OracleTimeSpan.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / DataOracleClient / System / Data / OracleClient / OracleTimeSpan.cs / 1 / OracleTimeSpan.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
namespace System.Data.OracleClient 
    using System; 
    using System.Data.SqlTypes;
    using System.Data.Common;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text; 
    // OracleTimeSpan 
    //  This class implements support for the Oracle 9i 'INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND'
    //  internal data type.
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1)]
    public struct OracleTimeSpan : IComparable, INullable { 
        private byte[] _value;
        private const int  FractionalSecondsPerTick = 100;

        public static readonly OracleTimeSpan MaxValue = new OracleTimeSpan(TimeSpan.MaxValue);
        public static readonly OracleTimeSpan MinValue = new OracleTimeSpan(TimeSpan.MinValue);
        public static readonly OracleTimeSpan Null = new OracleTimeSpan(true); 

        // Construct from nothing -- the value will be null
        private OracleTimeSpan(bool isNull) {
            _value = null;

        // Construct from System.TimeSpan type 
        public OracleTimeSpan (TimeSpan ts) { 
            _value = new byte[11];
            Pack(_value, ts.Days, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, (int)(ts.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) * FractionalSecondsPerTick); 

        public OracleTimeSpan (Int64 ticks) {
            _value = new byte[11]; 
            TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(ticks);
            Pack(_value, ts.Days, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, (int)(ts.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) * FractionalSecondsPerTick); 

        public OracleTimeSpan (Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds) 
                : this (0, hours, minutes, seconds, 0) {}

        public OracleTimeSpan (Int32 days, Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds)
                : this (days, hours, minutes, seconds, 0) {} 

        public OracleTimeSpan (Int32 days, Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds, Int32 milliseconds) { 
            _value = new byte[11]; 
            Pack(_value, days, hours, minutes, seconds, (int)(milliseconds * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) * FractionalSecondsPerTick);

        // Copy constructor
        public OracleTimeSpan (OracleTimeSpan from) {
            _value = new byte[from._value.Length]; 
            from._value.CopyTo(_value, 0);
        // (internal) construct from a row/parameter binding
        internal OracleTimeSpan (NativeBuffer buffer, int valueOffset) : this (true) { 
            _value = buffer.ReadBytes(valueOffset, 11);

        static private void Pack (byte[] spanval, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int fsecs) { 
            days    = (int)((long)(days) + 0x80000000);
            fsecs   = (int)((long)(fsecs) + 0x80000000); 
            // DEVNOTE: undoubtedly, this is Intel byte order specific, but how
            //          do I verify what Oracle needs on a non Intel machine? 

            spanval[0] = (byte)((days >> 24));
            spanval[1] = (byte)((days >> 16) & 0xff);
            spanval[2] = (byte)((days >>  8) & 0xff); 
            spanval[3] = (byte)(days & 0xff);
            spanval[4] = (byte)(hours   + 60); 
            spanval[5] = (byte)(minutes + 60); 
            spanval[6] = (byte)(seconds + 60);
            spanval[7] = (byte)((fsecs >> 24)); 
            spanval[8] = (byte)((fsecs >> 16) & 0xff);
            spanval[9] = (byte)((fsecs >>  8) & 0xff);
            spanval[10]= (byte)(fsecs & 0xff);

        static private void Unpack (byte[] spanval, out int days, out int hours, out int minutes, out int seconds, out int fsecs) { 
                // DEVNOTE: undoubtedly, this is Intel byte order specific, but how 
                //          do I verify what Oracle needs on a non Intel machine?
                days    = (int)(  (long)( (int)spanval[0] << 24
                                            | (int)spanval[1] << 16
                                            | (int)spanval[2] <<  8
                                            | (int)spanval[3] 
                                            ) - 0x80000000);
                hours   = (int)spanval[4] - 60; 
                minutes = (int)spanval[5] - 60;
                seconds = (int)spanval[6] - 60; 
                fsecs   = (int)(  (long)( (int)spanval[7] << 24
                                            | (int)spanval[8] << 16
                                            | (int)spanval[9] <<  8
                                            | (int)spanval[10] 
                                            ) - 0x80000000);

        public bool IsNull {
            get {
                return (null == _value);
        public TimeSpan Value { 
            get {
                if (IsNull) { 
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                TimeSpan result = ToTimeSpan(_value);
                return result; 
        public int Days {
            get { 
                if (IsNull) {
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec; 

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec); 
                return day; 

        public int Hours {
            get {
                if (IsNull) { 
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec; 

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec); 
                return hour;
        public int Minutes {
            get { 
                if (IsNull) { 
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec;

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec);
                return minute; 
        public int Seconds {
            get { 
                if (IsNull) {
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec; 

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec); 
                return second; 

        public int Milliseconds {
            get {
                if (IsNull) { 
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec; 

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec); 

                int milliseconds = (int)((fsec / FractionalSecondsPerTick) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
                return milliseconds;
        public int CompareTo (object obj) {
            if (obj.GetType() == typeof(OracleTimeSpan)) { 
                OracleTimeSpan odt = (OracleTimeSpan)obj;

                // If both values are Null, consider them equal.
                // Otherwise, Null is less than anything. 
                if (IsNull) {
                    return odt.IsNull ? 0  : -1; 
                if (odt.IsNull) {
                    return 1; 
                // Neither value is null, do the comparison.

                int days1, hours1, minutes1, seconds1, fsecs1; 
                int days2, hours2, minutes2, seconds2, fsecs2;
                Unpack( _value,     out days1, out hours1, out minutes1, out seconds1, out fsecs1); 
                Unpack( odt._value, out days2, out hours2, out minutes2, out seconds2, out fsecs2);
                int delta;

                delta = (days1 - days2);        if (0 != delta) return delta;
                delta = (hours1 - hours2);      if (0 != delta) return delta; 
                delta = (minutes1 - minutes2);  if (0 != delta) return delta;
                delta = (seconds1 - seconds2);  if (0 != delta) return delta; 
                delta = (fsecs1 - fsecs2);      if (0 != delta) return delta; 
                return 0;

            throw ADP.WrongType(obj.GetType(), typeof(OracleTimeSpan));
        public override bool Equals(object value) {
            if (value is OracleTimeSpan) { 
                return (this == (OracleTimeSpan)value).Value; 
            else { 
                return false;
        public override int GetHashCode() {
            return IsNull ? 0 : _value.GetHashCode(); 

        static internal TimeSpan MarshalToTimeSpan (NativeBuffer buffer, int valueOffset) {
            byte[] rawValue = buffer.ReadBytes(valueOffset, 11);
            TimeSpan result = ToTimeSpan(rawValue);
            return result; 
        static internal int MarshalToNative (object value, NativeBuffer buffer, int offset) { 
            byte[] from;
            if ( value is OracleTimeSpan ) {
                from = ((OracleTimeSpan)value)._value;
            else { 
                TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan)value;
                from = new byte[11]; 
                Pack(from, ts.Days, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, (int)(ts.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) * FractionalSecondsPerTick); 
            buffer.WriteBytes(offset, from, 0, 11);
            return 11;
        public static OracleTimeSpan Parse(string s) {
            TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.Parse(s); 
            return new OracleTimeSpan(ts); 
        public override string ToString() {
            if (IsNull) {
                return ADP.NullString;
            string retval = Value.ToString();
            return retval; 

        static private TimeSpan ToTimeSpan(byte[] rawValue) { 
            int days, hours, minutes, seconds, fsecs;
            Unpack( rawValue, out days, out hours, out minutes, out seconds, out fsecs);

            long tickcount = (days      * TimeSpan.TicksPerDay) 
                            + (hours    * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour)
                            + (minutes  * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute) 
                            + (seconds  * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); 

            if (fsecs < 100 || fsecs > 100) { 
                // DEVNOTE: Yes, there's a mismatch in the precision between Oracle,
                //          (which has 9 digits) and System.TimeSpan (which has 7
                //          digits);  All the other providers truncate the precision,
                //          so we do as well. 
                tickcount += ((long)fsecs / 100);
            TimeSpan result = new TimeSpan(tickcount);
            return result; 

        // Operators 

        public static OracleBoolean Equals(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            // Alternative method for operator == 
            return (x == y);
        public static OracleBoolean GreaterThan(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            // Alternative method for operator > 
            return (x > y);

        public static OracleBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            // Alternative method for operator >=
            return (x >= y); 

        public static OracleBoolean LessThan(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            // Alternative method for operator <
            return (x < y);
        public static OracleBoolean LessThanOrEqual(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            // Alternative method for operator <= 
            return (x <= y); 
        public static OracleBoolean NotEquals(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            // Alternative method for operator !=
            return (x != y);

        public static explicit operator TimeSpan(OracleTimeSpan x) { 
            if (x.IsNull) { 
                throw ADP.DataIsNull();
            return x.Value;

        public static explicit operator OracleTimeSpan(string x) { 
            return OracleTimeSpan.Parse(x);

        public static OracleBoolean operator==  (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) == 0);

        public static OracleBoolean operator>   (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) > 0);
        public static OracleBoolean operator>=  (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) >= 0); 

        public static OracleBoolean operator<   (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) < 0); 
        public static OracleBoolean operator<=  (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) <= 0);

        public static OracleBoolean operator!=  (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) != 0);


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
namespace System.Data.OracleClient 
    using System; 
    using System.Data.SqlTypes;
    using System.Data.Common;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text; 
    // OracleTimeSpan 
    //  This class implements support for the Oracle 9i 'INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND'
    //  internal data type.
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1)]
    public struct OracleTimeSpan : IComparable, INullable { 
        private byte[] _value;
        private const int  FractionalSecondsPerTick = 100;

        public static readonly OracleTimeSpan MaxValue = new OracleTimeSpan(TimeSpan.MaxValue);
        public static readonly OracleTimeSpan MinValue = new OracleTimeSpan(TimeSpan.MinValue);
        public static readonly OracleTimeSpan Null = new OracleTimeSpan(true); 

        // Construct from nothing -- the value will be null
        private OracleTimeSpan(bool isNull) {
            _value = null;

        // Construct from System.TimeSpan type 
        public OracleTimeSpan (TimeSpan ts) { 
            _value = new byte[11];
            Pack(_value, ts.Days, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, (int)(ts.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) * FractionalSecondsPerTick); 

        public OracleTimeSpan (Int64 ticks) {
            _value = new byte[11]; 
            TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(ticks);
            Pack(_value, ts.Days, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, (int)(ts.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) * FractionalSecondsPerTick); 

        public OracleTimeSpan (Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds) 
                : this (0, hours, minutes, seconds, 0) {}

        public OracleTimeSpan (Int32 days, Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds)
                : this (days, hours, minutes, seconds, 0) {} 

        public OracleTimeSpan (Int32 days, Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds, Int32 milliseconds) { 
            _value = new byte[11]; 
            Pack(_value, days, hours, minutes, seconds, (int)(milliseconds * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) * FractionalSecondsPerTick);

        // Copy constructor
        public OracleTimeSpan (OracleTimeSpan from) {
            _value = new byte[from._value.Length]; 
            from._value.CopyTo(_value, 0);
        // (internal) construct from a row/parameter binding
        internal OracleTimeSpan (NativeBuffer buffer, int valueOffset) : this (true) { 
            _value = buffer.ReadBytes(valueOffset, 11);

        static private void Pack (byte[] spanval, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int fsecs) { 
            days    = (int)((long)(days) + 0x80000000);
            fsecs   = (int)((long)(fsecs) + 0x80000000); 
            // DEVNOTE: undoubtedly, this is Intel byte order specific, but how
            //          do I verify what Oracle needs on a non Intel machine? 

            spanval[0] = (byte)((days >> 24));
            spanval[1] = (byte)((days >> 16) & 0xff);
            spanval[2] = (byte)((days >>  8) & 0xff); 
            spanval[3] = (byte)(days & 0xff);
            spanval[4] = (byte)(hours   + 60); 
            spanval[5] = (byte)(minutes + 60); 
            spanval[6] = (byte)(seconds + 60);
            spanval[7] = (byte)((fsecs >> 24)); 
            spanval[8] = (byte)((fsecs >> 16) & 0xff);
            spanval[9] = (byte)((fsecs >>  8) & 0xff);
            spanval[10]= (byte)(fsecs & 0xff);

        static private void Unpack (byte[] spanval, out int days, out int hours, out int minutes, out int seconds, out int fsecs) { 
                // DEVNOTE: undoubtedly, this is Intel byte order specific, but how 
                //          do I verify what Oracle needs on a non Intel machine?
                days    = (int)(  (long)( (int)spanval[0] << 24
                                            | (int)spanval[1] << 16
                                            | (int)spanval[2] <<  8
                                            | (int)spanval[3] 
                                            ) - 0x80000000);
                hours   = (int)spanval[4] - 60; 
                minutes = (int)spanval[5] - 60;
                seconds = (int)spanval[6] - 60; 
                fsecs   = (int)(  (long)( (int)spanval[7] << 24
                                            | (int)spanval[8] << 16
                                            | (int)spanval[9] <<  8
                                            | (int)spanval[10] 
                                            ) - 0x80000000);

        public bool IsNull {
            get {
                return (null == _value);
        public TimeSpan Value { 
            get {
                if (IsNull) { 
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                TimeSpan result = ToTimeSpan(_value);
                return result; 
        public int Days {
            get { 
                if (IsNull) {
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec; 

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec); 
                return day; 

        public int Hours {
            get {
                if (IsNull) { 
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec; 

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec); 
                return hour;
        public int Minutes {
            get { 
                if (IsNull) { 
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec;

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec);
                return minute; 
        public int Seconds {
            get { 
                if (IsNull) {
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec; 

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec); 
                return second; 

        public int Milliseconds {
            get {
                if (IsNull) { 
                    throw ADP.DataIsNull();
                int day, hour, minute, second, fsec; 

                Unpack( _value, out day, out hour, out minute, out second, out fsec); 

                int milliseconds = (int)((fsec / FractionalSecondsPerTick) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
                return milliseconds;
        public int CompareTo (object obj) {
            if (obj.GetType() == typeof(OracleTimeSpan)) { 
                OracleTimeSpan odt = (OracleTimeSpan)obj;

                // If both values are Null, consider them equal.
                // Otherwise, Null is less than anything. 
                if (IsNull) {
                    return odt.IsNull ? 0  : -1; 
                if (odt.IsNull) {
                    return 1; 
                // Neither value is null, do the comparison.

                int days1, hours1, minutes1, seconds1, fsecs1; 
                int days2, hours2, minutes2, seconds2, fsecs2;
                Unpack( _value,     out days1, out hours1, out minutes1, out seconds1, out fsecs1); 
                Unpack( odt._value, out days2, out hours2, out minutes2, out seconds2, out fsecs2);
                int delta;

                delta = (days1 - days2);        if (0 != delta) return delta;
                delta = (hours1 - hours2);      if (0 != delta) return delta; 
                delta = (minutes1 - minutes2);  if (0 != delta) return delta;
                delta = (seconds1 - seconds2);  if (0 != delta) return delta; 
                delta = (fsecs1 - fsecs2);      if (0 != delta) return delta; 
                return 0;

            throw ADP.WrongType(obj.GetType(), typeof(OracleTimeSpan));
        public override bool Equals(object value) {
            if (value is OracleTimeSpan) { 
                return (this == (OracleTimeSpan)value).Value; 
            else { 
                return false;
        public override int GetHashCode() {
            return IsNull ? 0 : _value.GetHashCode(); 

        static internal TimeSpan MarshalToTimeSpan (NativeBuffer buffer, int valueOffset) {
            byte[] rawValue = buffer.ReadBytes(valueOffset, 11);
            TimeSpan result = ToTimeSpan(rawValue);
            return result; 
        static internal int MarshalToNative (object value, NativeBuffer buffer, int offset) { 
            byte[] from;
            if ( value is OracleTimeSpan ) {
                from = ((OracleTimeSpan)value)._value;
            else { 
                TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan)value;
                from = new byte[11]; 
                Pack(from, ts.Days, ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, (int)(ts.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) * FractionalSecondsPerTick); 
            buffer.WriteBytes(offset, from, 0, 11);
            return 11;
        public static OracleTimeSpan Parse(string s) {
            TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.Parse(s); 
            return new OracleTimeSpan(ts); 
        public override string ToString() {
            if (IsNull) {
                return ADP.NullString;
            string retval = Value.ToString();
            return retval; 

        static private TimeSpan ToTimeSpan(byte[] rawValue) { 
            int days, hours, minutes, seconds, fsecs;
            Unpack( rawValue, out days, out hours, out minutes, out seconds, out fsecs);

            long tickcount = (days      * TimeSpan.TicksPerDay) 
                            + (hours    * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour)
                            + (minutes  * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute) 
                            + (seconds  * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); 

            if (fsecs < 100 || fsecs > 100) { 
                // DEVNOTE: Yes, there's a mismatch in the precision between Oracle,
                //          (which has 9 digits) and System.TimeSpan (which has 7
                //          digits);  All the other providers truncate the precision,
                //          so we do as well. 
                tickcount += ((long)fsecs / 100);
            TimeSpan result = new TimeSpan(tickcount);
            return result; 

        // Operators 

        public static OracleBoolean Equals(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            // Alternative method for operator == 
            return (x == y);
        public static OracleBoolean GreaterThan(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            // Alternative method for operator > 
            return (x > y);

        public static OracleBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            // Alternative method for operator >=
            return (x >= y); 

        public static OracleBoolean LessThan(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            // Alternative method for operator <
            return (x < y);
        public static OracleBoolean LessThanOrEqual(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            // Alternative method for operator <= 
            return (x <= y); 
        public static OracleBoolean NotEquals(OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            // Alternative method for operator !=
            return (x != y);

        public static explicit operator TimeSpan(OracleTimeSpan x) { 
            if (x.IsNull) { 
                throw ADP.DataIsNull();
            return x.Value;

        public static explicit operator OracleTimeSpan(string x) { 
            return OracleTimeSpan.Parse(x);

        public static OracleBoolean operator==  (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) == 0);

        public static OracleBoolean operator>   (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) > 0);
        public static OracleBoolean operator>=  (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) >= 0); 

        public static OracleBoolean operator<   (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) < 0); 
        public static OracleBoolean operator<=  (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) { 
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) <= 0);

        public static OracleBoolean operator!=  (OracleTimeSpan x, OracleTimeSpan y) {
            return (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? OracleBoolean.Null : new OracleBoolean(x.CompareTo(y) != 0);


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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