/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Text / BaseCodePageEncoding.cs / 1 / BaseCodePageEncoding.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== namespace System.Text { using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Permissions; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; // Our input file data structures look like: // // Header Structure Looks Like: // struct NLSPlusHeader // { // WORD[16] filename; // 32 bytes // WORD[4] version; // 8 bytes = 40 // I.e: 3, 2, 0, 0 // WORD count; // 2 bytes = 42 // Number of code page index's that'll follow // } // // Each code page section looks like: // struct NLSCodePageIndex // { // WORD[16] codePageName; // 32 bytes // WORD codePage; // +2 bytes = 34 // WORD byteCount; // +2 bytes = 36 // DWORD offset; // +4 bytes = 40 // Bytes from beginning of FILE. // } // // Each code page then has its own header // struct NLSCodePage // { // WORD[16] codePageName; // 32 bytes // WORD[4] version; // 8 bytes = 40 // I.e: // WORD codePage; // 2 bytes = 42 // WORD byteCount; // 2 bytes = 44 // 1 or 2 byte code page (SBCS or DBCS) // WORD unicodeReplace; // 2 bytes = 46 // default replacement unicode character // WORD byteReplace; // 2 bytes = 48 // default replacement byte(s) // BYTE[] data; // data section // } [Serializable()] internal abstract class BaseCodePageEncoding : EncodingNLS, ISerializable { // Static & Const stuff internal const String CODE_PAGE_DATA_FILE_NAME = "codepages.nlp"; [NonSerialized] protected int dataTableCodePage; // Variables to help us allocate/mark our memory section correctly [NonSerialized] protected bool bFlagDataTable = true; [NonSerialized] protected int iExtraBytes = 0; // Our private unicode to bytes best fit array and visa versa. [NonSerialized] protected char[] arrayUnicodeBestFit = null; [NonSerialized] protected char[] arrayBytesBestFit = null; // This is used to help ISCII, EUCJP and ISO2022 figure out they're MlangEncodings [NonSerialized] protected bool m_bUseMlangTypeForSerialization = false; // // This is the header for the native data table that we load from CODE_PAGE_DATA_FILE_NAME. // // Explicit layout is used here since a syntax like char[16] can not be used in sequential layout. [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal unsafe struct CodePageDataFileHeader { [FieldOffset(0)] internal char TableName; // WORD[16] [FieldOffset(0x20)] internal ushort Version; // WORD[4] [FieldOffset(0x28)] internal short CodePageCount; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x2A)] internal short unused1; // Add a unused WORD so that CodePages is aligned with DWORD boundary. // Otherwise, 64-bit version will fail. [FieldOffset(0x2C)] internal CodePageIndex CodePages; // Start of code page index } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack=2)] internal unsafe struct CodePageIndex { [FieldOffset(0)] internal char CodePageName; // WORD[16] [FieldOffset(0x20)] internal short CodePage; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x22)] internal short ByteCount; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x24)] internal int Offset; // DWORD } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal unsafe struct CodePageHeader { [FieldOffset(0)] internal char CodePageName; // WORD[16] [FieldOffset(0x20)] internal ushort VersionMajor; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x22)] internal ushort VersionMinor; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x24)] internal ushort VersionRevision;// WORD [FieldOffset(0x26)] internal ushort VersionBuild; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x28)] internal short CodePage; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x2a)] internal short ByteCount; // WORD // 1 or 2 byte code page (SBCS or DBCS) [FieldOffset(0x2c)] internal char UnicodeReplace; // WORD // default replacement unicode character [FieldOffset(0x2e)] internal ushort ByteReplace; // WORD // default replacement bytes [FieldOffset(0x30)] internal short FirstDataWord; // WORD[] } // Initialize our global stuff unsafe static CodePageDataFileHeader* m_pCodePageFileHeader = (CodePageDataFileHeader*)GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr( typeof(CharUnicodeInfo).Assembly, CODE_PAGE_DATA_FILE_NAME); // Real variables [NonSerialized] unsafe protected CodePageHeader* pCodePage = null; // Safe handle wrapper around section map view [NonSerialized] protected SafeViewOfFileHandle safeMemorySectionHandle = null; // Safe handle wrapper around mapped file handle [NonSerialized] protected SafeFileMappingHandle safeFileMappingHandle = null; internal BaseCodePageEncoding(int codepage) : this(codepage, codepage) { } internal BaseCodePageEncoding(int codepage, int dataCodePage) : base(codepage == 0? Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.GetACP(): codepage) { // Remember number of code page that we'll be using the table for. dataTableCodePage = dataCodePage; LoadCodePageTables(); } // Constructor called by serialization. internal BaseCodePageEncoding(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(0) { // We cannot ever call this, we've proxied ourselved to CodePageEncoding throw new ArgumentNullException("this"); } // ISerializable implementation [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)] void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { // Make sure to get teh base stuff too This throws if info is null SerializeEncoding(info, context); BCLDebug.Assert(info!=null, "[BaseCodePageEncoding.GetObjectData] Expected null info to throw"); // Just need Everett maxCharSize (BaseCodePageEncoding) or m_maxByteSize (MLangBaseCodePageEncoding) info.AddValue(m_bUseMlangTypeForSerialization ? "m_maxByteSize" : "maxCharSize", this.IsSingleByte ? 1 : 2); // Use this class or MLangBaseCodePageEncoding as our deserializer. info.SetType(m_bUseMlangTypeForSerialization ? typeof(MLangCodePageEncoding) : typeof(CodePageEncoding)); } // We need to load tables for our code page private unsafe void LoadCodePageTables() { CodePageHeader* pCodePage = FindCodePage(dataTableCodePage); // Make sure we have one if (pCodePage == null) { // Didn't have one throw new NotSupportedException( Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_NoCodepageData", CodePage)); } // Remember our code page this.pCodePage = pCodePage; // We had it, so load it LoadManagedCodePage(); } // Look up the code page pointer private static unsafe CodePageHeader* FindCodePage(int codePage) { // We'll have to loop through all of the m_pCodePageIndex[] items to find our code page, this isn't // binary or anything so its not monsterously fast. for (int i = 0; i < m_pCodePageFileHeader->CodePageCount; i++) { CodePageIndex* pCodePageIndex = (&(m_pCodePageFileHeader->CodePages)) + i; if (pCodePageIndex->CodePage == codePage) { // Found it! CodePageHeader* pCodePage = (CodePageHeader*)((byte*)m_pCodePageFileHeader + pCodePageIndex->Offset); return pCodePage; } } // Couldn't find it return null; } // Get our code page byte count internal static unsafe int GetCodePageByteSize(int codePage) { // Get our code page info CodePageHeader* pCodePage = FindCodePage(codePage); // If null return 0 if (pCodePage == null) return 0; BCLDebug.Assert(pCodePage->ByteCount == 1 || pCodePage->ByteCount == 2, "[BaseCodePageEncoding] Code page (" + codePage + ") has invalid byte size (" + pCodePage->ByteCount + ") in table"); // Return what it says for byte count return pCodePage->ByteCount; } // We have a managed code page entry, so load our tables protected abstract unsafe void LoadManagedCodePage(); // Allocate memory to load our code page protected unsafe byte* GetSharedMemory(int iSize) { // Build our name String strName = GetMemorySectionName(); IntPtr mappedFileHandle; // This gets shared memory for our map. If its can't, it gives us clean memory. Byte *pMemorySection = EncodingTable.nativeCreateOpenFileMapping(strName, iSize, out mappedFileHandle); BCLDebug.Assert(pMemorySection != null, "[BaseCodePageEncoding.GetSharedMemory] Expected non-null memory section to be opened"); // If that failed, we have to die. if (pMemorySection == null) throw new OutOfMemoryException( Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_OutOfMemoryException")); // if we have null file handle. this means memory was allocated after // failing to open the mapped file. if (mappedFileHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { safeMemorySectionHandle = new SafeViewOfFileHandle((IntPtr) pMemorySection, true); safeFileMappingHandle = new SafeFileMappingHandle(mappedFileHandle, true); } return pMemorySection; } protected unsafe virtual String GetMemorySectionName() { int iUseCodePage = this.bFlagDataTable ? dataTableCodePage : CodePage; String strName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "NLS_CodePage_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}", iUseCodePage, this.pCodePage->VersionMajor, this.pCodePage->VersionMinor, this.pCodePage->VersionRevision, this.pCodePage->VersionBuild); return strName; } protected abstract unsafe void ReadBestFitTable(); internal override char[] GetBestFitUnicodeToBytesData() { // Read in our best fit table if necessary if (arrayUnicodeBestFit == null) ReadBestFitTable(); BCLDebug.Assert(arrayUnicodeBestFit != null, "[BaseCodePageEncoding.GetBestFitUnicodeToBytesData]Expected non-null arrayUnicodeBestFit"); // Normally we don't have any best fit data. return arrayUnicodeBestFit; } internal override char[] GetBestFitBytesToUnicodeData() { // Read in our best fit table if necessary if (arrayUnicodeBestFit == null) ReadBestFitTable(); BCLDebug.Assert(arrayBytesBestFit != null, "[BaseCodePageEncoding.GetBestFitBytesToUnicodeData]Expected non-null arrayBytesBestFit"); // Normally we don't have any best fit data. return arrayBytesBestFit; } // During the AppDomain shutdown the Encoding class may already finalized and the memory section // is invalid. so we detect that by validating the memory section handle then re-initialize the memory // section by calling LoadManagedCodePage() method and eventually the mapped file handle and // the memory section pointer will get finalized one more time. internal unsafe void CheckMemorySection() { if (safeMemorySectionHandle != null && safeMemorySectionHandle.DangerousGetHandle() == IntPtr.Zero) { LoadManagedCodePage(); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== namespace System.Text { using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Permissions; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; // Our input file data structures look like: // // Header Structure Looks Like: // struct NLSPlusHeader // { // WORD[16] filename; // 32 bytes // WORD[4] version; // 8 bytes = 40 // I.e: 3, 2, 0, 0 // WORD count; // 2 bytes = 42 // Number of code page index's that'll follow // } // // Each code page section looks like: // struct NLSCodePageIndex // { // WORD[16] codePageName; // 32 bytes // WORD codePage; // +2 bytes = 34 // WORD byteCount; // +2 bytes = 36 // DWORD offset; // +4 bytes = 40 // Bytes from beginning of FILE. // } // // Each code page then has its own header // struct NLSCodePage // { // WORD[16] codePageName; // 32 bytes // WORD[4] version; // 8 bytes = 40 // I.e: // WORD codePage; // 2 bytes = 42 // WORD byteCount; // 2 bytes = 44 // 1 or 2 byte code page (SBCS or DBCS) // WORD unicodeReplace; // 2 bytes = 46 // default replacement unicode character // WORD byteReplace; // 2 bytes = 48 // default replacement byte(s) // BYTE[] data; // data section // } [Serializable()] internal abstract class BaseCodePageEncoding : EncodingNLS, ISerializable { // Static & Const stuff internal const String CODE_PAGE_DATA_FILE_NAME = "codepages.nlp"; [NonSerialized] protected int dataTableCodePage; // Variables to help us allocate/mark our memory section correctly [NonSerialized] protected bool bFlagDataTable = true; [NonSerialized] protected int iExtraBytes = 0; // Our private unicode to bytes best fit array and visa versa. [NonSerialized] protected char[] arrayUnicodeBestFit = null; [NonSerialized] protected char[] arrayBytesBestFit = null; // This is used to help ISCII, EUCJP and ISO2022 figure out they're MlangEncodings [NonSerialized] protected bool m_bUseMlangTypeForSerialization = false; // // This is the header for the native data table that we load from CODE_PAGE_DATA_FILE_NAME. // // Explicit layout is used here since a syntax like char[16] can not be used in sequential layout. [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal unsafe struct CodePageDataFileHeader { [FieldOffset(0)] internal char TableName; // WORD[16] [FieldOffset(0x20)] internal ushort Version; // WORD[4] [FieldOffset(0x28)] internal short CodePageCount; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x2A)] internal short unused1; // Add a unused WORD so that CodePages is aligned with DWORD boundary. // Otherwise, 64-bit version will fail. [FieldOffset(0x2C)] internal CodePageIndex CodePages; // Start of code page index } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack=2)] internal unsafe struct CodePageIndex { [FieldOffset(0)] internal char CodePageName; // WORD[16] [FieldOffset(0x20)] internal short CodePage; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x22)] internal short ByteCount; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x24)] internal int Offset; // DWORD } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal unsafe struct CodePageHeader { [FieldOffset(0)] internal char CodePageName; // WORD[16] [FieldOffset(0x20)] internal ushort VersionMajor; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x22)] internal ushort VersionMinor; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x24)] internal ushort VersionRevision;// WORD [FieldOffset(0x26)] internal ushort VersionBuild; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x28)] internal short CodePage; // WORD [FieldOffset(0x2a)] internal short ByteCount; // WORD // 1 or 2 byte code page (SBCS or DBCS) [FieldOffset(0x2c)] internal char UnicodeReplace; // WORD // default replacement unicode character [FieldOffset(0x2e)] internal ushort ByteReplace; // WORD // default replacement bytes [FieldOffset(0x30)] internal short FirstDataWord; // WORD[] } // Initialize our global stuff unsafe static CodePageDataFileHeader* m_pCodePageFileHeader = (CodePageDataFileHeader*)GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr( typeof(CharUnicodeInfo).Assembly, CODE_PAGE_DATA_FILE_NAME); // Real variables [NonSerialized] unsafe protected CodePageHeader* pCodePage = null; // Safe handle wrapper around section map view [NonSerialized] protected SafeViewOfFileHandle safeMemorySectionHandle = null; // Safe handle wrapper around mapped file handle [NonSerialized] protected SafeFileMappingHandle safeFileMappingHandle = null; internal BaseCodePageEncoding(int codepage) : this(codepage, codepage) { } internal BaseCodePageEncoding(int codepage, int dataCodePage) : base(codepage == 0? Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.GetACP(): codepage) { // Remember number of code page that we'll be using the table for. dataTableCodePage = dataCodePage; LoadCodePageTables(); } // Constructor called by serialization. internal BaseCodePageEncoding(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(0) { // We cannot ever call this, we've proxied ourselved to CodePageEncoding throw new ArgumentNullException("this"); } // ISerializable implementation [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)] void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { // Make sure to get teh base stuff too This throws if info is null SerializeEncoding(info, context); BCLDebug.Assert(info!=null, "[BaseCodePageEncoding.GetObjectData] Expected null info to throw"); // Just need Everett maxCharSize (BaseCodePageEncoding) or m_maxByteSize (MLangBaseCodePageEncoding) info.AddValue(m_bUseMlangTypeForSerialization ? "m_maxByteSize" : "maxCharSize", this.IsSingleByte ? 1 : 2); // Use this class or MLangBaseCodePageEncoding as our deserializer. info.SetType(m_bUseMlangTypeForSerialization ? typeof(MLangCodePageEncoding) : typeof(CodePageEncoding)); } // We need to load tables for our code page private unsafe void LoadCodePageTables() { CodePageHeader* pCodePage = FindCodePage(dataTableCodePage); // Make sure we have one if (pCodePage == null) { // Didn't have one throw new NotSupportedException( Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_NoCodepageData", CodePage)); } // Remember our code page this.pCodePage = pCodePage; // We had it, so load it LoadManagedCodePage(); } // Look up the code page pointer private static unsafe CodePageHeader* FindCodePage(int codePage) { // We'll have to loop through all of the m_pCodePageIndex[] items to find our code page, this isn't // binary or anything so its not monsterously fast. for (int i = 0; i < m_pCodePageFileHeader->CodePageCount; i++) { CodePageIndex* pCodePageIndex = (&(m_pCodePageFileHeader->CodePages)) + i; if (pCodePageIndex->CodePage == codePage) { // Found it! CodePageHeader* pCodePage = (CodePageHeader*)((byte*)m_pCodePageFileHeader + pCodePageIndex->Offset); return pCodePage; } } // Couldn't find it return null; } // Get our code page byte count internal static unsafe int GetCodePageByteSize(int codePage) { // Get our code page info CodePageHeader* pCodePage = FindCodePage(codePage); // If null return 0 if (pCodePage == null) return 0; BCLDebug.Assert(pCodePage->ByteCount == 1 || pCodePage->ByteCount == 2, "[BaseCodePageEncoding] Code page (" + codePage + ") has invalid byte size (" + pCodePage->ByteCount + ") in table"); // Return what it says for byte count return pCodePage->ByteCount; } // We have a managed code page entry, so load our tables protected abstract unsafe void LoadManagedCodePage(); // Allocate memory to load our code page protected unsafe byte* GetSharedMemory(int iSize) { // Build our name String strName = GetMemorySectionName(); IntPtr mappedFileHandle; // This gets shared memory for our map. If its can't, it gives us clean memory. Byte *pMemorySection = EncodingTable.nativeCreateOpenFileMapping(strName, iSize, out mappedFileHandle); BCLDebug.Assert(pMemorySection != null, "[BaseCodePageEncoding.GetSharedMemory] Expected non-null memory section to be opened"); // If that failed, we have to die. if (pMemorySection == null) throw new OutOfMemoryException( Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_OutOfMemoryException")); // if we have null file handle. this means memory was allocated after // failing to open the mapped file. if (mappedFileHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { safeMemorySectionHandle = new SafeViewOfFileHandle((IntPtr) pMemorySection, true); safeFileMappingHandle = new SafeFileMappingHandle(mappedFileHandle, true); } return pMemorySection; } protected unsafe virtual String GetMemorySectionName() { int iUseCodePage = this.bFlagDataTable ? dataTableCodePage : CodePage; String strName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "NLS_CodePage_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}", iUseCodePage, this.pCodePage->VersionMajor, this.pCodePage->VersionMinor, this.pCodePage->VersionRevision, this.pCodePage->VersionBuild); return strName; } protected abstract unsafe void ReadBestFitTable(); internal override char[] GetBestFitUnicodeToBytesData() { // Read in our best fit table if necessary if (arrayUnicodeBestFit == null) ReadBestFitTable(); BCLDebug.Assert(arrayUnicodeBestFit != null, "[BaseCodePageEncoding.GetBestFitUnicodeToBytesData]Expected non-null arrayUnicodeBestFit"); // Normally we don't have any best fit data. return arrayUnicodeBestFit; } internal override char[] GetBestFitBytesToUnicodeData() { // Read in our best fit table if necessary if (arrayUnicodeBestFit == null) ReadBestFitTable(); BCLDebug.Assert(arrayBytesBestFit != null, "[BaseCodePageEncoding.GetBestFitBytesToUnicodeData]Expected non-null arrayBytesBestFit"); // Normally we don't have any best fit data. return arrayBytesBestFit; } // During the AppDomain shutdown the Encoding class may already finalized and the memory section // is invalid. so we detect that by validating the memory section handle then re-initialize the memory // section by calling LoadManagedCodePage() method and eventually the mapped file handle and // the memory section pointer will get finalized one more time. internal unsafe void CheckMemorySection() { if (safeMemorySectionHandle != null && safeMemorySectionHandle.DangerousGetHandle() == IntPtr.Zero) { LoadManagedCodePage(); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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