/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / System / data / design / QueryGeneratorBase.cs / 3 / QueryGeneratorBase.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // Information Contained Herein is Proprietary and Confidential. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Design { using System; using System.CodeDom; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Data.Odbc; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Data.OracleClient; using System.Design; using System.Reflection; public enum ParameterGenerationOption { ClrTypes = 0, SqlTypes = 1, Objects = 2 } internal abstract class QueryGeneratorBase { protected TypedDataSourceCodeGenerator codeGenerator = null; protected GenericNameHandler nameHandler = null; protected static string returnVariableName = "returnValue"; protected static string commandVariableName = "command"; protected static string startRecordParameterName = "startRecord"; protected static string maxRecordsParameterName = "maxRecords"; // generation settings protected DbProviderFactory providerFactory = null; protected DbSource methodSource = null; protected DbSourceCommand activeCommand = null; protected string methodName = null; protected MemberAttributes methodAttributes; protected Type containerParamType = typeof(System.Data.DataSet); protected string containerParamTypeName = null; protected string containerParamName = "dataSet"; protected ParameterGenerationOption parameterOption = ParameterGenerationOption.ClrTypes; protected Type returnType = typeof(void); protected int commandIndex = 0; protected DesignTable designTable = null; protected bool getMethod = false; protected bool pagingMethod = false; protected bool declarationOnly = false; protected MethodTypeEnum methodType = MethodTypeEnum.ColumnParameters; protected string updateParameterName = null; protected CodeTypeReference updateParameterTypeReference = CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(typeof(System.Data.DataSet)); protected string updateParameterTypeName = null; protected CodeDomProvider codeProvider = null; protected string updateCommandName = null; protected bool isFunctionsDataComponent = false; // // SqlCeParameter is in DotNet Framework 3.5, while our code generator is in 2.0 // So we need to workaround to use runtime type. // private static Type sqlCeParameterType; private const string SqlCeParameterTypeName = @"System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter, System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91"; private static object sqlCeParameterInstance; private static PropertyDescriptor sqlCeParaDbTypeDescriptor; internal QueryGeneratorBase(TypedDataSourceCodeGenerator codeGenerator) { this.codeGenerator = codeGenerator; } internal DbProviderFactory ProviderFactory { get { return this.providerFactory; } set { this.providerFactory = value; } } internal DbSource MethodSource { get { return this.methodSource; } set { this.methodSource = value; } } internal DbSourceCommand ActiveCommand { get { return this.activeCommand; } set { this.activeCommand = value; } } internal string MethodName { get { return this.methodName; } set { this.methodName = value; } } internal ParameterGenerationOption ParameterOption { get { return this.parameterOption; } set { this.parameterOption = value; } } internal Type ContainerParameterType { get { return this.containerParamType; } set { this.containerParamType = value; } } internal string ContainerParameterTypeName { get { return this.containerParamTypeName; } set { this.containerParamTypeName = value; } } internal string ContainerParameterName { get { return this.containerParamName; } set { this.containerParamName = value; } } internal int CommandIndex { get { return this.commandIndex; } set { this.commandIndex = value; } } internal DesignTable DesignTable { get { return this.designTable; } set { this.designTable = value; } } //internal bool GenerateOverloads { // get { // if (methodSource != null) { // DbSourceCommand activeCmd = methodSource.GetActiveCommand(); // if (activeCmd != null && activeCmd.Parameters != null && activeCmd.Parameters.Count > 0 // && !(activeCmd.Parameters.Count == 1 && activeCmd.Parameters[0].Direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)) { // // we know we have parameters, now let's check if they're all of type object, or if we have strongly // // typed ones // bool nonObjectParameter = false; // foreach (DesignParameter parameter in this.activeCommand.Parameters) { // if (parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue) { // // skip over return parameter // continue; // } // // get the type of the parameter // Type parameterType = this.GetParameterUrtType(parameter); // if (parameterType != typeof(object)) { // nonObjectParameter = true; // break; // } // } // return nonObjectParameter; // } // } // return false; // } //} internal bool GenerateGetMethod { get { return this.getMethod; } set { this.getMethod = value; } } internal bool GeneratePagingMethod { get { return this.pagingMethod; } set { this.pagingMethod = value; } } internal bool DeclarationOnly { get { return this.declarationOnly; } set { this.declarationOnly = value; } } internal MethodTypeEnum MethodType { get { return this.methodType; } set { this.methodType = value; } } internal string UpdateParameterName { get { return this.updateParameterName; } set { this.updateParameterName = value; } } internal string UpdateParameterTypeName { get { return this.updateParameterTypeName; } set { this.updateParameterTypeName = value; } } internal CodeTypeReference UpdateParameterTypeReference { get { return this.updateParameterTypeReference; } set { this.updateParameterTypeReference = value; } } internal CodeDomProvider CodeProvider { get { return this.codeProvider; } set { this.codeProvider = value; } } internal string UpdateCommandName { get { return this.updateCommandName; } set { this.updateCommandName = value; } } internal bool IsFunctionsDataComponent { get { return this.isFunctionsDataComponent; } set { this.isFunctionsDataComponent = value; } } internal static Type SqlCeParameterType { get { if (sqlCeParameterType == null) { try { sqlCeParameterType = Type.GetType(SqlCeParameterTypeName); } catch (System.IO.FileLoadException) { } } return sqlCeParameterType; } } internal static object SqlCeParameterInstance { get { if (sqlCeParameterInstance == null && SqlCeParameterType != null) { sqlCeParameterInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(SqlCeParameterType); } return sqlCeParameterInstance; } } internal static PropertyDescriptor SqlCeParaDbTypeDescriptor { get { if (sqlCeParaDbTypeDescriptor == null && SqlCeParameterType != null) { sqlCeParaDbTypeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(SqlCeParameterType)["DbType"]; } return sqlCeParaDbTypeDescriptor; } } internal static CodeStatement SetCommandTextStatement(CodeExpression commandExpression, string commandText) { //\\.CommandText = " "; CodeStatement statement = CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property( commandExpression, "CommandText" ), CodeGenHelper.Str(commandText) ); return statement; } internal static CodeStatement SetCommandTypeStatement(CodeExpression commandExpression, CommandType commandType) { //\\ .CommandType = CodeStatement statement = CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property( commandExpression, "CommandType" ), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.CommandType)), ((CommandType) commandType).ToString() ) ); return statement; } internal abstract CodeMemberMethod Generate(); protected DesignParameter GetReturnParameter(DbSourceCommand command) { foreach (DesignParameter parameter in command.Parameters) { if (parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue) { return parameter; } } return null; } protected int GetReturnParameterPosition(DbSourceCommand command) { if(command == null || command.Parameters == null) { return -1; } for(int i = 0; i < command.Parameters.Count; i++) { if( ((DesignParameter) command.Parameters[i]).Direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue ) { return i; } } return -1; } internal static CodeExpression AddNewParameterStatements(DesignParameter parameter, Type parameterType, DbProviderFactory factory, IList statements, CodeExpression parameterVariable) { if(parameterType == typeof(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter)) { return BuildNewSqlParameterStatement(parameter); } else if(parameterType == typeof(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter)) { return BuildNewOleDbParameterStatement(parameter); } else if(parameterType == typeof(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter)) { return BuildNewOdbcParameterStatement(parameter); } else if(parameterType == typeof(System.Data.OracleClient.OracleParameter)) { return BuildNewOracleParameterStatement(parameter); } else if (parameterType == SqlCeParameterType && StringUtil.NotEmptyAfterTrim(parameter.ProviderType)) { // DDB 111450 -- Only Use BuildNewSqlCeParameterStatement if we know parameter.ProviderType is defined. return BuildNewSqlCeParameterStatement(parameter); } else { // for extensibility, we also deal with unknown providers, and thus unknown connection/command/parameter types return BuildNewUnknownParameterStatements(parameter, parameterType, factory, statements, parameterVariable); } } private static CodeExpression BuildNewSqlParameterStatement(DesignParameter parameter) { SqlParameter sqlParameter = new SqlParameter(); SqlDbType sqlDbType = SqlDbType.Char; // make compiler happy bool parsed = false; if( parameter.ProviderType != null && parameter.ProviderType.Length > 0 ) { try { sqlDbType = (SqlDbType) Enum.Parse( typeof(SqlDbType), parameter.ProviderType ); parsed = true; } catch { } } if( !parsed ) { // setting the DbType on a SqlParameter automatically sets the SqlDbType, which is what we need sqlParameter.DbType = parameter.DbType; sqlDbType = sqlParameter.SqlDbType; } return NewParameter(parameter, typeof(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter), typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), sqlDbType.ToString()); } /// /// /// ///private static CodeExpression BuildNewSqlCeParameterStatement(DesignParameter parameter) { SqlDbType sqlDbType = SqlDbType.Char; // make compiler happy bool parsed = false; if (parameter.ProviderType != null && parameter.ProviderType.Length > 0) { try { sqlDbType = (SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlDbType), parameter.ProviderType); parsed = true; } catch { } } if (!parsed){ object sqlParaInstance = SqlCeParameterInstance; if (sqlParaInstance != null) { PropertyDescriptor dbTypePropDesc = SqlCeParaDbTypeDescriptor; if (dbTypePropDesc != null) { // setting the DbType on a SqlParameter automatically sets the SqlDbType, which is what we need dbTypePropDesc.SetValue(sqlParaInstance, parameter.DbType); sqlDbType = (SqlDbType)dbTypePropDesc.GetValue(sqlParaInstance); } } } return NewParameter(parameter, SqlCeParameterType, typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), sqlDbType.ToString()); } private static CodeExpression BuildNewOleDbParameterStatement(DesignParameter parameter) { OleDbParameter oleDbParameter = new OleDbParameter(); OleDbType oleDbType = OleDbType.Char; // make compiler happy bool parsed = false; if( parameter.ProviderType != null && parameter.ProviderType.Length > 0 ) { try { oleDbType = (OleDbType) Enum.Parse( typeof(OleDbType), parameter.ProviderType ); parsed = true; } catch { } } if( !parsed ) { // setting the DbType on an OleDbParameter automatically sets the OleDbType, which is what we need oleDbParameter.DbType = parameter.DbType; oleDbType = oleDbParameter.OleDbType; } return NewParameter(parameter, typeof(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter), typeof(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType), oleDbType.ToString()); } private static CodeExpression BuildNewOdbcParameterStatement(DesignParameter parameter) { OdbcParameter odbcParameter = new OdbcParameter(); OdbcType odbcType = OdbcType.Char; // make compiler happy bool parsed = false; if( parameter.ProviderType != null && parameter.ProviderType.Length > 0 ) { try { odbcType = (OdbcType) Enum.Parse( typeof(OdbcType), parameter.ProviderType ); parsed = true; } catch { } } if( !parsed ) { // setting the DbType on an OdbcParameter automatically sets the OdbcDbType, which is what we need odbcParameter.DbType = parameter.DbType; odbcType = odbcParameter.OdbcType; } return NewParameter(parameter, typeof(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter), typeof(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType), odbcType.ToString()); } private static CodeExpression BuildNewOracleParameterStatement(DesignParameter parameter) { OracleParameter oracleParameter = new OracleParameter(); OracleType oracleType = OracleType.Char; // make compiler happy bool parsed = false; if( parameter.ProviderType != null && parameter.ProviderType.Length > 0 ) { try { oracleType = (OracleType) Enum.Parse( typeof(OracleType), parameter.ProviderType ); parsed = true; } catch { } } if( !parsed ) { // setting the DbType on an OracleParameter automatically sets the OracleDbType, which is what we need oracleParameter.DbType = parameter.DbType; oracleType = oracleParameter.OracleType; } return NewParameter(parameter, typeof(System.Data.OracleClient.OracleParameter), typeof(System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType), oracleType.ToString()); } private static CodeExpression NewParameter(DesignParameter parameter, Type parameterType, Type typeEnumType, string typeEnumValue) { CodeExpression newParam = null; if(parameterType == typeof(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter)) { //\\ new SqlParameter(" ", , , , //\\ , , , , , , "", "", "" ) newParam = CodeGenHelper.New( CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), new CodeExpression[] { CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.ParameterName), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeEnumType), typeEnumValue ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Size), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.ParameterDirection)), parameter.Direction.ToString() ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Precision), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Scale), CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.SourceColumn), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.DataRowVersion)), parameter.SourceVersion.ToString() ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.SourceColumnNullMapping), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(null), CodeGenHelper.Str(string.Empty), CodeGenHelper.Str(string.Empty), CodeGenHelper.Str(string.Empty) } ); } else if (parameterType == SqlCeParameterType) { //\\ new SqlCeParameter(" ", , , , , //\\ , , , , Value>) newParam = CodeGenHelper.New( CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), new CodeExpression[] { CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.ParameterName), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeEnumType), typeEnumValue ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Size), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.ParameterDirection)), parameter.Direction.ToString() ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.IsNullable), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Precision), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Scale), CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.SourceColumn), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.DataRowVersion)), parameter.SourceVersion.ToString() ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(null) } ); } else if (parameterType == typeof(System.Data.OracleClient.OracleParameter)) { //\\ new OracleParameter(" ", , , , //\\ , , , ) newParam = CodeGenHelper.New( CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), new CodeExpression[] { CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.ParameterName), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeEnumType), typeEnumValue ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Size), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.ParameterDirection)), parameter.Direction.ToString() ), CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.SourceColumn), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.DataRowVersion)), parameter.SourceVersion.ToString() ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.SourceColumnNullMapping), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(null) } ); } else { //\\ new OleDb/OdbcParameter(" ", , , , //\\ (Byte) , (Byte) , , , , ) newParam = CodeGenHelper.New( CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), new CodeExpression[] { CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.ParameterName), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeEnumType), typeEnumValue ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Size), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.ParameterDirection)), parameter.Direction.ToString() ), CodeGenHelper.Cast(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(typeof(System.Byte)), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Precision)), CodeGenHelper.Cast(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(typeof(System.Byte)), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Scale)), CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.SourceColumn), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.DataRowVersion)), parameter.SourceVersion.ToString() ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.SourceColumnNullMapping), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(null) } ); } return newParam; } private static bool ParamVariableDeclared(IList statements) { foreach (object statement in statements) { if (statement is System.CodeDom.CodeVariableDeclarationStatement) { CodeVariableDeclarationStatement declarationStatement = statement as System.CodeDom.CodeVariableDeclarationStatement; if (declarationStatement.Name == "param") { return true; } } } return false; } private static CodeExpression BuildNewUnknownParameterStatements(DesignParameter parameter, Type parameterType, DbProviderFactory factory, IList statements, CodeExpression parameterVariable) { // We're dealing with an unknown parameter type. All we assume is that the parameter implements // the IDbDataParameter interface. Thus, we won't rely on a specific constructor, like we do for // the known parameter types. Instead we will create the parameter with the parameterless constructor // and then set the properties exposed in IDbDataParameter one by one. if (!ParamVariableDeclared(statements)) { // add the variable declaration statement statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.VariableDecl(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), "param", CodeGenHelper.New(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), new CodeExpression[] { }) ) ); parameterVariable = CodeGenHelper.Variable("param"); } else { if (parameterVariable == null) { parameterVariable = CodeGenHelper.Variable("param"); } // just assign the new parameter to the variable statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( parameterVariable, CodeGenHelper.New(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), new CodeExpression[] { }) ) ); } IDbDataParameter testParameter = (IDbDataParameter) Activator.CreateInstance(parameterType); //\\ param.ParameterName = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "ParameterName"), CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.ParameterName) ) ); if(parameter.DbType != testParameter.DbType) { //\\ param.DbType = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "DbType"), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.DbType)), parameter.DbType.ToString() ) ) ); } PropertyInfo pi = ProviderManager.GetProviderTypeProperty(factory); if( pi != null && parameter.ProviderType != null && parameter.ProviderType.Length > 0 ) { object value = null; try { value = Enum.Parse( pi.PropertyType, parameter.ProviderType ); } catch { } if( value != null ) { //\\ param. = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, pi.Name), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.TypeExpr(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(pi.PropertyType)), value.ToString() ) ) ); } } if(parameter.Size != testParameter.Size) { //\\ param.Size = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "Size"), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Size) ) ); } if(parameter.Direction != testParameter.Direction) { //\\ param.Direction = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "Direction"), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.ParameterDirection)), parameter.Direction.ToString() ) ) ); } if(parameter.IsNullable != testParameter.IsNullable) { //\\ param.IsNullable = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "IsNullable"), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.IsNullable) ) ); } // IDbDataParameter.Precision/Scale are obsolete; no need to set them // if(parameter.Precision != testParameter.Precision) { // //\\ param.Precision = // statements.Add( // CodeGenHelper.Assign( // CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "Precision"), // CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Precision) // ) // ); // } // // if(parameter.Scale != testParameter.Scale) { // //\\ param.Scale = // statements.Add( // CodeGenHelper.Assign( // CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "Scale"), // CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.Scale) // ) // ); // } if(parameter.SourceColumn != testParameter.SourceColumn) { //\\ param.SourceColumn = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "SourceColumn"), CodeGenHelper.Str(parameter.SourceColumn) ) ); } if(parameter.SourceVersion != testParameter.SourceVersion) { //\\ param.DataRowVersion = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "SourceVersion"), CodeGenHelper.Field( CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.Data.DataRowVersion)), parameter.SourceVersion.ToString() ) ) ); } if(testParameter is DbParameter) { if(parameter.SourceColumnNullMapping != ((DbParameter)testParameter).SourceColumnNullMapping) { //\\ param.SourceColumnNullMapping = statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Property(parameterVariable, "SourceColumnNullMapping"), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameter.SourceColumnNullMapping) ) ); } } return parameterVariable; } protected Type GetParameterUrtType(DesignParameter parameter) { if(this.ParameterOption == ParameterGenerationOption.SqlTypes) { return GetParameterSqlType(parameter); } else if(this.ParameterOption == ParameterGenerationOption.Objects) { return typeof(object); } else if(this.ParameterOption == ParameterGenerationOption.ClrTypes) { Type parameterType = TypeConvertions.DbTypeToUrtType(parameter.DbType); if(parameterType == null) { if(codeGenerator != null) { codeGenerator.ProblemList.Add( new DSGeneratorProblem(SR.GetString(SR.CG_UnableToConvertDbTypeToUrtType, this.MethodName, parameter.Name), ProblemSeverity.NonFatalError, this.methodSource) ); } parameterType = typeof(object); } return parameterType; } else { throw new InternalException("Unknown parameter generation option."); } } private Type GetParameterSqlType(DesignParameter parameter) { // find design connection IDesignConnection designConnection = null; //codeGenerator.ConnectionHandler.Connections.Get(this.connectionName); if(StringUtil.EqualValue(designConnection.Provider, ManagedProviderNames.SqlClient)) { SqlDbType sqlDbType = SqlDbType.Char; // make compiler happy bool parsed = false; if( parameter.ProviderType != null && parameter.ProviderType.Length > 0 ) { try { sqlDbType = (SqlDbType) Enum.Parse( typeof(SqlDbType), parameter.ProviderType ); parsed = true; } catch { } } if( !parsed ) { // setting the DbType on a SqlParameter automatically sets the SqlDbType, which is what we need SqlParameter sqlParameter = new SqlParameter(); sqlParameter.DbType = parameter.DbType; sqlDbType = sqlParameter.SqlDbType; } Type parameterType = TypeConvertions.SqlDbTypeToSqlType(sqlDbType); if(parameterType == null) { if(codeGenerator != null) { codeGenerator.ProblemList.Add( new DSGeneratorProblem(SR.GetString(SR.CG_UnableToConvertSqlDbTypeToSqlType, this.MethodName, parameter.Name), ProblemSeverity.NonFatalError, this.methodSource) ); } parameterType = typeof(object); } return parameterType; } else { throw new InternalException("We should never attempt to generate SqlType-parameters for non-Sql providers."); } } protected void AddThrowsClauseIfNeeded(CodeMemberMethod dbMethod) { CodeTypeReference[] throwsArray = new CodeTypeReference[1]; int paramCount = 0; bool methodThrows = false; if (this.activeCommand.Parameters != null) { paramCount = this.activeCommand.Parameters.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { DesignParameter parameter = activeCommand.Parameters[i] as DesignParameter; if (parameter == null) { throw new DataSourceGeneratorException("Parameter type is not DesignParameter."); } if (parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) { // get parameter type Type parameterType = GetParameterUrtType(parameter); CodeExpression nullExpression = CodeGenHelper.GenerateNullExpression(parameterType); if (nullExpression == null) { // in this case we can't assign null to the parameter and the method is gonna throw a StrongTypingException throwsArray[0] = CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(typeof(System.Data.StrongTypingException)); methodThrows = true; } } } if (!methodThrows) { int returnParamPos = GetReturnParameterPosition(activeCommand); if (returnParamPos >= 0 && !this.getMethod && this.methodSource.QueryType != QueryType.Scalar) { Type returnType = GetParameterUrtType((DesignParameter)activeCommand.Parameters[returnParamPos]); CodeExpression nullExpression = CodeGenHelper.GenerateNullExpression(returnType); if (nullExpression == null) { // in this case we can't assign null to the parameter and the method is gonna throw a StrongTypingException throwsArray[0] = CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(typeof(System.Data.StrongTypingException)); methodThrows = true; } } } if (methodThrows) { dbMethod.UserData.Add("throwsCollection", new CodeTypeReferenceCollection(throwsArray)); } } protected void AddSetParameterStatements(DesignParameter parameter, string parameterName, CodeExpression cmdExpression, int parameterIndex, IList statements) { AddSetParameterStatements(parameter, parameterName, null, cmdExpression, parameterIndex, 0, statements); } protected void AddSetParameterStatements(DesignParameter parameter, string parameterName, DesignParameter isNullParameter, CodeExpression cmdExpression, int parameterIndex, int isNullParameterIndex, IList statements) { Type parameterType = GetParameterUrtType(parameter); CodeCastExpression cce = new CodeCastExpression(parameterType, CodeGenHelper.Argument(parameterName)); // J# specific UserData cce.UserData.Add("CastIsBoxing", true); CodeCastExpression zero = null; CodeCastExpression one = null; if (this.codeGenerator != null && CodeGenHelper.IsGeneratingJSharpCode(this.codeGenerator.CodeProvider)) { // J# has casting rules that conflict with the ones of other languages, so we need to create a different expression // this is unfortunate, as it forces us to special-case the CodeDom-tree for a specific language. zero = new CodeCastExpression(typeof(int), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(0)); // J# specific UserData zero.UserData.Add("CastIsBoxing", true); one = new CodeCastExpression(typeof(int), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(1)); // J# specific UserData one.UserData.Add("CastIsBoxing", true); } else { zero = new CodeCastExpression(typeof(object), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(0)); one = new CodeCastExpression(typeof(object), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(1)); } CodeExpression paramValueExpression = CodeGenHelper.Property( CodeGenHelper.Indexer( CodeGenHelper.Property( cmdExpression, "Parameters" ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(parameterIndex) ), "Value" ); CodeExpression isNullParamValueExpression = null; if (isNullParameter != null) { isNullParamValueExpression = CodeGenHelper.Property( CodeGenHelper.Indexer( CodeGenHelper.Property( cmdExpression, "Parameters" ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(isNullParameterIndex) ), "Value" ); } int statementCount = (isNullParameter == null) ? 1 : 2; CodeStatement[] trueStatements = new CodeStatement[statementCount]; CodeStatement[] falseStatements = new CodeStatement[statementCount]; if (parameter.AllowDbNull && parameterType.IsValueType) { //\\ if( .HasValue) { //\\ .Parameters[i].Value = ( ) .Value; //\\ .Parameters[j].Value = 0; //\\ } //\\ else { //\\ .Parameters[i].Value = System.DBNull; //\\ .Parameters[j].Value = 1; //\\ } cce = new CodeCastExpression( parameterType, CodeGenHelper.Property( CodeGenHelper.Argument( parameterName ), "Value" ) ); // J# specific UserData cce.UserData.Add("CastIsBoxing", true); trueStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign(paramValueExpression, cce); falseStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign( paramValueExpression, CodeGenHelper.Field(CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.DBNull)), "Value") ); if (isNullParameter != null) { trueStatements[1] = trueStatements[0]; falseStatements[1] = falseStatements[0]; trueStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign(isNullParamValueExpression, zero); falseStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign(isNullParamValueExpression, one); } statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.If( CodeGenHelper.EQ( CodeGenHelper.Property(CodeGenHelper.Argument(parameterName), "HasValue"), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(true) ), trueStatements, falseStatements ) ); } else if (parameter.AllowDbNull && !parameterType.IsValueType) { //\\ if( == null) { //\\ .Parameters[i].Value = System.DBNull.Value; //\\ .Parameters[j].Value = 1; //\\ } //\\ else { //\\ .Parameters[i].Value = ( ) ; //\\ .Parameters[j].Value = 0; //\\ } trueStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign( paramValueExpression, CodeGenHelper.Field(CodeGenHelper.GlobalTypeExpr(typeof(System.DBNull)), "Value") ); falseStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign(paramValueExpression, cce); if (isNullParameter != null) { trueStatements[1] = trueStatements[0]; falseStatements[1] = falseStatements[0]; trueStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign(isNullParamValueExpression, one); falseStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign(isNullParamValueExpression, zero); } statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.If( CodeGenHelper.IdEQ( CodeGenHelper.Argument(parameterName), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(null) ), trueStatements, falseStatements ) ); } else if (!parameter.AllowDbNull && !parameterType.IsValueType) { //\\ if( == null) { //\\ throw new ArgumentNullException(" "); //\\ } //\\ else { //\\ .Parameters[i].Value = ( ) ; //\\ .Parameters[i].Value = 0; //\\ } CodeStatement[] trueStatement = new CodeStatement[1]; trueStatement[0] = CodeGenHelper.Throw(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(typeof(System.ArgumentNullException)), parameterName); falseStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign(paramValueExpression, cce); if (isNullParameter != null) { falseStatements[1] = falseStatements[0]; falseStatements[0] = CodeGenHelper.Assign(isNullParamValueExpression, zero); } statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.If( CodeGenHelper.IdEQ( CodeGenHelper.Argument(parameterName), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(null) ), trueStatement, falseStatements ) ); } else if (!parameter.AllowDbNull && parameterType.IsValueType) { //\\ .Parameters[j].Value = 0; //\\ .Parameters[i].Value = ( ) ; if (isNullParameter != null) { statements.Add(CodeGenHelper.Assign(isNullParamValueExpression, zero)); } statements.Add(CodeGenHelper.Assign(paramValueExpression, cce)); } } protected bool AddSetReturnParamValuesStatements(IList statements, CodeExpression commandExpression) { int paramCount = 0; if (this.activeCommand.Parameters != null) { paramCount = this.activeCommand.Parameters.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { DesignParameter parameter = activeCommand.Parameters[i] as DesignParameter; if (parameter == null) { throw new DataSourceGeneratorException("Parameter type is not DesignParameter."); } if (parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) { // get parameter type Type parameterType = GetParameterUrtType(parameter); string parameterName = nameHandler.GetNameFromList(parameter.ParameterName); // create parameter expression //\\ .Parameters[i].Value CodeExpression outputParamExpression = CodeGenHelper.Property( CodeGenHelper.Indexer( CodeGenHelper.Property( commandExpression, "Parameters" ), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(i) ), "Value" ); // if(command.Parameters[i].Value.GetType() == typeof(System.DBNull)) CodeExpression isEqualDbNullCondition = CodeGenHelper.GenerateDbNullCheck(outputParamExpression); CodeExpression nullExpression = CodeGenHelper.GenerateNullExpression(parameterType); CodeStatement trueStatement = null; if (nullExpression == null) { if (parameter.AllowDbNull && parameterType.IsValueType) { //\\ = new System.Nullable (); trueStatement = CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Argument(parameterName), CodeGenHelper.New( CodeGenHelper.NullableType(parameterType), new CodeExpression[] { } ) ); } else if (parameter.AllowDbNull && !parameterType.IsValueType) { //\\ = null; trueStatement = CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Argument(parameterName), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(null) ); } else { // in this case we can't assign null to the parameter //\\ throw new StrongTypingException("StrongTyping_CannotAccessDBNull"); trueStatement = CodeGenHelper.Throw(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(typeof(System.Data.StrongTypingException)), SR.GetString(SR.CG_ParameterIsDBNull, parameterName), CodeGenHelper.Primitive(null)); } } else { //\\ = trueStatement = CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Argument(nameHandler.GetNameFromList(parameter.ParameterName)), nullExpression ); } CodeStatement falseStatement = null; if (parameter.AllowDbNull && parameterType.IsValueType) { //\\ = new System.Nullable (( ) command.Parameter[i].Value); falseStatement = CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Argument(parameterName), CodeGenHelper.New( CodeGenHelper.NullableType(parameterType), new CodeExpression[] { CodeGenHelper.Cast(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), outputParamExpression) } ) ); } else { //\\ = ( ) command.Parameters[i].Value; falseStatement = CodeGenHelper.Assign( CodeGenHelper.Argument(parameterName), CodeGenHelper.Cast(CodeGenHelper.GlobalType(parameterType), outputParamExpression) ); } statements.Add( CodeGenHelper.If( isEqualDbNullCondition, trueStatement, falseStatement ) ); } } return true; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- MessageQueueEnumerator.cs
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- ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.cs
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- RegexEditorDialog.cs
- MyContact.cs
- SafeNativeMethods.cs
- DataObjectAttribute.cs
- GridViewRowPresenter.cs
- ImageBrush.cs
- ObjectStateManagerMetadata.cs
- ScriptingRoleServiceSection.cs
- DetailsViewInsertEventArgs.cs
- SmtpSpecifiedPickupDirectoryElement.cs
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- HttpStreamXmlDictionaryReader.cs
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- TextEditorParagraphs.cs
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- GenericUriParser.cs
- HitTestParameters.cs
- ScriptManagerProxy.cs
- VirtualDirectoryMappingCollection.cs
- ConstructorNeedsTagAttribute.cs
- RawStylusInputCustomData.cs
- Grant.cs
- OracleSqlParser.cs
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