CombinedGeometry.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / CombinedGeometry.cs / 1 / CombinedGeometry.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Implementation of CombinedGeometry 
// History: 
//      2004/11/11-Michka 
//          Created it

using System;
using MS.Internal; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Media.Composition;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
using System.Windows.Media.Animation; 
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR;
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
namespace System.Windows.Media
    /// CombinedGeometry
    public sealed partial class CombinedGeometry : Geometry
        #region Constructors
        /// Default constructor 
        public CombinedGeometry()

        /// Constructor from 2 operands 
        /// First geometry to combine 
        /// Second geometry to combine
        public CombinedGeometry(
            Geometry geometry1, 
            Geometry geometry2
            Geometry1 = geometry1;
            Geometry2 = geometry2; 

        /// Constructor from combine mode and 2 operands 
        /// Combine mode - Union, Intersect, Exclude or Xor 
        /// First geometry to combine
        /// Second geometry to combine 
        public CombinedGeometry( 
            GeometryCombineMode geometryCombineMode, 
            Geometry geometry1,
            Geometry geometry2 
            GeometryCombineMode = geometryCombineMode;
            Geometry1 = geometry1; 
            Geometry2 = geometry2;
        /// Constructor from combine mode, 2 operands and a transformation 
        /// Combine mode - Union, Intersect, Exclude or Xor
        /// First geometry to combine 
        /// Second geometry to combine 
        /// Transformation to apply to the result
        public CombinedGeometry(
            GeometryCombineMode geometryCombineMode, 
            Geometry geometry1, 
            Geometry geometry2,
            Transform transform) 
            GeometryCombineMode = geometryCombineMode;
            Geometry1 = geometry1;
            Geometry2 = geometry2; 
            Transform = transform;
        #region Bounds
        /// Gets the bounds of this Geometry as an axis-aligned bounding box
        public override Rect Bounds

                // GetAsPathGeometry() checks if the geometry is valid
                return GetAsPathGeometry().Bounds;
        #region GetBoundsInternal
        /// Gets the bounds of this Geometry as an axis-aligned bounding box given a Pen and/or Transform
        internal override Rect GetBoundsInternal(Pen pen, Matrix matrix, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
            if (IsObviouslyEmpty())
                return Rect.Empty; 
            return GetAsPathGeometry().GetBoundsInternal(pen, matrix, tolerance, type);
        #region Hit Testing
        /// Returns if point is inside the filled geometry. 
        internal override bool ContainsInternal(Pen pen, Point hitPoint, double tolerance, ToleranceType type) 
            if (pen == null)

                // Hit the two operands 
                bool hit1 = false; 
                bool hit2 = false;
                Transform transform = Transform;
                if (transform != null && !transform.IsIdentity)
                    // Inverse-transform the hit point 
                    Matrix matrix = transform.Value;
                    if (matrix.HasInverse) 
                        hitPoint *= matrix; 
                        // The matrix will collapse the geometry to nothing, containing nothing 
                        return false;

                Geometry geometry1 = Geometry1; 
                Geometry geometry2 = Geometry2;
                if (geometry1 != null)
                    hit1 = geometry1.ContainsInternal(pen, hitPoint, tolerance, type); 
                if (geometry2 != null) 
                    hit2 = geometry2.ContainsInternal(pen, hitPoint, tolerance, type);

                // Determine containment according to the theoretical definition
                switch (GeometryCombineMode)
                    case GeometryCombineMode.Union:
                        return hit1 || hit2; 
                    case GeometryCombineMode.Intersect:
                        return hit1 && hit2; 

                    case GeometryCombineMode.Exclude:
                        return hit1 && !hit2;
                    case GeometryCombineMode.Xor:
                        return hit1 != hit2; 

                // We should have returned from one of the cases 
                return false;
                // pen != null 
                return base.ContainsInternal(pen, hitPoint, tolerance, type); 


        /// Gets the area of this geometry
        /// The computational error tolerance 
        /// The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - realtive or absolute
        public override double GetArea(double tolerance, ToleranceType type) 

            // Potential speedup, to be done if proved important:  As the result of a Combine 
            // operation, the result of GetAsPathGeometry() is guaranteed to be organized into
            // flattened well oriented figures.  Its area can therefore be computed much faster 
            // without the heavy machinary of CArea.  This will require writing an internal 
            // CShapeBase::GetRawArea method, and a utility to invoke it.  For now:
            return GetAsPathGeometry().GetArea(tolerance, type); 

        #region Internal
        internal override PathFigureCollection GetTransformedFigureCollection(Transform transform)
            return GetAsPathGeometry().GetTransformedFigureCollection(transform); 
        /// GetPathGeometryData - returns a struct which contains this Geometry represented
        /// as a path geometry's serialized format.
        internal override PathGeometryData GetPathGeometryData()
            if (IsObviouslyEmpty()) 
                return Geometry.GetEmptyPathGeometryData(); 

            PathGeometry pathGeometry = GetAsPathGeometry();
            return pathGeometry.GetPathGeometryData();
        internal override PathGeometry GetAsPathGeometry()
            // Get the operands, interpreting null as empty PathGeometry
            Geometry g1 = Geometry1;
            Geometry g2 = Geometry2;
            PathGeometry geometry1 = (g1 == null) ? 
                new PathGeometry() :
            Geometry geometry2 = (g2 == null) ?
                new PathGeometry() : 

            // Combine them and return the result
            return Combine(geometry1, geometry2, GeometryCombineMode, Transform); 

        #region IsEmpty 

        /// Returns true if this geometry is empty
        public override bool IsEmpty()
            return GetAsPathGeometry().IsEmpty(); 
        internal override bool IsObviouslyEmpty()
            // See which operand is obviously empty
            Geometry geometry1 = Geometry1; 
            Geometry geometry2 = Geometry2;
            bool empty1 = geometry1 == null || geometry1.IsObviouslyEmpty(); 
            bool empty2 = geometry2 == null || geometry2.IsObviouslyEmpty(); 

            // Depending on the operation -- 
            if (GeometryCombineMode == GeometryCombineMode.Intersect)
                return empty1 || empty2;
            else if (GeometryCombineMode == GeometryCombineMode.Exclude)
                return empty1; 
                // Union or Xor
                return empty1 && empty2;
        #endregion IsEmpty
        /// Returns true if this geometry may have curved segments
        public override bool MayHaveCurves() 
            Geometry geometry1 = Geometry1; 
            Geometry geometry2 = Geometry2; 
            return ((geometry1 != null) && geometry1.MayHaveCurves())
                   ((geometry2 != null) && geometry2.MayHaveCurves());

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Implementation of CombinedGeometry 
// History: 
//      2004/11/11-Michka 
//          Created it

using System;
using MS.Internal; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Media.Composition;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
using System.Windows.Media.Animation; 
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR;
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
namespace System.Windows.Media
    /// CombinedGeometry
    public sealed partial class CombinedGeometry : Geometry
        #region Constructors
        /// Default constructor 
        public CombinedGeometry()

        /// Constructor from 2 operands 
        /// First geometry to combine 
        /// Second geometry to combine
        public CombinedGeometry(
            Geometry geometry1, 
            Geometry geometry2
            Geometry1 = geometry1;
            Geometry2 = geometry2; 

        /// Constructor from combine mode and 2 operands 
        /// Combine mode - Union, Intersect, Exclude or Xor 
        /// First geometry to combine
        /// Second geometry to combine 
        public CombinedGeometry( 
            GeometryCombineMode geometryCombineMode, 
            Geometry geometry1,
            Geometry geometry2 
            GeometryCombineMode = geometryCombineMode;
            Geometry1 = geometry1; 
            Geometry2 = geometry2;
        /// Constructor from combine mode, 2 operands and a transformation 
        /// Combine mode - Union, Intersect, Exclude or Xor
        /// First geometry to combine 
        /// Second geometry to combine 
        /// Transformation to apply to the result
        public CombinedGeometry(
            GeometryCombineMode geometryCombineMode, 
            Geometry geometry1, 
            Geometry geometry2,
            Transform transform) 
            GeometryCombineMode = geometryCombineMode;
            Geometry1 = geometry1;
            Geometry2 = geometry2; 
            Transform = transform;
        #region Bounds
        /// Gets the bounds of this Geometry as an axis-aligned bounding box
        public override Rect Bounds

                // GetAsPathGeometry() checks if the geometry is valid
                return GetAsPathGeometry().Bounds;
        #region GetBoundsInternal
        /// Gets the bounds of this Geometry as an axis-aligned bounding box given a Pen and/or Transform
        internal override Rect GetBoundsInternal(Pen pen, Matrix matrix, double tolerance, ToleranceType type)
            if (IsObviouslyEmpty())
                return Rect.Empty; 
            return GetAsPathGeometry().GetBoundsInternal(pen, matrix, tolerance, type);
        #region Hit Testing
        /// Returns if point is inside the filled geometry. 
        internal override bool ContainsInternal(Pen pen, Point hitPoint, double tolerance, ToleranceType type) 
            if (pen == null)

                // Hit the two operands 
                bool hit1 = false; 
                bool hit2 = false;
                Transform transform = Transform;
                if (transform != null && !transform.IsIdentity)
                    // Inverse-transform the hit point 
                    Matrix matrix = transform.Value;
                    if (matrix.HasInverse) 
                        hitPoint *= matrix; 
                        // The matrix will collapse the geometry to nothing, containing nothing 
                        return false;

                Geometry geometry1 = Geometry1; 
                Geometry geometry2 = Geometry2;
                if (geometry1 != null)
                    hit1 = geometry1.ContainsInternal(pen, hitPoint, tolerance, type); 
                if (geometry2 != null) 
                    hit2 = geometry2.ContainsInternal(pen, hitPoint, tolerance, type);

                // Determine containment according to the theoretical definition
                switch (GeometryCombineMode)
                    case GeometryCombineMode.Union:
                        return hit1 || hit2; 
                    case GeometryCombineMode.Intersect:
                        return hit1 && hit2; 

                    case GeometryCombineMode.Exclude:
                        return hit1 && !hit2;
                    case GeometryCombineMode.Xor:
                        return hit1 != hit2; 

                // We should have returned from one of the cases 
                return false;
                // pen != null 
                return base.ContainsInternal(pen, hitPoint, tolerance, type); 


        /// Gets the area of this geometry
        /// The computational error tolerance 
        /// The way the error tolerance will be interpreted - realtive or absolute
        public override double GetArea(double tolerance, ToleranceType type) 

            // Potential speedup, to be done if proved important:  As the result of a Combine 
            // operation, the result of GetAsPathGeometry() is guaranteed to be organized into
            // flattened well oriented figures.  Its area can therefore be computed much faster 
            // without the heavy machinary of CArea.  This will require writing an internal 
            // CShapeBase::GetRawArea method, and a utility to invoke it.  For now:
            return GetAsPathGeometry().GetArea(tolerance, type); 

        #region Internal
        internal override PathFigureCollection GetTransformedFigureCollection(Transform transform)
            return GetAsPathGeometry().GetTransformedFigureCollection(transform); 
        /// GetPathGeometryData - returns a struct which contains this Geometry represented
        /// as a path geometry's serialized format.
        internal override PathGeometryData GetPathGeometryData()
            if (IsObviouslyEmpty()) 
                return Geometry.GetEmptyPathGeometryData(); 

            PathGeometry pathGeometry = GetAsPathGeometry();
            return pathGeometry.GetPathGeometryData();
        internal override PathGeometry GetAsPathGeometry()
            // Get the operands, interpreting null as empty PathGeometry
            Geometry g1 = Geometry1;
            Geometry g2 = Geometry2;
            PathGeometry geometry1 = (g1 == null) ? 
                new PathGeometry() :
            Geometry geometry2 = (g2 == null) ?
                new PathGeometry() : 

            // Combine them and return the result
            return Combine(geometry1, geometry2, GeometryCombineMode, Transform); 

        #region IsEmpty 

        /// Returns true if this geometry is empty
        public override bool IsEmpty()
            return GetAsPathGeometry().IsEmpty(); 
        internal override bool IsObviouslyEmpty()
            // See which operand is obviously empty
            Geometry geometry1 = Geometry1; 
            Geometry geometry2 = Geometry2;
            bool empty1 = geometry1 == null || geometry1.IsObviouslyEmpty(); 
            bool empty2 = geometry2 == null || geometry2.IsObviouslyEmpty(); 

            // Depending on the operation -- 
            if (GeometryCombineMode == GeometryCombineMode.Intersect)
                return empty1 || empty2;
            else if (GeometryCombineMode == GeometryCombineMode.Exclude)
                return empty1; 
                // Union or Xor
                return empty1 && empty2;
        #endregion IsEmpty
        /// Returns true if this geometry may have curved segments
        public override bool MayHaveCurves() 
            Geometry geometry1 = Geometry1; 
            Geometry geometry2 = Geometry2; 
            return ((geometry1 != null) && geometry1.MayHaveCurves())
                   ((geometry2 != null) && geometry2.MayHaveCurves());

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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