/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / SqlClient / sqlmetadatafactory.cs / 1 / sqlmetadatafactory.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // //[....] //Mugunm // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.SqlClient{ using System; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Data.ProviderBase; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; internal sealed class SqlMetaDataFactory : DbMetaDataFactory{ // V1.2.3300 private const string _serverVersionNormalized90 = "09.00.0000"; private const string _serverVersionNormalized90782 = "09.00.0782"; private const string _serverVersionNormalized10 = "10.00.0000"; public SqlMetaDataFactory(Stream XMLStream, string serverVersion, string serverVersionNormalized): base(XMLStream, serverVersion, serverVersionNormalized) { } private void addUDTsToDataTypesTable(DataTable dataTypesTable, SqlConnection connection , String ServerVersion) { const string sqlCommand = "select " + ", " + "types.assembly_class, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'VersionMajor') as version_major, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'VersionMinor') as version_minor, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'VersionBuild') as version_build, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'VersionRevision') as version_revision, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'CultureInfo') as culture_info, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'PublicKey') as public_key, " + "is_nullable, " + "is_fixed_length, " + "max_length " + "from sys.assemblies as assemblies join sys.assembly_types as types " + "on assemblies.assembly_id = types.assembly_id "; // pre 9.0/Yukon servers do not have UDTs if (0 > string.Compare(ServerVersion, _serverVersionNormalized90, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){ return; } // Execute the SELECT statement SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sqlCommand; DataRow newRow = null; DataColumn providerDbtype = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ProviderDbType]; DataColumn columnSize = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ColumnSize]; DataColumn isFixedLength = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsFixedLength]; DataColumn isSearchable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsSearchable]; DataColumn isLiteralSupported = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsLiteralSupported]; DataColumn typeName = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.TypeName]; DataColumn isNullable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsNullable]; if ((providerDbtype == null) || (columnSize == null) || (isFixedLength == null) || (isSearchable == null) || (isLiteralSupported == null) || (typeName == null) || (isNullable == null)) { throw ADP.InvalidXml(); } const int columnSizeIndex = 10; const int isFixedLengthIndex = 9; const int isNullableIndex = 8; const int assemblyNameIndex = 0; const int assemblyClassIndex = 1; const int versionMajorIndex = 2; const int versionMinorIndex = 3; const int versionBuildIndex = 4; const int versionRevisionIndex = 5; const int cultureInfoIndex = 6; const int publicKeyIndex = 7; using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { object[] values = new object[11]; while (reader.Read()) { reader.GetValues(values); newRow = dataTypesTable.NewRow(); newRow[providerDbtype] = SqlDbType.Udt; if (values[columnSizeIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[columnSize] = values[columnSizeIndex]; } if (values[isFixedLengthIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[isFixedLength] = values[isFixedLengthIndex]; } newRow[isSearchable] = true; newRow[isLiteralSupported] = false; if (values[isNullableIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[isNullable] = values[isNullableIndex]; } if ((values[assemblyNameIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[assemblyClassIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[versionMajorIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[versionMinorIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[versionBuildIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[versionRevisionIndex] != DBNull.Value)) { StringBuilder nameString = new StringBuilder(); nameString.Append(values[assemblyClassIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append(", "); nameString.Append(values[assemblyNameIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append(", Version="); nameString.Append(values[versionMajorIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append("."); nameString.Append(values[versionMinorIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append("."); nameString.Append(values[versionBuildIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append("."); nameString.Append(values[versionRevisionIndex].ToString()); if (values[cultureInfoIndex] != DBNull.Value) { nameString.Append(", Culture="); nameString.Append(values[cultureInfoIndex].ToString()); } if (values[publicKeyIndex] != DBNull.Value) { nameString.Append(", PublicKeyToken="); StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder(); Byte[] byteArrayValue = (Byte[])values[publicKeyIndex]; foreach (byte b in byteArrayValue) { resultString.Append(String.Format((IFormatProvider)null, "{0,-2:x2}", b)); } nameString.Append(resultString.ToString()); } newRow[typeName] = nameString.ToString(); dataTypesTable.Rows.Add(newRow); newRow.AcceptChanges(); } // if assembly name }//end while } // end using } private void AddTVPsToDataTypesTable(DataTable dataTypesTable, SqlConnection connection , String ServerVersion) { const string sqlCommand = "select " + "name, " + "is_nullable, " + "max_length " + "from sys.types " + "where is_table_type = 1"; // if (0 > string.Compare(ServerVersion, _serverVersionNormalized10, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){ return; } // Execute the SELECT statement SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sqlCommand; DataRow newRow = null; DataColumn providerDbtype = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ProviderDbType]; DataColumn columnSize = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ColumnSize]; DataColumn isSearchable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsSearchable]; DataColumn isLiteralSupported = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsLiteralSupported]; DataColumn typeName = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.TypeName]; DataColumn isNullable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsNullable]; if ((providerDbtype == null) || (columnSize == null) || (isSearchable == null) || (isLiteralSupported == null) || (typeName == null) || (isNullable == null)) { throw ADP.InvalidXml(); } const int columnSizeIndex = 2; const int isNullableIndex = 1; const int typeNameIndex = 0; using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { object[] values = new object[11]; while (reader.Read()) { reader.GetValues(values); newRow = dataTypesTable.NewRow(); newRow[providerDbtype] = SqlDbType.Structured; if (values[columnSizeIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[columnSize] = values[columnSizeIndex]; } newRow[isSearchable] = false; newRow[isLiteralSupported] = false; if (values[isNullableIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[isNullable] = values[isNullableIndex]; } if (values[typeNameIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[typeName] = values[typeNameIndex]; dataTypesTable.Rows.Add(newRow); newRow.AcceptChanges(); } // if type name }//end while } // end using } private DataTable GetDataTypesTable(SqlConnection connection){ // verify the existance of the table in the data set DataTable dataTypesTable = CollectionDataSet.Tables[DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes]; if (dataTypesTable == null){ throw ADP.UnableToBuildCollection(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes); } // copy the table filtering out any rows that don't apply to tho current version of the prrovider dataTypesTable = CloneAndFilterCollection(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes, null); addUDTsToDataTypesTable(dataTypesTable, connection, ServerVersionNormalized); AddTVPsToDataTypesTable(dataTypesTable, connection, ServerVersionNormalized); dataTypesTable.AcceptChanges(); return dataTypesTable; } protected override DataTable PrepareCollection(String collectionName, String[] restrictions, DbConnection connection){ SqlConnection sqlConnection = (SqlConnection) connection; DataTable resultTable = null; if (collectionName == DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes){ if (ADP.IsEmptyArray(restrictions) == false) { throw ADP.TooManyRestrictions(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes); } resultTable = GetDataTypesTable(sqlConnection); } if (resultTable == null){ throw ADP.UnableToBuildCollection(collectionName); } return resultTable; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // //[....] //Mugunm // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.SqlClient{ using System; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Data.ProviderBase; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; internal sealed class SqlMetaDataFactory : DbMetaDataFactory{ // V1.2.3300 private const string _serverVersionNormalized90 = "09.00.0000"; private const string _serverVersionNormalized90782 = "09.00.0782"; private const string _serverVersionNormalized10 = "10.00.0000"; public SqlMetaDataFactory(Stream XMLStream, string serverVersion, string serverVersionNormalized): base(XMLStream, serverVersion, serverVersionNormalized) { } private void addUDTsToDataTypesTable(DataTable dataTypesTable, SqlConnection connection , String ServerVersion) { const string sqlCommand = "select " + ", " + "types.assembly_class, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'VersionMajor') as version_major, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'VersionMinor') as version_minor, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'VersionBuild') as version_build, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'VersionRevision') as version_revision, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'CultureInfo') as culture_info, " + "ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(, 'PublicKey') as public_key, " + "is_nullable, " + "is_fixed_length, " + "max_length " + "from sys.assemblies as assemblies join sys.assembly_types as types " + "on assemblies.assembly_id = types.assembly_id "; // pre 9.0/Yukon servers do not have UDTs if (0 > string.Compare(ServerVersion, _serverVersionNormalized90, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){ return; } // Execute the SELECT statement SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sqlCommand; DataRow newRow = null; DataColumn providerDbtype = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ProviderDbType]; DataColumn columnSize = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ColumnSize]; DataColumn isFixedLength = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsFixedLength]; DataColumn isSearchable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsSearchable]; DataColumn isLiteralSupported = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsLiteralSupported]; DataColumn typeName = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.TypeName]; DataColumn isNullable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsNullable]; if ((providerDbtype == null) || (columnSize == null) || (isFixedLength == null) || (isSearchable == null) || (isLiteralSupported == null) || (typeName == null) || (isNullable == null)) { throw ADP.InvalidXml(); } const int columnSizeIndex = 10; const int isFixedLengthIndex = 9; const int isNullableIndex = 8; const int assemblyNameIndex = 0; const int assemblyClassIndex = 1; const int versionMajorIndex = 2; const int versionMinorIndex = 3; const int versionBuildIndex = 4; const int versionRevisionIndex = 5; const int cultureInfoIndex = 6; const int publicKeyIndex = 7; using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { object[] values = new object[11]; while (reader.Read()) { reader.GetValues(values); newRow = dataTypesTable.NewRow(); newRow[providerDbtype] = SqlDbType.Udt; if (values[columnSizeIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[columnSize] = values[columnSizeIndex]; } if (values[isFixedLengthIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[isFixedLength] = values[isFixedLengthIndex]; } newRow[isSearchable] = true; newRow[isLiteralSupported] = false; if (values[isNullableIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[isNullable] = values[isNullableIndex]; } if ((values[assemblyNameIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[assemblyClassIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[versionMajorIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[versionMinorIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[versionBuildIndex] != DBNull.Value) && (values[versionRevisionIndex] != DBNull.Value)) { StringBuilder nameString = new StringBuilder(); nameString.Append(values[assemblyClassIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append(", "); nameString.Append(values[assemblyNameIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append(", Version="); nameString.Append(values[versionMajorIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append("."); nameString.Append(values[versionMinorIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append("."); nameString.Append(values[versionBuildIndex].ToString()); nameString.Append("."); nameString.Append(values[versionRevisionIndex].ToString()); if (values[cultureInfoIndex] != DBNull.Value) { nameString.Append(", Culture="); nameString.Append(values[cultureInfoIndex].ToString()); } if (values[publicKeyIndex] != DBNull.Value) { nameString.Append(", PublicKeyToken="); StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder(); Byte[] byteArrayValue = (Byte[])values[publicKeyIndex]; foreach (byte b in byteArrayValue) { resultString.Append(String.Format((IFormatProvider)null, "{0,-2:x2}", b)); } nameString.Append(resultString.ToString()); } newRow[typeName] = nameString.ToString(); dataTypesTable.Rows.Add(newRow); newRow.AcceptChanges(); } // if assembly name }//end while } // end using } private void AddTVPsToDataTypesTable(DataTable dataTypesTable, SqlConnection connection , String ServerVersion) { const string sqlCommand = "select " + "name, " + "is_nullable, " + "max_length " + "from sys.types " + "where is_table_type = 1"; // if (0 > string.Compare(ServerVersion, _serverVersionNormalized10, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){ return; } // Execute the SELECT statement SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sqlCommand; DataRow newRow = null; DataColumn providerDbtype = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ProviderDbType]; DataColumn columnSize = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ColumnSize]; DataColumn isSearchable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsSearchable]; DataColumn isLiteralSupported = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsLiteralSupported]; DataColumn typeName = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.TypeName]; DataColumn isNullable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsNullable]; if ((providerDbtype == null) || (columnSize == null) || (isSearchable == null) || (isLiteralSupported == null) || (typeName == null) || (isNullable == null)) { throw ADP.InvalidXml(); } const int columnSizeIndex = 2; const int isNullableIndex = 1; const int typeNameIndex = 0; using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { object[] values = new object[11]; while (reader.Read()) { reader.GetValues(values); newRow = dataTypesTable.NewRow(); newRow[providerDbtype] = SqlDbType.Structured; if (values[columnSizeIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[columnSize] = values[columnSizeIndex]; } newRow[isSearchable] = false; newRow[isLiteralSupported] = false; if (values[isNullableIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[isNullable] = values[isNullableIndex]; } if (values[typeNameIndex] != DBNull.Value) { newRow[typeName] = values[typeNameIndex]; dataTypesTable.Rows.Add(newRow); newRow.AcceptChanges(); } // if type name }//end while } // end using } private DataTable GetDataTypesTable(SqlConnection connection){ // verify the existance of the table in the data set DataTable dataTypesTable = CollectionDataSet.Tables[DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes]; if (dataTypesTable == null){ throw ADP.UnableToBuildCollection(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes); } // copy the table filtering out any rows that don't apply to tho current version of the prrovider dataTypesTable = CloneAndFilterCollection(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes, null); addUDTsToDataTypesTable(dataTypesTable, connection, ServerVersionNormalized); AddTVPsToDataTypesTable(dataTypesTable, connection, ServerVersionNormalized); dataTypesTable.AcceptChanges(); return dataTypesTable; } protected override DataTable PrepareCollection(String collectionName, String[] restrictions, DbConnection connection){ SqlConnection sqlConnection = (SqlConnection) connection; DataTable resultTable = null; if (collectionName == DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes){ if (ADP.IsEmptyArray(restrictions) == false) { throw ADP.TooManyRestrictions(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes); } resultTable = GetDataTypesTable(sqlConnection); } if (resultTable == null){ throw ADP.UnableToBuildCollection(collectionName); } return resultTable; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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