/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / VisualStyles / VisualStyleTypesAndProperties.cs / 1305376 / VisualStyleTypesAndProperties.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file contains the enums defining various ThemeData Types and Properties. [assembly: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.MSInternal", "CA905:SystemAndMicrosoftNamespacesRequireApproval", Scope="namespace", Target="System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles")] namespace System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles { using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; ///public enum BackgroundType { /// ImageFile = 0, /// BorderFill = 1, /// None = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, BT, IMAGEFILE) // TM_ENUM(1, BT, BORDERFILL) // TM_ENUM(2, BT, NONE) } /// public enum BorderType { /// Rectangle = 0, /// RoundedRectangle = 1, /// Ellipse = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, BT, RECT) // TM_ENUM(1, BT, ROUNDRECT) // TM_ENUM(2, BT, ELLIPSE) } /// public enum ImageOrientation { /// Vertical = 0, /// Horizontal = 1, // TM_ENUM(0, IL, VERTICAL) // TM_ENUM(1, IL, HORIZONTAL) } /// public enum SizingType { /// FixedSize = 0, /// Stretch = 1, /// Tile = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, ST, TRUESIZE) // TM_ENUM(1, ST, STRETCH) // TM_ENUM(2, ST, TILE) } /// public enum FillType { /// Solid = 0, /// VerticalGradient = 1, /// HorizontalGradient = 2, /// RadialGradient = 3, /// TileImage = 4, // TM_ENUM(0, FT, SOLID) // TM_ENUM(1, FT, VERTGRADIENT) // TM_ENUM(2, FT, HORZGRADIENT) // TM_ENUM(3, FT, RADIALGRADIENT) // TM_ENUM(4, FT, TILEIMAGE) } /// public enum HorizontalAlign { /// Left = 0, /// Center = 1, /// Right = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, HA, LEFT) // TM_ENUM(1, HA, CENTER) // TM_ENUM(2, HA, RIGHT) } /// public enum ContentAlignment { /// Left = 0, /// Center = 1, /// Right = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, CA, LEFT) // TM_ENUM(1, CA, CENTER) // TM_ENUM(2, CA, RIGHT) } /// public enum VerticalAlignment { /// Top = 0, /// Center = 1, /// Bottom = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, VA, TOP) // TM_ENUM(1, VA, CENTER) // TM_ENUM(2, VA, BOTTOM) } /// public enum OffsetType { /// TopLeft = 0, /// TopRight = 1, /// TopMiddle = 2, /// BottomLeft = 3, /// BottomRight = 4, /// BottomMiddle = 5, /// MiddleLeft = 6, /// MiddleRight = 7, /// LeftOfCaption = 8, /// RightOfCaption = 9, /// LeftOfLastButton = 10, /// RightOfLastButton = 11, /// AboveLastButton = 12, /// BelowLastButton = 13, // TM_ENUM(0, OT, TOPLEFT) // TM_ENUM(1, OT, TOPRIGHT) // TM_ENUM(2, OT, TOPMIDDLE) // TM_ENUM(3, OT, BOTTOMLEFT) // TM_ENUM(4, OT, BOTTOMRIGHT) // TM_ENUM(5, OT, BOTTOMMIDDLE) // TM_ENUM(6, OT, MIDDLELEFT) // TM_ENUM(7, OT, MIDDLERIGHT) // TM_ENUM(8, OT, LEFTOFCAPTION) // TM_ENUM(9, OT, RIGHTOFCAPTION) // TM_ENUM(10, OT, LEFTOFLASTBUTTON) // TM_ENUM(11, OT, RIGHTOFLASTBUTTON) // TM_ENUM(12, OT, ABOVELASTBUTTON) // TM_ENUM(13, OT, BELOWLASTBUTTON) } /// public enum IconEffect { /// None = 0, /// Glow = 1, /// Shadow = 2, /// Pulse = 3, /// Alpha = 4, // TM_ENUM(0, ICE, NONE) // TM_ENUM(1, ICE, GLOW) // TM_ENUM(2, ICE, SHADOW) // TM_ENUM(3, ICE, PULSE) // TM_ENUM(4, ICE, ALPHA) } /// public enum TextShadowType { /// None = 0, /// Single = 1, /// Continuous = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, TST, NONE) // TM_ENUM(1, TST, SINGLE) // TM_ENUM(2, TST, CONTINUOUS) } /// public enum GlyphType { /// None = 0, /// ImageGlyph = 1, /// FontGlyph = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, GT, NONE) // TM_ENUM(1, GT, IMAGEGLYPH) // TM_ENUM(2, GT, FONTGLYPH) } /// public enum ImageSelectType { /// None = 0, /// Size = 1, /// Dpi = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, IST, NONE) // TM_ENUM(1, IST, SIZE) // TM_ENUM(2, IST, DPI) } /// public enum TrueSizeScalingType { /// None = 0, /// Size = 1, /// Dpi = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, TSST, NONE) // TM_ENUM(1, TSST, SIZE) // TM_ENUM(2, TSST, DPI) } /// public enum GlyphFontSizingType { /// None = 0, /// Size = 1, /// Dpi = 2, // TM_ENUM(0, GFST, NONE) // TM_ENUM(1, GFST, SIZE) // TM_ENUM(2, GFST, DPI) } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum ColorProperty { /// BorderColor = 3801, /// FillColor = 3802, /// TextColor = 3803, /// EdgeLightColor = 3804, /// EdgeHighlightColor = 3805, /// EdgeShadowColor = 3806, /// EdgeDarkShadowColor = 3807, /// EdgeFillColor = 3808, /// TransparentColor = 3809, /// GradientColor1 = 3810, /// GradientColor2 = 3811, /// GradientColor3 = 3812, /// GradientColor4 = 3813, /// GradientColor5 = 3814, /// ShadowColor = 3815, /// GlowColor = 3816, /// TextBorderColor = 3817, /// TextShadowColor = 3818, /// GlyphTextColor = 3819, /// GlyphTransparentColor = 3820, /// FillColorHint = 3821, /// BorderColorHint = 3822, /// AccentColorHint = 3823 // TM_PROP(3801, TMT, BORDERCOLOR, COLOR) // color of borders for BorderFill // TM_PROP(3802, TMT, FILLCOLOR, COLOR) // color of bg fill // TM_PROP(3803, TMT, TEXTCOLOR, COLOR) // color text is drawn in // TM_PROP(3804, TMT, EDGELIGHTCOLOR, COLOR) // edge color // TM_PROP(3805, TMT, EDGEHIGHLIGHTCOLOR, COLOR) // edge color // TM_PROP(3806, TMT, EDGESHADOWCOLOR, COLOR) // edge color // TM_PROP(3807, TMT, EDGEDKSHADOWCOLOR, COLOR) // edge color // TM_PROP(3808, TMT, EDGEFILLCOLOR, COLOR) // edge color // TM_PROP(3809, TMT, TRANSPARENTCOLOR, COLOR) // color of pixels that are treated as transparent (not drawn) // TM_PROP(3810, TMT, GRADIENTCOLOR1, COLOR) // first color in gradient // TM_PROP(3811, TMT, GRADIENTCOLOR2, COLOR) // second color in gradient // TM_PROP(3812, TMT, GRADIENTCOLOR3, COLOR) // third color in gradient // TM_PROP(3813, TMT, GRADIENTCOLOR4, COLOR) // forth color in gradient // TM_PROP(3814, TMT, GRADIENTCOLOR5, COLOR) // fifth color in gradient // TM_PROP(3815, TMT, SHADOWCOLOR, COLOR) // color of text shadow // TM_PROP(3816, TMT, GLOWCOLOR, COLOR) // color of glow produced by DrawThemeIcon // TM_PROP(3817, TMT, TEXTBORDERCOLOR, COLOR) // color of text border // TM_PROP(3818, TMT, TEXTSHADOWCOLOR, COLOR) // color of text shadow // TM_PROP(3819, TMT, GLYPHTEXTCOLOR, COLOR) // color that font-based glyph is drawn with // TM_PROP(3820, TMT, GLYPHTRANSPARENTCOLOR, COLOR) // color of transparent pixels in GlyphImageFile // TM_PROP(3821, TMT, FILLCOLORHINT, COLOR) // hint about fill color used (for custom controls) // TM_PROP(3822, TMT, BORDERCOLORHINT, COLOR) // hint about border color used (for custom controls) // TM_PROP(3823, TMT, ACCENTCOLORHINT, COLOR) // hint about accent color used (for custom controls) } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // EnumProperty maps to native enum. ] public enum EnumProperty { /// BackgroundType = 4001, /// BorderType = 4002, /// FillType = 4003, /// SizingType = 4004, /// HorizontalAlignment = 4005, /// ContentAlignment = 4006, /// VerticalAlignment = 4007, /// OffsetType = 4008, /// IconEffect = 4009, /// TextShadowType = 4010, /// ImageLayout = 4011, /// GlyphType = 4012, /// ImageSelectType = 4013, /// GlyphFontSizingType = 4014, /// TrueSizeScalingType = 4015 // TM_PROP(4001, TMT, BGTYPE, ENUM) // basic drawing type for each part // TM_PROP(4002, TMT, BORDERTYPE, ENUM) // type of border for BorderFill parts // TM_PROP(4003, TMT, FILLTYPE, ENUM) // fill shape for BorderFill parts // TM_PROP(4004, TMT, SIZINGTYPE, ENUM) // how to size ImageFile parts // TM_PROP(4005, TMT, HALIGN, ENUM) // horizontal alignment for TRUESIZE parts & glyphs // TM_PROP(4006, TMT, CONTENTALIGNMENT, ENUM) // custom window prop: how text is aligned in caption // TM_PROP(4007, TMT, VALIGN, ENUM) // horizontal alignment for TRUESIZE parts & glyphs // TM_PROP(4008, TMT, OFFSETTYPE, ENUM) // how window part should be placed // TM_PROP(4009, TMT, ICONEFFECT, ENUM) // type of effect to use with DrawThemeIcon // TM_PROP(4010, TMT, TEXTSHADOWTYPE, ENUM) // type of shadow to draw with text // TM_PROP(4011, TMT, IMAGELAYOUT, ENUM) // how multiple images are arranged (horz. or vert.) // TM_PROP(4012, TMT, GLYPHTYPE, ENUM) // controls type of glyph in imagefile objects // TM_PROP(4013, TMT, IMAGESELECTTYPE, ENUM) // controls when to select from IMAGEFILE1...IMAGEFILE5 // TM_PROP(4014, TMT, GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE, ENUM) // controls when to select a bigger/small glyph font size // TM_PROP(4015, TMT, TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE, ENUM) // controls how TrueSize image is scaled } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum FilenameProperty { /// ImageFile = 3001, /// ImageFile1 = 3002, /// ImageFile2 = 3003, /// ImageFile3 = 3004, /// ImageFile4 = 3005, /// ImageFile5 = 3006, /// StockImageFile = 3007, /// GlyphImageFile = 3008 // TM_PROP(3001, TMT, IMAGEFILE, FILENAME) // the filename of the image (or basename, for mult. images) // TM_PROP(3002, TMT, IMAGEFILE1, FILENAME) // multiresolution image file // TM_PROP(3003, TMT, IMAGEFILE2, FILENAME) // multiresolution image file // TM_PROP(3004, TMT, IMAGEFILE3, FILENAME) // multiresolution image file // TM_PROP(3005, TMT, IMAGEFILE4, FILENAME) // multiresolution image file // TM_PROP(3006, TMT, IMAGEFILE5, FILENAME) // multiresolution image file // TM_PROP(3007, TMT, STOCKIMAGEFILE, FILENAME) // These are the only images that you can call GetThemeBitmap on // TM_PROP(3008, TMT, GLYPHIMAGEFILE, FILENAME) // the filename for the glyph image } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum FontProperty { /// GlyphFont = 2601 // TM_PROP(2601, TMT, GLYPHFONT, FONT) // the font that the glyph is drawn with } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum IntegerProperty { /// ImageCount = 2401, /// AlphaLevel = 2402, /// BorderSize = 2403, /// RoundCornerWidth = 2404, /// RoundCornerHeight = 2405, /// GradientRatio1 = 2406, /// GradientRatio2 = 2407, /// GradientRatio3 = 2408, /// GradientRatio4 = 2409, /// GradientRatio5 = 2410, /// ProgressChunkSize = 2411, /// ProgressSpaceSize = 2412, /// Saturation = 2413, /// TextBorderSize = 2414, /// AlphaThreshold = 2415, /// Width = 2416, /// Height = 2417, /// GlyphIndex = 2418, /// TrueSizeStretchMark = 2419, /// MinDpi1 = 2420, /// MinDpi2 = 2421, /// MinDpi3 = 2422, /// MinDpi4 = 2423, /// MinDpi5 = 2424 // TM_PROP(2401, TMT, IMAGECOUNT, INT) // the number of state images in an imagefile // TM_PROP(2402, TMT, ALPHALEVEL, INT) // (0-255) alpha value for an icon (DrawThemeIcon part) // TM_PROP(2403, TMT, BORDERSIZE, INT) // the size of the border line for bgtype=BorderFill // TM_PROP(2404, TMT, ROUNDCORNERWIDTH, INT) // (0-100) % of roundness for rounded rects // TM_PROP(2405, TMT, ROUNDCORNERHEIGHT, INT) // (0-100) % of roundness for rounded rects // TM_PROP(2406, TMT, GRADIENTRATIO1, INT) // (0-255) - amt of gradient color 1 to use (all must total=255) // TM_PROP(2407, TMT, GRADIENTRATIO2, INT) // (0-255) - amt of gradient color 2 to use (all must total=255) // TM_PROP(2408, TMT, GRADIENTRATIO3, INT) // (0-255) - amt of gradient color 3 to use (all must total=255) // TM_PROP(2409, TMT, GRADIENTRATIO4, INT) // (0-255) - amt of gradient color 4 to use (all must total=255) // TM_PROP(2410, TMT, GRADIENTRATIO5, INT) // (0-255) - amt of gradient color 5 to use (all must total=255) // TM_PROP(2411, TMT, PROGRESSCHUNKSIZE, INT) // size of progress control chunks // TM_PROP(2412, TMT, PROGRESSSPACESIZE, INT) // size of progress control spaces // TM_PROP(2413, TMT, SATURATION, INT) // (0-255) amt of saturation for DrawThemeIcon() part // TM_PROP(2414, TMT, TEXTBORDERSIZE, INT) // size of border around text chars // TM_PROP(2415, TMT, ALPHATHRESHOLD, INT) // (0-255) the min. alpha value of a pixel that is solid // TM_PROP(2416, TMT, WIDTH, SIZE) // custom window prop: size of part (min. window) // TM_PROP(2417, TMT, HEIGHT, SIZE) // custom window prop: size of part (min. window) // TM_PROP(2418, TMT, GLYPHINDEX, INT) // for font-based glyphs, the char index into the font // TM_PROP(2419, TMT, TRUESIZESTRETCHMARK, INT) // stretch TrueSize image when target exceeds source by this percent // TM_PROP(2420, TMT, MINDPI1, INT) // min DPI ImageFile1 was designed for // TM_PROP(2421, TMT, MINDPI2, INT) // min DPI ImageFile1 was designed for // TM_PROP(2422, TMT, MINDPI3, INT) // min DPI ImageFile1 was designed for // TM_PROP(2423, TMT, MINDPI4, INT) // min DPI ImageFile1 was designed for // TM_PROP(2424, TMT, MINDPI5, INT) // min DPI ImageFile1 was designed for } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum PointProperty { /// Offset = 3401, /// TextShadowOffset = 3402, /// MinSize = 3403, /// MinSize1 = 3404, /// MinSize2 = 3405, /// MinSize3 = 3406, /// MinSize4 = 3407, /// MinSize5 = 3408 // TM_PROP(3401, TMT, OFFSET, POSITION) // for window part layout // TM_PROP(3402, TMT, TEXTSHADOWOFFSET, POSITION) // where char shadows are drawn, relative to [....]. chars // TM_PROP(3403, TMT, MINSIZE, POSITION) // min dest rect than ImageFile was designed for // TM_PROP(3404, TMT, MINSIZE1, POSITION) // min dest rect than ImageFile1 was designed for // TM_PROP(3405, TMT, MINSIZE2, POSITION) // min dest rect than ImageFile2 was designed for // TM_PROP(3406, TMT, MINSIZE3, POSITION) // min dest rect than ImageFile3 was designed for // TM_PROP(3407, TMT, MINSIZE4, POSITION) // min dest rect than ImageFile4 was designed for // TM_PROP(3408, TMT, MINSIZE5, POSITION) // min dest rect than ImageFile5 was designed for } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum MarginProperty { /// SizingMargins = 3601, /// ContentMargins = 3602, /// CaptionMargins = 3603 // TM_PROP(3601, TMT, SIZINGMARGINS, MARGINS) // margins used for 9-grid sizing // TM_PROP(3602, TMT, CONTENTMARGINS, MARGINS) // margins that define where content can be placed // TM_PROP(3603, TMT, CAPTIONMARGINS, MARGINS) // margins that define where caption text can be placed } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum StringProperty { /// Text = 3201 //TM_PROP(3201, TMT, TEXT, STRING) } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum BooleanProperty { /// Transparent = 2201, /// AutoSize = 2202, /// BorderOnly = 2203, /// Composited = 2204, /// BackgroundFill = 2205, /// GlyphTransparent = 2206, /// GlyphOnly = 2207, /// AlwaysShowSizingBar = 2208, /// MirrorImage = 2209, /// UniformSizing = 2210, /// IntegralSizing = 2211, /// SourceGrow = 2212, /// SourceShrink = 2213 // TM_PROP(2201, TMT, TRANSPARENT, BOOL) // image has transparent areas (see TransparentColor) // TM_PROP(2202, TMT, AUTOSIZE, BOOL) // if TRUE, nonclient caption width varies with text extent // TM_PROP(2203, TMT, BORDERONLY, BOOL) // only draw the border area of the image // TM_PROP(2204, TMT, COMPOSITED, BOOL) // control will handle the composite drawing // TM_PROP(2205, TMT, BGFILL, BOOL) // if TRUE, TRUESIZE images should be drawn on bg fill // TM_PROP(2206, TMT, GLYPHTRANSPARENT, BOOL) // glyph has transparent areas (see GlyphTransparentColor) // TM_PROP(2207, TMT, GLYPHONLY, BOOL) // only draw glyph (not background) // TM_PROP(2208, TMT, ALWAYSSHOWSIZINGBAR, BOOL) // TM_PROP(2209, TMT, MIRRORIMAGE, BOOL) // default=TRUE means image gets mirrored in RTL (Mirror) windows // TM_PROP(2210, TMT, UNIFORMSIZING, BOOL) // if TRUE, height & width must be uniformly sized // TM_PROP(2211, TMT, INTEGRALSIZING, BOOL) // for TRUESIZE and Border sizing; if TRUE, factor must be integer // TM_PROP(2212, TMT, SOURCEGROW, BOOL) // if TRUE, will scale up src image when needed // TM_PROP(2213, TMT, SOURCESHRINK, BOOL) // if TRUE, will scale down src image when needed } // Some other misc enums /// [Flags] [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum Edges { /// Left = 0x0001, /// Top = 0x0002, /// Right = 0x0004, /// Bottom = 0x0008, /// Diagonal = 0x0010, // #define BF_LEFT 0x0001 // #define BF_TOP 0x0002 // #define BF_RIGHT 0x0004 // #define BF_BOTTOM 0x0008 // // #define BF_TOPLEFT (BF_TOP | BF_LEFT) // #define BF_TOPRIGHT (BF_TOP | BF_RIGHT) // #define BF_BOTTOMLEFT (BF_BOTTOM | BF_LEFT) // #define BF_BOTTOMRIGHT (BF_BOTTOM | BF_RIGHT) // #define BF_RECT (BF_LEFT | BF_TOP | BF_RIGHT | BF_BOTTOM) // // #define BF_DIAGONAL 0x0010 // // For diagonal lines, the BF_RECT flags specify the end point of the // // vector bounded by the rectangle parameter. // #define BF_DIAGONAL_ENDTOPRIGHT (BF_DIAGONAL | BF_TOP | BF_RIGHT) // #define BF_DIAGONAL_ENDTOPLEFT (BF_DIAGONAL | BF_TOP | BF_LEFT) // #define BF_DIAGONAL_ENDBOTTOMLEFT (BF_DIAGONAL | BF_BOTTOM | BF_LEFT) // #define BF_DIAGONAL_ENDBOTTOMRIGHT (BF_DIAGONAL | BF_BOTTOM | BF_RIGHT) } /// [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum EdgeStyle { /// Raised = 0x0001 | 0x0004, /// Sunken = 0x0002 | 0x0008, /// Etched = 0x0002 | 0x0004, /// Bump = 0x0001 | 0x0008 // #define BDR_RAISEDOUTER 0x0001 // #define BDR_SUNKENOUTER 0x0002 // #define BDR_RAISEDINNER 0x0004 // #define BDR_SUNKENINNER 0x0008 // #define EDGE_RAISED (BDR_RAISEDOUTER | BDR_RAISEDINNER) // #define EDGE_SUNKEN (BDR_SUNKENOUTER | BDR_SUNKENINNER) // #define EDGE_ETCHED (BDR_SUNKENOUTER | BDR_RAISEDINNER) // #define EDGE_BUMP (BDR_RAISEDOUTER | BDR_SUNKENINNER) } /// [Flags] public enum EdgeEffects { /// None = 0, /// FillInterior = 0x0800, /// Flat = 0x1000, /// Soft = 0x4000, /// Mono = 0x8000, // #define BF_SOFT 0x1000 /* For softer buttons */ // #define BF_FLAT 0x4000 /* For flat rather than 3D borders */ // #define BF_MONO 0x8000 /* For monochrome borders */ } /// public struct TextMetrics { private int height; private int ascent; private int descent; private int internalLeading; private int externalLeading; private int aveCharWidth; private int maxCharWidth; private int weight; private int overhang; private int digitizedAspectX; private int digitizedAspectY; private char firstChar; private char lastChar; private char defaultChar; private char breakChar; private bool italic; private bool underlined; private bool struckOut; private TextMetricsPitchAndFamilyValues pitchAndFamily; private TextMetricsCharacterSet charSet; /// public int Height { get { return height; } set { height = value; } } /// public int Ascent { get { return ascent; } set { ascent = value; } } /// public int Descent { get { return descent; } set { descent = value; } } /// public int InternalLeading { get { return internalLeading; } set { internalLeading = value; } } /// public int ExternalLeading { get { return externalLeading; } set { externalLeading = value; } } /// public int AverageCharWidth { get { return aveCharWidth; } set { aveCharWidth = value; } } /// public int MaxCharWidth { get { return maxCharWidth; } set { maxCharWidth = value; } } /// public int Weight { get { return weight; } set { weight = value; } } /// public int Overhang { get { return overhang; } set { overhang = value; } } /// public int DigitizedAspectX { get { return digitizedAspectX; } set { digitizedAspectX = value; } } /// public int DigitizedAspectY { get { return digitizedAspectY; } set { digitizedAspectY = value; } } /// public char FirstChar { get { return firstChar; } set { firstChar = value; } } /// public char LastChar { get { return lastChar; } set { lastChar = value; } } /// public char DefaultChar { get { return defaultChar; } set { defaultChar = value; } } /// public char BreakChar { get { return breakChar; } set { breakChar = value; } } /// public bool Italic { get { return italic; } set { italic = value; } } /// public bool Underlined { get { return underlined; } set { underlined = value; } } /// public bool StruckOut { get { return struckOut; } set { struckOut = value; } } /// public TextMetricsPitchAndFamilyValues PitchAndFamily { get { return pitchAndFamily; } set { pitchAndFamily = value; } } /// public TextMetricsCharacterSet CharSet { get { return charSet; } set { charSet = value; } } } /// [Flags] public enum TextMetricsPitchAndFamilyValues { /// FixedPitch = 0x01, /// Vector = 0x02, /// TrueType = 0x04, /// Device = 0x08 // #define TMPF_FIXED_PITCH 0x01 // #define TMPF_VECTOR 0x02 // #define TMPF_DEVICE 0x08 // #define TMPF_TRUETYPE 0x04 } /// public enum TextMetricsCharacterSet { /// Ansi = 0, /// Baltic = 186, /// ChineseBig5 = 136, /// Default = 1, /// EastEurope = 238, /// Gb2312 = 134, /// Greek = 161, /// Hangul = 129, /// Mac = 77, /// Oem = 255, /// Russian = 204, /// ShiftJis = 128, /// Symbol = 2, /// Turkish = 162, /// Vietnamese = 163, /// Johab = 130, /// Arabic = 178, /// Hebrew = 177, /// Thai = 222, // #define ANSI_CHARSET 0 // #define BALTIC_CHARSET 186 // #define CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 136 // #define DEFAULT_CHARSET 1 // #define EASTEUROPE_CHARSET 238 // #define GB2312_CHARSET 134 // #define GREEK_CHARSET 161 // #define HANGUL_CHARSET 129 // #define MAC_CHARSET 77 // #define OEM_CHARSET 255 // #define RUSSIAN_CHARSET 204 // #define SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 128 // #define SYMBOL_CHARSET 2 // #define TURKISH_CHARSET 162 // #define VIETNAMESE_CHARSET 163 // Korean // #define JOHAB_CHARSET 130 // Middle East // #define ARABIC_CHARSET 178 // #define HEBREW_CHARSET 177 // Thai // #define THAI_CHARSET 222 } /// [Flags] [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue") // Maps to native enum. ] public enum HitTestOptions { /// BackgroundSegment = 0x0000, /// FixedBorder = 0x0002, /// Caption = 0x0004, /// ResizingBorderLeft = 0x0010, /// ResizingBorderTop = 0x0020, /// ResizingBorderRight = 0x0040, /// ResizingBorderBottom = 0x0080, /// ResizingBorder = ResizingBorderLeft | ResizingBorderTop | ResizingBorderRight | ResizingBorderBottom, /// SizingTemplate = 0x0100, /// SystemSizingMargins = 0x0200 // Theme background segment hit test flag (default). possible return values are: // HTCLIENT: hit test succeeded in the middle background segment // HTTOP, HTLEFT, HTTOPLEFT, etc: // hit test succeeded in the the respective theme background segment. //#define HTTB_BACKGROUNDSEG 0x0000 // Fixed border hit test option. possible return values are: // HTCLIENT: hit test succeeded in the middle background segment // HTBORDER: hit test succeeded in any other background segment //#define HTTB_FIXEDBORDER 0x0002 // Return code may be either HTCLIENT or HTBORDER. // Caption hit test option. Possible return values are: // HTCAPTION: hit test succeeded in the top, top left, or top right background segments // HTNOWHERE or another return code, depending on absence or presence of accompanying flags, resp. //#define HTTB_CAPTION 0x0004 // Resizing border hit test flags. Possible return values are: // HTCLIENT: hit test succeeded in middle background segment // HTTOP, HTTOPLEFT, HTLEFT, HTRIGHT, etc: hit test succeeded in the respective system resizing zone // HTBORDER: hit test failed in middle segment and resizing zones, but succeeded in a background border segment //#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_LEFT 0x0010 // Hit test left resizing border, //#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_TOP 0x0020 // Hit test top resizing border //#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_RIGHT 0x0040 // Hit test right resizing border //#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_BOTTOM 0x0080 // Hit test bottom resizing border //#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER (HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_LEFT|HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_TOP|\ // HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_RIGHT|HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_BOTTOM) // Resizing border is specified as a template, not just window edges. // This option is mutually exclusive with HTTB_SYSTEMSIZINGWIDTH; HTTB_SIZINGTEMPLATE takes precedence //#define HTTB_SIZINGTEMPLATE 0x0100 // Use system resizing border width rather than theme content margins. // This option is mutually exclusive with HTTB_SIZINGTEMPLATE, which takes precedence. //#define HTTB_SYSTEMSIZINGMARGINS 0x0200 } /// public enum HitTestCode { /// Nowhere = 0, /// Client = 1, /// Left = 10, /// Right = 11, /// Top = 12, /// Bottom = 15, /// TopLeft = 13, /// TopRight = 14, /// BottomLeft = 16, /// BottomRight = 17 // #define HTNOWHERE 0 // #define HTCLIENT 1 // #define HTLEFT 10 // #define HTRIGHT 11 // #define HTTOP 12 // #define HTTOPLEFT 13 // #define HTTOPRIGHT 14 // #define HTBOTTOM 15 // #define HTBOTTOMLEFT 16 // #define HTBOTTOMRIGHT 17 } /// public enum ThemeSizeType { /// Minimum = 0, /// True = 1, /// Draw = 2 } // Internal enums for VisualStyleInformation internal struct VisualStyleDocProperty { internal static string DisplayName = "DisplayName"; internal static string Company = "Company"; internal static string Author = "Author"; internal static string Copyright = "Copyright"; internal static string Url = "Url"; internal static string Version = "Version"; internal static string Description = "Description"; } internal struct VisualStyleSystemProperty { internal static int SupportsFlatMenus = 1001; internal static int MinimumColorDepth = 1301; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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- ConditionalAttribute.cs
- PropertyChangedEventArgs.cs
- TargetInvocationException.cs
- RuleSet.cs
- OpacityConverter.cs
- ResourceDefaultValueAttribute.cs
- DecimalKeyFrameCollection.cs
- SchemaNamespaceManager.cs
- NameTable.cs
- UserNameSecurityTokenAuthenticator.cs
- NativeMethods.cs
- GenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly.cs
- DataFormats.cs
- HasCopySemanticsAttribute.cs
- ConsoleTraceListener.cs
- SequenceDesigner.cs
- WizardStepBase.cs
- AppDomainManager.cs
- SqlPersonalizationProvider.cs
- ScriptControlManager.cs
- SafeHandles.cs
- HttpCachePolicyElement.cs
- XamlSerializerUtil.cs
- ListViewInsertedEventArgs.cs
- KeyPullup.cs
- MessageBox.cs
- SystemEvents.cs
- CultureTable.cs
- TextMarkerSource.cs
- AuthStoreRoleProvider.cs
- KnownAssemblyEntry.cs
- OleDbConnection.cs
- WebMethodAttribute.cs
- SqlDataSourceAdvancedOptionsForm.cs
- UpdatePanel.cs
- TagElement.cs
- TextParaLineResult.cs
- WinFormsSecurity.cs
- RefreshPropertiesAttribute.cs
- ManifestSignedXml.cs
- EnumValAlphaComparer.cs
- _DomainName.cs
- CompensationTokenData.cs
- DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.cs
- FileSystemEnumerable.cs
- HttpApplication.cs
- ScriptControl.cs
- EntityType.cs
- WorkflowDurableInstance.cs
- MetadataCacheItem.cs
- AssemblyCache.cs
- EmptyQuery.cs
- FlowNode.cs
- StringOutput.cs
- XmlEntity.cs
- SQLDecimal.cs
- RenameRuleObjectDialog.Designer.cs
- ResourceManagerWrapper.cs
- storepermissionattribute.cs
- OdbcErrorCollection.cs
- MessageSmuggler.cs
- DataGridColumn.cs
- ExecutorLocksHeldException.cs
- CacheEntry.cs
- Reference.cs
- WebPartHeaderCloseVerb.cs
- DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs.cs
- LayeredChannelListener.cs
- TcpProcessProtocolHandler.cs
- NewArrayExpression.cs
- ScrollPatternIdentifiers.cs
- Matrix3D.cs
- TableCell.cs
- ValidationRuleCollection.cs
- EventLogEntryCollection.cs
- DictionaryBase.cs
- SmiRequestExecutor.cs
- CurrencyWrapper.cs
- MouseActionValueSerializer.cs
- Grant.cs
- BamlLocalizationDictionary.cs
- selecteditemcollection.cs
- EraserBehavior.cs
- COM2ExtendedUITypeEditor.cs
- OracleConnection.cs
- BindingExpressionBase.cs
- ReversePositionQuery.cs
- ZipIOExtraFieldElement.cs
- CodeDOMUtility.cs
- TextElementCollection.cs
- DetailsViewPageEventArgs.cs
- DbCommandDefinition.cs
- DefinitionUpdate.cs
- SemanticTag.cs
- TargetParameterCountException.cs
- RecognizedAudio.cs
- Utils.cs