/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / SqlClient / SqlStatistics.cs / 1305376 / SqlStatistics.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; namespace System.Data.SqlClient { internal sealed class SqlStatistics { static internal SqlStatistics StartTimer(SqlStatistics statistics) { if ((null != statistics) && !statistics.RequestExecutionTimer()) { // we're re-entrant -- don't bother. statistics = null; } return statistics; } static internal void StopTimer(SqlStatistics statistics) { if (null != statistics) { statistics.ReleaseAndUpdateExecutionTimer(); } } // internal values that are not exposed through properties internal long _closeTimestamp; internal long _openTimestamp; internal long _startExecutionTimestamp; internal long _startFetchTimestamp; internal long _startNetworkServerTimestamp; // internal values that are exposed through properties internal long _buffersReceived; internal long _buffersSent; internal long _bytesReceived; internal long _bytesSent; internal long _connectionTime; internal long _cursorOpens; internal long _executionTime; internal long _iduCount; internal long _iduRows; internal long _networkServerTime; internal long _preparedExecs; internal long _prepares; internal long _selectCount; internal long _selectRows; internal long _serverRoundtrips; internal long _sumResultSets; internal long _transactions; internal long _unpreparedExecs; // these flags are required if statistics is turned on/off in the middle of command execution private bool _waitForDoneAfterRow; private bool _waitForReply; internal bool WaitForDoneAfterRow { get { return _waitForDoneAfterRow; } set { _waitForDoneAfterRow = value; } } internal bool WaitForReply { get { return _waitForReply; } } internal SqlStatistics () { } internal void ContinueOnNewConnection() { _startExecutionTimestamp = 0; _startFetchTimestamp = 0; _waitForDoneAfterRow = false; _waitForReply = false; } internal IDictionary GetHashtable() { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("BuffersReceived", _buffersReceived); ht.Add("BuffersSent", _buffersSent); ht.Add("BytesReceived", _bytesReceived); ht.Add("BytesSent", _bytesSent); ht.Add("CursorOpens", _cursorOpens); ht.Add("IduCount", _iduCount); ht.Add("IduRows", _iduRows); ht.Add("PreparedExecs", _preparedExecs); ht.Add("Prepares", _prepares); ht.Add("SelectCount", _selectCount); ht.Add("SelectRows", _selectRows); ht.Add("ServerRoundtrips", _serverRoundtrips); ht.Add("SumResultSets", _sumResultSets); ht.Add("Transactions", _transactions); ht.Add("UnpreparedExecs", _unpreparedExecs); ht.Add ("ConnectionTime", ADP.TimerToMilliseconds(_connectionTime)); ht.Add ("ExecutionTime", ADP.TimerToMilliseconds(_executionTime)); ht.Add ("NetworkServerTime", ADP.TimerToMilliseconds(_networkServerTime)); return ht; } internal bool RequestExecutionTimer () { if (_startExecutionTimestamp == 0) { ADP.TimerCurrent(out _startExecutionTimestamp); return true; } return false; } internal void RequestNetworkServerTimer () { Debug.Assert(_startExecutionTimestamp!=0, "No network time expected outside execution period"); if (_startNetworkServerTimestamp == 0) { ADP.TimerCurrent(out _startNetworkServerTimestamp); } _waitForReply = true; } internal void ReleaseAndUpdateExecutionTimer () { long stopExecutionTimestamp; if (_startExecutionTimestamp > 0) { ADP.TimerCurrent(out stopExecutionTimestamp); _executionTime += (stopExecutionTimestamp - _startExecutionTimestamp); _startExecutionTimestamp = 0; } } internal void ReleaseAndUpdateNetworkServerTimer () { long stopNetworkServerTimestamp; if (_waitForReply && _startNetworkServerTimestamp > 0) { ADP.TimerCurrent(out stopNetworkServerTimestamp); _networkServerTime += (stopNetworkServerTimestamp - _startNetworkServerTimestamp); _startNetworkServerTimestamp = 0; } _waitForReply = false; } internal void Reset() { _buffersReceived = 0; _buffersSent = 0; _bytesReceived = 0; _bytesSent = 0; _connectionTime = 0; _cursorOpens = 0; _executionTime = 0; _iduCount = 0; _iduRows = 0; _networkServerTime = 0; _preparedExecs = 0; _prepares = 0; _selectCount = 0; _selectRows = 0; _serverRoundtrips = 0; _sumResultSets = 0; _transactions = 0; _unpreparedExecs = 0; _waitForDoneAfterRow = false; _waitForReply = false; _startExecutionTimestamp = 0; _startNetworkServerTimestamp = 0; } internal void SafeAdd (ref long value, long summand) { if (long.MaxValue - value > summand) { value += summand; } else { value = long.MaxValue; } } internal long SafeIncrement(ref long value) { if (value < long.MaxValue) value++; return value; } internal void UpdateStatistics() { // update connection time if (_closeTimestamp >= _openTimestamp) { SafeAdd(ref _connectionTime, _closeTimestamp - _openTimestamp); } else { _connectionTime = long.MaxValue; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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