/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / Odbc / OdbcConnectionFactory.cs / 1 / OdbcConnectionFactory.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Odbc { using System; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.ProviderBase; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; sealed internal class OdbcConnectionFactory : DbConnectionFactory { private OdbcConnectionFactory() : base() {} // At this time, the ODBC Provider doesn't have any connection pool counters // because we'd only confuse people with "non-pooled" connections that are // actually being pooled by the native pooler. private const string _MetaData = ":MetaDataXml"; private const string _defaultMetaDataXml = "defaultMetaDataXml"; public static readonly OdbcConnectionFactory SingletonInstance = new OdbcConnectionFactory(); override public DbProviderFactory ProviderFactory { get { return OdbcFactory.Instance; } } override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) { DbConnectionInternal result = new OdbcConnectionOpen(owningObject as OdbcConnection, options as OdbcConnectionString); return result; } override protected DbConnectionOptions CreateConnectionOptions(string connectionString, DbConnectionOptions previous) { Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(connectionString), "empty connectionString"); OdbcConnectionString result = new OdbcConnectionString(connectionString, (null != previous)); return result; } override protected DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions CreateConnectionPoolGroupOptions( DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions ) { // At this time, the ODBC provider only supports native pooling so we // simply return NULL to indicate that. return null; } override internal DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo CreateConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo (DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions) { return new OdbcConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo(); } override protected DbMetaDataFactory CreateMetaDataFactory(DbConnectionInternal internalConnection, out bool cacheMetaDataFactory){ Debug.Assert (internalConnection != null,"internalConnection may not be null."); cacheMetaDataFactory = false; OdbcConnection odbcOuterConnection = ((OdbcConnectionOpen)internalConnection).OuterConnection; Debug.Assert(odbcOuterConnection != null,"outer connection may not be null."); NameValueCollection settings = (NameValueCollection)PrivilegedConfigurationManager.GetSection(""); Stream XMLStream =null; // get the DBMS Name object driverName = null; string stringValue = odbcOuterConnection.GetInfoStringUnhandled(ODBC32.SQL_INFO.DRIVER_NAME); if (stringValue != null) { driverName = stringValue; } if (settings != null){ string [] values = null; string metaDataXML = null; // first try to get the provider specific xml // if driver name is not supported we can't build the settings key needed to // get the provider specific XML path if (driverName != null){ metaDataXML = ((string)driverName) + _MetaData; values = settings.GetValues(metaDataXML); } // if we did not find provider specific xml see if there is new default xml if (values == null) { metaDataXML = _defaultMetaDataXml; values = settings.GetValues(metaDataXML); } // If there is an XML file get it if (values != null) { XMLStream = ADP.GetXmlStreamFromValues(values,metaDataXML); } } // use the embedded xml if the user did not over ride it if (XMLStream == null){ XMLStream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("System.Data.Odbc.OdbcMetaData.xml"); cacheMetaDataFactory = true; } Debug.Assert (XMLStream != null,"XMLstream may not be null."); String versionString = odbcOuterConnection.GetInfoStringUnhandled(ODBC32.SQL_INFO.DBMS_VER); return new OdbcMetaDataFactory (XMLStream, versionString, versionString, odbcOuterConnection); } override internal DbConnectionPoolGroup GetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnection connection) { OdbcConnection c = (connection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { return c.PoolGroup; } return null; } override internal DbConnectionInternal GetInnerConnection(DbConnection connection) { OdbcConnection c = (connection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { return c.InnerConnection; } return null; } override protected int GetObjectId(DbConnection connection) { OdbcConnection c = (connection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { return c.ObjectID; } return 0; } override internal void PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection) { OdbcConnection c = (outerConnection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { c.PermissionDemand(); } } override internal void SetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup) { OdbcConnection c = (outerConnection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { c.PoolGroup = poolGroup; } } override internal void SetInnerConnectionEvent(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to) { OdbcConnection c = (owningObject as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { c.SetInnerConnectionEvent(to); } } override internal bool SetInnerConnectionFrom(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to, DbConnectionInternal from) { OdbcConnection c = (owningObject as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { return c.SetInnerConnectionFrom(to, from); } return false; } override internal void SetInnerConnectionTo(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to) { OdbcConnection c = (owningObject as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { c.SetInnerConnectionTo(to); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Odbc { using System; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.ProviderBase; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; sealed internal class OdbcConnectionFactory : DbConnectionFactory { private OdbcConnectionFactory() : base() {} // At this time, the ODBC Provider doesn't have any connection pool counters // because we'd only confuse people with "non-pooled" connections that are // actually being pooled by the native pooler. private const string _MetaData = ":MetaDataXml"; private const string _defaultMetaDataXml = "defaultMetaDataXml"; public static readonly OdbcConnectionFactory SingletonInstance = new OdbcConnectionFactory(); override public DbProviderFactory ProviderFactory { get { return OdbcFactory.Instance; } } override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) { DbConnectionInternal result = new OdbcConnectionOpen(owningObject as OdbcConnection, options as OdbcConnectionString); return result; } override protected DbConnectionOptions CreateConnectionOptions(string connectionString, DbConnectionOptions previous) { Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(connectionString), "empty connectionString"); OdbcConnectionString result = new OdbcConnectionString(connectionString, (null != previous)); return result; } override protected DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions CreateConnectionPoolGroupOptions( DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions ) { // At this time, the ODBC provider only supports native pooling so we // simply return NULL to indicate that. return null; } override internal DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo CreateConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo (DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions) { return new OdbcConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo(); } override protected DbMetaDataFactory CreateMetaDataFactory(DbConnectionInternal internalConnection, out bool cacheMetaDataFactory){ Debug.Assert (internalConnection != null,"internalConnection may not be null."); cacheMetaDataFactory = false; OdbcConnection odbcOuterConnection = ((OdbcConnectionOpen)internalConnection).OuterConnection; Debug.Assert(odbcOuterConnection != null,"outer connection may not be null."); NameValueCollection settings = (NameValueCollection)PrivilegedConfigurationManager.GetSection(""); Stream XMLStream =null; // get the DBMS Name object driverName = null; string stringValue = odbcOuterConnection.GetInfoStringUnhandled(ODBC32.SQL_INFO.DRIVER_NAME); if (stringValue != null) { driverName = stringValue; } if (settings != null){ string [] values = null; string metaDataXML = null; // first try to get the provider specific xml // if driver name is not supported we can't build the settings key needed to // get the provider specific XML path if (driverName != null){ metaDataXML = ((string)driverName) + _MetaData; values = settings.GetValues(metaDataXML); } // if we did not find provider specific xml see if there is new default xml if (values == null) { metaDataXML = _defaultMetaDataXml; values = settings.GetValues(metaDataXML); } // If there is an XML file get it if (values != null) { XMLStream = ADP.GetXmlStreamFromValues(values,metaDataXML); } } // use the embedded xml if the user did not over ride it if (XMLStream == null){ XMLStream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("System.Data.Odbc.OdbcMetaData.xml"); cacheMetaDataFactory = true; } Debug.Assert (XMLStream != null,"XMLstream may not be null."); String versionString = odbcOuterConnection.GetInfoStringUnhandled(ODBC32.SQL_INFO.DBMS_VER); return new OdbcMetaDataFactory (XMLStream, versionString, versionString, odbcOuterConnection); } override internal DbConnectionPoolGroup GetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnection connection) { OdbcConnection c = (connection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { return c.PoolGroup; } return null; } override internal DbConnectionInternal GetInnerConnection(DbConnection connection) { OdbcConnection c = (connection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { return c.InnerConnection; } return null; } override protected int GetObjectId(DbConnection connection) { OdbcConnection c = (connection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { return c.ObjectID; } return 0; } override internal void PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection) { OdbcConnection c = (outerConnection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { c.PermissionDemand(); } } override internal void SetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup) { OdbcConnection c = (outerConnection as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { c.PoolGroup = poolGroup; } } override internal void SetInnerConnectionEvent(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to) { OdbcConnection c = (owningObject as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { c.SetInnerConnectionEvent(to); } } override internal bool SetInnerConnectionFrom(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to, DbConnectionInternal from) { OdbcConnection c = (owningObject as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { return c.SetInnerConnectionFrom(to, from); } return false; } override internal void SetInnerConnectionTo(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to) { OdbcConnection c = (owningObject as OdbcConnection); if (null != c) { c.SetInnerConnectionTo(to); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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