/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / Synthesis / TTSEngineProxy.cs / 1 / TTSEngineProxy.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // Contains either a reference to an audio audioStream or a list of // text fragments. // // History: // 2/1/2005 [....] Created from the Sapi Managed code //----------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens; using System.Speech.Synthesis.TtsEngine; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis { abstract class ITtsEngineProxy { internal ITtsEngineProxy (int lcid) { _alphabetConverter = new AlphabetConverter (lcid); } abstract internal IntPtr GetOutputFormat (IntPtr targetFormat); abstract internal void AddLexicon (Uri lexicon, string mediaType); abstract internal void RemoveLexicon (Uri lexicon); abstract internal void Speak (Listfrags, byte [] wfx); abstract internal void ReleaseInterface (); abstract internal char [] ConvertPhonemes (char [] phones, AlphabetType alphabet); abstract internal AlphabetType EngineAlphabet { get; } internal AlphabetConverter AlphabetConverter { get { return _alphabetConverter; } } #if SPEECHSERVER || PROMPT_ENGINE abstract internal void BackupVoice (IPromptEngine pe); #endif protected AlphabetConverter _alphabetConverter; } internal class TtsProxySsml : ITtsEngineProxy { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************* #region Constructors internal TtsProxySsml (TtsEngineSsml ssmlEngine, ITtsEngineSite site, int lcid) : base (lcid) { _ssmlEngine = ssmlEngine; _site = site; } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Internal Methods override internal IntPtr GetOutputFormat (IntPtr targetFormat) { return _ssmlEngine.GetOutputFormat (SpeakOutputFormat.WaveFormat, targetFormat); } override internal void AddLexicon (Uri lexicon, string mediaType) { _ssmlEngine.AddLexicon (lexicon, mediaType, _site); } override internal void RemoveLexicon (Uri lexicon) { _ssmlEngine.RemoveLexicon (lexicon, _site); } override internal void Speak (List frags, byte [] wfx) { GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (wfx, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { IntPtr waveFormat = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); _ssmlEngine.Speak (frags.ToArray (), waveFormat, _site); } finally { gc.Free (); } } override internal char [] ConvertPhonemes (char [] phones, AlphabetType alphabet) { if (alphabet == AlphabetType.Ipa) { return phones; } else { return _alphabetConverter.SapiToIpa (phones); } } override internal AlphabetType EngineAlphabet { get { return AlphabetType.Ipa; } } /// /// Release the COM interface for COM object /// override internal void ReleaseInterface () { } #if SPEECHSERVER || PROMPT_ENGINE override internal void BackupVoice (IPromptEngine pe) { pe.SetBackupVoice ((ITtsEngineSsml) new ProxyComSsml (_ssmlEngine, _site)); } ////// Maps the ITtsEngineSsml interface to the sapi ITtsEngine interface /// class ProxyComSsml : ITtsEngineSsml { internal ProxyComSsml (TtsEngineSsml sapiEngine, ITtsEngineSite site) { _ssmlEngine = sapiEngine; _site = site; } #region ITtsEngineSsml implementation void ITtsEngineSsml.GetOutputFormat (SpeakOutputFormat speakOutputFormat, IntPtr targetWaveFormat, out IntPtr waveHeader) { waveHeader = _ssmlEngine.GetOutputFormat (speakOutputFormat, targetWaveFormat); } ////// Add a lexicon to the engine collection of lexicons /// /// A path or a Uri /// media type /// Engine site (ITtsEngineSite) void ITtsEngineSsml.AddLexicon (string location, string mediaType, IntPtr site) { _ssmlEngine.AddLexicon (new Uri (location, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), mediaType, _site); } ////// Removes a lexicon to the engine collection of lexicons /// /// A path or a Uri /// Engine site (ITtsEngineSite) void ITtsEngineSsml.RemoveLexicon (string location, IntPtr site) { _ssmlEngine.RemoveLexicon (new Uri (location, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), _site); } ////// Renders the specified text fragments array in the /// specified output format. /// /// Text fragment with SSML /// attributes information /// Number of elements in fragment /// Wave format header /// Engine site (ITtsEngineSite) void ITtsEngineSsml.Speak (IntPtr fragments, int count, IntPtr waveFormat, IntPtr site) { TextFragment [] textFragments = Converter.PtrToFragments (fragments, count); _ssmlEngine.Speak (textFragments, waveFormat, _site); } private TtsEngineSsml _ssmlEngine; private ITtsEngineSite _site; #endregion } #endif #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************** #region private Fields private TtsEngineSsml _ssmlEngine; private ITtsEngineSite _site; #endregion } ////// /// internal class TtsProxyCom : ITtsEngineProxy { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************** #region Constructors internal TtsProxyCom (ITtsEngineSsml comEngine, IntPtr iSite, int lcid) : base (lcid) { _iSite = iSite; _comEngine = comEngine; } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Internal Methods override internal IntPtr GetOutputFormat (IntPtr targetFormat) { IntPtr waveFormatEx; _comEngine.GetOutputFormat (targetFormat != IntPtr.Zero ? SpeakOutputFormat.WaveFormat : SpeakOutputFormat.Text, targetFormat, out waveFormatEx); return waveFormatEx; } override internal void AddLexicon (Uri lexicon, string mediaType) { _comEngine.AddLexicon (lexicon.ToString (), mediaType, _iSite); } override internal void RemoveLexicon (Uri lexicon) { _comEngine.RemoveLexicon (lexicon.ToString (), _iSite); } override internal void Speak (Listfrags, byte [] wfx) { GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (wfx, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { IntPtr waveFormat = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); // Marshal all the Text fragments data into unmanaged memory Collection memoryBlocksAllocated = new Collection (); // Keep the list of all the memory blocks allocated by Marshal.CoTaskMemAlloc IntPtr fragmentInterop = TextFragmentInterop.FragmentToPtr (frags, memoryBlocksAllocated); try { _comEngine.Speak (fragmentInterop, frags.Count, waveFormat, _iSite); } finally { // Release all the allocated memory foreach (IntPtr ptr in memoryBlocksAllocated) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem (ptr); } } } finally { gc.Free (); } } /// /// Release the COM interface for COM object /// override internal void ReleaseInterface () { Marshal.ReleaseComObject (_comEngine); } override internal AlphabetType EngineAlphabet { get { return AlphabetType.Ipa; } } override internal char [] ConvertPhonemes (char [] phones, AlphabetType alphabet) { if (alphabet == AlphabetType.Ipa) { return phones; } else { return _alphabetConverter.SapiToIpa (phones); } } #if SPEECHSERVER || PROMPT_ENGINE override internal void BackupVoice (IPromptEngine pe) { pe.SetBackupVoice (_comEngine); } #endif #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************** #region private Fields private ITtsEngineSsml _comEngine; // This variable is stored here but never created or deleted private IntPtr _iSite; #endregion } ////// /// internal class TtsProxySapi : ITtsEngineProxy { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************** #region Constructors internal TtsProxySapi (ITtsEngine sapiEngine, IntPtr iSite, int lcid) : base (lcid) { _iSite = iSite; _sapiEngine = sapiEngine; } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Internal Methods override internal IntPtr GetOutputFormat (IntPtr preferedFormat) { // Initialize TTS Engine Guid formatId = SAPIGuids.SPDFID_WaveFormatEx; Guid guidNull = new Guid (); IntPtr coMem = IntPtr.Zero; _sapiEngine.GetOutputFormat (ref formatId, preferedFormat, out guidNull, out coMem); return coMem; } override internal void AddLexicon (Uri lexicon, string mediaType) { // SAPI: Ignore } override internal void RemoveLexicon (Uri lexicon) { // SAPI: Ignore } override internal void Speak (Listfrags, byte [] wfx) { GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (wfx, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { IntPtr waveFormat = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); GCHandle spvTextFragment = new GCHandle (); if (ConvertTextFrag.ToSapi (frags, ref spvTextFragment)) { Guid formatId = SAPIGuids.SPDFID_WaveFormatEx; try { _sapiEngine.Speak (0, ref formatId, waveFormat, spvTextFragment.AddrOfPinnedObject (), _iSite); } finally { ConvertTextFrag.FreeTextSegment (ref spvTextFragment); } } } finally { gc.Free (); } } override internal AlphabetType EngineAlphabet { get { return AlphabetType.Sapi; } } override internal char [] ConvertPhonemes (char [] phones, AlphabetType alphabet) { if (alphabet == AlphabetType.Ipa) { return _alphabetConverter.IpaToSapi (phones); } else { return phones; } } /// /// Release the COM interface for COM object /// override internal void ReleaseInterface () { Marshal.ReleaseComObject (_sapiEngine); } #if SPEECHSERVER || PROMPT_ENGINE override internal void BackupVoice (IPromptEngine pe) { ITtsEngineSsml proxy = (ITtsEngineSsml) new ProxyComSapi (_sapiEngine); pe.SetBackupVoice (proxy); } #endif #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************* #region private Fields private ITtsEngine _sapiEngine; // This variable is stored here but never created or deleted private IntPtr _iSite; #endregion #if SPEECHSERVER || PROMPT_ENGINE ////// Maps the ITtsEngineSsml interface to the sapi ITtsEngine interface /// class ProxyComSapi : ITtsEngineSsml { internal ProxyComSapi (ITtsEngine sapiEngine) { _sapiEngine = sapiEngine; } #region ITtsEngineSsml implementation void ITtsEngineSsml.GetOutputFormat (SpeakOutputFormat speakOutputFormat, IntPtr targetWaveFormat, out IntPtr waveHeader) { // Initialize TTS Engine Guid formatId = SAPIGuids.SPDFID_WaveFormatEx; Guid guidNull = new Guid (); IntPtr coMem = IntPtr.Zero; _sapiEngine.GetOutputFormat (ref formatId, targetWaveFormat, out guidNull, out coMem); waveHeader = coMem; } ////// Add a lexicon to the engine collection of lexicons /// /// A path or a Uri /// media type /// Engine site (ITtsEngineSite) void ITtsEngineSsml.AddLexicon (string location, string mediaType, IntPtr site) { } ////// Removes a lexicon to the engine collection of lexicons /// /// A path or a Uri /// Engine site (ITtsEngineSite) void ITtsEngineSsml.RemoveLexicon (string location, IntPtr site) { } ////// Renders the specified text fragments array in the /// specified output format. /// /// Text fragment with SSML /// attributes information /// Number of elements in fragment /// Wave format header /// Engine site (ITtsEngineSite) void ITtsEngineSsml.Speak (IntPtr fragments, int count, IntPtr waveFormat, IntPtr site) { GCHandle spvTextFragment = new GCHandle (); TextFragment [] textFragments = Converter.PtrToFragments (fragments, count); ConvertTextFrag.ToSapi (new List(textFragments), ref spvTextFragment); Guid formatId = SAPIGuids.SPDFID_WaveFormatEx; try { _sapiEngine.Speak (0, ref formatId, waveFormat, spvTextFragment.AddrOfPinnedObject (), site); } finally { ConvertTextFrag.FreeTextSegment (ref spvTextFragment); } } #endregion private ITtsEngine _sapiEngine; } #endif } #if SPEECHSERVER || PROMPT_ENGINE /// /// /// internal class TextEngine : ITtsEngineProxy { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************* #region Constructors internal TextEngine (ITtsEngineSite iSite, int lcid) : base (lcid) { _iSite = iSite; } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Internal Methods override internal IntPtr GetOutputFormat (IntPtr preferedFormat) { return IntPtr.Zero; } override internal void AddLexicon (Uri lexicon, string mediaType) { // Ignore } override internal void RemoveLexicon (Uri lexicon) { // Ignore } override internal void Speak (Listfrags, byte [] wfx) { TextEngineSsml.WriteTextFragments (_iSite, frags); } override internal AlphabetType EngineAlphabet { get { return AlphabetType.Sapi; } } override internal char [] ConvertPhonemes (char [] phones, AlphabetType alphabet) { if (alphabet == AlphabetType.Ipa) { return _alphabetConverter.IpaToSapi (phones); } else { return phones; } } /// /// Release the COM interface for COM object /// override internal void ReleaseInterface () { } override internal void BackupVoice (IPromptEngine pe) { pe.SetBackupVoice (new TextEngineSsml (_iSite)); } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************** #region private Fields private ITtsEngineSite _iSite; #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Private Types // //******************************************************************** #region private Types class TextEngineSsml : ITtsEngineSsml { internal TextEngineSsml (ITtsEngineSite iSite) { _iSite = iSite; } ////// Queries the engine about a specific output format. /// The engine should examine the requested output format, /// and return the closest format that it supports. /// public void GetOutputFormat (SpeakOutputFormat speakOutputFormat, IntPtr targetWaveFormat, out IntPtr waveHeader) { WAVEFORMATEX waveFormatEx = WAVEFORMATEX.Default; byte [] abHeader = waveFormatEx.ToBytes (); waveHeader = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem (abHeader.Length); Marshal.Copy (abHeader, 0, waveHeader, abHeader.Length); } ////// Add a lexicon to the engine collection of lexicons /// public void AddLexicon (string location, string mediaType, IntPtr site) { } ////// Removes a lexicon to the engine collection of lexicons /// public void RemoveLexicon (string location, IntPtr site) { } ////// Renders the specified text fragments array in the /// specified output format. /// public void Speak (IntPtr fragments, int count, IntPtr waveHeader, IntPtr site) { WriteTextFragments (_iSite, new List(Converter.PtrToFragments (fragments, count))); } public static void WriteTextFragments (ITtsEngineSite iSite, List frags) { foreach (TextFragment frag in frags) { if (frag.State.Action == TtsEngineAction.Speak) { string s = "0:TTS:" + frag.TextToSpeak + "\0"; GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (s, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { iSite.Write (gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (), (frag.TextLength + 7) * 2); } finally { gc.Free (); } } } } private ITtsEngineSite _iSite; } #endregion } #endif #if SPEECHSERVER || PROMPT_ENGINE class Converter { internal static TextFragment [] PtrToFragments (IntPtr fragments, int count) { TextFragment [] textFragments = new TextFragment [count]; TextFragmentInterop fragInterop = new TextFragmentInterop (); int sizeOfFrag = Marshal.SizeOf (fragInterop); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Marshal.PtrToStructure ((IntPtr) ((ulong) fragments + (ulong) (i * sizeOfFrag)), fragInterop); textFragments [i] = new TextFragment (); if (fragInterop._textToSpeak != null && fragInterop._textToSpeak.Length > 0) textFragments [i].TextToSpeak = fragInterop._textToSpeak; textFragments [i].TextOffset = fragInterop._textOffset; textFragments [i].TextLength = fragInterop._textLength; textFragments [i].State = fragInterop._state.PtrToFragmentState (); } return textFragments; } /// /// TODOC /// [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal class TextFragmentInterop { internal FragmentStateInterop _state; [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] internal string _textToSpeak; internal int _textOffset; internal int _textLength; } ////// TODOC /// [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal class FragmentStateInterop { internal TtsEngineAction _action; internal int _langId; internal int _emphasis; internal int _duration; internal IntPtr _sayAs; internal IntPtr _prosody; internal IntPtr _phoneme; FragmentStateInterop () { _action = TtsEngineAction.BeginPromptEngineOutput; _langId = _emphasis = _duration = 0; _sayAs = _phoneme = _prosody = IntPtr.Zero; } internal FragmentState PtrToFragmentState () { FragmentState fragmentState = new FragmentState (); fragmentState.Action = _action; fragmentState.LangId = _langId; fragmentState.Emphasis = _emphasis; fragmentState.Duration = _duration; if (_sayAs != IntPtr.Zero) { fragmentState.SayAs = new SayAs (); Marshal.PtrToStructure (_sayAs, fragmentState.SayAs); } if (_phoneme != IntPtr.Zero) { StringBuilder phones = new StringBuilder (); int i = 0; char phone = ' '; do { Marshal.WriteInt16 (new IntPtr ((long) _phoneme + i * 2), phone); phones.Append (unchecked ((char) phone)); } while (phones [i++] != 0); fragmentState.Phoneme = phones.ToString().ToCharArray (); } if (_prosody != IntPtr.Zero) { ProsodyInterop prosodyInterop = new ProsodyInterop (); Marshal.PtrToStructure (_prosody, prosodyInterop); fragmentState.Prosody = prosodyInterop.PtrToProsody (); } return fragmentState; } } ////// TODOC /// [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal class ProsodyInterop { internal ProsodyNumber _pitch; internal ProsodyNumber _range; internal ProsodyNumber _rate; // can be casted to a Prosody Rate internal int _duration; internal ProsodyNumber _volume; internal IntPtr _contourPoints; internal Prosody PtrToProsody () { Prosody prosody = new Prosody (); prosody.Pitch = _pitch; prosody.Range = _range; prosody.Rate = _rate; prosody.Duration = _duration; prosody.Volume = _volume; // if (prosody.GetContourPoints () != null) { Listpoints = new List (); int i = 0; ContourPoint point = new ContourPoint (); int sizeOfPoint = Marshal.SizeOf (points [0]); do { Marshal.PtrToStructure (new IntPtr ((long) _contourPoints + i * sizeOfPoint), point); points.Add (point); } while (point.Start != 100f); prosody.SetContourPoints (points.ToArray ()); } return prosody; } } } #endif } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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