InkCanvasInnerCanvas.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Controls / InkCanvasInnerCanvas.cs / 1 / InkCanvasInnerCanvas.cs

// File: InkCanvas.cs
// Description: 
//      Defines a Canvas-like class which is used by InkCanvas for the layout.
// Features: 
// History: 
//  02/02/2006 waynezen:       Ported from the old InnerCanvas.
// Copyright (C) 2001 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media; 

namespace MS.Internal.Controls 

    /// A subclass of Panel which does layout for InkCanvas.
    internal class InkCanvasInnerCanvas : Panel
        //  Cnostructors 

        #region Constructors

        internal InkCanvasInnerCanvas(InkCanvas inkCanvas) 
            Debug.Assert(inkCanvas != null); 
            _inkCanvas = inkCanvas; 
        // No default constructor
        private InkCanvasInnerCanvas() { }

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods
        /// Override OnVisualChildrenChanged 
        protected internal override void OnVisualChildrenChanged(DependencyObject visualAdded, DependencyObject visualRemoved)
            base.OnVisualChildrenChanged(visualAdded, visualRemoved);
            UIElement removedElement = visualRemoved as UIElement;
            // If there is an element being removed, we should make sure to update our selected elements list.. 
            if ( removedElement != null )

            //resurface this on the containing InkCanvas 
            InkCanvas.RaiseOnVisualChildrenChanged(visualAdded, visualRemoved);
        /// Override of  
        /// The code is similar to Canvas.MeasureOverride. The only difference we have is that
        /// InkCanvasInnerCanvas does report the size based on its children's sizes.
        /// Constraint size. 
        /// Computed desired size.
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) 
            Size childConstraint = new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity);
            Size newSize = new Size();
            foreach ( UIElement child in InternalChildren )
                if ( child == null ) { continue; } 
                // NOTICE-2006/02/03-WAYNEZEN, 
                // We only honor Left and/or Top property for the measure.
                // For Right/Bottom, only the child.Width/Height will be used. Those properties will be used by the arrange 
                // but not the measure.
                double left = (double)InkCanvas.GetLeft(child);
                if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(left) )
                    newSize.Width = Math.Max(newSize.Width, left + child.DesiredSize.Width);
                    newSize.Width = Math.Max(newSize.Width, child.DesiredSize.Width); 

                double top = (double)InkCanvas.GetTop(child);
                if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(top) ) 
                    newSize.Height = Math.Max(newSize.Height, top + child.DesiredSize.Height); 
                    newSize.Height = Math.Max(newSize.Height, child.DesiredSize.Height);
            return newSize;
        /// Canvas computes a position for each of its children taking into account their margin and 
        /// attached Canvas properties: Top, Left.
        /// Canvas will also arrange each of its children.
        /// This code is same as the Canvas'. 
        /// Size that Canvas will assume to position children. 
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize) 
            //Canvas arranges children at their DesiredSize. 
            //This means that Margin on children is actually respected and added
            //to the size of layout partition for a child.
            //Therefore, is Margin is 10 and Left is 20, the child's ink will start at 30.
            foreach ( UIElement child in InternalChildren )
                if ( child == null ) { continue; } 

                double x = 0; 
                double y = 0;

                //Compute offset of the child: 
                //If Left is specified, then Right is ignored
                //If Left is not specified, then Right is used 
                //If both are not there, then 0 
                double left = (double)InkCanvas.GetLeft(child);
                if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(left) ) 
                    x = left;
                    double right = (double)InkCanvas.GetRight(child); 
                    if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(right) )
                        x = arrangeSize.Width - child.DesiredSize.Width - right;
                double top = (double)InkCanvas.GetTop(child);
                if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(top) ) 
                    y = top;
                    double bottom = (double)InkCanvas.GetBottom(child);
                    if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(bottom) )
                        y = arrangeSize.Height - child.DesiredSize.Height - bottom; 

                child.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(x, y), child.DesiredSize));
            return arrangeSize;
        /// OnChildDesiredSizeChanged 
        protected override void OnChildDesiredSizeChanged(UIElement child)
            // Invalid InkCanvasInnerCanvas' measure. 

        /// Override CreateUIElementCollection method.
        /// The logical parent of InnerCanvas will be set to InkCanvas instead. 
        protected override UIElementCollection CreateUIElementCollection(FrameworkElement logicalParent)
            // Replace the logical parent of the InnerCanvas children with our InkCanvas.
            return base.CreateUIElementCollection(_inkCanvas);
        /// Returns LogicalChildren 
        protected internal override IEnumerator LogicalChildren
                // InnerCanvas won't have any logical children publicly.
                return EmptyEnumerator.Instance; 
        /// The overridden GetLayoutClip method 
        /// Geometry to use as additional clip if ClipToBounds=true
        protected override Geometry GetLayoutClip(Size layoutSlotSize)
            // NTRAID:WINDOWSOS#1516798-2006/02/17-WAYNEZEN
            // By default an FE will clip its content if the ink size exceeds the layout size (the final arrange size). 
            // Since we are auto growing, the ink size is same as the desired size. So it ends up the strokes will be clipped 
            // regardless ClipToBounds is set or not.
            // We override the GetLayoutClip method so that we can bypass the default layout clip if ClipToBounds is set to false. 
            if ( ClipToBounds )
                return base.GetLayoutClip(layoutSlotSize);
                return null; 

        #endregion Protected Methods 

        //  Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods
        /// Hit test on the children
        internal UIElement HitTestOnElements(Point point) 
            UIElement hitElement = null;
            // Do hittest.
            HitTestResult hitTestResult = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(this, point);

            // Now find out which element is hit if there is a result. 
            if ( hitTestResult != null )
                Visual visual = hitTestResult.VisualHit as Visual; 
                System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Visual3D visual3D = hitTestResult.VisualHit as System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Visual3D;
                DependencyObject currentObject = null;
                if ( visual != null )
                    currentObject = visual; 
                else if ( visual3D != null ) 
                    currentObject = visual3D;

                while ( currentObject != null )
                    DependencyObject parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(currentObject); 
                    if ( parent == InkCanvas.InnerCanvas )
                        // Break when we hit the inner canvas in the visual tree. 
                        hitElement = currentObject as UIElement;
                        Debug.Assert(Children.Contains(hitElement), "The hit element should be a child of InnerCanvas."); 
                        currentObject = parent;
            return hitElement;

        /// Returns the private logical children
        internal IEnumerator PrivateLogicalChildren 
                // Return the logical children of the base - Canvas
                return base.LogicalChildren;
        /// Returns the associated InkCanvas
        internal InkCanvas InkCanvas
                return _inkCanvas;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods

        #endregion Private Methods

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        // The host InkCanvas
        private InkCanvas   _inkCanvas; 

        #endregion Private Fields 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File: InkCanvas.cs
// Description: 
//      Defines a Canvas-like class which is used by InkCanvas for the layout.
// Features: 
// History: 
//  02/02/2006 waynezen:       Ported from the old InnerCanvas.
// Copyright (C) 2001 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media; 

namespace MS.Internal.Controls 

    /// A subclass of Panel which does layout for InkCanvas.
    internal class InkCanvasInnerCanvas : Panel
        //  Cnostructors 

        #region Constructors

        internal InkCanvasInnerCanvas(InkCanvas inkCanvas) 
            Debug.Assert(inkCanvas != null); 
            _inkCanvas = inkCanvas; 
        // No default constructor
        private InkCanvasInnerCanvas() { }

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods
        /// Override OnVisualChildrenChanged 
        protected internal override void OnVisualChildrenChanged(DependencyObject visualAdded, DependencyObject visualRemoved)
            base.OnVisualChildrenChanged(visualAdded, visualRemoved);
            UIElement removedElement = visualRemoved as UIElement;
            // If there is an element being removed, we should make sure to update our selected elements list.. 
            if ( removedElement != null )

            //resurface this on the containing InkCanvas 
            InkCanvas.RaiseOnVisualChildrenChanged(visualAdded, visualRemoved);
        /// Override of  
        /// The code is similar to Canvas.MeasureOverride. The only difference we have is that
        /// InkCanvasInnerCanvas does report the size based on its children's sizes.
        /// Constraint size. 
        /// Computed desired size.
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) 
            Size childConstraint = new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity);
            Size newSize = new Size();
            foreach ( UIElement child in InternalChildren )
                if ( child == null ) { continue; } 
                // NOTICE-2006/02/03-WAYNEZEN, 
                // We only honor Left and/or Top property for the measure.
                // For Right/Bottom, only the child.Width/Height will be used. Those properties will be used by the arrange 
                // but not the measure.
                double left = (double)InkCanvas.GetLeft(child);
                if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(left) )
                    newSize.Width = Math.Max(newSize.Width, left + child.DesiredSize.Width);
                    newSize.Width = Math.Max(newSize.Width, child.DesiredSize.Width); 

                double top = (double)InkCanvas.GetTop(child);
                if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(top) ) 
                    newSize.Height = Math.Max(newSize.Height, top + child.DesiredSize.Height); 
                    newSize.Height = Math.Max(newSize.Height, child.DesiredSize.Height);
            return newSize;
        /// Canvas computes a position for each of its children taking into account their margin and 
        /// attached Canvas properties: Top, Left.
        /// Canvas will also arrange each of its children.
        /// This code is same as the Canvas'. 
        /// Size that Canvas will assume to position children. 
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize) 
            //Canvas arranges children at their DesiredSize. 
            //This means that Margin on children is actually respected and added
            //to the size of layout partition for a child.
            //Therefore, is Margin is 10 and Left is 20, the child's ink will start at 30.
            foreach ( UIElement child in InternalChildren )
                if ( child == null ) { continue; } 

                double x = 0; 
                double y = 0;

                //Compute offset of the child: 
                //If Left is specified, then Right is ignored
                //If Left is not specified, then Right is used 
                //If both are not there, then 0 
                double left = (double)InkCanvas.GetLeft(child);
                if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(left) ) 
                    x = left;
                    double right = (double)InkCanvas.GetRight(child); 
                    if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(right) )
                        x = arrangeSize.Width - child.DesiredSize.Width - right;
                double top = (double)InkCanvas.GetTop(child);
                if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(top) ) 
                    y = top;
                    double bottom = (double)InkCanvas.GetBottom(child);
                    if ( !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(bottom) )
                        y = arrangeSize.Height - child.DesiredSize.Height - bottom; 

                child.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(x, y), child.DesiredSize));
            return arrangeSize;
        /// OnChildDesiredSizeChanged 
        protected override void OnChildDesiredSizeChanged(UIElement child)
            // Invalid InkCanvasInnerCanvas' measure. 

        /// Override CreateUIElementCollection method.
        /// The logical parent of InnerCanvas will be set to InkCanvas instead. 
        protected override UIElementCollection CreateUIElementCollection(FrameworkElement logicalParent)
            // Replace the logical parent of the InnerCanvas children with our InkCanvas.
            return base.CreateUIElementCollection(_inkCanvas);
        /// Returns LogicalChildren 
        protected internal override IEnumerator LogicalChildren
                // InnerCanvas won't have any logical children publicly.
                return EmptyEnumerator.Instance; 
        /// The overridden GetLayoutClip method 
        /// Geometry to use as additional clip if ClipToBounds=true
        protected override Geometry GetLayoutClip(Size layoutSlotSize)
            // NTRAID:WINDOWSOS#1516798-2006/02/17-WAYNEZEN
            // By default an FE will clip its content if the ink size exceeds the layout size (the final arrange size). 
            // Since we are auto growing, the ink size is same as the desired size. So it ends up the strokes will be clipped 
            // regardless ClipToBounds is set or not.
            // We override the GetLayoutClip method so that we can bypass the default layout clip if ClipToBounds is set to false. 
            if ( ClipToBounds )
                return base.GetLayoutClip(layoutSlotSize);
                return null; 

        #endregion Protected Methods 

        //  Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods
        /// Hit test on the children
        internal UIElement HitTestOnElements(Point point) 
            UIElement hitElement = null;
            // Do hittest.
            HitTestResult hitTestResult = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(this, point);

            // Now find out which element is hit if there is a result. 
            if ( hitTestResult != null )
                Visual visual = hitTestResult.VisualHit as Visual; 
                System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Visual3D visual3D = hitTestResult.VisualHit as System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Visual3D;
                DependencyObject currentObject = null;
                if ( visual != null )
                    currentObject = visual; 
                else if ( visual3D != null ) 
                    currentObject = visual3D;

                while ( currentObject != null )
                    DependencyObject parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(currentObject); 
                    if ( parent == InkCanvas.InnerCanvas )
                        // Break when we hit the inner canvas in the visual tree. 
                        hitElement = currentObject as UIElement;
                        Debug.Assert(Children.Contains(hitElement), "The hit element should be a child of InnerCanvas."); 
                        currentObject = parent;
            return hitElement;

        /// Returns the private logical children
        internal IEnumerator PrivateLogicalChildren 
                // Return the logical children of the base - Canvas
                return base.LogicalChildren;
        /// Returns the associated InkCanvas
        internal InkCanvas InkCanvas
                return _inkCanvas;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods

        #endregion Private Methods

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        // The host InkCanvas
        private InkCanvas   _inkCanvas; 

        #endregion Private Fields 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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