LineServices.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / TextFormatting / LineServices.cs / 1407647 / LineServices.cs

//  Microsoft Windows Client Platform
//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//  File:      NativeMethods.cs
//  Content:   Line Services managed wrapper 
//  Created:   9-4-2001 Worachai Chaoweeraprasit (wchao) 

using System; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting; 
using System.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using MS.Internal.Shaping;
using MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface;

namespace MS.Internal.TextFormatting 
    //  Line Services application callback delegates 
    //  Note:   The declared type of some parameters differs from the logical type. 
    //          Some parameters are declared int instead of bool because on the unmanaged side they have type BOOL,
    //          which is a typedef for int. By convention, we use 'f' prefix to indicate that an int represents a
    //          boolean flag. 
    //          One parameter is declared "ref ushort" instead of "ref char" because on the unmanaged side WCHAR 
    //          is a typedef for unsigned short. This appears to be necessary for correct behavior even though 
    //          sizeof(char) == sizeof(ushort) because char by default is marshalled as an ANSI char.
    //          We could use the more descriptive types and specify [MarshalAs(UnamangedType.Bool)] and
    //          [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2)], respectively, but the slight gain in readibility comes at an
    //          unacceptable cost in run-time overhead due to use of the slow marshaller.

    internal delegate LsErr FetchPap( 
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        int                         lscpFetch,
        ref LsPap                   lspap 

    internal delegate LsErr FetchLineProps(
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        int                         lscpFetch,
        int                         firstLineInPara, 
        ref LsLineProps             lsLineProps 
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters.
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr FetchRunRedefined(
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        int                         lscpFetch, 
        int                         fIsStyle,       // logically boolean (see above)
        IntPtr                      pstyle, 
        char*                       pwchTextBuffer,
        int                         cchTextBuffer,
        ref int                     fIsBufferUsed,  // logically boolean (see above)
        out char*                   pwchText, 
        ref int                     cchText,
        ref int                     fIsHidden,      // logically boolean (see above) 
        ref LsChp                   lschp, 
        ref IntPtr                  lsplsrun

    internal delegate LsErr GetRunTextMetrics (
        IntPtr                      pols,
        Plsrun                      plsrun, 
        LsDevice                    lsDevice,
        LsTFlow                     lstFlow, 
        ref LsTxM                   lstTextMetrics 
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters.
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr GetRunCharWidths(
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        Plsrun                      plsrun, 
        LsDevice                    device,
        char                        *runText, 
        int                         cchRun,
        int                         maxWidth,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        int                         *charWidths, 
        ref int                     totalWidth,
        ref int                     cchProcessed 

    internal delegate LsErr GetDurMaxExpandRagged( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        Plsrun                      plsrun,
        LsTFlow                     lstFlow,
        ref int                     maxExpandRagged 
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters.
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr DrawTextRun(
        IntPtr                      pols,
        Plsrun                      plsrun, 
        ref LSPOINT                 ptText,
        char                        *runText, 
        int                         *charWidths, 
        int                         cchText,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow, 
        uint                        displayMode,
        ref LSPOINT                 ptRun,
        ref LsHeights               lsHeights,
        int                         dupRun, 
        ref LSRECT                  clipRect
    internal delegate LsErr FInterruptShaping(
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        Plsrun                      firstPlsrun,
        Plsrun                      secondPlsrun,
        ref int                     fIsInterruptOk      // logically boolean (see above) 
    internal delegate LsErr GetRunUnderlineInfo(
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        Plsrun                      plsrun,
        ref LsHeights               lsHeights,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        ref LsULInfo                ulInfo 
    internal delegate LsErr GetRunStrikethroughInfo( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        Plsrun                      plsrun, 
        ref LsHeights               lsHeights,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        ref LsStInfo                stInfo

    internal delegate LsErr Hyphenate( 
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        int                         fLastHyphenationFound,  // logically boolean (see above)
        int                         lscpLastHyphenation, 
        ref LsHyph                  lastHyphenation,
        int                         lscpBeginWord,
        int                         lscpExceed,
        ref int                     fHyphenFound,           // logically boolean (see above) 
        ref int                     lscpHyphen,
        ref LsHyph                  plsHyph 

    internal delegate LsErr GetNextHyphenOpp( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        int                         lscpStartSearch,
        int                         lsdcpSearch,
        ref int                     fHyphenFound,           // logically boolean (see above) 
        ref int                     lscpHyphen,
        ref LsHyph                  lsHyph 

    internal delegate LsErr GetPrevHyphenOpp( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        int                         lscpStartSearch,
        int                         lsdcpSearch,
        ref int                     fHyphenFound,           // logically boolean (see above) 
        ref int                     lscpHyphen,
        ref LsHyph                  lsHyph 

    internal delegate LsErr GetAutoNumberInfo( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        ref LsKAlign                alignment,
        ref LsChp                   lschp,
        ref IntPtr                  lsplsrun, 
        ref ushort                  addedChar,              // logically char (see above)
        ref LsChp                   lschpAddedChar, 
        ref IntPtr                  lsplsrunAddedChar, 
        ref int                     fWord95Model,           // logically boolean (see above)
        ref int                     offset, 
        ref int                     width

    internal delegate LsErr DrawUnderline( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        Plsrun                      plsrun, 
        uint                        ulType, 
        ref LSPOINT                 ptOrigin,
        int                         ulLength, 
        int                         ulThickness,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        uint                        displayMode,
        ref LSRECT                  clipRect 
    internal delegate LsErr DrawStrikethrough( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        Plsrun                      plsrun, 
        uint                        stType,
        ref LSPOINT                 ptOrigin,
        int                         stLength,
        int                         stThickness, 
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        uint                        displayMode, 
        ref LSRECT                  clipRect 
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters.
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr GetGlyphsRedefined(
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        IntPtr*                     plsplsruns, 
        int*                        pcchPlsrun,
        int                         plsrunCount, 
        char*                       pwchText,
        int                         cchText,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        ushort*                     puGlyphsBuffer, 
        uint*                       piGlyphPropsBuffer,
        int                         cgiGlyphBuffers, 
        ref int                     fIsGlyphBuffersUsed,    // logically boolean (see above) 
        ushort*                     puClusterMap,
        ushort*                     puCharProperties, 
        int*                        pfCanGlyphAlone,
        ref int                     glyphCount
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters. 
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr GetGlyphPositions( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        IntPtr                      *plsplsruns,
        int                         *pcchPlsrun,
        int                         plsrunCount, 
        LsDevice                    device,
        char                        *pwchText, 
        ushort                      *puClusterMap, 
        ushort                      *puCharProperties,
        int                         cchText, 
        ushort                      *puGlyphs,
        uint                        *piGlyphProperties,
        int                         glyphCount,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow, 
        int                         *piGlyphAdvances,
        GlyphOffset                 *piiGlyphOffsets 

    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters.
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr DrawGlyphs( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        Plsrun                      plsrun, 
        char                        *pwchText, 
        ushort                      *puClusterMap,
        ushort                      *puCharProperties, 
        int                         cchText,
        ushort                      *puGlyphs,
        int                         *piJustifiedGlyphAdvances,
        int                         *puGlyphAdvances, 
        GlyphOffset                 *piiGlyphOffsets,
        uint                        *piGlyphProperties, 
        LsExpType                   *plsExpType, 
        int                         glyphCount,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow, 
        uint                        displayMode,
        ref LSPOINT                 origin,
        ref LsHeights               lsHeights,
        int                         runWidth, 
        ref LSRECT                  clippingRect
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters. 
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr EnumText(
        IntPtr                      pols, 
        Plsrun                      plsrun,
        int                         cpFirst, 
        int                         dcp, 
        char                        *pwchText,
        int                         cchText, 
        LsTFlow                     lstFlow,
        int                         fReverseOrder,      // logically boolean (see above)
        int                         fGeometryProvided,  // logically boolean (see above)
        ref LSPOINT                 pptStart, 
        ref LsHeights               pheights,
        int                         dupRun, 
        int                         glyphBaseRun, 
        int                         *charWidths,
        ushort                      *pClusterMap, 
        ushort                      *characterProperties,
        ushort                      *puglyphs,
        int                         *pGlyphAdvances,
        GlyphOffset                 *pGlyphOffsets, 
        uint                        *pGlyphProperties,
        int                         glyphCount 

    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters.
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr EnumTab( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        Plsrun                      plsrun, 
        int                         cpFirst, 
        char                        *pwchText,
        char                        tabLeader, 
        LsTFlow                     lstFlow,
        int                         fReverseOrder,      // logically boolean (see above)
        int                         fGeometryProvided,  // logically boolean (see above)
        ref LSPOINT                 pptStart, 
        ref LsHeights               heights,
        int                         dupRun 

    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters.
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr GetCharCompressionInfoFullMixed( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        LsDevice                    device, 
        LsTFlow                     textFlow, 
        LsCharRunInfo               *plscharrunInfo,
        LsNeighborInfo              *plsneighborInfoLeft, 
        LsNeighborInfo              *plsneighborInfoRight,
        int                         maxPriorityLevel,
        int                         **pplscompressionLeft,
        int                         **pplscompressionRight 
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters.
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr GetCharExpansionInfoFullMixed(
        IntPtr                      pols,
        LsDevice                    device, 
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        LsCharRunInfo               *plscharrunInfo, 
        LsNeighborInfo              *plsneighborInfoLeft, 
        LsNeighborInfo              *plsneighborInfoRight,
        int                         maxPriorityLevel, 
        int                         **pplsexpansionLeft,
        int                         **pplsexpansionRight
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters. 
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr GetGlyphCompressionInfoFullMixed( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        LsDevice                    device,
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        LsGlyphRunInfo              *plsglyphrunInfo, 
        LsNeighborInfo              *plsneighborInfoLeft,
        LsNeighborInfo              *plsneighborInfoRight, 
        int                         maxPriorityLevel, 
        int                         **pplscompressionLeft,
        int                         **pplscompressionRight 

    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters. 
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr GetGlyphExpansionInfoFullMixed( 
        IntPtr                      pols,
        LsDevice                    device, 
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,
        LsGlyphRunInfo              *plsglyphrunInfo,
        LsNeighborInfo              *plsneighborInfoLeft,
        LsNeighborInfo              *plsneighborInfoRight, 
        int                         maxPriorityLevel,
        int                         **pplsexpansionLeft, 
        int                         **pplsexpansionRight, 
        LsExpType                   *plsexptype,
        int                         *pduMinInk 

    //  Line Services object handler callback delegates
    /// Critical    - Recieves native pointers as parameters. 
    internal unsafe delegate LsErr GetObjectHandlerInfo(
        IntPtr                      pols,               // Line Layout context 
        uint                        objectId,           // installed object id
        void*                       objectInfo          // object handler info 

    internal delegate LsErr InlineFormat( 
        IntPtr                      pols,               // Line Layout context
        Plsrun                      plsrun,             // plsrun
        int                         lscpInline,         // first cp of the run
        int                         currentPosition,    // inline's current pen location in text direction 
        int                         rightMargin,        // right margin
        ref ObjDim                  pobjDim,            // object dimension 
        out int                     fFirstRealOnLine,   // is this run the first in line; logically boolean (see above) 
        out int                     fPenPositionUsed,   // is pen position used to format object; logically boolean (see above)
        out LsBrkCond               breakBefore,        // break condition before this object 
        out LsBrkCond               breakAfter          // break condition after this object

    internal delegate LsErr InlineDraw( 
        IntPtr                      pols,               // Line Layout context
        Plsrun                      plsrun,             // plsrun 
        ref LSPOINT                 runOrigin,          // pen position at which to render the object 
        LsTFlow                     textFlow,           // text flow direction
        int                         runWidth            // object width 

    //  Line Services enumerations

    //  handle to text run opaque to Line Services 
    internal enum Plsrun : uint
        CloseAnchor             = 0,
        Reverse                 = 1, 
        FakeLineBreak           = 2, // simulated line break for security mitigation
        FormatAnchor            = 3, 
        Hidden                  = 4, 
        Text                    = 5, // run with type starting at this point is stored
        InlineObject            = 6, 
        LineBreak               = 7,
        ParaBreak               = 8,

        Undefined               = 0x80000000,   // Bit 31 cannot be set without causing an overflow exception in LineServices so we reserve it as a 'undefined' Plsrun value 
        IsMarker                = 0x40000000,   // Bit indicates this run is part of marker symbol
        UseNewCharacterBuffer   = 0x20000000,   // Bit indicates this run uses dynamically allocated heap buffer for run characters 
        IsSymbol                = 0x10000000,   // Bit indicates run uses a non-Unicode font; don't change this value without updating unmanaged GetBreakingClasses callback 
        UnmaskAll               = 0x0FFFFFFF,   // Value to unmask all the masking bits

    // Unmanaged enum counterpart is in LSLO.H.
    // == Both sides must be binary compatible == 
    internal enum LineFlags 
        // line break flags
        None                = 0, 
        BreakClassWide      = 0x00000001,
        BreakClassStrict    = 0x00000002,
        BreakAlways         = 0x00000004,
        MinMax              = 0x00000008, 
        KeepState           = 0x00000010,

    internal enum LsEndRes 
    internal enum LsBreakJust
        lsbrjBreakJustify,          // regular US
        lsbrjBreakWithCompJustify,  // FE & Newspaper
        lsbrjBreakThenExpand,       // Arabic
        lsbrjBreakOptimal,          // Best fit/Optimal paragraph 
        lsbrjBreakThenSqueeze       // WordPerfect
    internal enum LsKJust

    internal enum LsKAlign 
    internal enum LsKEOP 

    internal enum LsKTab 

    internal enum LsTFlow 
        lstflowDefault = 0,
        lstflowES      = 0, 
    internal enum LsBrkCond

    internal enum LsDevice 

    internal enum LsExpType : byte 
        None = 0,
    internal enum LsKysr
        /// Normal Hyphenation

        /// Add letter before hyphen 
        /// Change letter before hyphen 

        /// Delete letter before hyphen

        /// Change letter after hyphen
        /// Delete letter before the hypen and change the preceding one 
        /// Add letter before the hyphen and change letter after it
    internal enum LsHyphenQuality 
    internal enum LsErr 
        None                                    = 0, 
        InvalidParameter                        = -1,
        OutOfMemory                             = -2,
        NullOutputParameter                     = -3,
        InvalidContext                          = -4, 
        InvalidLine                             = -5,
        InvalidDnode                            = -6, 
        InvalidDeviceResolution                 = -7, 
        InvalidRun                              = -8,
        MismatchLineContext                     = -9, 
        ContextInUse                            = -10,
        DuplicateSpecialCharacter               = -11,
        InvalidAutonumRun                       = -12,
        FormattingFunctionDisabled              = -13, 
        UnfinishedDnode                         = -14,
        InvalidDnodeType                        = -15, 
        InvalidPenDnode                         = -16, 
        InvalidNonPenDnode                      = -17,
        InvalidBaselinePenDnode                 = -18, 
        InvalidFormatterResult                  = -19,
        InvalidObjectIdFetched                  = -20,
        InvalidDcpFetched                       = -21,
        InvalidCpContentFetched                 = -22, 
        InvalidBookmarkType                     = -23,
        SetDocDisabled                          = -24, 
        FiniFunctionDisabled                    = -25, 
        CurrentDnodeIsNotTab                    = -26,
        PendingTabIsNotResolved                 = -27, 
        WrongFiniFunction                       = -28,
        InvalidBreakingClass                    = -29,
        BreakingTableNotSet                     = -30,
        InvalidModWidthClass                    = -31, 
        ModWidthPairsNotSet                     = -32,
        WrongTruncationPoint                    = -33, 
        WrongBreak                              = -34, 
        DupInvalid                              = -35,
        RubyInvalidVersion                      = -36, 
        TatenakayokoInvalidVersion              = -37,
        WarichuInvalidVersion                   = -38,
        WarichuInvalidData                      = -39,
        CreateSublineDisabled                   = -40, 
        CurrentSublineDoesNotExist              = -41,
        CpOutsideSubline                        = -42, 
        HihInvalidVersion                       = -43, 
        InsufficientQueryDepth                  = -44,
        InvalidBreakRecord                      = -45, 
        InvalidPap                              = -46,
        ContradictoryQueryInput                 = -47,
        LineIsNotActive                         = -48,
        TooLongParagraph                        = -49, 
        TooManyCharsToGlyph                     = -50,
        WrongHyphenationPosition                = -51, 
        TooManyPriorities                       = -52, 
        WrongGivenCp                            = -53,
        WrongCpFirstForGetBreaks                = -54, 
        WrongJustTypeForGetBreaks               = -55,
        WrongJustTypeForCreateLineGivenCp       = -56,
        TooLongGlyphContext                     = -57,
        InvalidCharToGlyphMapping               = -58, 
        InvalidMathUsage                        = -59,
        InconsistentChp                         = -60, 
        StoppedInSubline                        = -61, 
        PenPositionCouldNotBeUsed               = -62,
        DebugFlagsInShip                        = -63, 
        InvalidOrderTabs                        = -64,
        OutputArrayTooSmall                     = -110,
        SystemRestrictionsExceeded              = -100,
        LsInternalError                         = -1000, 
        NotImplemented                          = -10000,
        ClientAbort                             = -100000, 

    //  Line Services structures
    internal struct LSPOINT 
        public LSPOINT(int horizontalPosition, int verticalPosition)
            x = horizontalPosition;
            y = verticalPosition;
        public int x;
        public int y; 

    internal struct LSRECT
        public int left;
        public int top; 
        public int right;
        public int bottom; 
        internal LSRECT(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) 
            left    = x1; 
            top     = y1;
            right   = x2;
            bottom  = y2;
    internal struct LSSIZE
        public int width;
        public int height;
    internal struct EscStringInfo 
        public IntPtr   szParaSeparator;
        public IntPtr   szLineSeparator; 
        public IntPtr   szHidden;
        public IntPtr   szNbsp;
        public IntPtr   szObjectTerminator;
        public IntPtr   szObjectReplacement; 
    internal struct ObjDim
        public LsHeights    heightsRef;
        public LsHeights    heightsPres;
        public int          dur;

    internal struct LsTbd 
        public LsKTab       lskt; 
        public int          ur;

        public char         wchTabLeader; 

        public char         wchCharTab; 
    internal struct LsTabs
        public int       durIncrementalTab; 
        public int       iTabUserDefMac;
        public IntPtr    plsTbd; 

    internal struct LsULInfo
        public uint     kulBase;
        public int      cNumberOfLines; 
        public int      dvpUnderlineOriginOffset;
        public int      dvpFirstUnderlineOffset; 
        public int      dvpFirstUnderlineSize; 
        public int      dvpGapBetweenLines;
        public int      dvpSecondUnderlineSize; 

    internal struct LsStInfo 
        public uint     kstBase; 
        public int      cNumberOfLines; 
        public int      dvpLowerStrikethroughOffset;
        public int      dvpLowerStrikethroughSize; 
        public int      dvpUpperStrikethroughOffset;
        public int      dvpUpperStrikethroughSize;
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    internal struct LsHyph 
        public LsKysr               kysr;
        public char                 wchYsr; 
        public char                 wchYsr2;
        public LsHyphenQuality      lshq;

    //  Installed object handler methods 
    /// Critical - as this structure points to several callbacks that'll be
    ///            invoked from unmanaged code.  Marked all members Critical. 
    ///            Just putting the SecurityNote on the top instead of on every
    ///            member.
    internal struct LsIMethods
        public IntPtr pfnCreateILSObj;
        public IntPtr pfnDestroyILSObj;
        public IntPtr pfnSetDoc;
        public IntPtr pfnCreateLNObj;
        public IntPtr pfnDestroyLNObj; 
        public IntPtr pfnFmt; 
        public IntPtr pfnFmtResume;
        public IntPtr pfnGetModWidthPrecedingChar; 
        public IntPtr pfnGetModWidthFollowingChar; 
        public IntPtr pfnTruncate;
        public IntPtr pfnFindPrevBreakOppInside;
        public IntPtr pfnFindNextBreakOppInside;
        public IntPtr pfnFindBreakOppBeforeCpTruncate;
        public IntPtr pfnFindBreakOppAfterCpTruncate; 
        public IntPtr pfnCreateStartOppInside; 
        public IntPtr pfnProposeBreakAfter;
        public IntPtr pfnProposeBreakBefore; 
        public IntPtr pfnCreateBreakOppAfter; 
        public IntPtr pfnCreateStartOppBefore;
        public IntPtr pfnCreateDobjFragment;
        public IntPtr pfnForceBreak;
        public IntPtr pfnCreateBreakRecord;
        public IntPtr pfnSetBreak; 
        public IntPtr pfnDestroyStartOpp; 
        public IntPtr pfnDestroyBreakOpp;
        public IntPtr pfnDuplicateBreakRecord; 
        public IntPtr pfnDestroyBreakRecord; 
        public IntPtr pfnGetSpecialEffectsFromDobj;
        public IntPtr pfnGetSpecialEffectsFromDobjFragment;
        public IntPtr pfnGetSubmissionInfoFromDobj;
        public IntPtr pfnGetSublinesFromDobj;
        public IntPtr pfnGetSubmissionInfoFromDobjFragment; 
        public IntPtr pfnGetSubsFromDobjFragment; 
        public IntPtr pfnFExpandWithPrecedingChar;
        public IntPtr pfnFExpandWithFollowingChar; 
        public IntPtr pfnCalcPresentation; 
        public IntPtr pfnQueryPointPcp;
        public IntPtr pfnQueryCpPpoint;
        public IntPtr pfnEnum;
        public IntPtr pfnDisplay;
        public IntPtr pfnDestroyDobj; 
        public IntPtr pfnDestroyDobjFragment; 

    /// Small set of callbacks that are slightly different from its correspondent original
    /// LS callbacks due to logistics of managed code callback interop with LS. 
    /// Critical - as this structure points to several callbacks that'll be 
    ///            invoked from unmanaged code.  Marked all function pointer
    ///            members Critical.
    ///            Just putting the SecurityNote on the top instead of on every 
    ///            member.
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] 
    internal struct LscbkRedefined
        public FetchRunRedefined        pfnFetchRunRedefined;
        public GetGlyphsRedefined       pfnGetGlyphsRedefined; 
        public FetchLineProps           pfnFetchLineProps; 

    //  Context info (LSCONTEXTINFO)
    /// Critical - as this structure points to several callbacks that'll be
    ///            invoked from unmanaged code.  Marked all function pointer 
    ///            members Critical.
    ///            Just putting the SecurityNote on the top instead of on every 
    ///            member.
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    internal unsafe struct LsContextInfo
        public uint                             version;            // version number 
        public int                              cInstalledHandlers; // total installed object handlers
        public IntPtr                           plsimethods;        // array of installed objects LSIMETHODS 
        // Text config (LSTXTCFG)
        public int                              cEstimatedCharsPerLine; 
        // used for input array size for all four FullMixed justification callbacks (cPriorityLevelMax)
        public int                              cJustPriorityLim;

        public char                             wchUndef; 
        public char                             wchNull;
        public char                             wchSpace; 
        public char                             wchHyphen; 
        public char                             wchTab;
        public char                             wchPosTab; 
        public char                             wchEndPara1;
        public char                             wchEndPara2;
        public char                             wchAltEndPara;
        public char                             wchEndLineInPara; 
        public char                             wchColumnBreak;
        public char                             wchSectionBreak; 
        public char                             wchPageBreak; 
        public char                             wchNonBreakSpace;
        public char                             wchNonBreakHyphen; 
        public char                             wchNonReqHyphen;
        public char                             wchEmDash;
        public char                             wchEnDash;
        public char                             wchEmSpace; 
        public char                             wchEnSpace;
        public char                             wchNarrowSpace; 
        public char                             wchOptBreak; 
        public char                             wchNoBreak;
        public char                             wchFESpace; 
        public char                             wchJoiner;
        public char                             wchNonJoiner;
        public char                             wchToReplace;
        public char                             wchReplace; 

        public char                             wchVisiNull; 
        public char                             wchVisiAltEndPara; 
        public char                             wchVisiEndLineInPara;
        public char                             wchVisiEndPara; 
        public char                             wchVisiSpace;
        public char                             wchVisiNonBreakSpace;
        public char                             wchVisiNonBreakHyphen;
        public char                             wchVisiNonReqHyphen; 
        public char                             wchVisiTab;
        public char                             wchVisiPosTab; 
        public char                             wchVisiEmSpace; 
        public char                             wchVisiEnSpace;
        public char                             wchVisiNarrowSpace; 
        public char                             wchVisiOptBreak;
        public char                             wchVisiNoBreak;
        public char                             wchVisiFESpace;
        public char                             wchEscAnmRun; 
        public char                             wchPad;
        //  More LSCONTEXTINFO
        public IntPtr                           pols;  // Opaque client object 

        // Memory management on unmanaged heap
        public IntPtr                           pfnNewPtr; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnDisposePtr; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnReallocPtr;
        // General application callbacks
        public IntPtr                           pfnFetchRun;
        public GetAutoNumberInfo                pfnGetAutoNumberInfo;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetNumericSeparators; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnCheckForDigit; 
        public FetchPap                         pfnFetchPap;
        public FetchLineProps                   pfnFetchLineProps; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnFetchTabs; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnReleaseTabsBuffer;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetBreakThroughTab;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetPosTabProps;
        public IntPtr                           pfnFGetLastLineJustification;
        public IntPtr                           pfnCheckParaBoundaries; 
        public GetRunCharWidths                 pfnGetRunCharWidths; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnCheckRunKernability;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetRunCharKerning; 
        public GetRunTextMetrics                pfnGetRunTextMetrics; 
        public GetRunUnderlineInfo              pfnGetRunUnderlineInfo;
        public GetRunStrikethroughInfo          pfnGetRunStrikethroughInfo;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetBorderInfo;
        public IntPtr                           pfnReleaseRun;
        public IntPtr                           pfnReleaseRunBuffer; 
        public Hyphenate                        pfnHyphenate; 
        public GetPrevHyphenOpp                 pfnGetPrevHyphenOpp;
        public GetNextHyphenOpp                 pfnGetNextHyphenOpp; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetHyphenInfo; 
        public DrawUnderline                    pfnDrawUnderline;
        public DrawStrikethrough                pfnDrawStrikethrough;
        public IntPtr                           pfnDrawBorder;
        public IntPtr                           pfnFInterruptUnderline;
        public IntPtr                           pfnFInterruptShade; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnFInterruptBorder; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnShadeRectangle;
        public DrawTextRun                      pfnDrawTextRun; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnDrawSplatLine; 
        public FInterruptShaping                pfnFInterruptShaping;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetGlyphs;
        public GetGlyphPositions                pfnGetGlyphPositions;
        public DrawGlyphs                       pfnDrawGlyphs;
        public IntPtr                           pfnReleaseGlyphBuffers; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetGlyphExpansionInfo; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetGlyphExpansionInkInfo;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetGlyphRunInk; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetEms; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnPunctStartLine;
        public IntPtr                           pfnModWidthOnRun;
        public IntPtr                           pfnModWidthSpace;
        public IntPtr                           pfnCompOnRun;
        public IntPtr                           pfnCompWidthSpace; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnExpOnRun; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnExpWidthSpace;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetModWidthClasses; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetBreakingClasses; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnFTruncateBefore;
        public IntPtr                           pfnCanBreakBeforeChar;
        public IntPtr                           pfnCanBreakAfterChar;
        public IntPtr                           pfnFHangingPunct;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetSnapGrid; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnDrawEffects; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnFCancelHangingPunct;
        public IntPtr                           pfnModifyCompAtLastChar; 
        public GetDurMaxExpandRagged            pfnGetDurMaxExpandRagged; 
        public GetCharExpansionInfoFullMixed    pfnGetCharExpansionInfoFullMixed;
        public GetGlyphExpansionInfoFullMixed   pfnGetGlyphExpansionInfoFullMixed;
        public GetCharCompressionInfoFullMixed  pfnGetCharCompressionInfoFullMixed;
        public GetGlyphCompressionInfoFullMixed pfnGetGlyphCompressionInfoFullMixed;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetCharAlignmentStartLine; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetCharAlignmentEndLine; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetGlyphAlignmentStartLine;
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetGlyphAlignmentEndLine; 
        public IntPtr                           pfnGetPriorityForGoodTypography; 
        public EnumText                         pfnEnumText; 
        public EnumTab                          pfnEnumTab;
        public IntPtr                           pfnEnumPen; 
        public GetObjectHandlerInfo             pfnGetObjectHandlerInfo; 
        // Debugging
        public IntPtr                           pfnAssertFailedPtr;

        // Even more LSCONTEXTINFO
        public int                              fDontReleaseRuns; 
    // Presentation/Rendering device resolutions (LSDEVRES) 
    internal struct LsDevRes 
        public uint   dxpInch;
        public uint   dypInch;
        public uint   dxrInch; 
        public uint   dyrInch;
    // Presentation/Rendering device resolutions (LSDEVRES)
    internal struct LsLInfo
        public int                  dvpAscent;
        public int                  dvrAscent; 
        public int                  dvpDescent;
        public int                  dvrDescent; 
        public int                  dvpMultiLineHeight; 
        public int                  dvrMultiLineHeight;
        public int                  dvpAscentAutoNumber; 
        public int                  dvrAscentAutoNumber;
        public int                  dvpDescentAutoNumber;
        public int                  dvrDescentAutoNumber;
        public int                  cpLimToContinue; 
        public int                  cpLimToStay;
        public int                  dcpDepend; 
        public int                  cpFirstVis; 
        public LsEndRes             endr;
        public int                  fAdvanced; 
        public int                  vaAdvance;
        public int                  fFirstLineInPara;
        public int                  fTabInMarginExLine;
        public int                  fForcedBreak; 
        public uint                 EffectsFlags;
    internal struct LsBreakRecSubl 
        public int      lscpFetch;
        public int      idobj;
        public IntPtr   pbreakrecobj; 
    // Paragraph Properties (LSPAP)
    // Returned to LS thru FetchPap, called upon LsCreateLine. 
    internal struct LsPap
        public int          cpFirst;            // First CP 
        public int          cpFirstContent;     // First content CP
        public enum Flags : uint
            None = 0,

            //  Visi flags
            fFmiVisiCondHyphens             = 0x00000001, 
            fFmiVisiParaMarks               = 0x00000002,
            fFmiVisiSpaces                  = 0x00000004, 
            fFmiVisiTabs                    = 0x00000008, 
            fFmiVisiSplats                  = 0x00000010,
            fFmiVisiBreaks                  = 0x00000020, 

            //  Advanced typography
            fFmiApplyBreakingRules          = 0x00000040,
            fFmiApplyOpticalAlignment       = 0x00000080, 
            fFmiPunctStartLine              = 0x00000100,
            fFmiHangingPunct                = 0x00000200, 
            //  WYSIWYG flags
            fFmiPresSuppressWiggle          = 0x00000400, 
            fFmiPresExactSync               = 0x00000800,

            //  AutoNumbering flags
            fFmiAnm                         = 0x00001000, 

            //  Misc. 
            fFmiAutoDecimalTab              = 0x00002000, 
            fFmiUnderlineTrailSpacesRM      = 0x00004000,
            fFmiSpacesInfluenceHeight       = 0x00008000, 
            fFmiIgnoreSplatBreak            = 0x00010000,
            fFmiLimSplat                    = 0x00020000,
            fFmiAllowSplatLine              = 0x00040000,
            fFmiForceBreakAsNext            = 0x00080000, 
            fFmiAllowHyphenation            = 0x00100000,
            fFmiDrawInCharCodes             = 0x00200000, 
            fFmiTreatHyphenAsRegular        = 0x00400000, 
            fFmiWrapTrailingSpaces          = 0x00800000,
            fFmiWrapAllSpaces               = 0x01000000, 

            //  Compatibility flags for bugs in older versions of Word
            fFmiFCheckTruncateBefore        = 0x02000000,
            fFmiForgetLastTabAlignment      = 0x10000000, 
            fFmiIndentChangesHyphenZone     = 0x20000000,
            fFmiNoPunctAfterAutoNumber      = 0x40000000, 
            fFmiResolveTabsAsWord97         = 0x80000000, 
        public Flags        grpf;
        public LsBreakJust  lsbrj;
        public LsKJust      lskj;
        public int          fJustify; 
        public int          durAutoDecimalTab;
        public LsKEOP       lskeop; 
        public LsTFlow      lstflow; 

    // Line properties
    // Returned to LS thru FetchLineProps
    internal struct LsLineProps
        public LsKAlign     lskal;                  // Alignment type 
        public int          durLeft;                // Left line boundary
        public int          durRightBreak;          // Right linebreak boundary 
        public int          durRightJustify;        // Right justification boundary
        public int          fProhibitHyphenation;   // prohibit hyphenation on this line?
        public int          durHyphenationZone;     // hyphenation zone for non-optimal breaking

    // Charater properties (LsChp) 
    // Returned to LS thru FetchRun
    internal struct LsChp
        public ushort       idObj;
        public ushort       dcpMaxContent; 
        public uint         effectsFlags;
        public enum Flags : uint
            None = 0,
            fApplyKern              = 0x0001,
            fModWidthOnRun          = 0x0002,
            fModWidthSpace          = 0x0004, 
            fModWidthPairs          = 0x0008,
            fCompressOnRun          = 0x0010, 
            fCompressSpace          = 0x0020, 
            fCompressTable          = 0x0040,
            fExpandOnRun            = 0x0080, 
            fExpandSpace            = 0x0100,
            fExpandTable            = 0x0200,
            fGlyphBased             = 0x0400,
            // 5 bits of padding to align to next word 
            fInvisible              = 0x00010000,
            fUnderline              = 0x00020000, 
            fStrike                 = 0x00040000, 
            fShade                  = 0x00080000,
            fBorder                 = 0x00100000, 
            fSymbol                 = 0x00200000,
            fHyphen                 = 0x00400000,   // Hyphenation opportunity (YSR info)
            fCheckForReplaceChar    = 0x00800000,   // Activate the replace char mechanizm for Yen
            // 8 bits of padding 
        public Flags        flags;      // bitfields 
        public int          dvpPos;

    // TextMetrics (LSTXM)
    // Returned to LS by GetRunTextMetrics
    internal struct LsTxM
        public int      dvAscent; 
        public int      dvDescent;
        public int      dvMultiLineHeight; 
        public int      fMonospaced;         // BOOL

    // Heights (heights) 
    // Input parameter to DrawTextRun
    internal struct LsHeights 
        public int      dvAscent; 
        public int      dvDescent;
        public int      dvMultiLineHeight;
    internal struct LsQSubInfo 
        public LsTFlow     lstflowSubLine;
        public int         lscpFirstSubLine; 
        public int         lsdcpSubLine;
        public LSPOINT     pointUvStartSubLine;
        public LsHeights   lsHeightsPresSubLine;
        public int         dupSubLine; 

        public uint        idobj; 
        public IntPtr      plsrun; 
        public int         lscpFirstRun;
        public int         lsdcpRun; 
        public LSPOINT     pointUvStartRun;
        public LsHeights   lsHeightsPresRun;
        public int         dupRun;
        public int         dvpPosRun; 
        public int         dupBorderBefore;
        public int         dupBorderAfter; 
        public LSPOINT     pointUvStartObj;
        public LsHeights   lsHeightsPresObj; 
        public int         dupObj;

    internal struct LsTextCell
        public int       lscpStartCell; 
        public int       lscpEndCell;
        public LSPOINT   pointUvStartCell; 
        public int       dupCell;
        public int       cCharsInCell;
        public int       cGlyphsInCell;
        public IntPtr    plsCellDetails;  // client-defined structure 
    internal struct LsLineWidths
        public int      upStartMarker;      // column start to marker start
        public int      upLimMarker;        // column start to marker end
        public int      upStartMainText;    // column start to main text start
        public int      upStartTrailing;    // column start to trailing space start 
        public int      upLimLine;          // column start to line end
        public int      upMinStartTrailing; // the smallest upStartTrailing possible 
        public int      upMinLimLine;       // the smallest upLimLine possible 

    internal unsafe struct LsBreaks
        public int              cBreaks;                // number of total breaks
        public LsLInfo*         plslinfoArray;          // array of LSLINFO structs, each per each break 
        public IntPtr*          plinepenaltyArray;      // array of unsafe handle to TSLINEPENALITYINFO struct, each per each break 
        public IntPtr*          pplolineArray;          // array of unsafe handle to Loline struct, each per each break

    internal struct LsNeighborInfo 
        public uint                         fNeighborIsPresent; 
        public uint                         fNeighborIsText; 
        public Plsrun                       plsrun;
        public char                         wch;
        public uint                         fGlyphBased;
        public ushort                       chprop;
        public ushort                       gindex; 
        public uint                         gprop;

    internal unsafe struct LsGlyphRunInfo
        public Plsrun                       plsrun;
        public char*                        pwch;           // array of character codes 
        public ushort*                      rggmap;         // wchar->glyph mapping
        public ushort*                       rgchprop;       // array of char properties as returned by GetGlyphs 
        public int                          cwch;           // number of characters 
        public int                          duChangeRight;  // nominal-to-ideal changes on the right side of the run
        public ushort*                      rggindex;       // glyph indices 
        public uint*                        rggprop;        // array of glyph properties as returned by GetGlyphs
        public int*                         rgduWidth;      // array of glyph widths as returned by GetGlypPositions
        public GlyphOffset*                 rggoffset;      // array of glyph offset as returned by GetGlypPositions
        public int                          cgindex;        // number of glyphs 
    internal unsafe struct LsCharRunInfo 
        public Plsrun   plsrun;
        public char*    pwch;                   // array of character codes
        public int*     rgduNominalWidth;       // array of nominal widths 
        public int*     rgduChangeLeft;         // array of nominal-to-ideal changes on the left side
        public int*     rgduChangeRight;        // array of nominal-to-ideal changes on the right side 
        public int      cwch;                   // number of characters 

    //  Custom object handler structures 
    /// Critical - as this structure points to several callbacks that'll be
    ///            invoked from unmanaged code.  Marked all members Critical. 
    ///            Just putting the SecurityNote on the top instead of on every
    ///            member.
    internal struct InlineInit
        public uint             dwVersion; 
        public InlineFormat     pfnFormat; 
        public InlineDraw       pfnDraw;

    /// Line Services computational constants 
    internal static partial class Constants 
        public const double DefaultRealToIdeal = 28800.0 / 96;
        public const double DefaultIdealToReal = 1 / DefaultRealToIdeal;
        public const int    IdealInfiniteWidth = 0x3FFFFFFE; 
        public const double RealInfiniteWidth = IdealInfiniteWidth * DefaultIdealToReal;
        // A reasonable maximum interword spacing for normal text is half an em 
        // while a good average is a third of em.
        // A reasonable minimum interword spacing for normal text is a fifth of em 
        // while a good average is a quarter of em.
        // [Robert Bringhurst "The Elements of Typographic Style" p.26]
        public const double MinInterWordCompressionPerEm = 0.2; 
        public const double MaxInterWordExpansionPerEm = 0.5;
        // According to Knuth, the linebreak that results in a line with stretchability 
        // 4.7 or greater is considered awful and should be thrown away from the optimal
        // calculation. 
        // Stretchability (S) is the value proportion of the expandable excess width in
        // the line and the maximum expansion allowed. S <= 1 is considered a 'good'
        // linebreak. 1 < S < 4.7 is kinda bad but still considered acceptable, and 
        // S >= 4.7 is just plain awful and should never be chosen.
        // PTLS allows for multiple layers of expansion insertion. We define the first 
        // layer to be for 'good' break, which by definition max out at 1.0 stretchability.
        // The second layout is defined as 'acceptable' break and max out at an addition of 
        // 2.0. The third layer is defined as 'bad'. It is at this layer where we start to
        // distribute expansion between letters (inter-letter expansion). This layer max
        // out at infinity. The value defined below is the max out stretchability of the
        // second layer. This means we are saying - we'll start inter-letter distribution 
        // for a break which yields the line with stretchability greater than 3.0. Thus, a
        // line with inter-letter expansion may be accepted within an optimal paragraph 
        // calculation only if it has stretchability >= 3.0 but < 4.7. 
        // So, just to give an idea of how difference a line with S = 1.0 and S = 4.7 is in 
        // Knuth's calculation; the badness of the line is the power of six of its stretchability
        // value. Line with greater stretchability is significantly worse than one with smaller value.
        // For more detail on the badness calculation; see the "Optimal Paragraph" design spec 
        // http://team/sites/Avalon/Specs/Optimal%20Paragraph.doc.
        public const int AcceptableLineStretchability = 2; 
        // Minimum number of characters before and after the current position to
        // be analyzed by the lexical service component such as hyphenation or 
        // word-break and cached so future call within the same character range
        // can be done efficiently.
        // Making these numbers too small would result in more cache miss during 
        // line-breaking. Making it too great wastes memory.
        public const int MinCchToCacheBeforeAndAfter = 16; 

    /// Helper functions to convert to and from LS enum values
    internal sealed class Convert 
        // Helper class not instantiable 
        private Convert() {} 

        /// From LsTFlow to FlowDirection
        public static FlowDirection LsTFlowToFlowDirection(LsTFlow lstflow)
            switch (lstflow)
                //case LsTFlow.lstflowDefault: 
                case LsTFlow.lstflowES:
                case LsTFlow.lstflowEN: 
                    return FlowDirection.LeftToRight;

                case LsTFlow.lstflowWS: 
                case LsTFlow.lstflowWN:
                    return FlowDirection.RightToLeft; 
                // vertical flow is not supported
                case LsTFlow.lstflowSE: 
                case LsTFlow.lstflowSW:
                case LsTFlow.lstflowNE:
                case LsTFlow.lstflowNW:
            return FlowDirection.LeftToRight; 

        /// From TabAlignment to LsKTab
        public static LsKTab LsKTabFromTabAlignment(TextTabAlignment tabAlignment) 
            switch (tabAlignment) 
                case TextTabAlignment.Right:
                    return LsKTab.lsktRight; 

                case TextTabAlignment.Center:
                    return LsKTab.lsktCenter;
                case TextTabAlignment.Character:
                    return LsKTab.lsktChar; 
            return LsKTab.lsktLeft;

    //  Line Services exported functions

    /// This is a meta security comment for all the native functions in this class.
    /// Line services does not do any security critical operations as such.  All it does 
    /// really is to compute the layout information.  What's unsecure is the design pattern
    /// that involves a chat'ty interface with unmanaged code. 
    /// All the native functions that call into the line services code take a context,
    /// usually PLOC, as a parameter.  This is opaque to the managed code and is handled 
    /// as an IntPtr.  Since the memory pointed to by this parameter can be written to
    /// by the line services code, all these native methods are considered Unsafe.
    /// There may be other parameters too that'll be written to directly by LS code 
    /// but these will be appropriately marked Critical or validated when the function
    /// is called. 
    /// See PTSInPartialTrust.mht in the framework\ms\internal\ptshost directory that
    /// explains the design philosophy.  All of it applies to LineServices code also. 
    internal static class UnsafeNativeMethods
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoCreateContext")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoCreateContext(
            ref LsContextInfo               contextInfo,      // const
            ref LscbkRedefined              lscbkRedef,
            out IntPtr                      ploc 
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoDestroyContext")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoDestroyContext(
            IntPtr                  ploc 
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoCreateLine")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoCreateLine(
            IntPtr                  ploc, 
            int                     cp,
            int                     ccpLim, 
            int                     durColumn, 
            uint                    dwLineFlags,
            IntPtr                  pInputBreakRec, 
            out LsLInfo             plslinfo,
            out IntPtr              pploline,
            out int                 maxDepth,
            out LsLineWidths        lineWidths 
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoDisposeLine")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoDisposeLine(
            IntPtr                  ploline, 
            bool                    finalizing 

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoAcquireBreakRecord")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoAcquireBreakRecord(
            IntPtr                  ploline, 
            out IntPtr              pbreakrec 
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoDisposeBreakRecord")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoDisposeBreakRecord( 
            IntPtr                  pBreakRec, 
            bool                    finalizing 

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoCloneBreakRecord")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoCloneBreakRecord(
            IntPtr                  pBreakRec, 
            out IntPtr              pBreakRecClone

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "LoRelievePenaltyResource")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoRelievePenaltyResource( 
            IntPtr                  ploline

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoSetBreaking")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoSetBreaking( 
            IntPtr                  ploc,
            int                     strategy
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoSetDoc")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoSetDoc(
            IntPtr                  ploc,
            int                     isDisplay,
            int                     isReferencePresentationEqual, 
            ref LsDevRes            deviceInfo
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoSetTabs")]
        internal static unsafe extern LsErr LoSetTabs( 
            IntPtr                  ploc,
            int                     durIncrementalTab, 
            int                     tabCount, 
            LsTbd*                  pTabs

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoDisplayLine")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoDisplayLine( 
            IntPtr                  ploline,
            ref LSPOINT             pt, 
            uint                    displayMode,
            ref LSRECT              clipRect
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoEnumLine")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoEnumLine(
            IntPtr                  ploline,
            bool                    reverseOder,
            bool                    fGeometryneeded, 
            ref LSPOINT             pt
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoQueryLineCpPpoint")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoQueryLineCpPpoint( 
            IntPtr                  ploline,
            int                     lscpQuery, 
            int                     depthQueryMax, 
            IntPtr                  pSubLineInfo,   // passing raw pinned pointer for out array
            out int                 actualDepthQuery, 
            out LsTextCell          lsTextCell

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoQueryLinePointPcp")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoQueryLinePointPcp( 
            IntPtr                  ploline,
            ref LSPOINT             ptQuery,        //  use POINT as POINTUV
            int                     depthQueryMax,
            IntPtr                  pSubLineInfo,   // passing raw pinned pointer for out array 
            out int                 actualDepthQuery,
            out LsTextCell          lsTextCell 

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoCreateBreaks")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoCreateBreaks(
            IntPtr                  ploc,               // Line Services context 
            int                     cpFirst, 
            IntPtr                  previousBreakRecord,
            IntPtr                  ploparabreak, 
            IntPtr                  ptslinevariantRestriction,
            ref LsBreaks            lsbreaks,
            out int                 bestFitIndex

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoCreateParaBreakingSession")]
        internal static extern LsErr LoCreateParaBreakingSession(
            IntPtr                  ploc,               // Line Services context
            int                     cpParagraphFirst, 
            int                     maxWidth,
            IntPtr                  previousParaBreakRecord, 
            ref IntPtr              pploparabreak, 
            ref bool                fParagraphJustified 

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LoDisposeParaBreakingSession")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoDisposeParaBreakingSession(
            IntPtr                  ploparabreak, 
            bool                    finalizing
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint="LocbkGetObjectHandlerInfo")] 
        internal unsafe static extern LsErr LocbkGetObjectHandlerInfo(
            IntPtr                  ploc,               // Line Services context
            uint                    objectId,           // installed object id
            void*                   objectInfo          // object handler info 
        /// Critical - as this calls a function with SUC on it.
        /// Safe - as this just fills a data structure. 
        /// We need to do this wrapper for the TAS to work correctly with enforcement.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal static void LoGetEscString(
            ref EscStringInfo escStringInfo) 
            LoGetEscStringImpl(ref escStringInfo);

        /// Critical - as this code performs an elevation.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "LoGetEscString")] 
        private static extern void LoGetEscStringImpl( 
            ref EscStringInfo escStringInfo

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "LoAcquirePenaltyModule")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoAcquirePenaltyModule( 
            IntPtr                  ploc,       // Line Services context
            out IntPtr              penaltyModuleHandle 

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "LoDisposePenaltyModule")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoDisposePenaltyModule(
            IntPtr                  penaltyModuleHandle 

        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "LoGetPenaltyModuleInternalHandle")] 
        internal static extern LsErr LoGetPenaltyModuleInternalHandle(
            IntPtr                  penaltyModuleHandle, 
            out IntPtr              penaltyModuleInternalHandle

        /// This method creates an object that implements IDWriteTextAnalysisSink that is defined in PresentationNative*.dll.
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "CreateTextAnalysisSink")]
        internal unsafe static extern void* CreateTextAnalysisSink();
        /// This method is passed the IDWriteTextAnalysisSink object we get using CreateTextAnalysisSink to retrieve 
        /// the results from analyzing the scripts. 
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "GetScriptAnalysisList")] 
        internal unsafe static extern void* GetScriptAnalysisList(void* textAnalysisSink);
        /// This method is passed the IDWriteTextAnalysisSink object we get using CreateTextAnalysisSink to retrieve
        /// the results from analyzing the number substitution. 
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "GetNumberSubstitutionList")] 
        internal unsafe static extern void* GetNumberSubstitutionList(void* textAnalysisSink); 

        /// This method creates an object that implements IDWriteTextAnalysiSource that is defined in PresentationNative*.dll.
        /// Critical - as there is an elevation - SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport(Microsoft.Internal.DllImport.PresentationNative, EntryPoint = "CreateTextAnalysisSource")] 
        internal unsafe static extern int CreateTextAnalysisSource(ushort* text,
                                                                   uint    length, 
                                                                   ushort* culture,
                                                                   void*   factory,
                                                                   bool    isRightToLeft,
                                                                   ushort* numberCulture, 
                                                                   bool    ignoreUserOverride,
                                                                   uint    numberSubstitutionMethod, 
                                                                   void**  ppTextAnalysisSource); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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