/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / ProviderBase / DbParameterCollectionHelper.cs / 1 / DbParameterCollectionHelper.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace NAMESPACE { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.ProviderBase; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #if WINFSInternalOnly internal #else public #endif sealed partial class PARAMETERCOLLECTIONOBJECTNAME : DbParameterCollection { private List_items; // the collection of parameters override public int Count { get { // NOTE: we don't construct the list just to get the count. return ((null != _items) ? _items.Count : 0); } } private List InnerList { get { List items = _items; if (null == items) { items = new List (); _items = items; } return items; } } override public bool IsFixedSize { get { return ((System.Collections.IList)InnerList).IsFixedSize; } } override public bool IsReadOnly { get { return ((System.Collections.IList)InnerList).IsReadOnly; } } override public bool IsSynchronized { get { return ((System.Collections.ICollection)InnerList).IsSynchronized; } } override public object SyncRoot { get { return ((System.Collections.ICollection)InnerList).SyncRoot; } } [ EditorBrowsableAttribute(EditorBrowsableState.Never) ] override public int Add(object value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated ValidateType(value); Validate(-1, value); InnerList.Add((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value); return Count-1; } override public void AddRange(System.Array values) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated if (null == values) { throw ADP.ArgumentNull("values"); } foreach(object value in values) { ValidateType(value); } foreach(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME value in values) { Validate(-1, value); InnerList.Add((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value); } } private int CheckName(string parameterName) { int index = IndexOf(parameterName); if (index < 0) { throw ADP.ParametersSourceIndex(parameterName, this, ItemType); } return index; } override public void Clear() { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated List items = InnerList; if (null != items) { foreach(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME item in items) { item.ResetParent(); } items.Clear(); } } override public bool Contains(object value) { return (-1 != IndexOf(value)); } override public void CopyTo(Array array, int index) { ((System.Collections.ICollection)InnerList).CopyTo(array, index); } override public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return ((System.Collections.ICollection)InnerList).GetEnumerator(); } override protected DbParameter GetParameter(int index) { RangeCheck(index); return InnerList[index]; } override protected DbParameter GetParameter(string parameterName) { int index = IndexOf(parameterName); if (index < 0) { throw ADP.ParametersSourceIndex(parameterName, this, ItemType); } return InnerList[index]; } private static int IndexOf(System.Collections.IEnumerable items, string parameterName) { if (null != items) { int i = 0; // first case, kana, width sensitive search foreach(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME parameter in items) { if (0 == ADP.SrcCompare(parameterName, parameter.ParameterName)) { return i; } ++i; } i = 0; // then insensitive search foreach(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME parameter in items) { if (0 == ADP.DstCompare(parameterName, parameter.ParameterName)) { return i; } ++i; } } return -1; } override public int IndexOf(string parameterName) { return IndexOf(InnerList, parameterName); } override public int IndexOf(object value) { if (null != value) { ValidateType(value); List items = InnerList; if (null != items) { int count = items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (value == items[i]) { return i; } } } } return -1; } override public void Insert(int index, object value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated ValidateType(value); Validate(-1, (PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value); InnerList.Insert(index, (PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value); } private void RangeCheck(int index) { if ((index < 0) || (Count <= index)) { throw ADP.ParametersMappingIndex(index, this); } } override public void Remove(object value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated ValidateType(value); int index = IndexOf(value); if (-1 != index) { RemoveIndex(index); } else if (this != ((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value).CompareExchangeParent(null, this)) { throw ADP.CollectionRemoveInvalidObject(ItemType, this); } } override public void RemoveAt(int index) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated RangeCheck(index); RemoveIndex(index); } override public void RemoveAt(string parameterName) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated int index = CheckName(parameterName); RemoveIndex(index); } private void RemoveIndex(int index) { List items = InnerList; Debug.Assert((null != items) && (0 <= index) && (index < Count), "RemoveIndex, invalid"); PARAMETEROBJECTNAME item = items[index]; items.RemoveAt(index); item.ResetParent(); } private void Replace(int index, object newValue) { List items = InnerList; Debug.Assert((null != items) && (0 <= index) && (index < Count), "Replace Index invalid"); ValidateType(newValue); Validate(index, newValue); PARAMETEROBJECTNAME item = items[index]; items[index] = (PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)newValue; item.ResetParent(); } override protected void SetParameter(int index, DbParameter value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated RangeCheck(index); Replace(index, value); } override protected void SetParameter(string parameterName, DbParameter value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated int index = IndexOf(parameterName); if (index < 0) { throw ADP.ParametersSourceIndex(parameterName, this, ItemType); } Replace(index, value); } private void Validate(int index, object value) { if (null == value) { throw ADP.ParameterNull("value", this, ItemType); } // Validate assigns the parent - remove clears the parent object parent = ((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value).CompareExchangeParent(this, null); if (null != parent) { if (this != parent) { throw ADP.ParametersIsNotParent(ItemType, this); } if (index != IndexOf(value)) { throw ADP.ParametersIsParent(ItemType, this); } } // generate a ParameterName String name = ((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value).ParameterName; if (0 == name.Length) { index = 1; do { name = ADP.Parameter + index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); index++; } while (-1 != IndexOf(name)); ((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value).ParameterName = name; } } private void ValidateType(object value) { if (null == value) { throw ADP.ParameterNull("value", this, ItemType); } else if (!ItemType.IsInstanceOfType(value)) { throw ADP.InvalidParameterType(this, ItemType, value); } } }; } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace NAMESPACE { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.ProviderBase; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #if WINFSInternalOnly internal #else public #endif sealed partial class PARAMETERCOLLECTIONOBJECTNAME : DbParameterCollection { private List_items; // the collection of parameters override public int Count { get { // NOTE: we don't construct the list just to get the count. return ((null != _items) ? _items.Count : 0); } } private List InnerList { get { List items = _items; if (null == items) { items = new List (); _items = items; } return items; } } override public bool IsFixedSize { get { return ((System.Collections.IList)InnerList).IsFixedSize; } } override public bool IsReadOnly { get { return ((System.Collections.IList)InnerList).IsReadOnly; } } override public bool IsSynchronized { get { return ((System.Collections.ICollection)InnerList).IsSynchronized; } } override public object SyncRoot { get { return ((System.Collections.ICollection)InnerList).SyncRoot; } } [ EditorBrowsableAttribute(EditorBrowsableState.Never) ] override public int Add(object value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated ValidateType(value); Validate(-1, value); InnerList.Add((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value); return Count-1; } override public void AddRange(System.Array values) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated if (null == values) { throw ADP.ArgumentNull("values"); } foreach(object value in values) { ValidateType(value); } foreach(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME value in values) { Validate(-1, value); InnerList.Add((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value); } } private int CheckName(string parameterName) { int index = IndexOf(parameterName); if (index < 0) { throw ADP.ParametersSourceIndex(parameterName, this, ItemType); } return index; } override public void Clear() { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated List items = InnerList; if (null != items) { foreach(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME item in items) { item.ResetParent(); } items.Clear(); } } override public bool Contains(object value) { return (-1 != IndexOf(value)); } override public void CopyTo(Array array, int index) { ((System.Collections.ICollection)InnerList).CopyTo(array, index); } override public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return ((System.Collections.ICollection)InnerList).GetEnumerator(); } override protected DbParameter GetParameter(int index) { RangeCheck(index); return InnerList[index]; } override protected DbParameter GetParameter(string parameterName) { int index = IndexOf(parameterName); if (index < 0) { throw ADP.ParametersSourceIndex(parameterName, this, ItemType); } return InnerList[index]; } private static int IndexOf(System.Collections.IEnumerable items, string parameterName) { if (null != items) { int i = 0; // first case, kana, width sensitive search foreach(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME parameter in items) { if (0 == ADP.SrcCompare(parameterName, parameter.ParameterName)) { return i; } ++i; } i = 0; // then insensitive search foreach(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME parameter in items) { if (0 == ADP.DstCompare(parameterName, parameter.ParameterName)) { return i; } ++i; } } return -1; } override public int IndexOf(string parameterName) { return IndexOf(InnerList, parameterName); } override public int IndexOf(object value) { if (null != value) { ValidateType(value); List items = InnerList; if (null != items) { int count = items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (value == items[i]) { return i; } } } } return -1; } override public void Insert(int index, object value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated ValidateType(value); Validate(-1, (PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value); InnerList.Insert(index, (PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value); } private void RangeCheck(int index) { if ((index < 0) || (Count <= index)) { throw ADP.ParametersMappingIndex(index, this); } } override public void Remove(object value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated ValidateType(value); int index = IndexOf(value); if (-1 != index) { RemoveIndex(index); } else if (this != ((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value).CompareExchangeParent(null, this)) { throw ADP.CollectionRemoveInvalidObject(ItemType, this); } } override public void RemoveAt(int index) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated RangeCheck(index); RemoveIndex(index); } override public void RemoveAt(string parameterName) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated int index = CheckName(parameterName); RemoveIndex(index); } private void RemoveIndex(int index) { List items = InnerList; Debug.Assert((null != items) && (0 <= index) && (index < Count), "RemoveIndex, invalid"); PARAMETEROBJECTNAME item = items[index]; items.RemoveAt(index); item.ResetParent(); } private void Replace(int index, object newValue) { List items = InnerList; Debug.Assert((null != items) && (0 <= index) && (index < Count), "Replace Index invalid"); ValidateType(newValue); Validate(index, newValue); PARAMETEROBJECTNAME item = items[index]; items[index] = (PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)newValue; item.ResetParent(); } override protected void SetParameter(int index, DbParameter value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated RangeCheck(index); Replace(index, value); } override protected void SetParameter(string parameterName, DbParameter value) { OnChange(); // fire event before value is validated int index = IndexOf(parameterName); if (index < 0) { throw ADP.ParametersSourceIndex(parameterName, this, ItemType); } Replace(index, value); } private void Validate(int index, object value) { if (null == value) { throw ADP.ParameterNull("value", this, ItemType); } // Validate assigns the parent - remove clears the parent object parent = ((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value).CompareExchangeParent(this, null); if (null != parent) { if (this != parent) { throw ADP.ParametersIsNotParent(ItemType, this); } if (index != IndexOf(value)) { throw ADP.ParametersIsParent(ItemType, this); } } // generate a ParameterName String name = ((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value).ParameterName; if (0 == name.Length) { index = 1; do { name = ADP.Parameter + index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); index++; } while (-1 != IndexOf(name)); ((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)value).ParameterName = name; } } private void ValidateType(object value) { if (null == value) { throw ADP.ParameterNull("value", this, ItemType); } else if (!ItemType.IsInstanceOfType(value)) { throw ADP.InvalidParameterType(this, ItemType, value); } } }; } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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