/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebControls / DataGrid.cs / 1 / DataGrid.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Reflection; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Util; ////// [ Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridComponentEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(ComponentEditor)), Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign) ] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public class DataGrid : BaseDataList, INamingContainer { private static readonly object EventCancelCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventDeleteCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventEditCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemCreated = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemDataBound = new object(); private static readonly object EventPageIndexChanged = new object(); private static readonly object EventSortCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventUpdateCommand = new object(); ////// Displays data from a data source in a tabular grid. The data source /// is any object that implements IEnumerable, which includes ADO.NET data, /// arrays, ArrayLists etc. /// ////// public const string SortCommandName = "Sort"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string SelectCommandName = "Select"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string EditCommandName = "Edit"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string DeleteCommandName = "Delete"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string UpdateCommandName = "Update"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string CancelCommandName = "Cancel"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string PageCommandName = "Page"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string NextPageCommandArgument = "Next"; ///Specifies the ///argument. This field is constant. /// public const string PrevPageCommandArgument = "Prev"; internal const string DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey = "_!DataSourceItemCount"; private IEnumerator storedData; private object firstDataItem; private bool storedDataValid; private PagedDataSource pagedDataSource; private ArrayList columns; private DataGridColumnCollection columnCollection; private TableItemStyle headerStyle; private TableItemStyle footerStyle; private TableItemStyle itemStyle; private TableItemStyle alternatingItemStyle; private TableItemStyle selectedItemStyle; private TableItemStyle editItemStyle; private DataGridPagerStyle pagerStyle; private ArrayList itemsArray; private DataGridItemCollection itemsCollection; private ArrayList autoGenColumnsArray; ///Specifies the ///argument. This field is constant. /// public DataGrid() { } ////// Initializes a new instance of the ///class. /// /// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_AllowCustomPaging) ] public virtual bool AllowCustomPaging { get { object o = ViewState["AllowCustomPaging"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { ViewState["AllowCustomPaging"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether custom paging is allowed. ////// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_AllowPaging) ] public virtual bool AllowPaging { get { object o = ViewState["AllowPaging"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { ViewState["AllowPaging"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether paging is allowed. ////// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_AllowSorting) ] public virtual bool AllowSorting { get { object o = ViewState["AllowSorting"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { ViewState["AllowSorting"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether sorting is allowed. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_AlternatingItemStyle) ] public virtual TableItemStyle AlternatingItemStyle { get { if (alternatingItemStyle == null) { alternatingItemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)alternatingItemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return alternatingItemStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties for alternating items in the /// ///. This /// property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(true), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_AutoGenerateColumns) ] public virtual bool AutoGenerateColumns { get { object o = ViewState["AutoGenerateColumns"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return true; } set { ViewState["AutoGenerateColumns"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether columns will automatically /// be created for each bound data field. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty(), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_BackImageUrl) ] public virtual string BackImageUrl { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return String.Empty; } return ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).BackImageUrl; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).BackImageUrl = value; } } ///Gets or sets the URL of an image to display in the /// background of the ///. /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_CurrentPageIndex) ] public int CurrentPageIndex { get { object o = ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return 0; } set { if (value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets the ordinal index of the currently displayed page. ////// [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridColumnCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebCategory("Default"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_Columns) ] public virtual DataGridColumnCollection Columns { get { if (columnCollection == null) { columns = new ArrayList(); columnCollection = new DataGridColumnCollection(this, columns); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)columnCollection).TrackViewState(); } return columnCollection; } } ///Gets a collection of ///controls in the . This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Default"), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_EditItemIndex) ] public virtual int EditItemIndex { get { object o = ViewState["EditItemIndex"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return -1; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["EditItemIndex"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets the ordinal index of the item to be edited. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_EditItemStyle) ] public virtual TableItemStyle EditItemStyle { get { if (editItemStyle == null) { editItemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)editItemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return editItemStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the item to be edited. This property is read-only. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_FooterStyle), ] public virtual TableItemStyle FooterStyle { get { if (footerStyle == null) { footerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)footerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return footerStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the footer item. This property is read-only. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_HeaderStyle) ] public virtual TableItemStyle HeaderStyle { get { if (headerStyle == null) { headerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)headerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return headerStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the header item. This property is read-only. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_Items) ] public virtual DataGridItemCollection Items { get { if (itemsCollection == null) { if (itemsArray == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } if (itemsArray == null) { itemsArray = new ArrayList(); } itemsCollection = new DataGridItemCollection(itemsArray); } return itemsCollection; } } ///Gets a collection of ///objects representing the individual /// items within the control. /// This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_ItemStyle), ] public virtual TableItemStyle ItemStyle { get { if (itemStyle == null) { itemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)itemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return itemStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the individual items. This property is read-only. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_PageCount) ] public int PageCount { get { if (pagedDataSource != null) { return pagedDataSource.PageCount; } else { object o = ViewState["PageCount"]; return (o != null) ? (int)o : 0; } } } ///Gets the total number of pages to be displayed. This property is read-only. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_PagerStyle) ] public virtual DataGridPagerStyle PagerStyle { get { if (pagerStyle == null) { pagerStyle = new DataGridPagerStyle(this); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)pagerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return pagerStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the pager buttons for the /// ///. This /// property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DefaultValue(10), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_PageSize), ] public virtual int PageSize { get { object o = ViewState["PageSize"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return 10; } set { if (value < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["PageSize"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets the number of items to display on a single page. ////// [ Bindable(true), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_SelectedIndex) ] public virtual int SelectedIndex { get { object o = ViewState["SelectedIndex"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return -1; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } int oldSelectedIndex = SelectedIndex; ViewState["SelectedIndex"] = value; if (itemsArray != null) { DataGridItem item; if ((oldSelectedIndex != -1) && (itemsArray.Count > oldSelectedIndex)) { item = (DataGridItem)itemsArray[oldSelectedIndex]; if (item.ItemType != ListItemType.EditItem) { ListItemType itemType = ListItemType.Item; if (oldSelectedIndex % 2 != 0) itemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem; item.SetItemType(itemType); } } if ((value != -1) && (itemsArray.Count > value)) { item = (DataGridItem)itemsArray[value]; if (item.ItemType != ListItemType.EditItem) item.SetItemType(ListItemType.SelectedItem); } } } } ///Gets or sets the index of the currently selected item. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_SelectedItem) ] public virtual DataGridItem SelectedItem { get { int index = SelectedIndex; DataGridItem item = null; if (index != -1) { item = Items[index]; } return item; } } ///Gets the selected item in the ///. This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_SelectedItemStyle) ] public virtual TableItemStyle SelectedItemStyle { get { if (selectedItemStyle == null) { selectedItemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)selectedItemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return selectedItemStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the currently selected item. This property is read-only. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_ShowFooter) ] public virtual bool ShowFooter { get { object o = ViewState["ShowFooter"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { ViewState["ShowFooter"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the footer is displayed in the /// ///. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(true), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_ShowHeader) ] public virtual bool ShowHeader { get { object o = ViewState["ShowHeader"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return true; } set { ViewState["ShowHeader"] = value; } } protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey { get { return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } } ///Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the header is displayed in the /// ///. /// Gets or sets the number of rows to display in the /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_VisibleItemCount) ] public virtual int VirtualItemCount { get { object o = ViewState["VirtualItemCount"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return 0; } set { if (value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["VirtualItemCount"] = value; } } ///. /// /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnCancelCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler CancelCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventCancelCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventCancelCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///with a /// property of /// . /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnDeleteCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler DeleteCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventDeleteCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventDeleteCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///with a /// property of . /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnEditCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler EditCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventEditCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventEditCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///with a /// property of /// . /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnItemCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler ItemCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///not covered by /// , , or /// . /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemCreated) ] public event DataGridItemEventHandler ItemCreated { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemCreated, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemCreated, value); } } ///Occurs on the server when a control a created. ////// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemDataBound) ] public event DataGridItemEventHandler ItemDataBound { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemDataBound, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemDataBound, value); } } ///Occurs when an item is data bound to the control. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnPageIndexChanged) ] public event DataGridPageChangedEventHandler PageIndexChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(EventPageIndexChanged, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventPageIndexChanged, value); } } ///Occurs the one of the pager buttons is clicked. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnSortCommand) ] public event DataGridSortCommandEventHandler SortCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventSortCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventSortCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a column is sorted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnUpdateCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler UpdateCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventUpdateCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventUpdateCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///with a /// property of . /// /// Caches the fact that we have already consumed the first item from the enumeration /// and must use it first during our item creation. /// internal void StoreEnumerator(IEnumerator dataSource, object firstDataItem) { this.storedData = dataSource; this.firstDataItem = firstDataItem; this.storedDataValid = true; } ////// private ArrayList CreateAutoGeneratedColumns(PagedDataSource dataSource) { if (dataSource == null) { // note that we're not throwing an exception in this case, and the calling // code should be able to handle a null arraylist being returned return null; } ArrayList generatedColumns = new ArrayList(); PropertyDescriptorCollection propDescs = null; bool throwException = true; // try ITypedList first // A PagedDataSource implements this, but returns null, if the underlying data source // does not implement it. propDescs = ((ITypedList)dataSource).GetItemProperties(new PropertyDescriptor[0]); if (propDescs == null) { Type sampleItemType = null; object sampleItem = null; IEnumerable realDataSource = dataSource.DataSource; Debug.Assert(realDataSource != null, "Must have a real data source when calling CreateAutoGeneratedColumns"); Type dataSourceType = realDataSource.GetType(); // try for a typed Item property, which should be present on strongly typed collections PropertyInfo itemProp = dataSourceType.GetProperty("Item", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, null); if (itemProp != null) { sampleItemType = itemProp.PropertyType; } if ((sampleItemType == null) || (sampleItemType == typeof(object))) { // last resort... try to get ahold of the first item by beginning the // enumeration IEnumerator e = dataSource.GetEnumerator(); if (e.MoveNext()) { sampleItem = e.Current; } else { // we don't want to throw an exception if we're bound to an IEnumerable // data source with no records... we'll simply bail and not show any data throwException = false; } if (sampleItem != null) { sampleItemType = sampleItem.GetType(); } // We must store the enumerator regardless of whether we got back an item from it // because we cannot start the enumeration again, in the case of a DataReader. // Code in CreateControlHierarchy must deal appropriately for the case where // there is a stored enumerator, but a null object as the first item. StoreEnumerator(e, sampleItem); } if ((sampleItem != null) && (sampleItem is ICustomTypeDescriptor)) { // Get the custom properties of the object propDescs = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(sampleItem); } else if (sampleItemType != null) { // directly bindable types: strings, ints etc. get treated special, since we // don't care about their properties, but rather we care about them directly if (BaseDataList.IsBindableType(sampleItemType)) { BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn(); ((IStateManager)column).TrackViewState(); column.HeaderText = "Item"; column.DataField = BoundColumn.thisExpr; column.SortExpression = "Item"; column.SetOwner(this); generatedColumns.Add(column); } else { // complex type... we get its properties propDescs = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(sampleItemType); } } } if ((propDescs != null) && (propDescs.Count != 0)) { foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in propDescs) { Type propType = pd.PropertyType; if (BaseDataList.IsBindableType(propType)) { BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn(); ((IStateManager)column).TrackViewState(); column.HeaderText = pd.Name; column.DataField = pd.Name; column.SortExpression = pd.Name; column.ReadOnly = pd.IsReadOnly; column.SetOwner(this); generatedColumns.Add(column); } } } if ((generatedColumns.Count == 0) && throwException) { // this handles the case where we got back something that either had no // properties, or all properties were not bindable. throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGrid_NoAutoGenColumns, ID)); } return generatedColumns; } ////// Creates the set of columns to be used to build up the control /// hierarchy. /// When AutoGenerateColumns is true, the columns are created to match the /// datasource and are appended to the set of columns defined in the Columns /// collection. /// protected virtual ArrayList CreateColumnSet(PagedDataSource dataSource, bool useDataSource) { ArrayList columnsArray = new ArrayList(); DataGridColumn[] definedColumns = new DataGridColumn[Columns.Count]; Columns.CopyTo(definedColumns, 0); int i; for (i = 0; i < definedColumns.Length; i++) columnsArray.Add(definedColumns[i]); if (AutoGenerateColumns == true) { ArrayList autoColumns = null; if (useDataSource) { autoColumns = CreateAutoGeneratedColumns(dataSource); autoGenColumnsArray = autoColumns; } else { autoColumns = autoGenColumnsArray; } if (autoColumns != null) { int autoColumnCount = autoColumns.Count; for (i = 0; i < autoColumnCount; i++) columnsArray.Add(autoColumns[i]); } } return columnsArray; } ////// /// protected override void CreateControlHierarchy(bool useDataSource) { pagedDataSource = CreatePagedDataSource(); IEnumerator dataSource = null; int count = -1; int totalCount = -1; ArrayList keysArray = DataKeysArray; ArrayList columnsArray = null; if (itemsArray != null) { itemsArray.Clear(); } else { itemsArray = new ArrayList(); } itemsCollection = null; if (useDataSource == false) { // ViewState must have a non-null value for ItemCount because we check for // this in CreateChildControls count = (int)ViewState[BaseDataList.ItemCountViewStateKey]; totalCount = (int)ViewState[DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey]; if (count != -1) { if (pagedDataSource.IsCustomPagingEnabled) { pagedDataSource.DataSource = new DummyDataSource(count); } else { pagedDataSource.DataSource = new DummyDataSource(totalCount); } dataSource = pagedDataSource.GetEnumerator(); columnsArray = CreateColumnSet(null, false); itemsArray.Capacity = count; } } else { keysArray.Clear(); IEnumerable realDataSource = GetData(); if (realDataSource != null) { ICollection collection = realDataSource as ICollection; if ((collection == null) && pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled && !pagedDataSource.IsCustomPagingEnabled) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGrid_Missing_VirtualItemCount, ID)); } pagedDataSource.DataSource = realDataSource; if (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled) { if ((pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex < 0) || (pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex >= pagedDataSource.PageCount)) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_CurrentPageIndex)); } } columnsArray = CreateColumnSet(pagedDataSource, useDataSource); if (storedDataValid) { dataSource = storedData; } else { dataSource = pagedDataSource.GetEnumerator(); } if (collection != null) { int initialCapacity = pagedDataSource.Count; keysArray.Capacity = initialCapacity; itemsArray.Capacity = initialCapacity; } } } int columnCount = 0; if (columnsArray != null) columnCount = columnsArray.Count; if (columnCount > 0) { DataGridColumn[] displayColumns = new DataGridColumn[columnCount]; columnsArray.CopyTo(displayColumns, 0); Table table = new ChildTable(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ID) ? null : ClientID); Controls.Add(table); for (int c = 0; c < displayColumns.Length; c++) { displayColumns[c].Initialize(); } TableRowCollection rows = table.Rows; DataGridItem item; ListItemType itemType; int index = 0; int dataSetIndex = 0; string keyField = DataKeyField; bool storeKeys = (useDataSource && (keyField.Length != 0)); bool createPager = pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled; int editItemIndex = EditItemIndex; int selectedItemIndex = SelectedIndex; if (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled) dataSetIndex = pagedDataSource.FirstIndexInPage; count = 0; if (createPager) { // top pager CreateItem(-1, -1, ListItemType.Pager, false, null, displayColumns, rows, pagedDataSource); } CreateItem(-1, -1, ListItemType.Header, useDataSource, null, displayColumns, rows, null); if (storedDataValid && (firstDataItem != null)) { if (storeKeys) { object keyValue = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(firstDataItem, keyField); keysArray.Add(keyValue); } itemType = ListItemType.Item; if (index == editItemIndex) itemType = ListItemType.EditItem; else if (index == selectedItemIndex) itemType = ListItemType.SelectedItem; item = CreateItem(0, dataSetIndex, itemType, useDataSource, firstDataItem, displayColumns, rows, null); itemsArray.Add(item); count++; index++; dataSetIndex++; storedDataValid = false; firstDataItem = null; } while (dataSource.MoveNext()) { object dataItem = dataSource.Current; if (storeKeys) { object keyValue = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(dataItem, keyField); keysArray.Add(keyValue); } itemType = ListItemType.Item; if (index == editItemIndex) itemType = ListItemType.EditItem; else if (index == selectedItemIndex) itemType = ListItemType.SelectedItem; else if (index % 2 != 0) { itemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem; } item = CreateItem(index, dataSetIndex, itemType, useDataSource, dataItem, displayColumns, rows, null); itemsArray.Add(item); count++; dataSetIndex++; index++; } CreateItem(-1, -1, ListItemType.Footer, useDataSource, null, displayColumns, rows, null); if (createPager) { // bottom pager CreateItem(-1, -1, ListItemType.Pager, false, null, displayColumns, rows, pagedDataSource); } } if (useDataSource) { // save the number of items and pages contained in the DataGrid for use in round-trips if (dataSource != null) { ViewState[BaseDataList.ItemCountViewStateKey] = count; if (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled) { ViewState["PageCount"] = pagedDataSource.PageCount; ViewState[DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey] = pagedDataSource.DataSourceCount; } else { ViewState["PageCount"] = 1; ViewState[DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey] = count; } } else { ViewState[BaseDataList.ItemCountViewStateKey] = -1; ViewState[DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey] = -1; ViewState["PageCount"] = 0; } } pagedDataSource = null; } ///Creates the control hierarchy that is used to render the DataGrid. /// This is called whenever a control hierarchy is needed and the /// ChildControlsCreated property is false. /// The implementation assumes that all the children in the controls /// collection have already been cleared. ////// /// protected override Style CreateControlStyle() { TableStyle controlStyle = new TableStyle(); // initialize defaults that are different from TableStyle controlStyle.GridLines = GridLines.Both; controlStyle.CellSpacing = 0; return controlStyle; } private DataGridItem CreateItem(int itemIndex, int dataSourceIndex, ListItemType itemType, bool dataBind, object dataItem, DataGridColumn[] columns, TableRowCollection rows, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { DataGridItem item = CreateItem(itemIndex, dataSourceIndex, itemType); DataGridItemEventArgs e = new DataGridItemEventArgs(item); if (itemType != ListItemType.Pager) { InitializeItem(item, columns); if (dataBind) { item.DataItem = dataItem; } OnItemCreated(e); rows.Add(item); if (dataBind) { item.DataBind(); OnItemDataBound(e); item.DataItem = null; } } else { InitializePager(item, columns.Length, pagedDataSource); OnItemCreated(e); rows.Add(item); } return item; } ///Creates new control style. ////// protected virtual DataGridItem CreateItem(int itemIndex, int dataSourceIndex, ListItemType itemType) { return new DataGridItem(itemIndex, dataSourceIndex, itemType); } private PagedDataSource CreatePagedDataSource() { PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource(); pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = CurrentPageIndex; pagedDataSource.PageSize = PageSize; pagedDataSource.AllowPaging = AllowPaging; pagedDataSource.AllowCustomPaging = AllowCustomPaging; pagedDataSource.VirtualCount = VirtualItemCount; return pagedDataSource; } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void InitializeItem(DataGridItem item, DataGridColumn[] columns) { TableCellCollection cells = item.Cells; for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { TableCell cell; if ((item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header) && UseAccessibleHeader) { cell = new TableHeaderCell(); cell.Attributes["scope"] = "col"; } else { cell = new TableCell(); } columns[i].InitializeCell(cell, i, item.ItemType); cells.Add(cell); } } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void InitializePager(DataGridItem item, int columnSpan, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); if (columnSpan > 1) { cell.ColumnSpan = columnSpan; } DataGridPagerStyle pagerStyle = PagerStyle; if (pagerStyle.Mode == PagerMode.NextPrev) { if (pagedDataSource.IsFirstPage == false) { LinkButton prevButton = new DataGridLinkButton(); prevButton.Text = pagerStyle.PrevPageText; prevButton.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; prevButton.CommandArgument = DataGrid.PrevPageCommandArgument; prevButton.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(prevButton); } else { Label prevLabel = new Label(); prevLabel.Text = pagerStyle.PrevPageText; cell.Controls.Add(prevLabel); } cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); if (pagedDataSource.IsLastPage == false) { LinkButton nextButton = new DataGridLinkButton(); nextButton.Text = pagerStyle.NextPageText; nextButton.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; nextButton.CommandArgument = DataGrid.NextPageCommandArgument; nextButton.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(nextButton); } else { Label nextLabel = new Label(); nextLabel.Text = pagerStyle.NextPageText; cell.Controls.Add(nextLabel); } } else { int pages = pagedDataSource.PageCount; int currentPage = pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex + 1; int pageSetSize = pagerStyle.PageButtonCount; int pagesShown = pageSetSize; // ensure the number of pages we show isn't more than the number of pages that do exist if (pages < pagesShown) pagesShown = pages; // initialze to the first page set, i.e., pages 1 through number of pages shown int firstPage = 1; int lastPage = pagesShown; if (currentPage > lastPage) { // The current page is not in the first page set, then we need to slide the // range of pages shown by adjusting firstPage and lastPage int currentPageSet = pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex / pageSetSize; firstPage = currentPageSet * pageSetSize + 1; lastPage = firstPage + pageSetSize - 1; // now bring back lastPage into the range if its exceeded the number of pages if (lastPage > pages) lastPage = pages; // if theres room to show more pages from the previous page set, then adjust // the first page accordingly if (lastPage - firstPage + 1 < pageSetSize) { firstPage = Math.Max(1, lastPage - pageSetSize + 1); } } LinkButton button; if (firstPage != 1) { button = new DataGridLinkButton(); button.Text = "..."; button.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = (firstPage - 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); button.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(button); cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); } for (int i = firstPage; i <= lastPage; i++) { string pageString = (i).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (i == currentPage) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = pageString; cell.Controls.Add(label); } else { button = new DataGridLinkButton(); button.Text = pageString; button.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = pageString; button.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(button); } if (i < lastPage) { cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); } } if (pages > lastPage) { cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); button = new DataGridLinkButton(); button.Text = "..."; button.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = (lastPage + 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); button.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(button); } } item.Cells.Add(cell); } ////// Creates a DataGridItem that contains the paging UI. /// The paging UI is a navigation bar that is a built into a single TableCell that /// spans across all columns of the DataGrid. /// ////// /// protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) { if (savedState != null) { object[] myState = (object[])savedState; if (myState[0] != null) base.LoadViewState(myState[0]); if (myState[1] != null) ((IStateManager)Columns).LoadViewState(myState[1]); if (myState[2] != null) ((IStateManager)PagerStyle).LoadViewState(myState[2]); if (myState[3] != null) ((IStateManager)HeaderStyle).LoadViewState(myState[3]); if (myState[4] != null) ((IStateManager)FooterStyle).LoadViewState(myState[4]); if (myState[5] != null) ((IStateManager)ItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[5]); if (myState[6] != null) ((IStateManager)AlternatingItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[6]); if (myState[7] != null) ((IStateManager)SelectedItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[7]); if (myState[8] != null) ((IStateManager)EditItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[8]); if (myState[9] != null) ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).LoadViewState(myState[9]); if (myState[10] != null) { object[] autoGenColumnState = (object[])myState[10]; int columnCount = autoGenColumnState.Length; if (columnCount != 0) autoGenColumnsArray = new ArrayList(); else autoGenColumnsArray = null; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn(); ((IStateManager)column).TrackViewState(); ((IStateManager)column).LoadViewState(autoGenColumnState[i]); column.SetOwner(this); autoGenColumnsArray.Add(column); } } } } ///Loads a saved state of the ///. /// /// protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs e) { bool handled = false; if (e is DataGridCommandEventArgs) { DataGridCommandEventArgs dce = (DataGridCommandEventArgs)e; OnItemCommand(dce); handled = true; string command = dce.CommandName; if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.SelectCommandName)) { SelectedIndex = dce.Item.ItemIndex; OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.PageCommandName)) { string pageNumberArg = (string)dce.CommandArgument; int newPage = CurrentPageIndex; if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(pageNumberArg, DataGrid.NextPageCommandArgument)) { newPage++; } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(pageNumberArg, DataGrid.PrevPageCommandArgument)) { newPage--; } else { // argument is page number, and page index is 1 less than that newPage = Int32.Parse(pageNumberArg, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) - 1; } DataGridPageChangedEventArgs args = new DataGridPageChangedEventArgs(source, newPage); OnPageIndexChanged(args); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.SortCommandName)) { DataGridSortCommandEventArgs args = new DataGridSortCommandEventArgs(source, dce); OnSortCommand(args); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.EditCommandName)) { OnEditCommand(dce); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.UpdateCommandName)) { OnUpdateCommand(dce); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.CancelCommandName)) { OnCancelCommand(dce); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.DeleteCommandName)) { OnDeleteCommand(dce); } } return handled; } ////// internal void OnColumnsChanged() { if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } ////// protected virtual void OnCancelCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventCancelCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnDeleteCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventDeleteCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnEditCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventEditCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventItemCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemCreated(DataGridItemEventArgs e) { DataGridItemEventHandler handler = (DataGridItemEventHandler)Events[EventItemCreated]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemDataBound(DataGridItemEventArgs e) { DataGridItemEventHandler handler = (DataGridItemEventHandler)Events[EventItemDataBound]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnPageIndexChanged(DataGridPageChangedEventArgs e) { DataGridPageChangedEventHandler handler = (DataGridPageChangedEventHandler)Events[EventPageIndexChanged]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// internal void OnPagerChanged() { } ////// protected virtual void OnSortCommand(DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridSortCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridSortCommandEventHandler)Events[EventSortCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnUpdateCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventUpdateCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// /// protected internal override void PrepareControlHierarchy() { if (Controls.Count == 0) return; Table childTable = (Table)Controls[0]; childTable.CopyBaseAttributes(this); childTable.Caption = Caption; childTable.CaptionAlign = CaptionAlign; if (ControlStyleCreated) { childTable.ApplyStyle(ControlStyle); } else { // Since we didn't create a ControlStyle yet, the default // settings for the default style of the control need to be applied // to the child table control directly // childTable.GridLines = GridLines.Both; childTable.CellSpacing = 0; } TableRowCollection rows = childTable.Rows; int rowCount = rows.Count; if (rowCount == 0) return; int columnCount = Columns.Count; DataGridColumn[] definedColumns = new DataGridColumn[columnCount]; if (columnCount > 0) Columns.CopyTo(definedColumns, 0); // the composite alternating item style, so we need to do just one // merge style on the actual item Style altItemStyle = null; if (alternatingItemStyle != null) { altItemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); altItemStyle.CopyFrom(itemStyle); altItemStyle.CopyFrom(alternatingItemStyle); } else { altItemStyle = itemStyle; } int visibleColumns = 0; bool calculateColumns = true; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataGridItem item = (DataGridItem)rows[i]; switch (item.ItemType) { case ListItemType.Header: if (ShowHeader == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; // with the next row } else { if (headerStyle != null) { item.MergeStyle(headerStyle); } } break; case ListItemType.Footer: if (ShowFooter == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; // with the next row } else { item.MergeStyle(footerStyle); } break; case ListItemType.Pager: if (pagerStyle.Visible == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; // with the next row } else { if (i == 0) { // top pager if (pagerStyle.IsPagerOnTop == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; } } else { // bottom pager if (pagerStyle.IsPagerOnBottom == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; } } item.MergeStyle(pagerStyle); } break; case ListItemType.Item: item.MergeStyle(itemStyle); break; case ListItemType.AlternatingItem: item.MergeStyle(altItemStyle); break; case ListItemType.SelectedItem: // When creating the control hierarchy we first check if the // item is in edit mode, so we know this item cannot be in edit // mode. The only special characteristic of this item is that // it is selected. { Style s = new TableItemStyle(); if (item.ItemIndex % 2 != 0) s.CopyFrom(altItemStyle); else s.CopyFrom(itemStyle); s.CopyFrom(selectedItemStyle); item.MergeStyle(s); } break; case ListItemType.EditItem: // When creating the control hierarchy, we first check if the // item is in edit mode. So an item may be selected too, and // so both editItemStyle (more specific) and selectedItemStyle // are applied. { Style s = new TableItemStyle(); if (item.ItemIndex % 2 != 0) s.CopyFrom(altItemStyle); else s.CopyFrom(itemStyle); if (item.ItemIndex == SelectedIndex) s.CopyFrom(selectedItemStyle); s.CopyFrom(editItemStyle); item.MergeStyle(s); } break; } TableCellCollection cells = item.Cells; int cellCount = cells.Count; if ((columnCount > 0) && (item.ItemType != ListItemType.Pager)) { int definedCells = cellCount; if (columnCount < cellCount) definedCells = columnCount; for (int j = 0; j < definedCells; j++) { if (definedColumns[j].Visible == false) { cells[j].Visible = false; } else { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item && calculateColumns) { visibleColumns++; } Style cellStyle = null; switch (item.ItemType) { case ListItemType.Header: cellStyle = definedColumns[j].HeaderStyleInternal; break; case ListItemType.Footer: cellStyle = definedColumns[j].FooterStyleInternal; break; default: cellStyle = definedColumns[j].ItemStyleInternal; break; } cells[j].MergeStyle(cellStyle); } } if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { calculateColumns = false; } } } if (Items.Count > 0 && visibleColumns != Items[0].Cells.Count && AllowPaging) { for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataGridItem item = (DataGridItem)rows[i]; if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Pager && item.Cells.Count > 0) { item.Cells[0].ColumnSpan = visibleColumns; } } } } ////// /// protected override object SaveViewState() { object baseState = base.SaveViewState(); object columnState = (columnCollection != null) ? ((IStateManager)columnCollection).SaveViewState() : null; object pagerStyleState = (pagerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)pagerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object headerStyleState = (headerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)headerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object footerStyleState = (footerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)footerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object itemStyleState = (itemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)itemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object alternatingItemStyleState = (alternatingItemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)alternatingItemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object selectedItemStyleState = (selectedItemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)selectedItemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object editItemStyleState = (editItemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)editItemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object controlState = ControlStyleCreated ? ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object[] autoGenColumnState = null; if ((autoGenColumnsArray != null) && (autoGenColumnsArray.Count != 0)) { autoGenColumnState = new object[autoGenColumnsArray.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < autoGenColumnState.Length; i++) { autoGenColumnState[i] = ((IStateManager)autoGenColumnsArray[i]).SaveViewState(); } } object[] myState = new object[11]; myState[0] = baseState; myState[1] = columnState; myState[2] = pagerStyleState; myState[3] = headerStyleState; myState[4] = footerStyleState; myState[5] = itemStyleState; myState[6] = alternatingItemStyleState; myState[7] = selectedItemStyleState; myState[8] = editItemStyleState; myState[9] = controlState; myState[10] = autoGenColumnState; // note that we always have some state, atleast the ItemCount return myState; } ///Saves the current state of the ///. /// /// protected override void TrackViewState() { base.TrackViewState(); if (columnCollection != null) ((IStateManager)columnCollection).TrackViewState(); if (pagerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)pagerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (headerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)headerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (footerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)footerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (itemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)itemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (alternatingItemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)alternatingItemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (selectedItemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)selectedItemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (editItemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)editItemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (ControlStyleCreated) ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).TrackViewState(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Marks the starting point to begin tracking and saving changes to the /// control as part of the control viewstate. ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Reflection; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Util; ////// [ Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridComponentEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(ComponentEditor)), Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign) ] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public class DataGrid : BaseDataList, INamingContainer { private static readonly object EventCancelCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventDeleteCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventEditCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemCreated = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemDataBound = new object(); private static readonly object EventPageIndexChanged = new object(); private static readonly object EventSortCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventUpdateCommand = new object(); ////// Displays data from a data source in a tabular grid. The data source /// is any object that implements IEnumerable, which includes ADO.NET data, /// arrays, ArrayLists etc. /// ////// public const string SortCommandName = "Sort"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string SelectCommandName = "Select"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string EditCommandName = "Edit"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string DeleteCommandName = "Delete"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string UpdateCommandName = "Update"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string CancelCommandName = "Cancel"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string PageCommandName = "Page"; ///Specifies the ///command. This field is constant. /// public const string NextPageCommandArgument = "Next"; ///Specifies the ///argument. This field is constant. /// public const string PrevPageCommandArgument = "Prev"; internal const string DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey = "_!DataSourceItemCount"; private IEnumerator storedData; private object firstDataItem; private bool storedDataValid; private PagedDataSource pagedDataSource; private ArrayList columns; private DataGridColumnCollection columnCollection; private TableItemStyle headerStyle; private TableItemStyle footerStyle; private TableItemStyle itemStyle; private TableItemStyle alternatingItemStyle; private TableItemStyle selectedItemStyle; private TableItemStyle editItemStyle; private DataGridPagerStyle pagerStyle; private ArrayList itemsArray; private DataGridItemCollection itemsCollection; private ArrayList autoGenColumnsArray; ///Specifies the ///argument. This field is constant. /// public DataGrid() { } ////// Initializes a new instance of the ///class. /// /// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_AllowCustomPaging) ] public virtual bool AllowCustomPaging { get { object o = ViewState["AllowCustomPaging"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { ViewState["AllowCustomPaging"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether custom paging is allowed. ////// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_AllowPaging) ] public virtual bool AllowPaging { get { object o = ViewState["AllowPaging"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { ViewState["AllowPaging"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether paging is allowed. ////// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_AllowSorting) ] public virtual bool AllowSorting { get { object o = ViewState["AllowSorting"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { ViewState["AllowSorting"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether sorting is allowed. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_AlternatingItemStyle) ] public virtual TableItemStyle AlternatingItemStyle { get { if (alternatingItemStyle == null) { alternatingItemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)alternatingItemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return alternatingItemStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties for alternating items in the /// ///. This /// property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(true), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_AutoGenerateColumns) ] public virtual bool AutoGenerateColumns { get { object o = ViewState["AutoGenerateColumns"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return true; } set { ViewState["AutoGenerateColumns"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether columns will automatically /// be created for each bound data field. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty(), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_BackImageUrl) ] public virtual string BackImageUrl { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return String.Empty; } return ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).BackImageUrl; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).BackImageUrl = value; } } ///Gets or sets the URL of an image to display in the /// background of the ///. /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_CurrentPageIndex) ] public int CurrentPageIndex { get { object o = ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return 0; } set { if (value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets the ordinal index of the currently displayed page. ////// [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridColumnCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebCategory("Default"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_Columns) ] public virtual DataGridColumnCollection Columns { get { if (columnCollection == null) { columns = new ArrayList(); columnCollection = new DataGridColumnCollection(this, columns); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)columnCollection).TrackViewState(); } return columnCollection; } } ///Gets a collection of ///controls in the . This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Default"), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_EditItemIndex) ] public virtual int EditItemIndex { get { object o = ViewState["EditItemIndex"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return -1; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["EditItemIndex"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets the ordinal index of the item to be edited. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_EditItemStyle) ] public virtual TableItemStyle EditItemStyle { get { if (editItemStyle == null) { editItemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)editItemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return editItemStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the item to be edited. This property is read-only. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_FooterStyle), ] public virtual TableItemStyle FooterStyle { get { if (footerStyle == null) { footerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)footerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return footerStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the footer item. This property is read-only. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_HeaderStyle) ] public virtual TableItemStyle HeaderStyle { get { if (headerStyle == null) { headerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)headerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return headerStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the header item. This property is read-only. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_Items) ] public virtual DataGridItemCollection Items { get { if (itemsCollection == null) { if (itemsArray == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } if (itemsArray == null) { itemsArray = new ArrayList(); } itemsCollection = new DataGridItemCollection(itemsArray); } return itemsCollection; } } ///Gets a collection of ///objects representing the individual /// items within the control. /// This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_ItemStyle), ] public virtual TableItemStyle ItemStyle { get { if (itemStyle == null) { itemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)itemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return itemStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the individual items. This property is read-only. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_PageCount) ] public int PageCount { get { if (pagedDataSource != null) { return pagedDataSource.PageCount; } else { object o = ViewState["PageCount"]; return (o != null) ? (int)o : 0; } } } ///Gets the total number of pages to be displayed. This property is read-only. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_PagerStyle) ] public virtual DataGridPagerStyle PagerStyle { get { if (pagerStyle == null) { pagerStyle = new DataGridPagerStyle(this); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)pagerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return pagerStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the pager buttons for the /// ///. This /// property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DefaultValue(10), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_PageSize), ] public virtual int PageSize { get { object o = ViewState["PageSize"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return 10; } set { if (value < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["PageSize"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets the number of items to display on a single page. ////// [ Bindable(true), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_SelectedIndex) ] public virtual int SelectedIndex { get { object o = ViewState["SelectedIndex"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return -1; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } int oldSelectedIndex = SelectedIndex; ViewState["SelectedIndex"] = value; if (itemsArray != null) { DataGridItem item; if ((oldSelectedIndex != -1) && (itemsArray.Count > oldSelectedIndex)) { item = (DataGridItem)itemsArray[oldSelectedIndex]; if (item.ItemType != ListItemType.EditItem) { ListItemType itemType = ListItemType.Item; if (oldSelectedIndex % 2 != 0) itemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem; item.SetItemType(itemType); } } if ((value != -1) && (itemsArray.Count > value)) { item = (DataGridItem)itemsArray[value]; if (item.ItemType != ListItemType.EditItem) item.SetItemType(ListItemType.SelectedItem); } } } } ///Gets or sets the index of the currently selected item. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_SelectedItem) ] public virtual DataGridItem SelectedItem { get { int index = SelectedIndex; DataGridItem item = null; if (index != -1) { item = Items[index]; } return item; } } ///Gets the selected item in the ///. This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_SelectedItemStyle) ] public virtual TableItemStyle SelectedItemStyle { get { if (selectedItemStyle == null) { selectedItemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)selectedItemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return selectedItemStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the currently selected item. This property is read-only. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_ShowFooter) ] public virtual bool ShowFooter { get { object o = ViewState["ShowFooter"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { ViewState["ShowFooter"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the footer is displayed in the /// ///. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(true), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_ShowHeader) ] public virtual bool ShowHeader { get { object o = ViewState["ShowHeader"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return true; } set { ViewState["ShowHeader"] = value; } } protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey { get { return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } } ///Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the header is displayed in the /// ///. /// Gets or sets the number of rows to display in the /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_VisibleItemCount) ] public virtual int VirtualItemCount { get { object o = ViewState["VirtualItemCount"]; if (o != null) return(int)o; return 0; } set { if (value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["VirtualItemCount"] = value; } } ///. /// /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnCancelCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler CancelCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventCancelCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventCancelCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///with a /// property of /// . /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnDeleteCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler DeleteCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventDeleteCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventDeleteCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///with a /// property of . /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnEditCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler EditCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventEditCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventEditCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///with a /// property of /// . /// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnItemCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler ItemCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///not covered by /// , , or /// . /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemCreated) ] public event DataGridItemEventHandler ItemCreated { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemCreated, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemCreated, value); } } ///Occurs on the server when a control a created. ////// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemDataBound) ] public event DataGridItemEventHandler ItemDataBound { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemDataBound, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemDataBound, value); } } ///Occurs when an item is data bound to the control. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnPageIndexChanged) ] public event DataGridPageChangedEventHandler PageIndexChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(EventPageIndexChanged, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventPageIndexChanged, value); } } ///Occurs the one of the pager buttons is clicked. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnSortCommand) ] public event DataGridSortCommandEventHandler SortCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventSortCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventSortCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a column is sorted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGrid_OnUpdateCommand) ] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler UpdateCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventUpdateCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventUpdateCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a control bubbles an event to the ///with a /// property of . /// /// Caches the fact that we have already consumed the first item from the enumeration /// and must use it first during our item creation. /// internal void StoreEnumerator(IEnumerator dataSource, object firstDataItem) { this.storedData = dataSource; this.firstDataItem = firstDataItem; this.storedDataValid = true; } ////// private ArrayList CreateAutoGeneratedColumns(PagedDataSource dataSource) { if (dataSource == null) { // note that we're not throwing an exception in this case, and the calling // code should be able to handle a null arraylist being returned return null; } ArrayList generatedColumns = new ArrayList(); PropertyDescriptorCollection propDescs = null; bool throwException = true; // try ITypedList first // A PagedDataSource implements this, but returns null, if the underlying data source // does not implement it. propDescs = ((ITypedList)dataSource).GetItemProperties(new PropertyDescriptor[0]); if (propDescs == null) { Type sampleItemType = null; object sampleItem = null; IEnumerable realDataSource = dataSource.DataSource; Debug.Assert(realDataSource != null, "Must have a real data source when calling CreateAutoGeneratedColumns"); Type dataSourceType = realDataSource.GetType(); // try for a typed Item property, which should be present on strongly typed collections PropertyInfo itemProp = dataSourceType.GetProperty("Item", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, null); if (itemProp != null) { sampleItemType = itemProp.PropertyType; } if ((sampleItemType == null) || (sampleItemType == typeof(object))) { // last resort... try to get ahold of the first item by beginning the // enumeration IEnumerator e = dataSource.GetEnumerator(); if (e.MoveNext()) { sampleItem = e.Current; } else { // we don't want to throw an exception if we're bound to an IEnumerable // data source with no records... we'll simply bail and not show any data throwException = false; } if (sampleItem != null) { sampleItemType = sampleItem.GetType(); } // We must store the enumerator regardless of whether we got back an item from it // because we cannot start the enumeration again, in the case of a DataReader. // Code in CreateControlHierarchy must deal appropriately for the case where // there is a stored enumerator, but a null object as the first item. StoreEnumerator(e, sampleItem); } if ((sampleItem != null) && (sampleItem is ICustomTypeDescriptor)) { // Get the custom properties of the object propDescs = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(sampleItem); } else if (sampleItemType != null) { // directly bindable types: strings, ints etc. get treated special, since we // don't care about their properties, but rather we care about them directly if (BaseDataList.IsBindableType(sampleItemType)) { BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn(); ((IStateManager)column).TrackViewState(); column.HeaderText = "Item"; column.DataField = BoundColumn.thisExpr; column.SortExpression = "Item"; column.SetOwner(this); generatedColumns.Add(column); } else { // complex type... we get its properties propDescs = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(sampleItemType); } } } if ((propDescs != null) && (propDescs.Count != 0)) { foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in propDescs) { Type propType = pd.PropertyType; if (BaseDataList.IsBindableType(propType)) { BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn(); ((IStateManager)column).TrackViewState(); column.HeaderText = pd.Name; column.DataField = pd.Name; column.SortExpression = pd.Name; column.ReadOnly = pd.IsReadOnly; column.SetOwner(this); generatedColumns.Add(column); } } } if ((generatedColumns.Count == 0) && throwException) { // this handles the case where we got back something that either had no // properties, or all properties were not bindable. throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGrid_NoAutoGenColumns, ID)); } return generatedColumns; } ////// Creates the set of columns to be used to build up the control /// hierarchy. /// When AutoGenerateColumns is true, the columns are created to match the /// datasource and are appended to the set of columns defined in the Columns /// collection. /// protected virtual ArrayList CreateColumnSet(PagedDataSource dataSource, bool useDataSource) { ArrayList columnsArray = new ArrayList(); DataGridColumn[] definedColumns = new DataGridColumn[Columns.Count]; Columns.CopyTo(definedColumns, 0); int i; for (i = 0; i < definedColumns.Length; i++) columnsArray.Add(definedColumns[i]); if (AutoGenerateColumns == true) { ArrayList autoColumns = null; if (useDataSource) { autoColumns = CreateAutoGeneratedColumns(dataSource); autoGenColumnsArray = autoColumns; } else { autoColumns = autoGenColumnsArray; } if (autoColumns != null) { int autoColumnCount = autoColumns.Count; for (i = 0; i < autoColumnCount; i++) columnsArray.Add(autoColumns[i]); } } return columnsArray; } ////// /// protected override void CreateControlHierarchy(bool useDataSource) { pagedDataSource = CreatePagedDataSource(); IEnumerator dataSource = null; int count = -1; int totalCount = -1; ArrayList keysArray = DataKeysArray; ArrayList columnsArray = null; if (itemsArray != null) { itemsArray.Clear(); } else { itemsArray = new ArrayList(); } itemsCollection = null; if (useDataSource == false) { // ViewState must have a non-null value for ItemCount because we check for // this in CreateChildControls count = (int)ViewState[BaseDataList.ItemCountViewStateKey]; totalCount = (int)ViewState[DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey]; if (count != -1) { if (pagedDataSource.IsCustomPagingEnabled) { pagedDataSource.DataSource = new DummyDataSource(count); } else { pagedDataSource.DataSource = new DummyDataSource(totalCount); } dataSource = pagedDataSource.GetEnumerator(); columnsArray = CreateColumnSet(null, false); itemsArray.Capacity = count; } } else { keysArray.Clear(); IEnumerable realDataSource = GetData(); if (realDataSource != null) { ICollection collection = realDataSource as ICollection; if ((collection == null) && pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled && !pagedDataSource.IsCustomPagingEnabled) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGrid_Missing_VirtualItemCount, ID)); } pagedDataSource.DataSource = realDataSource; if (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled) { if ((pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex < 0) || (pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex >= pagedDataSource.PageCount)) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_CurrentPageIndex)); } } columnsArray = CreateColumnSet(pagedDataSource, useDataSource); if (storedDataValid) { dataSource = storedData; } else { dataSource = pagedDataSource.GetEnumerator(); } if (collection != null) { int initialCapacity = pagedDataSource.Count; keysArray.Capacity = initialCapacity; itemsArray.Capacity = initialCapacity; } } } int columnCount = 0; if (columnsArray != null) columnCount = columnsArray.Count; if (columnCount > 0) { DataGridColumn[] displayColumns = new DataGridColumn[columnCount]; columnsArray.CopyTo(displayColumns, 0); Table table = new ChildTable(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ID) ? null : ClientID); Controls.Add(table); for (int c = 0; c < displayColumns.Length; c++) { displayColumns[c].Initialize(); } TableRowCollection rows = table.Rows; DataGridItem item; ListItemType itemType; int index = 0; int dataSetIndex = 0; string keyField = DataKeyField; bool storeKeys = (useDataSource && (keyField.Length != 0)); bool createPager = pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled; int editItemIndex = EditItemIndex; int selectedItemIndex = SelectedIndex; if (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled) dataSetIndex = pagedDataSource.FirstIndexInPage; count = 0; if (createPager) { // top pager CreateItem(-1, -1, ListItemType.Pager, false, null, displayColumns, rows, pagedDataSource); } CreateItem(-1, -1, ListItemType.Header, useDataSource, null, displayColumns, rows, null); if (storedDataValid && (firstDataItem != null)) { if (storeKeys) { object keyValue = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(firstDataItem, keyField); keysArray.Add(keyValue); } itemType = ListItemType.Item; if (index == editItemIndex) itemType = ListItemType.EditItem; else if (index == selectedItemIndex) itemType = ListItemType.SelectedItem; item = CreateItem(0, dataSetIndex, itemType, useDataSource, firstDataItem, displayColumns, rows, null); itemsArray.Add(item); count++; index++; dataSetIndex++; storedDataValid = false; firstDataItem = null; } while (dataSource.MoveNext()) { object dataItem = dataSource.Current; if (storeKeys) { object keyValue = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(dataItem, keyField); keysArray.Add(keyValue); } itemType = ListItemType.Item; if (index == editItemIndex) itemType = ListItemType.EditItem; else if (index == selectedItemIndex) itemType = ListItemType.SelectedItem; else if (index % 2 != 0) { itemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem; } item = CreateItem(index, dataSetIndex, itemType, useDataSource, dataItem, displayColumns, rows, null); itemsArray.Add(item); count++; dataSetIndex++; index++; } CreateItem(-1, -1, ListItemType.Footer, useDataSource, null, displayColumns, rows, null); if (createPager) { // bottom pager CreateItem(-1, -1, ListItemType.Pager, false, null, displayColumns, rows, pagedDataSource); } } if (useDataSource) { // save the number of items and pages contained in the DataGrid for use in round-trips if (dataSource != null) { ViewState[BaseDataList.ItemCountViewStateKey] = count; if (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled) { ViewState["PageCount"] = pagedDataSource.PageCount; ViewState[DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey] = pagedDataSource.DataSourceCount; } else { ViewState["PageCount"] = 1; ViewState[DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey] = count; } } else { ViewState[BaseDataList.ItemCountViewStateKey] = -1; ViewState[DataSourceItemCountViewStateKey] = -1; ViewState["PageCount"] = 0; } } pagedDataSource = null; } ///Creates the control hierarchy that is used to render the DataGrid. /// This is called whenever a control hierarchy is needed and the /// ChildControlsCreated property is false. /// The implementation assumes that all the children in the controls /// collection have already been cleared. ////// /// protected override Style CreateControlStyle() { TableStyle controlStyle = new TableStyle(); // initialize defaults that are different from TableStyle controlStyle.GridLines = GridLines.Both; controlStyle.CellSpacing = 0; return controlStyle; } private DataGridItem CreateItem(int itemIndex, int dataSourceIndex, ListItemType itemType, bool dataBind, object dataItem, DataGridColumn[] columns, TableRowCollection rows, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { DataGridItem item = CreateItem(itemIndex, dataSourceIndex, itemType); DataGridItemEventArgs e = new DataGridItemEventArgs(item); if (itemType != ListItemType.Pager) { InitializeItem(item, columns); if (dataBind) { item.DataItem = dataItem; } OnItemCreated(e); rows.Add(item); if (dataBind) { item.DataBind(); OnItemDataBound(e); item.DataItem = null; } } else { InitializePager(item, columns.Length, pagedDataSource); OnItemCreated(e); rows.Add(item); } return item; } ///Creates new control style. ////// protected virtual DataGridItem CreateItem(int itemIndex, int dataSourceIndex, ListItemType itemType) { return new DataGridItem(itemIndex, dataSourceIndex, itemType); } private PagedDataSource CreatePagedDataSource() { PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource(); pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = CurrentPageIndex; pagedDataSource.PageSize = PageSize; pagedDataSource.AllowPaging = AllowPaging; pagedDataSource.AllowCustomPaging = AllowCustomPaging; pagedDataSource.VirtualCount = VirtualItemCount; return pagedDataSource; } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void InitializeItem(DataGridItem item, DataGridColumn[] columns) { TableCellCollection cells = item.Cells; for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { TableCell cell; if ((item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header) && UseAccessibleHeader) { cell = new TableHeaderCell(); cell.Attributes["scope"] = "col"; } else { cell = new TableCell(); } columns[i].InitializeCell(cell, i, item.ItemType); cells.Add(cell); } } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void InitializePager(DataGridItem item, int columnSpan, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); if (columnSpan > 1) { cell.ColumnSpan = columnSpan; } DataGridPagerStyle pagerStyle = PagerStyle; if (pagerStyle.Mode == PagerMode.NextPrev) { if (pagedDataSource.IsFirstPage == false) { LinkButton prevButton = new DataGridLinkButton(); prevButton.Text = pagerStyle.PrevPageText; prevButton.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; prevButton.CommandArgument = DataGrid.PrevPageCommandArgument; prevButton.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(prevButton); } else { Label prevLabel = new Label(); prevLabel.Text = pagerStyle.PrevPageText; cell.Controls.Add(prevLabel); } cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); if (pagedDataSource.IsLastPage == false) { LinkButton nextButton = new DataGridLinkButton(); nextButton.Text = pagerStyle.NextPageText; nextButton.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; nextButton.CommandArgument = DataGrid.NextPageCommandArgument; nextButton.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(nextButton); } else { Label nextLabel = new Label(); nextLabel.Text = pagerStyle.NextPageText; cell.Controls.Add(nextLabel); } } else { int pages = pagedDataSource.PageCount; int currentPage = pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex + 1; int pageSetSize = pagerStyle.PageButtonCount; int pagesShown = pageSetSize; // ensure the number of pages we show isn't more than the number of pages that do exist if (pages < pagesShown) pagesShown = pages; // initialze to the first page set, i.e., pages 1 through number of pages shown int firstPage = 1; int lastPage = pagesShown; if (currentPage > lastPage) { // The current page is not in the first page set, then we need to slide the // range of pages shown by adjusting firstPage and lastPage int currentPageSet = pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex / pageSetSize; firstPage = currentPageSet * pageSetSize + 1; lastPage = firstPage + pageSetSize - 1; // now bring back lastPage into the range if its exceeded the number of pages if (lastPage > pages) lastPage = pages; // if theres room to show more pages from the previous page set, then adjust // the first page accordingly if (lastPage - firstPage + 1 < pageSetSize) { firstPage = Math.Max(1, lastPage - pageSetSize + 1); } } LinkButton button; if (firstPage != 1) { button = new DataGridLinkButton(); button.Text = "..."; button.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = (firstPage - 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); button.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(button); cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); } for (int i = firstPage; i <= lastPage; i++) { string pageString = (i).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (i == currentPage) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = pageString; cell.Controls.Add(label); } else { button = new DataGridLinkButton(); button.Text = pageString; button.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = pageString; button.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(button); } if (i < lastPage) { cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); } } if (pages > lastPage) { cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); button = new DataGridLinkButton(); button.Text = "..."; button.CommandName = DataGrid.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = (lastPage + 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); button.CausesValidation = false; cell.Controls.Add(button); } } item.Cells.Add(cell); } ////// Creates a DataGridItem that contains the paging UI. /// The paging UI is a navigation bar that is a built into a single TableCell that /// spans across all columns of the DataGrid. /// ////// /// protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) { if (savedState != null) { object[] myState = (object[])savedState; if (myState[0] != null) base.LoadViewState(myState[0]); if (myState[1] != null) ((IStateManager)Columns).LoadViewState(myState[1]); if (myState[2] != null) ((IStateManager)PagerStyle).LoadViewState(myState[2]); if (myState[3] != null) ((IStateManager)HeaderStyle).LoadViewState(myState[3]); if (myState[4] != null) ((IStateManager)FooterStyle).LoadViewState(myState[4]); if (myState[5] != null) ((IStateManager)ItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[5]); if (myState[6] != null) ((IStateManager)AlternatingItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[6]); if (myState[7] != null) ((IStateManager)SelectedItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[7]); if (myState[8] != null) ((IStateManager)EditItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[8]); if (myState[9] != null) ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).LoadViewState(myState[9]); if (myState[10] != null) { object[] autoGenColumnState = (object[])myState[10]; int columnCount = autoGenColumnState.Length; if (columnCount != 0) autoGenColumnsArray = new ArrayList(); else autoGenColumnsArray = null; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn(); ((IStateManager)column).TrackViewState(); ((IStateManager)column).LoadViewState(autoGenColumnState[i]); column.SetOwner(this); autoGenColumnsArray.Add(column); } } } } ///Loads a saved state of the ///. /// /// protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs e) { bool handled = false; if (e is DataGridCommandEventArgs) { DataGridCommandEventArgs dce = (DataGridCommandEventArgs)e; OnItemCommand(dce); handled = true; string command = dce.CommandName; if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.SelectCommandName)) { SelectedIndex = dce.Item.ItemIndex; OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.PageCommandName)) { string pageNumberArg = (string)dce.CommandArgument; int newPage = CurrentPageIndex; if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(pageNumberArg, DataGrid.NextPageCommandArgument)) { newPage++; } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(pageNumberArg, DataGrid.PrevPageCommandArgument)) { newPage--; } else { // argument is page number, and page index is 1 less than that newPage = Int32.Parse(pageNumberArg, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) - 1; } DataGridPageChangedEventArgs args = new DataGridPageChangedEventArgs(source, newPage); OnPageIndexChanged(args); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.SortCommandName)) { DataGridSortCommandEventArgs args = new DataGridSortCommandEventArgs(source, dce); OnSortCommand(args); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.EditCommandName)) { OnEditCommand(dce); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.UpdateCommandName)) { OnUpdateCommand(dce); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.CancelCommandName)) { OnCancelCommand(dce); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataGrid.DeleteCommandName)) { OnDeleteCommand(dce); } } return handled; } ////// internal void OnColumnsChanged() { if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } ////// protected virtual void OnCancelCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventCancelCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnDeleteCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventDeleteCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnEditCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventEditCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventItemCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemCreated(DataGridItemEventArgs e) { DataGridItemEventHandler handler = (DataGridItemEventHandler)Events[EventItemCreated]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemDataBound(DataGridItemEventArgs e) { DataGridItemEventHandler handler = (DataGridItemEventHandler)Events[EventItemDataBound]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnPageIndexChanged(DataGridPageChangedEventArgs e) { DataGridPageChangedEventHandler handler = (DataGridPageChangedEventHandler)Events[EventPageIndexChanged]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// internal void OnPagerChanged() { } ////// protected virtual void OnSortCommand(DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridSortCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridSortCommandEventHandler)Events[EventSortCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnUpdateCommand(DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler)Events[EventUpdateCommand]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// /// protected internal override void PrepareControlHierarchy() { if (Controls.Count == 0) return; Table childTable = (Table)Controls[0]; childTable.CopyBaseAttributes(this); childTable.Caption = Caption; childTable.CaptionAlign = CaptionAlign; if (ControlStyleCreated) { childTable.ApplyStyle(ControlStyle); } else { // Since we didn't create a ControlStyle yet, the default // settings for the default style of the control need to be applied // to the child table control directly // childTable.GridLines = GridLines.Both; childTable.CellSpacing = 0; } TableRowCollection rows = childTable.Rows; int rowCount = rows.Count; if (rowCount == 0) return; int columnCount = Columns.Count; DataGridColumn[] definedColumns = new DataGridColumn[columnCount]; if (columnCount > 0) Columns.CopyTo(definedColumns, 0); // the composite alternating item style, so we need to do just one // merge style on the actual item Style altItemStyle = null; if (alternatingItemStyle != null) { altItemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); altItemStyle.CopyFrom(itemStyle); altItemStyle.CopyFrom(alternatingItemStyle); } else { altItemStyle = itemStyle; } int visibleColumns = 0; bool calculateColumns = true; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataGridItem item = (DataGridItem)rows[i]; switch (item.ItemType) { case ListItemType.Header: if (ShowHeader == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; // with the next row } else { if (headerStyle != null) { item.MergeStyle(headerStyle); } } break; case ListItemType.Footer: if (ShowFooter == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; // with the next row } else { item.MergeStyle(footerStyle); } break; case ListItemType.Pager: if (pagerStyle.Visible == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; // with the next row } else { if (i == 0) { // top pager if (pagerStyle.IsPagerOnTop == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; } } else { // bottom pager if (pagerStyle.IsPagerOnBottom == false) { item.Visible = false; continue; } } item.MergeStyle(pagerStyle); } break; case ListItemType.Item: item.MergeStyle(itemStyle); break; case ListItemType.AlternatingItem: item.MergeStyle(altItemStyle); break; case ListItemType.SelectedItem: // When creating the control hierarchy we first check if the // item is in edit mode, so we know this item cannot be in edit // mode. The only special characteristic of this item is that // it is selected. { Style s = new TableItemStyle(); if (item.ItemIndex % 2 != 0) s.CopyFrom(altItemStyle); else s.CopyFrom(itemStyle); s.CopyFrom(selectedItemStyle); item.MergeStyle(s); } break; case ListItemType.EditItem: // When creating the control hierarchy, we first check if the // item is in edit mode. So an item may be selected too, and // so both editItemStyle (more specific) and selectedItemStyle // are applied. { Style s = new TableItemStyle(); if (item.ItemIndex % 2 != 0) s.CopyFrom(altItemStyle); else s.CopyFrom(itemStyle); if (item.ItemIndex == SelectedIndex) s.CopyFrom(selectedItemStyle); s.CopyFrom(editItemStyle); item.MergeStyle(s); } break; } TableCellCollection cells = item.Cells; int cellCount = cells.Count; if ((columnCount > 0) && (item.ItemType != ListItemType.Pager)) { int definedCells = cellCount; if (columnCount < cellCount) definedCells = columnCount; for (int j = 0; j < definedCells; j++) { if (definedColumns[j].Visible == false) { cells[j].Visible = false; } else { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item && calculateColumns) { visibleColumns++; } Style cellStyle = null; switch (item.ItemType) { case ListItemType.Header: cellStyle = definedColumns[j].HeaderStyleInternal; break; case ListItemType.Footer: cellStyle = definedColumns[j].FooterStyleInternal; break; default: cellStyle = definedColumns[j].ItemStyleInternal; break; } cells[j].MergeStyle(cellStyle); } } if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { calculateColumns = false; } } } if (Items.Count > 0 && visibleColumns != Items[0].Cells.Count && AllowPaging) { for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataGridItem item = (DataGridItem)rows[i]; if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Pager && item.Cells.Count > 0) { item.Cells[0].ColumnSpan = visibleColumns; } } } } ////// /// protected override object SaveViewState() { object baseState = base.SaveViewState(); object columnState = (columnCollection != null) ? ((IStateManager)columnCollection).SaveViewState() : null; object pagerStyleState = (pagerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)pagerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object headerStyleState = (headerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)headerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object footerStyleState = (footerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)footerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object itemStyleState = (itemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)itemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object alternatingItemStyleState = (alternatingItemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)alternatingItemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object selectedItemStyleState = (selectedItemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)selectedItemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object editItemStyleState = (editItemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)editItemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object controlState = ControlStyleCreated ? ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object[] autoGenColumnState = null; if ((autoGenColumnsArray != null) && (autoGenColumnsArray.Count != 0)) { autoGenColumnState = new object[autoGenColumnsArray.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < autoGenColumnState.Length; i++) { autoGenColumnState[i] = ((IStateManager)autoGenColumnsArray[i]).SaveViewState(); } } object[] myState = new object[11]; myState[0] = baseState; myState[1] = columnState; myState[2] = pagerStyleState; myState[3] = headerStyleState; myState[4] = footerStyleState; myState[5] = itemStyleState; myState[6] = alternatingItemStyleState; myState[7] = selectedItemStyleState; myState[8] = editItemStyleState; myState[9] = controlState; myState[10] = autoGenColumnState; // note that we always have some state, atleast the ItemCount return myState; } ///Saves the current state of the ///. /// /// protected override void TrackViewState() { base.TrackViewState(); if (columnCollection != null) ((IStateManager)columnCollection).TrackViewState(); if (pagerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)pagerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (headerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)headerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (footerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)footerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (itemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)itemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (alternatingItemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)alternatingItemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (selectedItemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)selectedItemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (editItemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)editItemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (ControlStyleCreated) ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).TrackViewState(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.Marks the starting point to begin tracking and saving changes to the /// control as part of the control viewstate. ///
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