/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Metadata / Edm / MetadataPropertyCollection.cs / 2 / MetadataPropertyCollection.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....],[....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Data.Common.Utils; namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm { ////// Metadata collection class supporting delay-loading of system item attributes and /// extended attributes. /// internal sealed class MetadataPropertyCollection : MetadataCollection{ /// /// Constructor taking item. /// /// Item with which the collection is associated. internal MetadataPropertyCollection(MetadataItem item) : base(GetSystemMetadataProperties(item)) { } private readonly static Memoizers_itemTypeMemoizer = new Memoizer (clrType => new ItemTypeInformation(clrType), null); // Given an item, returns all system type attributes for the item. private static IEnumerable GetSystemMetadataProperties(MetadataItem item) { EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(item, "item"); Type type = item.GetType(); ItemTypeInformation itemTypeInformation = GetItemTypeInformation(type); return itemTypeInformation.GetItemAttributes(item); } // Retrieves metadata for type. private static ItemTypeInformation GetItemTypeInformation(Type clrType) { return s_itemTypeMemoizer.Evaluate(clrType); } /// /// Encapsulates information about system item attributes for a particular item type. /// private class ItemTypeInformation { ////// Retrieves system attribute information for the given type. /// Requires: type must derive from MetadataItem /// /// Type internal ItemTypeInformation(Type clrType) { Debug.Assert(null != clrType); _itemProperties = GetItemProperties(clrType); } private readonly List_itemProperties; // Returns system item attributes for the given item. internal IEnumerable GetItemAttributes(MetadataItem item) { foreach (ItemPropertyInfo propertyInfo in _itemProperties) { yield return propertyInfo.GetMetadataProperty(item); } } // Gets type information for item with the given type. Uses cached information where // available. private static List GetItemProperties(Type clrType) { List result = new List (); foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in clrType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { foreach (MetadataPropertyAttribute attribute in propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes( typeof(MetadataPropertyAttribute), false)) { result.Add(new ItemPropertyInfo(propertyInfo, attribute)); } } return result; } } /// /// Encapsulates information about a CLR property of an item class. /// private class ItemPropertyInfo { ////// Initialize information. /// Requires: attribute must belong to the given property. /// /// Property referenced. /// Attribute for the property. internal ItemPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, MetadataPropertyAttribute attribute) { Debug.Assert(null != propertyInfo); Debug.Assert(null != attribute); _propertyInfo = propertyInfo; _attribute = attribute; } private readonly MetadataPropertyAttribute _attribute; private readonly PropertyInfo _propertyInfo; ////// Given an item, returns an instance of the item attribute described by this class. /// /// Item from which to retrieve attribute. ///Item attribute. internal MetadataProperty GetMetadataProperty(MetadataItem item) { return new MetadataProperty(_propertyInfo.Name, _attribute.Type, _attribute.IsCollectionType, new MetadataPropertyValue(_propertyInfo, item)); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....],[....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Data.Common.Utils; namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm { ////// Metadata collection class supporting delay-loading of system item attributes and /// extended attributes. /// internal sealed class MetadataPropertyCollection : MetadataCollection{ /// /// Constructor taking item. /// /// Item with which the collection is associated. internal MetadataPropertyCollection(MetadataItem item) : base(GetSystemMetadataProperties(item)) { } private readonly static Memoizers_itemTypeMemoizer = new Memoizer (clrType => new ItemTypeInformation(clrType), null); // Given an item, returns all system type attributes for the item. private static IEnumerable GetSystemMetadataProperties(MetadataItem item) { EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(item, "item"); Type type = item.GetType(); ItemTypeInformation itemTypeInformation = GetItemTypeInformation(type); return itemTypeInformation.GetItemAttributes(item); } // Retrieves metadata for type. private static ItemTypeInformation GetItemTypeInformation(Type clrType) { return s_itemTypeMemoizer.Evaluate(clrType); } /// /// Encapsulates information about system item attributes for a particular item type. /// private class ItemTypeInformation { ////// Retrieves system attribute information for the given type. /// Requires: type must derive from MetadataItem /// /// Type internal ItemTypeInformation(Type clrType) { Debug.Assert(null != clrType); _itemProperties = GetItemProperties(clrType); } private readonly List_itemProperties; // Returns system item attributes for the given item. internal IEnumerable GetItemAttributes(MetadataItem item) { foreach (ItemPropertyInfo propertyInfo in _itemProperties) { yield return propertyInfo.GetMetadataProperty(item); } } // Gets type information for item with the given type. Uses cached information where // available. private static List GetItemProperties(Type clrType) { List result = new List (); foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in clrType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { foreach (MetadataPropertyAttribute attribute in propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes( typeof(MetadataPropertyAttribute), false)) { result.Add(new ItemPropertyInfo(propertyInfo, attribute)); } } return result; } } /// /// Encapsulates information about a CLR property of an item class. /// private class ItemPropertyInfo { ////// Initialize information. /// Requires: attribute must belong to the given property. /// /// Property referenced. /// Attribute for the property. internal ItemPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, MetadataPropertyAttribute attribute) { Debug.Assert(null != propertyInfo); Debug.Assert(null != attribute); _propertyInfo = propertyInfo; _attribute = attribute; } private readonly MetadataPropertyAttribute _attribute; private readonly PropertyInfo _propertyInfo; ////// Given an item, returns an instance of the item attribute described by this class. /// /// Item from which to retrieve attribute. ///Item attribute. internal MetadataProperty GetMetadataProperty(MetadataItem item) { return new MetadataProperty(_propertyInfo.Name, _attribute.Type, _attribute.IsCollectionType, new MetadataPropertyValue(_propertyInfo, item)); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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