TextEditorCopyPaste.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / TextEditorCopyPaste.cs / 1 / TextEditorCopyPaste.cs

// File: TextEditorCopyPaste.cs
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
// Description: A Component of TextEditor supporting Cut/Copy/Paste commands 
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    using MS.Internal;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Collections; // ArrayList
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

    using System.Windows.Threading; 
    using System.Windows.Input; 
    using System.Windows.Controls; // ScrollChangedEventArgs
    using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;  // CharacterCasing, TextBoxBase 
    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Markup;

    using MS.Utility; 
    using MS.Win32;
    using MS.Internal.Documents; 
    using MS.Internal.Commands; // CommandHelpers 
    using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework;                   // SecurityHelper
    /// Text editing service for controls.
    internal static class TextEditorCopyPaste
        //  Class Internal Methods 

        #region Class Internal Methods

        // Registers all text editing command handlers for a given control type 
        /// Critical - elevates to associate a protected command (paste) with keyboard 
        /// TreatAsSafe - Shift+Insert is the correct key binding, and therefore is 
        ///               expected by the user.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal static void _RegisterClassHandlers(Type controlType, bool acceptsRichContent, bool readOnly, bool registerEventListeners)
            CommandHelpers.RegisterCommandHandler(controlType, ApplicationCommands.Copy, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnCopy), new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnQueryStatusCopy), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyCopy), SR.Get(SRID.KeyCopyDisplayString)), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyCtrlInsert), SR.Get(SRID.KeyCtrlInsertDisplayString))); 
            if (acceptsRichContent)
                CommandHelpers.RegisterCommandHandler(controlType, EditingCommands.CopyFormat, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnCopyFormat), new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnQueryStatusCopyFormat), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyCopyFormat), SR.Get(SRID.KeyCopyFormatDisplayString))); 
            if (!readOnly) 
                CommandHelpers.RegisterCommandHandler(controlType, ApplicationCommands.Cut, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnCut), new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnQueryStatusCut), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyCut), SR.Get(SRID.KeyCutDisplayString)), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyShiftDelete), SR.Get(SRID.KeyShiftDeleteDisplayString)));
                // temp vars to reduce code under elevation
                ExecutedRoutedEventHandler ExecutedRoutedEventHandler = new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnPaste); 
                CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler = new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnQueryStatusPaste);
                InputGesture inputGesture = KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyShiftInsert), SR.Get(SRID.KeyShiftInsertDisplayString)); 
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionClipboard.AllClipboard).Assert(); //BlessedAssert 
                    CommandHelpers.RegisterCommandHandler(controlType, ApplicationCommands.Paste, ExecutedRoutedEventHandler, CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler, inputGesture);
                if (acceptsRichContent) 
                    CommandHelpers.RegisterCommandHandler(controlType, EditingCommands.PasteFormat, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnPasteFormat), new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnQueryStatusPasteFormat), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyPasteFormat), SR.Get(SRID.KeyPasteFormatDisplayString))); 
        /// Creates DataObject for Copy and Drag operations 
        ///     Critical: This code calls into SetData under an assert which has the ability to set xaml content on clipboard. 
        internal static DataObject _CreateDataObject(TextEditor This, bool isDragDrop)
            DataObject dataObject;
            // Create the data object for drag and drop. 


            (new UIPermission(UIPermissionClipboard.AllClipboard)).Assert();//BlessedAssert
                dataObject = new DataObject();

            // Get plain text and copy it into the data object. 
            string textString = This.Selection.Text; 

            if (textString != String.Empty) 
                // Copy plain text into data object.
                // ConfirmDataFormatSetting rasies a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                if (ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Text)) 
                    CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject,DataFormats.Text, textString); 

                // Copy unicode text into data object. 
                // ConfirmDataFormatSetting rasies a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                if (ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.UnicodeText))
                    CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject,DataFormats.UnicodeText, textString); 
            // Get the rtf and xaml text and then copy it into the data object after confirm data format.
            // We do this only if our content is rich 
            if (This.AcceptsRichContent)
                // This ensures that in the confines of partial trust RTF is not enabled.
                // We use unmanaged code permission over clipboard permission since 
                // the latter is available in intranet zone and this is something that will
                // fail in intranet too. 
                if (SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission()) 
                    // In FullTrust we allow all rich formats on the clipboard 

                    Stream wpfContainerMemory = null;
                    // null wpfContainerMemory on entry means that container is optional
                    // and will be not created when there is no images in the range. 

                    // Create in-memory wpf package, and serialize the content of selection into it 
                    string xamlTextWithImages = WpfPayload.SaveRange(This.Selection, ref wpfContainerMemory, /*useFlowDocumentAsRoot:*/false); 

                    if (xamlTextWithImages.Length > 0) 
                        // ConfirmDataFormatSetting raises a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                        if (wpfContainerMemory != null && ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.XamlPackage))
                            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.XamlPackage, wpfContainerMemory);
                        // ConfirmDataFormatSetting raises a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                        if (ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Rtf)) 
                            // Convert xaml to rtf text to set rtf data into data object.
                            string rtfText = ConvertXamlToRtf(xamlTextWithImages, wpfContainerMemory);
                            if (rtfText != String.Empty)
                                dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, rtfText, true); 

                    // Add a CF_BITMAP if we have only one image selected.
                    Image image = This.Selection.GetUIElementSelected() as Image; 
                    if (image != null && image.Source is System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource)

                // Xaml format is availabe both in Full Trust and in Partial Trust
                // Need to re-serialize xaml to avoid image references within a container:
                StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
                XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stringWriter);
                TextRangeSerialization.WriteXaml(xmlWriter, This.Selection, /*useFlowDocumentAsRoot:*/false, /*wpfPayload:*/null); 
                string xamlText = stringWriter.ToString(); 
                if (xamlText.Length > 0)
                    // ConfirmDataFormatSetting rasies a public event - could throw recoverable exception.
                    if (ConfirmDataFormatSetting(This.UiScope, dataObject, DataFormats.Xaml)) 
                        // Place Xaml data onto the dataobject using safe setter 
                        CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.Xaml, xamlText); 

                        // The dataobject itself must hold an information about permission set 
                        // of the source appdomain. Set it there:

                        // Package permission set for the current appdomain
                        PermissionSet psCurrentAppDomain = SecurityHelper.ExtractAppDomainPermissionSetMinusSiteOfOrigin(); 
                        string permissionSetCurrentAppDomain = psCurrentAppDomain.ToString();
                        CriticalSetDataWrapper(dataObject, DataFormats.ApplicationTrust, permissionSetCurrentAppDomain); 

            // Notify application about our data object preparation completion
            DataObjectCopyingEventArgs dataObjectCopyingEventArgs = new DataObjectCopyingEventArgs(dataObject, /*isDragDrop:*/isDragDrop);
            if (dataObjectCopyingEventArgs.CommandCancelled)
                dataObject = null; 
            return dataObject;

        /// Paste contents of data object into text selection
        /// data object containing data to paste 
        /// true if successful, false otherwise
        /// To disable paste in partial trust case,
        /// this function checks if the current call stack has the all clipboard permission. 
        /// Critical: This code calls into AppDomain methods and enables xaml cut and paste
        /// TreatAsSafe: It has a demand for All Clipboard permissions
        internal static bool _DoPaste(TextEditor This, IDataObject dataObject, bool isDragDrop)
            // Don't try anything if the caller doesn't have the rights to read from the clipboard... 
            if (!SecurityHelper.CallerHasAllClipboardPermission()) return false; 

            Invariant.Assert(dataObject != null);

            // Choose what format we are going to paste 
            string formatToApply;
            bool pasted; 
            pasted = false;
            // Get the default paste content applying format
            formatToApply = GetPasteApplyFormat(This, dataObject);

            DataObjectPastingEventArgs dataObjectPastingEventArgs; 

                // Let the application to participate in Paste process
                dataObjectPastingEventArgs = new DataObjectPastingEventArgs(dataObject, isDragDrop, formatToApply); 
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Clipboard can be changed by set new or empty data during creating 
                // DataObjectPastingEvent that check the representing of the
                // formatToApply. Do nothing if we encounter AgrumentException. 
                return pasted; 
            // Public event call - could raise recoverable exception.

            if (!dataObjectPastingEventArgs.CommandCancelled) 
                // When custom handler decides to suggest its own data, 
                // it must create a new instance of DataObject and put it 
                // into DataObjectPastingEventArgs.DataObject property.
                // Exisiting DataObject is on global Clipboard and can not be changed. 
                // Here we need to get this potentially changed instance
                // of DataObject
                IDataObject dataObjectToApply = dataObjectPastingEventArgs.DataObject;
                formatToApply = dataObjectPastingEventArgs.FormatToApply;
                // Paste the content data(Text, Unicode, Xaml and Rtf) to the current text selection 
                pasted = PasteContentData(This, dataObject, dataObjectToApply, formatToApply);

            return pasted;
        // Get the default paste content applying format
        internal static string GetPasteApplyFormat(TextEditor This, IDataObject dataObject) 
            string formatToApply;
            // Currently we won't allow DataFormats.Xaml on the partial trust.
            // GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Xaml)have a chance to register Xaml format
            // by calling the unmanaged code which is RegisterClipboardFormat.
            bool hasUnmanagedCodePermission = SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission();
            if (This.AcceptsRichContent && hasUnmanagedCodePermission && dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.XamlPackage)) 
                formatToApply = DataFormats.XamlPackage; 
            else if (This.AcceptsRichContent && dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Xaml))
                formatToApply = DataFormats.Xaml; 
            else if (This.AcceptsRichContent && hasUnmanagedCodePermission && dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Rtf)) 
                formatToApply = DataFormats.Rtf;
            else if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText))
                formatToApply = DataFormats.UnicodeText;
            else if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))
                formatToApply = DataFormats.Text; 
            else if (This.AcceptsRichContent && hasUnmanagedCodePermission && dataObject is DataObject && ((DataObject)dataObject).ContainsImage()) 
                formatToApply = DataFormats.Bitmap;
                // Even if we do not see any recognizable formats, 
                // we continue the process because application custom 
                // paste needs it and may do something useful.
                formatToApply = String.Empty; 

            return formatToApply;

        /// Cut worker. 
        ///     Critical: This code calls into _CreateDataObject which has the ability to set xaml content on clipboard.
        ///     TreatAsSafe: The content being set is based on active selection
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal static void Cut(TextEditor This)


            if (This.Selection != null && !This.Selection.IsEmpty)
                // Copy content onto the clipboard 

                // Note: _CreateDataObject raises a public event which might throw a recoverable exception. 
                DataObject dataObject = TextEditorCopyPaste._CreateDataObject(This, /*isDragDrop:*/false); 

                if (dataObject != null) 
                        // The copy command was not terminated by application 
                        // One of reason should be the opening fail of Clipboard by the destroyed hwnd.
                        Clipboard.CriticalSetDataObject(dataObject, true); 
                    catch (ExternalException)
                        // Clipboard is failed to set the data object.
                    // Delete selected content
                    using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock()) 
                        // Forget previously suggested horizontal position
                        This.Selection.Text = String.Empty;

                        // Clear springload formatting
                        if (This.Selection is TextSelection) 

        /// Copy worker.
        ///     Critical: This code calls into _CreateDataObject which has the ability to set xaml content on clipboard.
        ///     TreatAsSafe: The content being set is based on active selection 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal static void Copy(TextEditor This)

            if (This.Selection != null && !This.Selection.IsEmpty) 
                // Note: _CreateDataObject raises a public event which might throw a recoverable exception.
                DataObject dataObject = TextEditorCopyPaste._CreateDataObject(This, /*isDragDrop:*/false);
                if (dataObject != null)
                        // The copy command was not terminated by application 
                        // One of reason should be the opening fail of Clipboard by the destroyed hwnd.
                        Clipboard.CriticalSetDataObject(dataObject, true);
                    catch (ExternalException) 
                        // Clipboard is failed to set the data object. 

            // Do not clear springload formatting

        /// Paste worker. 
        /// Critical:To disable paste in partial trust case,
        /// TreatAsSafe: this function checks if the current call stack has the all clipboard permission.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal static void Paste(TextEditor This)
            // Don't try anything if the caller doesn't have the rights to read from the clipboard... 
            if (!SecurityHelper.CallerHasAllClipboardPermission())

            if (This.Selection.IsTableCellRange) 



            // Get DataObject from the Clipboard 
            IDataObject dataObject;
                dataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); 
            catch (ExternalException) 
                // Clipboard is failed to get the data object.
                // One of reason should be the opening fail of Clipboard by the destroyed hwnd. 
                dataObject = null;
            bool forceLayoutUpdate = This.Selection.CoversEntireContent;
            if (dataObject != null) 
                using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock()) 
                    // Forget previously suggested horizontal position
                    // _DoPaste raises a public event -- could raise recoverable exception.
                    if (TextEditorCopyPaste._DoPaste(This, dataObject, /*isDragDrop:*/false)) 
                        // Collapse selection to the end
                        // Use backward direction to stay oriented towards pasted content 
                        This.Selection.SetCaretToPosition(This.Selection.End, LogicalDirection.Backward, /*allowStopAtLineEnd:*/false, /*allowStopNearSpace:*/true);

                        // Clear springload formatting
                        if (This.Selection is TextSelection) 

            // If we replaced the entire document content, background layout will
            // kick in.  Force it to complete now. 
            if (forceLayoutUpdate)

        // Converts xaml content to rtf content.
        internal static string ConvertXamlToRtf(string xamlContent, Stream wpfContainerMemory)
            // Create XamlRtfConverter to process the converting from Xaml to Rtf
            XamlRtfConverter xamlRtfConverter = new XamlRtfConverter(); 
            if (wpfContainerMemory != null) 
                xamlRtfConverter.WpfPayload = WpfPayload.OpenWpfPayload(wpfContainerMemory); 

            // Process Xaml-Rtf converting
            string rtfContent = xamlRtfConverter.ConvertXamlToRtf(xamlContent); 

            return rtfContent; 

        // Converts an rtf content to xaml content. 
        internal static MemoryStream ConvertRtfToXaml(string rtfContent)
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            WpfPayload wpfPayload = WpfPayload.CreateWpfPayload(memoryStream); 
            using (wpfPayload.Package)
                using (Stream xamlStream = wpfPayload.CreateXamlStream()) 
                    // Create XamlRtfConverter to process the converting from Rtf to Xaml 
                    XamlRtfConverter xamlRtfConverter = new XamlRtfConverter();
                    xamlRtfConverter.WpfPayload = wpfPayload;

                    string xamlContent = xamlRtfConverter.ConvertRtfToXaml(rtfContent); 
                    if (xamlContent != string.Empty)
                        StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(xamlStream); 
                        using (streamWriter)
                        memoryStream = null; 
                } // This closes xamlStream
            } // This closes the package 

            return memoryStream;
        #endregion Class Internal Methods
        //  Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods 

        /// Cut command QueryStatus handler 
        private static void OnQueryStatusCut(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target);

            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 

            // Ignore the cut event if the editor is on PasswordBox control. 
            if (This.UiScope is PasswordBox)
                args.CanExecute = false;
                args.Handled = true; 
            args.CanExecute = !This.Selection.IsEmpty;
            args.Handled = true; 

        /// Cut command event handler. 
        private static void OnCut(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target);
            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly)

            // Ignore the cut event if the editor is on PasswordBox control. 
            if (This.UiScope is PasswordBox) 


        /// Copy command QueryStatus handler 
        private static void OnQueryStatusCopy(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target);

            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled) 

            // Ignore the copy event if the editor is on PasswordBox control. 
            if (This.UiScope is PasswordBox)
                args.CanExecute = false;
                args.Handled = true; 
            args.CanExecute = !This.Selection.IsEmpty;
            args.Handled = true; 

        /// Copy command event handler. 
        /// This method is used both in Copy, Cut and DragDrop commands.
        private static void OnCopy(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target); 

            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled)
            // Ignore the copy event if the editor is on PasswordBox control. 
            if (This.UiScope is PasswordBox)

        /// Paste command QueryStatus handler
        private static void OnQueryStatusPaste(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target);
            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly)
            args.Handled = true;

                if (SecurityHelper.CallerHasAllClipboardPermission())
                    // Define what format our paste mechanism recognizes on the clipbord appropriate for this selection 
                    string formatToApply = GetPasteApplyFormat(This, Clipboard.GetDataObject());
                    args.CanExecute = formatToApply.Length > 0;
                    // Simplified version of clipboard sniffing for partial trust
                    args.CanExecute = Clipboard.IsClipboardPopulated(); 
            catch (ExternalException) 
                // Clipboard is failed to get the data object.
                // One of reason should be the opening fail of Clipboard while other
                // process opens the clipboard or missing close of Clipboard. 
                args.CanExecute = false;

        /// Paste command event handler.
        private static void OnPaste(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target);
            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 


        /// StartInputCorrection command QueryStatus handler 
        private static void OnQueryStatusCopyFormat(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target);

            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled) 

            args.CanExecute = false;
            args.Handled = true;
        private static void OnCopyFormat(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
        /// StartInputCorrection command QueryStatus handler
        private static void OnQueryStatusPasteFormat(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target); 
            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly)

            args.CanExecute = false;
            args.Handled = true; 

        private static void OnPasteFormat(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args) 
        ///     Critical: This code calls into CriticalSetData which circumvents all checks for setting data 
        ///     This code is used to call into an internal overload to set data which circumvents the demand for 
        ///     all clipboard permission. Although this is not the cleanest we prefer to cast it to DataObject
        ///     and call the critical overload to reduce the scope of the code that gets called here.
        ///     This saves us one high level assert.
        private static void CriticalSetDataWrapper(IDataObject dataObjectValue, string format, string content) 
            if (dataObjectValue is DataObject)
                ((DataObject)dataObjectValue).CriticalSetData(format, content, format == DataFormats.ApplicationTrust ? /*autoConvert:*/false : true); 
        /// Paste the content data(Text, Unicode, Xaml and Rtf) to the current text selection 
        /// data object containing data to paste 
        /// true if successful, false otherwise
        /// This function paste the content data and also can set new apply format with
        /// checking the unmanaged code permission if the content data is failed to paste. 
        /// Critical: This function falls back to DataFormats.Rtf in case Xaml paste fails. It calls Critical WpfPayload.SaveImage. 
        /// TreatAsSafe: In partial trust we revert to DataFormats.UnicodeText or DataFormats.Text
        ///              format and hence the risk is mitigated of having Rtf paste enabled 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private static bool PasteContentData(TextEditor This, IDataObject dataObject, IDataObject dataObjectToApply, string formatToApply)
            // CF_BITMAP - pasting a single image.
            if (formatToApply == DataFormats.Bitmap && dataObjectToApply is DataObject) 
                // This demand is present to explicitly disable RTF independant of any
                // asserts in the confines of partial trust 
                // We check unmanaged code instead of all clipboard because in paste
                // there is a high level assert for all clipboard in commandmanager.cs
                if (This.AcceptsRichContent && This.Selection is TextSelection &&
                    System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource bitmapSource = GetPasteData(dataObjectToApply, DataFormats.Bitmap) as System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource; 
                    if (bitmapSource != null)
                        // Pack the image into a WPF container
                        MemoryStream packagedImage = WpfPayload.SaveImage(bitmapSource, WpfPayload.ImageBmpContentType);

                        // Place it onto a data object 
                        dataObjectToApply = new DataObject();
                        formatToApply = DataFormats.XamlPackage; 
                        dataObjectToApply.SetData(DataFormats.XamlPackage, packagedImage); 

            if (formatToApply == DataFormats.XamlPackage)
                // This demand is present to explicitly disable RTF independant of any
                // asserts in the confines of partial trust 
                // We check unmanaged code instead of all clipboard because in paste 
                // there is a high level assert for all clipboard in commandmanager.cs
                if (This.AcceptsRichContent && This.Selection is TextSelection && 
                    object pastedData = GetPasteData(dataObjectToApply, DataFormats.XamlPackage);
                    MemoryStream pastedMemoryStream = pastedData as MemoryStream;
                    if (pastedMemoryStream != null) 
                        object element = WpfPayload.LoadElement(pastedMemoryStream);
                        if ((element is Section || element is Span) && PasteTextElement(This, (TextElement)element)) 
                            return true;
                        else if (element is FrameworkElement) 
                            return true; 

                // Fall to Xaml:
                dataObjectToApply = dataObject; // go back to source data object 
                if (dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Xaml))
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.Xaml; 
                else if (SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission() && dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Rtf)) 
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.Rtf;
                else if (dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText)) 
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.UnicodeText; 
                else if (dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.Text;
            if (formatToApply == DataFormats.Xaml)
                if (This.AcceptsRichContent && This.Selection is TextSelection) 
                    object pastedData = GetPasteData(dataObjectToApply, DataFormats.Xaml); 

                    if (pastedData != null && PasteXaml(This, pastedData.ToString()))
                        return true; 
                // Fall to Rtf:
                dataObjectToApply = dataObject; // go back to source data object 
                if (SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission() && dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Rtf))
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.Rtf;
                else if (dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText))
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.UnicodeText; 
                else if (dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text)) 
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.Text;

            if (formatToApply == DataFormats.Rtf) 
                // This demand is present to explicitly disable RTF independant of any
                // asserts in the confines of partial trust 
                // We check unmanaged code instead of all clipboard because in paste
                // there is a high level assert for all clipboard in commandmanager.cs
                if (This.AcceptsRichContent && SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission())
                    object pastedData = GetPasteData(dataObjectToApply, DataFormats.Rtf);
                    // Convert rtf to xaml text to paste rtf data into the target. 
                    if (pastedData != null)
                        MemoryStream memoryStream = ConvertRtfToXaml(pastedData.ToString());
                        if (memoryStream != null)
                            TextElement textElement = WpfPayload.LoadElement(memoryStream) as TextElement; 
                            if ((textElement is Section || textElement is Span) && PasteTextElement(This, textElement))
                                return true; 

                // Fall to plain text: 
                dataObjectToApply = dataObject; // go back to source data object
                if (dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText)) 
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.UnicodeText;
                else if (dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))
                    formatToApply = DataFormats.Text;
            if (formatToApply == DataFormats.UnicodeText) 
                object pastedData = GetPasteData(dataObjectToApply, DataFormats.UnicodeText); 
                if (pastedData == null)
                    if (dataObjectToApply.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))
                        formatToApply = DataFormats.Text; // fall to plain text
                        dataObjectToApply = dataObject; // go back to source data object 
                    // Dont attempt to recover if pasting Unicode text fails because our only fallback is mbcs text,
                    // which will either evaluate identically (at best) or
                    // produce a string with unexpected text (worse!) from WideCharToMultiByte conversion. 
                    return PastePlainText(This, pastedData.ToString());

            if (formatToApply == DataFormats.Text) 
                object pastedData = GetPasteData(dataObjectToApply, DataFormats.Text);
                if (pastedData != null && PastePlainText(This, pastedData.ToString()))
                    return true;

            return false; 

        /// Get the paste data from the specified DataObject and data format. 
        /// Critical: This function calls the critical methods which access the unmanaged code 
        /// to get the pasted data from DataObject
        private static object GetPasteData(IDataObject dataObject, string dataFormat)
            object pastedData; 

                // We don't need to verify data present here. First, GetPasteApplyFormat()
                // is already verified the data present, so reduce the perf. Second, we can't 
                // guarantee the presenting data for the some specified data after raising
                // DataObjectPastingEventArgs which case is that set FormatToApply first then
                // set the DataObject that doesn't have FormatToApply data format.

                pastedData = dataObject.GetData(dataFormat, true); 
            // DataObject data can have the invalid value that throw the Exception.
            // In case of OutOfMemoryException, ExternalException(and Win32Exception), 
            // we return null quietly and do nothing for paste.
            // For example(Bug#1391689) , IE set the invalid Rich Text Format data that bring
            // CLR OutOfMemoryException.
            catch (OutOfMemoryException) 
                pastedData = null; 
            catch (ExternalException)
                pastedData = null;

            return pastedData; 
        // Paste flow content into the current text selection 
        // Returns false if pasting was not successful - assuming that the caller will choose another format for pasting
        private static bool PasteTextElement(TextEditor This, TextElement sectionOrSpan) 
            bool success = false;
                // Merge new Lists with surrounding Lists.

                // Merge flow direction of the new content if it matches its surroundings.
                success = true; 
            return success;
        // Paste xaml content into the current text selection
        // Returns false if pasting was not successful - assuming that the caller will choose another format for pasting 
        private static bool PasteXaml(TextEditor This, string pasteXaml)
            bool success;
            if (pasteXaml.Length == 0)
                success = false; 
                    // Parse the fragment into a separate subtree 
                    object xamlObject = XamlReader.Load(new XmlTextReader(new System.IO.StringReader(pasteXaml)));
                    TextElement flowContent = xamlObject as TextElement; 
                    success = flowContent == null ? false : PasteTextElement(This, flowContent);
                catch (XamlParseException e)
                    // Clipboard data can have the invalid xaml content that will throw
                    // the XamlParseException. 
                    // In case of XamlParseException, we shouldn't paste anything and quiet.
                    // Xaml invalid character range is from 0x00 to 0x20. (e.g. �x03) 
                    Invariant.Assert(e != null); //to make compiler happy about not using a variable e. This variable is useful in debugging process though - to see a reason of a parsing failure
                    success = false; 

            return success; 
        // Helper for plain text filtering when pasted into rich or plain destination 
        private static bool PastePlainText(TextEditor This, string pastedText)
            pastedText = This._FilterText(pastedText, This.Selection);

            if (pastedText.Length > 0)
                if (This.AcceptsRichContent && This.Selection.Start is TextPointer)
                    // Clear selection content 
                    This.Selection.Text = String.Empty;
                    // Ensure that text is insertable at current selection
                    TextPointer start = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition((TextPointer)This.Selection.Start);

                    // Store boundaries of inserted text 
                    start = start.GetPositionAtOffset(0, LogicalDirection.Backward);
                    TextPointer end = start.GetPositionAtOffset(0, LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                    // For rich text we need to remove control characters and
                    // replace linebreaks by paragraphs 
                    int currentLineStart = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pastedText.Length; i++)
                        if (pastedText[i] == '\r' || pastedText[i] == '\n') 
                            end.InsertTextInRun(pastedText.Substring(currentLineStart, i - currentLineStart)); 
                            if (!This.AcceptsReturn) 
                                return true; // All lined except for the first one are ignored when TextBox does not accept Return key 

                            if (end.HasNonMergeableInlineAncestor)
                                // We cannot split a Hyperlink or other non-mergeable Inline element,
                                // so insert a space character instead (similar to embedded object). 
                                // Note that this means, Paste operation would loose 
                                // paragraph break information in this case.
                                end.InsertTextInRun(" "); 
                                end = end.InsertParagraphBreak(); 
                            if (pastedText[i] == '\r' && i + 1 < pastedText.Length && pastedText[i + 1] == '\n') 
                            currentLineStart = i + 1;
                    end.InsertTextInRun(pastedText.Substring(currentLineStart, pastedText.Length - currentLineStart));
                    // Select all pasted content 
                    This.Selection.Select(start, end);
                    // For plain text we insert the content as is (including control characters)
                    This.Selection.Text = pastedText; 
                return true; 

            return false; 

        // Event firing helper for DataObjectSettingData event
        private static bool ConfirmDataFormatSetting(FrameworkElement uiScope, IDataObject dataObject, string format) 
            DataObjectSettingDataEventArgs dataObjectSettingDataEventArgs; 
            dataObjectSettingDataEventArgs = new DataObjectSettingDataEventArgs(dataObject, format);

            return !dataObjectSettingDataEventArgs.CommandCancelled;

        #endregion Private methods 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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