/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / Primitives / DocumentPageView.cs / 1 / DocumentPageView.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: DocumentPageView.cs // // Description: Provides a view port for a page of content for a DocumentPage. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Windows.Automation; // AutomationPattern using System.Windows.Automation.Peers; // AutomationPeer using System.Windows.Controls; // StretchDirection using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; // DocumentViewerBase using System.Windows.Documents; // DocumentPaginator using System.Windows.Media; // Visual using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; // RenderTargetBitmap using System.Windows.Threading; // Dispatcher using MS.Internal; // Invariant using MS.Internal.Documents; // DocumentPageHost, DocumentPageTextView using MS.Internal.Automation; // TextAdaptor using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes; // BooleanBoxes namespace System.Windows.Controls.Primitives { ////// Provides a view port for a page of content for a DocumentPage. /// public class DocumentPageView : FrameworkElement, IServiceProvider, IDisposable { //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors ////// Create an instance of a DocumentPageView. /// ////// This does basic initialization of the DocumentPageView. All subclasses /// must call the base constructor to perform this initialization. /// public DocumentPageView() : base() { _pageZoom = 1.0; } ////// Static ctor. Initializes property metadata. /// static DocumentPageView() { ClipToBoundsProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(DocumentPageView), new PropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.TrueBox)); } #endregion //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Properties // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Public Properties ////// The Paginator from which this DocumentPageView retrieves pages. /// public DocumentPaginator DocumentPaginator { get { return _documentPaginator; } set { CheckDisposed(); if (_documentPaginator != value) { // Cleanup all state associated with old Paginator. if (_documentPaginator != null) { _documentPaginator.GetPageCompleted -= new GetPageCompletedEventHandler(HandleGetPageCompleted); _documentPaginator.PagesChanged -= new PagesChangedEventHandler(HandlePagesChanged); DisposeCurrentPage(); DisposeAsyncPage(); } Invariant.Assert(_documentPage == null); Invariant.Assert(_documentPageAsync == null); _documentPaginator = value; _textView = null; // Register for events on new Paginator and invalidate // measure to force content update. if (_documentPaginator != null) { _documentPaginator.GetPageCompleted += new GetPageCompletedEventHandler(HandleGetPageCompleted); _documentPaginator.PagesChanged += new PagesChangedEventHandler(HandlePagesChanged); } InvalidateMeasure(); } } } ////// The DocumentPage for the displayed page. /// public DocumentPage DocumentPage { get { return (_documentPage == null) ? DocumentPage.Missing : _documentPage; } } ////// The page number displayed; no content is displayed if this number is negative. /// PageNumber is zero-based. /// public int PageNumber { get { return (int) GetValue(PageNumberProperty); } set { SetValue(PageNumberProperty, value); } } ////// Controls the stretching behavior for the page. /// public Stretch Stretch { get { return (Stretch)GetValue(StretchProperty); } set { SetValue(StretchProperty, value); } } ////// Specifies the directions in which page may be stretched. /// public StretchDirection StretchDirection { get { return (StretchDirection)GetValue(StretchDirectionProperty); } set { SetValue(StretchDirectionProperty, value); } } #region Public Dynamic Properties ////// public static readonly DependencyProperty PageNumberProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "PageNumber", typeof(int), typeof(DocumentPageView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 0, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPageNumberChanged))); ////// /// public static readonly DependencyProperty StretchProperty = Viewbox.StretchProperty.AddOwner( typeof(DocumentPageView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( Stretch.Uniform, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure)); ////// /// public static readonly DependencyProperty StretchDirectionProperty = Viewbox.StretchDirectionProperty.AddOwner( typeof(DocumentPageView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( StretchDirection.DownOnly, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure)); #endregion Public Dynamic Properties #endregion Public Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Events // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Public Events ////// /// Fired after a DocumentPage.Visual is connected. /// public event EventHandler PageConnected; ////// Fired after a DocumentPage.Visual is disconnected. /// public event EventHandler PageDisconnected; #endregion Public Events //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Protected Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Protected Methods ////// Content measurement. /// /// Available size that parent can give to the child. This is soft constraint. ///The DocumentPageView's desired size. protected override sealed Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize) { Size newPageSize, pageZoom; Size pageSize; Size desiredSize = new Size(); // If no page is available, return (0,0) as size. CheckDisposed(); if (_suspendLayout) { desiredSize = this.DesiredSize; } else if (_documentPaginator != null) { // Reflow content if needed. if (ShouldReflowContent()) { // Reflow is disabled when dealing with infinite size in both directions. // If only one dimention is infinte, calculate value based on PageSize of the // document and Stretching properties. if (!Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Width) || !Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Height)) { pageSize = _documentPaginator.PageSize; if (Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Width)) { newPageSize = new Size(); newPageSize.Height = availableSize.Height / _pageZoom; newPageSize.Width = newPageSize.Height * (pageSize.Width / pageSize.Height); // Keep aspect ratio. } else if (Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Height)) { newPageSize = new Size(); newPageSize.Width = availableSize.Width / _pageZoom; newPageSize.Height = newPageSize.Width * (pageSize.Height / pageSize.Width); // Keep aspect ratio. } else { newPageSize = new Size(availableSize.Width / _pageZoom, availableSize.Height / _pageZoom); } if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(pageSize, newPageSize)) { _documentPaginator.PageSize = newPageSize; } } } // If the main page or pending async page are not available yet, // asynchronously request new page from Paginator. if (_documentPage == null && _documentPageAsync == null) { if (PageNumber >= 0) { if (_useAsynchronous) { _documentPaginator.GetPageAsync(PageNumber, this); } else { _documentPageAsync = _documentPaginator.GetPage(PageNumber); if (_documentPageAsync == null) { _documentPageAsync = DocumentPage.Missing; } } } else { _documentPage = DocumentPage.Missing; } } // If pending async page is available, discard the main page and // set _documentPage to _documentPageAsync. if (_documentPageAsync != null) { // Do cleanup for currently used page, because it gets replaced. DisposeCurrentPage(); // DisposeCurrentPage raises PageDisposed and DocumentPage.PageDestroyed events. // Handlers for those events may dispose _documentPageAsync. Treat this situation // as missing page. if (_documentPageAsync == null) { _documentPageAsync = DocumentPage.Missing; } if (_pageVisualClone != null) { RemoveDuplicateVisual(); } // Replace the main page with cached async page. _documentPage = _documentPageAsync; if (_documentPage != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPage.PageDestroyed += new EventHandler(HandlePageDestroyed); _documentPageAsync.PageDestroyed -= new EventHandler(HandleAsyncPageDestroyed); } _documentPageAsync = null; // Set a flag that will indicate that a PageConnected must be fired in // ArrangeOverride _newPageConnected = true; } // If page is available, return its size as desired size. if (_documentPage != null && _documentPage != DocumentPage.Missing) { pageSize = new Size(_documentPage.Size.Width * _pageZoom, _documentPage.Size.Height * _pageZoom); pageZoom = Viewbox.ComputeScaleFactor(availableSize, pageSize, this.Stretch, this.StretchDirection); desiredSize = new Size(pageSize.Width * pageZoom.Width, pageSize.Height * pageZoom.Height); } if (_pageVisualClone != null) { desiredSize = _visualCloneSize; } } return desiredSize; } ////// Content arrangement. /// /// The final size that element should use to arrange itself and its children. protected override sealed Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize) { Transform pageTransform; ScaleTransform pageScaleTransform; Visual pageVisual; Size pageSize, pageZoom; CheckDisposed(); if (_pageVisualClone == null) { if (_pageHost == null) { _pageHost = new DocumentPageHost(); this.AddVisualChild(_pageHost); } Invariant.Assert(_pageHost != null); pageVisual = (_documentPage == null) ? null : _documentPage.Visual; if (pageVisual == null) { // Remove existing visiual children. _pageHost.PageVisual = null; // Reset offset and transform on the page host before Arrange _pageHost.CachedOffset = new Point(); _pageHost.RenderTransform = null; // Size for the page host needs to be set to finalSize _pageHost.Arrange(new Rect(_pageHost.CachedOffset, finalSize)); } else { // Add visual representing the page contents. For performance reasons // first check if it is already insered there. if (_pageHost.PageVisual != pageVisual) { // There might be a case where a visual associated with a page was // inserted to a visual tree before. It got removed later, but GC did not // destroy its parent yet. To workaround this case always check for the parent // of page visual and disconnect it, when necessary. DocumentPageHost.DisconnectPageVisual(pageVisual); _pageHost.PageVisual = pageVisual; } // Compute transform to be applied to the page visual. First take into account // mirroring transform, if necessary. Apply also scaling transform. pageSize = _documentPage.Size; pageTransform = Transform.Identity; // DocumentPage.Visual is always LeftToRight, so if the current // FlowDirection is RightToLeft, need to unmirror the child visual. if (FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft) { pageTransform = new MatrixTransform(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, pageSize.Width, 0.0); } // Apply zooming if (!DoubleUtil.IsOne(_pageZoom)) { pageScaleTransform = new ScaleTransform(_pageZoom, _pageZoom); if (pageTransform == Transform.Identity) { pageTransform = pageScaleTransform; } else { pageTransform = new MatrixTransform(pageTransform.Value * pageScaleTransform.Value); } pageSize = new Size(pageSize.Width * _pageZoom, pageSize.Height * _pageZoom); } // Apply stretch properties pageZoom = Viewbox.ComputeScaleFactor(finalSize, pageSize, this.Stretch, this.StretchDirection); if (!DoubleUtil.IsOne(pageZoom.Width) || !DoubleUtil.IsOne(pageZoom.Height)) { pageScaleTransform = new ScaleTransform(pageZoom.Width, pageZoom.Height); if (pageTransform == Transform.Identity) { pageTransform = pageScaleTransform; } else { pageTransform = new MatrixTransform(pageTransform.Value * pageScaleTransform.Value); } pageSize = new Size(pageSize.Width * pageZoom.Width, pageSize.Height * pageZoom.Height); } // Set offset and transform on the page host before Arrange _pageHost.CachedOffset = new Point((finalSize.Width - pageSize.Width) / 2, (finalSize.Height - pageSize.Height) / 2); _pageHost.RenderTransform = pageTransform; // Arrange pagehost to original size of the page. _pageHost.Arrange(new Rect(_pageHost.CachedOffset, _documentPage.Size)); } // Fire [....] notification if new page was connected. if (_newPageConnected) { OnPageConnected(); } // Transform for the page has been changed, need to notify TextView about the changes. OnTransformChangedAsync(); } else { if (_pageHost.PageVisual != _pageVisualClone) { // Remove existing visiual children. _pageHost.PageVisual = _pageVisualClone; // Size for the page host needs to be set to finalSize // Use previous offset and transform _pageHost.Arrange(new Rect(_pageHost.CachedOffset, finalSize)); } } return base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize); } ////// Derived class must implement to support Visual children. The method must return /// the child at the specified index. Index must be between 0 and GetVisualChildrenCount-1. /// protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index) { if (index != 0 || _pageHost == null) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, SR.Get(SRID.Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange)); } return _pageHost; } ////// Dispose the object. /// protected void Dispose() { if (!_disposed) { _disposed = true; // Cleanup all state associated with Paginator. if (_documentPaginator != null) { _documentPaginator.GetPageCompleted -= new GetPageCompletedEventHandler(HandleGetPageCompleted); _documentPaginator.PagesChanged -= new PagesChangedEventHandler(HandlePagesChanged); _documentPaginator.CancelAsync(this); DisposeCurrentPage(); DisposeAsyncPage(); } Invariant.Assert(_documentPage == null); Invariant.Assert(_documentPageAsync == null); _documentPaginator = null; _textView = null; } } ////// Returns service objects associated with this control. /// This method should be called by IServiceProvider.GetService implementation /// for DocumentPageView or subclasses. /// /// Specifies the type of service object to get. protected object GetService(Type serviceType) { object service = null; if (serviceType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceType"); } CheckDisposed(); // No service is available if the Content does not provide // any services. if (_documentPaginator != null && _documentPaginator is IServiceProvider) { // Following services are available: // (1) TextView - wrapper for TextView exposed by the current page. // (2) TextContainer - the service object is retrieved from DocumentPaginator. if (serviceType == typeof(ITextView)) { if (_textView == null) { ITextContainer tc = ((IServiceProvider)_documentPaginator).GetService(typeof(ITextContainer)) as ITextContainer; if (tc != null) { _textView = new DocumentPageTextView(this, tc); } } service = _textView; } else if (serviceType == typeof(TextContainer) || serviceType == typeof(ITextContainer)) { service = ((IServiceProvider)_documentPaginator).GetService(serviceType); } } return service; } ////// Creates AutomationPeer ( protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer() { return new DocumentPageViewAutomationPeer(this); } #endregion Protected Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Protected Properties // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Protected Properties ///) /// /// Whether this DocumentPageView has been disposed. /// protected bool IsDisposed { get { return _disposed; } } ////// Derived classes override this property to enable the Visual code to enumerate /// the Visual children. Derived classes need to return the number of children /// from this method. /// protected override int VisualChildrenCount { get { return _pageHost != null ? 1 : 0; } } #endregion Protected Properties //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods ////// Sets the zoom applied to the page being displayed. /// /// Page zooom value. internal void SetPageZoom(double pageZoom) { Invariant.Assert(!DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(pageZoom, 0d) && !Double.IsInfinity(pageZoom)); Invariant.Assert(!_disposed); if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_pageZoom, pageZoom)) { _pageZoom = pageZoom; InvalidateMeasure(); } } ////// Suspends page layout. /// internal void SuspendLayout() { _suspendLayout = true; _pageVisualClone = DuplicatePageVisual(); _visualCloneSize = this.DesiredSize; } ////// Resumes page layout. /// internal void ResumeLayout() { _suspendLayout = false; _pageVisualClone = null; InvalidateMeasure(); } ////// Duplicates the current page visual, if possible /// internal void DuplicateVisual() { if (_documentPage != null && _pageVisualClone == null) { _pageVisualClone = DuplicatePageVisual(); _visualCloneSize = this.DesiredSize; InvalidateArrange(); } } ////// Clears the duplicated page visual, if one exists. /// internal void RemoveDuplicateVisual() { if (_pageVisualClone != null) { _pageVisualClone = null; InvalidateArrange(); } } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties ////// Default is true. Controls whether we use asynchronous mode to /// request the DocumentPage. In some cases, such as synchronous /// printing, we don't want to wait for the asynchronous events. /// internal bool UseAsynchronousGetPage { get { return _useAsynchronous; } set { _useAsynchronous = value; } } ////// The DocumentPage for the displayed page. /// internal DocumentPage DocumentPageInternal { get { return _documentPage; } } #endregion Internal Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods ////// Handles PageDestroyed event raised for the current DocumentPage. /// /// Source of the event. /// Not used. private void HandlePageDestroyed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_disposed) { InvalidateMeasure(); DisposeCurrentPage(); } } ////// Handles PageDestroyed event raised for the cached async DocumentPage. /// /// Source of the event. /// Not used. private void HandleAsyncPageDestroyed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_disposed) { DisposeAsyncPage(); } } ////// Handles GetPageCompleted event raised by the DocumentPaginator. /// /// Source of the event. /// Details about this event. private void HandleGetPageCompleted(object sender, GetPageCompletedEventArgs e) { if (!_disposed && (e != null) && !e.Cancelled && e.Error == null) { if (e.PageNumber == this.PageNumber && e.UserState == this) { if (_documentPageAsync != null && _documentPageAsync != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPageAsync.PageDestroyed -= new EventHandler(HandleAsyncPageDestroyed); } _documentPageAsync = e.DocumentPage; if (_documentPageAsync == null) { _documentPageAsync = DocumentPage.Missing; } if (_documentPageAsync != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPageAsync.PageDestroyed += new EventHandler(HandleAsyncPageDestroyed); } InvalidateMeasure(); } // else; the page is not ours } } ////// Handles PagesChanged event raised by the DocumentPaginator. /// /// Source of the event. /// Details about this event. private void HandlePagesChanged(object sender, PagesChangedEventArgs e) { if (!_disposed && (e != null)) { if (this.PageNumber >= e.Start && (e.Count == int.MaxValue || this.PageNumber <= e.Start + e.Count)) { OnPageContentChanged(); } } } ////// Async notification about transform changes for embedded page. /// private void OnTransformChangedAsync() { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(OnTransformChanged), null); } ////// Notification about transform changes for embedded page. /// /// Not used. ///Not used. private object OnTransformChanged(object arg) { if (_textView != null && _documentPage != null) { _textView.OnTransformChanged(); } return null; } ////// Raises PageConnected event. /// private void OnPageConnected() { _newPageConnected = false; if (_textView != null) { _textView.OnPageConnected(); } if (this.PageConnected != null && _documentPage != null) { this.PageConnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } ////// Raises PageDisconnected event. /// private void OnPageDisconnected() { if (_textView != null) { _textView.OnPageDisconnected(); } if (this.PageDisconnected != null) { this.PageDisconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } ////// Responds to page content change. /// private void OnPageContentChanged() { // Force remeasure which will cause to reget DocumentPage InvalidateMeasure(); // Do cleanup for currently used page, because it gets replaced. DisposeCurrentPage(); DisposeAsyncPage(); } ////// Disposes the current DocumentPage. /// private void DisposeCurrentPage() { // Do cleanup for currently used page, because it gets replaced. if (_documentPage != null) { // Remove visual for currently used page. if (_pageHost != null) { _pageHost.PageVisual = null; } // Clear TextView & DocumentPage if (_documentPage != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPage.PageDestroyed -= new EventHandler(HandlePageDestroyed); } if (_documentPage is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)_documentPage).Dispose(); } _documentPage = null; OnPageDisconnected(); } } ////// Disposes pending async DocumentPage. /// private void DisposeAsyncPage() { // Do cleanup for cached async page. if (_documentPageAsync != null) { if (_documentPageAsync != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPageAsync.PageDestroyed -= new EventHandler(HandleAsyncPageDestroyed); } if (_documentPageAsync is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)_documentPageAsync).Dispose(); } _documentPageAsync = null; } } ////// Checks if the instance is already disposed. /// private void CheckDisposed() { if (_disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(typeof(DocumentPageView).ToString()); } } ////// Check whether content needs to be reflowed. /// ///True, if content needs to be reflowed. private bool ShouldReflowContent() { bool shouldReflow = false; DocumentViewerBase hostViewer; if (DocumentViewerBase.GetIsMasterPage(this)) { hostViewer = GetHostViewer(); if (hostViewer != null) { shouldReflow = hostViewer.IsMasterPageView(this); } } return shouldReflow; } ////// Retrieves DocumentViewerBase that hosts this view. /// ///DocumentViewerBase that hosts this view. private DocumentViewerBase GetHostViewer() { DocumentViewerBase hostViewer = null; Visual visualParent; // First do quick check for TemplatedParent. It will cover good // amount of cases, because static viewers will have their // DocumentPageViews defined in the style. // If quick check does not work, do a visual tree walk. if (this.TemplatedParent is DocumentViewerBase) { hostViewer = (DocumentViewerBase)this.TemplatedParent; } else { // Check if hosted by DocumentViewerBase. visualParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) as Visual; while (visualParent != null) { if (visualParent is DocumentViewerBase) { hostViewer = (DocumentViewerBase)visualParent; break; } visualParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(visualParent) as Visual; } } return hostViewer; } ////// The PageNumber has changed and needs to be updated. /// private static void OnPageNumberChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Invariant.Assert(d != null && d is DocumentPageView); ((DocumentPageView)d).OnPageContentChanged(); } ////// Duplicates content of the PageVisual. /// private DrawingVisual DuplicatePageVisual() { DrawingVisual drawingVisual = null; if (_pageHost != null && _pageHost.PageVisual != null && _documentPage.Size != Size.Empty) { const double maxWidth = 4096.0; const double maxHeight = maxWidth; Rect pageVisualRect = new Rect(_documentPage.Size); pageVisualRect.Width = Math.Min(pageVisualRect.Width, maxWidth); pageVisualRect.Height = Math.Min(pageVisualRect.Height, maxHeight); drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual(); try { if(pageVisualRect.Width > 1.0 && pageVisualRect.Height > 1.0) { RenderTargetBitmap renderTargetBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)pageVisualRect.Width, (int)pageVisualRect.Height, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Pbgra32); renderTargetBitmap.Render(_pageHost.PageVisual); ImageBrush imageBrush = new ImageBrush(renderTargetBitmap); drawingVisual.Opacity = 0.50; using (DrawingContext dc = drawingVisual.RenderOpen()) { dc.DrawRectangle(imageBrush, null, pageVisualRect); } } } catch(System.OverflowException) { // Ignore overflow exception - caused by render target creation not possible under current memory conditions. } } return drawingVisual; } #endregion Private Methods //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private DocumentPaginator _documentPaginator; private double _pageZoom; private DocumentPage _documentPage; private DocumentPage _documentPageAsync; private DocumentPageTextView _textView; private DocumentPageHost _pageHost; private Visual _pageVisualClone; private Size _visualCloneSize; private bool _useAsynchronous = true; private bool _suspendLayout; private bool _disposed; private bool _newPageConnected; #endregion Private Fields //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // IServiceProvider Members // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region IServiceProvider Members ////// Returns service objects associated with this control. /// /// Specifies the type of service object to get. object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) { return this.GetService(serviceType); } #endregion IServiceProvider Members //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // IDisposable Members // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region IDisposable Members ////// Dispose the object. /// void IDisposable.Dispose() { this.Dispose(); } #endregion IDisposable Members } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: DocumentPageView.cs // // Description: Provides a view port for a page of content for a DocumentPage. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Windows.Automation; // AutomationPattern using System.Windows.Automation.Peers; // AutomationPeer using System.Windows.Controls; // StretchDirection using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; // DocumentViewerBase using System.Windows.Documents; // DocumentPaginator using System.Windows.Media; // Visual using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; // RenderTargetBitmap using System.Windows.Threading; // Dispatcher using MS.Internal; // Invariant using MS.Internal.Documents; // DocumentPageHost, DocumentPageTextView using MS.Internal.Automation; // TextAdaptor using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes; // BooleanBoxes namespace System.Windows.Controls.Primitives { ////// Provides a view port for a page of content for a DocumentPage. /// public class DocumentPageView : FrameworkElement, IServiceProvider, IDisposable { //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors ////// Create an instance of a DocumentPageView. /// ////// This does basic initialization of the DocumentPageView. All subclasses /// must call the base constructor to perform this initialization. /// public DocumentPageView() : base() { _pageZoom = 1.0; } ////// Static ctor. Initializes property metadata. /// static DocumentPageView() { ClipToBoundsProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(DocumentPageView), new PropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.TrueBox)); } #endregion //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Properties // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Public Properties ////// The Paginator from which this DocumentPageView retrieves pages. /// public DocumentPaginator DocumentPaginator { get { return _documentPaginator; } set { CheckDisposed(); if (_documentPaginator != value) { // Cleanup all state associated with old Paginator. if (_documentPaginator != null) { _documentPaginator.GetPageCompleted -= new GetPageCompletedEventHandler(HandleGetPageCompleted); _documentPaginator.PagesChanged -= new PagesChangedEventHandler(HandlePagesChanged); DisposeCurrentPage(); DisposeAsyncPage(); } Invariant.Assert(_documentPage == null); Invariant.Assert(_documentPageAsync == null); _documentPaginator = value; _textView = null; // Register for events on new Paginator and invalidate // measure to force content update. if (_documentPaginator != null) { _documentPaginator.GetPageCompleted += new GetPageCompletedEventHandler(HandleGetPageCompleted); _documentPaginator.PagesChanged += new PagesChangedEventHandler(HandlePagesChanged); } InvalidateMeasure(); } } } ////// The DocumentPage for the displayed page. /// public DocumentPage DocumentPage { get { return (_documentPage == null) ? DocumentPage.Missing : _documentPage; } } ////// The page number displayed; no content is displayed if this number is negative. /// PageNumber is zero-based. /// public int PageNumber { get { return (int) GetValue(PageNumberProperty); } set { SetValue(PageNumberProperty, value); } } ////// Controls the stretching behavior for the page. /// public Stretch Stretch { get { return (Stretch)GetValue(StretchProperty); } set { SetValue(StretchProperty, value); } } ////// Specifies the directions in which page may be stretched. /// public StretchDirection StretchDirection { get { return (StretchDirection)GetValue(StretchDirectionProperty); } set { SetValue(StretchDirectionProperty, value); } } #region Public Dynamic Properties ////// public static readonly DependencyProperty PageNumberProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "PageNumber", typeof(int), typeof(DocumentPageView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 0, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPageNumberChanged))); ////// /// public static readonly DependencyProperty StretchProperty = Viewbox.StretchProperty.AddOwner( typeof(DocumentPageView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( Stretch.Uniform, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure)); ////// /// public static readonly DependencyProperty StretchDirectionProperty = Viewbox.StretchDirectionProperty.AddOwner( typeof(DocumentPageView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( StretchDirection.DownOnly, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure)); #endregion Public Dynamic Properties #endregion Public Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Events // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Public Events ////// /// Fired after a DocumentPage.Visual is connected. /// public event EventHandler PageConnected; ////// Fired after a DocumentPage.Visual is disconnected. /// public event EventHandler PageDisconnected; #endregion Public Events //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Protected Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Protected Methods ////// Content measurement. /// /// Available size that parent can give to the child. This is soft constraint. ///The DocumentPageView's desired size. protected override sealed Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize) { Size newPageSize, pageZoom; Size pageSize; Size desiredSize = new Size(); // If no page is available, return (0,0) as size. CheckDisposed(); if (_suspendLayout) { desiredSize = this.DesiredSize; } else if (_documentPaginator != null) { // Reflow content if needed. if (ShouldReflowContent()) { // Reflow is disabled when dealing with infinite size in both directions. // If only one dimention is infinte, calculate value based on PageSize of the // document and Stretching properties. if (!Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Width) || !Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Height)) { pageSize = _documentPaginator.PageSize; if (Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Width)) { newPageSize = new Size(); newPageSize.Height = availableSize.Height / _pageZoom; newPageSize.Width = newPageSize.Height * (pageSize.Width / pageSize.Height); // Keep aspect ratio. } else if (Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Height)) { newPageSize = new Size(); newPageSize.Width = availableSize.Width / _pageZoom; newPageSize.Height = newPageSize.Width * (pageSize.Height / pageSize.Width); // Keep aspect ratio. } else { newPageSize = new Size(availableSize.Width / _pageZoom, availableSize.Height / _pageZoom); } if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(pageSize, newPageSize)) { _documentPaginator.PageSize = newPageSize; } } } // If the main page or pending async page are not available yet, // asynchronously request new page from Paginator. if (_documentPage == null && _documentPageAsync == null) { if (PageNumber >= 0) { if (_useAsynchronous) { _documentPaginator.GetPageAsync(PageNumber, this); } else { _documentPageAsync = _documentPaginator.GetPage(PageNumber); if (_documentPageAsync == null) { _documentPageAsync = DocumentPage.Missing; } } } else { _documentPage = DocumentPage.Missing; } } // If pending async page is available, discard the main page and // set _documentPage to _documentPageAsync. if (_documentPageAsync != null) { // Do cleanup for currently used page, because it gets replaced. DisposeCurrentPage(); // DisposeCurrentPage raises PageDisposed and DocumentPage.PageDestroyed events. // Handlers for those events may dispose _documentPageAsync. Treat this situation // as missing page. if (_documentPageAsync == null) { _documentPageAsync = DocumentPage.Missing; } if (_pageVisualClone != null) { RemoveDuplicateVisual(); } // Replace the main page with cached async page. _documentPage = _documentPageAsync; if (_documentPage != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPage.PageDestroyed += new EventHandler(HandlePageDestroyed); _documentPageAsync.PageDestroyed -= new EventHandler(HandleAsyncPageDestroyed); } _documentPageAsync = null; // Set a flag that will indicate that a PageConnected must be fired in // ArrangeOverride _newPageConnected = true; } // If page is available, return its size as desired size. if (_documentPage != null && _documentPage != DocumentPage.Missing) { pageSize = new Size(_documentPage.Size.Width * _pageZoom, _documentPage.Size.Height * _pageZoom); pageZoom = Viewbox.ComputeScaleFactor(availableSize, pageSize, this.Stretch, this.StretchDirection); desiredSize = new Size(pageSize.Width * pageZoom.Width, pageSize.Height * pageZoom.Height); } if (_pageVisualClone != null) { desiredSize = _visualCloneSize; } } return desiredSize; } ////// Content arrangement. /// /// The final size that element should use to arrange itself and its children. protected override sealed Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize) { Transform pageTransform; ScaleTransform pageScaleTransform; Visual pageVisual; Size pageSize, pageZoom; CheckDisposed(); if (_pageVisualClone == null) { if (_pageHost == null) { _pageHost = new DocumentPageHost(); this.AddVisualChild(_pageHost); } Invariant.Assert(_pageHost != null); pageVisual = (_documentPage == null) ? null : _documentPage.Visual; if (pageVisual == null) { // Remove existing visiual children. _pageHost.PageVisual = null; // Reset offset and transform on the page host before Arrange _pageHost.CachedOffset = new Point(); _pageHost.RenderTransform = null; // Size for the page host needs to be set to finalSize _pageHost.Arrange(new Rect(_pageHost.CachedOffset, finalSize)); } else { // Add visual representing the page contents. For performance reasons // first check if it is already insered there. if (_pageHost.PageVisual != pageVisual) { // There might be a case where a visual associated with a page was // inserted to a visual tree before. It got removed later, but GC did not // destroy its parent yet. To workaround this case always check for the parent // of page visual and disconnect it, when necessary. DocumentPageHost.DisconnectPageVisual(pageVisual); _pageHost.PageVisual = pageVisual; } // Compute transform to be applied to the page visual. First take into account // mirroring transform, if necessary. Apply also scaling transform. pageSize = _documentPage.Size; pageTransform = Transform.Identity; // DocumentPage.Visual is always LeftToRight, so if the current // FlowDirection is RightToLeft, need to unmirror the child visual. if (FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft) { pageTransform = new MatrixTransform(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, pageSize.Width, 0.0); } // Apply zooming if (!DoubleUtil.IsOne(_pageZoom)) { pageScaleTransform = new ScaleTransform(_pageZoom, _pageZoom); if (pageTransform == Transform.Identity) { pageTransform = pageScaleTransform; } else { pageTransform = new MatrixTransform(pageTransform.Value * pageScaleTransform.Value); } pageSize = new Size(pageSize.Width * _pageZoom, pageSize.Height * _pageZoom); } // Apply stretch properties pageZoom = Viewbox.ComputeScaleFactor(finalSize, pageSize, this.Stretch, this.StretchDirection); if (!DoubleUtil.IsOne(pageZoom.Width) || !DoubleUtil.IsOne(pageZoom.Height)) { pageScaleTransform = new ScaleTransform(pageZoom.Width, pageZoom.Height); if (pageTransform == Transform.Identity) { pageTransform = pageScaleTransform; } else { pageTransform = new MatrixTransform(pageTransform.Value * pageScaleTransform.Value); } pageSize = new Size(pageSize.Width * pageZoom.Width, pageSize.Height * pageZoom.Height); } // Set offset and transform on the page host before Arrange _pageHost.CachedOffset = new Point((finalSize.Width - pageSize.Width) / 2, (finalSize.Height - pageSize.Height) / 2); _pageHost.RenderTransform = pageTransform; // Arrange pagehost to original size of the page. _pageHost.Arrange(new Rect(_pageHost.CachedOffset, _documentPage.Size)); } // Fire [....] notification if new page was connected. if (_newPageConnected) { OnPageConnected(); } // Transform for the page has been changed, need to notify TextView about the changes. OnTransformChangedAsync(); } else { if (_pageHost.PageVisual != _pageVisualClone) { // Remove existing visiual children. _pageHost.PageVisual = _pageVisualClone; // Size for the page host needs to be set to finalSize // Use previous offset and transform _pageHost.Arrange(new Rect(_pageHost.CachedOffset, finalSize)); } } return base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize); } ////// Derived class must implement to support Visual children. The method must return /// the child at the specified index. Index must be between 0 and GetVisualChildrenCount-1. /// protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index) { if (index != 0 || _pageHost == null) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, SR.Get(SRID.Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange)); } return _pageHost; } ////// Dispose the object. /// protected void Dispose() { if (!_disposed) { _disposed = true; // Cleanup all state associated with Paginator. if (_documentPaginator != null) { _documentPaginator.GetPageCompleted -= new GetPageCompletedEventHandler(HandleGetPageCompleted); _documentPaginator.PagesChanged -= new PagesChangedEventHandler(HandlePagesChanged); _documentPaginator.CancelAsync(this); DisposeCurrentPage(); DisposeAsyncPage(); } Invariant.Assert(_documentPage == null); Invariant.Assert(_documentPageAsync == null); _documentPaginator = null; _textView = null; } } ////// Returns service objects associated with this control. /// This method should be called by IServiceProvider.GetService implementation /// for DocumentPageView or subclasses. /// /// Specifies the type of service object to get. protected object GetService(Type serviceType) { object service = null; if (serviceType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceType"); } CheckDisposed(); // No service is available if the Content does not provide // any services. if (_documentPaginator != null && _documentPaginator is IServiceProvider) { // Following services are available: // (1) TextView - wrapper for TextView exposed by the current page. // (2) TextContainer - the service object is retrieved from DocumentPaginator. if (serviceType == typeof(ITextView)) { if (_textView == null) { ITextContainer tc = ((IServiceProvider)_documentPaginator).GetService(typeof(ITextContainer)) as ITextContainer; if (tc != null) { _textView = new DocumentPageTextView(this, tc); } } service = _textView; } else if (serviceType == typeof(TextContainer) || serviceType == typeof(ITextContainer)) { service = ((IServiceProvider)_documentPaginator).GetService(serviceType); } } return service; } ////// Creates AutomationPeer ( protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer() { return new DocumentPageViewAutomationPeer(this); } #endregion Protected Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Protected Properties // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Protected Properties ///) /// /// Whether this DocumentPageView has been disposed. /// protected bool IsDisposed { get { return _disposed; } } ////// Derived classes override this property to enable the Visual code to enumerate /// the Visual children. Derived classes need to return the number of children /// from this method. /// protected override int VisualChildrenCount { get { return _pageHost != null ? 1 : 0; } } #endregion Protected Properties //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods ////// Sets the zoom applied to the page being displayed. /// /// Page zooom value. internal void SetPageZoom(double pageZoom) { Invariant.Assert(!DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(pageZoom, 0d) && !Double.IsInfinity(pageZoom)); Invariant.Assert(!_disposed); if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_pageZoom, pageZoom)) { _pageZoom = pageZoom; InvalidateMeasure(); } } ////// Suspends page layout. /// internal void SuspendLayout() { _suspendLayout = true; _pageVisualClone = DuplicatePageVisual(); _visualCloneSize = this.DesiredSize; } ////// Resumes page layout. /// internal void ResumeLayout() { _suspendLayout = false; _pageVisualClone = null; InvalidateMeasure(); } ////// Duplicates the current page visual, if possible /// internal void DuplicateVisual() { if (_documentPage != null && _pageVisualClone == null) { _pageVisualClone = DuplicatePageVisual(); _visualCloneSize = this.DesiredSize; InvalidateArrange(); } } ////// Clears the duplicated page visual, if one exists. /// internal void RemoveDuplicateVisual() { if (_pageVisualClone != null) { _pageVisualClone = null; InvalidateArrange(); } } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties ////// Default is true. Controls whether we use asynchronous mode to /// request the DocumentPage. In some cases, such as synchronous /// printing, we don't want to wait for the asynchronous events. /// internal bool UseAsynchronousGetPage { get { return _useAsynchronous; } set { _useAsynchronous = value; } } ////// The DocumentPage for the displayed page. /// internal DocumentPage DocumentPageInternal { get { return _documentPage; } } #endregion Internal Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods ////// Handles PageDestroyed event raised for the current DocumentPage. /// /// Source of the event. /// Not used. private void HandlePageDestroyed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_disposed) { InvalidateMeasure(); DisposeCurrentPage(); } } ////// Handles PageDestroyed event raised for the cached async DocumentPage. /// /// Source of the event. /// Not used. private void HandleAsyncPageDestroyed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_disposed) { DisposeAsyncPage(); } } ////// Handles GetPageCompleted event raised by the DocumentPaginator. /// /// Source of the event. /// Details about this event. private void HandleGetPageCompleted(object sender, GetPageCompletedEventArgs e) { if (!_disposed && (e != null) && !e.Cancelled && e.Error == null) { if (e.PageNumber == this.PageNumber && e.UserState == this) { if (_documentPageAsync != null && _documentPageAsync != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPageAsync.PageDestroyed -= new EventHandler(HandleAsyncPageDestroyed); } _documentPageAsync = e.DocumentPage; if (_documentPageAsync == null) { _documentPageAsync = DocumentPage.Missing; } if (_documentPageAsync != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPageAsync.PageDestroyed += new EventHandler(HandleAsyncPageDestroyed); } InvalidateMeasure(); } // else; the page is not ours } } ////// Handles PagesChanged event raised by the DocumentPaginator. /// /// Source of the event. /// Details about this event. private void HandlePagesChanged(object sender, PagesChangedEventArgs e) { if (!_disposed && (e != null)) { if (this.PageNumber >= e.Start && (e.Count == int.MaxValue || this.PageNumber <= e.Start + e.Count)) { OnPageContentChanged(); } } } ////// Async notification about transform changes for embedded page. /// private void OnTransformChangedAsync() { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(OnTransformChanged), null); } ////// Notification about transform changes for embedded page. /// /// Not used. ///Not used. private object OnTransformChanged(object arg) { if (_textView != null && _documentPage != null) { _textView.OnTransformChanged(); } return null; } ////// Raises PageConnected event. /// private void OnPageConnected() { _newPageConnected = false; if (_textView != null) { _textView.OnPageConnected(); } if (this.PageConnected != null && _documentPage != null) { this.PageConnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } ////// Raises PageDisconnected event. /// private void OnPageDisconnected() { if (_textView != null) { _textView.OnPageDisconnected(); } if (this.PageDisconnected != null) { this.PageDisconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } ////// Responds to page content change. /// private void OnPageContentChanged() { // Force remeasure which will cause to reget DocumentPage InvalidateMeasure(); // Do cleanup for currently used page, because it gets replaced. DisposeCurrentPage(); DisposeAsyncPage(); } ////// Disposes the current DocumentPage. /// private void DisposeCurrentPage() { // Do cleanup for currently used page, because it gets replaced. if (_documentPage != null) { // Remove visual for currently used page. if (_pageHost != null) { _pageHost.PageVisual = null; } // Clear TextView & DocumentPage if (_documentPage != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPage.PageDestroyed -= new EventHandler(HandlePageDestroyed); } if (_documentPage is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)_documentPage).Dispose(); } _documentPage = null; OnPageDisconnected(); } } ////// Disposes pending async DocumentPage. /// private void DisposeAsyncPage() { // Do cleanup for cached async page. if (_documentPageAsync != null) { if (_documentPageAsync != DocumentPage.Missing) { _documentPageAsync.PageDestroyed -= new EventHandler(HandleAsyncPageDestroyed); } if (_documentPageAsync is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)_documentPageAsync).Dispose(); } _documentPageAsync = null; } } ////// Checks if the instance is already disposed. /// private void CheckDisposed() { if (_disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(typeof(DocumentPageView).ToString()); } } ////// Check whether content needs to be reflowed. /// ///True, if content needs to be reflowed. private bool ShouldReflowContent() { bool shouldReflow = false; DocumentViewerBase hostViewer; if (DocumentViewerBase.GetIsMasterPage(this)) { hostViewer = GetHostViewer(); if (hostViewer != null) { shouldReflow = hostViewer.IsMasterPageView(this); } } return shouldReflow; } ////// Retrieves DocumentViewerBase that hosts this view. /// ///DocumentViewerBase that hosts this view. private DocumentViewerBase GetHostViewer() { DocumentViewerBase hostViewer = null; Visual visualParent; // First do quick check for TemplatedParent. It will cover good // amount of cases, because static viewers will have their // DocumentPageViews defined in the style. // If quick check does not work, do a visual tree walk. if (this.TemplatedParent is DocumentViewerBase) { hostViewer = (DocumentViewerBase)this.TemplatedParent; } else { // Check if hosted by DocumentViewerBase. visualParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) as Visual; while (visualParent != null) { if (visualParent is DocumentViewerBase) { hostViewer = (DocumentViewerBase)visualParent; break; } visualParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(visualParent) as Visual; } } return hostViewer; } ////// The PageNumber has changed and needs to be updated. /// private static void OnPageNumberChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Invariant.Assert(d != null && d is DocumentPageView); ((DocumentPageView)d).OnPageContentChanged(); } ////// Duplicates content of the PageVisual. /// private DrawingVisual DuplicatePageVisual() { DrawingVisual drawingVisual = null; if (_pageHost != null && _pageHost.PageVisual != null && _documentPage.Size != Size.Empty) { const double maxWidth = 4096.0; const double maxHeight = maxWidth; Rect pageVisualRect = new Rect(_documentPage.Size); pageVisualRect.Width = Math.Min(pageVisualRect.Width, maxWidth); pageVisualRect.Height = Math.Min(pageVisualRect.Height, maxHeight); drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual(); try { if(pageVisualRect.Width > 1.0 && pageVisualRect.Height > 1.0) { RenderTargetBitmap renderTargetBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)pageVisualRect.Width, (int)pageVisualRect.Height, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Pbgra32); renderTargetBitmap.Render(_pageHost.PageVisual); ImageBrush imageBrush = new ImageBrush(renderTargetBitmap); drawingVisual.Opacity = 0.50; using (DrawingContext dc = drawingVisual.RenderOpen()) { dc.DrawRectangle(imageBrush, null, pageVisualRect); } } } catch(System.OverflowException) { // Ignore overflow exception - caused by render target creation not possible under current memory conditions. } } return drawingVisual; } #endregion Private Methods //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private DocumentPaginator _documentPaginator; private double _pageZoom; private DocumentPage _documentPage; private DocumentPage _documentPageAsync; private DocumentPageTextView _textView; private DocumentPageHost _pageHost; private Visual _pageVisualClone; private Size _visualCloneSize; private bool _useAsynchronous = true; private bool _suspendLayout; private bool _disposed; private bool _newPageConnected; #endregion Private Fields //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // IServiceProvider Members // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region IServiceProvider Members ////// Returns service objects associated with this control. /// /// Specifies the type of service object to get. object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) { return this.GetService(serviceType); } #endregion IServiceProvider Members //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // IDisposable Members // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #region IDisposable Members ////// Dispose the object. /// void IDisposable.Dispose() { this.Dispose(); } #endregion IDisposable Members } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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