TabletDevice.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Input / Stylus / TabletDevice.cs / 1 / TabletDevice.cs

                            using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Security;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;                        // SecurityHelper
using System.Security.Permissions;
using MS.Win32.Penimc;
using MS.Win32; 

namespace System.Windows.Input 
    ///     Class that represents a physical digitizer connected to the system.
    ///     Tablets are the source of events for the Stylus devices.
    public sealed class TabletDevice : InputDevice

        ///     Critical:  creates security critical data (IpimcTablet)
        internal TabletDevice(TabletDeviceInfo tabletInfo, PenThread penThread)
            _tabletInfo = tabletInfo; 
            _penThread = penThread;
            int count = tabletInfo.StylusDevicesInfo.Length; 

            StylusDevice[] styluses = new StylusDevice[count];
            for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                StylusDeviceInfo cursorInfo = tabletInfo.StylusDevicesInfo[i];
                styluses[i] = new StylusDevice( 
            _stylusDeviceCollection = new StylusDeviceCollection(styluses);
        ///     Critical: calls SecurityCritical method _stylusDeviceCollection.Dispose.
        internal void Dispose() 
            _tabletInfo.PimcTablet = null; 
            if (_stylusDeviceCollection != null) 
                _stylusDeviceCollection = null;
            _penThread = null;

        ///     Critical: - Calls unmanaged code that is SecurityCritical with SUC attribute.
        ///                 - accesses security critical data _pimcTablet.Value 
        ///           - called by constructor
        internal StylusDevice UpdateStylusDevices(int stylusId) 
            // REENTRANCY NOTE: Use PenThread to talk to wisptis.exe to make sure we are not reentrant! 
            //                  PenImc will cache all the stylus device info so we don't have
            //                  any Out of Proc calls to wisptis.exe to get this info. 

            StylusDeviceInfo[] stylusDevicesInfo = _penThread.WorkerRefreshCursorInfo(_tabletInfo.PimcTablet.Value);

            int cCursors = stylusDevicesInfo.Length; 

            if (cCursors > StylusDevices.Count) 
                for (int iCursor = 0; iCursor < cCursors; iCursor++)
                    StylusDeviceInfo stylusDeviceInfo = stylusDevicesInfo[iCursor];

                    // See if we found it.  If so go and create the new StylusDevice and add it.
                    if ( stylusDeviceInfo.CursorId == stylusId ) 
                        StylusDevice newStylusDevice = new StylusDevice( 
                        StylusDevices.AddStylusDevice(iCursor, newStylusDevice);
                        return newStylusDevice;


            return null;  // Nothing to add

        ///     Returns the element that input from this device is sent to.
        public override IInputElement Target
                StylusDevice stylusDevice = Stylus.CurrentStylusDevice; 
                if (stylusDevice == null) 
                    return null;
                return stylusDevice.Target; 

        ///     Returns the PresentationSource that is reporting input for this device. 
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API. 
        /// Critical - accesses critical data (InputSource on StylusDevice)
        /// PublicOK - there is a demand. 
        ///               this is safe as:
        ///                     there is a demand for the UI permissions in the code 
        public override PresentationSource ActiveSource
                StylusDevice stylusDevice = Stylus.CurrentStylusDevice; 
                if (stylusDevice == null) 
                    return null;
                return stylusDevice.ActiveSource;  // This also does a security demand. 

        ///     Returns an id of the tablet object unique within the process. 
        public int Id
                return _tabletInfo.Id; 
        ///     Returns the friendly name of the tablet.
        public string Name
                return _tabletInfo.Name;

        ///     Returns the hardware Product ID of the tablet (was PlugAndPlayId).
        public string ProductId 
                return _tabletInfo.PlugAndPlayId;
        ///     Returns the maximum coordinate dimensions that the device can collect. 
        ///     This value is in Tablet Coordinates
        internal Matrix TabletToScreen
                return new Matrix( _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.ScreenSize.Width / _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.TabletSize.Width, 0, 
                                   0, _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.ScreenSize.Height / _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.TabletSize.Height,
                                   0, 0); 

        ///     Returns the size of the digitizer for this TabletDevice. 
        ///     This value is in Tablet Coordinates. 
        internal Size TabletSize 
                return _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.TabletSize; 
        ///     Returns the size for the display that this TabletDevice is
        ///     mapped to.
        ///     This value is in Screen Coordinates.
        internal Size ScreenSize
                return _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.ScreenSize; 

        ///     Returns the capabilities of the tablet hardware. 
        public TabletHardwareCapabilities TabletHardwareCapabilities 
                return _tabletInfo.HardwareCapabilities;

        ///     Returns the list of StylusPointProperties supported by this TabletDevice.
        public ReadOnlyCollection SupportedStylusPointProperties 
                return _tabletInfo.StylusPointProperties; 

        // Helper to return a StylusPointDescription using the SupportedStylusProperties info. 
        internal StylusPointDescription StylusPointDescription
                if (_stylusPointDescription == null) 
                    ReadOnlyCollection properties = SupportedStylusPointProperties;
                    // InitializeSupportStylusPointProperties must be called first!
                    Debug.Assert(properties != null); 

                    List propertyInfos = new List(); 
                    for (int i=0; i < properties.Count; i++) 
                        propertyInfos.Add(new StylusPointPropertyInfo(properties[i])); 
                    _stylusPointDescription = new StylusPointDescription(propertyInfos, _tabletInfo.PressureIndex);
                return _stylusPointDescription; 
        ///     Returns the type of tablet device hardware (Stylus, Touch)
        public TabletDeviceType Type
                return _tabletInfo.DeviceType;

        ///     Returns the friendly string representation of the Tablet object
        public override string ToString() 
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}({1})", base.ToString(), Name); 

        ///     Returns the collection of StylusDevices defined on this tablet.
        ///     An Empty collection is returned if the device has not seen any Stylus Pointers. 
        public StylusDeviceCollection StylusDevices
                Debug.Assert (_stylusDeviceCollection != null);
                return _stylusDeviceCollection; 
        ///     Critical: - calls into unmanaged code that is SecurityCritical with SUC attribute.
        ///                 - accesses security critical data _pimcTablet.Value 
        ///                 - takes in data that is potential security risk (hwnd) 
        internal PenContext CreateContext(IntPtr hwnd, PenContexts contexts)
            PenContext penContext;
            bool supportInRange = (this.TabletHardwareCapabilities & TabletHardwareCapabilities.HardProximity) != 0; 
            bool isIntegrated = (this.TabletHardwareCapabilities & TabletHardwareCapabilities.Integrated) != 0;
            // Use a PenThread to create a tablet context so we don't cause reentrancy. 
            PenContextInfo result = _penThread.WorkerCreateContext(hwnd, _tabletInfo.PimcTablet.Value);
            penContext = new PenContext(result.PimcContext != null ? result.PimcContext.Value : null,
                                        hwnd, contexts,
                                        supportInRange, isIntegrated, result.ContextId,
                                        result.CommHandle != null ? result.CommHandle.Value : IntPtr.Zero, 
            return penContext; 

        ///     Critical: - returns data that is potential a security risk (PenThread)
        internal PenThread PenThread 
                return _penThread;
        ///     Critical: - calls into unmanaged code that is SecurityCritical with SUC attribute.
        ///               - accesses security critical data _pimcTablet.Value
        internal void UpdateScreenMeasurements() 
            // Update and reset these sizes to be recalculated the next time they are needed.
            _cancelSize = Size.Empty;
            _doubleTapSize = Size.Empty;
            // Update the size info we use to map tablet coordinates to screen coordinates.
            _tabletInfo.SizeInfo = _penThread.WorkerGetUpdatedSizes(_tabletInfo.PimcTablet.Value); 

        // NOTE: UpdateSizeDeltas MUST be called before the returned Size is valid. 
        //  Since we currently only call this while processing Down stylus events
        //  after StylusDevice.UpdateState has been called it will always be initialized appropriately.
        internal Size DoubleTapSize
                return _doubleTapSize;   // used for double tap detection - updating click count. 

        // NOTE: UpdateSizeDeltas MUST be called before the returned Size is valid.
        //  Since we currently only call this while processing Move stylus events
        //  after StylusDevice.UpdateState has been called it will always be initialized appropriately. 
        internal Size CancelSize
                return _cancelSize; // Used for drag detection when double tapping. 

        // Forces the UpdateSizeDeltas to re-calc the sizes the next time it is called. 
        // NOTE: We don't invalidate the sizes and just leave them till the next time we
        //  UpdateSizeDeltas gets called. 
        internal void InvalidateSizeDeltas() 
            _forceUpdateSizeDeltas = true; 

        ///      Critical as this uses SecurityCritical _stylusLogic variable. 
        ///      At the top called from StylusLogic::PreProcessInput event which is SecurityCritical 
        internal void UpdateSizeDeltas(StylusPointDescription description, StylusLogic stylusLogic) 
            if (_doubleTapSize.IsEmpty || _cancelSize.IsEmpty || _forceUpdateSizeDeltas)
                // Query default settings for mouse drag and double tap (with minimum of 1x1 size). 
                Size mouseDragDefault = new Size(Math.Max(1, SafeSystemMetrics.DragDeltaX / 2),
                                               Math.Max(1, SafeSystemMetrics.DragDeltaY / 2)); 
                Size mouseDoubleTapDefault = new Size(Math.Max(1, SafeSystemMetrics.DoubleClickDeltaX / 2), 
                                               Math.Max(1, SafeSystemMetrics.DoubleClickDeltaY / 2));
                StylusPointPropertyInfo xProperty = description.GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.X);
                StylusPointPropertyInfo yProperty = description.GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.Y);

                uint dwXValue = GetPropertyValue(xProperty); 
                uint dwYValue = GetPropertyValue(yProperty);
                if (dwXValue != 0 && dwYValue != 0) 
                    _cancelSize = new Size((int)Math.Round((ScreenSize.Width * stylusLogic.CancelDelta) / dwXValue), 
                                           (int)Math.Round((ScreenSize.Height * stylusLogic.CancelDelta) / dwYValue));

                    // Make sure we return whole numbers (pixels are whole numbers) and take the maximum
                    // value between mouse and stylus settings to be safe. 
                    _cancelSize.Width = Math.Max(mouseDragDefault.Width, _cancelSize.Width);
                    _cancelSize.Height = Math.Max(mouseDragDefault.Height, _cancelSize.Height); 
                    _doubleTapSize = new Size((int)Math.Round((ScreenSize.Width * stylusLogic.DoubleTapDelta) / dwXValue),
                                              (int)Math.Round((ScreenSize.Height * stylusLogic.DoubleTapDelta) / dwYValue)); 

                    // Make sure we return whole numbers (pixels are whole numbers) and take the maximum
                    // value between mouse and stylus settings to be safe.
                    _doubleTapSize.Width = Math.Max(mouseDoubleTapDefault.Width, _doubleTapSize.Width); 
                    _doubleTapSize.Height = Math.Max(mouseDoubleTapDefault.Height, _doubleTapSize.Height);
                    // If no info to do the calculation then use the mouse settings for the default. 
                    _doubleTapSize = mouseDoubleTapDefault;
                    _cancelSize = mouseDragDefault;
                _forceUpdateSizeDeltas = false;

        private static uint GetPropertyValue(StylusPointPropertyInfo propertyInfo) 
            uint   dw = 0;

            switch (propertyInfo.Unit) 
                case StylusPointPropertyUnit.Inches: 
                    if (propertyInfo.Resolution != 0) 
                        dw = (uint) (((propertyInfo.Maximum - propertyInfo.Minimum) * 254) / propertyInfo.Resolution);

                case StylusPointPropertyUnit.Centimeters:
                    if (propertyInfo.Resolution != 0)
                        dw = (uint) (((propertyInfo.Maximum - propertyInfo.Minimum) * 100) / propertyInfo.Resolution); 
                    dw = 1000;
            return dw;

        TabletDeviceInfo            _tabletInfo; // Hold the info about this tablet device.

        ///     Critical to prevent accidental spread to transparent code 
        PenThread                   _penThread; // Hold ref on worker thread we use to talk to wisptis. 

        StylusDeviceCollection      _stylusDeviceCollection; 
        StylusPointDescription      _stylusPointDescription;

        // Calculated size in screen coordinates for Drag and DoubleTap detection.
        private Size _cancelSize = Size.Empty; 
        private Size _doubleTapSize = Size.Empty;
        private bool _forceUpdateSizeDeltas; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Security;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;                        // SecurityHelper
using System.Security.Permissions;
using MS.Win32.Penimc;
using MS.Win32; 

namespace System.Windows.Input 
    ///     Class that represents a physical digitizer connected to the system.
    ///     Tablets are the source of events for the Stylus devices.
    public sealed class TabletDevice : InputDevice

        ///     Critical:  creates security critical data (IpimcTablet)
        internal TabletDevice(TabletDeviceInfo tabletInfo, PenThread penThread)
            _tabletInfo = tabletInfo; 
            _penThread = penThread;
            int count = tabletInfo.StylusDevicesInfo.Length; 

            StylusDevice[] styluses = new StylusDevice[count];
            for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                StylusDeviceInfo cursorInfo = tabletInfo.StylusDevicesInfo[i];
                styluses[i] = new StylusDevice( 
            _stylusDeviceCollection = new StylusDeviceCollection(styluses);
        ///     Critical: calls SecurityCritical method _stylusDeviceCollection.Dispose.
        internal void Dispose() 
            _tabletInfo.PimcTablet = null; 
            if (_stylusDeviceCollection != null) 
                _stylusDeviceCollection = null;
            _penThread = null;

        ///     Critical: - Calls unmanaged code that is SecurityCritical with SUC attribute.
        ///                 - accesses security critical data _pimcTablet.Value 
        ///           - called by constructor
        internal StylusDevice UpdateStylusDevices(int stylusId) 
            // REENTRANCY NOTE: Use PenThread to talk to wisptis.exe to make sure we are not reentrant! 
            //                  PenImc will cache all the stylus device info so we don't have
            //                  any Out of Proc calls to wisptis.exe to get this info. 

            StylusDeviceInfo[] stylusDevicesInfo = _penThread.WorkerRefreshCursorInfo(_tabletInfo.PimcTablet.Value);

            int cCursors = stylusDevicesInfo.Length; 

            if (cCursors > StylusDevices.Count) 
                for (int iCursor = 0; iCursor < cCursors; iCursor++)
                    StylusDeviceInfo stylusDeviceInfo = stylusDevicesInfo[iCursor];

                    // See if we found it.  If so go and create the new StylusDevice and add it.
                    if ( stylusDeviceInfo.CursorId == stylusId ) 
                        StylusDevice newStylusDevice = new StylusDevice( 
                        StylusDevices.AddStylusDevice(iCursor, newStylusDevice);
                        return newStylusDevice;


            return null;  // Nothing to add

        ///     Returns the element that input from this device is sent to.
        public override IInputElement Target
                StylusDevice stylusDevice = Stylus.CurrentStylusDevice; 
                if (stylusDevice == null) 
                    return null;
                return stylusDevice.Target; 

        ///     Returns the PresentationSource that is reporting input for this device. 
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API. 
        /// Critical - accesses critical data (InputSource on StylusDevice)
        /// PublicOK - there is a demand. 
        ///               this is safe as:
        ///                     there is a demand for the UI permissions in the code 
        public override PresentationSource ActiveSource
                StylusDevice stylusDevice = Stylus.CurrentStylusDevice; 
                if (stylusDevice == null) 
                    return null;
                return stylusDevice.ActiveSource;  // This also does a security demand. 

        ///     Returns an id of the tablet object unique within the process. 
        public int Id
                return _tabletInfo.Id; 
        ///     Returns the friendly name of the tablet.
        public string Name
                return _tabletInfo.Name;

        ///     Returns the hardware Product ID of the tablet (was PlugAndPlayId).
        public string ProductId 
                return _tabletInfo.PlugAndPlayId;
        ///     Returns the maximum coordinate dimensions that the device can collect. 
        ///     This value is in Tablet Coordinates
        internal Matrix TabletToScreen
                return new Matrix( _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.ScreenSize.Width / _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.TabletSize.Width, 0, 
                                   0, _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.ScreenSize.Height / _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.TabletSize.Height,
                                   0, 0); 

        ///     Returns the size of the digitizer for this TabletDevice. 
        ///     This value is in Tablet Coordinates. 
        internal Size TabletSize 
                return _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.TabletSize; 
        ///     Returns the size for the display that this TabletDevice is
        ///     mapped to.
        ///     This value is in Screen Coordinates.
        internal Size ScreenSize
                return _tabletInfo.SizeInfo.ScreenSize; 

        ///     Returns the capabilities of the tablet hardware. 
        public TabletHardwareCapabilities TabletHardwareCapabilities 
                return _tabletInfo.HardwareCapabilities;

        ///     Returns the list of StylusPointProperties supported by this TabletDevice.
        public ReadOnlyCollection SupportedStylusPointProperties 
                return _tabletInfo.StylusPointProperties; 

        // Helper to return a StylusPointDescription using the SupportedStylusProperties info. 
        internal StylusPointDescription StylusPointDescription
                if (_stylusPointDescription == null) 
                    ReadOnlyCollection properties = SupportedStylusPointProperties;
                    // InitializeSupportStylusPointProperties must be called first!
                    Debug.Assert(properties != null); 

                    List propertyInfos = new List(); 
                    for (int i=0; i < properties.Count; i++) 
                        propertyInfos.Add(new StylusPointPropertyInfo(properties[i])); 
                    _stylusPointDescription = new StylusPointDescription(propertyInfos, _tabletInfo.PressureIndex);
                return _stylusPointDescription; 
        ///     Returns the type of tablet device hardware (Stylus, Touch)
        public TabletDeviceType Type
                return _tabletInfo.DeviceType;

        ///     Returns the friendly string representation of the Tablet object
        public override string ToString() 
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}({1})", base.ToString(), Name); 

        ///     Returns the collection of StylusDevices defined on this tablet.
        ///     An Empty collection is returned if the device has not seen any Stylus Pointers. 
        public StylusDeviceCollection StylusDevices
                Debug.Assert (_stylusDeviceCollection != null);
                return _stylusDeviceCollection; 
        ///     Critical: - calls into unmanaged code that is SecurityCritical with SUC attribute.
        ///                 - accesses security critical data _pimcTablet.Value 
        ///                 - takes in data that is potential security risk (hwnd) 
        internal PenContext CreateContext(IntPtr hwnd, PenContexts contexts)
            PenContext penContext;
            bool supportInRange = (this.TabletHardwareCapabilities & TabletHardwareCapabilities.HardProximity) != 0; 
            bool isIntegrated = (this.TabletHardwareCapabilities & TabletHardwareCapabilities.Integrated) != 0;
            // Use a PenThread to create a tablet context so we don't cause reentrancy. 
            PenContextInfo result = _penThread.WorkerCreateContext(hwnd, _tabletInfo.PimcTablet.Value);
            penContext = new PenContext(result.PimcContext != null ? result.PimcContext.Value : null,
                                        hwnd, contexts,
                                        supportInRange, isIntegrated, result.ContextId,
                                        result.CommHandle != null ? result.CommHandle.Value : IntPtr.Zero, 
            return penContext; 

        ///     Critical: - returns data that is potential a security risk (PenThread)
        internal PenThread PenThread 
                return _penThread;
        ///     Critical: - calls into unmanaged code that is SecurityCritical with SUC attribute.
        ///               - accesses security critical data _pimcTablet.Value
        internal void UpdateScreenMeasurements() 
            // Update and reset these sizes to be recalculated the next time they are needed.
            _cancelSize = Size.Empty;
            _doubleTapSize = Size.Empty;
            // Update the size info we use to map tablet coordinates to screen coordinates.
            _tabletInfo.SizeInfo = _penThread.WorkerGetUpdatedSizes(_tabletInfo.PimcTablet.Value); 

        // NOTE: UpdateSizeDeltas MUST be called before the returned Size is valid. 
        //  Since we currently only call this while processing Down stylus events
        //  after StylusDevice.UpdateState has been called it will always be initialized appropriately.
        internal Size DoubleTapSize
                return _doubleTapSize;   // used for double tap detection - updating click count. 

        // NOTE: UpdateSizeDeltas MUST be called before the returned Size is valid.
        //  Since we currently only call this while processing Move stylus events
        //  after StylusDevice.UpdateState has been called it will always be initialized appropriately. 
        internal Size CancelSize
                return _cancelSize; // Used for drag detection when double tapping. 

        // Forces the UpdateSizeDeltas to re-calc the sizes the next time it is called. 
        // NOTE: We don't invalidate the sizes and just leave them till the next time we
        //  UpdateSizeDeltas gets called. 
        internal void InvalidateSizeDeltas() 
            _forceUpdateSizeDeltas = true; 

        ///      Critical as this uses SecurityCritical _stylusLogic variable. 
        ///      At the top called from StylusLogic::PreProcessInput event which is SecurityCritical 
        internal void UpdateSizeDeltas(StylusPointDescription description, StylusLogic stylusLogic) 
            if (_doubleTapSize.IsEmpty || _cancelSize.IsEmpty || _forceUpdateSizeDeltas)
                // Query default settings for mouse drag and double tap (with minimum of 1x1 size). 
                Size mouseDragDefault = new Size(Math.Max(1, SafeSystemMetrics.DragDeltaX / 2),
                                               Math.Max(1, SafeSystemMetrics.DragDeltaY / 2)); 
                Size mouseDoubleTapDefault = new Size(Math.Max(1, SafeSystemMetrics.DoubleClickDeltaX / 2), 
                                               Math.Max(1, SafeSystemMetrics.DoubleClickDeltaY / 2));
                StylusPointPropertyInfo xProperty = description.GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.X);
                StylusPointPropertyInfo yProperty = description.GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperties.Y);

                uint dwXValue = GetPropertyValue(xProperty); 
                uint dwYValue = GetPropertyValue(yProperty);
                if (dwXValue != 0 && dwYValue != 0) 
                    _cancelSize = new Size((int)Math.Round((ScreenSize.Width * stylusLogic.CancelDelta) / dwXValue), 
                                           (int)Math.Round((ScreenSize.Height * stylusLogic.CancelDelta) / dwYValue));

                    // Make sure we return whole numbers (pixels are whole numbers) and take the maximum
                    // value between mouse and stylus settings to be safe. 
                    _cancelSize.Width = Math.Max(mouseDragDefault.Width, _cancelSize.Width);
                    _cancelSize.Height = Math.Max(mouseDragDefault.Height, _cancelSize.Height); 
                    _doubleTapSize = new Size((int)Math.Round((ScreenSize.Width * stylusLogic.DoubleTapDelta) / dwXValue),
                                              (int)Math.Round((ScreenSize.Height * stylusLogic.DoubleTapDelta) / dwYValue)); 

                    // Make sure we return whole numbers (pixels are whole numbers) and take the maximum
                    // value between mouse and stylus settings to be safe.
                    _doubleTapSize.Width = Math.Max(mouseDoubleTapDefault.Width, _doubleTapSize.Width); 
                    _doubleTapSize.Height = Math.Max(mouseDoubleTapDefault.Height, _doubleTapSize.Height);
                    // If no info to do the calculation then use the mouse settings for the default. 
                    _doubleTapSize = mouseDoubleTapDefault;
                    _cancelSize = mouseDragDefault;
                _forceUpdateSizeDeltas = false;

        private static uint GetPropertyValue(StylusPointPropertyInfo propertyInfo) 
            uint   dw = 0;

            switch (propertyInfo.Unit) 
                case StylusPointPropertyUnit.Inches: 
                    if (propertyInfo.Resolution != 0) 
                        dw = (uint) (((propertyInfo.Maximum - propertyInfo.Minimum) * 254) / propertyInfo.Resolution);

                case StylusPointPropertyUnit.Centimeters:
                    if (propertyInfo.Resolution != 0)
                        dw = (uint) (((propertyInfo.Maximum - propertyInfo.Minimum) * 100) / propertyInfo.Resolution); 
                    dw = 1000;
            return dw;

        TabletDeviceInfo            _tabletInfo; // Hold the info about this tablet device.

        ///     Critical to prevent accidental spread to transparent code 
        PenThread                   _penThread; // Hold ref on worker thread we use to talk to wisptis. 

        StylusDeviceCollection      _stylusDeviceCollection; 
        StylusPointDescription      _stylusPointDescription;

        // Calculated size in screen coordinates for Drag and DoubleTap detection.
        private Size _cancelSize = Size.Empty; 
        private Size _doubleTapSize = Size.Empty;
        private bool _forceUpdateSizeDeltas; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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