/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / UIElementHelper.cs / 1 / UIElementHelper.cs
using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; using System.Windows.Input; using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; namespace MS.Internal { internal static class UIElementHelper { [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static bool IsHitTestVisible(DependencyObject o) { Debug.Assert(o != null, "UIElementHelper.IsHitTestVisible called with null argument"); UIElement oAsUIElement = o as UIElement; if (oAsUIElement != null) { return oAsUIElement.IsHitTestVisible; } else { return ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisible; } } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static bool IsVisible(DependencyObject o) { Debug.Assert(o != null, "UIElementHelper.IsVisible called with null argument"); UIElement oAsUIElement = o as UIElement; if (oAsUIElement != null) { return oAsUIElement.IsVisible; } else { return ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisible; } } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static DependencyObject PredictFocus(DependencyObject o, FocusNavigationDirection direction) { Debug.Assert(o != null, "UIElementHelper.PredictFocus called with null argument"); UIElement oAsUIElement = o as UIElement; if (oAsUIElement != null) { return oAsUIElement.PredictFocus(direction); } else { return ((UIElement3D)o).PredictFocus(direction); } } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static UIElement GetContainingUIElement2D(DependencyObject reference) { UIElement element = null; while (reference != null) { element = reference as UIElement; if (element != null) break; reference = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(reference); } return element; } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static DependencyObject GetUIParent(DependencyObject child) { DependencyObject parent = GetUIParent(child, false); return parent; } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static DependencyObject GetUIParent(DependencyObject child, bool continuePastVisualTree) { DependencyObject parent = null; DependencyObject myParent = null; // Try to find a UIElement parent in the visual ancestry. if (child is Visual) { myParent = ((Visual)child).InternalVisualParent; } else { myParent = ((Visual3D)child).InternalVisualParent; } parent = InputElement.GetContainingUIElement(myParent) as DependencyObject; // If there was no UIElement parent in the visual ancestry, // check along the logical branch. if(parent == null && continuePastVisualTree) { UIElement childAsUIElement = child as UIElement; if (childAsUIElement != null) { parent = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(childAsUIElement.GetUIParentCore()) as DependencyObject; } else { UIElement3D childAsUIElement3D = child as UIElement3D; if (childAsUIElement3D != null) { parent = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(childAsUIElement3D.GetUIParentCore()) as DependencyObject; } } } return parent; } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static bool IsUIElementOrUIElement3D(DependencyObject o) { return (o is UIElement || o is UIElement3D); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; using System.Windows.Input; using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; namespace MS.Internal { internal static class UIElementHelper { [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static bool IsHitTestVisible(DependencyObject o) { Debug.Assert(o != null, "UIElementHelper.IsHitTestVisible called with null argument"); UIElement oAsUIElement = o as UIElement; if (oAsUIElement != null) { return oAsUIElement.IsHitTestVisible; } else { return ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisible; } } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static bool IsVisible(DependencyObject o) { Debug.Assert(o != null, "UIElementHelper.IsVisible called with null argument"); UIElement oAsUIElement = o as UIElement; if (oAsUIElement != null) { return oAsUIElement.IsVisible; } else { return ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisible; } } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static DependencyObject PredictFocus(DependencyObject o, FocusNavigationDirection direction) { Debug.Assert(o != null, "UIElementHelper.PredictFocus called with null argument"); UIElement oAsUIElement = o as UIElement; if (oAsUIElement != null) { return oAsUIElement.PredictFocus(direction); } else { return ((UIElement3D)o).PredictFocus(direction); } } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static UIElement GetContainingUIElement2D(DependencyObject reference) { UIElement element = null; while (reference != null) { element = reference as UIElement; if (element != null) break; reference = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(reference); } return element; } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static DependencyObject GetUIParent(DependencyObject child) { DependencyObject parent = GetUIParent(child, false); return parent; } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static DependencyObject GetUIParent(DependencyObject child, bool continuePastVisualTree) { DependencyObject parent = null; DependencyObject myParent = null; // Try to find a UIElement parent in the visual ancestry. if (child is Visual) { myParent = ((Visual)child).InternalVisualParent; } else { myParent = ((Visual3D)child).InternalVisualParent; } parent = InputElement.GetContainingUIElement(myParent) as DependencyObject; // If there was no UIElement parent in the visual ancestry, // check along the logical branch. if(parent == null && continuePastVisualTree) { UIElement childAsUIElement = child as UIElement; if (childAsUIElement != null) { parent = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(childAsUIElement.GetUIParentCore()) as DependencyObject; } else { UIElement3D childAsUIElement3D = child as UIElement3D; if (childAsUIElement3D != null) { parent = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(childAsUIElement3D.GetUIParentCore()) as DependencyObject; } } } return parent; } [FriendAccessAllowed] internal static bool IsUIElementOrUIElement3D(DependencyObject o) { return (o is UIElement || o is UIElement3D); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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