/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / Mail / MailMessage.cs / 1 / MailMessage.cs
using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Net.Mime; using System.Text; namespace System.Net.Mail { ////// Summary description for MailMessage. /// //rfc3461 [Flags] public enum DeliveryNotificationOptions { None = 0, OnSuccess = 1, OnFailure = 2, Delay = 4, Never = (int)0x08000000 } public class MailMessage:IDisposable { private AlternateViewCollection views; AttachmentCollection attachments; AlternateView bodyView = null; string body = String.Empty; Encoding bodyEncoding; bool isBodyHtml = false; bool disposed = false; Message message; DeliveryNotificationOptions deliveryStatusNotification = DeliveryNotificationOptions.None; public MailMessage() { message = new Message(); if(Logging.On)Logging.Associate(Logging.Web, this, message); string from = SmtpClient.MailConfiguration.Smtp.From; if (from != null && from.Length > 0) { message.From = new MailAddress(from); } } public MailMessage(string from, string to) { if (from == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("from"); if (to == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("to"); if (from == String.Empty) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_emptystringcall,"from"), "from"); if (to == String.Empty) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_emptystringcall,"to"), "to"); message = new Message(from,to); if(Logging.On)Logging.Associate(Logging.Web, this, message); } public MailMessage(string from, string to, string subject, string body):this(from,to) { Subject = subject; Body = body; } public MailMessage(MailAddress from, MailAddress to) { if (from == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("from"); if (to == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("to"); message = new Message(from,to); } public MailAddress From { get { return message.From; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } message.From = value; } } public MailAddress Sender { get { return message.Sender; } set { message.Sender = value; } } public MailAddress ReplyTo { get { return message.ReplyTo; } set { message.ReplyTo = value; } } public MailAddressCollection To { get { return message.To; } } public MailAddressCollection Bcc { get { return message.Bcc; } } public MailAddressCollection CC { get { return message.CC; } } public MailPriority Priority{ get { return message.Priority; } set{ message.Priority = value; } } public DeliveryNotificationOptions DeliveryNotificationOptions { get{ return deliveryStatusNotification; } set{ if (7 < (uint)value && value != DeliveryNotificationOptions.Never) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } deliveryStatusNotification = value; } } public string Subject { get { return (message.Subject != null ? message.Subject : String.Empty); } set { message.Subject = value; } } public Encoding SubjectEncoding { get { return message.SubjectEncoding; } set { message.SubjectEncoding = value; } } public NameValueCollection Headers { get { return message.Headers; } } public string Body { get { return (body != null ? body : String.Empty); } set{ body = value; if (bodyEncoding == null && body != null) { if (MimeBasePart.IsAscii(body,true)) { bodyEncoding = Text.Encoding.ASCII; } else { bodyEncoding = Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(MimeBasePart.defaultCharSet); } } } } public Encoding BodyEncoding { get { return bodyEncoding; } set { bodyEncoding = value; } } public bool IsBodyHtml{ get{ return isBodyHtml; } set{ isBodyHtml = value; } } public AttachmentCollection Attachments { get { if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName); } if (attachments == null) { attachments = new AttachmentCollection(); } return attachments; } } public AlternateViewCollection AlternateViews { get { if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName); } if (views == null) { views = new AlternateViewCollection(); } return views; } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && !disposed) { disposed = true; if(views != null){ views.Dispose(); } if(attachments != null){ attachments.Dispose(); } if(bodyView != null){ bodyView.Dispose(); } } } private void SetContent(){ //the attachments may have changed, so we need to reset the message if(bodyView != null){ bodyView.Dispose(); bodyView = null; } if (AlternateViews.Count == 0 && Attachments.Count == 0) { if (body != null && body != string.Empty) { bodyView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, bodyEncoding, (isBodyHtml?MediaTypeNames.Text.Html:null)); message.Content = bodyView.MimePart; } } else if (AlternateViews.Count == 0 && Attachments.Count > 0){ MimeMultiPart part = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Mixed); if (body != null && body != string.Empty) { bodyView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, bodyEncoding, (isBodyHtml?MediaTypeNames.Text.Html:null)); } else{ bodyView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(string.Empty); } part.Parts.Add(bodyView.MimePart); foreach (Attachment attachment in Attachments) { if(attachment != null){ //ensure we can read from the stream. attachment.PrepareForSending(); part.Parts.Add(attachment.MimePart); } } message.Content = part; } else{ // // DTS issue 610361 - we should not unnecessarily use Multipart/Mixed // When there is no attachement and all the alternative views are of "Alternative" types. // MimeMultiPart part = null; MimeMultiPart viewsPart = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Alternative); if (body != null && body != string.Empty){ bodyView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, bodyEncoding, null); viewsPart.Parts.Add(bodyView.MimePart); } foreach (AlternateView view in AlternateViews) { //ensure we can read from the stream. if (view != null) { view.PrepareForSending(); if (view.LinkedResources.Count > 0) { MimeMultiPart wholeView = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Related); wholeView.ContentType.Parameters["type"] = view.ContentType.MediaType; wholeView.ContentLocation = view.MimePart.ContentLocation; wholeView.Parts.Add(view.MimePart); foreach (LinkedResource resource in view.LinkedResources) { //ensure we can read from the stream. resource.PrepareForSending(); wholeView.Parts.Add(resource.MimePart); } viewsPart.Parts.Add(wholeView); } else { viewsPart.Parts.Add(view.MimePart); } } } if (Attachments.Count > 0) { part = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Mixed); part.Parts.Add(viewsPart); MimeMultiPart attachmentsPart = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Mixed); foreach (Attachment attachment in Attachments) { if (attachment != null) { //ensure we can read from the stream. attachment.PrepareForSending(); attachmentsPart.Parts.Add(attachment.MimePart); } } part.Parts.Add(attachmentsPart); message.Content = part; } // If there is no Attachement, AND only "1" Alternate View AND !!no body!! // then in fact, this is NOT a multipart region. else if (viewsPart.Parts.Count == 1 && (body == null || body == string.Empty)) { message.Content = viewsPart.Parts[0]; } else { message.Content = viewsPart; } } } internal void Send(BaseWriter writer, bool sendEnvelope) { SetContent(); message.Send(writer, sendEnvelope); } internal IAsyncResult BeginSend(BaseWriter writer, bool sendEnvelope, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { SetContent(); return message.BeginSend(writer, sendEnvelope, callback, state); } internal void EndSend(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { message.EndSend(asyncResult); } internal string BuildDeliveryStatusNotificationString(){ if(deliveryStatusNotification != DeliveryNotificationOptions.None){ StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(" NOTIFY="); bool oneSet = false; //none if(deliveryStatusNotification == DeliveryNotificationOptions.Never){ s.Append("NEVER"); return s.ToString(); } if((((int)deliveryStatusNotification) & (int)DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess) > 0){ s.Append("SUCCESS"); oneSet = true; } if((((int)deliveryStatusNotification) & (int)DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure) > 0){ if(oneSet){ s.Append(","); } s.Append("FAILURE"); oneSet = true; } if((((int)deliveryStatusNotification) & (int)DeliveryNotificationOptions.Delay) > 0){ if(oneSet){ s.Append(","); } s.Append("DELAY"); } return s.ToString(); } return String.Empty; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Net.Mime; using System.Text; namespace System.Net.Mail { ////// Summary description for MailMessage. /// //rfc3461 [Flags] public enum DeliveryNotificationOptions { None = 0, OnSuccess = 1, OnFailure = 2, Delay = 4, Never = (int)0x08000000 } public class MailMessage:IDisposable { private AlternateViewCollection views; AttachmentCollection attachments; AlternateView bodyView = null; string body = String.Empty; Encoding bodyEncoding; bool isBodyHtml = false; bool disposed = false; Message message; DeliveryNotificationOptions deliveryStatusNotification = DeliveryNotificationOptions.None; public MailMessage() { message = new Message(); if(Logging.On)Logging.Associate(Logging.Web, this, message); string from = SmtpClient.MailConfiguration.Smtp.From; if (from != null && from.Length > 0) { message.From = new MailAddress(from); } } public MailMessage(string from, string to) { if (from == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("from"); if (to == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("to"); if (from == String.Empty) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_emptystringcall,"from"), "from"); if (to == String.Empty) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_emptystringcall,"to"), "to"); message = new Message(from,to); if(Logging.On)Logging.Associate(Logging.Web, this, message); } public MailMessage(string from, string to, string subject, string body):this(from,to) { Subject = subject; Body = body; } public MailMessage(MailAddress from, MailAddress to) { if (from == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("from"); if (to == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("to"); message = new Message(from,to); } public MailAddress From { get { return message.From; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } message.From = value; } } public MailAddress Sender { get { return message.Sender; } set { message.Sender = value; } } public MailAddress ReplyTo { get { return message.ReplyTo; } set { message.ReplyTo = value; } } public MailAddressCollection To { get { return message.To; } } public MailAddressCollection Bcc { get { return message.Bcc; } } public MailAddressCollection CC { get { return message.CC; } } public MailPriority Priority{ get { return message.Priority; } set{ message.Priority = value; } } public DeliveryNotificationOptions DeliveryNotificationOptions { get{ return deliveryStatusNotification; } set{ if (7 < (uint)value && value != DeliveryNotificationOptions.Never) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } deliveryStatusNotification = value; } } public string Subject { get { return (message.Subject != null ? message.Subject : String.Empty); } set { message.Subject = value; } } public Encoding SubjectEncoding { get { return message.SubjectEncoding; } set { message.SubjectEncoding = value; } } public NameValueCollection Headers { get { return message.Headers; } } public string Body { get { return (body != null ? body : String.Empty); } set{ body = value; if (bodyEncoding == null && body != null) { if (MimeBasePart.IsAscii(body,true)) { bodyEncoding = Text.Encoding.ASCII; } else { bodyEncoding = Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(MimeBasePart.defaultCharSet); } } } } public Encoding BodyEncoding { get { return bodyEncoding; } set { bodyEncoding = value; } } public bool IsBodyHtml{ get{ return isBodyHtml; } set{ isBodyHtml = value; } } public AttachmentCollection Attachments { get { if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName); } if (attachments == null) { attachments = new AttachmentCollection(); } return attachments; } } public AlternateViewCollection AlternateViews { get { if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName); } if (views == null) { views = new AlternateViewCollection(); } return views; } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && !disposed) { disposed = true; if(views != null){ views.Dispose(); } if(attachments != null){ attachments.Dispose(); } if(bodyView != null){ bodyView.Dispose(); } } } private void SetContent(){ //the attachments may have changed, so we need to reset the message if(bodyView != null){ bodyView.Dispose(); bodyView = null; } if (AlternateViews.Count == 0 && Attachments.Count == 0) { if (body != null && body != string.Empty) { bodyView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, bodyEncoding, (isBodyHtml?MediaTypeNames.Text.Html:null)); message.Content = bodyView.MimePart; } } else if (AlternateViews.Count == 0 && Attachments.Count > 0){ MimeMultiPart part = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Mixed); if (body != null && body != string.Empty) { bodyView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, bodyEncoding, (isBodyHtml?MediaTypeNames.Text.Html:null)); } else{ bodyView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(string.Empty); } part.Parts.Add(bodyView.MimePart); foreach (Attachment attachment in Attachments) { if(attachment != null){ //ensure we can read from the stream. attachment.PrepareForSending(); part.Parts.Add(attachment.MimePart); } } message.Content = part; } else{ // // DTS issue 610361 - we should not unnecessarily use Multipart/Mixed // When there is no attachement and all the alternative views are of "Alternative" types. // MimeMultiPart part = null; MimeMultiPart viewsPart = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Alternative); if (body != null && body != string.Empty){ bodyView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, bodyEncoding, null); viewsPart.Parts.Add(bodyView.MimePart); } foreach (AlternateView view in AlternateViews) { //ensure we can read from the stream. if (view != null) { view.PrepareForSending(); if (view.LinkedResources.Count > 0) { MimeMultiPart wholeView = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Related); wholeView.ContentType.Parameters["type"] = view.ContentType.MediaType; wholeView.ContentLocation = view.MimePart.ContentLocation; wholeView.Parts.Add(view.MimePart); foreach (LinkedResource resource in view.LinkedResources) { //ensure we can read from the stream. resource.PrepareForSending(); wholeView.Parts.Add(resource.MimePart); } viewsPart.Parts.Add(wholeView); } else { viewsPart.Parts.Add(view.MimePart); } } } if (Attachments.Count > 0) { part = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Mixed); part.Parts.Add(viewsPart); MimeMultiPart attachmentsPart = new MimeMultiPart(MimeMultiPartType.Mixed); foreach (Attachment attachment in Attachments) { if (attachment != null) { //ensure we can read from the stream. attachment.PrepareForSending(); attachmentsPart.Parts.Add(attachment.MimePart); } } part.Parts.Add(attachmentsPart); message.Content = part; } // If there is no Attachement, AND only "1" Alternate View AND !!no body!! // then in fact, this is NOT a multipart region. else if (viewsPart.Parts.Count == 1 && (body == null || body == string.Empty)) { message.Content = viewsPart.Parts[0]; } else { message.Content = viewsPart; } } } internal void Send(BaseWriter writer, bool sendEnvelope) { SetContent(); message.Send(writer, sendEnvelope); } internal IAsyncResult BeginSend(BaseWriter writer, bool sendEnvelope, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { SetContent(); return message.BeginSend(writer, sendEnvelope, callback, state); } internal void EndSend(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { message.EndSend(asyncResult); } internal string BuildDeliveryStatusNotificationString(){ if(deliveryStatusNotification != DeliveryNotificationOptions.None){ StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(" NOTIFY="); bool oneSet = false; //none if(deliveryStatusNotification == DeliveryNotificationOptions.Never){ s.Append("NEVER"); return s.ToString(); } if((((int)deliveryStatusNotification) & (int)DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess) > 0){ s.Append("SUCCESS"); oneSet = true; } if((((int)deliveryStatusNotification) & (int)DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure) > 0){ if(oneSet){ s.Append(","); } s.Append("FAILURE"); oneSet = true; } if((((int)deliveryStatusNotification) & (int)DeliveryNotificationOptions.Delay) > 0){ if(oneSet){ s.Append(","); } s.Append("DELAY"); } return s.ToString(); } return String.Empty; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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