/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / MIT / System / Web / UI / MobileControls / Adapters / WmlCalendarAdapter.cs / 1305376 / WmlCalendarAdapter.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Security.Permissions; #if COMPILING_FOR_SHIPPED_SOURCE namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ShippedAdapterSource #else namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters #endif { /* * WmlCalendarAdapter provides the wml device functionality for Calendar * control. It is using secondary UI support to provide internal screens * to allow the user to pick or enter a date. * * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation */ ///[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] public class WmlCalendarAdapter : WmlControlAdapter { private SelectionList _selectList; private TextBox _textBox; private List _optionList; private List _monthList; private List _weekList; private List _dayList; private int _chooseOption = FirstPrompt; private int _monthsToDisplay; private int _eraCount = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Globalization of Calendar Information: // Similar to the globalization support of the ASP.NET Calendar control, // this support is done via COM+ thread culture info/object. // Specific example can be found from ASP.NET Calendar spec. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This member variable is set each time when calendar info needs to // be accessed and be shared for other helper functions. private Globalization.Calendar _threadCalendar; private String _textBoxErrorMessage; // Since SecondaryUIMode is an int type, we use constant integers here // instead of enum so the mode can be compared without casting. private const int FirstPrompt = NotSecondaryUIInit; private const int OptionPrompt = NotSecondaryUIInit + 1; private const int TypeDate = NotSecondaryUIInit + 2; private const int DateOption = NotSecondaryUIInit + 3; private const int WeekOption = NotSecondaryUIInit + 4; private const int MonthOption = NotSecondaryUIInit + 5; private const int ChooseMonth = NotSecondaryUIInit + 6; private const int ChooseWeek = NotSecondaryUIInit + 7; private const int ChooseDay = NotSecondaryUIInit + 8; private const int DefaultDateDone = NotSecondaryUIInit + 9; private const int TypeDateDone = NotSecondaryUIInit + 10; private const int Done = NotSecondaryUIInit + 11; private const String DaySeparator = " - "; private const String Space = " "; /// protected new Calendar Control { get { return (Calendar)base.Control; } } /// public override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { ListCommandEventHandler listCommandEventHandler; // Create secondary child controls for rendering secondary UI. // Note that their ViewState is disabled because they are used // for rendering only. //--------------------------------------------------------------- _selectList = new SelectionList(); _selectList.Visible = false; _selectList.EnableViewState = false; Control.Controls.Add(_selectList); _textBox = new TextBox(); _textBox.Visible = false; _textBox.EnableViewState = false; Control.Controls.Add(_textBox); // Below are initialization of several list controls. A note is // that here the usage of DataMember is solely for remembering // how many items a particular list control is bounded to. The // property is not used as originally designed. //--------------------------------------------------------------- _optionList = new List(); _optionList.DataMember = "5"; listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.OptionListEventHandler); InitList(_optionList, listCommandEventHandler); // Use MobileCapabilities to check screen size and determine how // many months should be displayed for different devices. _monthsToDisplay = MonthsToDisplay(Device.ScreenCharactersHeight); // Create the list of months, including [Next] and [Prev] links _monthList = new List(); _monthList.DataMember = Convert.ToString(_monthsToDisplay + 2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.MonthListEventHandler); InitList(_monthList, listCommandEventHandler); _weekList = new List(); _weekList.DataMember = "6"; listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.WeekListEventHandler); InitList(_weekList, listCommandEventHandler); _dayList = new List(); _dayList.DataMember = "7"; listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.DayListEventHandler); InitList(_dayList, listCommandEventHandler); // Initialize the VisibleDate which will be used to keep track // the ongoing selection of year, month and day from multiple // secondary UI screens. If the page is loaded for the first // time, it doesn't need to be initialized (since it is not used // yet) so no unnecessary viewstate value will be generated. if (Page.IsPostBack && Control.VisibleDate == DateTime.MinValue) { Control.VisibleDate = DateTime.Today; } } /// public override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); // Here we check to see which list control should be initialized // with items so postback event can be handled properly. if (Page.IsPostBack) { String controlId = Page.Request[MobilePage.HiddenPostEventSourceId]; if (controlId != null && controlId.Length != 0) { List list = Page.FindControl(controlId) as List; if (list != null && Control.Controls.Contains(list)) { DataBindListWithEmptyValues( list, Convert.ToInt32(list.DataMember, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } } } /// public override void LoadAdapterState(Object state) { if (state != null) { if (state is Pair) { Pair pair = (Pair)state; base.LoadAdapterState(pair.First); _chooseOption = (int)pair.Second; } else if (state is Triplet) { Triplet triplet = (Triplet)state; base.LoadAdapterState(triplet.First); _chooseOption = (int)triplet.Second; Control.VisibleDate = new DateTime(Int64.Parse((String)triplet.Third, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else if (state is Object[]) { Object[] viewState = (Object[])state; base.LoadAdapterState(viewState[0]); _chooseOption = (int)viewState[1]; Control.VisibleDate = new DateTime(Int64.Parse((String)viewState[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); _eraCount = (int)viewState[3]; if (SecondaryUIMode == TypeDate) { // Create a placeholder list for capturing the selected era // in postback data. for (int i = 0; i < _eraCount; i++) { _selectList.Items.Add(String.Empty); } } } else { _chooseOption = (int)state; } } } /// public override Object SaveAdapterState() { DateTime visibleDate = Control.VisibleDate; bool saveVisibleDate = visibleDate != DateTime.MinValue && DateTime.Compare(visibleDate, DateTime.Today) != 0 && !IsViewStateEnabled(); Object baseState = base.SaveAdapterState(); if (baseState == null && !saveVisibleDate && _eraCount == 0) { if (_chooseOption != FirstPrompt) { return _chooseOption; } else { return null; } } else if (!saveVisibleDate && _eraCount == 0) { return new Pair(baseState, _chooseOption); } else if (_eraCount == 0) { return new Triplet(baseState, _chooseOption, visibleDate.Ticks.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { return new Object[] { baseState, _chooseOption, visibleDate.Ticks.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), _eraCount }; } } /// public override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); // We specially binding eras of the current calendar object here // when the UI of typing date is display. We do it only if the // calendar supports more than one era. if (SecondaryUIMode == TypeDate) { DateTimeFormatInfo currentInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo; int [] ints = currentInfo.Calendar.Eras; if (ints.Length > 1) { // Save the value in private view state _eraCount = ints.Length; int currentEra; if (_selectList.SelectedIndex != -1) { currentEra = ints[_selectList.SelectedIndex]; } else { currentEra = currentInfo.Calendar.GetEra(Control.VisibleDate); } // Clear the placeholder item list if created in LoadAdapterState _selectList.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ints.Length; i++) { int era = ints[i]; _selectList.Items.Add(currentInfo.GetEraName(era)); // There is no association between the era value and // its index in the era array, so we need to check it // explicitly for the default selected index. if (currentEra == era) { _selectList.SelectedIndex = i; } } _selectList.Visible = true; } else { // disable viewstate since no need to save any data for // this control _selectList.EnableViewState = false; } } else { _selectList.EnableViewState = false; } } /// public override void Render(WmlMobileTextWriter writer) { ArrayList arr; DateTime tempDate; DateTimeFormatInfo currentDateTimeInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo; String abbreviatedMonthDayPattern = AbbreviateMonthPattern(currentDateTimeInfo.MonthDayPattern); _threadCalendar = currentDateTimeInfo.Calendar; // RendersWmlSelectsAsMenuCards is true means the list control will be // rendered as select/option tags, where the break tag before // them will become an extra line which doesn't like good. bool addBreakBeforeListControl = Device.RendersWmlSelectsAsMenuCards; writer.EnterStyle(Style); Debug.Assert(NotSecondaryUI == NotSecondaryUIInit); switch (SecondaryUIMode) { case FirstPrompt: String promptText = Control.CalendarEntryText; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(promptText)) { promptText = SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterFirstPrompt); } // Link to input option selection screen RenderPostBackEvent(writer, OptionPrompt.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), GetDefaultLabel(GoLabel), true, promptText, true); break; // Render the first secondary page that provides differnt // options to select a date. case OptionPrompt: writer.RenderText(SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionPrompt), !addBreakBeforeListControl); arr = new ArrayList(); // Option to select the default date arr.Add(Control.VisibleDate.ToString( currentDateTimeInfo.ShortDatePattern, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); // Option to another page that can enter a date by typing arr.Add(SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionType)); // Options to a set of pages for selecting a date, a week // or a month by picking month/year, week and day // accordingly. Available options are determined by // SelectionMode. arr.Add(SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionChooseDate)); if (Control.SelectionMode == CalendarSelectionMode.DayWeek || Control.SelectionMode == CalendarSelectionMode.DayWeekMonth) { arr.Add(SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionChooseWeek)); if (Control.SelectionMode == CalendarSelectionMode.DayWeekMonth) { arr.Add(SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionChooseMonth)); } } DataBindAndRender(writer, _optionList, arr); break; // Render a title and textbox to capture a date entered by user case TypeDate: if (_textBoxErrorMessage != null) { writer.RenderText(_textBoxErrorMessage, true); } if (_selectList.Visible) { writer.RenderText(SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionEra), true); _selectList.RenderControl(writer); } String numericDateFormat = GetNumericDateFormat(); writer.RenderText(SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionType) + ":", true); writer.RenderText("("); writer.RenderText(numericDateFormat.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); writer.RenderText(")"); if (!_selectList.Visible) { writer.RenderText(GetEra(Control.VisibleDate)); } writer.RenderText(String.Empty, true); _textBox.Numeric = true; _textBox.Size = numericDateFormat.Length; _textBox.MaxLength = numericDateFormat.Length; _textBox.Text = Control.VisibleDate.ToString(numericDateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); _textBox.Visible = true; _textBox.RenderControl(writer); String okLabel = GetDefaultLabel(OKLabel); // accept softkey for sending the textbox value back to the server RenderPostBackEvent(writer, TypeDateDone.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), okLabel, true, okLabel, true, WmlPostFieldType.Raw); break; // Render a paged list for choosing a month case ChooseMonth: { String displayText = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}:", SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionChooseMonth)); writer.RenderText(displayText, !addBreakBeforeListControl); tempDate = Control.VisibleDate; String abbreviatedYearMonthPattern = AbbreviateMonthPattern(currentDateTimeInfo.YearMonthPattern); // This is to be consistent with ASP.NET Calendar control // on handling YearMonthPattern: // Some cultures have a comma in their YearMonthPattern, // which does not look right in a calendar. Here we // strip the comma off. int indexComma = abbreviatedYearMonthPattern.IndexOf(','); if (indexComma >= 0) { abbreviatedYearMonthPattern = abbreviatedYearMonthPattern.Remove(indexComma, 1); } arr = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < _monthsToDisplay; i++) { arr.Add(tempDate.ToString(abbreviatedYearMonthPattern, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); tempDate = _threadCalendar.AddMonths(tempDate, 1); } arr.Add(GetDefaultLabel(NextLabel)); arr.Add(GetDefaultLabel(PreviousLabel)); DataBindAndRender(writer, _monthList, arr); break; } // Based on the month selected in case ChooseMonth above, render a list of // availabe weeks of the month. case ChooseWeek: { String monthFormat = (GetNumericDateFormat()[0] == 'y') ? "yyyy/M" : "M/yyyy"; String displayText = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} ({1}):", SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionChooseWeek), Control.VisibleDate.ToString(monthFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); writer.RenderText(displayText, !addBreakBeforeListControl); // List weeks of days of the selected month. May include // days from the previous and the next month to fill out // all six week choices. This is consistent with the // ASP.NET Calendar control. // Note that the event handling code of this list control // should be implemented according to the index content // generated here. tempDate = FirstCalendarDay(Control.VisibleDate); arr = new ArrayList(); String weekDisplay; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { weekDisplay = tempDate.ToString(abbreviatedMonthDayPattern, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); weekDisplay += DaySeparator; tempDate = _threadCalendar.AddDays(tempDate, 6); weekDisplay += tempDate.ToString(abbreviatedMonthDayPattern, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); arr.Add(weekDisplay); tempDate = _threadCalendar.AddDays(tempDate, 1); } DataBindAndRender(writer, _weekList, arr); break; } // Based on the month and week selected in case ChooseMonth and ChooseWeek above, // render a list of the dates in the week. case ChooseDay: { String displayText = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}:", SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterOptionChooseDate)); writer.RenderText(displayText, !addBreakBeforeListControl); tempDate = Control.VisibleDate; arr = new ArrayList(); String date; String dayName; StringBuilder dayDisplay = new StringBuilder(); bool dayNameFirst = (GetNumericDateFormat()[0] != 'y'); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { date = tempDate.ToString(abbreviatedMonthDayPattern, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); if (Control.ShowDayHeader) { // Use the short format for displaying day name dayName = GetAbbreviatedDayName(tempDate); dayDisplay.Length = 0; if (dayNameFirst) { dayDisplay.Append(dayName); dayDisplay.Append(Space); dayDisplay.Append(date); } else { dayDisplay.Append(date); dayDisplay.Append(Space); dayDisplay.Append(dayName); } arr.Add(dayDisplay.ToString()); } else { arr.Add(date); } tempDate = _threadCalendar.AddDays(tempDate, 1); } DataBindAndRender(writer, _dayList, arr); break; } default: Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected Secondary UI Mode"); break; } writer.ExitStyle(Style); } /// public override bool HandlePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) { // This is mainly to capture the option picked by the user on // secondary pages and manipulate SecondaryUIMode accordingly so // Render() can generate the appropriate UI. // It also capture the state "Done" which can be set when a date, // a week or a month is selected or entered in some secondary // page. SecondaryUIMode = Int32.Parse(eventArgument, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Debug.Assert(NotSecondaryUI == NotSecondaryUIInit); switch (SecondaryUIMode) { case DefaultDateDone: SelectRange(Control.VisibleDate, Control.VisibleDate); goto case Done; case TypeDateDone: try { String dateText = _textBox.Text; String dateFormat = GetNumericDateFormat(); DateTimeFormatInfo currentInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo; int eraIndex = _selectList.SelectedIndex; if (eraIndex >= 0 && eraIndex < currentInfo.Calendar.Eras.Length) { dateText += currentInfo.GetEraName(currentInfo.Calendar.Eras[eraIndex]); dateFormat += "gg"; } DateTime dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dateText, dateFormat, null); SelectRange(dateTime, dateTime); Control.VisibleDate = dateTime; } catch { _textBoxErrorMessage = SR.GetString(SR.CalendarAdapterTextBoxErrorMessage); SecondaryUIMode = TypeDate; break; } goto case Done; case Done: // Set the secondary exit code and raise the selection event for // web page developer to manipulate the selected date. ExitSecondaryUIMode(); _chooseOption = FirstPrompt; break; case DateOption: case WeekOption: case MonthOption: _chooseOption = SecondaryUIMode; // save in the ViewState // In all 3 cases, continue to the UI that chooses a month SecondaryUIMode = ChooseMonth; break; } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc. helper and wrapper functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int MonthsToDisplay(int screenCharactersHeight) { const int MinMonthsToDisplay = 4; const int MaxMonthsToDisplay = 12; if (screenCharactersHeight < MinMonthsToDisplay) { return MinMonthsToDisplay; } else if (screenCharactersHeight > MaxMonthsToDisplay) { return MaxMonthsToDisplay; } return screenCharactersHeight; } // A helper function to initialize and add a child list control private void InitList(List list, ListCommandEventHandler eventHandler) { list.Visible = false; list.ItemCommand += eventHandler; list.EnableViewState = false; Control.Controls.Add(list); } private void DataBindListWithEmptyValues(List list, int arraySize) { ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { arr.Add(""); } list.DataSource = arr; list.DataBind(); } // A helper function to do the common code for DataBind and // RenderChildren. private void DataBindAndRender(WmlMobileTextWriter writer, List list, ArrayList arr) { list.DataSource = arr; list.DataBind(); list.Visible = true; list.RenderControl(writer); } // Abbreviate the Month format from "MMMM" (full // month name) to "MMM" (three-character month abbreviation) private String AbbreviateMonthPattern(String pattern) { const String FullMonthFormat = "MMMM"; int i = pattern.IndexOf(FullMonthFormat, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (i != -1) { pattern = pattern.Remove(i, 1); } return pattern; } private String GetAbbreviatedDayName(DateTime dateTime) { return DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetAbbreviatedDayName( _threadCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(dateTime)); } private String GetEra(DateTime dateTime) { // We shouldn't need to display the era for the common Gregorian // Calendar if (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Calendar.GetType() == typeof(GregorianCalendar)) { return String.Empty; } else { return dateTime.ToString("gg", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } } private static readonly char[] formatChars = new char[] { 'M', 'd', 'y' }; private String GetNumericDateFormat() { String shortDatePattern = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern; // Guess on what short date pattern should be used int i = shortDatePattern.IndexOfAny(formatChars); char firstFormatChar; if (i == -1) { firstFormatChar = 'M'; } else { firstFormatChar = shortDatePattern[i]; } // We either use two or four digits for the year String yearPattern; if (shortDatePattern.IndexOf("yyyy", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) { yearPattern = "yy"; } else { yearPattern = "yyyy"; } switch (firstFormatChar) { case 'M': default: return "MMdd" + yearPattern; case 'd': return "ddMM" + yearPattern; case 'y': return yearPattern + "MMdd"; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Return the first date of the input year and month private DateTime EffectiveVisibleDate(DateTime visibleDate) { return _threadCalendar.AddDays( visibleDate, -(_threadCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(visibleDate) - 1)); } // Return the beginning date of a calendar that includes the // targeting month. The date can actually be in the previous month. private DateTime FirstCalendarDay(DateTime visibleDate) { DateTime firstDayOfMonth = EffectiveVisibleDate(visibleDate); int daysFromLastMonth = ((int)_threadCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(firstDayOfMonth)) - NumericFirstDayOfWeek(); // Always display at least one day from the previous month if (daysFromLastMonth <= 0) { daysFromLastMonth += 7; } return _threadCalendar.AddDays(firstDayOfMonth, -daysFromLastMonth); } private int NumericFirstDayOfWeek() { // Used globalized value by default return(Control.FirstDayOfWeek == FirstDayOfWeek.Default) ? (int) DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.FirstDayOfWeek : (int) Control.FirstDayOfWeek; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The followings are event handlers to capture the selection from // the corresponding list control in an secondary page. The index of // the selection is used to determine which and how the next // secondary page is rendered. Some event handlers below update // Calendar.VisibleDate and set SecondaryUIMode with appropriate // values. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static readonly int[] Options = {DefaultDateDone, TypeDate, DateOption, WeekOption, MonthOption}; private void OptionListEventHandler(Object source, ListCommandEventArgs e) { SecondaryUIMode = Options[e.ListItem.Index]; HandlePostBackEvent(SecondaryUIMode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } private void MonthListEventHandler(Object source, ListCommandEventArgs e) { _threadCalendar = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Calendar; if (e.ListItem.Index == _monthsToDisplay) { // Next was selected Control.VisibleDate = _threadCalendar.AddMonths( Control.VisibleDate, _monthsToDisplay); SecondaryUIMode = ChooseMonth; } else if (e.ListItem.Index == _monthsToDisplay + 1) { // Prev was selected Control.VisibleDate = _threadCalendar.AddMonths( Control.VisibleDate, -_monthsToDisplay); SecondaryUIMode = ChooseMonth; } else { // A month was selected Control.VisibleDate = _threadCalendar.AddMonths( Control.VisibleDate, e.ListItem.Index); if (_chooseOption == MonthOption) { // Add the whole month to the date list DateTime beginDate = EffectiveVisibleDate(Control.VisibleDate); Control.VisibleDate = beginDate; DateTime endDate = _threadCalendar.AddMonths(beginDate, 1); endDate = _threadCalendar.AddDays(endDate, -1); SelectRange(beginDate, endDate); HandlePostBackEvent(Done.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { SecondaryUIMode = ChooseWeek; } } } private void WeekListEventHandler(Object source, ListCommandEventArgs e) { // Get the first calendar day and adjust it to the week the user // selected (to be consistent with the index setting in Render()) _threadCalendar = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Calendar; DateTime tempDate = FirstCalendarDay(Control.VisibleDate); Control.VisibleDate = _threadCalendar.AddDays(tempDate, e.ListItem.Index * 7); if (_chooseOption == WeekOption) { // Add the whole week to the date list DateTime endDate = _threadCalendar.AddDays(Control.VisibleDate, 6); SelectRange(Control.VisibleDate, endDate); HandlePostBackEvent(Done.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { SecondaryUIMode = ChooseDay; } } private void DayListEventHandler(Object source, ListCommandEventArgs e) { _threadCalendar = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Calendar; // VisibleDate should have been set with the first day of the week // so the selected index can be used to adjust to the selected day. Control.VisibleDate = _threadCalendar.AddDays(Control.VisibleDate, e.ListItem.Index); SelectRange(Control.VisibleDate, Control.VisibleDate); HandlePostBackEvent(Done.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } private void SelectRange(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo) { Debug.Assert(dateFrom <= dateTo, "Bad Date Range"); // see if this range differs in any way from the current range // these checks will determine this because the colleciton is sorted TimeSpan ts = dateTo - dateFrom; SelectedDatesCollection selectedDates = Control.SelectedDates; if (selectedDates.Count != ts.Days + 1 || selectedDates[0] != dateFrom || selectedDates[selectedDates.Count - 1] != dateTo) { selectedDates.SelectRange(dateFrom, dateTo); Control.RaiseSelectionChangedEvent(); } } private bool IsViewStateEnabled() { Control ctl = Control; while (ctl != null) { if (!ctl.EnableViewState) { return false; } ctl = ctl.Parent; } return true; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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