PTManager.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Print / Reach / PrintConfig / PTManager.cs / 1 / PTManager.cs


Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
All rights reserved.
Module Name:


    Definition and implementation of the internal PrintTicketManager class.
    This class should only be internally used by printing LAPI. Application's
    access to PrintTicket and PrintCapabilities functions should be via printing LAPI. 

    [....] ([....]) 11/22/2002

using System;
using System.IO; 
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Globalization; 

using System.Printing; 
using System.Printing.Interop;
using MS.Internal.Printing.Configuration;
using System.Windows.Xps.Serialization; // for Toolbox
namespace System.Printing
    #region Public Types

    /// Possible cases of conflict resolution result of PrintTicket validation. 
    public enum ConflictStatus 
        /// PrintTicket validation hasn't found any conflict.
        NoConflict = 0,
        /// PrintTicket validation has found and resolved conflict(s). 
        ConflictResolved = 1

    /// Struct that contains PrintTicket validation result.
    public struct ValidationResult 
        // We don't override Object.Equals and the equality operator here since we don't
        // expect this value type to be compared with each other by clients. 

        #region Constructors

        /// Constructor. It's internal so client won't be able to construct one.
        /// resulting PrintTicket stream of the validation 
        /// conflict resolution result of PrintTicket validation
        internal ValidationResult(MemoryStream   validatedPrintTicketStream, 
                                  ConflictStatus conflictStatus)
            _ptStream = validatedPrintTicketStream;
            _status = conflictStatus; 
            _printTicket = null;
        #endregion Constructors
        #region Public Properties

        /// Resulting PrintTicket of the validation. 
        public PrintTicket ValidatedPrintTicket 
                if (_printTicket == null)
                    _printTicket = new PrintTicket(_ptStream);

                return _printTicket; 
        /// Conflict resolution result of the PrintTicket validation.
        public ConflictStatus ConflictStatus 
                return _status;

        #endregion Public Properties
        #region Private Fields
        private MemoryStream _ptStream; 
        private ConflictStatus _status;
        private PrintTicket _printTicket; 

        #endregion Private Fields
    /// PrintTicket keyword scoping prefix. 
    public enum PrintTicketScope 
        /// Scope for keywords with "Page" prefix.
        PageScope = 0,
        /// Scope for keywords with "Document" prefix.
        DocumentScope = 1,

        /// Scope for keywords with "Job" prefix. 
        JobScope = 2, 

    #endregion Public Types 

    #region PrintTicketManager class

    /// PrintTicketManager class that supports PrintTicket and PrintCapabilities functions.
    internal class PrintTicketManager : IDisposable
        #region Constructors

        /// Constructs a new PrintTicketManager instance for the given device. 
        /// Name of printer device the PrintTicketManager instance should be bound to. 
        /// Print Schema version requested by client. 
        /// The  parameter is null. 
        /// The  parameter value is not greater than 0
        /// or is greater than the maximum Print Schema version  
        /// PrintTicketManager can support.
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance failed to bind to the printer specified by .
        public PrintTicketManager(string deviceName, int clientPrintSchemaVersion)
            // Check input argument
            if (deviceName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("deviceName"); 

            // Check if we can support the schema version client has requested 
            if ((clientPrintSchemaVersion > MaxPrintSchemaVersion) ||
                (clientPrintSchemaVersion <= 0))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("clientPrintSchemaVersion"); 
            // Instantiate a new PTProvider instance. PTProvider constructor throws exception if it fails for any reason. 
            _ptProvider = new PTProvider(deviceName,

        #endregion Constructors 

        #region Public Properties 
        /// Gets the maximum Print Schema version PrintTicketManager can support. 
        public static int MaxPrintSchemaVersion
                return _maxPrintSchemaVersion; 
        #endregion Public Properties

        #region Public Methods
        /// Gets the PrintCapabilities relative to the given PrintTicket. 
        /// The PrintTicket object based on which PrintCapabilities should be built.
        /// The PrintCapabilities object. 
        /// The  parameter could be null, in which case
        /// the device's default PrintTicket will be used to construct the PrintCapabilities.
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance has already been disposed. 
        /// The input PrintTicket specified by  is not well-formed. 
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance failed to retrieve the PrintCapabilities.
        public PrintCapabilities GetPrintCapabilities(PrintTicket printTicket)
            MemoryStream pcStream = GetPrintCapabilitiesAsXml(printTicket); 

            PrintCapabilities retCap = new PrintCapabilities(pcStream); 

            return retCap;

        /// Gets the PrintCapabilities (in XML form) relative to the given PrintTicket. 
        /// The PrintTicket object based on which PrintCapabilities should be built. 
        /// MemoryStream that contains XML PrintCapabilities.
        /// The  parameter could be null, in which case
        /// the device's default PrintTicket will be used to construct the PrintCapabilities. 
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance has already been disposed. 
        /// The input PrintTicket specified by  is not well-formed.
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance failed to retrieve the PrintCapabilities. 
        public MemoryStream GetPrintCapabilitiesAsXml(PrintTicket printTicket) 
            if (_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("PrintTicketManager");

            MemoryStream ptStream = null; 
            if (printTicket != null)
                ptStream = printTicket.GetXmlStream();

            MemoryStream pcStream = _ptProvider.GetPrintCapabilities(ptStream); 

            return pcStream;

        /// Merges delta PrintTicket with base PrintTicket and then validates the merged PrintTicket.
        /// The base PrintTicket.
        /// The delta PrintTicket. 
        /// Struct that contains PrintTicket validation result info. 
        /// The  parameter could be null, in which case 
        /// only validation will be performed on .
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance has already been disposed. 
        /// The  parameter is null. 
        /// The base PrintTicket specified by  is not well-formed,
        /// or delta PrintTicket specified by  is not well-formed.
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance failed to merge and validate the input PrintTicket(s).
        public ValidationResult MergeAndValidatePrintTicket(PrintTicket   basePrintTicket, 
                                                            PrintTicket   deltaPrintTicket)
            return MergeAndValidatePrintTicket(basePrintTicket, deltaPrintTicket, PrintTicketScope.JobScope);

        /// Merges delta PrintTicket with base PrintTicket and then validates the merged PrintTicket. 
        /// The base PrintTicket.
        /// The delta PrintTicket. 
        /// scope that delta PrintTicket and result PrintTicket will be limited to
        /// Struct that contains PrintTicket validation result info.
        /// The  parameter could be null, in which case 
        /// only validation will be performed on .
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance has already been disposed.
        /// The  parameter is null.
        /// The  parameter is not one of the standard  values.
        /// The base PrintTicket specified by  is not well-formed,
        /// or delta PrintTicket specified by  is not well-formed. 
        /// The PrintTicketManager instance failed to merge and validate the input PrintTicket(s).
        public ValidationResult MergeAndValidatePrintTicket(PrintTicket      basePrintTicket,
                                                            PrintTicket      deltaPrintTicket, 
                                                            PrintTicketScope scope) 
            if (_disposed) 
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("PrintTicketManager");
            // Base PrintTicket is required. Delta PrintTicket is optional.
            if (basePrintTicket == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("basePrintTicket");

            // validate scope value
            if ((scope != PrintTicketScope.PageScope) &&
                (scope != PrintTicketScope.DocumentScope) && 
                (scope != PrintTicketScope.JobScope))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("scope"); 
            MemoryStream baseStream = null, deltaStream = null, resultStream = null;
            ConflictStatus status;

            baseStream = basePrintTicket.GetXmlStream(); 

            if (deltaPrintTicket != null) 
                deltaStream = deltaPrintTicket.GetXmlStream();

            resultStream = _ptProvider.MergeAndValidatePrintTicket(baseStream,
                                                                   out status);
            return new ValidationResult(resultStream, status); 
        /// Converts the given Win32 DEVMODE into PrintTicket.
        /// Byte buffer containing the Win32 DEVMODE. 
        /// The converted PrintTicket object.
        public PrintTicket ConvertDevModeToPrintTicket(byte[] devMode) 
            if (_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("PrintTicketManager");

            return PrintTicketConverter.InternalConvertDevModeToPrintTicket(_ptProvider, 

        /// Converts the given PrintTicket into Win32 DEVMODE.
        /// The PrintTicket to be converted.
        /// Type of default DEVMODE to use as base of conversion. 
        /// Byte buffer that contains the converted Win32 DEVMODE.
        public byte[] ConvertPrintTicketToDevMode(PrintTicket printTicket, 
                                                  BaseDevModeType baseType) 
            if (_disposed) 
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("PrintTicketManager");
            return PrintTicketConverter.InternalConvertPrintTicketToDevMode(_ptProvider,

        #endregion Public Methods

        // No need to implement the finalizer since we are using SafeHandle to wrap the unmanaged resource. 

        #region IDisposable Members 
        /// Dispose this PrintTicketManager instance. 
        public void Dispose()
        /// Dispose this instance.
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!this._disposed)
                if (disposing)
                    _ptProvider = null;

                this._disposed = true;

        #region Private Fields
        /// max Print Schema version the manager class can support
        private const int _maxPrintSchemaVersion = 1; 

        /// PrintTicket provider instance the manager instance is using 
        private PTProvider _ptProvider; 

        /// boolean of whether or not this manager instance is disposed
        private bool _disposed;
        #endregion Private Fields 
    #endregion PrintTicketManager class

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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