/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / StylusOverProperty.cs / 1 / StylusOverProperty.cs
using System; using System.Windows.Input; using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes; namespace System.Windows { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal class StylusOverProperty : ReverseInheritProperty { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal StylusOverProperty() : base( UIElement.IsStylusOverPropertyKey, CoreFlags.IsStylusOverCache, CoreFlags.IsStylusOverChanged) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal override void FireNotifications(UIElement uie, ContentElement ce, UIElement3D uie3D, bool oldValue) { // This is all very sketchy... // // Tablet can support multiple stylus devices concurrently. They can each // be over a different element. They all update the IsStylusOver property, // which calls into here, but ends up using the "current" stylus device, // instead of each using their own device. Worse, all of these will end up // writing to the same bits in the UIElement. They are going to step all over // each other. if(Stylus.CurrentStylusDevice == null) { return; } StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs = new StylusEventArgs(Stylus.CurrentStylusDevice, Environment.TickCount); stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent = oldValue ? Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent : Stylus.StylusEnterEvent; if (uie != null) { uie.RaiseEvent(stylusEventArgs); } else if (ce != null) { ce.RaiseEvent(stylusEventArgs); } else if (uie3D != null) { uie3D.RaiseEvent(stylusEventArgs); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; using System.Windows.Input; using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes; namespace System.Windows { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal class StylusOverProperty : ReverseInheritProperty { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal StylusOverProperty() : base( UIElement.IsStylusOverPropertyKey, CoreFlags.IsStylusOverCache, CoreFlags.IsStylusOverChanged) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal override void FireNotifications(UIElement uie, ContentElement ce, UIElement3D uie3D, bool oldValue) { // This is all very sketchy... // // Tablet can support multiple stylus devices concurrently. They can each // be over a different element. They all update the IsStylusOver property, // which calls into here, but ends up using the "current" stylus device, // instead of each using their own device. Worse, all of these will end up // writing to the same bits in the UIElement. They are going to step all over // each other. if(Stylus.CurrentStylusDevice == null) { return; } StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs = new StylusEventArgs(Stylus.CurrentStylusDevice, Environment.TickCount); stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent = oldValue ? Stylus.StylusLeaveEvent : Stylus.StylusEnterEvent; if (uie != null) { uie.RaiseEvent(stylusEventArgs); } else if (ce != null) { ce.RaiseEvent(stylusEventArgs); } else if (uie3D != null) { uie3D.RaiseEvent(stylusEventArgs); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- CompiledAction.cs
- DataServiceSaveChangesEventArgs.cs
- SingleKeyFrameCollection.cs
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- VectorConverter.cs
- Soap12FormatExtensions.cs
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- CodeTypeMemberCollection.cs
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- StringUtil.cs
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- TextElementCollectionHelper.cs
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