MessageQueue.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Services / Messaging / System / Messaging / MessageQueue.cs / 1305376 / MessageQueue.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Messaging { 
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System; 
    using System.Configuration.Install;
    using System.Messaging.Interop; 
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Collections; 
 	using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.DirectoryServices; 

    ///       Provides 
    ///       access to a Message Queuing backend queue resource.
    Editor("System.Messaging.Design.QueuePathEditor", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDrawing), 
	[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1710:IdentifiersShouldHaveCorrectSuffix")]
	[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1711:IdentifiersShouldNotHaveIncorrectSuffix")]
    public class MessageQueue : Component, IEnumerable { 
        //Public constants
        ///       Specifies that 
        ///       there is no
        ///       timeout period for calls to peek or receive messages.
        public static readonly TimeSpan InfiniteTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(UInt32.MaxValue);
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public static readonly long InfiniteQueueSize = UInt32.MaxValue;

 		//Internal members 

        private DefaultPropertiesToSend defaultProperties; 
        private MessagePropertyFilter receiveFilter;
 		private QueueAccessMode accessMode; 
        private int sharedMode;
        private string formatName;
        private string queuePath;
        private string path; 
        private bool enableCache;
        private QueuePropertyVariants properties; 
        private IMessageFormatter formatter; 
        private static string computerName;
 		internal static readonly Version OSVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version;
		internal static readonly Version WinXP = new Version(5,1);
 		internal static readonly bool Msmq3OrNewer = OSVersion >= WinXP;
        //Cached properties
        private QueuePropertyFilter filter; 
        private bool authenticate; 
        private short basePriority;
        private DateTime createTime; 
        private int encryptionLevel;
        private Guid id;
        private string label;
		private string multicastAddress; 
        private DateTime lastModifyTime;
        private long journalSize; 
        private long queueSize; 
        private Guid queueType;
        private bool useJournaling; 
        private MQCacheableInfo mqInfo;

        //Async IO support
        private bool attached; 
        private bool useThreadPool;
        private AsyncCallback onRequestCompleted; 
        private PeekCompletedEventHandler onPeekCompleted; 
        private ReceiveCompletedEventHandler onReceiveCompleted;
        private ISynchronizeInvoke synchronizingObject; 
		private Hashtable outstandingAsyncRequests;

        //Path sufixes
        private static readonly string SUFIX_PRIVATE = "\\PRIVATE$"; 
        private static readonly string SUFIX_JOURNAL = "\\JOURNAL$";
        private static readonly string SUFIX_DEADLETTER = "\\DEADLETTER$"; 
        private static readonly string SUFIX_DEADXACT = "\\XACTDEADLETTER$"; 

        //Path prefixes 
        private static readonly string PREFIX_LABEL = "LABEL:";
        private static readonly string PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME = "FORMATNAME:";

        //Connection pooling support 
        private static CacheTable formatNameCache =
        	new CacheTable("formatNameCache", 4, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 100));   // path -> formatname 
		private static CacheTable queueInfoCache  =
 			new CacheTable("queue info", 4, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 100));        //  ->  

        // Whidbey Beta 2 SECREVIEW (Dec 2004 [....]):
        // Connection Cache can be a security vulnerability (see bug 422227)
        // Therefore, disable it by default 
		private static bool enableConnectionCache = false;
 		private QueueInfoKeyHolder queueInfoKey = null; 

        //Code Acess Security support 
        private bool administerGranted;
        private bool browseGranted;
        private bool sendGranted;
        private bool receiveGranted; 
        private bool peekGranted;
 		private object syncRoot = new object(); 
		private static object staticSyncRoot = new object();
        ///       Initializes a new instance of the  class. To use the object instantiated by the default 
        ///       constructor, the 
        ///       property must be set. 
        public MessageQueue() {
            this.path = String.Empty;
 			this.accessMode = QueueAccessMode.SendAndReceive;

        ///       Initializes a new instance of the  
        ///       class that references the Message Queuing application resource specified by the
        ///    parameter.
        public MessageQueue(string path) : this(path, false, enableConnectionCache){ 

        ///       Initializes a new instance of the 
        ///       class that references the Message Queuing application resource specified by the 
        ///     parameter and having the specifed access mode.
        public MessageQueue(string path, QueueAccessMode accessMode) : this(path, false, enableConnectionCache, accessMode){


        ///       Initializes a new instance of the  class that references the 
        ///       Message Queuing application resource specified by the  parameter,
        ///       and has the specified queue read access restriction. 
        public MessageQueue(string path, bool sharedModeDenyReceive) : this(path, sharedModeDenyReceive, enableConnectionCache) {

        ///       Initializes a new instance of the  class that references the 
        ///       Message Queuing application resource specified by the  parameter,
        ///       has the specified queue read access restriction and whether to cache handles
        public MessageQueue(string path, bool sharedModeDenyReceive, bool enableCache) {
        	this.path = path; 
            this.enableCache = enableCache; 
            if (sharedModeDenyReceive) {
                this.sharedMode = NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_RECEIVE; 
			this.accessMode = QueueAccessMode.SendAndReceive;
        ///       Initializes a new instance of the  class that references the
        ///       Message Queuing application resource specified by the  parameter, 
        ///       has the specified queue read access restriction, whether to cache handles,
        ///       and specified access mode.
		public MessageQueue(string path, bool sharedModeDenyReceive,
 							bool enableCache, QueueAccessMode accessMode){ 
 			this.path = path; 
            this.enableCache = enableCache;
            if (sharedModeDenyReceive) { 
                this.sharedMode = NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_RECEIVE;


        internal MessageQueue(string path, Guid id) {
            PropertyFilter.Id = true; 
   = id;
            this.path = path; 
			this.accessMode = QueueAccessMode.SendAndReceive; 


        ///       Gets value specifying access mode of the queue 
        public QueueAccessMode AccessMode { 
        	get {
				return this.accessMode;

        ///       Gets or sets a value specifying whether the queue only accepts authenticated
        ///       messages.
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_Authenticate)]
        public bool Authenticate { 
            get { 
                if (!PropertyFilter.Authenticate) {
                    Properties.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_AUTHENTICATE, (byte)0); 
                    this.authenticate = (Properties.GetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_AUTHENTICATE) != NativeMethods.QUEUE_AUTHENTICATE_NONE);
                    PropertyFilter.Authenticate = true;
                return this.authenticate; 
            set {
                if (value)
                    Properties.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_AUTHENTICATE, (byte)NativeMethods.QUEUE_AUTHENTICATE_AUTHENTICATE);
                    Properties.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_AUTHENTICATE, (byte)NativeMethods.QUEUE_AUTHENTICATE_NONE);
                this.authenticate = value;
                PropertyFilter.Authenticate = true; 
        ///    Gets or sets a value indicating the base 
        ///       priority used to route a public queue's messages over the network.
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_BasePriority)]
        public short BasePriority {
            get {
                if (!PropertyFilter.BasePriority) { 
                    Properties.SetI2(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_BASEPRIORITY, (short)0);
                    this.basePriority = properties.GetI2(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_BASEPRIORITY); 
                    PropertyFilter.BasePriority = true;

                return this.basePriority;
            set { 
                Properties.SetI2(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_BASEPRIORITY, value);
                this.basePriority = value;
                PropertyFilter.BasePriority = true;
        ///       Gets a value indicating whether the 
        ///       has read permission.
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_CanRead)]
        public bool CanRead { 
            get { 
                if (!browseGranted) {
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Browse, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 

                    browseGranted = true;

                return MQInfo.CanRead; 
        ///       Gets a value indicating whether the  
        ///       has write permission.
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_CanWrite)]
        public bool CanWrite { 
            get {
                if (!browseGranted) {
                     MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Browse, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);

                    browseGranted = true; 

                return MQInfo.CanWrite; 

        ///    Gets or sets the queue type. 
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_Category)]
        public Guid Category { 
            get {
                if (!PropertyFilter.Category) {
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
                    IntPtr handle = Properties.GetIntPtr(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_TYPE); 
                    if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        Marshal.Copy(handle, bytes, 0, 16);
                        //MSMQ allocated memory for this operation, needs to be freed 

                    this.queueType = new Guid(bytes); 
                    PropertyFilter.Category = true;
                return this.queueType;

            set {
                Properties.SetGuid(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_TYPE, value.ToByteArray());
                this.queueType = value;
                PropertyFilter.Category = true; 

        internal static string ComputerName { 
            get {
                if (computerName == null) { 
                    lock (MessageQueue.staticSyncRoot) { 
                        if (computerName == null) {
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); 
                            SafeNativeMethods.GetComputerName(sb, new int[] {sb.Capacity});
                            computerName = sb.ToString();
                return computerName; 

        ///       Gets the time and date of the queue's creation.
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_CreateTime)]
        public DateTime CreateTime { 
            get {
                if (!PropertyFilter.CreateTime) {
                    DateTime time = new DateTime(1970 , 1, 1);
                    Properties.SetI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_CREATE_TIME, 0); 
                    this.createTime = time.AddSeconds(properties.GetI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_CREATE_TIME)).ToLocalTime(); 
                    PropertyFilter.CreateTime = true; 

                return this.createTime;

        ///       Gets or sets the properties to be used by 
        ///       default when sending messages to the queue referenced by this 
        ///       .
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_DefaultPropertiesToSend)]
        public DefaultPropertiesToSend DefaultPropertiesToSend { 
            get { 
                if (this.defaultProperties == null) {
                    if (this.DesignMode) 
                        this.defaultProperties = new DefaultPropertiesToSend(true);
                        this.defaultProperties = new DefaultPropertiesToSend();

                return this.defaultProperties; 

            set { 
                this.defaultProperties = value;
        ///       Specifies the shared mode for the queue that this object
        ///       references. If  , 
        ///       no other queue object will be able to receive messages from the queue resource.
        [Browsable(false), DefaultValueAttribute(false), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_DenySharedReceive)] 
        public bool DenySharedReceive {
            get { 
                return(this.sharedMode == NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_RECEIVE); 
            set { 
                if (value && (this.sharedMode != NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_RECEIVE)) {
                    this.sharedMode = NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_RECEIVE;
                else if (!value && (this.sharedMode == NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_RECEIVE)) {
                    this.sharedMode = NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_NONE; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public static bool EnableConnectionCache {
            get { 
                return enableConnectionCache;

            set { 
                enableConnectionCache = value;

        ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether the queue only accepts non-private
        ///       (non-encrypted) messages. 
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_EncryptionRequired)] 
        public EncryptionRequired EncryptionRequired {
            get { 
                if (!PropertyFilter.EncryptionLevel) {
                    Properties.SetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_PRIV_LEVEL, 0);
                    this.encryptionLevel = Properties.GetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_PRIV_LEVEL); 
                    PropertyFilter.EncryptionLevel = true;

            set {
                if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateEncryptionRequired(value))
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(EncryptionRequired)); 

                Properties.SetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_PRIV_LEVEL, (int)value); 
                this.encryptionLevel = properties.GetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_PRIV_LEVEL);
                PropertyFilter.EncryptionLevel = true; 
        ///       Gets the unique name that was generated for the queue when the queue was created.
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_FormatName)]
        public string FormatName {
            get { 
                if (this.formatName == null) {
                    if (this.path == null || path.Length == 0) { 
                        return string.Empty; 
					string pathUpper = this.path.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // see if we already have this cached
                    if (enableCache) 
                        this.formatName = MessageQueue.formatNameCache.Get(pathUpper);
                    // not in the cache?  keep working. 
                    if (formatName == null) {
                        if (PropertyFilter.Id) { 
                            //Improves performance when enumerating queues.
                            //This codepath will only be executed when accessing
                            //a queue returned by MessageQueueEnumerator.
                            int result; 
                            int status = 0;
                            StringBuilder newFormatName = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.MAX_LABEL_LEN); 
                            result = NativeMethods.MAX_LABEL_LEN; 
                            status = SafeNativeMethods.MQInstanceToFormatName(, newFormatName, ref result);
                            if (status != 0) 
                                throw new MessageQueueException(status);

                            this.formatName = newFormatName.ToString();
                            return this.formatName; 
                        if (pathUpper.StartsWith(PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME)) 
                            this.formatName = this.path.Substring(PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME.Length);
                        else if (pathUpper.StartsWith(PREFIX_LABEL)) { 
                            MessageQueue labeledQueue = ResolveQueueFromLabel(this.path, true);
                            this.formatName = labeledQueue.FormatName;
                            this.queuePath = labeledQueue.QueuePath;
                        else {
                            this.queuePath = this.path; 
                            this.formatName = ResolveFormatNameFromQueuePath(this.queuePath, true); 
                        MessageQueue.formatNameCache.Put(pathUpper, formatName);
                return this.formatName;

        ///       Gets or
        ///       sets a 
        ///       formatter class used to serialize messages read or written to
        ///       the message body. 
        public IMessageFormatter Formatter { 
            get { 
                if (this.formatter == null && !DesignMode)
                    this.formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(); 

                return this.formatter;
            set {
                this.formatter = value; 
        ///       Gets the Message Queuing unique identifier for the queue. 
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_GuidId)] 
        public Guid Id {
            get { 
                if (!PropertyFilter.Id) {
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[16]; 
                    IntPtr handle = Properties.GetIntPtr(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_INSTANCE);
                    if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        Marshal.Copy(handle, bytes, 0, 16); 
                        //MSMQ allocated memory for this operation, needs to be freed
           = new Guid(bytes);
                    PropertyFilter.Id = true;
        ///    Gets or sets the queue description.
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_Label)]
        public string Label { 
            get { 
                if (!PropertyFilter.Label) {
                    string description = null;
                    IntPtr handle = Properties.GetIntPtr(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_LABEL);
                    if (handle!= IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        //Using Unicode API even on Win9x
                        description = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(handle); 
                        //MSMQ allocated memory for this operation, needs to be freed 

                    this.label = description;
                    PropertyFilter.Label = true;
                return this.label; 
            set {
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                //Borrow this function from message
                Properties.SetString(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_LABEL, Message.StringToBytes(value)); 
                this.label = value;
                PropertyFilter.Label = true; 

        ///       Indicates the last time the properties of a queue were modified. 
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_LastModifyTime)]
        public DateTime LastModifyTime { 
            get {
                if (!PropertyFilter.LastModifyTime) { 
                    DateTime time = new DateTime(1970 , 1, 1); 
                    Properties.SetI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_MODIFY_TIME, 0);
                    this.lastModifyTime = time.AddSeconds(properties.GetI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_MODIFY_TIME)).ToLocalTime();
                    PropertyFilter.LastModifyTime = true;

                return this.lastModifyTime; 
        ///       Gets or sets the name of the computer where 
        ///       the queue referenced by this 
        ///       is located. 
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_MachineName)] 
        public string MachineName {
            get {
                string queuePath = QueuePath;
                if (queuePath.Length == 0) { 
                    return queuePath;
                return queuePath.Substring(0, queuePath.IndexOf('\\')); 
            set {
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                if (!SyntaxCheck.CheckMachineName(value))
                    throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidProperty, "MachineName", value)); 
                StringBuilder newPath = new StringBuilder();
                if ((this.path == null || this.path.Length == 0) && this.formatName == null) { 
                    //Need to default to an existing queue, for instance Journal.
                else {
                Path =  newPath.ToString();
        ///       Gets or sets the maximum size of the journal queue.
        public long MaximumJournalSize { 
            get {
                if (!PropertyFilter.MaximumJournalSize) { 
                    Properties.SetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_JOURNAL_QUOTA, 0);
                    this.journalSize = (long)((uint)properties.GetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_JOURNAL_QUOTA));
                    PropertyFilter.MaximumJournalSize = true; 
                return this.journalSize;

            set {
                if (value > InfiniteQueueSize || value < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidProperty, "MaximumJournalSize", value)); 

                Properties.SetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_JOURNAL_QUOTA, (int)((uint)value)); 
                this.journalSize = value;
                PropertyFilter.MaximumJournalSize = true; 
        ///       Gets or sets the maximum size of the queue.
        public long MaximumQueueSize { 
            get {
                if (!PropertyFilter.MaximumQueueSize) { 
                    Properties.SetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_QUOTA, 0);
                    this.queueSize = (long)((uint)properties.GetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_QUOTA));
                    PropertyFilter.MaximumQueueSize = true; 
                return this.queueSize;

            set {
                if (value > InfiniteQueueSize || value < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidProperty, "MaximumQueueSize", value)); 

                Properties.SetUI4(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_QUOTA, (int)((uint)value)); 
                this.queueSize = value;
                PropertyFilter.MaximumQueueSize = true; 
        ///       Gets or sets the property filter for
        ///       receiving messages. 
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_MessageReadPropertyFilter)]
        public MessagePropertyFilter MessageReadPropertyFilter { 
            get {
                if (this.receiveFilter == null) { 
                    this.receiveFilter = new MessagePropertyFilter(); 

                return this.receiveFilter;
            set {
                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 

                this.receiveFilter = value; 

        internal MQCacheableInfo MQInfo { 
            get {
                if (mqInfo == null) { 
                    MQCacheableInfo cachedInfo = queueInfoCache.Get(QueueInfoKey); 
                    if (sharedMode == NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_RECEIVE || !enableCache) {
                        if (cachedInfo != null) 

                        // don't use the cache
                        mqInfo = new MQCacheableInfo(this.FormatName, accessMode, sharedMode); 
                    } else { 
                        // use the cache 
                        if (cachedInfo != null) {
                            mqInfo = cachedInfo;
                        else {
                            mqInfo = new MQCacheableInfo(this.FormatName, accessMode, sharedMode); 
                            queueInfoCache.Put(QueueInfoKey, mqInfo); 

                return mqInfo;

        ///    Gets or sets the IP multicast address associated with the queue. 
		public string MulticastAddress {
			get { 
 				if (!Msmq3OrNewer) { //this feature is unavailable on win2k 
				    // don't throw in design mode: this makes component unusable
    				if (DesignMode) 
                        return String.Empty;
    					throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(Res.GetString(Res.PlatformNotSupported));

 				if (!PropertyFilter.MulticastAddress) { 
 					string address = null; 
                    IntPtr handle = Properties.GetIntPtr(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_MULTICAST_ADDRESS);
                    if (handle!= IntPtr.Zero) {
                        address = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(handle);
                        //MSMQ allocated memory for this operation, needs to be freed 
					this.multicastAddress = address;
                    PropertyFilter.MulticastAddress = true; 

				return this.multicastAddress; 
			set { 
 				if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
 				if (!Msmq3OrNewer) //this feature is unavailable on win2k
					throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(Res.GetString(Res.PlatformNotSupported));

 				if (value.Length == 0) // used to disassocciate queue from a muliticast address 
				else 				   //Borrow this function from message 
                	Properties.SetString(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_MULTICAST_ADDRESS, Message.StringToBytes(value)); 

                this.multicastAddress = value;
                PropertyFilter.MulticastAddress = true;
        ///       Gets or sets the queue's path. When setting the , this points the 
        ///       to a new queue.
        [Editor("System.Messaging.Design.QueuePathEditor", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDrawing), 
         TypeConverter("System.Diagnostics.Design.StringValueConverter, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign),
        public string Path { 
            get {
                return this.path; 

            set { 
                if (value == null)
                    value = String.Empty;

                if (!ValidatePath(value, false)) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.PathSyntax));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.path)) 
                this.path = value;
        private QueuePropertyVariants Properties { 
            get {
                if ( == null) 
           = new QueuePropertyVariants();

        private QueuePropertyFilter PropertyFilter{ 
            get {
                if (this.filter == null)
                    this.filter = new QueuePropertyFilter();
                return this.filter;

        ///       Gets or sets the friendly
        ///       name that identifies the queue. 
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_QueueName)] 
        public string QueueName {
            get { 
                string queuePath = QueuePath;
                if (queuePath.Length == 0) {
                    return queuePath;
                return  queuePath.Substring(queuePath.IndexOf('\\') + 1);
            set {
                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

                StringBuilder newPath = new StringBuilder();
                if ((this.path == null || this.path.Length == 0) && this.formatName == null) { 
                else {
                Path =  newPath.ToString(); 

        internal string QueuePath{
            get {
                if (this.queuePath == null) { 
                    if (this.path == null || this.path.Length == 0) {
                        return string.Empty; 

                    string pathUpper = this.path.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
                    if (pathUpper.StartsWith(PREFIX_LABEL)) {
                        MessageQueue labeledQueue = ResolveQueueFromLabel(this.path, true);
                        this.formatName = labeledQueue.FormatName;
                        this.queuePath = labeledQueue.QueuePath; 
                    else if (pathUpper.StartsWith(PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME)) { 
                        string description = null; 
                        IntPtr handle = Properties.GetIntPtr(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_PATHNAME);
                        if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            //Using Unicode API even on Win9x
                            description = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(handle); 
                            //MSMQ allocated memory for this operation, needs to be freed
                        this.queuePath =  description; 
                        this.queuePath = path;
                return this.queuePath;

        ///       The native handle used to receive messages from the message queue
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_ReadHandle)] 
        public IntPtr ReadHandle { 
            get {
                if (!receiveGranted) { 
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Receive, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);

                    receiveGranted = true; 
                return MQInfo.ReadHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); 

        ///   Represents the object used to marshal the event handler
        ///   calls issued as a result of a BeginReceive or BeginPeek 
        ///  request into a specific thread. Normally this property will 
        ///  be set when the component is placed inside a control or
        ///  a from, since those components are bound to a specific 
        ///  thread.
        [Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_SynchronizingObject)]
        public ISynchronizeInvoke SynchronizingObject { 
            get {
                if (this.synchronizingObject == null && DesignMode) { 
                    IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); 
                    if (host != null) {
                        object baseComponent = host.RootComponent; 
                        if (baseComponent != null && baseComponent is ISynchronizeInvoke)
                            this.synchronizingObject = (ISynchronizeInvoke)baseComponent;

                return this.synchronizingObject; 

            set { 
                this.synchronizingObject = value;
        ///       Gets
        ///       a value indicating whether the queue supports transactions. 
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_Transactional)]
        public bool Transactional { 
            get {
                if (!browseGranted) { 
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Browse, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 
                    browseGranted = true;

                return MQInfo.Transactional; 
        ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether retrieved messages are copied to the
        ///       journal queue.
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_UseJournalQueue)] 
        public bool UseJournalQueue { 
            get {
                if (!PropertyFilter.UseJournalQueue) { 
                    Properties.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_JOURNAL, (byte)0);
                    this.useJournaling = (Properties.GetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_JOURNAL) != NativeMethods.QUEUE_JOURNAL_NONE);
                    PropertyFilter.UseJournalQueue = true; 
                return this.useJournaling; 
            set {
                if (value)
                    Properties.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_JOURNAL, (byte)NativeMethods.QUEUE_JOURNAL_JOURNAL);
                    Properties.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_JOURNAL, (byte)NativeMethods.QUEUE_JOURNAL_NONE);
                this.useJournaling = value;
                PropertyFilter.UseJournalQueue = true; 

        ///       The native handle used to send messages to the message queue 
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MessagingDescription(Res.MQ_WriteHandle)]
        public IntPtr WriteHandle { 
            get {
                if (!sendGranted) { 
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Send, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 
                    sendGranted = true;

                return MQInfo.WriteHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); 
        ///    Occurs when a message is read without being removed
        ///       from the queue. This is a result of the asynchronous operation, 
        ///       .
        public event PeekCompletedEventHandler PeekCompleted { 
            add { 
                if (!peekGranted) {
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Peek, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 

                    peekGranted = true;

                onPeekCompleted += value; 
            remove {
                onPeekCompleted -= value; 

        ///       Occurs when a message has been taken out of the queue. 
        ///       This is a result of the asynchronous operation 
        ///       . 
        public event ReceiveCompletedEventHandler ReceiveCompleted { 
            add {
                if (!receiveGranted) { 
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Receive, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 
                    receiveGranted = true;

                onReceiveCompleted += value; 
            remove { 
                onReceiveCompleted -= value; 

 		private Hashtable OutstandingAsyncRequests {
 			get { 
				if (outstandingAsyncRequests == null) {
 					lock(this.syncRoot) { 
						if (outstandingAsyncRequests == null) { 
                            Hashtable requests = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
							outstandingAsyncRequests = requests;
 				return outstandingAsyncRequests; 

		private QueueInfoKeyHolder QueueInfoKey {
			get { 
				if (queueInfoKey == null) {
 					lock(this.syncRoot) { 
						if (queueInfoKey == null) { 
                            QueueInfoKeyHolder keyHolder =  new QueueInfoKeyHolder(FormatName, accessMode);
 							queueInfoKey = keyHolder;

				return this.queueInfoKey; 

        ///    Initiates an asynchronous peek operation with no timeout. The method 
        ///       returns immediately, but the asynchronous operation is not completed until
        ///       the event handler is called. This occurs when a message is 
        ///       available in the 
        ///       queue.
        public IAsyncResult BeginPeek() {
            return ReceiveAsync(InfiniteTimeout, CursorHandle.NullHandle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, null, null);
        ///     Initiates an asynchronous peek operation with the timeout specified. 
        ///       The method returns immediately, but the asynchronous operation is not completed until
        ///       the event handler is called. This occurs when either a message is available in 
        ///       the queue or the timeout
        ///       expires.
        public IAsyncResult BeginPeek(TimeSpan timeout) { 
            return ReceiveAsync(timeout, CursorHandle.NullHandle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, null, null);
        ///     Initiates an asynchronous peek operation with a state object that associates
        ///       information with the operation throughout the operation's
        ///       lifetime. The method returns immediately, but the asynchronous operation is not completed
        ///       until the event handler 
        ///       is called. This occurs when either a message is available in the
        ///       queue or the timeout 
        ///       expires. 
        public IAsyncResult BeginPeek(TimeSpan timeout, object stateObject) { 
            return ReceiveAsync(timeout, CursorHandle.NullHandle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, null, stateObject);

        ///     Initiates an asynchronous peek operation that receives 
        ///       notification through a callback which identifies the event handling method for the 
        ///       operation. The method returns immediately, but the asynchronous operation is not completed
        ///       until the event handler is called. This occurs when either a message is available 
        ///       in the queue or the timeout
        ///       expires.
        public IAsyncResult BeginPeek(TimeSpan timeout, object stateObject, AsyncCallback callback) { 
            return ReceiveAsync(timeout, CursorHandle.NullHandle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, callback, stateObject);

		public IAsyncResult BeginPeek(TimeSpan timeout, Cursor cursor, PeekAction action, object state, AsyncCallback callback) { 
 			if ((action != PeekAction.Current) && (action != PeekAction.Next))
 				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "action", action.ToString()));

			if (cursor == null) 
 				throw new ArgumentNullException("cursor");
			return ReceiveAsync(timeout, cursor.Handle, (int)action, callback, state); 
        ///       Receives the first message available in the queue 
        ///       referenced by the 
        ///       . 
        public IAsyncResult BeginReceive() { 
            return ReceiveAsync(InfiniteTimeout, CursorHandle.NullHandle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, null, null);

        ///       Receives the first message available in the queue 
        ///       referenced by the  . Waits the specified interval for
        ///       the message to be 
        ///       removed.
        public IAsyncResult BeginReceive(TimeSpan timeout) { 
            return ReceiveAsync(timeout, CursorHandle.NullHandle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, null, null);
        ///       Receives the first message available in the queue
        ///       referenced by the  . Waits the specified interval
        ///       for a new message to be removed and uses the specified object to retrieve 
        ///       the result.
        public IAsyncResult BeginReceive(TimeSpan timeout, object stateObject) {
            return ReceiveAsync(timeout, CursorHandle.NullHandle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, null, stateObject); 

        ///    Receives the first message available in the queue
        ///       referenced by the  . Waits 
        ///       the specified interval for a new message to be removed, uses the specified 
        ///       object to retrieve the result, and receives notification through a
        ///       callback. 
        public IAsyncResult BeginReceive(TimeSpan timeout, object stateObject, AsyncCallback callback) {
            return ReceiveAsync(timeout, CursorHandle.NullHandle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, callback, stateObject);

 		public IAsyncResult BeginReceive(TimeSpan timeout, Cursor cursor, object state, AsyncCallback callback) { 
			if (cursor == null)
 				throw new ArgumentNullException("cursor"); 

 			return ReceiveAsync(timeout, cursor.Handle, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, callback, state);
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public static void ClearConnectionCache() { 
            formatNameCache.ClearStale(new TimeSpan(0));
            queueInfoCache.ClearStale(new TimeSpan(0));
        ///       Frees all resources allocated by the 
        ///       . 
        public void Close() {
		private void Cleanup(bool disposing) {
            //This is generated from the path.
            //It needs to be cleared.
            this.formatName = null;
            this.queuePath = null; 
            this.attached = false;
            this.administerGranted = false; 
            this.browseGranted = false; 
            this.sendGranted = false;
            this.receiveGranted = false; 
            this.peekGranted = false;

            if (disposing) {
                if (this.mqInfo != null) { 
                    //No need to check references in this case, the only object 
                    //mqInfo is not cached if both conditions are satisified.
                    if (sharedMode == NativeMethods.QUEUE_SHARED_MODE_DENY_RECEIVE || !enableCache) 

                    this.mqInfo = null;
        ///       Creates 
        ///       a nontransactional Message Queuing backend queue resource with the
        ///       specified path. 
        public static MessageQueue Create(string path) { 
            return MessageQueue.Create(path, false);

        ///       Creates 
        ///       a transactional or nontransactional Message Queuing backend queue resource with the
        ///       specified path. 
        public static MessageQueue Create(string path, bool transactional) {
            if (path == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
            if (path.Length == 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "path", path));
            if (!IsCanonicalPath(path, true))
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidQueuePathToCreate, path));

            MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Administer, MessageQueuePermission.Any); 
            //Create properties. 
            QueuePropertyVariants properties = new QueuePropertyVariants();
            properties.SetString(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_PATHNAME, Message.StringToBytes(path)); 
            if (transactional)
                properties.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_TRANSACTION, (byte)NativeMethods.QUEUE_TRANSACTIONAL_TRANSACTIONAL);
                properties.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_TRANSACTION,  (byte)NativeMethods.QUEUE_TRANSACTIONAL_NONE); 

            StringBuilder formatName = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.MAX_LABEL_LEN); 
            int formatNameLen = NativeMethods.MAX_LABEL_LEN; 
            int status =0;
            //Try to create queue.
            status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQCreateQueue(IntPtr.Zero, properties.Lock(), formatName, ref formatNameLen);
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                throw new MessageQueueException(status);
            return new MessageQueue(path); 

		public Cursor CreateCursor() {
			return new Cursor(this);

        private static MessageQueue[] CreateMessageQueuesSnapshot(MessageQueueCriteria criteria) {
            return  CreateMessageQueuesSnapshot(criteria, true); 

        private static MessageQueue[] CreateMessageQueuesSnapshot(MessageQueueCriteria criteria, bool checkSecurity) {
            ArrayList messageQueuesList = new ArrayList(); 
            IEnumerator messageQueues = GetMessageQueueEnumerator(criteria, checkSecurity); 
            while (messageQueues.MoveNext()) {
                MessageQueue messageQueue = (MessageQueue)messageQueues.Current; 

            MessageQueue[] queues = new MessageQueue[messageQueuesList.Count]; 
            messageQueuesList.CopyTo(queues, 0);
            return queues; 

        ///       Deletes a queue backend resource identified by
        ///       the given path. 
        public static void Delete(string path) { 
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); 

            if (path.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "path", path));
            if (!ValidatePath(path, false))
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.PathSyntax)); 
            int status = 0;
            MessageQueue queue = new MessageQueue(path); 
            MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Administer, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + queue.FormatName);

            status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQDeleteQueue(queue.FormatName); 
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
                throw new MessageQueueException(status); 

        [HostProtection(SharedState = true)] // Overriden member of Component. We should not change Component's behavior in the derived class. 
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
        ///    Completes an asynchronous peek operation associated with
        ///       the 
        ///       parameter.
        public Message EndPeek(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
            return EndAsyncOperation(asyncResult); 

        ///       Terminates a receive asynchronous operation identified 
        ///       by the specified interface.
        public Message EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
            return EndAsyncOperation(asyncResult); 

 		private Message EndAsyncOperation(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { 
            if (asyncResult == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult"); 
            if (!(asyncResult is AsynchronousRequest))
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.AsyncResultInvalid)); 

            AsynchronousRequest request = (AsynchronousRequest)asyncResult;
            return request.End(); 
        ///       Determines whether a queue with the specified path
        ///       exists.
        public static bool Exists(string path) { 
            if (path == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
            if (!ValidatePath(path, false))
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.PathSyntax));

            MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Browse, MessageQueuePermission.Any); 
            string pathUpper = path.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
            if (pathUpper.StartsWith(PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.QueueExistsError)); 
            else if (pathUpper.StartsWith(PREFIX_LABEL)) {
                MessageQueue labeledQueue = ResolveQueueFromLabel(path, false);
                if (labeledQueue == null)
                    return false; 
                    return true; 
            else {
                string formatName = ResolveFormatNameFromQueuePath(path, false); 
                if (formatName == null)
                    return false;
                    return true; 

        private void GenerateQueueProperties() {
            if (!browseGranted) {
                MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Browse, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 
                browseGranted = true; 
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQGetQueueProperties(FormatName, Properties.Lock());
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
                throw new MessageQueueException(status); 
        ///       Returns all the messages available in the queue.
        public Message[] GetAllMessages() { 
            ArrayList messageList = new ArrayList();
            MessageEnumerator messages = GetMessageEnumerator2(); 
            while (messages.MoveNext()) { 
                Message message = (Message)messages.Current;

            Message[] resultMessages = new Message[messageList.Count];
            messageList.CopyTo(resultMessages, 0); 
            return resultMessages;
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Obsolete("This method returns a MessageEnumerator that implements RemoveCurrent family of methods incorrectly. Please use GetMessageEnumerator2 instead.")]
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { 
            return GetMessageEnumerator();
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public static Guid GetMachineId(string machineName) {
             if (!SyntaxCheck.CheckMachineName(machineName)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "MachineName", machineName));
            if (machineName == ".") 
                machineName = MessageQueue.ComputerName;
            MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Browse, MessageQueuePermission.Any);

            MachinePropertyVariants machineProperties = new MachinePropertyVariants(); 
            byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQGetMachineProperties(machineName, IntPtr.Zero, machineProperties.Lock()); 
            IntPtr handle = machineProperties.GetIntPtr(NativeMethods.MACHINE_ID); 
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) {
                if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new MessageQueueException(status);
            if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                Marshal.Copy(handle, bytes, 0 ,16); 

            return new Guid(bytes); 
        ///  Represents security context that can be used to easily and efficiently 
        ///  send messages in impersonating applications.
        public static SecurityContext GetSecurityContext() {
            SecurityContextHandle handle; 
            // SECURITY: Note that this call is not marked with SUCS attribute (i.e., requires FullTrust)
            int status = NativeMethods.MQGetSecurityContextEx(out handle); 
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                throw new MessageQueueException(status);
            return new SecurityContext(handle);

        ///       Creates an enumerator object for the message queues 
        ///       available on the network.
        public static MessageQueueEnumerator GetMessageQueueEnumerator() {
            return new MessageQueueEnumerator(null);

        ///       Creates an enumerator object for the message queues 
        ///       available on the network.
        public static MessageQueueEnumerator GetMessageQueueEnumerator(MessageQueueCriteria criteria) { 
            return new MessageQueueEnumerator(criteria);
         internal static MessageQueueEnumerator GetMessageQueueEnumerator(MessageQueueCriteria criteria, bool checkSecurity) {
            return new MessageQueueEnumerator(criteria, checkSecurity);
        ///       Creates an enumerator object for the messages in the queue. Superceded by GetMessageEnumerator2.
        [Obsolete("This method returns a MessageEnumerator that implements RemoveCurrent family of methods incorrectly. Please use GetMessageEnumerator2 instead.")]
        public MessageEnumerator GetMessageEnumerator() {
            if (!peekGranted) { 
                MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Peek, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);
                peekGranted = true;

            return new MessageEnumerator(this, false);
        ///       Creates an enumerator object for the messages in the queue.
		public MessageEnumerator GetMessageEnumerator2() {
            if (!peekGranted) {
                MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Peek, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 
                peekGranted = true; 
            return new MessageEnumerator(this, true);

        ///       Retrieves all the private queues on 
        ///       the specified computer.
        public static MessageQueue[] GetPrivateQueuesByMachine(string machineName) {
            if (!SyntaxCheck.CheckMachineName(machineName))
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "MachineName", machineName)); 

            MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Browse, MessageQueuePermission.Any); 

            if (machineName == "." || (String.Compare(machineName, MessageQueue.ComputerName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)) 
                machineName = null;

            MessagePropertyVariants properties = new MessagePropertyVariants(5, 0);
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQMgmtGetInfo(machineName, "MACHINE", properties.Lock());
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                throw new MessageQueueException(status);
            uint len = properties.GetStringVectorLength(NativeMethods.MANAGEMENT_PRIVATEQ);
            IntPtr basePointer = properties.GetStringVectorBasePointer(NativeMethods.MANAGEMENT_PRIVATEQ);
            MessageQueue[] queues = new MessageQueue[len];
            for (int index = 0; index < len; ++index) { 
                IntPtr stringPointer = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr)((long)basePointer + index * IntPtr.Size));
                //Using Unicode API even on Win9x 
                string path = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(stringPointer); 
                queues[index] = new MessageQueue("FormatName:DIRECT=OS:" + path);
                queues[index].queuePath = path; 

            return queues;
        ///       Retrieves all public queues on the network.
        public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueues() {
            return CreateMessageQueuesSnapshot(null); 

        ///       Retrieves a 
        ///       set of public queues filtered by the specified criteria.
        public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueues(MessageQueueCriteria criteria) {
            return CreateMessageQueuesSnapshot(criteria); 

        ///       Retrieves a 
        ///       set of public queues filtered by the specified category. 
        public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueuesByCategory(Guid category) {
            MessageQueueCriteria criteria = new MessageQueueCriteria();
            criteria.Category = category;
            return CreateMessageQueuesSnapshot(criteria); 
        ///       Retrieves a
        ///       set of public queues filtered by the specified label.
        public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueuesByLabel(string label) {
            return GetPublicQueuesByLabel(label, true); 

        private static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueuesByLabel(string label, bool checkSecurity) {
            MessageQueueCriteria criteria = new MessageQueueCriteria();
            criteria.Label = label; 
            return CreateMessageQueuesSnapshot(criteria, checkSecurity);
        ///       Retrieves all public queues on the specified computer.
        public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueuesByMachine(string machineName) {
            if (!SyntaxCheck.CheckMachineName(machineName)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "MachineName", machineName)); 

            MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Browse, MessageQueuePermission.Any); 

            try {
                DirectoryServicesPermission dsPermission = new DirectoryServicesPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted); 
                DirectorySearcher localComputerSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "(&(CN={0})(objectCategory=Computer))", ComputerName)); 
                SearchResult localComputer = localComputerSearcher.FindOne();
                if (localComputer != null) { 
                    DirectorySearcher localComputerMsmqSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(localComputer.GetDirectoryEntry());
                    localComputerMsmqSearcher.Filter = "(CN=msmq)";
                    SearchResult localMsmqNode = localComputerMsmqSearcher.FindOne();
                    SearchResult remoteMsmqNode = null; 
                    if (localMsmqNode != null) {
                        if (machineName != "." && String.Compare(machineName, ComputerName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0) { 
                            DirectorySearcher remoteComputerSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "(&(CN={0})(objectCategory=Computer))", machineName)); 
                            SearchResult remoteComputer = remoteComputerSearcher.FindOne();
                            if (remoteComputer == null) 
                                return new MessageQueue[0];

                            DirectorySearcher remoteComputerMsmqSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(remoteComputer.GetDirectoryEntry());
                            remoteComputerMsmqSearcher.Filter = "(CN=msmq)"; 
                            remoteMsmqNode = remoteComputerMsmqSearcher.FindOne();
                            if (remoteMsmqNode == null) 
                                return new MessageQueue[0]; 
                            remoteMsmqNode = localMsmqNode;

                        DirectorySearcher objectsSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(remoteMsmqNode.GetDirectoryEntry());
                        objectsSearcher.Filter = "(objectClass=mSMQQueue)"; 
                        SearchResultCollection objects = objectsSearcher.FindAll(); 
                        MessageQueue[] queues = new MessageQueue[objects.Count]; 
                        for (int index = 0; index < queues.Length; ++ index) {
                           string queueName = (string)objects[index].Properties["Name"][0]; 
                           queues[index] = new MessageQueue(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}\\{1}", machineName, queueName));

                        return queues; 
			catch {
				//Ignore all exceptions, so we can gracefully downgrade to use MQ locator. 
            finally {

            MessageQueueCriteria criteria = new MessageQueueCriteria(); 
            criteria.MachineName = machineName; 
            return CreateMessageQueuesSnapshot(criteria, false);

        private static bool IsCanonicalPath(string path, bool checkQueueNameSize) { 
            if (!ValidatePath(path, checkQueueNameSize))
                return false; 
            string upperPath = path.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (upperPath.StartsWith(PREFIX_LABEL) || 
                upperPath.StartsWith(PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME) ||
                upperPath.EndsWith(SUFIX_DEADLETTER) ||
                upperPath.EndsWith(SUFIX_DEADXACT) ||
                return false;
            return true; 
        internal static bool IsFatalError(int value) {
            bool isSuccessful = (value == 0x00000000); 
            bool isInformation =  ((value & unchecked((int)0xC0000000)) == 0x40000000);
            return (!isInformation && !isSuccessful); 

        internal static bool IsMemoryError(int value) {
            if (value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.BufferOverflow ||
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.LabelBufferTooSmall || 
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.ProviderNameBufferTooSmall ||
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.SenderCertificateBufferTooSmall|| 
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.SenderIdBufferTooSmall || 
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.SecurityDescriptorBufferTooSmall ||
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.SignatureBufferTooSmall || 
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.SymmetricKeyBufferTooSmall ||
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.UserBufferTooSmall ||
                 value == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.FormatNameBufferTooSmall)
                return true; 

            return false; 

        ///    Used for component model event support.
        private void OnRequestCompleted(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
            if (((AsynchronousRequest)asyncResult).Action == NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT) { 
                if (this.onPeekCompleted != null) { 
                    PeekCompletedEventArgs eventArgs = new PeekCompletedEventArgs(this, asyncResult);
                    this.onPeekCompleted(this, eventArgs); 
            else {
                if (this.onReceiveCompleted != null) { 
                    ReceiveCompletedEventArgs eventArgs = new ReceiveCompletedEventArgs(this, asyncResult);
                    this.onReceiveCompleted(this, eventArgs); 

        ///       Returns without removing (peeks) the first message
        ///       available in the queue referenced by the  . This call 
        ///       is synchronous. It 
        ///       blocks the current
        ///       thread of execution until a message is 
        ///       available.
        public Message Peek() { 
            return ReceiveCurrent(InfiniteTimeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, CursorHandle.NullHandle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);
        ///       Returns without removing (peeks) the first message
        ///       available in the queue referenced by the 
        ///       . Waits 
        ///       the specified interval for a message to become
        ///       available. 
        public Message Peek(TimeSpan timeout) { 
            return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, CursorHandle.NullHandle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

		public Message Peek(TimeSpan timeout, Cursor cursor, PeekAction action) {
 			if ((action != PeekAction.Current) && (action != PeekAction.Next)) 
 				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "action", action.ToString())); 
 			if (cursor == null) 
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cursor");
			return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, (int)action, cursor.Handle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///       Peeks the message that matches the given ID.
        ///       If there is no message with a matching ID,
        ///       an exception will be raised.
        public Message PeekById(string id) { 
            return ReceiveBy(id, TimeSpan.Zero, false, true, false, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

        ///       Peeks the message that matches the
        ///       given ID. This method waits until a message with 
        ///       a matching ID is available, or the given timeout 
        ///       expires when no more messages can be
        ///       inspected. 
        public Message PeekById(string id, TimeSpan timeout) {
            return ReceiveBy(id, timeout, false, true, true, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 
        ///       Peeks the message that matches the
        ///       given correlation ID. If there is no message with
        ///       a matching correlation ID, an exception is 
        ///       thrown.
        public Message PeekByCorrelationId(string correlationId) {
            return ReceiveBy(correlationId, TimeSpan.Zero, false, false, false, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

        ///       Peeks the message that matches the 
        ///       given correlation ID. This function will wait
        ///       until a message with a matching correlation ID is 
        ///       available, or the given timeout expires when
        ///       no more messages can be inspected.
        public Message PeekByCorrelationId(string correlationId, TimeSpan timeout) {
            return ReceiveBy(correlationId, timeout, false, false, true, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

        ///       Deletes all the messages contained in the queue.
        public void Purge() { 
           if (!receiveGranted) { 
                MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Receive, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);

                receiveGranted = true;

            int status = StaleSafePurgeQueue(); 
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                throw new MessageQueueException(status);

        ///       Receives the first message available in the queue referenced by the  . This
        ///       call is synchronous. It blocks the current thread of execution until a message is 
        ///       available. 
        public Message Receive() {
            return ReceiveCurrent(InfiniteTimeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, CursorHandle.NullHandle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);
        ///       Receives the first message available in the queue referenced by the  . This
        ///       call is synchronous. It blocks the current thread of execution until a message is 
        ///       available.
        public Message Receive(MessageQueueTransaction transaction) { 
            if (transaction == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction"); 
            return ReceiveCurrent(InfiniteTimeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, CursorHandle.NullHandle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public Message Receive(MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) { 
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType));
            return ReceiveCurrent(InfiniteTimeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, CursorHandle.NullHandle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, transactionType);

        ///       Receives the first message available in the queue 
        ///       referenced by the 
        ///       . Waits the specified interval for a message to become 
        ///       available.
        public Message Receive(TimeSpan timeout) { 
            return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, CursorHandle.NullHandle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        public Message Receive(TimeSpan timeout, Cursor cursor) { 
            if (cursor == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cursor");

            return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, cursor.Handle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 
        ///       Receives the first message available in the queue
        ///       referenced by the 
        ///       . Waits the specified interval for a message to become
        ///       available. 
        public Message Receive(TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) { 
            if (transaction == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction"); 

            return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, CursorHandle.NullHandle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public Message Receive(TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) {
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType));
            return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, CursorHandle.NullHandle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, transactionType);

 		public Message Receive(TimeSpan timeout, Cursor cursor, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) { 
            if (transaction == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");

 			if (cursor == null) 
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cursor");
            return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, cursor.Handle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

 		public Message Receive(TimeSpan timeout, Cursor cursor, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) {
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType));
			if (cursor == null) 
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cursor");
			return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, cursor.Handle, MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, transactionType);

        private unsafe IAsyncResult ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan timeout, CursorHandle cursorHandle, int action, AsyncCallback callback, object stateObject) { 
            long timeoutInMilliseconds = (long)timeout.TotalMilliseconds; 
            if (timeoutInMilliseconds < 0 || timeoutInMilliseconds > UInt32.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "timeout", timeout.ToString())); 

            if (action == NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE) {
                if (!receiveGranted) {
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Receive, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 
                    receiveGranted = true; 
             else {
                if (!peekGranted) {
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Peek, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);

                    peekGranted = true; 
            if (!attached) {
                lock (this) {
                    if (!attached) {
                        MessageQueueHandle handle = MQInfo.ReadHandle; 
                        int handleInformation;
                        // If GetHandleInformation returns false, it means that the 
                        // handle created for reading is not a File handle. 
                        if (!SafeNativeMethods.GetHandleInformation(handle, out handleInformation))
                             // If not a File handle, need to use MSMQ 
                             // APC based async IO.
                             // We will need to store references to pending async requests (bug 88607)
                            this.useThreadPool = false;
                        else { 
                            // File handle can use IOCompletion ports
                            // since it only happens for NT 
                            this.useThreadPool = true;
                        attached = true;

            if (callback == null) { 
                if (this.onRequestCompleted == null) 
                    this.onRequestCompleted = new AsyncCallback(this.OnRequestCompleted);
                callback = this.onRequestCompleted;

            AsynchronousRequest request = new AsynchronousRequest(this, (uint)timeoutInMilliseconds, cursorHandle, action, this.useThreadPool, stateObject, callback); 

			// Bug 88607 - keep a reference to outstanding asyncresult so its' not GCed 
 			//  This applies when GetHandleInformation returns false -> useThreadPool set to false
 			//  It should only happen on dependent client, but we here we cover all GetHandleInformation 
			//  failure paths for robustness.
			// Need to add reference before calling BeginRead because request can complete by the time
			// reference is added, and it will be leaked if added to table after completion 
 			if(!this.useThreadPool) { 
				OutstandingAsyncRequests[request] = request; 


        private Message ReceiveBy(string id, TimeSpan timeout, bool remove, bool compareId, bool throwTimeout, MessageQueueTransaction transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) {
            if (id == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");

            if (timeout < TimeSpan.Zero || timeout > InfiniteTimeout)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "timeout", timeout.ToString())); 

            MessagePropertyFilter oldFilter = this.receiveFilter; 
 			CursorHandle cursorHandle = null;
			try { 
                this.receiveFilter = new MessagePropertyFilter();
                if (!compareId)
                    this.receiveFilter.CorrelationId = true; 
                    this.receiveFilter.Id = true; 
				// Use cursor (and not MessageEnumerator) to navigate the queue because enumerator implementation can be incorrect 
				// in multithreaded scenarios (see bug 329311)

				// Get cursor handle
 	            int status = SafeNativeMethods.MQCreateCursor(this.MQInfo.ReadHandle, out cursorHandle); 
	            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
 	            	throw new MessageQueueException(status); 

				try {
					// peek first message in the queue 
					Message message = this.ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, cursorHandle, 
 														MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

 					while (message != null) { 
						if ((compareId && String.Compare(message.Id, id, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) ||
                        	(!compareId && String.Compare(message.CorrelationId, id, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)) {
							// Found matching message, receive it and return 
							this.receiveFilter = oldFilter; 
 							if (remove) {
							    if (transaction == null) 
 							        return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, cursorHandle,
 							                              this.MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, transactionType);
 							        return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE, cursorHandle, 
							                              this.MessageReadPropertyFilter, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);
 							    return ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, cursorHandle,
							                          this.MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 
 						} //end if

						// Continue search, peek next message 
						message = this.ReceiveCurrent(timeout, NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_NEXT, cursorHandle, 
														MessageReadPropertyFilter, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

				} catch (MessageQueueException) {
 					// don't do anything, just use this catch as convenient means to exit the search 
            finally { 
                this.receiveFilter = oldFilter;
				if (cursorHandle != null) { 
            if (!throwTimeout)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString("MessageNotFound")); 
                throw new MessageQueueException((int)MessageQueueErrorCode.IOTimeout);

        ///       Receives the message that matches the given
        ///       ID. If there is no message with a matching 
        ///       ID, an exception is thrown. 
        public Message ReceiveById(string id) {
            return ReceiveBy(id, TimeSpan.Zero, true, true, false, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);
        ///       Receives the message that matches the given
        ///       ID. If there is no message with a matching 
        ///       ID, an exception is thrown.
        public Message ReceiveById(string id, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) { 
            if (transaction == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction"); 
            return ReceiveBy(id, TimeSpan.Zero, true, true, false, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///       Receives the message that matches the given
        ///       ID. If there is no message with a matching 
        ///       ID, an exception is thrown. 
        public Message ReceiveById(string id, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) {
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType));
            return ReceiveBy(id, TimeSpan.Zero, true, true, false, null, transactionType);
        ///       Receives the message that matches the given
        ///       ID. This method waits until a message with
        ///       a matching id is available or the given timeout 
        ///       expires when no more messages can be
        ///       inspected. 
        public Message ReceiveById(string id, TimeSpan timeout) { 
            return ReceiveBy(id, timeout, true, true, true, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///       Receives the message that matches the given 
        ///       ID. This method waits until a message with
        ///       a matching id is available or the given timeout 
        ///       expires when no more messages can be
        ///       inspected.
        public Message ReceiveById(string id, TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) {
            if (transaction == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction"); 

            return ReceiveBy(id, timeout, true, true, true, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

        ///       Receives the message that matches the given 
        ///       ID. This method waits until a message with 
        ///       a matching id is available or the given timeout
        ///       expires when no more messages can be 
        ///       inspected.
        public Message ReceiveById(string id, TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) { 
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType)); 
            return ReceiveBy(id, timeout, true, true, true, null, transactionType);

        ///       Receivess the message that matches the
        ///       given correlation ID. If there is no message with 
        ///       a matching correlation ID, an exception is 
        ///       thrown.
        public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId(string correlationId) {
            return ReceiveBy(correlationId, TimeSpan.Zero, true, false, false, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///       Receivess the message that matches the 
        ///       given correlation ID. If there is no message with
        ///       a matching correlation ID, an exception is
        ///       thrown.
        public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId(string correlationId, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) { 
            if (transaction == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
            return ReceiveBy(correlationId, TimeSpan.Zero, true, false, false, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///       Receivess the message that matches the 
        ///       given correlation ID. If there is no message with
        ///       a matching correlation ID, an exception is 
        ///       thrown.
        public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId(string correlationId, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) { 
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType)); 
            return ReceiveBy(correlationId, TimeSpan.Zero, true, false, false, null, transactionType);

        ///       Receives the message that matches
        ///       the given correlation ID. This method waits 
        ///       until a message with a matching correlation ID is 
        ///       available or the given timeout expires when
        ///       no more messages can be inspected. 
        public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId(string correlationId, TimeSpan timeout) {
            return ReceiveBy(correlationId, timeout, true, false, true, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 
        ///       Receives the message that matches
        ///       the given correlation ID. This method waits
        ///       until a message with a matching correlation ID is
        ///       available or the given timeout expires when 
        ///       no more messages can be inspected.
        public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId(string correlationId, TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) {
            if (transaction == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");

            return ReceiveBy(correlationId, timeout, true, false, true, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///       Receives the message that matches 
        ///       the given correlation ID. This method waits
        ///       until a message with a matching correlation ID is
        ///       available or the given timeout expires when
        ///       no more messages can be inspected. 
        public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId(string correlationId, TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) { 
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType)); 

            return ReceiveBy(correlationId, timeout, true, false, true, null, transactionType);

 		public Message ReceiveByLookupId(long lookupId) { 
			return InternalReceiveByLookupId(true, MessageLookupAction.Current, lookupId, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 
		public Message ReceiveByLookupId(MessageLookupAction action, long lookupId, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) {
 			return InternalReceiveByLookupId(true, action, lookupId, null, transactionType);

 		public Message ReceiveByLookupId(MessageLookupAction action, long lookupId, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) { 
 			return InternalReceiveByLookupId(true, action, lookupId, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 
 		public Message PeekByLookupId(long lookupId) {
			return InternalReceiveByLookupId(false, MessageLookupAction.Current, lookupId, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);
		public Message PeekByLookupId(MessageLookupAction action, long lookupId) {
 			return InternalReceiveByLookupId(false, action, lookupId, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

 		internal unsafe Message InternalReceiveByLookupId(bool receive, MessageLookupAction lookupAction, long lookupId,
			MessageQueueTransaction internalTransaction, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) { 
        	if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType)); 

			if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageLookupAction(lookupAction)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("action", (int)lookupAction, typeof(MessageLookupAction));

			if (!Msmq3OrNewer)
					throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(Res.GetString(Res.PlatformNotSupported)); 

 			int action; 
			if (receive) {
                if (!receiveGranted) { 
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Receive, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);

                    receiveGranted = true; 
 				action = NativeMethods.LOOKUP_RECEIVE_MASK | (int)lookupAction; 
            else {
                if (!peekGranted) {
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Peek, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);

                    peekGranted = true; 

				action = NativeMethods.LOOKUP_PEEK_MASK | (int)lookupAction; 

 			MessagePropertyFilter filter = MessageReadPropertyFilter; 

			int status = 0; 
            Message receiveMessage = null;
            MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS lockedReceiveMessage = null; 
            if (filter != null) {
                receiveMessage = new Message((MessagePropertyFilter)filter.Clone());
                if (this.formatter != null)
                    receiveMessage.Formatter = (IMessageFormatter)this.formatter.Clone(); 
                lockedReceiveMessage = receiveMessage.Lock();

            try {
                if ((internalTransaction != null) && receive)
                    status =  StaleSafeReceiveByLookupId(lookupId, action, lockedReceiveMessage, null, null, internalTransaction.BeginQueueOperation()); 
                    status =  StaleSafeReceiveByLookupId(lookupId, action, lockedReceiveMessage, null, null, (IntPtr)transactionType); 
                if (receiveMessage != null) {
                    //Need to keep trying until enough space has been allocated. 
                    //Concurrent scenarions might not succeed on the second retry.
                    while (MessageQueue.IsMemoryError(status)) {
                        lockedReceiveMessage  = receiveMessage.Lock();
                        if ((internalTransaction != null) && receive) 
                            status =  StaleSafeReceiveByLookupId(lookupId, action, lockedReceiveMessage, null, null, internalTransaction.InnerTransaction); 
                            status =  StaleSafeReceiveByLookupId(lookupId, action, lockedReceiveMessage, null, null, (IntPtr)transactionType); 

            finally { 
                if ((internalTransaction != null) && receive) 

 			if (status == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.MessageNotFound)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString("MessageNotFound"));
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
                throw new MessageQueueException(status); 
            return receiveMessage;

        internal unsafe Message ReceiveCurrent(TimeSpan timeout, int action, CursorHandle cursor, MessagePropertyFilter filter, MessageQueueTransaction internalTransaction, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) { 
            long timeoutInMilliseconds = (long)timeout.TotalMilliseconds; 
            if (timeoutInMilliseconds < 0 || timeoutInMilliseconds > UInt32.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidParameter, "timeout", timeout.ToString())); 

            if (action == NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_RECEIVE) {
                if (!receiveGranted) {
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Receive, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 
                    receiveGranted = true; 
            else {
                if (!peekGranted) {
                    MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Peek, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);

                    peekGranted = true; 
            int status = 0;
            Message receiveMessage = null;
            MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS lockedReceiveMessage = null;
            if (filter != null) { 
                receiveMessage = new Message((MessagePropertyFilter)filter.Clone());
                if (this.formatter != null) 
                    receiveMessage.Formatter = (IMessageFormatter)this.formatter.Clone(); 

                lockedReceiveMessage = receiveMessage.Lock(); 

            try {
                if (internalTransaction != null) 
                    status =  StaleSafeReceiveMessage((uint)timeoutInMilliseconds, action, lockedReceiveMessage, null, null, cursor, internalTransaction.BeginQueueOperation());
                    status =  StaleSafeReceiveMessage((uint)timeoutInMilliseconds, action, lockedReceiveMessage, null, null, cursor, (IntPtr)transactionType); 

                if (receiveMessage != null) { 
                    //Need to keep trying until enough space has been allocated.
                    //Concurrent scenarions might not succeed on the second retry.
                    while (MessageQueue.IsMemoryError(status)) {
                        // Need to special-case retrying PeekNext after a buffer overflow 
        		        // by using PeekCurrent on retries since otherwise MSMQ will
        		        // advance the cursor, skipping messages 
            			if (action == NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_NEXT) 
            			    action = NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT;
                        lockedReceiveMessage  = receiveMessage.Lock();
                        if (internalTransaction != null)
                            status =  StaleSafeReceiveMessage((uint)timeoutInMilliseconds, action, lockedReceiveMessage, null, null, cursor, internalTransaction.InnerTransaction); 
                            status =  StaleSafeReceiveMessage((uint)timeoutInMilliseconds, action, lockedReceiveMessage, null, null, cursor, (IntPtr)transactionType); 

            finally {
                if (receiveMessage != null)

                if (internalTransaction != null) 
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
                throw new MessageQueueException(status);

            return receiveMessage; 
        ///       Refreshes the properties presented by the 
        ///       to reflect the current state of the
        ///       resource.
        public void Refresh() { 

        private void SaveQueueProperties() { 
            if (!administerGranted) {
                MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Administer, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 

                administerGranted = true; 

            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQSetQueueProperties(FormatName, Properties.Lock());
            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
                throw new MessageQueueException(status); 

        ///       Sends an object to the queue referenced by this 
        ///       . The object is serialized 
        ///       using the formatter provided.
        public void Send(object obj) {
            SendInternal(obj, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

        ///       Sends an object to the queue referenced by this  
        ///       . The object is serialized 
        ///       using the formatter provided.
        public void Send(object obj, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) {
            if (transaction == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction"); 

            SendInternal(obj, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

        ///       Sends an object to the queue referenced by this 
        ///       . The object is serialized 
        ///       using the formatter provided.
        public void Send(object obj, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) {
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType));

            SendInternal(obj, null, transactionType);

        ///       Sends an object to the queue referenced by this . 
        ///       The object will be serialized
        ///       using the formatter provided.
        public void Send(object obj, string label) {
            Send(obj, label, null, MessageQueueTransactionType.None); 

        ///       Sends an object to the queue referenced by this .
        ///       The object will be serialized 
        ///       using the formatter provided.
        public void Send(object obj, string label, MessageQueueTransaction transaction) {
            if (transaction == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");

            Send(obj, label, transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.None);

        ///       Sends an object to the queue referenced by this . 
        ///       The object will be serialized
        ///       using the formatter provided.
        public void Send(object obj, string label, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) {
            if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateMessageQueueTransactionType(transactionType)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("transactionType", (int)transactionType, typeof(MessageQueueTransactionType)); 

            Send(obj, label, null, transactionType); 

        private void Send(object obj, string label, MessageQueueTransaction transaction, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) {
            if (label == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("label");
            if (obj is Message) { 
                ((Message)obj).Label = label;
                SendInternal(obj, transaction, transactionType); 
            else {
                string oldLabel = this.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Label;
                try { 
                    this.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Label = label;
                    SendInternal(obj, transaction, transactionType); 
                finally {
                    this.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Label = oldLabel; 
        private void SendInternal(object obj, MessageQueueTransaction internalTransaction, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType) { 
            if (!sendGranted) {
                MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Send, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName); 

                sendGranted = true;

            Message message = null; 
            if (obj is Message) 
                message = (Message)obj;
            if (message == null) {
                message = this.DefaultPropertiesToSend.CachedMessage;
                message.Formatter = this.Formatter;
                message.Body = obj; 
            //Write cached properties and if message is being forwarded Clear queue specific properties 
            int status = 0;
            MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS properties = message.Lock();
            try {
                if (internalTransaction != null)
                    status = StaleSafeSendMessage(properties, internalTransaction.BeginQueueOperation()); 
                    status = StaleSafeSendMessage(properties, (IntPtr)transactionType); 
            finally {

                if (internalTransaction != null)

            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                throw new MessageQueueException(status); 


        private static MessageQueue ResolveQueueFromLabel(string path, bool throwException) { 
            MessageQueue[] queues = GetPublicQueuesByLabel(path.Substring(PREFIX_LABEL.Length), false);
            if (queues.Length == 0) { 
                if (throwException) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.InvalidLabel, path.Substring(PREFIX_LABEL.Length)));
                return null;
            else if (queues.Length > 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.AmbiguousLabel, path.Substring(PREFIX_LABEL.Length))); 

            return queues[0]; 

        private static string ResolveFormatNameFromQueuePath(string queuePath, bool throwException) {
            string machine = queuePath.Substring(0, queuePath.IndexOf('\\'));
            //The name includes the \\
            string name = queuePath.Substring(queuePath.IndexOf('\\')); 
             //Check for machine DeadLetter or Journal
            if (String.Compare(name, SUFIX_DEADLETTER, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 || 
                String.Compare(name, SUFIX_DEADXACT, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 || 
                String.Compare(name, SUFIX_JOURNAL, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) {
                //Need to get the machine Id to construct the format name. 

                if (machine.CompareTo(".") == 0)
                    machine = MessageQueue.ComputerName;
                //Create a guid to get the right format.
                Guid machineId = MessageQueue.GetMachineId(machine); 
                StringBuilder newFormatName = new StringBuilder(); 
                //System format names:
                if (String.Compare(name, SUFIX_DEADXACT, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                else if (String.Compare(name, SUFIX_DEADLETTER, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) 

                return newFormatName.ToString();
            else {
                string realPath = queuePath; 
                bool journal = false; 
                if (queuePath.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(SUFIX_JOURNAL)) {
                    journal = true; 
                    int lastIndex = realPath.LastIndexOf('\\');
                    realPath = realPath.Substring(0, lastIndex);
                int result;
                int status = 0; 
                StringBuilder newFormatName = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.MAX_LABEL_LEN); 
                result = NativeMethods.MAX_LABEL_LEN;
                status = SafeNativeMethods.MQPathNameToFormatName(realPath, newFormatName, ref result); 
                if (status != 0) {
                    if (throwException)
                        throw new MessageQueueException(status);
                    else if (status == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.IllegalQueuePathName) 
                        throw new MessageQueueException(status);
                    return null; 
                if (journal)

                return newFormatName.ToString(); 
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public void ResetPermissions() {
            if (!administerGranted) { 
                MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Administer, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);
                administerGranted = true;

            int result = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQSetQueueSecurity(FormatName, NativeMethods.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, null);
            if (result != NativeMethods.MQ_OK)
                throw new MessageQueueException(result); 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public void SetPermissions(string user, MessageQueueAccessRights rights) {
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); 

            SetPermissions(user, rights, AccessControlEntryType.Allow); 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public void SetPermissions(string user, MessageQueueAccessRights rights, AccessControlEntryType entryType) { 
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); 
            Trustee t = new Trustee(user);
            MessageQueueAccessControlEntry ace = new MessageQueueAccessControlEntry(t, rights, entryType); 
            AccessControlList dacl = new AccessControlList();

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public void SetPermissions(MessageQueueAccessControlEntry ace) {
            if (ace == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ace");
            AccessControlList dacl = new AccessControlList();
        ///    [To be supplied.]
 		[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId="0#dacl")]
        public void SetPermissions(AccessControlList dacl) { 
            if (dacl == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dacl");
            if (!administerGranted) {
                MessageQueuePermission permission = new MessageQueuePermission(MessageQueuePermissionAccess.Administer, PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME + this.FormatName);
                administerGranted = true;
            //Access control is not supported in Win9x, need to check
            //the environment and take appropriate action. 

            byte[] SecurityDescriptor = new byte[100];
            int lengthNeeded = 0; 
            int mqResult;
            GCHandle sdHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(SecurityDescriptor, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
            try {
                mqResult = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQGetQueueSecurity(FormatName, 
                                                             out lengthNeeded); 

                if (mqResult == NativeMethods.MQ_ERROR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_TOO_SMALL) { 
                    SecurityDescriptor = new byte[lengthNeeded];
                    sdHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(SecurityDescriptor, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                    mqResult = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQGetQueueSecurity(FormatName,
                                                                 out lengthNeeded);
                if (mqResult != NativeMethods.MQ_OK) {
                    throw new MessageQueueException(mqResult); 

                bool daclPresent, daclDefaulted;
                IntPtr pDacl; 
                bool success = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(sdHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(),
                                                                                out daclPresent, 
                                                                                out pDacl, 
                                                                                out daclDefaulted);
                if (!success)
                    throw new Win32Exception();

                // At this point we have the DACL for the queue.  Now we need to create 
                // a new security descriptor with an updated DACL.
                NativeMethods.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR newSecurityDescriptor = new NativeMethods.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(); 
                IntPtr newDacl = dacl.MakeAcl(pDacl);
                try {
                    success = UnsafeNativeMethods.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(newSecurityDescriptor,
                    if (!success)
                        throw new Win32Exception(); 

                    int result = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQSetQueueSecurity(FormatName,

                    if (result != NativeMethods.MQ_OK) 
                        throw new MessageQueueException(result); 
                finally { 

                //If the format name has been cached, let's 
                //remove it, since the process might no longer
                //have access to the corresponding queue. 
            finally {
                if (sdHandle.IsAllocated)

        internal static bool ValidatePath(string path, bool checkQueueNameSize) {
            if (path == null || path.Length == 0)
                return true;
            String upperPath = path.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (upperPath.StartsWith(PREFIX_LABEL)) 
                return true; 

            if (upperPath.StartsWith(PREFIX_FORMAT_NAME)) 
                return true;

            int number = 0;
            int index = -1; 
            while (true) {
                int newIndex = upperPath.IndexOf('\\', index + 1); 
                if (newIndex == -1) 
                    index = newIndex;


            if (number == 1) { 
                if (checkQueueNameSize) { 
                    long length = path.Length - (index + 1);
                    if (length > 255) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.LongQueueName));
                return true;

            if (number == 2) { 
                if (upperPath.EndsWith(SUFIX_JOURNAL)) 
                    return true;
                index = upperPath.LastIndexOf(SUFIX_PRIVATE + "\\");
                if (index != -1)
                    return true;

            if (number == 3 && upperPath.EndsWith(SUFIX_JOURNAL)) { 
                index = upperPath.LastIndexOf(SUFIX_PRIVATE + "\\"); 
                if (index != -1)
                    return true; 

            return false;

		internal void SetAccessMode(QueueAccessMode accessMode) {
 			// this method should only be called from a constructor.
			// we dont support changing queue access mode after contruction time.
 			if (!ValidationUtility.ValidateQueueAccessMode(accessMode)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("accessMode", (int)accessMode, typeof(QueueAccessMode)); 	
			this.accessMode = accessMode; 
        private class QueuePropertyFilter { 
            public bool Authenticate;
            public bool BasePriority; 
            public bool CreateTime; 
            public bool EncryptionLevel;
            public bool Id; 
// disable csharp compiler warning #0414: field assigned unused value
#pragma warning disable 0414
            public bool Transactional;
#pragma warning restore 0414 
            public bool Label;
            public bool LastModifyTime; 
            public bool MaximumJournalSize; 
            public bool MaximumQueueSize;
            public bool MulticastAddress; 
// disable csharp compiler warning #0414: field assigned unused value
#pragma warning disable 0414
            public bool Path;
#pragma warning restore 0414 
            public bool Category;
            public bool UseJournalQueue; 
            public void ClearAll() {
                Authenticate = false; 
                BasePriority = false;
                CreateTime = false;
                EncryptionLevel = false;
                Id = false; 
                Transactional = false;
                Label = false; 
                LastModifyTime = false; 
                MaximumJournalSize = false;
                MaximumQueueSize = false; 
                Path = false;
                Category = false;
                UseJournalQueue = false;
				MulticastAddress = false; 

        ///    This class is used in asynchronous operations,
        ///    it keeps the context under which the asynchronous
        ///    request was posted. 
        private class AsynchronousRequest : IAsyncResult { 
            private IOCompletionCallback onCompletionStatusChanged;
            private SafeNativeMethods.ReceiveCallback onMessageReceived; 
            private AsyncCallback callback;
            private ManualResetEvent resetEvent;
            private object asyncState;
            private MessageQueue owner; 
            private bool isCompleted = false;
            private int status = 0; 
            private Message message; 
            private int action;
            private uint timeout; 
			private CursorHandle cursorHandle;

            ///    Creates a new asynchronous request that 
            ///    represents a pending asynchronous operation. 
            internal unsafe AsynchronousRequest(MessageQueue owner, uint timeout, CursorHandle cursorHandle, int action, bool useThreadPool, object asyncState, AsyncCallback callback) {
                this.owner = owner;
                this.asyncState = asyncState;
                this.callback = callback; 
                this.action = action;
                this.timeout = timeout; 
                this.resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); 
 				this.cursorHandle = cursorHandle;
                if (!useThreadPool)
                    this.onMessageReceived = new SafeNativeMethods.ReceiveCallback(this.OnMessageReceived);
                    this.onCompletionStatusChanged = new IOCompletionCallback(this.OnCompletionStatusChanged); 
            internal int Action {
                get {
                    return this.action;
            ///    IAsyncResult implementation
            public object AsyncState {
                get { 
                    return this.asyncState;

            ///    IAsyncResult implementation
            public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle {
                get { 
                    return this.resetEvent; 

            ///    IAsyncResult implementation
            public bool CompletedSynchronously { 
                get {
                    return false; 

            ///    IAsyncResult implementation 
            public bool IsCompleted { 
                get {
                    return this.isCompleted;

            ///   Does the actual asynchronous receive posting. 
            internal unsafe void BeginRead() {
                NativeOverlapped* overlappedPointer = null; 
                if (this.onCompletionStatusChanged != null) {
                    Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped(); 
                    overlapped.AsyncResult = this; 
                    overlappedPointer = overlapped.Pack(this.onCompletionStatusChanged, null);

                int localStatus = 0;
                this.message = new Message(owner.MessageReadPropertyFilter);
                try {
                    localStatus =  this.owner.StaleSafeReceiveMessage(this.timeout, this.action, this.message.Lock(), overlappedPointer, this.onMessageReceived, this.cursorHandle, IntPtr.Zero); 
                    while (MessageQueue.IsMemoryError(localStatus)) { 
                        // Need to special-case retrying PeekNext after a buffer overflow
        		        // by using PeekCurrent on retries since otherwise MSMQ will 
        		        // advance the cursor, skipping messages
            			if (this.action == NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_NEXT)
                    		this.action = NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT;
                        localStatus =  this.owner.StaleSafeReceiveMessage(this.timeout, this.action, this.message.Lock(), overlappedPointer, this.onMessageReceived, this.cursorHandle, IntPtr.Zero); 
                catch (Exception e) { 
                    // Here will would do all the cleanup that RaiseCompletionEvent does on failure path,
                    // but without raising completion event.
                    // This is to preserve pre-Whidbey Beta 2 behavior, when exception thrown from this method
                    // would prevent RaiseCompletionEvent from being called (and also leak resources) 
                    if (overlappedPointer != null) 

                    throw e; 
                // NOTE: RaiseCompletionEvent is not in a finally block by design, for two reasons: 
                // 1) the contract of BeginRead is to throw exception and not to notify event handler.
                // 2) we dont know what the value pf localStatus will be in case of exception 
                if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(localStatus))
                    RaiseCompletionEvent(localStatus, overlappedPointer);


            ///   Waits until the request has been completed.
            internal Message End() { 
                if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                    throw new MessageQueueException(status); 

                if (this.owner.formatter != null) 
                    this.message.Formatter = (IMessageFormatter)this.owner.formatter.Clone();

                return this.message;

            ///   Thread pool IOCompletionPort bound callback.
            private unsafe void OnCompletionStatusChanged(uint  errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped  * overlappedPointer) {
                int result = 0;
                if (errorCode != 0) { 
                    // MSMQ does a hacky trick to return the operation
                    // result through the completion port. 
                    // [....] Dec 2004. Bug 419155:
                    // NativeOverlapped.InternalLow returns IntPtr, which is 64 bits on a 64 bit platform. 
                    // It contains MSMQ error code, which, when set to an error value, is outside of the int range
                    // Therefore, OverflowException is thrown in checked context.
                    // However, IntPtr (int) operator ALWAYS runs in checked context on 64 bit platforms.
                    // Therefore, we first cast to long to avoid OverflowException, and then cast to int 
                    // in unchecked context
                    long msmqError = (long)overlappedPointer->InternalLow; 
                    unchecked { 
                        result = (int)msmqError;

                RaiseCompletionEvent(result, overlappedPointer);

            ///   MSMQ APC based callback. 
            private unsafe void OnMessageReceived(int result, IntPtr handle, int timeout, int action, IntPtr propertiesPointer, NativeOverlapped  * overlappedPointer, IntPtr cursorHandle) {
                RaiseCompletionEvent(result, overlappedPointer); 
            // See comment explaining this SuppressMessage below
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2102:CatchNonClsCompliantExceptionsInGeneralHandlers")]
            private unsafe void RaiseCompletionEvent(int result, NativeOverlapped  * overlappedPointer) {
                if (MessageQueue.IsMemoryError(result)) {
                    while (MessageQueue.IsMemoryError(result)) { 
                        // Need to special-case retrying PeekNext after a buffer overflow 
    		            // by using PeekCurrent on retries since otherwise MSMQ will
    		            // advance the cursor, skipping messages 
        			    if (this.action == NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_NEXT)
                			this.action = NativeMethods.QUEUE_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT;
                        result =  this.owner.StaleSafeReceiveMessage(this.timeout, this.action, this.message.Lock(), overlappedPointer, this.onMessageReceived, this.cursorHandle, IntPtr.Zero);
                    if (!MessageQueue.IsFatalError(result))



                if (this.owner.IsCashedInfoInvalidOnReceive(result)) { 
                    result =  this.owner.StaleSafeReceiveMessage(this.timeout, this.action, this.message.Lock(), overlappedPointer, this.onMessageReceived, this.cursorHandle, IntPtr.Zero);
                    if (!MessageQueue.IsFatalError(result)) 

                this.status = result; 
                if (overlappedPointer != null)
                this.isCompleted = true;

                try {
                    // 511878: The code below breaks the contract of ISynchronizeInvoke. 
                    // We fixed it in 367076, but that fix resulted in a regression that is bug 511878.
                    // "Proper fix" for 511878 requires special-casing Form. That causes us to 
                    // load System.Windows.Forms and System.Drawing, 
                    // which were previously not loaded on this path.
                    // As only one customer complained about 367076, we decided to revert to 
                    // Everett behavior
                    if (this.owner.SynchronizingObject != null &&
                        this.owner.SynchronizingObject.InvokeRequired ) { 
    	                this.owner.SynchronizingObject.BeginInvoke(this.callback, new object[]{this});
                catch (Exception) {
                    // [....], Dec 2004: ----ing exceptions here is a serious bug.
                    // However, it would be a breaking change to remove this catch,
                    // therefore we decided to preserve the existing behavior 

 				finally { 
 					if (!this.owner.useThreadPool) {
        private int StaleSafePurgeQueue() { 
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQPurgeQueue(MQInfo.ReadHandle);
            if (status == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.StaleHandle || status == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueDeleted) { 
                status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQPurgeQueue(MQInfo.ReadHandle);
            return status; 
        private int StaleSafeSendMessage(MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS properties, IntPtr transaction) { 
 			// TransactionType.Automatic uses current System.Transactions transaction, if one is available; 
			// otherwise, it passes Automatic to MSMQ to support COM+ transactions
 			// NOTE: Need careful qualification of class names,
 			// since ITransaction is defined by System.Messaging.Interop, System.Transactions and System.EnterpriseServices
 			if ((MessageQueueTransactionType)transaction == MessageQueueTransactionType.Automatic) {
				System.Transactions.Transaction tx = System.Transactions.Transaction.Current; 
				if (tx != null) { 
					System.Transactions.IDtcTransaction ntx =
 						System.Transactions.TransactionInterop.GetDtcTransaction( tx ); 

                    return StaleSafeSendMessage(properties, (ITransaction)ntx);
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQSendMessage(MQInfo.WriteHandle, properties, transaction); 
            if (status == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.StaleHandle || status == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueDeleted) { 
                status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQSendMessage(MQInfo.WriteHandle, properties, transaction); 
 			return status;

        private int StaleSafeSendMessage(MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS properties, ITransaction transaction) { 
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQSendMessage(MQInfo.WriteHandle, properties, transaction); 
            if (status == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.StaleHandle || status == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueDeleted) {
                status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQSendMessage(MQInfo.WriteHandle, properties, transaction);
            return status;

        internal unsafe int StaleSafeReceiveMessage(uint timeout, int action, MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS properties, NativeOverlapped * overlapped, 
                                                                                           SafeNativeMethods.ReceiveCallback receiveCallback, CursorHandle cursorHandle, IntPtr transaction) { 
			// TransactionType.Automatic uses current System.Transactions transaction, if one is available; 
			// otherwise, it passes Automatic to MSMQ to support COM+ transactions
 			// NOTE: Need careful qualification of class names,
			// since ITransaction is defined by System.Messaging.Interop, System.Transactions and System.EnterpriseServices
 			if ((MessageQueueTransactionType)transaction == MessageQueueTransactionType.Automatic) {
				System.Transactions.Transaction tx = System.Transactions.Transaction.Current; 
 				if (tx != null) { 
					System.Transactions.IDtcTransaction ntx =
						System.Transactions.TransactionInterop.GetDtcTransaction( tx ); 

                    return StaleSafeReceiveMessage(timeout, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, cursorHandle, (ITransaction)ntx);
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQReceiveMessage(MQInfo.ReadHandle, timeout, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, cursorHandle, transaction); 
            if (IsCashedInfoInvalidOnReceive(status)) { 
                MQInfo.Close(); //invalidate cached ReadHandle, so it will be refreshed on next access
                status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQReceiveMessage(MQInfo.ReadHandle, timeout, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, cursorHandle, transaction); 
            return status;
        private unsafe int StaleSafeReceiveMessage(uint timeout, int action, MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS properties, NativeOverlapped * overlapped,
                                                                                           SafeNativeMethods.ReceiveCallback receiveCallback, CursorHandle cursorHandle, ITransaction transaction) { 
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQReceiveMessage(MQInfo.ReadHandle, timeout, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, cursorHandle, transaction); 
            if (IsCashedInfoInvalidOnReceive(status)) {
                MQInfo.Close(); //invalidate cached ReadHandle, so it will be refreshed on next access 
                status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQReceiveMessage(MQInfo.ReadHandle, timeout, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, cursorHandle, transaction);
            return status;

 		private unsafe int StaleSafeReceiveByLookupId(long lookupId, int action, MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS properties,
 			NativeOverlapped * overlapped, SafeNativeMethods.ReceiveCallback receiveCallback, IntPtr transaction) { 

			if ((MessageQueueTransactionType)transaction == MessageQueueTransactionType.Automatic) {
 				System.Transactions.Transaction tx = System.Transactions.Transaction.Current;
				if (tx != null) { 
					System.Transactions.IDtcTransaction ntx =
						System.Transactions.TransactionInterop.GetDtcTransaction( tx ); 
                    return StaleSafeReceiveByLookupId(lookupId, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, (ITransaction)ntx);
            int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQReceiveMessageByLookupId(MQInfo.ReadHandle, lookupId, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, transaction);
            if (IsCashedInfoInvalidOnReceive(status)) { 
                MQInfo.Close(); //invalidate cached ReadHandle, so it will be refreshed on next access
                status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQReceiveMessageByLookupId(MQInfo.ReadHandle, lookupId, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, transaction); 
            return status;

		private unsafe int StaleSafeReceiveByLookupId(long lookupId, int action, MessagePropertyVariants.MQPROPS properties,
 			NativeOverlapped * overlapped, SafeNativeMethods.ReceiveCallback receiveCallback, ITransaction transaction) { 

			int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQReceiveMessageByLookupId(MQInfo.ReadHandle, lookupId, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, transaction); 
            if (IsCashedInfoInvalidOnReceive(status)) { 
                MQInfo.Close(); //invalidate cached ReadHandle, so it will be refreshed on next access
                status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQReceiveMessageByLookupId(MQInfo.ReadHandle, lookupId, action, properties, overlapped, receiveCallback, transaction); 
            return status;

		private bool IsCashedInfoInvalidOnReceive(int receiveResult) { 
 			// returns true if return code of ReceiveMessage indicates 
			// that cached handle used for receive has become invalid
 			return (receiveResult == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.StaleHandle ||      //both qm and ac restarted 
 					receiveResult == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.InvalidHandle ||    //get this if ac is not restarted
					receiveResult == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.InvalidParameter || // get this on w2k
 					receiveResult == (int)MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueDeleted);

        internal class CacheTable 
            private Dictionary> table; 
            private ReaderWriterLock rwLock;

            // used for debugging
            private string name; 

            // when the number of entries in the hashtable gets larger than capacity, 
            // the "stale" entries are removed and capacity is reset to twice the number 
            // of remaining entries
            private int capacity; 
            private int originalCapacity;

            // time, in seconds, after which an entry is considerred stale (if the reference
            // count is zero) 
            private TimeSpan staleTime;
            public CacheTable(string name, int capacity, TimeSpan staleTime) { 
                this.originalCapacity = capacity;
                this.capacity = capacity; 
                this.staleTime = staleTime;
       = name;
                this.rwLock = new System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock();
                this.table = new Dictionary>(); 
            public Value Get(Key key) { 
                Value val = default(Value);    // This keyword might change with C# compiler
                try {
                    if (table.ContainsKey(key)) {
                        CacheEntry entry = table[key];
                        if (entry != null) { 
                            entry.timeStamp = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
                            val = entry.contents; 
                } finally { 
                return val;

            public void Put(Key key, Value val) { 
                try {
                    if (val == null /* not Value.default - bug in C# compiler? */) { 
                        table[key] = null;
                    } else {
                        CacheEntry entry = null;
                        if (table.ContainsKey(key)) 
                            entry = table[key]; //which could be null also
                        if (entry == null) { 
                            entry = new CacheEntry();
                            table[key] = entry; 
                            if (table.Count >= capacity) {
                        entry.timeStamp = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
                        entry.contents = val; 
                } finally {

            public void Remove(Key key) { 
                try { 
                    if (table.ContainsKey(key)) 
                } finally { 
            public void ClearStale(TimeSpan staleAge) {
                DateTime now = System.DateTime.UtcNow; 
                Dictionary> newTable = new Dictionary>(); 

                try {
                    foreach (KeyValuePair> kv in table) {
                        CacheEntry iterEntry = kv.Value;
                        // see if this entry is stale (ticks are 100 nano-sec.)
                        if (now - iterEntry.timeStamp < staleAge) { 
                            newTable[kv.Key] = kv.Value; 
                } finally {
                table = newTable; 
                capacity = 2 * table.Count; 
                if (capacity < originalCapacity) capacity = originalCapacity;

            private class CacheEntry {
                public T contents; 
                public DateTime timeStamp;

        internal class MQCacheableInfo { 
            private MessageQueueHandle readHandle = MessageQueueHandle.InvalidHandle;
            private MessageQueueHandle writeHandle = MessageQueueHandle.InvalidHandle;
            private bool isTransactional;
            private bool isTransactional_valid = false; 
            private bool boundToThreadPool;
            private string formatName; 
            private int shareMode; 
			private QueueAccessModeHolder accessMode;
            private int refCount; 
            private bool disposed;

			private object syncRoot = new object();
            public MQCacheableInfo(string formatName, QueueAccessMode accessMode, int shareMode) {
                this.formatName = formatName; 
                this.shareMode = shareMode; 

                // For each accessMode, corresponding QueueAccessModeHolder is a singleton. 
                // Call factory method to return existing holder for this access mode,
                // or make a new one if noone used this access mode before.
                this.accessMode = QueueAccessModeHolder.GetQueueAccessModeHolder(accessMode); 
            ~MQCacheableInfo() { 

            public bool CanRead {
                get {
 					if (!accessMode.CanRead()) 
						return false;
 					if (readHandle.IsInvalid) { 
                        if (this.disposed)
                            throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name); 

                        lock(this.syncRoot) {
                            if (readHandle.IsInvalid) {
                                MessageQueueHandle result; 
                                int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQOpenQueue(this.formatName, accessMode.GetReadAccessMode(), shareMode, out result);
                                if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                                    return false; 

                                readHandle = result; 
                    return true;

            public bool CanWrite {
                get {
 					if (!accessMode.CanWrite())
						return false; 
                    if (writeHandle.IsInvalid) { 
                        if (this.disposed) 
                            throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);
                        lock(this.syncRoot) {
                            if (writeHandle.IsInvalid) {
                                MessageQueueHandle result;
                                int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQOpenQueue(this.formatName, accessMode.GetWriteAccessMode(), 0, out result); 
                                if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
                                    return false; 
                                writeHandle = result;

                    return true; 
            public int RefCount {
                get { 
                    return this.refCount;
            public MessageQueueHandle ReadHandle {
                get { 
                    if (readHandle.IsInvalid) { 
                        if (this.disposed)
                            throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name); 

                        lock(this.syncRoot) {
                            if (readHandle.IsInvalid) {
                                MessageQueueHandle result; 
                                int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQOpenQueue(this.formatName, accessMode.GetReadAccessMode(), shareMode, out result);
                                if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                                    throw new MessageQueueException(status); 

                                readHandle = result; 
                    return readHandle;

            public MessageQueueHandle WriteHandle { 
                get {
                    if (writeHandle.IsInvalid) {
                        if (this.disposed)
                            throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name); 

                        lock(this.syncRoot) { 
                            if (writeHandle.IsInvalid) { 
                                MessageQueueHandle result;
                                int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQOpenQueue(this.formatName, accessMode.GetWriteAccessMode(), 0, out result); 
                                if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
                                    throw new MessageQueueException(status);

                                writeHandle = result; 

                    return writeHandle; 

            public bool Transactional { 
                get {
                    if (!isTransactional_valid) { 
                        lock(this.syncRoot) { 
                            if (!isTransactional_valid) {
                                QueuePropertyVariants props = new QueuePropertyVariants(); 
                                props.SetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_TRANSACTION, (byte)0);
                                int status = UnsafeNativeMethods.MQGetQueueProperties(formatName, props.Lock());
                                if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status)) 
                                    throw new MessageQueueException(status);
                                this.isTransactional = (props.GetUI1(NativeMethods.QUEUE_PROPID_TRANSACTION) != NativeMethods.QUEUE_TRANSACTIONAL_NONE); 
                                isTransactional_valid = true;

                    return isTransactional; 
            public void AddRef() {
                lock (this) { 
                    ++ refCount;
            public void BindToThreadPool() {
                if (!this.boundToThreadPool) { 
                    lock (this) { 
                        if (!this.boundToThreadPool) {
                            //SECREVIEW: At this point at least MessageQueue permission with Browse 
                            //                         access has already been demanded.
                            SecurityPermission permission = new SecurityPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
                            try { 
                            finally { 

                            this.boundToThreadPool = true;
            public void CloseIfNotReferenced() {
                lock (this) { 
                    if (RefCount == 0)

            public void Close() { 
                this.boundToThreadPool = false; 
                if (!this.writeHandle.IsInvalid) {
                    lock(this.syncRoot) { 
                        if (!this.writeHandle.IsInvalid) {
                if (!this.readHandle.IsInvalid) { 
                    lock(this.syncRoot) { 
                        if (!this.readHandle.IsInvalid) {

            public void Dispose() { 

            protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {
                if (disposing)
                else {
                     if (!this.writeHandle.IsInvalid) { 
                    if (!this.readHandle.IsInvalid) {
                this.disposed = true;
            public void Release() {
                lock (this) { 
                    -- refCount;
		internal class QueueInfoKeyHolder {
			private string formatName; 
			private QueueAccessMode accessMode;

 			public QueueInfoKeyHolder(string formatName, QueueAccessMode accessMode) {
				this.formatName = formatName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
 				this.accessMode = accessMode;
			public override int GetHashCode() {
 				return formatName.GetHashCode() + (int)accessMode; 

			public override bool Equals(object obj) {
				if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType()) return false; 

 				QueueInfoKeyHolder qik = (QueueInfoKeyHolder)obj; 
				return this.Equals(qik); 
 			public bool Equals(QueueInfoKeyHolder qik) {
				if (qik == null) return false;

 				// string.Equals performs case-sensitive and culture-insensitive comparison 
				// we address case sensitivity by normalizing format name in the constructor
				return ( (this.accessMode == qik.accessMode) && this.formatName.Equals(qik.formatName) ); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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