Delegate[] ds = eventHandler.GetInvocationList(); 
            int len = ds.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 
                Assembly ret = ((ResolveEventHandler) ds[i])(this, new ResolveEventArgs(typeName)); 
                if (ret != null)
                    return ret.InternalAssembly; 

            return null;

        private Assembly OnAssemblyResolveEvent(String assemblyFullName) 
            ResolveEventHandler eventHandler=AssemblyResolve;
            if (eventHandler == null) 
                return null;

            Delegate[] ds = eventHandler.GetInvocationList();
            int len = ds.Length; 
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                Assembly ret = ((ResolveEventHandler) ds[i])(this, new ResolveEventArgs(assemblyFullName)); 
                if (ret != null) 
                    return ret.InternalAssembly;

            return null;
        private Assembly OnReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolveEvent(String assemblyFullName)
            ResolveEventHandler eventHandler = ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve; 
            if (eventHandler != null) {
                Delegate[] ds = eventHandler.GetInvocationList();
                int len = ds.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    Assembly ret = ((ResolveEventHandler) ds[i])(this, new ResolveEventArgs(assemblyFullName)); 
                    if (ret != null)
                        return ret.InternalAssembly; 
            return null;

        internal AppDomainSetup FusionStore 
            get { 
#if _DEBUG 
                BCLDebug.Assert(_FusionStore != null,
                                "Fusion store has not been correctly setup in this domain"); 
                return _FusionStore;

        private Hashtable LocalStore 
            get { 
                if (_LocalStore != null)
                    return _LocalStore;
                else {
                    _LocalStore = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable()); 
                    return _LocalStore;
        private void TurnOnBindingRedirects()
            _FusionStore.DisallowBindingRedirects = false;

        // This will throw a CannotUnloadAppDomainException if the appdomain is 
        // in another process. 
        [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail)]
        internal static Int32 GetIdForUnload(AppDomain domain) 
            if (RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(domain))
                return RemotingServices.GetServerDomainIdForProxy(domain); 
                return domain.Id; 
        // Used to determine if server object context is valid in
        // x-domain remoting scenarios.
        [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] 
        internal static extern bool IsDomainIdValid(Int32 id);
        static internal extern AppDomain GetDefaultDomain();
        // Internal routine to retrieve the default principal object. If this is
        // called before the principal has been explicitly set, it will
        // automatically allocate a default principal based on the policy set by
        // SetPrincipalPolicy. 
        internal IPrincipal GetThreadPrincipal()
            IPrincipal principal = null; 

            lock (this) { 
                if (_DefaultPrincipal == null) {
                    switch (_PrincipalPolicy) {
                    case PrincipalPolicy.NoPrincipal:
                        principal = null; 
                    case PrincipalPolicy.UnauthenticatedPrincipal: 
                        principal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity("", ""), 
                                                         new String[] {""});
                    case PrincipalPolicy.WindowsPrincipal:
                        principal = new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent());
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
                        principal = null; 
                    principal = _DefaultPrincipal;
                return principal;

        internal void CreateDefaultContext() 
                lock(this) {
                    // if it has not been created we ask the Context class to
                    // create a new default context for this appdomain. 
                    if (_DefaultContext == null)
                        _DefaultContext = Context.CreateDefaultContext(); 
        internal Context GetDefaultContext()
            if (_DefaultContext == null)
            return _DefaultContext;
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, ControlAppDomain = true )]
        public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName, 
                                             Evidence securityInfo,
                                             AppDomainSetup info)
            AppDomainManager domainManager = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainManager; 
            if (domainManager != null)
                return domainManager.CreateDomain(friendlyName, securityInfo, info); 
            // No AppDomainManager is set up for this domain
            if (friendlyName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException(Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_String"));

            // If evidence is provided, we check to make sure that is allowed.
            if (securityInfo != null) 
                new SecurityPermission( SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence ).Demand();
            return nCreateDomain(friendlyName, 
                                 securityInfo == null ? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.InternalEvidence : null,
        public static AppDomain CreateDomain (string friendlyName, 
                                              Evidence securityInfo, 
                                              AppDomainSetup info,
                                              PermissionSet grantSet, 
                                              params StrongName[] fullTrustAssemblies)
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); 
            if (info.ApplicationBase == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_AppDomainSandboxAPINeedsExplicitAppBase")); 
            info.ApplicationTrust = new ApplicationTrust(grantSet, fullTrustAssemblies);
            return CreateDomain(friendlyName, securityInfo, info); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL

        public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName, 
                                             Evidence securityInfo, // Optional
                                             String appBasePath, 
                                             String appRelativeSearchPath, 
                                             bool shadowCopyFiles,
                                             AppDomainInitializer adInit, 
                                             string[] adInitArgs)
            AppDomainSetup info = new AppDomainSetup();
            info.ApplicationBase = appBasePath; 
            info.PrivateBinPath = appRelativeSearchPath;
                info.ShadowCopyFiles = "true"; 

            return CreateDomain(friendlyName,
        private void SetupFusionStore(AppDomainSetup info) 
            // Create the application base and configuration file from the imagelocation 
            // passed in or use the Win32 Image name.
            if(info.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ApplicationBaseValue] == null ||
               info.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ConfigurationFileValue] == null ) {
                AppDomain defaultDomain = GetDefaultDomain(); 
                if (this == defaultDomain) {
                    // The default domain gets its defaults from the main process. 
                else { 
                    // Other domains get their defaults from the default domain. This way, a host process
                    // can use AppDomainManager to set up the defaults for every domain created in the process.
                    if (info.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ConfigurationFileValue] == null)
                        info.ConfigurationFile = defaultDomain.FusionStore.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ConfigurationFileValue]; 
                    if (info.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ApplicationBaseValue] == null)
                        info.ApplicationBase = defaultDomain.FusionStore.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ApplicationBaseValue]; 
                    if (info.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ApplicationNameValue] == null) 
                        info.ApplicationName = defaultDomain.FusionStore.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ApplicationNameValue];

            // If there is no relative path then check the
            // environment 
            if(info.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.PrivateBinPathValue] == null)
                info.PrivateBinPath = Environment.nativeGetEnvironmentVariable(AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPathEnvironmentVariable); 
            // Add the developer path if it exists on this
            // machine. 
            if(info.DeveloperPath == null)
                info.DeveloperPath = RuntimeEnvironment.GetDeveloperPath();

            // Set up the fusion context 
            IntPtr fusionContext = GetFusionContext();
            // Set loader optimization policy
            if (info.LoaderOptimization != LoaderOptimization.NotSpecified) 
                UpdateLoaderOptimization((int) info.LoaderOptimization);

            // This must be the last action taken
            _FusionStore = info; 
        // used to package up evidence, so it can be serialized 
        //   for the call to InternalRemotelySetupRemoteDomain
        private class EvidenceCollection
            public Evidence ProvidedSecurityInfo;
            public Evidence CreatorsSecurityInfo; 
        private static void RunInitializer(AppDomainSetup setup) 
            if (setup.AppDomainInitializer!=null) 
                string[] args=null;
                if (setup.AppDomainInitializerArguments!=null)

        // Used to switch into other AppDomain and call SetupRemoteDomain. 
        //   We cannot simply call through the proxy, because if there
        //   are any remoting sinks registered, they can add non-mscorlib
        //   objects to the message (causing an assembly load exception when
        //   we try to deserialize it on the other side) 
        private static object RemotelySetupRemoteDomain(AppDomain appDomainProxy,
                                                        String friendlyName, 
                                                        AppDomainSetup setup, 
                                                        Evidence providedSecurityInfo,
                                                        Evidence creatorsSecurityInfo, 
                                                        IntPtr parentSecurityDescriptor)
                            "Expected a proxy to the AppDomain."); 

            // get context and appdomain id 
            IntPtr  contextId; 
            int     domainId;
               appDomainProxy, out contextId, out domainId);

            if (contextId==IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new AppDomainUnloadedException(); 

            // serialize evidence 
            EvidenceCollection evidenceCollection = null; 
            if ((providedSecurityInfo != null) ||
                (creatorsSecurityInfo != null)) { 
                evidenceCollection = new EvidenceCollection();
                evidenceCollection.ProvidedSecurityInfo = providedSecurityInfo;
                evidenceCollection.CreatorsSecurityInfo = creatorsSecurityInfo;

            bool bNeedGenericFormatter = false; 
            char[] serProvidedEvidence = null, serCreatorEvidence = null; 
            byte[] serializedEvidence = null;
            AppDomainInitializerInfo initializerInfo=null; 

            if (providedSecurityInfo != null) {
                serProvidedEvidence = PolicyManager.MakeEvidenceArray(providedSecurityInfo, true);
                if (serProvidedEvidence == null) 
                    bNeedGenericFormatter = true;
            if (creatorsSecurityInfo != null && !bNeedGenericFormatter) { 
                serCreatorEvidence = PolicyManager.MakeEvidenceArray(creatorsSecurityInfo, true);
                if (serCreatorEvidence == null) 
                    bNeedGenericFormatter = true;
            if (evidenceCollection != null && bNeedGenericFormatter) {
                serProvidedEvidence = serCreatorEvidence = null; 
                serializedEvidence =

            if (setup!=null && setup.AppDomainInitializer!=null) 
                initializerInfo=new AppDomainInitializerInfo(setup.AppDomainInitializer);

            return InternalRemotelySetupRemoteDomain(contextId,
        } // RemotelySetupRemoteDomain
        private static Object InternalRemotelySetupRemoteDomainHelper(Object[] args) 
            String           friendlyName               = (String)args[0];
            AppDomainSetup   setup                      = (AppDomainSetup)args[1]; 
            IntPtr           parentSecurityDescriptor   = (IntPtr)args[2];
            char[]           serProvidedEvidence        = (char[])args[3];
            char[]           serCreatorEvidence         = (char[])args[4];
            byte[]           serializedEvidence         = (byte[])args[5]; 
            AppDomainInitializerInfo initializerInfo    = (AppDomainInitializerInfo)args[6];
            AppDomain ad = Thread.CurrentContext.AppDomain; 
            AppDomainSetup newSetup=new AppDomainSetup(setup,false);

            // extract evidence
            Evidence providedSecurityInfo = null;
            Evidence creatorsSecurityInfo = null; 

            if (serializedEvidence == null) { 
                if (serProvidedEvidence != null) 
                    providedSecurityInfo = new Evidence(serProvidedEvidence);
                if (serCreatorEvidence != null) 
                    creatorsSecurityInfo = new Evidence(serCreatorEvidence);
            else {
                EvidenceCollection evidenceCollection = (EvidenceCollection) 
                    CrossAppDomainSerializer.DeserializeObject(new MemoryStream(serializedEvidence));
                providedSecurityInfo  = evidenceCollection.ProvidedSecurityInfo; 
                creatorsSecurityInfo  = evidenceCollection.CreatorsSecurityInfo; 
            // set up the friendly name

            if (setup != null && setup.SandboxInterop) 

            // set up the AppDomainManager for this domain and initialize security. 

            // can load user code now 

            // Activate the application if needed.
            ObjectHandle oh = null;
            AppDomainSetup adSetup = ad.FusionStore;
            if (adSetup.ActivationArguments != null && adSetup.ActivationArguments.ActivateInstance) 
                oh = Activator.CreateInstance(ad.ActivationContext); 
#endif //!FEATURE_PAL
            return RemotingServices.MarshalInternal(oh, null, null); 

        private static object InternalRemotelySetupRemoteDomain(IntPtr contextId, 
                                                              int domainId,
                                                              String friendlyName, 
                                                              AppDomainSetup setup, 
                                                              IntPtr parentSecurityDescriptor,
                                                              char[] serProvidedEvidence, 
                                                              char[] serCreatorEvidence,
                                                              byte[] serializedEvidence,
                                                              AppDomainInitializerInfo initializerInfo)
            InternalCrossContextDelegate xctxDel =
                new InternalCrossContextDelegate(InternalRemotelySetupRemoteDomainHelper); 
            Object[] args = new Object[]
            return Thread.CurrentThread.InternalCrossContextCallback(null, contextId, domainId, xctxDel, args); 
        } // InternalSetupRemoteDomain

        // This routine is called from unmanaged code to
        // set the default fusion context. 
        private void SetupDomain(bool allowRedirects, String path, String configFile)
            // It is possible that we could have multiple threads initializing 
            // the default domain. We will just take the winner of these two.
            // (eg. one thread doing a com call and another doing attach for IJW) 
            lock (this) {
                if(_FusionStore == null) {
                    AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
                    if(path != null) 
                        setup.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ApplicationBaseValue] = path;
                    if(configFile != null) 
                        setup.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.ConfigurationFileValue] = configFile; 

                    // Default fusion context starts with binding redirects turned off. 
                    if (!allowRedirects)
                        setup.DisallowBindingRedirects = true;


       private void SetupLoaderOptimization(LoaderOptimization policy) 
            if(policy != LoaderOptimization.NotSpecified) {
#if _DEBUG
                BCLDebug.Assert(FusionStore.LoaderOptimization == LoaderOptimization.NotSpecified, 
                                "It is illegal to change the Loader optimization on a domain");
                FusionStore.LoaderOptimization = policy; 
                UpdateLoaderOptimization((int) FusionStore.LoaderOptimization);

        internal extern IntPtr GetFusionContext(); 

        internal extern IntPtr GetSecurityDescriptor(); 

        internal static extern AppDomain nCreateDomain(String friendlyName,
                                                      AppDomainSetup setup,
                                                      Evidence providedSecurityInfo,
                                                      Evidence creatorsSecurityInfo, 
                                                      IntPtr parentSecurityDescriptor);
        internal static extern ObjRef nCreateInstance(String friendlyName,
                                                      AppDomainSetup setup, 
                                                      Evidence providedSecurityInfo,
                                                      Evidence creatorsSecurityInfo,
                                                      IntPtr parentSecurityDescriptor);
        private extern void nSetupDomainSecurity(Evidence appDomainEvidence, IntPtr creatorsSecurityDescriptor, bool publishAppDomain); 
        private extern void nSetupFriendlyName(string friendlyName); 

        private extern void nSetDisableInterfaceCache(); 

        internal extern void UpdateLoaderOptimization(int optimization); 

        // This is just designed to prevent compiler warnings.
        // This field is used from native, but we need to prevent the compiler warnings.
        [Obsolete("AppDomain.SetShadowCopyPath has been deprecated. Please investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyDirectories instead.")]
        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )] 
        public void SetShadowCopyPath(String path) 

        [Obsolete("AppDomain.SetShadowCopyFiles has been deprecated. Please investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyFiles instead.")]
        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )] 
        public void SetShadowCopyFiles()
        [Obsolete("AppDomain.SetDynamicBase has been deprecated. Please investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.DynamicBase instead.")]
        [method:SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true )]
        public void SetDynamicBase(String path)
        public AppDomainSetup SetupInformation
            get {
                return new AppDomainSetup(FusionStore,true);

        internal void InternalSetShadowCopyPath(String path) 
            IntPtr fusionContext = GetFusionContext();
            AppDomainSetup.UpdateContextProperty(fusionContext, AppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyDirectoriesKey, path); 
            FusionStore.ShadowCopyDirectories = path;

        internal void InternalSetShadowCopyFiles() 
            IntPtr fusionContext = GetFusionContext(); 
            AppDomainSetup.UpdateContextProperty(fusionContext, AppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyFilesKey, "true"); 
            FusionStore.ShadowCopyFiles = "true";

        internal void InternalSetCachePath(String path)
            IntPtr fusionContext = GetFusionContext(); 
            FusionStore.CachePath = path;
            AppDomainSetup.UpdateContextProperty(fusionContext, AppDomainSetup.CachePathKey, 
                                                 FusionStore.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.CachePathValue]); 
        internal void InternalSetPrivateBinPath(String path)
            IntPtr fusionContext = GetFusionContext();
            AppDomainSetup.UpdateContextProperty(fusionContext, AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPathKey, path); 
            FusionStore.PrivateBinPath = path;
        internal void InternalSetDynamicBase(String path)
            IntPtr fusionContext = GetFusionContext();
            FusionStore.DynamicBase = path;

            AppDomainSetup.UpdateContextProperty(fusionContext, AppDomainSetup.DynamicBaseKey, 
                                                 FusionStore.Value[(int) AppDomainSetup.LoaderInformation.DynamicBaseValue]);
        internal extern String IsStringInterned(String str); 

        internal extern String GetOrInternString(String str);
        internal extern void nGetGrantSet( out PermissionSet granted, out PermissionSet denied ); 
        private extern void nChangeSecurityPolicy(); 

         ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.MayFail)]
        internal static extern void nUnload(Int32 domainInternal); 

        public Object CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(String assemblyName, 
                                              String typeName) 
            ObjectHandle oh = CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName); 
            if (oh == null)
                return null;

            return oh.Unwrap(); 
        } // CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
        public Object CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(String assemblyName,
                                              String typeName, 
                                              Object[] activationAttributes)
            ObjectHandle oh = CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, activationAttributes);
            if (oh == null) 
                return null;
            return oh.Unwrap(); 
        } // CreateInstanceAndUnwrap

        public Object CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(String assemblyName,
                                              String typeName,
                                              bool ignoreCase, 
                                              BindingFlags bindingAttr,
                                              Binder binder, 
                                              Object[] args, 
                                              CultureInfo culture,
                                              Object[] activationAttributes, 
                                              Evidence securityAttributes)
            ObjectHandle oh = CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr,
                binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes); 
            if (oh == null)
                return null; 
            return oh.Unwrap();
        } // CreateInstanceAndUnwrap 

        // The first parameter should be named assemblyFile, but it was incorrectly named in a previous 
        //  release, and the compatibility police won't let us change the name now.
        public Object CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(String assemblyName, 
                                                  String typeName) 
            ObjectHandle oh = CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyName, typeName); 
            if (oh == null)
                return null;

            return oh.Unwrap(); 
        } // CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
        // The first parameter should be named assemblyFile, but it was incorrectly named in a previous
        //  release, and the compatibility police won't let us change the name now. 
        public Object CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(String assemblyName,
                                                  String typeName,
                                                  Object[] activationAttributes)
            ObjectHandle oh = CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyName, typeName, activationAttributes);
            if (oh == null) 
                return null; 

            return oh.Unwrap(); 
        } // CreateInstanceAndUnwrap

        // The first parameter should be named assemblyFile, but it was incorrectly named in a previous 
        //  release, and the compatibility police won't let us change the name now.
        public Object CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(String assemblyName, 
                                                  String typeName, 
                                                  bool ignoreCase,
                                                  BindingFlags bindingAttr, 
                                                  Binder binder,
                                                  Object[] args,
                                                  CultureInfo culture,
                                                  Object[] activationAttributes, 
                                                  Evidence securityAttributes)
            ObjectHandle oh = CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, 
                binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes);
            if (oh == null) 
                return null;

            return oh.Unwrap();
        } // CreateInstanceAndUnwrap 

        public Int32 Id 
            [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
            get { 
                return GetId();
        [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] 
        internal extern Int32 GetId(); 

        public bool IsDefaultAppDomain() 
            if (this == GetDefaultDomain())
                return true;
            return false; 
        private static AppDomainSetup InternalCreateDomainSetup(String imageLocation) 
            int i = imageLocation.LastIndexOf('\\'); 
            int j = imageLocation.LastIndexOf('/');
            i = i > j ? i : j;

            BCLDebug.Assert(i != -1, "invalid image location"); 
            AppDomainSetup info = new AppDomainSetup();
            info.ApplicationBase = imageLocation.Substring(0, i+1); 

            StringBuilder config = new StringBuilder(imageLocation.Substring(i+1));
            info.ConfigurationFile = config.ToString(); 

            return info; 

        // Used by the validator for testing but not executing an assembly 
        private static AppDomain InternalCreateDomain(String imageLocation)
            AppDomainSetup info = InternalCreateDomainSetup(imageLocation);
            return CreateDomain("Validator",
        private void InternalSetDomainContext(String imageLocation)

        void _AppDomain.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo) 
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        void _AppDomain.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo)
            throw new NotImplementedException(); 
        void _AppDomain.GetIDsOfNames([In] ref Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId) 
            throw new NotImplementedException(); 

        void _AppDomain.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, [In] ref Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    //  CallBacks provide a facility to request execution of some code 
    //  in another context/appDomain.
    //  CrossAppDomainDelegate type is defined for appdomain call backs.
    //  The delegate used to request a callbak through the DoCallBack method
    //  must be of CrossContextDelegate type. 
    public delegate void CrossAppDomainDelegate(); 


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