TypeSystemProvider.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / ndp / fx / src / DLinq / Dlinq / SqlClient / Common / TypeSystemProvider.cs / 1 / TypeSystemProvider.cs

                            using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace System.Data.Linq.SqlClient { 

    /// Abstracts the provider side type system. Encapsulates: 
    /// - Mapping from runtime types to provider types.
    /// - Parsing type strings in the provider's language. 
    /// - Handling application defined (opaque) types.
    /// - Type coercion precedence rules.
    /// - Type family organization.
    internal abstract class TypeSystemProvider {
        internal abstract ProviderType PredictTypeForUnary(SqlNodeType unaryOp, ProviderType operandType); 

        internal abstract ProviderType PredictTypeForBinary(SqlNodeType binaryOp, ProviderType leftType, ProviderType rightType); 

        /// Return the provider type corresponding to the given clr type.
        internal abstract ProviderType From(Type runtimeType);
        /// Return the provider type corresponding to the given object instance.
        internal abstract ProviderType From(object o);

        /// Return the provider type corresponding to the given clr type and size. 
        internal abstract ProviderType From(Type type, int? size); 
        /// Return a type by parsing a string. The format of the string is 
        /// provider specific.
        internal abstract ProviderType Parse(string text);
        /// Return a type understood only by the application. 
        /// Each call with the same index will return the same ProviderType. 
        internal abstract ProviderType GetApplicationType(int index); 

        /// Returns the most precise type in the family of the type given.
        /// A family is a group types that serve similar functions. For example, 
        /// in SQL SmallInt and Int are part of one family.
        internal abstract ProviderType MostPreciseTypeInFamily(ProviderType type); 

        /// For LOB data types that have large type equivalents, this function returns the equivalent large
        /// data type.  If the type is not an LOB or cannot be converted, the function returns the current type.
        /// For example SqlServer defines the 'Image' LOB type, whose large type equivalent is VarBinary(MAX).
        internal abstract ProviderType GetBestLargeType(ProviderType type);
        /// Returns a type that can be used to hold values for both the current
        /// type and the specified type without data loss. 
        internal abstract ProviderType GetBestType(ProviderType typeA, ProviderType typeB);

        internal abstract ProviderType ReturnTypeOfFunction(SqlFunctionCall functionCall); 

        /// Get a type that can hold the same information but belongs to a different type family. 
        /// For example, to represent a SQL NChar as an integer type, we need to use the type int.
        /// (SQL smallint would not be able to contain characters with unicode >32768) 
        /// Type of the target type family
        /// Smallest type of target type family that can hold equivalent information
        internal abstract ProviderType ChangeTypeFamilyTo(ProviderType type, ProviderType typeWithFamily); 

        internal abstract void InitializeParameter(ProviderType type, System.Data.Common.DbParameter parameter, object value); 

    /// Flags control the format of string returned by ToQueryString().
    internal enum QueryFormatOptions { 
        None = 0,
        SuppressSize = 1 

    /// An abstract type exposed by the TypeSystemProvider.
    internal abstract class ProviderType {
        /// True if this type is a Unicode type (eg, ntext, etc). 
        internal abstract bool IsUnicodeType { get; }
        /// For a unicode type, return it's non-unicode equivalent.
        internal abstract ProviderType GetNonUnicodeEquivalent(); 

        /// True if this type has only a CLR representation and no provider representation. 
        internal abstract bool IsRuntimeOnlyType { get; } 

        /// True if this type is an application defined type.
        internal abstract bool IsApplicationType { get; }
        /// Determine whether this is the given application type.
        internal abstract bool IsApplicationTypeOf(int index);

        /// Returns the CLR type which most closely corresponds to this provider type. 
        internal abstract Type GetClosestRuntimeType(); 
        /// Compare implicit type coercion precedence. 
        /// -1 means there is an implicit conversion from this->type.
        /// 0 means there is a two way implicit conversion from this->type
        /// 1 means there is an implicit conversion from type->this.
        internal abstract int ComparePrecedenceTo(ProviderType type);
        /// Determines whether two types are in the same type family.
        /// A family is a group types that serve similar functions. For example, 
        /// in SQL SmallInt and Int are part of one family.
        internal abstract bool IsSameTypeFamily(ProviderType type);
        /// Used to indicate if the type supports comparison in provider. 
        /// Returns true if type supports comparison in provider.
        internal abstract bool SupportsComparison { get; } 

        /// Used to indicate if the types supports Length function (LEN in T-SQL).
        /// Returns true if type supports use of length function on the type.
        internal abstract bool SupportsLength { get; } 
        /// Returns true if the given values will be equal to eachother for this type. 
        internal abstract bool AreValuesEqual(object o1, object o2);

        /// Determines whether this type is a LOB (large object) type, or an equivalent type.
        /// For example, on SqlServer, Image and VarChar(MAX) among others are considered large types. 
        internal abstract bool IsLargeType { get; } 

        /// Convert this type into a string that can be used in a query.
        internal abstract string ToQueryString();
        /// Convert this type into a string that can be used in a query.
        internal abstract string ToQueryString(QueryFormatOptions formatOptions);

        /// Whether this type is fixed size or not. 
        internal abstract bool IsFixedSize { get; } 
        /// The type has a size or is large. 
        internal abstract bool HasSizeOrIsLarge { get; }

        /// The size of this type.
        internal abstract int? Size { get; } 

        /// True if the type can be ordered.
        internal abstract bool IsOrderable { get; }
        /// True if the type can be grouped. 
        internal abstract bool IsGroupable { get; }
        /// True if the type can appear in a column
        internal abstract bool CanBeColumn { get; } 

        /// True if the type can appear as a parameter 
        internal abstract bool CanBeParameter { get; } 

        /// True if the type is a single character type.
        internal abstract bool IsChar { get; }
        /// True if the type is a multi-character type.
        internal abstract bool IsString { get; }

        /// True if the type is a number. 
        internal abstract bool IsNumeric { get; } 
        /// Returns true if the type uses precision and scale.  For example, returns true 
        /// for SqlDBTypes Decimal, Float and Real.
        internal abstract bool HasPrecisionAndScale { get; }
        /// Determines if it is safe to suppress size specifications for 
        /// the operand of a cast/convert.  For example, when casting to string, 
        /// all these types have length less than the default sized used by SqlServer,
        /// so the length specification can be omitted without fear of truncation. 
        internal abstract bool CanSuppressSizeForConversionToString{ get; }

        public static bool operator ==(ProviderType typeA, ProviderType typeB) { 
            if ((object)typeA == (object)typeB)
                return true; 
            if ((object)typeA != null) 
                return typeA.Equals(typeB);
            return false; 

        public static bool operator != (ProviderType typeA, ProviderType typeB) {
            if ((object)typeA == (object)typeB) 
                return false;
            if ((object)typeA != null) 
                return !typeA.Equals(typeB); 
            return true;

        public override bool Equals(object obj) {
            return base.Equals(obj);

        public override int GetHashCode() { 
            return base.GetHashCode(); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace System.Data.Linq.SqlClient { 

    /// Abstracts the provider side type system. Encapsulates: 
    /// - Mapping from runtime types to provider types.
    /// - Parsing type strings in the provider's language. 
    /// - Handling application defined (opaque) types.
    /// - Type coercion precedence rules.
    /// - Type family organization.
    internal abstract class TypeSystemProvider {
        internal abstract ProviderType PredictTypeForUnary(SqlNodeType unaryOp, ProviderType operandType); 

        internal abstract ProviderType PredictTypeForBinary(SqlNodeType binaryOp, ProviderType leftType, ProviderType rightType); 

        /// Return the provider type corresponding to the given clr type.
        internal abstract ProviderType From(Type runtimeType);
        /// Return the provider type corresponding to the given object instance.
        internal abstract ProviderType From(object o);

        /// Return the provider type corresponding to the given clr type and size. 
        internal abstract ProviderType From(Type type, int? size); 
        /// Return a type by parsing a string. The format of the string is 
        /// provider specific.
        internal abstract ProviderType Parse(string text);
        /// Return a type understood only by the application. 
        /// Each call with the same index will return the same ProviderType. 
        internal abstract ProviderType GetApplicationType(int index); 

        /// Returns the most precise type in the family of the type given.
        /// A family is a group types that serve similar functions. For example, 
        /// in SQL SmallInt and Int are part of one family.
        internal abstract ProviderType MostPreciseTypeInFamily(ProviderType type); 

        /// For LOB data types that have large type equivalents, this function returns the equivalent large
        /// data type.  If the type is not an LOB or cannot be converted, the function returns the current type.
        /// For example SqlServer defines the 'Image' LOB type, whose large type equivalent is VarBinary(MAX).
        internal abstract ProviderType GetBestLargeType(ProviderType type);
        /// Returns a type that can be used to hold values for both the current
        /// type and the specified type without data loss. 
        internal abstract ProviderType GetBestType(ProviderType typeA, ProviderType typeB);

        internal abstract ProviderType ReturnTypeOfFunction(SqlFunctionCall functionCall); 

        /// Get a type that can hold the same information but belongs to a different type family. 
        /// For example, to represent a SQL NChar as an integer type, we need to use the type int.
        /// (SQL smallint would not be able to contain characters with unicode >32768) 
        /// Type of the target type family
        /// Smallest type of target type family that can hold equivalent information
        internal abstract ProviderType ChangeTypeFamilyTo(ProviderType type, ProviderType typeWithFamily); 

        internal abstract void InitializeParameter(ProviderType type, System.Data.Common.DbParameter parameter, object value); 

    /// Flags control the format of string returned by ToQueryString().
    internal enum QueryFormatOptions { 
        None = 0,
        SuppressSize = 1 

    /// An abstract type exposed by the TypeSystemProvider.
    internal abstract class ProviderType {
        /// True if this type is a Unicode type (eg, ntext, etc). 
        internal abstract bool IsUnicodeType { get; }
        /// For a unicode type, return it's non-unicode equivalent.
        internal abstract ProviderType GetNonUnicodeEquivalent(); 

        /// True if this type has only a CLR representation and no provider representation. 
        internal abstract bool IsRuntimeOnlyType { get; } 

        /// True if this type is an application defined type.
        internal abstract bool IsApplicationType { get; }
        /// Determine whether this is the given application type.
        internal abstract bool IsApplicationTypeOf(int index);

        /// Returns the CLR type which most closely corresponds to this provider type. 
        internal abstract Type GetClosestRuntimeType(); 
        /// Compare implicit type coercion precedence. 
        /// -1 means there is an implicit conversion from this->type.
        /// 0 means there is a two way implicit conversion from this->type
        /// 1 means there is an implicit conversion from type->this.
        internal abstract int ComparePrecedenceTo(ProviderType type);
        /// Determines whether two types are in the same type family.
        /// A family is a group types that serve similar functions. For example, 
        /// in SQL SmallInt and Int are part of one family.
        internal abstract bool IsSameTypeFamily(ProviderType type);
        /// Used to indicate if the type supports comparison in provider. 
        /// Returns true if type supports comparison in provider.
        internal abstract bool SupportsComparison { get; } 

        /// Used to indicate if the types supports Length function (LEN in T-SQL).
        /// Returns true if type supports use of length function on the type.
        internal abstract bool SupportsLength { get; } 
        /// Returns true if the given values will be equal to eachother for this type. 
        internal abstract bool AreValuesEqual(object o1, object o2);

        /// Determines whether this type is a LOB (large object) type, or an equivalent type.
        /// For example, on SqlServer, Image and VarChar(MAX) among others are considered large types. 
        internal abstract bool IsLargeType { get; } 

        /// Convert this type into a string that can be used in a query.
        internal abstract string ToQueryString();
        /// Convert this type into a string that can be used in a query.
        internal abstract string ToQueryString(QueryFormatOptions formatOptions);

        /// Whether this type is fixed size or not. 
        internal abstract bool IsFixedSize { get; } 
        /// The type has a size or is large. 
        internal abstract bool HasSizeOrIsLarge { get; }

        /// The size of this type.
        internal abstract int? Size { get; } 

        /// True if the type can be ordered.
        internal abstract bool IsOrderable { get; }
        /// True if the type can be grouped. 
        internal abstract bool IsGroupable { get; }
        /// True if the type can appear in a column
        internal abstract bool CanBeColumn { get; } 

        /// True if the type can appear as a parameter 
        internal abstract bool CanBeParameter { get; } 

        /// True if the type is a single character type.
        internal abstract bool IsChar { get; }
        /// True if the type is a multi-character type.
        internal abstract bool IsString { get; }

        /// True if the type is a number. 
        internal abstract bool IsNumeric { get; } 
        /// Returns true if the type uses precision and scale.  For example, returns true 
        /// for SqlDBTypes Decimal, Float and Real.
        internal abstract bool HasPrecisionAndScale { get; }
        /// Determines if it is safe to suppress size specifications for 
        /// the operand of a cast/convert.  For example, when casting to string, 
        /// all these types have length less than the default sized used by SqlServer,
        /// so the length specification can be omitted without fear of truncation. 
        internal abstract bool CanSuppressSizeForConversionToString{ get; }

        public static bool operator ==(ProviderType typeA, ProviderType typeB) { 
            if ((object)typeA == (object)typeB)
                return true; 
            if ((object)typeA != null) 
                return typeA.Equals(typeB);
            return false; 

        public static bool operator != (ProviderType typeA, ProviderType typeB) {
            if ((object)typeA == (object)typeB) 
                return false;
            if ((object)typeA != null) 
                return !typeA.Equals(typeB); 
            return true;

        public override bool Equals(object obj) {
            return base.Equals(obj);

        public override int GetHashCode() { 
            return base.GetHashCode(); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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