/ WCF / WCF / 3.5.30729.1 / untmp / Orcas / SP / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / infocard / Client / System / IdentityModel / Selectors / ServiceNotStartedException.cs / 1 / ServiceNotStartedException.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.IdentityModel.Selectors { using System; using System.Runtime.Serialization; // // Summary // Exception class to indicate that the infocard service has not been started on the system // [Serializable] public class ServiceNotStartedException : System.Exception { public ServiceNotStartedException() : base() { } public ServiceNotStartedException( string message ) : base( message ) { } public ServiceNotStartedException( string message, Exception innerException ) : base( message, innerException ) { } protected ServiceNotStartedException( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context ) : base( info, context ) { } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- CustomErrorCollection.cs
- TakeOrSkipQueryOperator.cs
- KeyTimeConverter.cs
- ServicePoint.cs
- BamlWriter.cs
- NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs.cs
- PropertyDescriptorCollection.cs
- IDispatchConstantAttribute.cs
- WebServiceClientProxyGenerator.cs
- StyleXamlTreeBuilder.cs
- ToolStripScrollButton.cs
- GrammarBuilder.cs
- WindowsAuthenticationModule.cs
- Socket.cs
- Point4DValueSerializer.cs
- UDPClient.cs
- RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter.cs
- PhysicalAddress.cs
- MasterPageParser.cs
- OletxTransactionFormatter.cs
- DataMemberListEditor.cs
- ClassicBorderDecorator.cs
- ProviderConnectionPoint.cs
- StringConverter.cs
- LiteralDesigner.cs
- ControlPropertyNameConverter.cs
- ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute.cs
- RuntimeHelpers.cs
- InvokePattern.cs
- WriteLineDesigner.xaml.cs
- RepeaterItemEventArgs.cs
- ResolvedKeyFrameEntry.cs
- PagerSettings.cs
- SqlDataSourceSummaryPanel.cs
- UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.cs
- WinFormsUtils.cs
- DictionaryCustomTypeDescriptor.cs
- SecurityUtils.cs
- XmlSchemaException.cs
- LicFileLicenseProvider.cs
- Brushes.cs
- followingquery.cs
- BamlWriter.cs
- SoapSchemaExporter.cs
- DataTrigger.cs
- TreeNode.cs
- GradientStop.cs
- SerializationEventsCache.cs
- DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs.cs
- SiteMapSection.cs
- Odbc32.cs
- DataGridViewImageCell.cs
- Simplifier.cs
- BinaryUtilClasses.cs
- PropertyStore.cs
- PaperSource.cs
- SpellerStatusTable.cs
- updateconfighost.cs
- BlurBitmapEffect.cs
- WizardPanel.cs
- CodeGotoStatement.cs
- TimeSpan.cs
- BitConverter.cs
- InputLanguageEventArgs.cs
- SecurityTokenProvider.cs
- StandardToolWindows.cs
- CharAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs
- UIServiceHelper.cs
- ipaddressinformationcollection.cs
- DataComponentNameHandler.cs
- PointAnimationClockResource.cs
- DataColumnCollection.cs
- ExpressionEditorAttribute.cs
- SignatureHelper.cs
- WinInetCache.cs
- XmlSchemaAnnotation.cs
- TargetConverter.cs
- CodeActivity.cs
- SeverityFilter.cs
- __ConsoleStream.cs
- Graph.cs
- ManagementOptions.cs
- ErrorLog.cs
- MessageHeaders.cs
- ExpressionStringBuilder.cs
- FilterQuery.cs
- COM2PictureConverter.cs
- MDIControlStrip.cs
- HttpCacheVaryByContentEncodings.cs
- TransformValueSerializer.cs
- SourceExpressionException.cs
- CheckBoxAutomationPeer.cs
- _NegoState.cs
- SingleConverter.cs
- ThumbButtonInfoCollection.cs
- ButtonRenderer.cs
- MetadataItem.cs
- CompletionCallbackWrapper.cs
- StorageAssociationTypeMapping.cs
- HttpMethodAttribute.cs