/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / OleDb / OLEDB_Enum.cs / 1 / OLEDB_Enum.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.OleDb { using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; internal enum DBStatus { // from 4214.0 S_OK = 0, E_BADACCESSOR = 1, E_CANTCONVERTVALUE = 2, S_ISNULL = 3, S_TRUNCATED = 4, E_SIGNMISMATCH = 5, E_DATAOVERFLOW = 6, E_CANTCREATE = 7, E_UNAVAILABLE = 8, E_PERMISSIONDENIED = 9, E_INTEGRITYVIOLATION = 10, E_SCHEMAVIOLATION = 11, E_BADSTATUS = 12, S_DEFAULT = 13, S_CELLEMPTY = 14, // 2.0 S_IGNORE = 15, // 2.0 E_DOESNOTEXIST = 16, // 2.1 E_INVALIDURL = 17, // 2.1 E_RESOURCELOCKED = 18, // 2.1 E_RESOURCEEXISTS = 19, // 2.1 E_CANNOTCOMPLETE = 20, // 2.1 E_VOLUMENOTFOUND = 21, // 2.1 E_OUTOFSPACE = 22, // 2.1 S_CANNOTDELETESOURCE = 23, // 2.1 E_READONLY = 24, // 2.1 E_RESOURCEOUTOFSCOPE = 25, // 2.1 S_ALREADYEXISTS = 26, // 2.1 E_CANCELED = 27, // 2.5 E_NOTCOLLECTION = 28, // 2.5 S_ROWSETCOLUMN = 29, // 2.6 } sealed internal class NativeDBType { // from 4214.0 // Variant compatible internal const short EMPTY = 0; // internal const short NULL = 1; // internal const short I2 = 2; // internal const short I4 = 3; // internal const short R4 = 4; // internal const short R8 = 5; // internal const short CY = 6; // internal const short DATE = 7; // internal const short BSTR = 8; // internal const short IDISPATCH = 9; // internal const short ERROR = 10; // internal const short BOOL = 11; // internal const short VARIANT = 12; // internal const short IUNKNOWN = 13; // internal const short DECIMAL = 14; // internal const short I1 = 16; // internal const short UI1 = 17; // internal const short UI2 = 18; // internal const short UI4 = 19; // internal const short I8 = 20; // internal const short UI8 = 21; // internal const short FILETIME = 64; // 2.0 internal const short DBUTCDATETIME = 65; // 9.0 internal const short DBTIME_EX = 66; // 9.0 internal const short GUID = 72; // internal const short BYTES = 128; // internal const short STR = 129; // internal const short WSTR = 130; // internal const short NUMERIC = 131; // with potential overflow internal const short UDT = 132; // should never be encountered internal const short DBDATE = 133; // internal const short DBTIME = 134; // internal const short DBTIMESTAMP = 135; // granularity reduced from 1ns to 100ns (sql is 3.33 milli seconds) internal const short HCHAPTER = 136; // 1.5 internal const short PROPVARIANT = 138; // 2.0 - as variant internal const short VARNUMERIC = 139; // 2.0 - as string else ConversionException internal const short XML = 141; // 9.0 internal const short VECTOR = unchecked((short)0x1000); internal const short ARRAY = unchecked((short)0x2000); internal const short BYREF = unchecked((short)0x4000); // internal const short RESERVED = unchecked((short)0x8000); // SystemException // high mask internal const short HighMask = unchecked((short)0xf000); static internal bool HasHighBit(short value) { return (0 != (HighMask & value)); } /* static internal bool IsArray(short value) { return (ARRAY == (HighMask & value)); } static internal bool IsByRef(short value) { return (BYREF == (HighMask & value)); } static internal bool IsReserved(short value) { return (RESERVED == (HighMask & value)); } static internal bool IsVector(short value) { return (VECTOR == (HighMask & value)); } static internal int GetLowBits(short value) { return (value & ~HighMask); } */ private const string S_BINARY = "DBTYPE_BINARY"; // DBTYPE_BYTES private const string S_BOOL = "DBTYPE_BOOL"; private const string S_BSTR = "DBTYPE_BSTR"; private const string S_CHAR = "DBTYPE_CHAR"; // DBTYPE_STR private const string S_CY = "DBTYPE_CY"; private const string S_DATE = "DBTYPE_DATE"; private const string S_DBDATE = "DBTYPE_DBDATE"; private const string S_DBTIME = "DBTYPE_DBTIME"; private const string S_DBTIMESTAMP = "DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP"; private const string S_DECIMAL = "DBTYPE_DECIMAL"; private const string S_ERROR = "DBTYPE_ERROR"; private const string S_FILETIME = "DBTYPE_FILETIME"; private const string S_GUID = "DBTYPE_GUID"; private const string S_I1 = "DBTYPE_I1"; private const string S_I2 = "DBTYPE_I2"; private const string S_I4 = "DBTYPE_I4"; private const string S_I8 = "DBTYPE_I8"; private const string S_IDISPATCH = "DBTYPE_IDISPATCH"; private const string S_IUNKNOWN = "DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN"; private const string S_LONGVARBINARY = "DBTYPE_LONGVARBINARY"; // DBTYPE_BYTES private const string S_LONGVARCHAR = "DBTYPE_LONGVARCHAR"; // DBTYPE_STR private const string S_NUMERIC = "DBTYPE_NUMERIC"; private const string S_PROPVARIANT = "DBTYPE_PROPVARIANT"; private const string S_R4 = "DBTYPE_R4"; private const string S_R8 = "DBTYPE_R8"; private const string S_UDT = "DBTYPE_UDT"; private const string S_UI1 = "DBTYPE_UI1"; private const string S_UI2 = "DBTYPE_UI2"; private const string S_UI4 = "DBTYPE_UI4"; private const string S_UI8 = "DBTYPE_UI8"; private const string S_VARBINARY = "DBTYPE_VARBINARY"; // DBTYPE_BYTES private const string S_VARCHAR = "DBTYPE_VARCHAR"; // DBTYPE_STR private const string S_VARIANT = "DBTYPE_VARIANT"; private const string S_VARNUMERIC = "DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC"; private const string S_WCHAR = "DBTYPE_WCHAR"; // DBTYPE_WSTR private const string S_WVARCHAR = "DBTYPE_WVARCHAR"; // DBTYPE_WSTR private const string S_WLONGVARCHAR = "DBTYPE_WLONGVARCHAR"; // DBTYPE_WSTR private const string S_XML = "DBTYPE_XML"; static private readonly NativeDBType D_Binary = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, true, false, OleDbType.Binary, NativeDBType.BYTES, S_BINARY, typeof(System.Byte[]), NativeDBType.BYTES, DbType.Binary ); // 0 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Boolean = new NativeDBType(0xff, 2, true, false, OleDbType.Boolean, NativeDBType.BOOL, S_BOOL, typeof(System.Boolean), NativeDBType.BOOL, DbType.Boolean ); // 1 - integer2 (variant_bool) static private readonly NativeDBType D_BSTR = new NativeDBType(0xff, ADP.PtrSize, false, false, OleDbType.BSTR, NativeDBType.BSTR, S_BSTR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.BSTR, DbType.String ); // 2 - integer4 (pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Char = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, true, false, OleDbType.Char, NativeDBType.STR, S_CHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR/*STR*/, DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength); // 3 - (ansi pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Currency = new NativeDBType( 19, 8, true, false, OleDbType.Currency, NativeDBType.CY, S_CY, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.CY, DbType.Currency ); // 4 - integer8 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Date = new NativeDBType(0xff, 8, true, false, OleDbType.Date, NativeDBType.DATE, S_DATE, typeof(System.DateTime), NativeDBType.DATE, DbType.DateTime ); // 5 - double static private readonly NativeDBType D_DBDate = new NativeDBType(0xff, 6, true, false, OleDbType.DBDate, NativeDBType.DBDATE, S_DBDATE, typeof(System.DateTime), NativeDBType.DBDATE, DbType.Date ); // 6 - (tagDBDate) static private readonly NativeDBType D_DBTime = new NativeDBType(0xff, 6, true, false, OleDbType.DBTime, NativeDBType.DBTIME, S_DBTIME, typeof(System.TimeSpan), NativeDBType.DBTIME, DbType.Time ); // 7 - (tagDBTime) static private readonly NativeDBType D_DBTimeStamp = new NativeDBType(0xff, 16, true, false, OleDbType.DBTimeStamp, NativeDBType.DBTIMESTAMP, S_DBTIMESTAMP, typeof(System.DateTime), NativeDBType.DBTIMESTAMP, DbType.DateTime ); // 8 - (tagDBTIMESTAMP) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Decimal = new NativeDBType( 28, 16, true, false, OleDbType.Decimal, NativeDBType.DECIMAL, S_DECIMAL, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.DECIMAL, DbType.Decimal ); // 9 - (tagDec) // MDAC 68447 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Error = new NativeDBType(0xff, 4, true, false, OleDbType.Error, NativeDBType.ERROR, S_ERROR, typeof(System.Int32), NativeDBType.ERROR, DbType.Int32 ); // 10 - integer4 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Filetime = new NativeDBType(0xff, 8, true, false, OleDbType.Filetime, NativeDBType.FILETIME, S_FILETIME, typeof(System.DateTime), NativeDBType.FILETIME, DbType.DateTime ); // 11 - integer8 // MDAC 59504 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Guid = new NativeDBType(0xff, 16, true, false, OleDbType.Guid, NativeDBType.GUID, S_GUID, typeof(System.Guid), NativeDBType.GUID, DbType.Guid ); // 12 - ubyte[16] static private readonly NativeDBType D_TinyInt = new NativeDBType( 3, 1, true, false, OleDbType.TinyInt, NativeDBType.I1, S_I1, typeof(System.Int16), NativeDBType.I1, DbType.SByte ); // 13 - integer1 // MDAC 59492 static private readonly NativeDBType D_SmallInt = new NativeDBType( 5, 2, true, false, OleDbType.SmallInt, NativeDBType.I2, S_I2, typeof(System.Int16), NativeDBType.I2, DbType.Int16 ); // 14 - integer2 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Integer = new NativeDBType( 10, 4, true, false, OleDbType.Integer, NativeDBType.I4, S_I4, typeof(System.Int32), NativeDBType.I4, DbType.Int32 ); // 15 - integer4 static private readonly NativeDBType D_BigInt = new NativeDBType( 19, 8, true, false, OleDbType.BigInt, NativeDBType.I8, S_I8, typeof(System.Int64), NativeDBType.I8, DbType.Int64 ); // 16 - integer8 static private readonly NativeDBType D_IDispatch = new NativeDBType(0xff, ADP.PtrSize, true, false, OleDbType.IDispatch, NativeDBType.IDISPATCH, S_IDISPATCH, typeof(System.Object), NativeDBType.IDISPATCH, DbType.Object ); // 17 - integer4 (pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_IUnknown = new NativeDBType(0xff, ADP.PtrSize, true, false, OleDbType.IUnknown, NativeDBType.IUNKNOWN, S_IUNKNOWN, typeof(System.Object), NativeDBType.IUNKNOWN, DbType.Object ); // 18 - integer4 (pointer) // MDAC 64040 static private readonly NativeDBType D_LongVarBinary = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, true, OleDbType.LongVarBinary, NativeDBType.BYTES, S_LONGVARBINARY, typeof(System.Byte[]), NativeDBType.BYTES, DbType.Binary ); // 19 static private readonly NativeDBType D_LongVarChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, true, OleDbType.LongVarChar, NativeDBType.STR, S_LONGVARCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR/*STR*/, DbType.AnsiString); // 20 - (ansi pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Numeric = new NativeDBType( 28, 19, true, false, OleDbType.Numeric, NativeDBType.NUMERIC, S_NUMERIC, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.NUMERIC, DbType.Decimal ); // 21 - (tagDB_Numeric) static private readonly NativeDBType D_PropVariant = new NativeDBType(0xff, NativeOledbWrapper.SizeOfPROPVARIANT, true, false, OleDbType.PropVariant, NativeDBType.PROPVARIANT, S_PROPVARIANT, typeof(System.Object), NativeDBType.VARIANT, DbType.Object ); // 22 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Single = new NativeDBType( 7, 4, true, false, OleDbType.Single, NativeDBType.R4, S_R4, typeof(System.Single), NativeDBType.R4, DbType.Single ); // 23 - single static private readonly NativeDBType D_Double = new NativeDBType( 15, 8, true, false, OleDbType.Double, NativeDBType.R8, S_R8, typeof(System.Double), NativeDBType.R8, DbType.Double ); // 24 - double static private readonly NativeDBType D_UnsignedTinyInt = new NativeDBType( 3, 1, true, false, OleDbType.UnsignedTinyInt, NativeDBType.UI1, S_UI1, typeof(System.Byte), NativeDBType.UI1, DbType.Byte ); // 25 - byte7 static private readonly NativeDBType D_UnsignedSmallInt = new NativeDBType( 5, 2, true, false, OleDbType.UnsignedSmallInt, NativeDBType.UI2, S_UI2, typeof(System.Int32), NativeDBType.UI2, DbType.UInt16 ); // 26 - unsigned integer2 static private readonly NativeDBType D_UnsignedInt = new NativeDBType( 10, 4, true, false, OleDbType.UnsignedInt, NativeDBType.UI4, S_UI4, typeof(System.Int64), NativeDBType.UI4, DbType.UInt32 ); // 27 - unsigned integer4 static private readonly NativeDBType D_UnsignedBigInt = new NativeDBType( 20, 8, true, false, OleDbType.UnsignedBigInt, NativeDBType.UI8, S_UI8, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.UI8, DbType.UInt64 ); // 28 - unsigned integer8 static private readonly NativeDBType D_VarBinary = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarBinary, NativeDBType.BYTES, S_VARBINARY, typeof(System.Byte[]), NativeDBType.BYTES, DbType.Binary ); // 29 static private readonly NativeDBType D_VarChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarChar, NativeDBType.STR, S_VARCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR/*STR*/, DbType.AnsiString); // 30 - (ansi pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Variant = new NativeDBType(0xff, ODB.SizeOf_Variant, true, false, OleDbType.Variant, NativeDBType.VARIANT, S_VARIANT, typeof(System.Object), NativeDBType.VARIANT, DbType.Object ); // 31 - ubyte[16] (variant) static private readonly NativeDBType D_VarNumeric = new NativeDBType( 255, 16, true, false, OleDbType.VarNumeric, NativeDBType.VARNUMERIC, S_VARNUMERIC, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.DECIMAL, DbType.VarNumeric); // 32 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_WChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, true, false, OleDbType.WChar, NativeDBType.WSTR, S_WCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR, DbType.StringFixedLength); // 33 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_VarWChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarWChar, NativeDBType.WSTR, S_WVARCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR, DbType.String ); // 34 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_LongVarWChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, true, OleDbType.LongVarWChar, NativeDBType.WSTR, S_WLONGVARCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR, DbType.String ); // 35 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Chapter = new NativeDBType(0xff, ADP.PtrSize, false, false, OleDbType.Empty, NativeDBType.HCHAPTER, S_UDT, typeof(IDataReader), NativeDBType.HCHAPTER, DbType.Object ); // 36 - (hierarchical chaper) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Empty = new NativeDBType(0xff, 0, false, false, OleDbType.Empty, NativeDBType.EMPTY, "", null, NativeDBType.EMPTY, DbType.Object ); // 37 - invalid param default static private readonly NativeDBType D_Xml = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarWChar, NativeDBType.XML, S_XML, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR, DbType.String ); // 38 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Udt = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarBinary, NativeDBType.UDT, S_BINARY, typeof(System.Byte[]), NativeDBType.BYTES, DbType.Binary ); // 39 - (unicode pointer) static internal readonly NativeDBType Default = D_VarWChar; // MDAC 65324 static internal readonly Byte MaximumDecimalPrecision = D_Decimal.maxpre; private const int FixedDbPart = /*DBPART_VALUE*/0x1 | /*DBPART_STATUS*/0x4; private const int VarblDbPart = /*DBPART_VALUE*/0x1 | /*DBPART_LENGTH*/0x2 | /*DBPART_STATUS*/0x4; internal readonly OleDbType enumOleDbType; // enum System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType internal readonly DbType enumDbType; // enum System.Data.DbType internal readonly short dbType; // OLE DB DBTYPE_ internal readonly short wType; // OLE DB DBTYPE_ we ask OleDB Provider to bind as internal readonly Type dataType; // CLR Type internal readonly int dbPart; // the DBPart w or w/out length internal readonly bool isfixed; // IsFixedLength internal readonly bool islong; // IsLongLength internal readonly Byte maxpre; // maxium precision for numeric types // $ internal readonly int fixlen; // fixed length size in bytes (-1 for variable) internal readonly String dataSourceType; // ICommandWithParameters.SetParameterInfo standard type name internal readonly StringMemHandle dbString; // ptr to native allocated memory for dataSourceType string private NativeDBType(Byte maxpre, int fixlen, bool isfixed, bool islong, OleDbType enumOleDbType, short dbType, string dbstring, Type dataType, short wType, DbType enumDbType) { this.enumOleDbType = enumOleDbType; this.dbType = dbType; this.dbPart = (-1 == fixlen) ? VarblDbPart : FixedDbPart; this.isfixed = isfixed; this.islong = islong; this.maxpre = maxpre; this.fixlen = fixlen; this.wType = wType; this.dataSourceType = dbstring; this.dbString = new StringMemHandle(dbstring); this.dataType = dataType; this.enumDbType = enumDbType; } internal bool IsVariableLength { get { return (-1 == fixlen); } } #if DEBUG override public string ToString() { return enumOleDbType.ToString(); } #endif static internal NativeDBType FromDataType(OleDbType enumOleDbType) { switch(enumOleDbType) { // @perfnote: Enum.IsDefined case OleDbType.Empty: return D_Empty; // 0 case OleDbType.SmallInt: return D_SmallInt; // 2 case OleDbType.Integer: return D_Integer; // 3 case OleDbType.Single: return D_Single; // 4 case OleDbType.Double: return D_Double; // 5 case OleDbType.Currency: return D_Currency; // 6 case OleDbType.Date: return D_Date; // 7 case OleDbType.BSTR: return D_BSTR; // 8 case OleDbType.IDispatch: return D_IDispatch; // 9 case OleDbType.Error: return D_Error; // 10 case OleDbType.Boolean: return D_Boolean; // 11 case OleDbType.Variant: return D_Variant; // 12 case OleDbType.IUnknown: return D_IUnknown; // 13 case OleDbType.Decimal: return D_Decimal; // 14 case OleDbType.TinyInt: return D_TinyInt; // 16 case OleDbType.UnsignedTinyInt: return D_UnsignedTinyInt; // 17 case OleDbType.UnsignedSmallInt: return D_UnsignedSmallInt; // 18 case OleDbType.UnsignedInt: return D_UnsignedInt; // 19 case OleDbType.BigInt: return D_BigInt; // 20 case OleDbType.UnsignedBigInt: return D_UnsignedBigInt; // 21 case OleDbType.Filetime: return D_Filetime; // 64 case OleDbType.Guid: return D_Guid; // 72 case OleDbType.Binary: return D_Binary; // 128 case OleDbType.Char: return D_Char; // 129 case OleDbType.WChar: return D_WChar; // 130 case OleDbType.Numeric: return D_Numeric; // 131 case OleDbType.DBDate: return D_DBDate; // 133 case OleDbType.DBTime: return D_DBTime; // 134 case OleDbType.DBTimeStamp: return D_DBTimeStamp; // 135 case OleDbType.PropVariant: return D_PropVariant; // 138 case OleDbType.VarNumeric: return D_VarNumeric; // 139 case OleDbType.VarChar: return D_VarChar; // 200 case OleDbType.LongVarChar: return D_LongVarChar; // 201 case OleDbType.VarWChar: return D_VarWChar; // 202 // MDAC 64983: ORA-12704: character set mismatch case OleDbType.LongVarWChar: return D_LongVarWChar; // 203 case OleDbType.VarBinary: return D_VarBinary; // 204 case OleDbType.LongVarBinary: return D_LongVarBinary; // 205 default: throw ODB.InvalidOleDbType(enumOleDbType); } } static internal NativeDBType FromSystemType(object value) { IConvertible ic = (value as IConvertible); if (null != ic) { switch(ic.GetTypeCode()) { case TypeCode.Empty: return NativeDBType.D_Empty; case TypeCode.Object: return NativeDBType.D_Variant; case TypeCode.DBNull: throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.DBNull); case TypeCode.Boolean: return NativeDBType.D_Boolean; case TypeCode.Char: return NativeDBType.D_Char; case TypeCode.SByte: return NativeDBType.D_TinyInt; case TypeCode.Byte: return NativeDBType.D_UnsignedTinyInt; case TypeCode.Int16: return NativeDBType.D_SmallInt; case TypeCode.UInt16: return NativeDBType.D_UnsignedSmallInt; case TypeCode.Int32: return NativeDBType.D_Integer; case TypeCode.UInt32: return NativeDBType.D_UnsignedInt; case TypeCode.Int64: return NativeDBType.D_BigInt; case TypeCode.UInt64: return NativeDBType.D_UnsignedBigInt; case TypeCode.Single: return NativeDBType.D_Single; case TypeCode.Double: return NativeDBType.D_Double; case TypeCode.Decimal: return NativeDBType.D_Decimal; case TypeCode.DateTime: return NativeDBType.D_DBTimeStamp; case TypeCode.String: return NativeDBType.D_VarWChar; default: throw ADP.UnknownDataTypeCode(value.GetType(), ic.GetTypeCode()); } } else if (value is System.Byte[]) { return NativeDBType.D_VarBinary; } else if (value is System.Guid) { return NativeDBType.D_Guid; } else if (value is System.TimeSpan) { return NativeDBType.D_DBTime; } else { return NativeDBType.D_Variant; } //throw ADP.UnknownDataType(value.GetType()); } static internal NativeDBType FromDbType(DbType dbType) { switch(dbType) { case DbType.AnsiString: return D_VarChar; case DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength: return D_Char; case DbType.Binary: return D_VarBinary; case DbType.Byte: return D_UnsignedTinyInt; case DbType.Boolean: return D_Boolean; case DbType.Currency: return D_Currency; case DbType.Date: return D_DBDate; case DbType.DateTime: return D_DBTimeStamp; case DbType.Decimal: return D_Decimal; case DbType.Double: return D_Double; case DbType.Guid: return D_Guid; case DbType.Int16: return D_SmallInt; case DbType.Int32: return D_Integer; case DbType.Int64: return D_BigInt; case DbType.Object: return D_Variant; case DbType.SByte: return D_TinyInt; case DbType.Single: return D_Single; case DbType.String: return D_VarWChar; case DbType.StringFixedLength: return D_WChar; case DbType.Time: return D_DBTime; case DbType.UInt16: return D_UnsignedSmallInt; case DbType.UInt32: return D_UnsignedInt; case DbType.UInt64: return D_UnsignedBigInt; case DbType.VarNumeric: return D_VarNumeric; case DbType.Xml: return D_Xml; default: throw ADP.DbTypeNotSupported(dbType, typeof(OleDbType)); // MDAC 66009 } } static internal NativeDBType FromDBType(short dbType, bool isLong, bool isFixed) { switch(dbType) { //case EMPTY: //case NULL: case I2: return D_SmallInt; case I4: return D_Integer; case R4: return D_Single; case R8: return D_Double; case CY: return D_Currency; case DATE: return D_Date; case BSTR: return D_BSTR; case IDISPATCH: return D_IDispatch; case ERROR: return D_Error; case BOOL: return D_Boolean; case VARIANT: return D_Variant; case IUNKNOWN: return D_IUnknown; case DECIMAL: return D_Decimal; case I1: return D_TinyInt; case UI1: return D_UnsignedTinyInt; case UI2: return D_UnsignedSmallInt; case UI4: return D_UnsignedInt; case I8: return D_BigInt; case UI8: return D_UnsignedBigInt; case FILETIME: return D_Filetime; case GUID: return D_Guid; case BYTES: return (isLong) ? D_LongVarBinary : (isFixed) ? D_Binary : D_VarBinary; case STR: return (isLong) ? D_LongVarChar : (isFixed) ? D_Char : D_VarChar; case WSTR: return (isLong) ? D_LongVarWChar : (isFixed) ? D_WChar : D_VarWChar; case NUMERIC: return D_Numeric; //case UDT: case DBDATE: return D_DBDate; case DBTIME: return D_DBTime; case DBTIMESTAMP: return D_DBTimeStamp; case HCHAPTER: return D_Chapter; case PROPVARIANT: return D_PropVariant; case VARNUMERIC: return D_VarNumeric; case XML: return D_Xml; case UDT: return D_Udt; //case VECTOR: //case ARRAY: //case BYREF: //case RESERVED: default: if (0 != (NativeDBType.VECTOR & dbType)) { throw ODB.DBBindingGetVector(); } return D_Variant; // MDAC 72067 } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.OleDb { using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; internal enum DBStatus { // from 4214.0 S_OK = 0, E_BADACCESSOR = 1, E_CANTCONVERTVALUE = 2, S_ISNULL = 3, S_TRUNCATED = 4, E_SIGNMISMATCH = 5, E_DATAOVERFLOW = 6, E_CANTCREATE = 7, E_UNAVAILABLE = 8, E_PERMISSIONDENIED = 9, E_INTEGRITYVIOLATION = 10, E_SCHEMAVIOLATION = 11, E_BADSTATUS = 12, S_DEFAULT = 13, S_CELLEMPTY = 14, // 2.0 S_IGNORE = 15, // 2.0 E_DOESNOTEXIST = 16, // 2.1 E_INVALIDURL = 17, // 2.1 E_RESOURCELOCKED = 18, // 2.1 E_RESOURCEEXISTS = 19, // 2.1 E_CANNOTCOMPLETE = 20, // 2.1 E_VOLUMENOTFOUND = 21, // 2.1 E_OUTOFSPACE = 22, // 2.1 S_CANNOTDELETESOURCE = 23, // 2.1 E_READONLY = 24, // 2.1 E_RESOURCEOUTOFSCOPE = 25, // 2.1 S_ALREADYEXISTS = 26, // 2.1 E_CANCELED = 27, // 2.5 E_NOTCOLLECTION = 28, // 2.5 S_ROWSETCOLUMN = 29, // 2.6 } sealed internal class NativeDBType { // from 4214.0 // Variant compatible internal const short EMPTY = 0; // internal const short NULL = 1; // internal const short I2 = 2; // internal const short I4 = 3; // internal const short R4 = 4; // internal const short R8 = 5; // internal const short CY = 6; // internal const short DATE = 7; // internal const short BSTR = 8; // internal const short IDISPATCH = 9; // internal const short ERROR = 10; // internal const short BOOL = 11; // internal const short VARIANT = 12; // internal const short IUNKNOWN = 13; // internal const short DECIMAL = 14; // internal const short I1 = 16; // internal const short UI1 = 17; // internal const short UI2 = 18; // internal const short UI4 = 19; // internal const short I8 = 20; // internal const short UI8 = 21; // internal const short FILETIME = 64; // 2.0 internal const short DBUTCDATETIME = 65; // 9.0 internal const short DBTIME_EX = 66; // 9.0 internal const short GUID = 72; // internal const short BYTES = 128; // internal const short STR = 129; // internal const short WSTR = 130; // internal const short NUMERIC = 131; // with potential overflow internal const short UDT = 132; // should never be encountered internal const short DBDATE = 133; // internal const short DBTIME = 134; // internal const short DBTIMESTAMP = 135; // granularity reduced from 1ns to 100ns (sql is 3.33 milli seconds) internal const short HCHAPTER = 136; // 1.5 internal const short PROPVARIANT = 138; // 2.0 - as variant internal const short VARNUMERIC = 139; // 2.0 - as string else ConversionException internal const short XML = 141; // 9.0 internal const short VECTOR = unchecked((short)0x1000); internal const short ARRAY = unchecked((short)0x2000); internal const short BYREF = unchecked((short)0x4000); // internal const short RESERVED = unchecked((short)0x8000); // SystemException // high mask internal const short HighMask = unchecked((short)0xf000); static internal bool HasHighBit(short value) { return (0 != (HighMask & value)); } /* static internal bool IsArray(short value) { return (ARRAY == (HighMask & value)); } static internal bool IsByRef(short value) { return (BYREF == (HighMask & value)); } static internal bool IsReserved(short value) { return (RESERVED == (HighMask & value)); } static internal bool IsVector(short value) { return (VECTOR == (HighMask & value)); } static internal int GetLowBits(short value) { return (value & ~HighMask); } */ private const string S_BINARY = "DBTYPE_BINARY"; // DBTYPE_BYTES private const string S_BOOL = "DBTYPE_BOOL"; private const string S_BSTR = "DBTYPE_BSTR"; private const string S_CHAR = "DBTYPE_CHAR"; // DBTYPE_STR private const string S_CY = "DBTYPE_CY"; private const string S_DATE = "DBTYPE_DATE"; private const string S_DBDATE = "DBTYPE_DBDATE"; private const string S_DBTIME = "DBTYPE_DBTIME"; private const string S_DBTIMESTAMP = "DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP"; private const string S_DECIMAL = "DBTYPE_DECIMAL"; private const string S_ERROR = "DBTYPE_ERROR"; private const string S_FILETIME = "DBTYPE_FILETIME"; private const string S_GUID = "DBTYPE_GUID"; private const string S_I1 = "DBTYPE_I1"; private const string S_I2 = "DBTYPE_I2"; private const string S_I4 = "DBTYPE_I4"; private const string S_I8 = "DBTYPE_I8"; private const string S_IDISPATCH = "DBTYPE_IDISPATCH"; private const string S_IUNKNOWN = "DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN"; private const string S_LONGVARBINARY = "DBTYPE_LONGVARBINARY"; // DBTYPE_BYTES private const string S_LONGVARCHAR = "DBTYPE_LONGVARCHAR"; // DBTYPE_STR private const string S_NUMERIC = "DBTYPE_NUMERIC"; private const string S_PROPVARIANT = "DBTYPE_PROPVARIANT"; private const string S_R4 = "DBTYPE_R4"; private const string S_R8 = "DBTYPE_R8"; private const string S_UDT = "DBTYPE_UDT"; private const string S_UI1 = "DBTYPE_UI1"; private const string S_UI2 = "DBTYPE_UI2"; private const string S_UI4 = "DBTYPE_UI4"; private const string S_UI8 = "DBTYPE_UI8"; private const string S_VARBINARY = "DBTYPE_VARBINARY"; // DBTYPE_BYTES private const string S_VARCHAR = "DBTYPE_VARCHAR"; // DBTYPE_STR private const string S_VARIANT = "DBTYPE_VARIANT"; private const string S_VARNUMERIC = "DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC"; private const string S_WCHAR = "DBTYPE_WCHAR"; // DBTYPE_WSTR private const string S_WVARCHAR = "DBTYPE_WVARCHAR"; // DBTYPE_WSTR private const string S_WLONGVARCHAR = "DBTYPE_WLONGVARCHAR"; // DBTYPE_WSTR private const string S_XML = "DBTYPE_XML"; static private readonly NativeDBType D_Binary = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, true, false, OleDbType.Binary, NativeDBType.BYTES, S_BINARY, typeof(System.Byte[]), NativeDBType.BYTES, DbType.Binary ); // 0 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Boolean = new NativeDBType(0xff, 2, true, false, OleDbType.Boolean, NativeDBType.BOOL, S_BOOL, typeof(System.Boolean), NativeDBType.BOOL, DbType.Boolean ); // 1 - integer2 (variant_bool) static private readonly NativeDBType D_BSTR = new NativeDBType(0xff, ADP.PtrSize, false, false, OleDbType.BSTR, NativeDBType.BSTR, S_BSTR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.BSTR, DbType.String ); // 2 - integer4 (pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Char = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, true, false, OleDbType.Char, NativeDBType.STR, S_CHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR/*STR*/, DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength); // 3 - (ansi pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Currency = new NativeDBType( 19, 8, true, false, OleDbType.Currency, NativeDBType.CY, S_CY, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.CY, DbType.Currency ); // 4 - integer8 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Date = new NativeDBType(0xff, 8, true, false, OleDbType.Date, NativeDBType.DATE, S_DATE, typeof(System.DateTime), NativeDBType.DATE, DbType.DateTime ); // 5 - double static private readonly NativeDBType D_DBDate = new NativeDBType(0xff, 6, true, false, OleDbType.DBDate, NativeDBType.DBDATE, S_DBDATE, typeof(System.DateTime), NativeDBType.DBDATE, DbType.Date ); // 6 - (tagDBDate) static private readonly NativeDBType D_DBTime = new NativeDBType(0xff, 6, true, false, OleDbType.DBTime, NativeDBType.DBTIME, S_DBTIME, typeof(System.TimeSpan), NativeDBType.DBTIME, DbType.Time ); // 7 - (tagDBTime) static private readonly NativeDBType D_DBTimeStamp = new NativeDBType(0xff, 16, true, false, OleDbType.DBTimeStamp, NativeDBType.DBTIMESTAMP, S_DBTIMESTAMP, typeof(System.DateTime), NativeDBType.DBTIMESTAMP, DbType.DateTime ); // 8 - (tagDBTIMESTAMP) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Decimal = new NativeDBType( 28, 16, true, false, OleDbType.Decimal, NativeDBType.DECIMAL, S_DECIMAL, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.DECIMAL, DbType.Decimal ); // 9 - (tagDec) // MDAC 68447 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Error = new NativeDBType(0xff, 4, true, false, OleDbType.Error, NativeDBType.ERROR, S_ERROR, typeof(System.Int32), NativeDBType.ERROR, DbType.Int32 ); // 10 - integer4 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Filetime = new NativeDBType(0xff, 8, true, false, OleDbType.Filetime, NativeDBType.FILETIME, S_FILETIME, typeof(System.DateTime), NativeDBType.FILETIME, DbType.DateTime ); // 11 - integer8 // MDAC 59504 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Guid = new NativeDBType(0xff, 16, true, false, OleDbType.Guid, NativeDBType.GUID, S_GUID, typeof(System.Guid), NativeDBType.GUID, DbType.Guid ); // 12 - ubyte[16] static private readonly NativeDBType D_TinyInt = new NativeDBType( 3, 1, true, false, OleDbType.TinyInt, NativeDBType.I1, S_I1, typeof(System.Int16), NativeDBType.I1, DbType.SByte ); // 13 - integer1 // MDAC 59492 static private readonly NativeDBType D_SmallInt = new NativeDBType( 5, 2, true, false, OleDbType.SmallInt, NativeDBType.I2, S_I2, typeof(System.Int16), NativeDBType.I2, DbType.Int16 ); // 14 - integer2 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Integer = new NativeDBType( 10, 4, true, false, OleDbType.Integer, NativeDBType.I4, S_I4, typeof(System.Int32), NativeDBType.I4, DbType.Int32 ); // 15 - integer4 static private readonly NativeDBType D_BigInt = new NativeDBType( 19, 8, true, false, OleDbType.BigInt, NativeDBType.I8, S_I8, typeof(System.Int64), NativeDBType.I8, DbType.Int64 ); // 16 - integer8 static private readonly NativeDBType D_IDispatch = new NativeDBType(0xff, ADP.PtrSize, true, false, OleDbType.IDispatch, NativeDBType.IDISPATCH, S_IDISPATCH, typeof(System.Object), NativeDBType.IDISPATCH, DbType.Object ); // 17 - integer4 (pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_IUnknown = new NativeDBType(0xff, ADP.PtrSize, true, false, OleDbType.IUnknown, NativeDBType.IUNKNOWN, S_IUNKNOWN, typeof(System.Object), NativeDBType.IUNKNOWN, DbType.Object ); // 18 - integer4 (pointer) // MDAC 64040 static private readonly NativeDBType D_LongVarBinary = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, true, OleDbType.LongVarBinary, NativeDBType.BYTES, S_LONGVARBINARY, typeof(System.Byte[]), NativeDBType.BYTES, DbType.Binary ); // 19 static private readonly NativeDBType D_LongVarChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, true, OleDbType.LongVarChar, NativeDBType.STR, S_LONGVARCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR/*STR*/, DbType.AnsiString); // 20 - (ansi pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Numeric = new NativeDBType( 28, 19, true, false, OleDbType.Numeric, NativeDBType.NUMERIC, S_NUMERIC, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.NUMERIC, DbType.Decimal ); // 21 - (tagDB_Numeric) static private readonly NativeDBType D_PropVariant = new NativeDBType(0xff, NativeOledbWrapper.SizeOfPROPVARIANT, true, false, OleDbType.PropVariant, NativeDBType.PROPVARIANT, S_PROPVARIANT, typeof(System.Object), NativeDBType.VARIANT, DbType.Object ); // 22 static private readonly NativeDBType D_Single = new NativeDBType( 7, 4, true, false, OleDbType.Single, NativeDBType.R4, S_R4, typeof(System.Single), NativeDBType.R4, DbType.Single ); // 23 - single static private readonly NativeDBType D_Double = new NativeDBType( 15, 8, true, false, OleDbType.Double, NativeDBType.R8, S_R8, typeof(System.Double), NativeDBType.R8, DbType.Double ); // 24 - double static private readonly NativeDBType D_UnsignedTinyInt = new NativeDBType( 3, 1, true, false, OleDbType.UnsignedTinyInt, NativeDBType.UI1, S_UI1, typeof(System.Byte), NativeDBType.UI1, DbType.Byte ); // 25 - byte7 static private readonly NativeDBType D_UnsignedSmallInt = new NativeDBType( 5, 2, true, false, OleDbType.UnsignedSmallInt, NativeDBType.UI2, S_UI2, typeof(System.Int32), NativeDBType.UI2, DbType.UInt16 ); // 26 - unsigned integer2 static private readonly NativeDBType D_UnsignedInt = new NativeDBType( 10, 4, true, false, OleDbType.UnsignedInt, NativeDBType.UI4, S_UI4, typeof(System.Int64), NativeDBType.UI4, DbType.UInt32 ); // 27 - unsigned integer4 static private readonly NativeDBType D_UnsignedBigInt = new NativeDBType( 20, 8, true, false, OleDbType.UnsignedBigInt, NativeDBType.UI8, S_UI8, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.UI8, DbType.UInt64 ); // 28 - unsigned integer8 static private readonly NativeDBType D_VarBinary = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarBinary, NativeDBType.BYTES, S_VARBINARY, typeof(System.Byte[]), NativeDBType.BYTES, DbType.Binary ); // 29 static private readonly NativeDBType D_VarChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarChar, NativeDBType.STR, S_VARCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR/*STR*/, DbType.AnsiString); // 30 - (ansi pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Variant = new NativeDBType(0xff, ODB.SizeOf_Variant, true, false, OleDbType.Variant, NativeDBType.VARIANT, S_VARIANT, typeof(System.Object), NativeDBType.VARIANT, DbType.Object ); // 31 - ubyte[16] (variant) static private readonly NativeDBType D_VarNumeric = new NativeDBType( 255, 16, true, false, OleDbType.VarNumeric, NativeDBType.VARNUMERIC, S_VARNUMERIC, typeof(System.Decimal), NativeDBType.DECIMAL, DbType.VarNumeric); // 32 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_WChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, true, false, OleDbType.WChar, NativeDBType.WSTR, S_WCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR, DbType.StringFixedLength); // 33 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_VarWChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarWChar, NativeDBType.WSTR, S_WVARCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR, DbType.String ); // 34 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_LongVarWChar = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, true, OleDbType.LongVarWChar, NativeDBType.WSTR, S_WLONGVARCHAR, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR, DbType.String ); // 35 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Chapter = new NativeDBType(0xff, ADP.PtrSize, false, false, OleDbType.Empty, NativeDBType.HCHAPTER, S_UDT, typeof(IDataReader), NativeDBType.HCHAPTER, DbType.Object ); // 36 - (hierarchical chaper) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Empty = new NativeDBType(0xff, 0, false, false, OleDbType.Empty, NativeDBType.EMPTY, "", null, NativeDBType.EMPTY, DbType.Object ); // 37 - invalid param default static private readonly NativeDBType D_Xml = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarWChar, NativeDBType.XML, S_XML, typeof(System.String), NativeDBType.WSTR, DbType.String ); // 38 - (unicode pointer) static private readonly NativeDBType D_Udt = new NativeDBType(0xff, -1, false, false, OleDbType.VarBinary, NativeDBType.UDT, S_BINARY, typeof(System.Byte[]), NativeDBType.BYTES, DbType.Binary ); // 39 - (unicode pointer) static internal readonly NativeDBType Default = D_VarWChar; // MDAC 65324 static internal readonly Byte MaximumDecimalPrecision = D_Decimal.maxpre; private const int FixedDbPart = /*DBPART_VALUE*/0x1 | /*DBPART_STATUS*/0x4; private const int VarblDbPart = /*DBPART_VALUE*/0x1 | /*DBPART_LENGTH*/0x2 | /*DBPART_STATUS*/0x4; internal readonly OleDbType enumOleDbType; // enum System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType internal readonly DbType enumDbType; // enum System.Data.DbType internal readonly short dbType; // OLE DB DBTYPE_ internal readonly short wType; // OLE DB DBTYPE_ we ask OleDB Provider to bind as internal readonly Type dataType; // CLR Type internal readonly int dbPart; // the DBPart w or w/out length internal readonly bool isfixed; // IsFixedLength internal readonly bool islong; // IsLongLength internal readonly Byte maxpre; // maxium precision for numeric types // $ internal readonly int fixlen; // fixed length size in bytes (-1 for variable) internal readonly String dataSourceType; // ICommandWithParameters.SetParameterInfo standard type name internal readonly StringMemHandle dbString; // ptr to native allocated memory for dataSourceType string private NativeDBType(Byte maxpre, int fixlen, bool isfixed, bool islong, OleDbType enumOleDbType, short dbType, string dbstring, Type dataType, short wType, DbType enumDbType) { this.enumOleDbType = enumOleDbType; this.dbType = dbType; this.dbPart = (-1 == fixlen) ? VarblDbPart : FixedDbPart; this.isfixed = isfixed; this.islong = islong; this.maxpre = maxpre; this.fixlen = fixlen; this.wType = wType; this.dataSourceType = dbstring; this.dbString = new StringMemHandle(dbstring); this.dataType = dataType; this.enumDbType = enumDbType; } internal bool IsVariableLength { get { return (-1 == fixlen); } } #if DEBUG override public string ToString() { return enumOleDbType.ToString(); } #endif static internal NativeDBType FromDataType(OleDbType enumOleDbType) { switch(enumOleDbType) { // @perfnote: Enum.IsDefined case OleDbType.Empty: return D_Empty; // 0 case OleDbType.SmallInt: return D_SmallInt; // 2 case OleDbType.Integer: return D_Integer; // 3 case OleDbType.Single: return D_Single; // 4 case OleDbType.Double: return D_Double; // 5 case OleDbType.Currency: return D_Currency; // 6 case OleDbType.Date: return D_Date; // 7 case OleDbType.BSTR: return D_BSTR; // 8 case OleDbType.IDispatch: return D_IDispatch; // 9 case OleDbType.Error: return D_Error; // 10 case OleDbType.Boolean: return D_Boolean; // 11 case OleDbType.Variant: return D_Variant; // 12 case OleDbType.IUnknown: return D_IUnknown; // 13 case OleDbType.Decimal: return D_Decimal; // 14 case OleDbType.TinyInt: return D_TinyInt; // 16 case OleDbType.UnsignedTinyInt: return D_UnsignedTinyInt; // 17 case OleDbType.UnsignedSmallInt: return D_UnsignedSmallInt; // 18 case OleDbType.UnsignedInt: return D_UnsignedInt; // 19 case OleDbType.BigInt: return D_BigInt; // 20 case OleDbType.UnsignedBigInt: return D_UnsignedBigInt; // 21 case OleDbType.Filetime: return D_Filetime; // 64 case OleDbType.Guid: return D_Guid; // 72 case OleDbType.Binary: return D_Binary; // 128 case OleDbType.Char: return D_Char; // 129 case OleDbType.WChar: return D_WChar; // 130 case OleDbType.Numeric: return D_Numeric; // 131 case OleDbType.DBDate: return D_DBDate; // 133 case OleDbType.DBTime: return D_DBTime; // 134 case OleDbType.DBTimeStamp: return D_DBTimeStamp; // 135 case OleDbType.PropVariant: return D_PropVariant; // 138 case OleDbType.VarNumeric: return D_VarNumeric; // 139 case OleDbType.VarChar: return D_VarChar; // 200 case OleDbType.LongVarChar: return D_LongVarChar; // 201 case OleDbType.VarWChar: return D_VarWChar; // 202 // MDAC 64983: ORA-12704: character set mismatch case OleDbType.LongVarWChar: return D_LongVarWChar; // 203 case OleDbType.VarBinary: return D_VarBinary; // 204 case OleDbType.LongVarBinary: return D_LongVarBinary; // 205 default: throw ODB.InvalidOleDbType(enumOleDbType); } } static internal NativeDBType FromSystemType(object value) { IConvertible ic = (value as IConvertible); if (null != ic) { switch(ic.GetTypeCode()) { case TypeCode.Empty: return NativeDBType.D_Empty; case TypeCode.Object: return NativeDBType.D_Variant; case TypeCode.DBNull: throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.DBNull); case TypeCode.Boolean: return NativeDBType.D_Boolean; case TypeCode.Char: return NativeDBType.D_Char; case TypeCode.SByte: return NativeDBType.D_TinyInt; case TypeCode.Byte: return NativeDBType.D_UnsignedTinyInt; case TypeCode.Int16: return NativeDBType.D_SmallInt; case TypeCode.UInt16: return NativeDBType.D_UnsignedSmallInt; case TypeCode.Int32: return NativeDBType.D_Integer; case TypeCode.UInt32: return NativeDBType.D_UnsignedInt; case TypeCode.Int64: return NativeDBType.D_BigInt; case TypeCode.UInt64: return NativeDBType.D_UnsignedBigInt; case TypeCode.Single: return NativeDBType.D_Single; case TypeCode.Double: return NativeDBType.D_Double; case TypeCode.Decimal: return NativeDBType.D_Decimal; case TypeCode.DateTime: return NativeDBType.D_DBTimeStamp; case TypeCode.String: return NativeDBType.D_VarWChar; default: throw ADP.UnknownDataTypeCode(value.GetType(), ic.GetTypeCode()); } } else if (value is System.Byte[]) { return NativeDBType.D_VarBinary; } else if (value is System.Guid) { return NativeDBType.D_Guid; } else if (value is System.TimeSpan) { return NativeDBType.D_DBTime; } else { return NativeDBType.D_Variant; } //throw ADP.UnknownDataType(value.GetType()); } static internal NativeDBType FromDbType(DbType dbType) { switch(dbType) { case DbType.AnsiString: return D_VarChar; case DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength: return D_Char; case DbType.Binary: return D_VarBinary; case DbType.Byte: return D_UnsignedTinyInt; case DbType.Boolean: return D_Boolean; case DbType.Currency: return D_Currency; case DbType.Date: return D_DBDate; case DbType.DateTime: return D_DBTimeStamp; case DbType.Decimal: return D_Decimal; case DbType.Double: return D_Double; case DbType.Guid: return D_Guid; case DbType.Int16: return D_SmallInt; case DbType.Int32: return D_Integer; case DbType.Int64: return D_BigInt; case DbType.Object: return D_Variant; case DbType.SByte: return D_TinyInt; case DbType.Single: return D_Single; case DbType.String: return D_VarWChar; case DbType.StringFixedLength: return D_WChar; case DbType.Time: return D_DBTime; case DbType.UInt16: return D_UnsignedSmallInt; case DbType.UInt32: return D_UnsignedInt; case DbType.UInt64: return D_UnsignedBigInt; case DbType.VarNumeric: return D_VarNumeric; case DbType.Xml: return D_Xml; default: throw ADP.DbTypeNotSupported(dbType, typeof(OleDbType)); // MDAC 66009 } } static internal NativeDBType FromDBType(short dbType, bool isLong, bool isFixed) { switch(dbType) { //case EMPTY: //case NULL: case I2: return D_SmallInt; case I4: return D_Integer; case R4: return D_Single; case R8: return D_Double; case CY: return D_Currency; case DATE: return D_Date; case BSTR: return D_BSTR; case IDISPATCH: return D_IDispatch; case ERROR: return D_Error; case BOOL: return D_Boolean; case VARIANT: return D_Variant; case IUNKNOWN: return D_IUnknown; case DECIMAL: return D_Decimal; case I1: return D_TinyInt; case UI1: return D_UnsignedTinyInt; case UI2: return D_UnsignedSmallInt; case UI4: return D_UnsignedInt; case I8: return D_BigInt; case UI8: return D_UnsignedBigInt; case FILETIME: return D_Filetime; case GUID: return D_Guid; case BYTES: return (isLong) ? D_LongVarBinary : (isFixed) ? D_Binary : D_VarBinary; case STR: return (isLong) ? D_LongVarChar : (isFixed) ? D_Char : D_VarChar; case WSTR: return (isLong) ? D_LongVarWChar : (isFixed) ? D_WChar : D_VarWChar; case NUMERIC: return D_Numeric; //case UDT: case DBDATE: return D_DBDate; case DBTIME: return D_DBTime; case DBTIMESTAMP: return D_DBTimeStamp; case HCHAPTER: return D_Chapter; case PROPVARIANT: return D_PropVariant; case VARNUMERIC: return D_VarNumeric; case XML: return D_Xml; case UDT: return D_Udt; //case VECTOR: //case ARRAY: //case BYREF: //case RESERVED: default: if (0 != (NativeDBType.VECTOR & dbType)) { throw ODB.DBBindingGetVector(); } return D_Variant; // MDAC 72067 } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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