/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / XmlUtils / System / Xml / Xsl / IlGen / TailCallAnalyzer.cs / 1 / TailCallAnalyzer.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml.Xsl.Qil; namespace System.Xml.Xsl.IlGen { ////// This analyzer walks each function in the graph and annotates Invoke nodes which can /// be compiled using the IL .tailcall instruction. This instruction will discard the /// current stack frame before calling the new function. /// internal static class TailCallAnalyzer { ////// Perform tail-call analysis on the functions in the specified QilExpression. /// public static void Analyze(QilExpression qil) { foreach (QilFunction ndFunc in qil.FunctionList) { // Only analyze functions which are pushed to the writer, since otherwise code // is generated after the call instruction in order to process cached results if (XmlILConstructInfo.Read(ndFunc).ConstructMethod == XmlILConstructMethod.Writer) AnalyzeDefinition(ndFunc.Definition); } } ////// Recursively analyze the definition of a function. /// private static void AnalyzeDefinition(QilNode nd) { Debug.Assert(XmlILConstructInfo.Read(nd).PushToWriterLast, "Only need to analyze expressions which will be compiled in push mode."); switch (nd.NodeType) { case QilNodeType.Invoke: // Invoke node can either be compiled as IteratorThenWriter, or Writer. // Since IteratorThenWriter involves caching the results of the function call // and iterating over them, .tailcall cannot be used if (XmlILConstructInfo.Read(nd).ConstructMethod == XmlILConstructMethod.Writer) OptimizerPatterns.Write(nd).AddPattern(OptimizerPatternName.TailCall); break; case QilNodeType.Loop: { // Recursively analyze Loop return value QilLoop ndLoop = (QilLoop) nd; if (ndLoop.Variable.NodeType == QilNodeType.Let || !ndLoop.Variable.Binding.XmlType.MaybeMany) AnalyzeDefinition(ndLoop.Body); break; } case QilNodeType.Sequence: { // Recursively analyze last expression in Sequence QilList ndSeq = (QilList) nd; if (ndSeq.Count > 0) AnalyzeDefinition(ndSeq[ndSeq.Count - 1]); break; } case QilNodeType.Choice: { // Recursively analyze Choice branches QilChoice ndChoice = (QilChoice) nd; for (int i = 0; i < ndChoice.Branches.Count; i++) AnalyzeDefinition(ndChoice.Branches[i]); break; } case QilNodeType.Conditional: { // Recursively analyze Conditional branches QilTernary ndCond = (QilTernary) nd; AnalyzeDefinition(ndCond.Center); AnalyzeDefinition(ndCond.Right); break; } case QilNodeType.Nop: AnalyzeDefinition(((QilUnary) nd).Child); break; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml.Xsl.Qil; namespace System.Xml.Xsl.IlGen { ////// This analyzer walks each function in the graph and annotates Invoke nodes which can /// be compiled using the IL .tailcall instruction. This instruction will discard the /// current stack frame before calling the new function. /// internal static class TailCallAnalyzer { ////// Perform tail-call analysis on the functions in the specified QilExpression. /// public static void Analyze(QilExpression qil) { foreach (QilFunction ndFunc in qil.FunctionList) { // Only analyze functions which are pushed to the writer, since otherwise code // is generated after the call instruction in order to process cached results if (XmlILConstructInfo.Read(ndFunc).ConstructMethod == XmlILConstructMethod.Writer) AnalyzeDefinition(ndFunc.Definition); } } ////// Recursively analyze the definition of a function. /// private static void AnalyzeDefinition(QilNode nd) { Debug.Assert(XmlILConstructInfo.Read(nd).PushToWriterLast, "Only need to analyze expressions which will be compiled in push mode."); switch (nd.NodeType) { case QilNodeType.Invoke: // Invoke node can either be compiled as IteratorThenWriter, or Writer. // Since IteratorThenWriter involves caching the results of the function call // and iterating over them, .tailcall cannot be used if (XmlILConstructInfo.Read(nd).ConstructMethod == XmlILConstructMethod.Writer) OptimizerPatterns.Write(nd).AddPattern(OptimizerPatternName.TailCall); break; case QilNodeType.Loop: { // Recursively analyze Loop return value QilLoop ndLoop = (QilLoop) nd; if (ndLoop.Variable.NodeType == QilNodeType.Let || !ndLoop.Variable.Binding.XmlType.MaybeMany) AnalyzeDefinition(ndLoop.Body); break; } case QilNodeType.Sequence: { // Recursively analyze last expression in Sequence QilList ndSeq = (QilList) nd; if (ndSeq.Count > 0) AnalyzeDefinition(ndSeq[ndSeq.Count - 1]); break; } case QilNodeType.Choice: { // Recursively analyze Choice branches QilChoice ndChoice = (QilChoice) nd; for (int i = 0; i < ndChoice.Branches.Count; i++) AnalyzeDefinition(ndChoice.Branches[i]); break; } case QilNodeType.Conditional: { // Recursively analyze Conditional branches QilTernary ndCond = (QilTernary) nd; AnalyzeDefinition(ndCond.Center); AnalyzeDefinition(ndCond.Right); break; } case QilNodeType.Nop: AnalyzeDefinition(((QilUnary) nd).Child); break; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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