DataView.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / DataView.cs / 1305376 / DataView.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
namespace System.Data {
    using System; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Text; 
    ///       Represents a databindable, customized view of a 
    ///       for sorting, filtering, searching, editing, and navigation.
    Designer("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.DataViewDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.MicrosoftVSDesigner), 
    Editor("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataSourceEditor, " + AssemblyRef.MicrosoftVSDesigner, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDrawing), 
    public class DataView : MarshalByValueComponent, IBindingListView , System.ComponentModel.ITypedList, ISupportInitializeNotification {
        private DataViewManager dataViewManager;
        private DataTable table; 
        private bool locked = false;
        private Index index; 
        private Dictionary findIndexes; 

        private string sort = ""; 

        /// Allow a user implemented comparision of two DataRow
        /// User must use correct DataRowVersion in comparison or index corruption will happen
        private System.Comparison _comparison; 

        /// IFilter will allow LinqDataView to wrap  instead of using a DataExpression 
        private IFilter rowFilter = null; 

        private DataViewRowState recordStates = DataViewRowState.CurrentRows;

        private bool shouldOpen = true; 
        private bool open = false;
        private bool allowNew = true; 
        private bool allowEdit = true; 
        private bool allowDelete = true;
        private bool applyDefaultSort = false; 

        internal DataRow addNewRow;
        private ListChangedEventArgs addNewMoved;
        private System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler onListChanged;
        private System.EventHandler  onInitialized; 
        internal static ListChangedEventArgs ResetEventArgs = new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.Reset, -1); 

        private DataTable delayedTable = null; 
        private string delayedRowFilter = null;
        private string delayedSort = null;
        private DataViewRowState delayedRecordStates = (DataViewRowState)(-1);
        private bool fInitInProgress = false; 
        private bool fEndInitInProgress = false;
        /// You can't delay create the DataRowView instances since multiple thread read access is valid
        /// and each thread must obtain the same DataRowView instance and we want to avoid (inter)locking. 
        /// In V1.1, the DataRowView[] was recreated after every change.  Each DataRowView was bound to a DataRow.
        /// In V2.0 Whidbey, the DataRowView retained but bound to an index instead of DataRow, allowing the DataRow to vary. 
        /// In V2.0 Orcas, the DataRowView retained and bound to a DataRow, allowing the index to vary.
        private Dictionary rowViewCache = new Dictionary(DataRowReferenceComparer.Default); 

        /// This collection allows expression maintaince to (add / remove) from the index when it really should be a (change / move).
        private readonly Dictionary rowViewBuffer = new Dictionary(DataRowReferenceComparer.Default);
        private sealed class DataRowReferenceComparer : IEqualityComparer {
            internal static readonly DataRowReferenceComparer Default = new DataRowReferenceComparer(); 
            private DataRowReferenceComparer() { }
            public bool Equals(DataRow x, DataRow y) {
                return ((object)x == (object)y);
            public int GetHashCode(DataRow obj) { 
                return obj.ObjectID;

        DataViewListener dvListener = null; 

        private static int _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter
        private  readonly int _objectID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
        internal DataView(DataTable table, bool locked) {
            Bid.Trace(" %d#, table=%d, locked=%d{bool}\n", ObjectID, (table != null) ? table.ObjectID : 0, locked); 

            this.dvListener = new DataViewListener(this); 
            this.locked = locked;
            this.table = table;

        /// Initializes a new instance of the  class. 
        public DataView() : this(null) { 
            SetIndex2("", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows, null, true);

        /// Initializes a new instance of the  class with the
        ///    specified . 
        public DataView(DataTable table) : this(table, false) {
            SetIndex2("", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows, null, true); 

        /// Initializes a new instance of the  class with the 
        ///    specified .
        public DataView(DataTable table, String RowFilter, string Sort, DataViewRowState RowState) { 
            Bid.Trace(" %d#, table=%d, RowFilter='%ls', Sort='%ls', RowState=%d{ds.DataViewRowState}\n", 
                           ObjectID, (table != null) ? table.ObjectID : 0, RowFilter, Sort, (int)RowState);
            if (table == null)
                throw ExceptionBuilder.CanNotUse();
            this.dvListener = new DataViewListener(this);
            this.locked = false; 
            this.table = table; 
            if ((((int)RowState) &
                 ((int)~(DataViewRowState.CurrentRows | DataViewRowState.OriginalRows))) != 0) {
                throw ExceptionBuilder.RecordStateRange();
            else if (( ((int)RowState) & ((int)DataViewRowState.ModifiedOriginal) ) != 0 &&
                     ( ((int)RowState) &  ((int)DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent) ) != 0 
                    ) { 
                throw ExceptionBuilder.SetRowStateFilter();

            if (Sort == null)
                Sort = "";
            if (RowFilter == null)
                RowFilter = ""; 
            DataExpression newFilter = new DataExpression(table, RowFilter); 

            SetIndex(Sort, RowState, newFilter); 

        /// Allow construction of DataView with  and  
        /// This is a copy of the other DataView ctor and needs to be kept in [....] 
        internal DataView(DataTable table, System.Predicate predicate, System.Comparison comparison, DataViewRowState RowState) { 
            Bid.Trace(" %d#, table=%d, RowState=%d{ds.DataViewRowState}\n", 
                           ObjectID, (table != null) ? table.ObjectID : 0, (int)RowState);
            if (table == null)
                throw ExceptionBuilder.CanNotUse();
            this.dvListener = new DataViewListener(this);
            this.locked = false; 
            this.table = table; 
            if ((((int)RowState) &
                 ((int)~(DataViewRowState.CurrentRows | DataViewRowState.OriginalRows))) != 0) {
                throw ExceptionBuilder.RecordStateRange();
            else if (( ((int)RowState) & ((int)DataViewRowState.ModifiedOriginal) ) != 0 &&
                     ( ((int)RowState) &  ((int)DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent) ) != 0 
                    ) { 
                throw ExceptionBuilder.SetRowStateFilter();
            _comparison = comparison;
            SetIndex2("", RowState, ((null != predicate) ? new RowPredicateFilter(predicate) : null), true);
        ///       Sets or gets a value indicating whether deletes are 
        ///       allowed.
        public bool AllowDelete { 
            get {
                return allowDelete; 
            set {
                if (allowDelete != value) {
                    allowDelete = value; 
        ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the default sort.
        public bool ApplyDefaultSort {
            get {
                return applyDefaultSort;
            set {
                Bid.Trace(" %d#, %d{bool}\n", ObjectID, value); 
                if (applyDefaultSort != value) { 
                    _comparison = null; // clear the delegate to allow the Sort string to be effective
                    applyDefaultSort = value; 
        ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether edits are allowed. 
        public bool AllowEdit {
            get { 
                return allowEdit;
            set {
                if (allowEdit != value) { 
                    allowEdit = value;

        ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether the new rows can 
        ///       be added using the 
        ///       method. 
        public bool AllowNew {
            get { 
                return allowNew; 
            set { 
                if (allowNew != value) {
                    allowNew = value;
        /// Gets the number of records in the . 
        [Browsable(false), ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DataViewCountDescr)]
        public int Count {
            get { 
                Debug.Assert(rowViewCache.Count == CountFromIndex, "DataView.Count mismatch");
                return rowViewCache.Count; 
        private int CountFromIndex {
            get {
                return (((null != index) ? index.RecordCount : 0) + ((null != addNewRow) ? 1 : 0));
        ///       Gets the  associated with this  . 
        [Browsable(false), ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DataViewDataViewManagerDescr)]
        public DataViewManager DataViewManager { 
            get {
                return dataViewManager; 
        public bool IsInitialized {
            get {
                return !fInitInProgress; 
        ///       Gets a value indicating whether the data source is currently open and
        ///       projecting views of data on the .
        [Browsable(false), ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DataViewIsOpenDescr)]
        protected bool IsOpen { 
            get { 
                return open;

        bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
            get { 
                return false;

        ///       Gets or sets the expression used to filter which rows are viewed in the
        ///    .
        public virtual string RowFilter {
            get {       // ACCESSOR: virtual was missing from this get
                DataExpression expression = (rowFilter as DataExpression); 
                return(expression == null ? "" : expression.Expression); //
            set { 
                if (value == null)
                    value = ""; 
                Bid.Trace(" %d#, '%ls'\n", ObjectID, value);

                if (fInitInProgress) {
                    delayedRowFilter = value; 
                CultureInfo locale = (table != null ? table.Locale : CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                if (null == rowFilter || (String.Compare(RowFilter,value,false,locale) != 0)) { 
                    DataExpression newFilter = new DataExpression(table, value);
                    SetIndex(sort, recordStates, newFilter);
        #region RowPredicateFilter 
        /// The predicate delegate that will determine if a DataRow should be contained within the view. 
        /// This RowPredicate property is mutually exclusive with the RowFilter property.
        internal System.Predicate RowPredicate {
            get { 
                RowPredicateFilter filter = (GetFilter() as RowPredicateFilter);
                return ((null != filter) ? filter.PredicateFilter : null); 
            set {
                if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(RowPredicate, value)) { 
                    SetIndex(Sort, RowStateFilter, ((null != value) ? new RowPredicateFilter(value) : null));

        private sealed class RowPredicateFilter : System.Data.IFilter { 
            internal readonly System.Predicate PredicateFilter;
            internal RowPredicateFilter(System.Predicate predicate) {
                Debug.Assert(null != predicate, "null predicate");
                PredicateFilter = predicate; 
            bool IFilter.Invoke(DataRow row, DataRowVersion version) {
                Debug.Assert(DataRowVersion.Default != version, "not expecting Default"); 
                Debug.Assert(DataRowVersion.Proposed != version, "not expecting Proposed");
                return PredicateFilter(row);
        /// Gets or sets the row state filter used in the .
        public DataViewRowState RowStateFilter { 
            get { 
                return recordStates;
            set {
                Bid.Trace(" %d#, %d{ds.DataViewRowState}\n", ObjectID, (int)value);
                if (fInitInProgress) {
                    delayedRecordStates = value; 
                if ((((int)value) &
                     ((int)~(DataViewRowState.CurrentRows | DataViewRowState.OriginalRows))) != 0) 
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.RecordStateRange();
                else if (( ((int)value) & ((int)DataViewRowState.ModifiedOriginal) ) != 0 &&
                         ( ((int)value) &  ((int)DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent) ) != 0
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.SetRowStateFilter();
                if (recordStates != value) { 
                    SetIndex(sort, value, rowFilter);

        ///       Gets 
        ///       or sets the sort column or columns, and sort order for the table. 
        public string Sort { 
            get { 
                if (sort.Length == 0 && applyDefaultSort && table != null && table._primaryIndex.Length > 0) {
                    return table.FormatSortString(table._primaryIndex); 
                else {
                    return sort;
            set { 
                if (value == null) { 
                    value = "";
                Bid.Trace(" %d#, '%ls'\n", ObjectID, value);

                if (fInitInProgress) {
                    delayedSort = value; 
                CultureInfo locale = (table != null ? table.Locale : CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                if (String.Compare(sort, value, false, locale) != 0 || (null != _comparison)) { 
                    _comparison = null; // clear the delegate to allow the Sort string to be effective
                    SetIndex(value, recordStates, rowFilter);
        /// Allow a user implemented comparision of two DataRow
        /// User must use correct DataRowVersion in comparison or index corruption will happen 
        internal System.Comparison SortComparison {
            get {
                return _comparison;
            set {
                Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); 
                if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(_comparison, value)) { 
                    _comparison = value;
                    SetIndex("", recordStates, rowFilter); 
        ///       Resets the  property to its default state. 
        private void ResetSort() {
// this is dead code, no one is calling it
            sort = "";
            SetIndex(sort, recordStates, rowFilter); 
        ///       Indicates whether the  property should be persisted. 
        private bool ShouldSerializeSort() {
            return(sort != null); 
        object ICollection.SyncRoot { 
            get {
                return this; 

        ///       Gets or sets the source . 
        public DataTable Table { 
            get {
                return table; 
            set {
                Bid.Trace(" %d#, %d\n", ObjectID, (value != null) ? value.ObjectID : 0);
                if (fInitInProgress && value != null) { 
                    delayedTable = value;

                if (locked) 
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.SetTable();

                if (dataViewManager != null)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.CanNotSetTable(); 

                if (value != null && value.TableName.Length == 0) 
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.CanNotBindTable(); 

                if (table != value) { 
                    table = value;
                    if (table != null) {
                    // SQLBU 427284: ListChanged event was being fired after the table change, before the index update. 
                    SetIndex2("", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows, null, false);
                    if (table != null) { 
                        OnListChanged(new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.PropertyDescriptorChanged, new DataTablePropertyDescriptor(table)));
                    // index was updated without firing the reset, fire it now

        object IList.this[int recordIndex] { 
            get {
                return this[recordIndex];
            set { 
                throw ExceptionBuilder.SetIListObject();

        ///       Gets a row of data from a specified table.
        public DataRowView this[int recordIndex] { 
            get { 
                return GetRowView(GetRow(recordIndex));

        /// Adds a new row of data to view. 
        /// Only one new row of data allowed at a time, so previous new row will be added to row collection. 
        /// Unsupported pattern: dataTable.Rows.Add(dataView.AddNew().Row)
        public virtual DataRowView AddNew() {
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.ScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#\n", ObjectID);
            try { 
                if (!AllowNew) 
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.AddNewNotAllowNull();
                if (addNewRow != null) { 

                Debug.Assert(null == addNewRow, "AddNew addNewRow is not null"); 

                addNewRow = table.NewRow(); 
                DataRowView drv = new DataRowView(this, addNewRow); 
                rowViewCache.Add(addNewRow, drv);
                OnListChanged(new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemAdded, IndexOf(drv))); 
                return drv;
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 
        public void BeginInit() {
            fInitInProgress = true; 

        public void EndInit() {
            if (delayedTable != null && this.delayedTable.fInitInProgress) { 

            fInitInProgress = false; 
            fEndInitInProgress = true;
            if (delayedTable != null) {
                Table = delayedTable;
                delayedTable = null; 
            if (delayedSort != null) { 
                Sort = delayedSort; 
                delayedSort = null;
            if (delayedRowFilter != null) {
                RowFilter = delayedRowFilter;
                delayedRowFilter = null;
            if (delayedRecordStates != (DataViewRowState)(-1)) {
                RowStateFilter = delayedRecordStates; 
                delayedRecordStates = (DataViewRowState)(-1); 
            fEndInitInProgress = false; 

            SetIndex(Sort, RowStateFilter, rowFilter);

        private void CheckOpen() { 
            if (!IsOpen) throw ExceptionBuilder.NotOpen(); 
        private void CheckSort(string sort) {
            if (table == null)
                throw ExceptionBuilder.CanNotUse();
            if (sort.Length == 0) 

        ///       Closes the 
        ///       .
        protected void Close() { 
            shouldOpen = false; 

        public void CopyTo(Array array, int index) {
            if (null != this.index) { 
                RBTree.RBTreeEnumerator iterator = this.index.GetEnumerator(0);
                while (iterator.MoveNext()) { 
                    array.SetValue(GetRowView(iterator.Current), index); 
                    checked {
            if (null != addNewRow) { 
                array.SetValue(rowViewCache[addNewRow], index);

        private void CopyTo(DataRowView[] array, int index) { 
            if (null != this.index) {
                RBTree.RBTreeEnumerator iterator = this.index.GetEnumerator(0);
                while (iterator.MoveNext()) {
                    array[index] = GetRowView(iterator.Current); 
                    checked {
            if (null != addNewRow) {
                array[index] = rowViewCache[addNewRow];

        ///    Deletes a row at the specified index. 
        public void Delete(int index) { 

        internal void Delete(DataRow row) { 
            if (null != row) {
                IntPtr hscp; 
                Bid.ScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#, row=%d#", ObjectID, row.ObjectID); 
                try {
                    if (row == addNewRow) {
                    if (!AllowDelete)
                        throw ExceptionBuilder.CanNotDelete(); 
                finally {
                    Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { 
            if (disposing) {
        ///       Finds a row in the  by the specified primary key 
        ///       value.
        public int Find(object key) { 
            return FindByKey(key);
        /// Find index of a DataRowView instance that matches the specified primary key value.
        internal virtual int FindByKey(object key) { 
            return index.FindRecordByKey(key);

        ///       Finds a row in the  by the specified primary key values. 
        public int Find(object[] key) { 
            return FindByKey(key);

        /// Find index of a DataRowView instance that matches the specified primary key values. 
        internal virtual int FindByKey(object[] key) {
            return index.FindRecordByKey(key); 

        ///       Finds a row in the  by the specified primary key
        ///       value.
        public DataRowView[] FindRows(object key) { 
            return FindRowsByKey(new object[] {key}); 
        ///       Finds a row in the  by the specified primary key values.
        public DataRowView[] FindRows(object[] key) { 
            return FindRowsByKey(key); 
        /// Find DataRowView instances that match the specified primary key values.
        internal virtual DataRowView[] FindRowsByKey(object[] key) {
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.ScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#\n", ObjectID); 
            try {
                Range range = index.FindRecords(key); 
                return GetDataRowViewFromRange(range); 
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);
        /// This method exists for LinqDataView to keep a level of abstraction away from the RBTree
        internal Range FindRecords(Index.ComparisonBySelector comparison, TKey key) where TRow:DataRow 
            return this.index.FindRecords(comparison, key);

        /// Convert a Range into a DataRowView[].
        internal DataRowView[] GetDataRowViewFromRange(Range range)
            if (range.IsNull) {
                return new DataRowView[0]; 
            DataRowView[] rows = new DataRowView[range.Count];
            for (int i=0; i %d#, success=%d{bool}\n", ObjectID, success);
            DataRow newRow = addNewRow;
            if (success) {
                if (DataRowState.Detached == newRow.RowState) {
                    // MaintainDataView will translate the ItemAdded from the RowCollection into 
                    // into either an ItemMoved or no event, since it didn't change position.
                    // also possible it's added to the RowCollection but filtered out of the view. 
                else { 
                    // this means that the record was added to the table by different means and not part of view

            if (newRow == addNewRow) { 
                // this means that the record did not get to the view 
                bool flag = rowViewCache.Remove(addNewRow);
                Debug.Assert(flag, "didn't remove addNewRow"); 
                addNewRow = null;

                if (!success) {
                OnListChanged(new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemDeleted, Count)); 
        ///       Gets an enumerator for this .
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { 
            // V1.1 compatability: returning List.GetEnumerator() from RowViewCache 
            // prevents users from changing data without invalidating the enumerator
            // aka don't 'return this.RowViewCache.GetEnumerator()' 
            DataRowView[] temp = new DataRowView[this.Count];
            this.CopyTo(temp, 0);
            return temp.GetEnumerator();

        #region IList 
        bool IList.IsReadOnly {
            get { 
                return false;
        bool IList.IsFixedSize {
            get { 
                return false; 

        int IList.Add(object value) {
            if (value == null) {
                // null is default value, so we AddNew. 
                return Count - 1; 
            throw ExceptionBuilder.AddExternalObject();

        void IList.Clear() {
            throw ExceptionBuilder.CanNotClear();

        bool IList.Contains(object value) { 
            return (0 <= IndexOf(value as DataRowView)); 
        int IList.IndexOf(object value) {
            return IndexOf(value as DataRowView);
        /// Return positional index of a  in this DataView
        /// Behavioral change: will now return -1 once a DataRowView becomes detached. 
        internal int IndexOf(DataRowView rowview) { 
            if (null != rowview) {
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(addNewRow, rowview.Row)) { 
                    return Count - 1;
                if ((null != index) && (DataRowState.Detached != rowview.Row.RowState)) {
                    DataRowView cached; // verify the DataRowView is one we currently track - not something previously detached 
                    if (rowViewCache.TryGetValue(rowview.Row, out cached) && ((object)cached == (object)rowview)) {
                        return IndexOfDataRowView(rowview); 
            return -1;

        private int IndexOfDataRowView(DataRowView rowview) { 
            // rowview.GetRecord() may return the proposed record
            // the index will only contain the original or current record, never proposed. 
            // return index.GetIndex(rowview.GetRecord()); 
            return index.GetIndex(rowview.Row.GetRecordFromVersion(rowview.Row.GetDefaultRowVersion(this.RowStateFilter) & ~DataRowVersion.Proposed));

        void IList.Insert(int index, object value) {
            throw ExceptionBuilder.InsertExternalObject();

        void IList.Remove(object value) { 
            int index = IndexOf(value as DataRowView); 
            if (0 <= index) {
                // must delegate to IList.RemoveAt 
            else {
                throw ExceptionBuilder.RemoveExternalObject(); 
        void IList.RemoveAt(int index) {

        internal Index GetFindIndex(string column, bool keepIndex) {
            if (findIndexes == null) { 
                findIndexes = new Dictionary();
            Index findIndex; 
            if (findIndexes.TryGetValue(column, out findIndex)) {
                if (!keepIndex) { 
                    if (findIndex.RefCount == 1) { // if we have created it and we are removing it, refCount is (1)
                        findIndex.RemoveRef(); // if we are reusing the index created by others, refcount is (2) 
            else {
                if (keepIndex) { 
                    findIndex = table.GetIndex(column, recordStates, GetFilter());
                    findIndexes[column] = findIndex;
            return findIndex; 


        #region IBindingList implementation

        bool IBindingList.AllowNew { 
            get { return AllowNew; }
        object IBindingList.AddNew() { 
            return AddNew();

        bool IBindingList.AllowEdit {
            get { return AllowEdit; }

        bool IBindingList.AllowRemove { 
            get { return AllowDelete; } 
        bool IBindingList.SupportsChangeNotification {
            get { return true; }
        bool IBindingList.SupportsSearching {
            get { return true; } 

        bool IBindingList.SupportsSorting { 
            get { return true; }

        bool IBindingList.IsSorted { 
            get { return this.Sort.Length != 0; }
        PropertyDescriptor IBindingList.SortProperty {
            get { 
                return GetSortProperty();
        internal PropertyDescriptor GetSortProperty() {
            if (table != null && index != null && index.IndexFields.Length == 1) { 
                return new DataColumnPropertyDescriptor(index.IndexFields[0].Column); 
            return null; 

        ListSortDirection IBindingList.SortDirection {
            get { 
                if (index.IndexFields.Length == 1 && index.IndexFields[0].IsDescending) {
                    return ListSortDirection.Descending; 
                return ListSortDirection.Ascending;

        #region ListChanged & Initialized events
        ///       Occurs when the list managed by the  changes. 
        [ResCategoryAttribute(Res.DataCategory_Data), ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DataViewListChangedDescr)]
        public event System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler ListChanged { 
            add {
                Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); 
                onListChanged += value; 
            remove { 
                Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID);
                onListChanged -= value;

        public event System.EventHandler  Initialized {
            add {
                onInitialized += value;
            remove {
                onInitialized -= value; 

        #region IBindingList implementation
        void IBindingList.AddIndex(PropertyDescriptor property) {
            GetFindIndex(property.Name, /*keepIndex:*/true); 

        void IBindingList.ApplySort(PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction) { 
            this.Sort = CreateSortString(property, direction);

        int IBindingList.Find(PropertyDescriptor property, object key) { // NOTE: this function had keepIndex previosely 
            if (property != null) {
                bool created = false; 
                Index findIndex = null; 
                try {
                    if ((null == findIndexes) || !findIndexes.TryGetValue(property.Name, out findIndex)) { 
                        created = true;
                        findIndex = table.GetIndex(property.Name, recordStates, GetFilter());
                    Range recordRange = findIndex.FindRecords(key);
                    if (!recordRange.IsNull) { 
                        // check to see if key is equal
                        return index.GetIndex(findIndex.GetRecord(recordRange.Min)); 
                finally {
                    if (created && (null != findIndex)) { 
                        if (findIndex.RefCount == 1) { // if we have created it and we are removing it, refCount is (1) 
                            findIndex.RemoveRef(); // if we are reusing the index created by others, refcount is (2) 
            return -1;

        void IBindingList.RemoveIndex(PropertyDescriptor property) { 
            // Ups: If we don't have index yet we will create it before destroing; Fix this later 
            GetFindIndex(property.Name, /*keepIndex:*/false);

        void IBindingList.RemoveSort() {
            Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID);
            this.Sort = string.Empty; 

        #region Additional method and properties for new interface IBindingListView 

        void IBindingListView.ApplySort(ListSortDescriptionCollection sorts) {
            if (sorts == null)
                throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("sorts"); 

            StringBuilder sortString = new StringBuilder(); 
            bool addCommaToString = false; 
            foreach(ListSortDescription sort in sorts) {
                if (sort == null) 
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentContainsNull("sorts");
                PropertyDescriptor property = sort.PropertyDescriptor;

                if (property == null) 
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("PropertyDescriptor");
                if (!this.table.Columns.Contains(property.Name)) { // just check if column does not exist, we will handle duplicate column in Sort 
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.ColumnToSortIsOutOfRange(property.Name);
                ListSortDirection direction = sort.SortDirection;

                if (addCommaToString) // (sortStr.Length != 0)
                sortString.Append(CreateSortString(property, direction));
                if (!addCommaToString) 
                    addCommaToString = true;
            this.Sort  = sortString.ToString(); // what if we dont have any valid sort criteira? we would reset the sort

        private string CreateSortString(PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction) { 
            Debug.Assert (property != null,  "property is null");
            StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder(); 
            if (ListSortDirection.Descending == direction) {
                resultString.Append(" DESC");
            return resultString.ToString();
        void IBindingListView.RemoveFilter() {
            Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); 
            this.RowFilter = "";

        string IBindingListView.Filter { 
            get { return this.RowFilter; }
            set { this.RowFilter = value; } 

        ListSortDescriptionCollection IBindingListView.SortDescriptions { 
            get {
                return GetSortDescriptions();

        internal ListSortDescriptionCollection GetSortDescriptions() { 
            ListSortDescription[] sortDescArray = new ListSortDescription[0]; 
            if (table != null && index != null && index.IndexFields.Length > 0) {
                sortDescArray = new ListSortDescription[index.IndexFields.Length]; 
                for(int i = 0; i < index.IndexFields.Length; i++ ) {
                    DataColumnPropertyDescriptor columnProperty = new DataColumnPropertyDescriptor(index.IndexFields[i].Column);
                    if (index.IndexFields[i].IsDescending) {
                        sortDescArray[i] = new ListSortDescription(columnProperty, ListSortDirection.Descending); 
                    else { 
                        sortDescArray[i] = new ListSortDescription(columnProperty, ListSortDirection.Ascending); 
            return new ListSortDescriptionCollection(sortDescArray);

        bool IBindingListView.SupportsAdvancedSorting { 
            get { return true; } 
        bool IBindingListView.SupportsFiltering {
            get { return true; }
        #region ITypedList 

        string System.ComponentModel.ITypedList.GetListName(PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors) { 
            if(table != null) {
                if (listAccessors == null || listAccessors.Length == 0) {
                    return table.TableName;
                else {
                    DataSet dataSet = table.DataSet; 
                    if (dataSet != null) { 
                        DataTable foundTable = dataSet.FindTable(table, listAccessors, 0);
                        if (foundTable != null) { 
                            return foundTable.TableName;
            return String.Empty; 

        PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ITypedList.GetItemProperties(PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors) { 
            if (table != null) {
                if (listAccessors == null || listAccessors.Length == 0) {
                    return table.GetPropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
                else {
                    DataSet dataSet = table.DataSet; 
                    if (dataSet == null) 
                        return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
                    DataTable foundTable = dataSet.FindTable(table, listAccessors, 0); 
                    if (foundTable != null) {
                        return foundTable.GetPropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
            return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null); 


        ///       Gets the filter for the . 
        internal virtual IFilter GetFilter() { 
            return rowFilter;

        private int GetRecord(int recordIndex) {
            if (unchecked((uint)Count <= (uint)recordIndex))
                throw ExceptionBuilder.RowOutOfRange(recordIndex); 
            if (recordIndex == index.RecordCount)
                return addNewRow.GetDefaultRecord(); 
            return index.GetRecord(recordIndex); 
        internal DataRow GetRow(int index) {
            int count = Count;
            if (unchecked((uint)count <= (uint)index)) { 
                throw ExceptionBuilder.GetElementIndex(index);
            if ((index == (count - 1)) && (addNewRow != null)) { 
                // if we could rely on tempRecord being registered with recordManager
                // then this special case code would go away 
                return addNewRow;
            return table.recordManager[GetRecord(index)];

        private DataRowView GetRowView(int record) { 
            return GetRowView(table.recordManager[record]); 
        private DataRowView GetRowView(DataRow dr) {
            return rowViewCache[dr];
        protected virtual void IndexListChanged(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e) {
            if (ListChangedType.Reset != e.ListChangedType) { 
            if (addNewRow != null && index.RecordCount == 0) { // [....] : 83032 Clear the newly added row as the underlying index is reset. 
            if (ListChangedType.Reset == e.ListChangedType) {
        internal void IndexListChangedInternal(ListChangedEventArgs e) {

            if ((ListChangedType.ItemAdded == e.ListChangedType) && (null != addNewMoved)) {
                if (addNewMoved.NewIndex == addNewMoved.OldIndex) {
                    // ItemAdded for addNewRow which didn't change position 
                    // RowStateChange only triggers RowChanged, not ListChanged
                else { 
                    // translate the ItemAdded into ItemMoved for addNewRow adding into sorted collection
                    ListChangedEventArgs f = addNewMoved; 
                    addNewMoved = null;
                    IndexListChanged(this, f);
            // the ItemAdded has to fire twice for AddNewRow (public IBindingList API documentation)
            IndexListChanged(this, e); 

        internal void MaintainDataView(ListChangedType changedType, DataRow row, bool trackAddRemove) { 
            DataRowView buffer = null;
            switch (changedType) {
                case ListChangedType.ItemAdded:
                    Debug.Assert(null != row, "MaintainDataView.ItemAdded with null DataRow"); 
                    if (trackAddRemove) {
                        if (rowViewBuffer.TryGetValue(row, out buffer)) { 
                            // help turn expression add/remove into a changed/move 
                            bool flag = rowViewBuffer.Remove(row);
                            Debug.Assert(flag, "row actually removed"); 
                    if (row == addNewRow) {
                        // DataView.AddNew().Row was added to DataRowCollection 
                        int index = IndexOfDataRowView(rowViewCache[addNewRow]);
                        Debug.Assert(0 <= index, "ItemAdded was actually deleted"); 
                        addNewRow = null;
                        addNewMoved = new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemMoved, index, Count - 1); 
                    else if (!rowViewCache.ContainsKey(row)) {
                        rowViewCache.Add(row, buffer ?? new DataRowView(this, row));
                    else {
                        Debug.Assert(false, "ItemAdded DataRow already in view"); 
                case ListChangedType.ItemDeleted: 
                    Debug.Assert(null != row, "MaintainDataView.ItemDeleted with null DataRow");
                    Debug.Assert(row != addNewRow, "addNewRow being deleted");

                    if (trackAddRemove) { 
                        // help turn expression add/remove into a changed/move
                        rowViewCache.TryGetValue(row, out buffer); 
                        if (null != buffer) { 
                            rowViewBuffer.Add(row, buffer);
                        else {
                            Debug.Assert(false, "ItemDeleted DataRow not in view tracking");
                    if (!rowViewCache.Remove(row)) {
                        Debug.Assert(false, "ItemDeleted DataRow not in view"); 
                case ListChangedType.Reset: 
                    Debug.Assert(null == row, "MaintainDataView.Reset with non-null DataRow");
                case ListChangedType.ItemChanged: 
                case ListChangedType.ItemMoved:
                case ListChangedType.PropertyDescriptorAdded: 
                case ListChangedType.PropertyDescriptorChanged:
                case ListChangedType.PropertyDescriptorDeleted: 
                    Debug.Assert(false, "unexpected");

        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected virtual void OnListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs e) {
            Bid.Trace(" %d#, ListChangedType=%d{ListChangedType}\n", ObjectID, (int)e.ListChangedType);
            try { 
                DataColumn col = null;
                string propertyName = null; 
                switch (e.ListChangedType) { 
                    case ListChangedType.ItemChanged:
                    // ItemChanged - a column value changed (0 <= e.OldIndex) 
                    // ItemChanged - a DataRow.RowError changed (-1 == e.OldIndex)
                    // ItemChanged - RowState changed (e.NewIndex == e.OldIndex)

                    case ListChangedType.ItemMoved: 
                        // ItemMoved - a column value affecting sort order changed
                        // ItemMoved - a state change in equivalent fields 
                        Debug.Assert(((ListChangedType.ItemChanged == e.ListChangedType) && ((e.NewIndex == e.OldIndex) || (-1 == e.OldIndex))) || 
                                     (ListChangedType.ItemMoved == e.ListChangedType && (e.NewIndex != e.OldIndex) && (0 <= e.OldIndex)),
                                     "unexpected ItemChanged|ItemMoved"); 

                        Debug.Assert(0 <= e.NewIndex, "negative NewIndex");
                        if (0 <= e.NewIndex) {
                            DataRow dr = GetRow(e.NewIndex); 
                            if (dr.HasPropertyChanged) {
                                col = dr.LastChangedColumn; 
                                propertyName = (null != col) ? col.ColumnName : String.Empty; 


                    case ListChangedType.ItemAdded: 
                    case ListChangedType.ItemDeleted:
                    case ListChangedType.PropertyDescriptorAdded: 
                    case ListChangedType.PropertyDescriptorChanged: 
                    case ListChangedType.PropertyDescriptorDeleted:
                    case ListChangedType.Reset: 

                if (onListChanged != null) { 
                    if ((col != null) && (e.NewIndex == e.OldIndex)) {
                        ListChangedEventArgs newEventArg = new ListChangedEventArgs(e.ListChangedType, e.NewIndex, new DataColumnPropertyDescriptor(col)); 
                        onListChanged(this, newEventArg); 
                    else { 
                        onListChanged(this, e);
                if (null != propertyName) { 
                    // empty string if more than 1 column changed
            catch (Exception f) { 
                if (!Common.ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(f)) {
                // ignore the exception 
        private void OnInitialized() {
            if (onInitialized != null) {
                onInitialized(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        ///       Opens a . 
        protected void Open() {
            shouldOpen = true; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        protected void Reset() {
            if (IsOpen) { 

        internal void ResetRowViewCache() { 
            Dictionary rvc = new Dictionary(CountFromIndex, DataRowReferenceComparer.Default);
            DataRowView drv;

            if (null != index) { 
                // SQLBU 428961: Serious performance issue when creating DataView
                // this improves performance by iterating of the index instead of computing record by index 
                RBTree.RBTreeEnumerator iterator = index.GetEnumerator(0); 
                while (iterator.MoveNext()) {
                    DataRow row = table.recordManager[iterator.Current]; 
                    if (!rowViewCache.TryGetValue(row, out drv)) {
                        drv = new DataRowView(this, row);
                    rvc.Add(row, drv); 
            if (null != addNewRow) { 
                rowViewCache.TryGetValue(addNewRow, out drv);
                Debug.Assert(null != drv, "didn't contain addNewRow"); 
                rvc.Add(addNewRow, drv);
            Debug.Assert(rvc.Count == CountFromIndex, "didn't add expected count");
            this.rowViewCache = rvc; 
        internal void SetDataViewManager(DataViewManager dataViewManager) { 
            if (this.table == null)
                throw ExceptionBuilder.CanNotUse(); 

            if (this.dataViewManager != dataViewManager) {
                if (dataViewManager != null)
                this.dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
                if (dataViewManager != null) { 
                    DataViewSetting dataViewSetting = dataViewManager.DataViewSettings[table];
                    try { 
                        // [....]: check that we will not do unnesasary operation here if dataViewSetting.Sort == this.Sort ...
                        applyDefaultSort = dataViewSetting.ApplyDefaultSort;
                        DataExpression newFilter = new DataExpression(table, dataViewSetting.RowFilter);
                        SetIndex(dataViewSetting.Sort, dataViewSetting.RowStateFilter, newFilter); 
                    catch (Exception e) { 
                        if (!Common.ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {
                        // ignore the exception
                    locked = true;
                } else { 
                    SetIndex("", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows, null); 

        internal virtual void SetIndex(string newSort, DataViewRowState newRowStates, IFilter newRowFilter) {
            SetIndex2(newSort, newRowStates, newRowFilter, true); 
        internal void SetIndex2(string newSort, DataViewRowState newRowStates, IFilter newRowFilter, bool fireEvent) { 
            Bid.Trace(" %d#, newSort='%ls', newRowStates=%d{ds.DataViewRowState}\n", ObjectID, newSort, (int)newRowStates);
            this.sort         = newSort; 
            this.recordStates = newRowStates;
            this.rowFilter    = newRowFilter;

            Debug.Assert((0 == (DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent & newRowStates)) || 
                         (0 == (DataViewRowState.ModifiedOriginal & newRowStates)),
                         "asking DataViewRowState for both Original & Current records"); 
            if (fEndInitInProgress)

            if (fireEvent) {
                // old code path for virtual UpdateIndex
            else { 
                // new code path for RelatedView 
                Debug.Assert(null == _comparison, "RelatedView should not have a comparison function");
                UpdateIndex(true, false); 

            if (null != findIndexes) {
                Dictionary indexes = findIndexes; 
                findIndexes = null;
                foreach(KeyValuePair entry in indexes) { 

        protected void UpdateIndex() { 
        protected virtual void UpdateIndex(bool force) {
            UpdateIndex(force, true); 

        internal void UpdateIndex(bool force, bool fireEvent) {
            IntPtr hscp; 
            Bid.ScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#, force=%d{bool}\n", ObjectID, force);
            try { 
                if (open != shouldOpen || force) { 
           = shouldOpen;
                    Index newIndex = null; 
                    if (open) {
                        if (table != null) {
                            if (null != SortComparison)
                                // because an Index with with a Comparison %d#, TableName='%ls', distinct=%d{bool}\n", ObjectID, tableName, distinct);
            if (columnNames == null){ 
                throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("columnNames");

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt.Locale = this.table.Locale;
            dt.CaseSensitive = this.table.CaseSensitive; 
            dt.TableName = ((null != tableName) ? tableName : this.table.TableName);
            dt.Namespace = this.table.Namespace; 
            dt.Prefix = this.table.Prefix; 

            if (columnNames.Length == 0) { 
                columnNames = new string[Table.Columns.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.Length; i++) {
                    columnNames[i] = Table.Columns[i].ColumnName;
            int [] columnIndexes = new int[columnNames.Length]; 

            List rowlist = new List(); 

            for(int i = 0; i < columnNames.Length ; i++){
                DataColumn dc = Table.Columns[columnNames[i]];
                if (dc == null) { 
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.ColumnNotInTheUnderlyingTable(columnNames[i], Table.TableName);
                columnIndexes[i] = Table.Columns.IndexOf(dc);

            foreach (DataRowView drview in this) {
                object[] o = new object[columnNames.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < columnIndexes.Length; j++) {
                    o[j] = drview[columnIndexes[j]]; 
                if ( !distinct || !RowExist(rowlist, o)) {
            return dt;
         private bool RowExist(List arraylist, object[] objectArray) {
            for (int i =0 ; i < arraylist.Count ; i++){ 
                object[] rows = arraylist[i];
                bool retval = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < objectArray.Length; j++){
                    retval &= (rows[j].Equals(objectArray[j])); 
                if (retval) 
                    return true; 
            return false; 

         /// If  is equivalent to the the current view with regards to all properties. 
         ///  and  may differ by .
         public virtual bool Equals(DataView view) { 
             if ((null == view) ||
                this.Table != view.Table || 
                this.Count != view.Count ||
                (string.Compare(this.RowFilter, view.RowFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) ||  // case insensitive
                (string.Compare(this.Sort, view.Sort, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) ||  // case insensitive
                !Object.ReferenceEquals(SortComparison, view.SortComparison) || 
                !Object.ReferenceEquals(RowPredicate, view.RowPredicate) ||
                this.RowStateFilter != view.RowStateFilter || 
                this.DataViewManager != view.DataViewManager|| 
                this.AllowDelete != view.AllowDelete||
                this.AllowNew != view.AllowNew|| 
                this.AllowEdit != view.AllowEdit )
                return false;
             return true;

        internal int ObjectID { 
            get { 
                return _objectID;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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