BamlCollectionHolder.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Markup / BamlCollectionHolder.cs / 1 / BamlCollectionHolder.cs

* File: BamlCollectionHolder.cs
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;

namespace System.Windows.Markup 
    // Helper class that holds a collection for a property.  This class 
    // replaces the old BamlDictionaryHolder and BamlArrayHolder classes 
    internal class BamlCollectionHolder
        internal BamlCollectionHolder()
        internal BamlCollectionHolder(BamlRecordReader reader, object parent, short attributeId) :
            this(reader, parent, attributeId, true) 
        internal BamlCollectionHolder(BamlRecordReader reader, object parent, short attributeId, bool needDefault)
            _reader      = reader;
            _parent      = parent; 
            _propDef     = new PropertyDefinition(reader, attributeId, parent is DependencyObject);
            _attributeId = attributeId; 
            if (needDefault)

        // the collection stored for a given property 
        internal object Collection
            get { return _collection; }
            set { _collection = value; }
        // helper that casts the collection as an IList
        internal IList List 
            get { return _collection as IList; }

        // helper that casts the collection as an IDictionary
        internal IDictionary Dictionary
            get { return _collection as IDictionary; }
        // helper that casts the collection as an ArrayExtension
        internal ArrayExtension ArrayExt 
            get { return _collection as ArrayExtension; }
        // the default collection to be used in case the property does not have an explicit tag
        internal object DefaultCollection 
            get { return _defaultCollection; }

        // the PropertyDefinition associated with the BamlCollectionHolder's property
        internal PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition
            get { return _propDef; }
        // the return type of the BamlCollectionHolder's property's getter
        internal Type PropertyType 
                return _resourcesParent != null ? typeof(ResourceDictionary) : PropertyDefinition.PropertyType; 
        // the parent object of this collection holder
        internal object Parent 
            get { return _parent; }
        // returns true if the property cannot be set
        internal bool ReadOnly 
            get { return _readonly; }
            set { _readonly = value; } 

        // returns true if the property has an explicit tag, so items should not be added to it directly
        internal bool IsClosed 
            get { return _isClosed; } 
            set { _isClosed = value; } 
        internal string AttributeName
                return _reader.GetPropertyNameFromAttributeId(_attributeId);

        // set the property associated with the collection holder to the value of the holder's collection 
        internal void SetPropertyValue()
            // Do if the property value has not been set before this
            if (!_isPropertyValueSet) 
                _isPropertyValueSet = true; 
                // the order of precedence is the fast-tracked Resources property, then DP, then the attached property
                // setter, then the property info 
                if (_resourcesParent != null)
                    _resourcesParent.Resources = (ResourceDictionary)Collection;
                else if (PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty != null)
                    DependencyObject dpParent = Parent as DependencyObject; 
                    if (dpParent == null)
                        _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserParentDO, Parent.ToString());
                    _reader.SetDependencyValue(dpParent, PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty, Collection);
                else if (PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertySetter != null)
                    PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertySetter.Invoke(null, new object[] { Parent, Collection }); 
                else if (PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo != null) 
                                    Collection, BindingFlags.Instance |
                                    BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy, 
                                    null,  null, XamlReaderHelper.EnglishUSCulture);
                    _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantGetDPOrPi, AttributeName); 
        // Initialize the collection holder, by setting its property definition and default value (retrieved
        // from the property definition). 
        internal void InitDefaultValue() 
            if (AttributeName == "Resources" && 
                Parent is IHaveResources)
                // "Fast Path" handling of Resources non-DP property
                _resourcesParent = ((IHaveResources)Parent); 
                _defaultCollection = _resourcesParent.Resources;
            // the order of precedence according to the spec is DP, then attached property, then PropertyInfo
            else if (PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty != null) 
                _defaultCollection = ((DependencyObject)Parent).GetValue(PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty);
            else if (PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertyGetter != null) 
                _defaultCollection = PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertyGetter.Invoke(null, new object[] { Parent }); 
            else if (PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo != null)
                if (PropertyDefinition.IsInternal)
                    _defaultCollection = XamlTypeMapper.GetInternalPropertyValue(_reader.ParserContext,
                    if (_defaultCollection == null)
                        _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantGetProperty, PropertyDefinition.Name);
                    _defaultCollection = PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo.GetValue( 
                        Parent, BindingFlags.Instance | 
                        BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy,
                        null, null, XamlReaderHelper.EnglishUSCulture); 
                _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantGetDPOrPi, AttributeName);

        private void CheckReadOnly() 
            if (_resourcesParent == null &&
                (PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty == null || PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty.ReadOnly) &&
                (PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo == null || !PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo.CanWrite) && 
                PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertySetter == null)
                if (DefaultCollection == null) 
                    // if the property is read-only and has a null default value, throw an exception 
                    _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserReadOnlyNullProperty, PropertyDefinition.Name);

                // the property is read-only, so we have to use its default value as the dictionary 
                ReadOnly = true;
                Collection = DefaultCollection; 
        private object             _collection;
        private object             _defaultCollection;
        private short              _attributeId;
        private PropertyDefinition _propDef; 
        private object             _parent;
        private BamlRecordReader   _reader; 
        private IHaveResources     _resourcesParent;  // for fast-tracking Resources properties 
        private bool               _readonly;
        private bool               _isClosed; 
        private bool               _isPropertyValueSet;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* File: BamlCollectionHolder.cs
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;

namespace System.Windows.Markup 
    // Helper class that holds a collection for a property.  This class 
    // replaces the old BamlDictionaryHolder and BamlArrayHolder classes 
    internal class BamlCollectionHolder
        internal BamlCollectionHolder()
        internal BamlCollectionHolder(BamlRecordReader reader, object parent, short attributeId) :
            this(reader, parent, attributeId, true) 
        internal BamlCollectionHolder(BamlRecordReader reader, object parent, short attributeId, bool needDefault)
            _reader      = reader;
            _parent      = parent; 
            _propDef     = new PropertyDefinition(reader, attributeId, parent is DependencyObject);
            _attributeId = attributeId; 
            if (needDefault)

        // the collection stored for a given property 
        internal object Collection
            get { return _collection; }
            set { _collection = value; }
        // helper that casts the collection as an IList
        internal IList List 
            get { return _collection as IList; }

        // helper that casts the collection as an IDictionary
        internal IDictionary Dictionary
            get { return _collection as IDictionary; }
        // helper that casts the collection as an ArrayExtension
        internal ArrayExtension ArrayExt 
            get { return _collection as ArrayExtension; }
        // the default collection to be used in case the property does not have an explicit tag
        internal object DefaultCollection 
            get { return _defaultCollection; }

        // the PropertyDefinition associated with the BamlCollectionHolder's property
        internal PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition
            get { return _propDef; }
        // the return type of the BamlCollectionHolder's property's getter
        internal Type PropertyType 
                return _resourcesParent != null ? typeof(ResourceDictionary) : PropertyDefinition.PropertyType; 
        // the parent object of this collection holder
        internal object Parent 
            get { return _parent; }
        // returns true if the property cannot be set
        internal bool ReadOnly 
            get { return _readonly; }
            set { _readonly = value; } 

        // returns true if the property has an explicit tag, so items should not be added to it directly
        internal bool IsClosed 
            get { return _isClosed; } 
            set { _isClosed = value; } 
        internal string AttributeName
                return _reader.GetPropertyNameFromAttributeId(_attributeId);

        // set the property associated with the collection holder to the value of the holder's collection 
        internal void SetPropertyValue()
            // Do if the property value has not been set before this
            if (!_isPropertyValueSet) 
                _isPropertyValueSet = true; 
                // the order of precedence is the fast-tracked Resources property, then DP, then the attached property
                // setter, then the property info 
                if (_resourcesParent != null)
                    _resourcesParent.Resources = (ResourceDictionary)Collection;
                else if (PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty != null)
                    DependencyObject dpParent = Parent as DependencyObject; 
                    if (dpParent == null)
                        _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserParentDO, Parent.ToString());
                    _reader.SetDependencyValue(dpParent, PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty, Collection);
                else if (PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertySetter != null)
                    PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertySetter.Invoke(null, new object[] { Parent, Collection }); 
                else if (PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo != null) 
                                    Collection, BindingFlags.Instance |
                                    BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy, 
                                    null,  null, XamlReaderHelper.EnglishUSCulture);
                    _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantGetDPOrPi, AttributeName); 
        // Initialize the collection holder, by setting its property definition and default value (retrieved
        // from the property definition). 
        internal void InitDefaultValue() 
            if (AttributeName == "Resources" && 
                Parent is IHaveResources)
                // "Fast Path" handling of Resources non-DP property
                _resourcesParent = ((IHaveResources)Parent); 
                _defaultCollection = _resourcesParent.Resources;
            // the order of precedence according to the spec is DP, then attached property, then PropertyInfo
            else if (PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty != null) 
                _defaultCollection = ((DependencyObject)Parent).GetValue(PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty);
            else if (PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertyGetter != null) 
                _defaultCollection = PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertyGetter.Invoke(null, new object[] { Parent }); 
            else if (PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo != null)
                if (PropertyDefinition.IsInternal)
                    _defaultCollection = XamlTypeMapper.GetInternalPropertyValue(_reader.ParserContext,
                    if (_defaultCollection == null)
                        _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantGetProperty, PropertyDefinition.Name);
                    _defaultCollection = PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo.GetValue( 
                        Parent, BindingFlags.Instance | 
                        BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy,
                        null, null, XamlReaderHelper.EnglishUSCulture); 
                _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantGetDPOrPi, AttributeName);

        private void CheckReadOnly() 
            if (_resourcesParent == null &&
                (PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty == null || PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty.ReadOnly) &&
                (PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo == null || !PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo.CanWrite) && 
                PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertySetter == null)
                if (DefaultCollection == null) 
                    // if the property is read-only and has a null default value, throw an exception 
                    _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserReadOnlyNullProperty, PropertyDefinition.Name);

                // the property is read-only, so we have to use its default value as the dictionary 
                ReadOnly = true;
                Collection = DefaultCollection; 
        private object             _collection;
        private object             _defaultCollection;
        private short              _attributeId;
        private PropertyDefinition _propDef; 
        private object             _parent;
        private BamlRecordReader   _reader; 
        private IHaveResources     _resourcesParent;  // for fast-tracking Resources properties 
        private bool               _readonly;
        private bool               _isClosed; 
        private bool               _isPropertyValueSet;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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