/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Metadata / Edm / EdmProperty.cs / 2 / EdmProperty.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....], [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Data.Common; using System.Threading; namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm { ////// Represent the edm property class /// [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Edm")] public sealed class EdmProperty : EdmMember { #region Constructors ////// Initializes a new instance of the property class /// /// name of the property /// TypeUsage object containing the property type and its facets ///Thrown if name or typeUsage arguments are null ///Thrown if name argument is empty string internal EdmProperty(string name, TypeUsage typeUsage) : base(name, typeUsage) { EntityUtil.CheckStringArgument(name, "name"); EntityUtil.GenericCheckArgumentNull(typeUsage, "typeUsage"); } #endregion #region Fields ///Store the handle, allowing the PropertyInfo/MethodInfo/Type references to be GC'd internal readonly System.RuntimeMethodHandle PropertyGetterHandle; ///Store the handle, allowing the PropertyInfo/MethodInfo/Type references to be GC'd internal readonly System.RuntimeMethodHandle PropertySetterHandle; ///cached dynamic method to get the property value from a CLR instance private Func
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- BamlMapTable.cs
- ConnectionManagementElementCollection.cs
- MachineKeyConverter.cs
- ServiceManager.cs
- WindowsRebar.cs
- SHA1CryptoServiceProvider.cs
- BitmapSizeOptions.cs
- RotateTransform.cs
- SplitContainer.cs
- CollectionCodeDomSerializer.cs
- LogSwitch.cs
- DataGridViewRowPostPaintEventArgs.cs
- DetailsView.cs
- PropertyGroupDescription.cs
- DbConnectionPoolIdentity.cs
- HotSpot.cs
- QueryOutputWriterV1.cs
- HttpCacheParams.cs
- OleDbReferenceCollection.cs
- COM2IDispatchConverter.cs
- TextDocumentView.cs
- Utils.cs
- IsolatedStorageException.cs
- WhitespaceSignificantCollectionAttribute.cs
- ValidationResults.cs
- DataConnectionHelper.cs
- MenuItemStyle.cs
- CodeCatchClause.cs
- ConfigurationException.cs
- InternalRelationshipCollection.cs
- ZipFileInfo.cs
- SiteOfOriginContainer.cs
- UInt64.cs
- SmtpLoginAuthenticationModule.cs
- ColorTranslator.cs
- mactripleDES.cs
- InspectionWorker.cs
- ParseChildrenAsPropertiesAttribute.cs
- Vector3DCollection.cs
- ACL.cs
- AttributeQuery.cs
- ToolBarButtonClickEvent.cs
- Pair.cs
- SQLBytes.cs
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- thaishape.cs
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- HandledEventArgs.cs
- CapabilitiesRule.cs
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- CompletedAsyncResult.cs
- LogRestartAreaEnumerator.cs
- Automation.cs
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- UndoManager.cs
- StateChangeEvent.cs
- LockCookie.cs
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- UIElementHelper.cs
- XmlArrayItemAttribute.cs
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- Events.cs
- ToolZone.cs
- WebBrowserSiteBase.cs
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- WmiEventSink.cs
- ListQueryResults.cs
- ConstraintStruct.cs
- LayoutTable.cs
- DbMetaDataCollectionNames.cs
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- ExpressionValueEditor.cs
- GenericIdentity.cs
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- Parser.cs
- MetadataArtifactLoader.cs
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- MatrixAnimationUsingPath.cs
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- ScalarOps.cs
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