/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / Animation / QuinticEase.cs / 1305600 / QuinticEase.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2008 // // File: QuinticEase.cs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation { ////// This class implements an easing function that gives a quintic curve toward the destination /// public class QuinticEase : EasingFunctionBase { protected override double EaseInCore(double normalizedTime) { return normalizedTime * normalizedTime * normalizedTime * normalizedTime * normalizedTime; } protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new QuinticEase(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- MimeParameterWriter.cs
- Label.cs
- WindowsListViewItemStartMenu.cs
- ValidationHelper.cs
- CompatibleComparer.cs
- MetaModel.cs
- ProtectedConfiguration.cs
- HotCommands.cs
- BounceEase.cs
- Win32.cs
- EntryPointNotFoundException.cs
- UrlPath.cs
- Module.cs
- EntryPointNotFoundException.cs
- PkcsUtils.cs
- MouseButtonEventArgs.cs
- SchemaObjectWriter.cs
- ChannelSinkStacks.cs
- DescendantOverDescendantQuery.cs
- _AutoWebProxyScriptEngine.cs
- ScrollViewer.cs
- RegexEditorDialog.cs
- SqlInternalConnection.cs
- Cursors.cs
- Int32Rect.cs
- MD5Cng.cs
- FieldNameLookup.cs
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- UpWmlMobileTextWriter.cs
- SelectedDatesCollection.cs
- SafeNativeMethods.cs
- MenuItemBindingCollection.cs
- AuthorizationPolicyTypeElementCollection.cs
- _SSPIWrapper.cs
- TextServicesProperty.cs
- DataGridTablesFactory.cs
- DefaultTextStore.cs
- TemplateComponentConnector.cs
- RelatedPropertyManager.cs
- StateDesigner.Helpers.cs
- PingReply.cs
- BitmapEffectDrawing.cs
- MatrixTransform.cs
- SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.cs
- IndexingContentUnit.cs
- AxDesigner.cs
- ByteAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs
- Table.cs
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- QueryRewriter.cs
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