/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebControls / View.cs / 1305376 / View.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; [ParseChildren(false)] [ Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ViewDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign) ] [ToolboxData("<{0}:View runat=\"server\">{0}:View>")] public class View : Control { private static readonly object _eventActivate = new object(); private static readonly object _eventDeactivate = new object(); private bool _active = false; ////// internal bool Active { get { return _active; } set { _active = value; // VSWhidbey 297515 - Need to make it visible explicity so views can be added during Render base.Visible = true; } } ///[To be supplied.] ////// [ Browsable(true) ] public override bool EnableTheming { get { return base.EnableTheming; } set { base.EnableTheming = value; } } ///Gets and sets a value indicating whether theme is enabled. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.View_Activate) ] public event EventHandler Activate { add { Events.AddHandler(_eventActivate, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(_eventActivate, value); } } ///Occurs when the view is deactivated. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.View_Deactivate) ] public event EventHandler Deactivate { add { Events.AddHandler(_eventDeactivate, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(_eventDeactivate, value); } } ///Occurs when the view is deactivated. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebCategory("Behavior"), WebSysDescription(SR.Control_Visible) ] public override bool Visible { get { if (Parent == null) { return Active; } return Active && Parent.Visible; } set { if (DesignMode) { return; } throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.View_CannotSetVisible)); } } ////// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the view should be rendered on /// the page. /// ////// protected internal virtual void OnActivate(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[_eventActivate]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected internal virtual void OnDeactivate(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[_eventDeactivate]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.Raises the ///event.
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- SqlMethodCallConverter.cs
- TextLineBreak.cs
- TextRangeEditTables.cs
- DependencyObjectCodeDomSerializer.cs
- ToolStripPanelRenderEventArgs.cs
- TextServicesContext.cs
- InvalidPropValue.cs
- QueryOutputWriter.cs
- LazyTextWriterCreator.cs
- WebPartConnectionsEventArgs.cs
- DataGridViewHitTestInfo.cs
- EnumDataContract.cs
- SortedList.cs
- AdapterDictionary.cs
- Debug.cs
- PageCatalogPart.cs
- TextCompositionManager.cs
- DataObject.cs
- NullableIntMinMaxAggregationOperator.cs
- SelectionRangeConverter.cs
- BamlLocalizabilityResolver.cs
- BufferedConnection.cs
- URI.cs
- AutomationProperty.cs
- PerformanceCountersBase.cs
- StringArrayConverter.cs
- DbCommandDefinition.cs
- AttributeQuery.cs
- SafeSecurityHandles.cs
- ConfigurationPropertyCollection.cs
- ListViewDeletedEventArgs.cs
- Header.cs
- ConnectionsZone.cs
- DockProviderWrapper.cs
- TrustManager.cs
- ErrorsHelper.cs
- CustomErrorCollection.cs
- ArgumentNullException.cs
- ReadOnlyPropertyMetadata.cs
- TableAutomationPeer.cs
- DataGridViewColumn.cs
- SqlServer2KCompatibilityCheck.cs
- SmtpTransport.cs
- OpCopier.cs
- BooleanToVisibilityConverter.cs
- DataRowCollection.cs
- EditorPart.cs
- TreeViewItem.cs
- XmlSchemaSubstitutionGroup.cs
- OleDbFactory.cs
- StrongNamePublicKeyBlob.cs
- PrincipalPermission.cs
- ScrollItemProviderWrapper.cs
- ZeroOpNode.cs
- Canvas.cs
- shaperfactoryquerycacheentry.cs
- PathData.cs
- FunctionMappingTranslator.cs
- WorkflowInspectionServices.cs
- RelOps.cs
- DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl.cs
- WorkflowNamespace.cs
- CellParaClient.cs
- CollectionBase.cs
- SiteMapNodeItem.cs
- TextDpi.cs
- TextDpi.cs
- RoutingSection.cs
- String.cs
- _ConnectOverlappedAsyncResult.cs
- DataPagerCommandEventArgs.cs
- PtsPage.cs
- TypeLoadException.cs
- PackagePartCollection.cs
- x509utils.cs
- JsonWriter.cs
- IERequestCache.cs
- TableHeaderCell.cs
- TreeNodeSelectionProcessor.cs
- HttpProfileGroupBase.cs
- QilIterator.cs
- ApplicationServiceHelper.cs
- GridLength.cs
- CompatibleComparer.cs
- DataTemplateSelector.cs
- DataBinder.cs
- RegexCaptureCollection.cs
- CurrentTimeZone.cs
- ProxyWebPartManager.cs
- ColorAnimationBase.cs
- EdmError.cs
- BaseHashHelper.cs
- GlyphCache.cs
- StylusPointProperties.cs
- WpfSharedBamlSchemaContext.cs
- Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs
- DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs.cs
- Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs
- Internal.cs
- SpellerHighlightLayer.cs