SpeechSynthesizer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Synthesis / SpeechSynthesizer.cs / 1 / SpeechSynthesizer.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Speech.AudioFormat; 
using System.Speech.Internal;
using System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens; 
using System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis; 
using System.Speech.Synthesis.TtsEngine;
using System.Threading; 

using RegistryDataKey = System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens.RegistryDataKey;
using RegistryEntry = System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair;
namespace System.Speech.Synthesis
    /// TODOC
    public sealed class SpeechSynthesizer : IDisposable
, ISesSynthesizer
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors
        /// TODOC 
        public SpeechSynthesizer ()

        /// TODOC 
        internal SpeechSynthesizer (bool outputAsText) : this ()
            VoiceSynthesizer._outputAsText = outputAsText;

        ~SpeechSynthesizer ()
            Dispose (false);

        /// TODOC
        public void Dispose () 
            Dispose (true); 
            GC.SuppressFinalize (this);


        // Public Methods

        #region public Methods
        /// TODOC 
        public void SelectVoice (string name) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (name, "name");
            TTSVoice ttsVoice = VoiceSynthesizer.GetEngine (name, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, VoiceGender.NotSet, VoiceAge.NotSet, 1, true);
            if (ttsVoice == null || name != ttsVoice.VoiceInfo.Name)
                // No match - throw 
                throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.SynthesizerSetVoiceNoMatch));
            VoiceSynthesizer.Voice = ttsVoice;

        /// TODOC
        public void SelectVoiceByHints (VoiceGender gender)
            SelectVoiceByHints (gender, VoiceAge.NotSet, 1, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);

        /// TODOC
        public void SelectVoiceByHints (VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age) 
            SelectVoiceByHints (gender, age, 1, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
        /// TODOC 
        public void SelectVoiceByHints (VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age, int voiceAlternate)
            SelectVoiceByHints (gender, age, voiceAlternate, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); 
        /// TODOC
        public void SelectVoiceByHints (VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age, int voiceAlternate, CultureInfo culture)
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (culture, "culture"); 

            if (voiceAlternate < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("voiceAlternate", SR.Get (SRID.PromptBuilderInvalidVariant));
            if (!VoiceInfo.ValidateGender (gender)) 
                throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.EnumInvalid, "VoiceGender"), "gender"); 

            if (!VoiceInfo.ValidateAge (age)) 
                throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.EnumInvalid, "VoiceAge"), "age");
            TTSVoice ttsVoice = VoiceSynthesizer.GetEngine (null, culture, gender, age, voiceAlternate, true);
            if (ttsVoice == null) 
                // No match - throw 
                throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.SynthesizerSetVoiceNoMatch));
            VoiceSynthesizer.Voice = ttsVoice;

        /// TODOC 
        public Prompt SpeakAsync (string textToSpeak)
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); 

            Prompt prompt = new Prompt (textToSpeak, SynthesisTextFormat.Text); 
            SpeakAsync (prompt); 
            return prompt;

        /// TODOC
        public void SpeakAsync (Prompt prompt) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (prompt, "prompt"); 

            prompt.Synthesizer = this;
            VoiceSynthesizer.SpeakAsync (prompt);

        /// TODOC 
        public Prompt SpeakSsmlAsync (string textToSpeak)
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); 

            Prompt prompt = new Prompt (textToSpeak, SynthesisTextFormat.Ssml); 
            SpeakAsync (prompt); 
            return prompt;

        /// TODOC
        public Prompt SpeakAsync (PromptBuilder promptBuilder) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (promptBuilder, "promptBuilder"); 

            Prompt prompt = new Prompt (promptBuilder);
            SpeakAsync (prompt);
            return prompt; 
        /// TODOC
        public void Speak (string textToSpeak)
            Speak (new Prompt (textToSpeak, SynthesisTextFormat.Text));
        /// TODOC 
        public void Speak (Prompt prompt) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (prompt, "prompt"); 
            // Avoid a dead lock if the synthesizer is Paused
            if (State == SynthesizerState.Paused) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.SynthesizerSyncSpeakWhilePaused));
            prompt.Synthesizer = this;
            prompt._syncSpeak = true; 
            VoiceSynthesizer.Speak (prompt); 
        /// TODOC
        public void Speak (PromptBuilder promptBuilder) 
            Speak (new Prompt (promptBuilder));

        /// TODOC
        public void SpeakSsml (string textToSpeak) 
            Speak (new Prompt (textToSpeak, SynthesisTextFormat.Ssml)); 

        /// Pause the playback of all speech in this synthesizer. 
        public void Pause () 
            // Increment the Paused count
            if (!paused) 
                VoiceSynthesizer.Pause ();
                paused = true;
        /// Resume the playback of all speech in this synthesizer.
        public void Resume ()
            if (paused)
                VoiceSynthesizer.Resume ();
                paused = false; 
        /// Cancel playback of all Prompts currently in the queue.
        public void SpeakAsyncCancel (Prompt prompt)
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (prompt, "prompt"); 

            VoiceSynthesizer.Abort (prompt); 

        /// Cancel playback of all Prompts currently in the queue. 
        public void SpeakAsyncCancelAll () 
            VoiceSynthesizer.Abort ();

        /// TODOC
        // The stream is disposed when the speech synthesizer is disposed 
        public void SetOutputToWaveFile (string path) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (path, "path"); 

            SetOutputToNull ();
            SetOutputStream (new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write), null, true, true);

        /// TODOC
        // The stream is disposed when the speech synthesizer is disposed
        public void SetOutputToWaveFile (string path, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (path, "path"); 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (formatInfo, "formatInfo"); 

            SetOutputToNull (); 
            SetOutputStream (new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write), formatInfo, true, true);
        /// TODOC 
        public void SetOutputToWaveStream (Stream audioDestination) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (audioDestination, "audioDestination");

            SetOutputStream (audioDestination, null, true, false); 
        /// TODOC
        public void SetOutputToAudioStream (Stream audioDestination, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo) 
        internal void SetOutputToAudioStream (Stream audioDestination, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (audioDestination, "audioDestination"); 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (formatInfo, "formatInfo");

            SetOutputStream (audioDestination, formatInfo, false, false);

        /// TODOC 
        public void SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice () 
            SetOutputStream (null, null, true, false);
        /// TODOC 
        // The stream is disposed when the speech synthesizer is disposed
        public void SetOutputToNull () 
            // Close the existing stream
            if (_outputStream != Stream.Null)
                VoiceSynthesizer.SetOutput (Stream.Null, null, true);
            if (_outputStream != null)
                if (_closeStreamOnExit)
                    _outputStream.Close ();
            _outputStream = Stream.Null; 

        /// TODOC
        // Dynamic content, use a method instead of a property to denote that fact 
        public Prompt GetCurrentlySpokenPrompt ()
            return VoiceSynthesizer.Prompt; 
        /// TODOC
        public ReadOnlyCollection GetInstalledVoices ()
            return VoiceSynthesizer.GetInstalledVoices (null); 
        /// TODOC
        public ReadOnlyCollection GetInstalledVoices (CultureInfo culture) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (culture, "culture");
            if (culture.Equals (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.InvariantCultureInfo), "culture");

            return VoiceSynthesizer.GetInstalledVoices (culture); 

        /// TODOC
        public void AddLexicon (Uri uri, string mediaType)
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (uri, "uri"); 

            VoiceSynthesizer.AddLexicon (uri, mediaType); 

        /// TODOC 
        public void RemoveLexicon (Uri uri) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (uri, "uri"); 

            VoiceSynthesizer.RemoveLexicon (uri);
        /// TODOC
        void ISesSynthesizer.LoadDatabase (string localName, string alias)
            VoiceSynthesizer.LoadDatabase (localName, alias);
        /// TODOC 
        void ISesSynthesizer.UnloadDatabase (string alias)
            VoiceSynthesizer.UnloadDatabase (alias);
        /// TODOC 
        void ISesSynthesizer.SetResourceLoader (ISpeechResourceLoader resourceLoader)
            VoiceSynthesizer.SetResourceLoader (resourceLoader);
        // Public Events

        #region public Events 
        /// TODOC 
        public event EventHandler SpeakStarted
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] 
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value"); 
                VoiceSynthesizer._speakStarted += value;
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value"); 
                VoiceSynthesizer._speakStarted -= value;

        /// TODOC
        public event EventHandler SpeakCompleted
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer._speakCompleted += value; 
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer._speakCompleted -= value; 
        /// TODOC
        public event EventHandler SpeakProgress 
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] 
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value"); 
                VoiceSynthesizer.AddEvent (TtsEventId.WordBoundary, ref VoiceSynthesizer._speakProgress, value);
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value"); 
                VoiceSynthesizer.RemoveEvent (TtsEventId.WordBoundary, ref VoiceSynthesizer._speakProgress, value); 

        /// TODOC
        public event EventHandler BookmarkReached
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] 
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer.AddEvent (TtsEventId.Bookmark, ref VoiceSynthesizer._bookmarkReached, value);
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] 
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value"); 
                VoiceSynthesizer.RemoveEvent (TtsEventId.Bookmark, ref VoiceSynthesizer._bookmarkReached, value);

        /// TODOC 
        public event EventHandler VoiceChange 
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer.AddEvent (TtsEventId.VoiceChange, ref VoiceSynthesizer._voiceChange, value);
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer.RemoveEvent (TtsEventId.VoiceChange, ref VoiceSynthesizer._voiceChange, value); 


        #region WinFx 
        /// TODOC 
        public event EventHandler PhonemeReached
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] 
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value"); 
                VoiceSynthesizer.AddEvent (TtsEventId.Phoneme, ref VoiceSynthesizer._phonemeReached, value);
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value"); 
                VoiceSynthesizer.RemoveEvent (TtsEventId.Phoneme, ref VoiceSynthesizer._phonemeReached, value);

        /// TODOC
        public event EventHandler VisemeReached
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer.AddEvent (TtsEventId.Viseme, ref VoiceSynthesizer._visemeReached, value); 
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer.RemoveEvent (TtsEventId.Viseme, ref VoiceSynthesizer._visemeReached, value); 

        /// TODOC 
        public event EventHandler ProprietaryEngineEvent
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value"); 
                VoiceSynthesizer.AddEvent (TtsEventId.Private, ref VoiceSynthesizer._proprietaryEngineEvent, value);
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer.RemoveEvent (TtsEventId.Private, ref VoiceSynthesizer._proprietaryEngineEvent, value);

        /// TODOC 
        public event EventHandler StateChanged
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer._stateChanged += value; 
            [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
                Helpers.ThrowIfNull (value, "value");
                VoiceSynthesizer._stateChanged -= value; 

        #endregion Events
        // Public Properties 

        #region public Properties

        /// TODOC
        public SynthesizerState State
                return VoiceSynthesizer.State;
        /// TODOC
        public int Rate
                if (value < -10 || value > 10)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value", SR.Get (SRID.RateOutOfRange)); 
                VoiceSynthesizer.Rate = value; 
                return VoiceSynthesizer.Rate; 
        /// TODOC 
        public int Volume
                if (value < 0 || value > 100) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value", SR.Get (SRID.ResourceUsageOutOfRange));
                VoiceSynthesizer.Volume = value;
                return VoiceSynthesizer.Volume;

        /// TODOC
        public VoiceInfo Voice 
                // Get the sapi voice
                return VoiceSynthesizer.CurrentVoice (true).VoiceInfo; 

        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        static internal string PromptVoices
                _promptVoices = value; 
                return _promptVoices; 



        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods

        /// TODOC 
        private void SetOutputStream (Stream stream, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo, bool headerInfo, bool closeStreamOnExit)
            SetOutputToNull ();
            _outputStream = stream; 
            _closeStreamOnExit = closeStreamOnExit;
            // Need to serialize into a proper wav file before closing the stream 
            VoiceSynthesizer.SetOutput (stream, formatInfo, headerInfo);

        /// TODOC
        private void Dispose (bool disposing) 
            if (!_isDisposed && disposing)
                if (_voiceSynthesis != null)
                    // flag it first so asynchronous operation has more time to finish
                    _isDisposed = true; 
                    SpeakAsyncCancelAll ();
                    // Flush the Output stream 
                    if (_outputStream != null) 
                        if (_closeStreamOnExit) 
                            _outputStream.Close ();
                            _outputStream.Flush (); 
                        _outputStream = null;

            if (_voiceSynthesis != null) 
                // Terminate the background synthesis object the thread. 
                _voiceSynthesis.Dispose (); 
                _voiceSynthesis = null;

            _isDisposed = true;
        // Private Properties 

        #region Private Properties 
        private VoiceSynthesis VoiceSynthesizer
                if (_voiceSynthesis == null && _isDisposed) 
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException ("SpeechSynthesizer");
                if (_voiceSynthesis == null) 
                    WeakReference wr = new WeakReference (this); 
                    _voiceSynthesis = new VoiceSynthesis (wr); 
                return _voiceSynthesis; 
        // Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields

        // SpVoice for this synthesizer 
        private VoiceSynthesis _voiceSynthesis;
        // Is the object disposed? 
        private bool _isDisposed;
        // Count of number of consecutive calls to Paused
        private bool paused;

        // .Net Stream - keep a reference to it to avoid it to be GC 
        private Stream _outputStream;
        // If stream were created in SpeechFx then close it, otherwise it should remain open. 
        private bool _closeStreamOnExit;

        private static string _promptVoices = SAPICategories.PromptVoices;
        #endregion Fields 

    // Public Enums

    #region Public Enums 
    /// TODOC 
    public enum SynthesizerState
        /// TODOC
        /// TODOC 
        /// TODOC 


    /// TODOC
    public enum SynthesizerEmphasis 
        /// TODOC 
        Stressed = 1,
        /// TODOC 
        Emphasized = 2 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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