/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / documents / TextBoxView.cs / 1544692 / TextBoxView.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: TextBoxView.cs // // Description: Content presenter for the TextBox. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Controls { using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using MS.Internal; using MS.Internal.Text; using MS.Internal.Documents; using MS.Internal.PtsHost; using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting; // Content presenter for the TextBox. internal class TextBoxView : FrameworkElement, ITextView, IScrollInfo, IServiceProvider { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors // Static constructor. static TextBoxView() { // Set a margin so that the bidi caret has room to render at the edges of content. MarginProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(TextBoxView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new Thickness(CaretElement.BidiCaretIndicatorWidth, 0, CaretElement.BidiCaretIndicatorWidth, 0))); } // Constructor. internal TextBoxView(ITextBoxViewHost host) { Invariant.Assert(host is Control); _host = host; } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Public Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Public Methods // IServiceProvider for TextEditor/renderscope contract. // Provides access to our ITextView implementation. object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) { object service = null; if (serviceType == typeof(ITextView)) { service = this; } return service; } ////// void IScrollInfo.LineUp() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.LineUp(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.LineDown() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.LineDown(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.LineLeft() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.LineLeft(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.LineRight() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.LineRight(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.PageUp() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.PageUp(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.PageDown() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.PageDown(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.PageLeft() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.PageLeft(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.PageRight() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.PageRight(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelUp() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.MouseWheelUp(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelDown() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.MouseWheelDown(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelLeft() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.MouseWheelLeft(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelRight() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.MouseWheelRight(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.SetHorizontalOffset(double offset) { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.SetHorizontalOffset(this, offset); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.SetVerticalOffset(double offset) { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.SetVerticalOffset(this, offset); } } ////// /// Rect IScrollInfo.MakeVisible(Visual visual, Rect rectangle) { if (_scrollData == null) { rectangle = Rect.Empty; } else { rectangle = _scrollData.MakeVisible(this, visual, rectangle); } return rectangle; } ////// /// bool IScrollInfo.CanVerticallyScroll { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.CanVerticallyScroll : false; } set { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.CanVerticallyScroll = value; } } } ////// /// bool IScrollInfo.CanHorizontallyScroll { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.CanHorizontallyScroll : false; } set { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.CanHorizontallyScroll = value; } } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.ExtentWidth { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ExtentWidth : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.ExtentHeight { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ExtentHeight : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.ViewportWidth { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ViewportWidth : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.ViewportHeight { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ViewportHeight : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.HorizontalOffset { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.HorizontalOffset : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.VerticalOffset { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.VerticalOffset : 0; } } ////// /// ScrollViewer IScrollInfo.ScrollOwner { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ScrollOwner : null; } set { if (_scrollData == null) { // Create cached scroll info. _scrollData = new ScrollData(); } _scrollData.SetScrollOwner(this, value); } } #endregion Public Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Protected Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Protected Methods // Calculates ideal content size. protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) { // Lazy init TextContainer listeners on the first measure. EnsureTextContainerListeners(); // Lazy allocate _lineMetrics on the first measure. if (_lineMetrics == null) { _lineMetrics = new List/// (1); } Size desiredSize; // Init a cache we'll use here and in the following ArrangeOverride call. _cache = null; EnsureCache(); LineProperties lineProperties = _cache.LineProperties; // Skip the measure if constraints have not changed. bool widthChanged = !DoubleUtil.AreClose(constraint.Width, _previousConstraint.Width); // If width changed and TextAlignment is Center or Right the visual offsets of the visible // lines need to be recalculated. if (widthChanged && lineProperties.TextAlignment != TextAlignment.Left) { _viewportLineVisuals = null; } bool constraintschanged = widthChanged && lineProperties.TextWrapping != TextWrapping.NoWrap; if (_lineMetrics.Count == 0 || constraintschanged) { // Null out the dirty list when constraints change -- everything's dirty. _dirtyList = null; } else if (_dirtyList == null && !this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending) { // No dirty region, no constraint change, no pending background layout. desiredSize = _contentSize; goto Exit; } // Treat an insert into an empty document just like a full invalidation, // to allow background layout to run. if (_dirtyList != null && _lineMetrics.Count == 1 && _lineMetrics[0].EndOffset == 0) { _lineMetrics.Clear(); _viewportLineVisuals = null; _dirtyList = null; } Size safeConstraint = constraint; // Make sure that TextFormatter limitations are not exceeded. // TextDpi.EnsureValidLineWidth(ref safeConstraint); // Do the measure. if (_dirtyList == null) { if (constraintschanged) { _lineMetrics.Clear(); _viewportLineVisuals = null; } desiredSize = FullMeasureTick(safeConstraint.Width, lineProperties); } else { desiredSize = IncrementalMeasure(safeConstraint.Width, lineProperties); } Invariant.Assert(_lineMetrics.Count >= 1); _dirtyList = null; double oldWidth = _contentSize.Width; _contentSize = desiredSize; // If the width has changed we need to reformat if we're centered or right aligned so the // spacing gets properly updated. if (oldWidth != desiredSize.Width && lineProperties.TextAlignment != TextAlignment.Left) { Rerender(); } Exit: // DesiredSize is set to the calculated size of the content. // If hosted by ScrollViewer, desired size is limited to constraint. if (_scrollData != null) { desiredSize.Width = Math.Min(constraint.Width, desiredSize.Width); desiredSize.Height = Math.Min(constraint.Height, desiredSize.Height); } _previousConstraint = constraint; return desiredSize; } // Arranges content within a specified constraint. protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize) { if (_lineMetrics == null || _lineMetrics.Count == 0) { // No matching MeasureOverride call. goto Exit; } EnsureCache(); ArrangeScrollData(arrangeSize); ArrangeVisuals(arrangeSize); _cache = null; FireTextViewUpdatedEvent(); Exit: return arrangeSize; } // Render callback for this TextBoxView. protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext context) { // Render a transparent Rect to enable hit-testing even when content does not fill // the entire viewport. // context.DrawRectangle(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)), null, new Rect(0, 0, this.RenderSize.Width, this.RenderSize.Height)); } /// /// Derived class must implement to support Visual children. The method must return /// the child at the specified index. Index must be between 0 and GetVisualChildrenCount-1. /// /// By default a Visual does not have any children. /// /// Remark: /// During this virtual call it is not valid to modify the Visual tree. /// protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index) { if (index >= this.VisualChildrenCount) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); } return _visualChildren[index]; } #endregion Protected Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Protected Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Protected Properties ////// Derived classes override this property to enable the Visual code to enumerate /// the Visual children. Derived classes need to return the number of children /// from this method. /// /// By default a Visual does not have any children. /// /// Remark: /// During this virtual method the Visual tree must not be modified. /// protected override int VisualChildrenCount { get { return (_visualChildren == null) ? 0 : _visualChildren.Count; } } #endregion Protected Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods ////// ITextPointer ITextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(Point point, bool snapToText) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); point = TransformToDocumentSpace(point); int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPoint(point, snapToText); ITextPointer position; if (lineIndex == -1) { position = null; } else { position = GetTextPositionFromDistance(lineIndex, point.X); position.Freeze(); } return position; } ////// /// Rect ITextView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position) { Rect rect; Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); int offset = position.Offset; if (offset > 0 && position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward) { // TextBoxLine always gets the forward Rect, so back up to preceding char. offset--; } int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(offset); FlowDirection flowDirection; LineProperties lineProperties; using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex, out lineProperties)) { rect = line.GetBoundsFromTextPosition(offset, out flowDirection); } if (!rect.IsEmpty) // Empty rects can't be modified. { rect.Y += lineIndex * _lineHeight; // Return only TopLeft and Height. // Adjust rect.Left by taking into account flow direction of the // content and orientation of input position. if (lineProperties.FlowDirection != flowDirection) { if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward || position.Offset == 0) { rect.X = rect.Right; } } else { if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward && position.Offset > 0) { rect.X = rect.Right; } } rect.Width = 0; } return TransformToVisualSpace(rect); } ////// /// Rect ITextView.GetRawRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position, out Transform transform) { transform = Transform.Identity; return ((ITextView)this).GetRectangleFromTextPosition(position); } ////// /// Geometry ITextView.GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(ITextPointer startPosition, ITextPointer endPosition) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Geometry geometry = null; double endOfParaGlyphWidth = ((Control)_host).FontSize * CaretElement.c_endOfParaMagicMultiplier; // Since background layout may be running, clip to the computed region. int startOffset = Math.Min(_lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count-1].EndOffset, startPosition.Offset); int endOffset = Math.Min(_lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset, endPosition.Offset); // Find the intersection of the viewport with the requested range. int firstLineIndex; int lastLineIndex; GetVisibleLines(out firstLineIndex, out lastLineIndex); firstLineIndex = Math.Max(firstLineIndex, GetLineIndexFromOffset(startOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward)); lastLineIndex = Math.Min(lastLineIndex, GetLineIndexFromOffset(endOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward)); if (firstLineIndex > lastLineIndex) { // Visible region does not intersect with geometry. return null; } // Partially covered lines require a line format, so we'll handle them specially. // Only the first and last line are potentially partially covered. bool firstLinePartiallyCovered = _lineMetrics[firstLineIndex].Offset < startOffset || _lineMetrics[firstLineIndex].EndOffset > endOffset; bool lastLinePartiallyCovered = _lineMetrics[lastLineIndex].Offset < startOffset || _lineMetrics[lastLineIndex].EndOffset > endOffset; TextAlignment alignment = this.CalculatedTextAlignment; int lineIndex = firstLineIndex; // If we don't cover the entire first line, special case it. if (firstLinePartiallyCovered) { GetTightBoundingGeometryFromLineIndex(lineIndex, startOffset, endOffset, alignment, endOfParaGlyphWidth, ref geometry); lineIndex++; } // If it is completely covered, adjust lastLineIndex such that we handle // the last line in the loop below. if (firstLineIndex <= lastLineIndex && !lastLinePartiallyCovered) { lastLineIndex++; } // Handle all the lines that are entirely covered -- they don't require any heavy lifting. for (; lineIndex < lastLineIndex; lineIndex++) { double contentOffset = GetContentOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Width, alignment); Rect rect = new Rect(contentOffset, lineIndex * _lineHeight, _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Width, _lineHeight); // Add extra padding at the end of lines with linebreaks. ITextPointer endOfLinePosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward); if (TextPointerBase.IsNextToPlainLineBreak(endOfLinePosition, LogicalDirection.Backward)) { rect.Width += endOfParaGlyphWidth; } rect = TransformToVisualSpace(rect); CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, new RectangleGeometry(rect)); } // If we don't cover the entire last line, special case it. // Otherwise, we already handled it in the loop above. if (lineIndex == lastLineIndex && lastLinePartiallyCovered) { GetTightBoundingGeometryFromLineIndex(lineIndex, startOffset, endOffset, alignment, endOfParaGlyphWidth, ref geometry); } return geometry; } ////// /// ITextPointer ITextView.GetPositionAtNextLine(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, out double newSuggestedX, out int linesMoved) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); newSuggestedX = suggestedX; int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position); int nextLineIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_lineMetrics.Count - 1, lineIndex + count)); linesMoved = nextLineIndex - lineIndex; ITextPointer nextLinePosition; if (linesMoved == 0) { nextLinePosition = position.GetFrozenPointer(position.LogicalDirection); } else if (DoubleUtil.IsNaN(suggestedX)) { nextLinePosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex + linesMoved].Offset, LogicalDirection.Forward); } else { suggestedX -= GetTextAlignmentCorrection(this.CalculatedTextAlignment, GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width)); nextLinePosition = GetTextPositionFromDistance(nextLineIndex, suggestedX); } nextLinePosition.Freeze(); return nextLinePosition; } ////// /// ITextPointer ITextView.GetPositionAtNextPage(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, out Point newSuggestedOffset, out int pagesMoved) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); newSuggestedOffset = new Point(); pagesMoved = 0; return null; } ////// /// bool ITextView.IsAtCaretUnitBoundary(ITextPointer position) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); bool boundary = false; int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position); CharacterHit sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(); if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward) { // Forward context, go to leading edge of position offset sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(position.Offset, 0); } else if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward) { if (position.Offset > _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset) { // For backward context, go to trailing edge of previous character sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(position.Offset - 1, 1); } else { // There is no previous trailing edge on this line. We don't consider this a unit boundary. return false; } } using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex)) { boundary = line.IsAtCaretCharacterHit(sourceCharacterHit); } return boundary; } ////// /// ITextPointer ITextView.GetNextCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); // Special case document start/end. if (position.Offset == 0 && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward) { return position.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Forward); } else if (position.Offset == _host.TextContainer.SymbolCount && direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) { return position.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Backward); } int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position); CharacterHit sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(position.Offset, 0); CharacterHit nextCharacterHit; using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex)) { if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) { // Get the next caret position from the line nextCharacterHit = line.GetNextCaretCharacterHit(sourceCharacterHit); } else { // Get previous caret position from the line nextCharacterHit = line.GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(sourceCharacterHit); } } // Determine logical direction for next caret index and create TextPointer from it. LogicalDirection logicalDirection; if (nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset && direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) { // Going forward brought us to the end of a line, context must be forward for next line. if (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count - 1) { // Last line so context must stay backward. logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward; } else { logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward; } } else if (nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward) { // Going backward brought us to the start of a line, context must be backward for previous line. if (lineIndex == 0) { // First line, so we will stay forward. logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward; } else { logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward; } } else { logicalDirection = (nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward; } ITextPointer nextCaretUnitPosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength, logicalDirection); nextCaretUnitPosition.Freeze(); return nextCaretUnitPosition; } ////// /// ITextPointer ITextView.GetBackspaceCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); // Special case document start. if (position.Offset == 0) { return position.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Forward); } int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position, LogicalDirection.Backward); CharacterHit sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(position.Offset, 0); CharacterHit backspaceCharacterHit; using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex)) { backspaceCharacterHit = line.GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(sourceCharacterHit); } LogicalDirection logicalDirection; if (backspaceCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset) { // Going backward brought us to the start of a line, context must be backward for previous line if (lineIndex == 0) { // First line, so we will stay forward. logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward; } else { logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward; } } else { logicalDirection = (backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward; } ITextPointer backspaceUnitPosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(backspaceCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength, logicalDirection); backspaceUnitPosition.Freeze(); return backspaceUnitPosition; } ////// /// TextSegment ITextView.GetLineRange(ITextPointer position) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position); ITextPointer start = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset, LogicalDirection.Forward); ITextPointer end = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset + _lineMetrics[lineIndex].ContentLength, LogicalDirection.Forward); return new TextSegment(start, end, true); } ////// /// ReadOnlyCollection/// ITextView.GetGlyphRuns(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) { // This method is not expected to be called. Invariant.Assert(false); return null; } /// /// bool ITextView.Contains(ITextPointer position) { return Contains(position); } ////// /// void ITextView.BringPositionIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// void ITextView.BringPointIntoViewAsync(Point point, object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// void ITextView.BringLineIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// void ITextView.BringPageIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// void ITextView.CancelAsync(object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// bool ITextView.Validate() { UpdateLayout(); return this.IsLayoutValid; } ////// /// bool ITextView.Validate(Point point) { return ((ITextView)this).Validate(); } ////// /// bool ITextView.Validate(ITextPointer position) { if (position.TextContainer != _host.TextContainer) return false; if (!this.IsLayoutValid) { // UpdateLayout has side-effects even when measure and arrange are clean, // so avoid calling it unless we must. UpdateLayout(); if (!this.IsLayoutValid) { // If we can't get the layout system to give us a valid // measure/arrange, there's no hope. return false; } } // Force background layout iterations until we catch up // with the position. int lastValidOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset; while (!Contains(position)) { InvalidateMeasure(); UpdateLayout(); // UpdateLayout may invalidate the view. if (!this.IsLayoutValid) break; // Break if background layout is not progressing. int newLastValidOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset; if (lastValidOffset >= newLastValidOffset) break; lastValidOffset = newLastValidOffset; } return this.IsLayoutValid && Contains(position); } ////// /// void ITextView.ThrottleBackgroundTasksForUserInput() { if (_throttleBackgroundTimer == null) { // Start up a timer. Until the timer fires, we'll disable // all background layout. This leaves the TextBox responsive // to user input. _throttleBackgroundTimer = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Background); _throttleBackgroundTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, _throttleBackgroundSeconds); _throttleBackgroundTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnThrottleBackgroundTimeout); } else { // Reset the timer. _throttleBackgroundTimer.Stop(); } _throttleBackgroundTimer.Start(); } // Forces a full document invalidation. // Called when properties that do affect layout (eg, FontSize) // change value. internal void Remeasure() { if (_lineMetrics != null) { _lineMetrics.Clear(); _viewportLineVisuals = null; } InvalidateMeasure(); } // Forces a visual invalidation. // Called when properties that do not affect layout (eg, ForegroundColor) // change value. internal void Rerender() { _viewportLineVisuals = null; InvalidateArrange(); } // Returns the index of the line containing the specified offset. // Offset has forward direction -- we always return the following // line in ambiguous cases. internal int GetLineIndexFromOffset(int offset) { int index = -1; int min = 0; int max = _lineMetrics.Count; Invariant.Assert(_lineMetrics.Count >= 1); while (true) { Invariant.Assert(min < max, "Couldn't find offset!"); index = min + (max - min) / 2; LineRecord record = _lineMetrics[index]; if (offset < record.Offset) { max = index; } else if (offset > record.EndOffset) { min = index + 1; } else { if (offset == record.EndOffset && index < _lineMetrics.Count - 1) { // Go to the next line if we're between two lines. index++; } break; } } return index; } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties // Control that owns this TextBoxView. internal ITextBoxViewHost Host { get { return _host; } } ////// /// UIElement ITextView.RenderScope { get { return this; } } ////// /// ITextContainer ITextView.TextContainer { get { return _host.TextContainer; } } ////// /// bool ITextView.IsValid { get { return this.IsLayoutValid; } } ////// /// bool ITextView.RendersOwnSelection { get { return false; } } ////// /// ReadOnlyCollection/// ITextView.TextSegments { get { List segments = new List (1); if (_lineMetrics != null) { ITextPointer start = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[0].Offset, LogicalDirection.Backward); ITextPointer end = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count-1].EndOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward); segments.Add(new TextSegment(start, end, true)); } return new ReadOnlyCollection (segments); } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Events // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Events /// /// // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. event BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventHandler ITextView.BringPositionIntoViewCompleted { add { Invariant.Assert(false); } remove { Invariant.Assert(false); } } ////// /// // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. event BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventHandler ITextView.BringPointIntoViewCompleted { add { Invariant.Assert(false); } remove { Invariant.Assert(false); } } ////// /// // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. event BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventHandler ITextView.BringLineIntoViewCompleted { add { Invariant.Assert(false); } remove { Invariant.Assert(false); } } ////// /// // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. event BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventHandler ITextView.BringPageIntoViewCompleted { add { Invariant.Assert(false); } remove { Invariant.Assert(false); } } ////// /// event EventHandler ITextView.Updated { add { UpdatedEvent += value; } remove { UpdatedEvent -= value; } } #endregion Internal Events //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods // Initializes TextContainer event listeners. // Called on the first Measure. // We delay the init to avoid responding to events before we're attached // to the visual tree, when it doesn't matter. private void EnsureTextContainerListeners() { if (CheckFlags(Flags.TextContainerListenersInitialized)) return; _host.TextContainer.Changing += new EventHandler(OnTextContainerChanging); _host.TextContainer.Change += new TextContainerChangeEventHandler(OnTextContainerChange); _host.TextContainer.Highlights.Changed += new HighlightChangedEventHandler(OnHighlightChanged); SetFlags(true, Flags.TextContainerListenersInitialized); } // Initializes state used across a measure/arrange calculation. private void EnsureCache() { if (_cache == null) { _cache = new TextCache(this); } } // Reads the current (interesting) property values on the owning TextBox. private LineProperties GetLineProperties() { TextProperties defaultTextProperties = new TextProperties((Control)_host, _host.IsTypographyDefaultValue); // Pass page width and height as double.MaxValue when creating LineProperties, since TextBox does not restrict // TextIndent or LineHeight. return new LineProperties((Control)_host, (Control)_host, defaultTextProperties, null, this.CalculatedTextAlignment); } // Callback from the TextContainer when a change block starts. private void OnTextContainerChanging(object sender, EventArgs args) { // } // Callback from the TextContainer on a document edit. private void OnTextContainerChange(object sender, TextContainerChangeEventArgs args) { if (args.Count == 0) { // A no-op for this control. Happens when IMECharCount updates happen // without corresponding SymbolCount changes. return; } // // Add the change to our dirty list. // if (_dirtyList == null) { _dirtyList = new DtrList(); } DirtyTextRange dirtyTextRange = new DirtyTextRange(args); _dirtyList.Merge(dirtyTextRange); // // Force a re-measure. // InvalidateMeasure(); } // Callback from the TextContainer when a highlight changes. private void OnHighlightChanged(object sender, HighlightChangedEventArgs args) { // The only supported highlight type for TextBoxView is SpellerHighlight. if (args.OwnerType != typeof(SpellerHighlightLayer)) { return; } if (_dirtyList == null) { _dirtyList = new DtrList(); } // // Add the change to our dirty list. // foreach (TextSegment segment in args.Ranges) { int positionsCovered = segment.End.Offset - segment.Start.Offset; DirtyTextRange dirtyTextRange = new DirtyTextRange(segment.Start.Offset, positionsCovered, positionsCovered); _dirtyList.Merge(dirtyTextRange); } // // Force a re-measure. // // NB: it's not currently possible to InvalidateArrange here. // "Render only" changes from the highlight layer change the way we // ultimately feed text to the formatter. Introducing breaks for // highlights may actually change the layout of the text as // characters are interpreted in different contexts. Dev10 Bugs // 511849 has an example. // InvalidateMeasure(); } // Sets boolean state. private void SetFlags(bool value, Flags flags) { _flags = value ? (_flags | flags) : (_flags & (~flags)); } // Reads boolean state. private bool CheckFlags(Flags flags) { return ((_flags & flags) == flags); } // Announces a layout change to any listeners. private void FireTextViewUpdatedEvent() { if (UpdatedEvent != null) { UpdatedEvent(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } // Returns the index of a line containing point, or -1 if no such // line exists. If snapToText is true, the closest match is returned. // // Point must be in document space. private int GetLineIndexFromPoint(Point point, bool snapToText) { Invariant.Assert(_lineMetrics.Count >= 1); // Special case points above or below the content. if (point.Y < 0) { return snapToText ? 0 : -1; } if (point.Y >= _lineHeight * _lineMetrics.Count) { return snapToText ? _lineMetrics.Count-1 : -1; } // Do a binary search to find the matching line. int index = -1; int min = 0; int max = _lineMetrics.Count; while (min < max) { index = min + (max - min) / 2; LineRecord record = _lineMetrics[index]; double lineY = _lineHeight * index; if (point.Y < lineY) { max = index; } else if (point.Y >= lineY + _lineHeight) { min = index + 1; } else { if (!snapToText && (point.X < 0 || point.X >= record.Width)) { index = -1; } break; } } return (min < max) ? index : -1; } // Returns the index of the line containing position. private int GetLineIndexFromPosition(ITextPointer position) { return GetLineIndexFromOffset(position.Offset, position.LogicalDirection); } // Returns the index of the line containing position. private int GetLineIndexFromPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction) { return GetLineIndexFromOffset(position.Offset, direction); } // Returns the index of the line containing the specified offset. private int GetLineIndexFromOffset(int offset, LogicalDirection direction) { if (offset > 0 && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward) { // GetLineIndexFromOffset has forward bias, so backup for backward search. offset--; } return GetLineIndexFromOffset(offset); } // Returns a formatted TextBoxLine at the specified index. // Caller must Dispose the TextBoxLine. // This method is expensive. private TextBoxLine GetFormattedLine(int lineIndex) { LineProperties lineProperties; return GetFormattedLine(lineIndex, out lineProperties); } // Returns a formatted TextBoxLine at the specified index. // Caller must Dispose the TextBoxLine. // This method is expensive. private TextBoxLine GetFormattedLine(int lineIndex, out LineProperties lineProperties) { TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); LineRecord metrics = _lineMetrics[lineIndex]; lineProperties = GetLineProperties(); Control hostControl = (Control)_host; TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode = TextOptions.GetTextFormattingMode(hostControl); TextFormatter formatter = TextFormatter.FromCurrentDispatcher(textFormattingMode); double width = GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width); double formatWidth = GetWrappingWidth(_previousConstraint.Width); line.Format(metrics.Offset, formatWidth, width, lineProperties, new TextRunCache(), formatter); Invariant.Assert(metrics.Length == line.Length, "Line is out of [....] with metrics!"); return line; } // Returns a TextPointer at the position closest to pixel offset x // on a specified line. private ITextPointer GetTextPositionFromDistance(int lineIndex, double x) { LineProperties lineProperties; CharacterHit charIndex; LogicalDirection logicalDirection; using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex, out lineProperties)) { charIndex = line.GetTextPositionFromDistance(x); logicalDirection = (charIndex.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward; } return _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(charIndex.FirstCharacterIndex + charIndex.TrailingLength, logicalDirection); } // Updates IScrollInfo related state on an ArrangeOverride call. private void ArrangeScrollData(Size arrangeSize) { if (_scrollData == null) { return; } bool invalidateScrollInfo = false; if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Viewport, arrangeSize)) { _scrollData.Viewport = arrangeSize; invalidateScrollInfo = true; } if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Extent, _contentSize)) { _scrollData.Extent = _contentSize; invalidateScrollInfo = true; } Vector offset = new Vector( Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_scrollData.ExtentWidth - _scrollData.ViewportWidth, _scrollData.HorizontalOffset)), Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_scrollData.ExtentHeight - _scrollData.ViewportHeight, _scrollData.VerticalOffset))); if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(offset, _scrollData.Offset)) { _scrollData.Offset = offset; invalidateScrollInfo = true; } if (invalidateScrollInfo && _scrollData.ScrollOwner != null) { _scrollData.ScrollOwner.InvalidateScrollInfo(); } } // Updates line visuals on an ArrangeOverride call. private void ArrangeVisuals(Size arrangeSize) { Invariant.Assert(_dirtyList == null); // We should never see pending incremental updates during arrange. // // Initialize state. // if (_visualChildren == null) { _visualChildren = new List/// (1) ; } EnsureCache(); LineProperties lineProperties = _cache.LineProperties; TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); // // Calculate the current viewport extent, in lines. // We won't do any work for lines that aren't visible. // int firstLineIndex; int lastLineIndex; GetVisibleLines(out firstLineIndex, out lastLineIndex); SetViewportLines(firstLineIndex, lastLineIndex); double width = GetWrappingWidth(arrangeSize.Width); double horizontalOffset = GetTextAlignmentCorrection(lineProperties.TextAlignment, width); double verticalOffset = this.VerticalAlignmentOffset; if (_scrollData != null) { horizontalOffset -= _scrollData.HorizontalOffset; verticalOffset -= _scrollData.VerticalOffset; } // Remove invalidated lines from the visual tree. DetachDiscardedVisualChildren(); // // Iterate across the visible lines. // If we have a cached visual, simply update its current offset. // Otherwise, allocate and render a new visual. // double formatWidth = GetWrappingWidth(_previousConstraint.Width); for (int lineIndex = firstLineIndex; lineIndex <= lastLineIndex; lineIndex++) { TextBoxLineDrawingVisual lineVisual = GetLineVisual(lineIndex); if (lineVisual == null) { LineRecord metrics = _lineMetrics[lineIndex]; using (line) { line.Format(metrics.Offset, formatWidth, width, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); // We should be in [....] with current metrics, unless background layout is pending. if (!this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending) { Invariant.Assert(metrics.Length == line.Length, "Line is out of [....] with metrics!"); } lineVisual = line.CreateVisual(); } SetLineVisual(lineIndex, lineVisual); AttachVisualChild(lineVisual); } lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(horizontalOffset, verticalOffset + lineIndex * _lineHeight); } } // Removes lines that were discarded during Measure from the visual tree. We don't want to // clear all of the visual children and then add lines that were already in the visual tree // back because native resources will get freed and reallocated unnecessarily (ref count goes // to 0 -- see Dev10 bug 607756). // // It is safe to modify the visual tree in Arrange, but there are no guarantees during Measure. // It might be possible to get rid of TextBoxLineDrawingVisual and remove items from the // visual tree during Measure as well. private void DetachDiscardedVisualChildren() { int j = _visualChildren.Count - 1; // last non-discarded element index for (int i = _visualChildren.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_visualChildren[i] == null || _visualChildren[i].DiscardOnArrange) { RemoveVisualChild(_visualChildren[i]); if (i < j) { _visualChildren[i] = _visualChildren[j]; } j--; } } if (j < _visualChildren.Count - 1) { _visualChildren.RemoveRange(j + 1, _visualChildren.Count - j - 1); } } // Adds a line visual to the visual tree. private void AttachVisualChild(TextBoxLineDrawingVisual lineVisual) { AddVisualChild(lineVisual); _visualChildren.Add(lineVisual); } // Removes all line visuals from the visual tree. private void ClearVisualChildren() { for (int i = 0; i < _visualChildren.Count; i++) { RemoveVisualChild(_visualChildren[i]); } _visualChildren.Clear(); } // Transforms a Point in visual space (where (0, 0) is the upper-left // corner of this FrameworkElement) to document space (where (0, 0) is // the upper-left corner of the document, which may be scrolled to a // negative offset relative to visual space). private Point TransformToDocumentSpace(Point point) { if (_scrollData != null) { point = new Point(point.X + _scrollData.HorizontalOffset, point.Y + _scrollData.VerticalOffset); } point.X -= GetTextAlignmentCorrection(this.CalculatedTextAlignment, GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width)); point.Y -= this.VerticalAlignmentOffset; return point; } // Transforms a Rect in document space (where (0, 0) is // the upper-left corner of the document, which may be scrolled to a // negative offset relative to visual space) to visual space // (where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner of this FrameworkElement). private Rect TransformToVisualSpace(Rect rect) { if (_scrollData != null) { rect.X -= _scrollData.HorizontalOffset; rect.Y -= _scrollData.VerticalOffset; } rect.X += GetTextAlignmentCorrection(this.CalculatedTextAlignment, GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width)); rect.Y += this.VerticalAlignmentOffset; return rect; } // Helper for GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions. // Calculates the geometry of a single line intersected with a pair of document offsets. private void GetTightBoundingGeometryFromLineIndex(int lineIndex, int unclippedStartOffset, int unclippedEndOffset, TextAlignment alignment, double endOfParaGlyphWidth, ref Geometry geometry) { IList bounds; int startOffset = Math.Max(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset, unclippedStartOffset); int endOffset = Math.Min(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset, unclippedEndOffset); if (startOffset == endOffset) // GetRangeBounds does not accept empty runs. { // If we have any empty intersection, the only case to handle is when // the empty range is exactly at the end of a line with a hard break. // In that case we need to add the newline whitespace geometry. if (unclippedStartOffset == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset) { ITextPointer position = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(unclippedStartOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward); if (TextPointerBase.IsNextToPlainLineBreak(position, LogicalDirection.Backward)) { Rect rect = new Rect(0, lineIndex * _lineHeight, endOfParaGlyphWidth, _lineHeight); CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, new RectangleGeometry(rect)); } } else { Invariant.Assert(endOffset == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset); } } else { using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex)) { bounds = line.GetRangeBounds(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset, 0, lineIndex * _lineHeight); } for (int i = 0; i < bounds.Count; i++) { Rect rect = TransformToVisualSpace(bounds[i]); CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, new RectangleGeometry(rect)); } // Add the Rect representing end-of-line, if the range covers the line end // and the line has a hard line break. if (unclippedEndOffset >= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset) { ITextPointer endOfLinePosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(endOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward); if (TextPointerBase.IsNextToPlainLineBreak(endOfLinePosition, LogicalDirection.Backward)) { double contentOffset = GetContentOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Width, alignment); Rect rect = new Rect(contentOffset + _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Width, lineIndex * _lineHeight, endOfParaGlyphWidth, _lineHeight); rect = TransformToVisualSpace(rect); CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, new RectangleGeometry(rect)); } } } } // Returns the indices of the first and last lines that intersect // with the current viewport. private void GetVisibleLines(out int firstLineIndex, out int lastLineIndex) { Rect viewport = this.Viewport; if (!viewport.IsEmpty) { firstLineIndex = (int)(viewport.Y / _lineHeight); lastLineIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((viewport.Y + viewport.Height) / _lineHeight) - 1; // There may not be enough lines to fill the viewport, clip appropriately. firstLineIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(firstLineIndex, _lineMetrics.Count - 1)); lastLineIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(lastLineIndex, _lineMetrics.Count - 1)); } else { // If we're not hosted by a ScrollViewer, the viewport is the whole doc. firstLineIndex = 0; lastLineIndex = _lineMetrics.Count - 1; } } // Performs one iteration of background measure. // Background measure always works at the end of the current // line metrics array -- invalidations to prevoiusly examined // content is handled by incremental layout, synchronously. // // Returns the full content size, omitting any unanalyzed content // at the document end. private Size FullMeasureTick(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties) { Size desiredSize; TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); int lineOffset; bool endOfParagraph; // Find the next position for this iteration. if (_lineMetrics.Count == 0) { desiredSize = new Size(); lineOffset = 0; } else { desiredSize = _contentSize; lineOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset; } // Calculate a stop time. // We limit work to just a few milliseconds per iteration // to avoid blocking the thread. DateTime stopTime; if ((ScrollBarVisibility)((Control)_host).GetValue(ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty) == ScrollBarVisibility.Auto) { // Workaround for bug 1766924. // When VerticalScrollBarVisiblity == Auto, there's a problem with // our interaction with ScrollViewer. Disable background layout to // mitigate the problem until we can take a real fix in // stopTime = DateTime.MaxValue; } else { stopTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(_maxMeasureTimeMs); } // Format lines until we hit the end of document or run out of time. do { using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); // This is a loop invariant, but has negligable cost. // _lineHeight = lineProperties.CalcLineAdvance(line.Height); _lineMetrics.Add(new LineRecord(lineOffset, line)); // Desired width is always max of calculated line widths. // Desired height is sum of all line heights. desiredSize.Width = Math.Max(desiredSize.Width, line.Width); desiredSize.Height += _lineHeight; lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } } while (!endOfParagraph && DateTime.Now < stopTime); if (!endOfParagraph) { // Ran out of time. Defer to background layout. SetFlags(true, Flags.BackgroundLayoutPending); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(OnBackgroundMeasure), null); } else { // Finished the entire document. Stop background layout. SetFlags(false, Flags.BackgroundLayoutPending); } return desiredSize; } // Callback for the next background layout tick. private object OnBackgroundMeasure(object o) { if (_throttleBackgroundTimer == null) { InvalidateMeasure(); } return null; } // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change (rather than // a constraint change). // // Returns the full content size, omitting any unanalyzed content // at the document end (due to pending background layout). private Size IncrementalMeasure(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties) { Invariant.Assert(_dirtyList != null); Invariant.Assert(_dirtyList.Length > 0); // We only allocate _dirtyList when it has content. Size desiredSize = _contentSize; DirtyTextRange range = _dirtyList[0]; // Background layout may be running, in which case we need to // "clip" the scope of this incremental edit. We want to ignore // changes that extend past the area of the document we're already // tracking. if (range.StartIndex > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending); return desiredSize; } // Merge the dirty list into a single superset DirtyTextRange. // int previousOffset = range.StartIndex; int positionsAdded = range.PositionsAdded; int positionsRemoved = range.PositionsRemoved; for (int i = 1; i < _dirtyList.Length; i++) { range = _dirtyList[i]; if (range.StartIndex > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending); break; } int rangeDistance = range.StartIndex - previousOffset; positionsAdded += rangeDistance + range.PositionsAdded; positionsRemoved += rangeDistance + range.PositionsRemoved; previousOffset = range.StartIndex; } range = new DirtyTextRange(_dirtyList[0].StartIndex, positionsAdded, positionsRemoved); if (range.PositionsAdded >= range.PositionsRemoved) { IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert(constraintWidth, lineProperties, range, ref desiredSize); } else if (range.PositionsAdded < range.PositionsRemoved) { IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete(constraintWidth, lineProperties, range, ref desiredSize); } return desiredSize; } // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change. private void IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, DirtyTextRange range, ref Size desiredSize) { int delta = range.PositionsAdded - range.PositionsRemoved; Invariant.Assert(delta >= 0); int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(range.StartIndex, LogicalDirection.Forward); if (delta > 0) { // Increment of the offsets of all following lines. // for (int i = lineIndex + 1; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++) { _lineMetrics[i].Offset += delta; } } TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); int lineOffset; bool endOfParagraph = false; // We need to re-format the previous line, because if someone inserted // a hard break, the first directly affected line might now be shorter // and mergeable with its predecessor. if (lineIndex > 0) // { FormatFirstIncrementalLine(lineIndex - 1, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, out lineOffset, out endOfParagraph); } else { lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset; } // Format the line directly affected by the change. // If endOfParagraph == true, then the line was absorbed into its // predessor (because its new content is thinner, or because the // TextWrapping property changed). if (!endOfParagraph) { using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line); lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } ClearLineVisual(lineIndex); lineIndex++; } // Recalc the following lines not directly affected as needed. SyncLineMetrics(range, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, endOfParagraph, lineIndex, lineOffset); desiredSize = BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize(); } // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change. private void IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, DirtyTextRange range, ref Size desiredSize) { int delta = range.PositionsAdded - range.PositionsRemoved; Invariant.Assert(delta < 0); int firstLineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(range.StartIndex); // Clip the scope of the affected lines to the region of the document // we've already inspected. Clipping happens when background layout // has not yet completed but an incremental update happens. int endOffset = range.StartIndex + -delta - 1; if (endOffset > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending); endOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset; if (range.StartIndex == endOffset) { // Nothing left to do until background layout runs. return; } } int lastLineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(endOffset); // Increment the offsets of all following lines. // for (int i = lastLineIndex + 1; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++) { _lineMetrics[i].Offset += delta; } TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); int lineIndex = firstLineIndex; int lineOffset; bool endOfParagraph; // We need to re-format the previous line, because if someone inserted // a hard break, the first directly affected line might now be shorter // and mergeable with its predecessor. if (lineIndex > 0) // { FormatFirstIncrementalLine(lineIndex - 1, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, out lineOffset, out endOfParagraph); } else { lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset; endOfParagraph = false; } // // Update the first affected line. If it's completely covered, remove it entirely below. if (!endOfParagraph && (range.StartIndex > lineOffset || range.StartIndex + -delta < _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset)) { // Only part of the line is covered, reformat it. using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line); lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } ClearLineVisual(lineIndex); lineIndex++; } // Remove all the following lines that are completely covered. // _lineMetrics.RemoveRange(lineIndex, lastLineIndex - lineIndex + 1); RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, lastLineIndex - lineIndex + 1); // Recalc the following lines not directly affected as needed. SyncLineMetrics(range, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, endOfParagraph, lineIndex, lineOffset); desiredSize = BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize(); } // Helper for IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert, IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete. // Formats the line preceding the first directly affected line after a TextContainer change. // In general this line might grow as content in the following line is absorbed. private void FormatFirstIncrementalLine(int lineIndex, double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextBoxLine line, out int lineOffset, out bool endOfParagraph) { int originalEndOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset; lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset; using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line); lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } // Don't clear the cached Visual unless something changed. if (originalEndOffset != _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset) { ClearLineVisual(lineIndex); } } // Helper for IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert, IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete. // Formats line until we hit a synchronization point, a position where we know // following lines could not be affected by the change. private void SyncLineMetrics(DirtyTextRange range, double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextBoxLine line, bool endOfParagraph, int lineIndex, int lineOffset) { bool offsetSyncOk = (range.PositionsAdded == 0 || range.PositionsRemoved == 0); int lastCoveredCharOffset = range.StartIndex + Math.Max(range.PositionsAdded, range.PositionsRemoved); // Keep updating lines until we find a synchronized position. while (!endOfParagraph && (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count || !offsetSyncOk || lineOffset != _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset)) { if (lineIndex < _lineMetrics.Count && lineOffset >= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset) { // If the current line offset starts past the current line metric offset, // remove the metric. This happens when the previous line // frees up enough space to completely consume the following line. // We can't simply replace the record without potentially missing our // [....] position. _lineMetrics.RemoveAt(lineIndex); // RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, 1); } else { using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); LineRecord record = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line); if (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count || lineOffset + line.Length <= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset) { // The new line preceeds the old line, insert a new record. // _lineMetrics.Insert(lineIndex, record); AddLineVisualPlaceholder(lineIndex); } else { // We expect to be colliding with the old line directly. // If we extend past it, we're in danger of needlessly // re-formatting the entire doc (ie, we miss the real // [....] position and don't stop until EndOfParagraph). Invariant.Assert(lineOffset < _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset); _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = record; ClearLineVisual(lineIndex); // If this line ends past the invalidated region, and it // has a hard line break, it's safe to synchronize on the next // line metric with a matching start offset. offsetSyncOk |= lastCoveredCharOffset <= record.EndOffset && line.HasLineBreak; } lineIndex++; lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } } } // Remove any trailing lines that got absorbed into the new last line. if (endOfParagraph && lineIndex < _lineMetrics.Count) { int count = _lineMetrics.Count - lineIndex; _lineMetrics.RemoveRange(lineIndex, count); RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, count); } } // Calculates the bounding box of the content. private Size BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize() { Size desiredSize = new Size(); // for (int i = 0; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++) { desiredSize.Width = Math.Max(desiredSize.Width, _lineMetrics[i].Width); } desiredSize.Height = _lineMetrics.Count * _lineHeight; return desiredSize; } // Updates the array of cached Visuals matching lines in the viewport. // Called on arrange as the viewport changes. private void SetViewportLines(int firstLineIndex, int lastLineIndex) { List oldLineVisuals = _viewportLineVisuals; int oldLineVisualsIndex = _viewportLineVisualsIndex; // Assume we'll clear the cache. _viewportLineVisuals = null; _viewportLineVisualsIndex = -1; int count = lastLineIndex - firstLineIndex + 1; // Don't bother caching Visuals for single-line TextBoxes. // In this common case memory is important and the single line will // always be the one invalidated on an edit. if (count <= 1) { ClearVisualChildren(); return; } // Re-init the cache to match the new viewport size. // Even if we don't have any Visuals to copy over from // the previous cache, it's useful to pre-allocate space // in the cache that will be filled incrementally during // Arrange. _viewportLineVisuals = new List (count); _viewportLineVisuals.AddRange(new TextBoxLineDrawingVisual[count]); // _viewportLineVisualsIndex = firstLineIndex; if (oldLineVisuals == null) { ClearVisualChildren(); return; } // Copy over the intersection of the old viewport Visuals cache // with the new one. // It would be convenient if the code below assumed that if // viewport size has changed, we never make it this far (the // old viewport visuals should have been thrown away, since // there's no way now to map to the new constraint). // // However, because of rounding error, we can end up in the situation // where the indices/lengths between the two arrays vary, after // an arrange invalidation. int oldLastLineIndex = oldLineVisualsIndex + oldLineVisuals.Count - 1; if (oldLineVisualsIndex <= lastLineIndex && oldLastLineIndex >= firstLineIndex) { int lineIndex = Math.Max(oldLineVisualsIndex, firstLineIndex); int lineCount = Math.Min(oldLastLineIndex, firstLineIndex + count - 1) - lineIndex + 1; for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex + i] = oldLineVisuals[lineIndex - oldLineVisualsIndex + i]; } // Mark discarded lines visuals so they can be removed from the visual tree in ArrangeVisuals. for (int i = 0; i < lineIndex - oldLineVisualsIndex; i++) { if (oldLineVisuals[i] != null) { oldLineVisuals[i].DiscardOnArrange = true; } } for (int i = lineIndex - oldLineVisualsIndex + lineCount; i < oldLineVisuals.Count; i++) { if (oldLineVisuals[i] != null) { oldLineVisuals[i].DiscardOnArrange = true; } } } else { ClearVisualChildren(); } } // Retrives the cached line Visual matching a line index in the // current viewport. Will return null if no value is cached. private TextBoxLineDrawingVisual GetLineVisual(int lineIndex) { TextBoxLineDrawingVisual lineVisual = null; if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { lineVisual = _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex]; } return lineVisual; } // Adds a Visual to the line Visuals cache. private void SetLineVisual(int lineIndex, TextBoxLineDrawingVisual lineVisual) { if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex] = lineVisual; } } // Adds an empty entry to the line Visuals cache. private void AddLineVisualPlaceholder(int lineIndex) { if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { // Clip to visible region. if (lineIndex >= _viewportLineVisualsIndex && lineIndex < _viewportLineVisualsIndex + _viewportLineVisuals.Count) { _viewportLineVisuals.Insert(lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex, null); } } } // Invalidates a cached line Visual. private void ClearLineVisual(int lineIndex) { if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { // Clip to visible region. if (lineIndex >= _viewportLineVisualsIndex && lineIndex < _viewportLineVisualsIndex + _viewportLineVisuals.Count && _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex] != null) { // Mark discarded line visual so it can be removed from the visual tree in ArrangeVisuals. _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex].DiscardOnArrange = true; _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex] = null; } } } // Removes a range of Visuals from the line Visual cache. private void RemoveLineVisualRange(int lineIndex, int count) { if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { // Clip to visible region. if (lineIndex < _viewportLineVisualsIndex) { count -= _viewportLineVisualsIndex - lineIndex; count = Math.Max(0, count); lineIndex = _viewportLineVisualsIndex; } if (lineIndex < _viewportLineVisualsIndex + _viewportLineVisuals.Count) { int start = lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex; count = Math.Min(count, _viewportLineVisuals.Count - start); // Mark discarded lines visuals so they can be removed from the visual tree in ArrangeVisuals. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (_viewportLineVisuals[start + i] != null) { _viewportLineVisuals[start + i].DiscardOnArrange = true; } } _viewportLineVisuals.RemoveRange(start, count); } } } // Callback for the background layout throttle timer. // Resumes backgound layout. private void OnThrottleBackgroundTimeout(object sender, EventArgs e) { _throttleBackgroundTimer.Stop(); _throttleBackgroundTimer = null; if (this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending) { OnBackgroundMeasure(null); } } // Returns the x-axis offset of content on a line, based on current // text alignment. private double GetContentOffset(double lineWidth, TextAlignment aligment) { double contentOffset; double width = GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width); switch (aligment) { case TextAlignment.Right: contentOffset = width - lineWidth; break; case TextAlignment.Center: contentOffset = (width - lineWidth) / 2; break; default: // Default is Left alignment, in this case offset is 0. contentOffset = 0.0; break; } return contentOffset; } // Converts a HorizontalAlignment enum to a TextAlignment enum. private TextAlignment HorizontalAlignmentToTextAlignment(HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment) { TextAlignment textAlignment; switch (horizontalAlignment) { case HorizontalAlignment.Left: default: textAlignment = TextAlignment.Left; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Right: textAlignment = TextAlignment.Right; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Center: textAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Stretch: textAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify; break; } return textAlignment; } /// /// private bool Contains(ITextPointer position) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); return position.TextContainer == _host.TextContainer && _lineMetrics != null && _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset >= position.Offset; } // Converts a render size width into a wrapping width for lines. private double GetWrappingWidth(double width) { if (width < _contentSize.Width) { width = _contentSize.Width; } if (width > _previousConstraint.Width) { width = _previousConstraint.Width; } // Make sure that TextFormatter limitations are not exceeded. // TextDpi.EnsureValidLineWidth(ref width); return width; } // When the content size exceeds the viewport size, TextLine will align // its content such that the "extra" is clipped in inappropriate ways. // // TextAlignment.Center: line offset = -(contentWidth - viewportWidth) / 2 // TextAlignment.Right: line offset = -(contentWidth - viewportWidth) // // This method returns a value that exactly cancels out the undesired // offset, which is used to adjust the content origin to local zero. private double GetTextAlignmentCorrection(TextAlignment textAlignment, double width) { double correction = 0; if (textAlignment != TextAlignment.Left && _contentSize.Width > width) { correction = -GetContentOffset(_contentSize.Width, textAlignment); } return correction; } #endregion Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Properties // True when measure and arrange are valid. private bool IsLayoutValid { get { return this.IsMeasureValid && this.IsArrangeValid; } } // Current visible region in document space. private Rect Viewport { get { return _scrollData == null ? Rect.Empty : new Rect(_scrollData.HorizontalOffset, _scrollData.VerticalOffset, _scrollData.ViewportWidth, _scrollData.ViewportHeight); } } // True when background layout has not completed. private bool IsBackgroundLayoutPending { get { return CheckFlags(Flags.BackgroundLayoutPending); } } // Offset in pixels of the first line due to VerticalContentAlignment. private double VerticalAlignmentOffset { get { double offset; switch (((Control)_host).VerticalContentAlignment) { case VerticalAlignment.Top: case VerticalAlignment.Stretch: default: offset = 0; break; case VerticalAlignment.Center: offset = this.VerticalPadding / 2; break; case VerticalAlignment.Bottom: offset = this.VerticalPadding; break; } return offset; } } // Calculated TextAlignment property value. // Takes into account collisions between TextAlignment and HorizontalContentAlignment properties. // // TextAlignment always wins unless it has no local value and HorizontalContentAlignment does. // // In order of precedence: // 1. Local value on TextAlignment. // 2. Local value on HorizontalContentAlignment. // 3. Inherited/styled TextAlignment // 4. Inherited/styled HorizontalContentAlignment // 5. Inherited/styled/default TextAlignment. private TextAlignment CalculatedTextAlignment { get { Control host = (Control)_host; object o = null; BaseValueSource textAlignmentSource = DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource(host, TextBox.TextAlignmentProperty).BaseValueSource; BaseValueSource horizontalAlignmentSource = DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource(host, TextBox.HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty).BaseValueSource; if (textAlignmentSource == BaseValueSource.Local) { return (TextAlignment)host.GetValue(TextBox.TextAlignmentProperty); } if (horizontalAlignmentSource == BaseValueSource.Local) { o = host.GetValue(TextBox.HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty); return HorizontalAlignmentToTextAlignment((HorizontalAlignment)o); } // if textAlignment has no inherited/styled value then // we'll check if there is inherited/styled value for HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty and take that. if ((textAlignmentSource == BaseValueSource.Default) && (horizontalAlignmentSource != BaseValueSource.Default)) { o = host.GetValue(TextBox.HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty); return HorizontalAlignmentToTextAlignment((HorizontalAlignment)o); } // return iether inherited/styled/default TextAlignment return (TextAlignment)host.GetValue(TextBox.TextAlignmentProperty); } } // The delta between the current viewport height and the content height. // Returns zero when content height is greater than viewport height. private double VerticalPadding { get { double padding; Rect viewport = this.Viewport; if (viewport.IsEmpty) { padding = 0; } else { padding = Math.Max(0, viewport.Height - _contentSize.Height); } return padding; } } #endregion Private Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Types // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Types // Booleans for the _flags field. [System.Flags] private enum Flags { // When true, TextContainer listeners are hooked up. TextContainerListenersInitialized = 0x1, // When true, background layout is still running. BackgroundLayoutPending = 0x2, } // Caches state used across a measure/arrange calculation. // In addition to performance benefits, this ensures a consistent // view of property values across measure/arrange. private class TextCache { internal TextCache(TextBoxView owner) { _lineProperties = owner.GetLineProperties(); _textRunCache = new TextRunCache(); Control hostControl = (Control)owner.Host; TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode = TextOptions.GetTextFormattingMode(hostControl); _textFormatter = System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextFormatter.FromCurrentDispatcher(textFormattingMode); } internal LineProperties LineProperties { get { return _lineProperties; } } internal TextRunCache TextRunCache { get { return _textRunCache; } } // Cached TextFormatter for this thread. internal TextFormatter TextFormatter { get { return _textFormatter; } } private readonly LineProperties _lineProperties; private readonly TextRunCache _textRunCache; private TextFormatter _textFormatter; } // Line metrics array entry. private class LineRecord { internal LineRecord(int offset, TextBoxLine line) { _offset = offset; _length = line.Length; _contentLength = line.ContentLength; _width = line.Width; } internal int Offset { get { return _offset; } set { _offset = value; } } internal int Length { get { return _length; } } internal int ContentLength { get { return _contentLength; } } internal double Width { get { return _width; } } internal int EndOffset { get { return _offset + _length; } } private int _offset; private readonly int _length; // private readonly int _contentLength; private readonly double _width; } #endregion Private Types //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields // TextBox that owns this TextBoxView. private readonly ITextBoxViewHost _host; // Bounding box of the content, up to the point reached by background layout. private Size _contentSize; // The most recent constraint passed to MeasureOverride. // this.PreviousConstraint cannot be used because it can be affected // by Margin, Width/Min/MaxWidth propreties and ClipToBounds. private Size _previousConstraint; // Caches state used across a measure/arrange calculation. // In addition to performance benefits, this ensures a consistent // view of property values across measure/arrange. private TextCache _cache; // Height of any line, in pixels. private double _lineHeight; // Visuals tracked by GetVisualChild/VisualChilrenCount overrides. private List/// _visualChildren; // Array of cached line metrics. private List _lineMetrics; // Array of cached line Visuals for the current viewport. private List _viewportLineVisuals; // Index of first line in the _viewportLineVisuals array. private int _viewportLineVisualsIndex; // IScrollInfo state/code. private ScrollData _scrollData; // List of invalidated regions created by TextContainer changes. private DtrList _dirtyList; // Timer used to disable background layout during user interaction. private DispatcherTimer _throttleBackgroundTimer; // Boolean flags, set with Flags enum. private Flags _flags; // Updated event listeners. private EventHandler UpdatedEvent; // Max time slice to run FullMeasureTick. private const uint _maxMeasureTimeMs = 200; // Number of seconds to disable background layout after receiving // user input. private const int _throttleBackgroundSeconds = 2; #endregion Private Fields } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: TextBoxView.cs // // Description: Content presenter for the TextBox. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Controls { using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using MS.Internal; using MS.Internal.Text; using MS.Internal.Documents; using MS.Internal.PtsHost; using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting; // Content presenter for the TextBox. internal class TextBoxView : FrameworkElement, ITextView, IScrollInfo, IServiceProvider { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors // Static constructor. static TextBoxView() { // Set a margin so that the bidi caret has room to render at the edges of content. MarginProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(TextBoxView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new Thickness(CaretElement.BidiCaretIndicatorWidth, 0, CaretElement.BidiCaretIndicatorWidth, 0))); } // Constructor. internal TextBoxView(ITextBoxViewHost host) { Invariant.Assert(host is Control); _host = host; } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Public Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Public Methods // IServiceProvider for TextEditor/renderscope contract. // Provides access to our ITextView implementation. object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) { object service = null; if (serviceType == typeof(ITextView)) { service = this; } return service; } /// /// void IScrollInfo.LineUp() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.LineUp(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.LineDown() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.LineDown(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.LineLeft() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.LineLeft(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.LineRight() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.LineRight(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.PageUp() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.PageUp(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.PageDown() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.PageDown(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.PageLeft() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.PageLeft(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.PageRight() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.PageRight(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelUp() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.MouseWheelUp(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelDown() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.MouseWheelDown(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelLeft() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.MouseWheelLeft(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.MouseWheelRight() { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.MouseWheelRight(this); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.SetHorizontalOffset(double offset) { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.SetHorizontalOffset(this, offset); } } ////// /// void IScrollInfo.SetVerticalOffset(double offset) { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.SetVerticalOffset(this, offset); } } ////// /// Rect IScrollInfo.MakeVisible(Visual visual, Rect rectangle) { if (_scrollData == null) { rectangle = Rect.Empty; } else { rectangle = _scrollData.MakeVisible(this, visual, rectangle); } return rectangle; } ////// /// bool IScrollInfo.CanVerticallyScroll { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.CanVerticallyScroll : false; } set { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.CanVerticallyScroll = value; } } } ////// /// bool IScrollInfo.CanHorizontallyScroll { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.CanHorizontallyScroll : false; } set { if (_scrollData != null) { _scrollData.CanHorizontallyScroll = value; } } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.ExtentWidth { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ExtentWidth : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.ExtentHeight { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ExtentHeight : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.ViewportWidth { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ViewportWidth : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.ViewportHeight { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ViewportHeight : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.HorizontalOffset { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.HorizontalOffset : 0; } } ////// /// double IScrollInfo.VerticalOffset { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.VerticalOffset : 0; } } ////// /// ScrollViewer IScrollInfo.ScrollOwner { get { return (_scrollData != null) ? _scrollData.ScrollOwner : null; } set { if (_scrollData == null) { // Create cached scroll info. _scrollData = new ScrollData(); } _scrollData.SetScrollOwner(this, value); } } #endregion Public Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Protected Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Protected Methods // Calculates ideal content size. protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) { // Lazy init TextContainer listeners on the first measure. EnsureTextContainerListeners(); // Lazy allocate _lineMetrics on the first measure. if (_lineMetrics == null) { _lineMetrics = new List/// (1); } Size desiredSize; // Init a cache we'll use here and in the following ArrangeOverride call. _cache = null; EnsureCache(); LineProperties lineProperties = _cache.LineProperties; // Skip the measure if constraints have not changed. bool widthChanged = !DoubleUtil.AreClose(constraint.Width, _previousConstraint.Width); // If width changed and TextAlignment is Center or Right the visual offsets of the visible // lines need to be recalculated. if (widthChanged && lineProperties.TextAlignment != TextAlignment.Left) { _viewportLineVisuals = null; } bool constraintschanged = widthChanged && lineProperties.TextWrapping != TextWrapping.NoWrap; if (_lineMetrics.Count == 0 || constraintschanged) { // Null out the dirty list when constraints change -- everything's dirty. _dirtyList = null; } else if (_dirtyList == null && !this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending) { // No dirty region, no constraint change, no pending background layout. desiredSize = _contentSize; goto Exit; } // Treat an insert into an empty document just like a full invalidation, // to allow background layout to run. if (_dirtyList != null && _lineMetrics.Count == 1 && _lineMetrics[0].EndOffset == 0) { _lineMetrics.Clear(); _viewportLineVisuals = null; _dirtyList = null; } Size safeConstraint = constraint; // Make sure that TextFormatter limitations are not exceeded. // TextDpi.EnsureValidLineWidth(ref safeConstraint); // Do the measure. if (_dirtyList == null) { if (constraintschanged) { _lineMetrics.Clear(); _viewportLineVisuals = null; } desiredSize = FullMeasureTick(safeConstraint.Width, lineProperties); } else { desiredSize = IncrementalMeasure(safeConstraint.Width, lineProperties); } Invariant.Assert(_lineMetrics.Count >= 1); _dirtyList = null; double oldWidth = _contentSize.Width; _contentSize = desiredSize; // If the width has changed we need to reformat if we're centered or right aligned so the // spacing gets properly updated. if (oldWidth != desiredSize.Width && lineProperties.TextAlignment != TextAlignment.Left) { Rerender(); } Exit: // DesiredSize is set to the calculated size of the content. // If hosted by ScrollViewer, desired size is limited to constraint. if (_scrollData != null) { desiredSize.Width = Math.Min(constraint.Width, desiredSize.Width); desiredSize.Height = Math.Min(constraint.Height, desiredSize.Height); } _previousConstraint = constraint; return desiredSize; } // Arranges content within a specified constraint. protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize) { if (_lineMetrics == null || _lineMetrics.Count == 0) { // No matching MeasureOverride call. goto Exit; } EnsureCache(); ArrangeScrollData(arrangeSize); ArrangeVisuals(arrangeSize); _cache = null; FireTextViewUpdatedEvent(); Exit: return arrangeSize; } // Render callback for this TextBoxView. protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext context) { // Render a transparent Rect to enable hit-testing even when content does not fill // the entire viewport. // context.DrawRectangle(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)), null, new Rect(0, 0, this.RenderSize.Width, this.RenderSize.Height)); } /// /// Derived class must implement to support Visual children. The method must return /// the child at the specified index. Index must be between 0 and GetVisualChildrenCount-1. /// /// By default a Visual does not have any children. /// /// Remark: /// During this virtual call it is not valid to modify the Visual tree. /// protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index) { if (index >= this.VisualChildrenCount) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); } return _visualChildren[index]; } #endregion Protected Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Protected Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Protected Properties ////// Derived classes override this property to enable the Visual code to enumerate /// the Visual children. Derived classes need to return the number of children /// from this method. /// /// By default a Visual does not have any children. /// /// Remark: /// During this virtual method the Visual tree must not be modified. /// protected override int VisualChildrenCount { get { return (_visualChildren == null) ? 0 : _visualChildren.Count; } } #endregion Protected Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods ////// ITextPointer ITextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(Point point, bool snapToText) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); point = TransformToDocumentSpace(point); int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPoint(point, snapToText); ITextPointer position; if (lineIndex == -1) { position = null; } else { position = GetTextPositionFromDistance(lineIndex, point.X); position.Freeze(); } return position; } ////// /// Rect ITextView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position) { Rect rect; Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); int offset = position.Offset; if (offset > 0 && position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward) { // TextBoxLine always gets the forward Rect, so back up to preceding char. offset--; } int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(offset); FlowDirection flowDirection; LineProperties lineProperties; using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex, out lineProperties)) { rect = line.GetBoundsFromTextPosition(offset, out flowDirection); } if (!rect.IsEmpty) // Empty rects can't be modified. { rect.Y += lineIndex * _lineHeight; // Return only TopLeft and Height. // Adjust rect.Left by taking into account flow direction of the // content and orientation of input position. if (lineProperties.FlowDirection != flowDirection) { if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward || position.Offset == 0) { rect.X = rect.Right; } } else { if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward && position.Offset > 0) { rect.X = rect.Right; } } rect.Width = 0; } return TransformToVisualSpace(rect); } ////// /// Rect ITextView.GetRawRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position, out Transform transform) { transform = Transform.Identity; return ((ITextView)this).GetRectangleFromTextPosition(position); } ////// /// Geometry ITextView.GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(ITextPointer startPosition, ITextPointer endPosition) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Geometry geometry = null; double endOfParaGlyphWidth = ((Control)_host).FontSize * CaretElement.c_endOfParaMagicMultiplier; // Since background layout may be running, clip to the computed region. int startOffset = Math.Min(_lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count-1].EndOffset, startPosition.Offset); int endOffset = Math.Min(_lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset, endPosition.Offset); // Find the intersection of the viewport with the requested range. int firstLineIndex; int lastLineIndex; GetVisibleLines(out firstLineIndex, out lastLineIndex); firstLineIndex = Math.Max(firstLineIndex, GetLineIndexFromOffset(startOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward)); lastLineIndex = Math.Min(lastLineIndex, GetLineIndexFromOffset(endOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward)); if (firstLineIndex > lastLineIndex) { // Visible region does not intersect with geometry. return null; } // Partially covered lines require a line format, so we'll handle them specially. // Only the first and last line are potentially partially covered. bool firstLinePartiallyCovered = _lineMetrics[firstLineIndex].Offset < startOffset || _lineMetrics[firstLineIndex].EndOffset > endOffset; bool lastLinePartiallyCovered = _lineMetrics[lastLineIndex].Offset < startOffset || _lineMetrics[lastLineIndex].EndOffset > endOffset; TextAlignment alignment = this.CalculatedTextAlignment; int lineIndex = firstLineIndex; // If we don't cover the entire first line, special case it. if (firstLinePartiallyCovered) { GetTightBoundingGeometryFromLineIndex(lineIndex, startOffset, endOffset, alignment, endOfParaGlyphWidth, ref geometry); lineIndex++; } // If it is completely covered, adjust lastLineIndex such that we handle // the last line in the loop below. if (firstLineIndex <= lastLineIndex && !lastLinePartiallyCovered) { lastLineIndex++; } // Handle all the lines that are entirely covered -- they don't require any heavy lifting. for (; lineIndex < lastLineIndex; lineIndex++) { double contentOffset = GetContentOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Width, alignment); Rect rect = new Rect(contentOffset, lineIndex * _lineHeight, _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Width, _lineHeight); // Add extra padding at the end of lines with linebreaks. ITextPointer endOfLinePosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward); if (TextPointerBase.IsNextToPlainLineBreak(endOfLinePosition, LogicalDirection.Backward)) { rect.Width += endOfParaGlyphWidth; } rect = TransformToVisualSpace(rect); CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, new RectangleGeometry(rect)); } // If we don't cover the entire last line, special case it. // Otherwise, we already handled it in the loop above. if (lineIndex == lastLineIndex && lastLinePartiallyCovered) { GetTightBoundingGeometryFromLineIndex(lineIndex, startOffset, endOffset, alignment, endOfParaGlyphWidth, ref geometry); } return geometry; } ////// /// ITextPointer ITextView.GetPositionAtNextLine(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, out double newSuggestedX, out int linesMoved) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); newSuggestedX = suggestedX; int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position); int nextLineIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_lineMetrics.Count - 1, lineIndex + count)); linesMoved = nextLineIndex - lineIndex; ITextPointer nextLinePosition; if (linesMoved == 0) { nextLinePosition = position.GetFrozenPointer(position.LogicalDirection); } else if (DoubleUtil.IsNaN(suggestedX)) { nextLinePosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex + linesMoved].Offset, LogicalDirection.Forward); } else { suggestedX -= GetTextAlignmentCorrection(this.CalculatedTextAlignment, GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width)); nextLinePosition = GetTextPositionFromDistance(nextLineIndex, suggestedX); } nextLinePosition.Freeze(); return nextLinePosition; } ////// /// ITextPointer ITextView.GetPositionAtNextPage(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, out Point newSuggestedOffset, out int pagesMoved) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); newSuggestedOffset = new Point(); pagesMoved = 0; return null; } ////// /// bool ITextView.IsAtCaretUnitBoundary(ITextPointer position) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); bool boundary = false; int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position); CharacterHit sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(); if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward) { // Forward context, go to leading edge of position offset sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(position.Offset, 0); } else if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward) { if (position.Offset > _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset) { // For backward context, go to trailing edge of previous character sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(position.Offset - 1, 1); } else { // There is no previous trailing edge on this line. We don't consider this a unit boundary. return false; } } using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex)) { boundary = line.IsAtCaretCharacterHit(sourceCharacterHit); } return boundary; } ////// /// ITextPointer ITextView.GetNextCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); // Special case document start/end. if (position.Offset == 0 && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward) { return position.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Forward); } else if (position.Offset == _host.TextContainer.SymbolCount && direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) { return position.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Backward); } int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position); CharacterHit sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(position.Offset, 0); CharacterHit nextCharacterHit; using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex)) { if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) { // Get the next caret position from the line nextCharacterHit = line.GetNextCaretCharacterHit(sourceCharacterHit); } else { // Get previous caret position from the line nextCharacterHit = line.GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(sourceCharacterHit); } } // Determine logical direction for next caret index and create TextPointer from it. LogicalDirection logicalDirection; if (nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset && direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) { // Going forward brought us to the end of a line, context must be forward for next line. if (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count - 1) { // Last line so context must stay backward. logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward; } else { logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward; } } else if (nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward) { // Going backward brought us to the start of a line, context must be backward for previous line. if (lineIndex == 0) { // First line, so we will stay forward. logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward; } else { logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward; } } else { logicalDirection = (nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward; } ITextPointer nextCaretUnitPosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength, logicalDirection); nextCaretUnitPosition.Freeze(); return nextCaretUnitPosition; } ////// /// ITextPointer ITextView.GetBackspaceCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); // Special case document start. if (position.Offset == 0) { return position.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Forward); } int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position, LogicalDirection.Backward); CharacterHit sourceCharacterHit = new CharacterHit(position.Offset, 0); CharacterHit backspaceCharacterHit; using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex)) { backspaceCharacterHit = line.GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(sourceCharacterHit); } LogicalDirection logicalDirection; if (backspaceCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset) { // Going backward brought us to the start of a line, context must be backward for previous line if (lineIndex == 0) { // First line, so we will stay forward. logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward; } else { logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward; } } else { logicalDirection = (backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward; } ITextPointer backspaceUnitPosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(backspaceCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength, logicalDirection); backspaceUnitPosition.Freeze(); return backspaceUnitPosition; } ////// /// TextSegment ITextView.GetLineRange(ITextPointer position) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); Invariant.Assert(Contains(position)); int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromPosition(position); ITextPointer start = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset, LogicalDirection.Forward); ITextPointer end = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset + _lineMetrics[lineIndex].ContentLength, LogicalDirection.Forward); return new TextSegment(start, end, true); } ////// /// ReadOnlyCollection/// ITextView.GetGlyphRuns(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) { // This method is not expected to be called. Invariant.Assert(false); return null; } /// /// bool ITextView.Contains(ITextPointer position) { return Contains(position); } ////// /// void ITextView.BringPositionIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// void ITextView.BringPointIntoViewAsync(Point point, object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// void ITextView.BringLineIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, double suggestedX, int count, object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// void ITextView.BringPageIntoViewAsync(ITextPointer position, Point suggestedOffset, int count, object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// void ITextView.CancelAsync(object userState) { // This method is not expected to be called. // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. Invariant.Assert(false); } ////// /// bool ITextView.Validate() { UpdateLayout(); return this.IsLayoutValid; } ////// /// bool ITextView.Validate(Point point) { return ((ITextView)this).Validate(); } ////// /// bool ITextView.Validate(ITextPointer position) { if (position.TextContainer != _host.TextContainer) return false; if (!this.IsLayoutValid) { // UpdateLayout has side-effects even when measure and arrange are clean, // so avoid calling it unless we must. UpdateLayout(); if (!this.IsLayoutValid) { // If we can't get the layout system to give us a valid // measure/arrange, there's no hope. return false; } } // Force background layout iterations until we catch up // with the position. int lastValidOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset; while (!Contains(position)) { InvalidateMeasure(); UpdateLayout(); // UpdateLayout may invalidate the view. if (!this.IsLayoutValid) break; // Break if background layout is not progressing. int newLastValidOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset; if (lastValidOffset >= newLastValidOffset) break; lastValidOffset = newLastValidOffset; } return this.IsLayoutValid && Contains(position); } ////// /// void ITextView.ThrottleBackgroundTasksForUserInput() { if (_throttleBackgroundTimer == null) { // Start up a timer. Until the timer fires, we'll disable // all background layout. This leaves the TextBox responsive // to user input. _throttleBackgroundTimer = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Background); _throttleBackgroundTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, _throttleBackgroundSeconds); _throttleBackgroundTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnThrottleBackgroundTimeout); } else { // Reset the timer. _throttleBackgroundTimer.Stop(); } _throttleBackgroundTimer.Start(); } // Forces a full document invalidation. // Called when properties that do affect layout (eg, FontSize) // change value. internal void Remeasure() { if (_lineMetrics != null) { _lineMetrics.Clear(); _viewportLineVisuals = null; } InvalidateMeasure(); } // Forces a visual invalidation. // Called when properties that do not affect layout (eg, ForegroundColor) // change value. internal void Rerender() { _viewportLineVisuals = null; InvalidateArrange(); } // Returns the index of the line containing the specified offset. // Offset has forward direction -- we always return the following // line in ambiguous cases. internal int GetLineIndexFromOffset(int offset) { int index = -1; int min = 0; int max = _lineMetrics.Count; Invariant.Assert(_lineMetrics.Count >= 1); while (true) { Invariant.Assert(min < max, "Couldn't find offset!"); index = min + (max - min) / 2; LineRecord record = _lineMetrics[index]; if (offset < record.Offset) { max = index; } else if (offset > record.EndOffset) { min = index + 1; } else { if (offset == record.EndOffset && index < _lineMetrics.Count - 1) { // Go to the next line if we're between two lines. index++; } break; } } return index; } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties // Control that owns this TextBoxView. internal ITextBoxViewHost Host { get { return _host; } } ////// /// UIElement ITextView.RenderScope { get { return this; } } ////// /// ITextContainer ITextView.TextContainer { get { return _host.TextContainer; } } ////// /// bool ITextView.IsValid { get { return this.IsLayoutValid; } } ////// /// bool ITextView.RendersOwnSelection { get { return false; } } ////// /// ReadOnlyCollection/// ITextView.TextSegments { get { List segments = new List (1); if (_lineMetrics != null) { ITextPointer start = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[0].Offset, LogicalDirection.Backward); ITextPointer end = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count-1].EndOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward); segments.Add(new TextSegment(start, end, true)); } return new ReadOnlyCollection (segments); } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Events // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Events /// /// // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. event BringPositionIntoViewCompletedEventHandler ITextView.BringPositionIntoViewCompleted { add { Invariant.Assert(false); } remove { Invariant.Assert(false); } } ////// /// // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. event BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventHandler ITextView.BringPointIntoViewCompleted { add { Invariant.Assert(false); } remove { Invariant.Assert(false); } } ////// /// // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. event BringLineIntoViewCompletedEventHandler ITextView.BringLineIntoViewCompleted { add { Invariant.Assert(false); } remove { Invariant.Assert(false); } } ////// /// // Caller should only call this method when !ITextView.Contains(position). // Since TextBox is not paginated, this view always contains all TextContainer positions. event BringPageIntoViewCompletedEventHandler ITextView.BringPageIntoViewCompleted { add { Invariant.Assert(false); } remove { Invariant.Assert(false); } } ////// /// event EventHandler ITextView.Updated { add { UpdatedEvent += value; } remove { UpdatedEvent -= value; } } #endregion Internal Events //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods // Initializes TextContainer event listeners. // Called on the first Measure. // We delay the init to avoid responding to events before we're attached // to the visual tree, when it doesn't matter. private void EnsureTextContainerListeners() { if (CheckFlags(Flags.TextContainerListenersInitialized)) return; _host.TextContainer.Changing += new EventHandler(OnTextContainerChanging); _host.TextContainer.Change += new TextContainerChangeEventHandler(OnTextContainerChange); _host.TextContainer.Highlights.Changed += new HighlightChangedEventHandler(OnHighlightChanged); SetFlags(true, Flags.TextContainerListenersInitialized); } // Initializes state used across a measure/arrange calculation. private void EnsureCache() { if (_cache == null) { _cache = new TextCache(this); } } // Reads the current (interesting) property values on the owning TextBox. private LineProperties GetLineProperties() { TextProperties defaultTextProperties = new TextProperties((Control)_host, _host.IsTypographyDefaultValue); // Pass page width and height as double.MaxValue when creating LineProperties, since TextBox does not restrict // TextIndent or LineHeight. return new LineProperties((Control)_host, (Control)_host, defaultTextProperties, null, this.CalculatedTextAlignment); } // Callback from the TextContainer when a change block starts. private void OnTextContainerChanging(object sender, EventArgs args) { // } // Callback from the TextContainer on a document edit. private void OnTextContainerChange(object sender, TextContainerChangeEventArgs args) { if (args.Count == 0) { // A no-op for this control. Happens when IMECharCount updates happen // without corresponding SymbolCount changes. return; } // // Add the change to our dirty list. // if (_dirtyList == null) { _dirtyList = new DtrList(); } DirtyTextRange dirtyTextRange = new DirtyTextRange(args); _dirtyList.Merge(dirtyTextRange); // // Force a re-measure. // InvalidateMeasure(); } // Callback from the TextContainer when a highlight changes. private void OnHighlightChanged(object sender, HighlightChangedEventArgs args) { // The only supported highlight type for TextBoxView is SpellerHighlight. if (args.OwnerType != typeof(SpellerHighlightLayer)) { return; } if (_dirtyList == null) { _dirtyList = new DtrList(); } // // Add the change to our dirty list. // foreach (TextSegment segment in args.Ranges) { int positionsCovered = segment.End.Offset - segment.Start.Offset; DirtyTextRange dirtyTextRange = new DirtyTextRange(segment.Start.Offset, positionsCovered, positionsCovered); _dirtyList.Merge(dirtyTextRange); } // // Force a re-measure. // // NB: it's not currently possible to InvalidateArrange here. // "Render only" changes from the highlight layer change the way we // ultimately feed text to the formatter. Introducing breaks for // highlights may actually change the layout of the text as // characters are interpreted in different contexts. Dev10 Bugs // 511849 has an example. // InvalidateMeasure(); } // Sets boolean state. private void SetFlags(bool value, Flags flags) { _flags = value ? (_flags | flags) : (_flags & (~flags)); } // Reads boolean state. private bool CheckFlags(Flags flags) { return ((_flags & flags) == flags); } // Announces a layout change to any listeners. private void FireTextViewUpdatedEvent() { if (UpdatedEvent != null) { UpdatedEvent(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } // Returns the index of a line containing point, or -1 if no such // line exists. If snapToText is true, the closest match is returned. // // Point must be in document space. private int GetLineIndexFromPoint(Point point, bool snapToText) { Invariant.Assert(_lineMetrics.Count >= 1); // Special case points above or below the content. if (point.Y < 0) { return snapToText ? 0 : -1; } if (point.Y >= _lineHeight * _lineMetrics.Count) { return snapToText ? _lineMetrics.Count-1 : -1; } // Do a binary search to find the matching line. int index = -1; int min = 0; int max = _lineMetrics.Count; while (min < max) { index = min + (max - min) / 2; LineRecord record = _lineMetrics[index]; double lineY = _lineHeight * index; if (point.Y < lineY) { max = index; } else if (point.Y >= lineY + _lineHeight) { min = index + 1; } else { if (!snapToText && (point.X < 0 || point.X >= record.Width)) { index = -1; } break; } } return (min < max) ? index : -1; } // Returns the index of the line containing position. private int GetLineIndexFromPosition(ITextPointer position) { return GetLineIndexFromOffset(position.Offset, position.LogicalDirection); } // Returns the index of the line containing position. private int GetLineIndexFromPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction) { return GetLineIndexFromOffset(position.Offset, direction); } // Returns the index of the line containing the specified offset. private int GetLineIndexFromOffset(int offset, LogicalDirection direction) { if (offset > 0 && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward) { // GetLineIndexFromOffset has forward bias, so backup for backward search. offset--; } return GetLineIndexFromOffset(offset); } // Returns a formatted TextBoxLine at the specified index. // Caller must Dispose the TextBoxLine. // This method is expensive. private TextBoxLine GetFormattedLine(int lineIndex) { LineProperties lineProperties; return GetFormattedLine(lineIndex, out lineProperties); } // Returns a formatted TextBoxLine at the specified index. // Caller must Dispose the TextBoxLine. // This method is expensive. private TextBoxLine GetFormattedLine(int lineIndex, out LineProperties lineProperties) { TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); LineRecord metrics = _lineMetrics[lineIndex]; lineProperties = GetLineProperties(); Control hostControl = (Control)_host; TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode = TextOptions.GetTextFormattingMode(hostControl); TextFormatter formatter = TextFormatter.FromCurrentDispatcher(textFormattingMode); double width = GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width); double formatWidth = GetWrappingWidth(_previousConstraint.Width); line.Format(metrics.Offset, formatWidth, width, lineProperties, new TextRunCache(), formatter); Invariant.Assert(metrics.Length == line.Length, "Line is out of [....] with metrics!"); return line; } // Returns a TextPointer at the position closest to pixel offset x // on a specified line. private ITextPointer GetTextPositionFromDistance(int lineIndex, double x) { LineProperties lineProperties; CharacterHit charIndex; LogicalDirection logicalDirection; using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex, out lineProperties)) { charIndex = line.GetTextPositionFromDistance(x); logicalDirection = (charIndex.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward; } return _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(charIndex.FirstCharacterIndex + charIndex.TrailingLength, logicalDirection); } // Updates IScrollInfo related state on an ArrangeOverride call. private void ArrangeScrollData(Size arrangeSize) { if (_scrollData == null) { return; } bool invalidateScrollInfo = false; if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Viewport, arrangeSize)) { _scrollData.Viewport = arrangeSize; invalidateScrollInfo = true; } if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_scrollData.Extent, _contentSize)) { _scrollData.Extent = _contentSize; invalidateScrollInfo = true; } Vector offset = new Vector( Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_scrollData.ExtentWidth - _scrollData.ViewportWidth, _scrollData.HorizontalOffset)), Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_scrollData.ExtentHeight - _scrollData.ViewportHeight, _scrollData.VerticalOffset))); if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(offset, _scrollData.Offset)) { _scrollData.Offset = offset; invalidateScrollInfo = true; } if (invalidateScrollInfo && _scrollData.ScrollOwner != null) { _scrollData.ScrollOwner.InvalidateScrollInfo(); } } // Updates line visuals on an ArrangeOverride call. private void ArrangeVisuals(Size arrangeSize) { Invariant.Assert(_dirtyList == null); // We should never see pending incremental updates during arrange. // // Initialize state. // if (_visualChildren == null) { _visualChildren = new List/// (1) ; } EnsureCache(); LineProperties lineProperties = _cache.LineProperties; TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); // // Calculate the current viewport extent, in lines. // We won't do any work for lines that aren't visible. // int firstLineIndex; int lastLineIndex; GetVisibleLines(out firstLineIndex, out lastLineIndex); SetViewportLines(firstLineIndex, lastLineIndex); double width = GetWrappingWidth(arrangeSize.Width); double horizontalOffset = GetTextAlignmentCorrection(lineProperties.TextAlignment, width); double verticalOffset = this.VerticalAlignmentOffset; if (_scrollData != null) { horizontalOffset -= _scrollData.HorizontalOffset; verticalOffset -= _scrollData.VerticalOffset; } // Remove invalidated lines from the visual tree. DetachDiscardedVisualChildren(); // // Iterate across the visible lines. // If we have a cached visual, simply update its current offset. // Otherwise, allocate and render a new visual. // double formatWidth = GetWrappingWidth(_previousConstraint.Width); for (int lineIndex = firstLineIndex; lineIndex <= lastLineIndex; lineIndex++) { TextBoxLineDrawingVisual lineVisual = GetLineVisual(lineIndex); if (lineVisual == null) { LineRecord metrics = _lineMetrics[lineIndex]; using (line) { line.Format(metrics.Offset, formatWidth, width, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); // We should be in [....] with current metrics, unless background layout is pending. if (!this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending) { Invariant.Assert(metrics.Length == line.Length, "Line is out of [....] with metrics!"); } lineVisual = line.CreateVisual(); } SetLineVisual(lineIndex, lineVisual); AttachVisualChild(lineVisual); } lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(horizontalOffset, verticalOffset + lineIndex * _lineHeight); } } // Removes lines that were discarded during Measure from the visual tree. We don't want to // clear all of the visual children and then add lines that were already in the visual tree // back because native resources will get freed and reallocated unnecessarily (ref count goes // to 0 -- see Dev10 bug 607756). // // It is safe to modify the visual tree in Arrange, but there are no guarantees during Measure. // It might be possible to get rid of TextBoxLineDrawingVisual and remove items from the // visual tree during Measure as well. private void DetachDiscardedVisualChildren() { int j = _visualChildren.Count - 1; // last non-discarded element index for (int i = _visualChildren.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_visualChildren[i] == null || _visualChildren[i].DiscardOnArrange) { RemoveVisualChild(_visualChildren[i]); if (i < j) { _visualChildren[i] = _visualChildren[j]; } j--; } } if (j < _visualChildren.Count - 1) { _visualChildren.RemoveRange(j + 1, _visualChildren.Count - j - 1); } } // Adds a line visual to the visual tree. private void AttachVisualChild(TextBoxLineDrawingVisual lineVisual) { AddVisualChild(lineVisual); _visualChildren.Add(lineVisual); } // Removes all line visuals from the visual tree. private void ClearVisualChildren() { for (int i = 0; i < _visualChildren.Count; i++) { RemoveVisualChild(_visualChildren[i]); } _visualChildren.Clear(); } // Transforms a Point in visual space (where (0, 0) is the upper-left // corner of this FrameworkElement) to document space (where (0, 0) is // the upper-left corner of the document, which may be scrolled to a // negative offset relative to visual space). private Point TransformToDocumentSpace(Point point) { if (_scrollData != null) { point = new Point(point.X + _scrollData.HorizontalOffset, point.Y + _scrollData.VerticalOffset); } point.X -= GetTextAlignmentCorrection(this.CalculatedTextAlignment, GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width)); point.Y -= this.VerticalAlignmentOffset; return point; } // Transforms a Rect in document space (where (0, 0) is // the upper-left corner of the document, which may be scrolled to a // negative offset relative to visual space) to visual space // (where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner of this FrameworkElement). private Rect TransformToVisualSpace(Rect rect) { if (_scrollData != null) { rect.X -= _scrollData.HorizontalOffset; rect.Y -= _scrollData.VerticalOffset; } rect.X += GetTextAlignmentCorrection(this.CalculatedTextAlignment, GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width)); rect.Y += this.VerticalAlignmentOffset; return rect; } // Helper for GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions. // Calculates the geometry of a single line intersected with a pair of document offsets. private void GetTightBoundingGeometryFromLineIndex(int lineIndex, int unclippedStartOffset, int unclippedEndOffset, TextAlignment alignment, double endOfParaGlyphWidth, ref Geometry geometry) { IList bounds; int startOffset = Math.Max(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset, unclippedStartOffset); int endOffset = Math.Min(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset, unclippedEndOffset); if (startOffset == endOffset) // GetRangeBounds does not accept empty runs. { // If we have any empty intersection, the only case to handle is when // the empty range is exactly at the end of a line with a hard break. // In that case we need to add the newline whitespace geometry. if (unclippedStartOffset == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset) { ITextPointer position = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(unclippedStartOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward); if (TextPointerBase.IsNextToPlainLineBreak(position, LogicalDirection.Backward)) { Rect rect = new Rect(0, lineIndex * _lineHeight, endOfParaGlyphWidth, _lineHeight); CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, new RectangleGeometry(rect)); } } else { Invariant.Assert(endOffset == _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset); } } else { using (TextBoxLine line = GetFormattedLine(lineIndex)) { bounds = line.GetRangeBounds(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset, 0, lineIndex * _lineHeight); } for (int i = 0; i < bounds.Count; i++) { Rect rect = TransformToVisualSpace(bounds[i]); CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, new RectangleGeometry(rect)); } // Add the Rect representing end-of-line, if the range covers the line end // and the line has a hard line break. if (unclippedEndOffset >= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset) { ITextPointer endOfLinePosition = _host.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(endOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward); if (TextPointerBase.IsNextToPlainLineBreak(endOfLinePosition, LogicalDirection.Backward)) { double contentOffset = GetContentOffset(_lineMetrics[lineIndex].Width, alignment); Rect rect = new Rect(contentOffset + _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Width, lineIndex * _lineHeight, endOfParaGlyphWidth, _lineHeight); rect = TransformToVisualSpace(rect); CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, new RectangleGeometry(rect)); } } } } // Returns the indices of the first and last lines that intersect // with the current viewport. private void GetVisibleLines(out int firstLineIndex, out int lastLineIndex) { Rect viewport = this.Viewport; if (!viewport.IsEmpty) { firstLineIndex = (int)(viewport.Y / _lineHeight); lastLineIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((viewport.Y + viewport.Height) / _lineHeight) - 1; // There may not be enough lines to fill the viewport, clip appropriately. firstLineIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(firstLineIndex, _lineMetrics.Count - 1)); lastLineIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(lastLineIndex, _lineMetrics.Count - 1)); } else { // If we're not hosted by a ScrollViewer, the viewport is the whole doc. firstLineIndex = 0; lastLineIndex = _lineMetrics.Count - 1; } } // Performs one iteration of background measure. // Background measure always works at the end of the current // line metrics array -- invalidations to prevoiusly examined // content is handled by incremental layout, synchronously. // // Returns the full content size, omitting any unanalyzed content // at the document end. private Size FullMeasureTick(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties) { Size desiredSize; TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); int lineOffset; bool endOfParagraph; // Find the next position for this iteration. if (_lineMetrics.Count == 0) { desiredSize = new Size(); lineOffset = 0; } else { desiredSize = _contentSize; lineOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset; } // Calculate a stop time. // We limit work to just a few milliseconds per iteration // to avoid blocking the thread. DateTime stopTime; if ((ScrollBarVisibility)((Control)_host).GetValue(ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty) == ScrollBarVisibility.Auto) { // Workaround for bug 1766924. // When VerticalScrollBarVisiblity == Auto, there's a problem with // our interaction with ScrollViewer. Disable background layout to // mitigate the problem until we can take a real fix in // stopTime = DateTime.MaxValue; } else { stopTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(_maxMeasureTimeMs); } // Format lines until we hit the end of document or run out of time. do { using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); // This is a loop invariant, but has negligable cost. // _lineHeight = lineProperties.CalcLineAdvance(line.Height); _lineMetrics.Add(new LineRecord(lineOffset, line)); // Desired width is always max of calculated line widths. // Desired height is sum of all line heights. desiredSize.Width = Math.Max(desiredSize.Width, line.Width); desiredSize.Height += _lineHeight; lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } } while (!endOfParagraph && DateTime.Now < stopTime); if (!endOfParagraph) { // Ran out of time. Defer to background layout. SetFlags(true, Flags.BackgroundLayoutPending); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(OnBackgroundMeasure), null); } else { // Finished the entire document. Stop background layout. SetFlags(false, Flags.BackgroundLayoutPending); } return desiredSize; } // Callback for the next background layout tick. private object OnBackgroundMeasure(object o) { if (_throttleBackgroundTimer == null) { InvalidateMeasure(); } return null; } // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change (rather than // a constraint change). // // Returns the full content size, omitting any unanalyzed content // at the document end (due to pending background layout). private Size IncrementalMeasure(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties) { Invariant.Assert(_dirtyList != null); Invariant.Assert(_dirtyList.Length > 0); // We only allocate _dirtyList when it has content. Size desiredSize = _contentSize; DirtyTextRange range = _dirtyList[0]; // Background layout may be running, in which case we need to // "clip" the scope of this incremental edit. We want to ignore // changes that extend past the area of the document we're already // tracking. if (range.StartIndex > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending); return desiredSize; } // Merge the dirty list into a single superset DirtyTextRange. // int previousOffset = range.StartIndex; int positionsAdded = range.PositionsAdded; int positionsRemoved = range.PositionsRemoved; for (int i = 1; i < _dirtyList.Length; i++) { range = _dirtyList[i]; if (range.StartIndex > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending); break; } int rangeDistance = range.StartIndex - previousOffset; positionsAdded += rangeDistance + range.PositionsAdded; positionsRemoved += rangeDistance + range.PositionsRemoved; previousOffset = range.StartIndex; } range = new DirtyTextRange(_dirtyList[0].StartIndex, positionsAdded, positionsRemoved); if (range.PositionsAdded >= range.PositionsRemoved) { IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert(constraintWidth, lineProperties, range, ref desiredSize); } else if (range.PositionsAdded < range.PositionsRemoved) { IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete(constraintWidth, lineProperties, range, ref desiredSize); } return desiredSize; } // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change. private void IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, DirtyTextRange range, ref Size desiredSize) { int delta = range.PositionsAdded - range.PositionsRemoved; Invariant.Assert(delta >= 0); int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(range.StartIndex, LogicalDirection.Forward); if (delta > 0) { // Increment of the offsets of all following lines. // for (int i = lineIndex + 1; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++) { _lineMetrics[i].Offset += delta; } } TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); int lineOffset; bool endOfParagraph = false; // We need to re-format the previous line, because if someone inserted // a hard break, the first directly affected line might now be shorter // and mergeable with its predecessor. if (lineIndex > 0) // { FormatFirstIncrementalLine(lineIndex - 1, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, out lineOffset, out endOfParagraph); } else { lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset; } // Format the line directly affected by the change. // If endOfParagraph == true, then the line was absorbed into its // predessor (because its new content is thinner, or because the // TextWrapping property changed). if (!endOfParagraph) { using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line); lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } ClearLineVisual(lineIndex); lineIndex++; } // Recalc the following lines not directly affected as needed. SyncLineMetrics(range, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, endOfParagraph, lineIndex, lineOffset); desiredSize = BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize(); } // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change. private void IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, DirtyTextRange range, ref Size desiredSize) { int delta = range.PositionsAdded - range.PositionsRemoved; Invariant.Assert(delta < 0); int firstLineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(range.StartIndex); // Clip the scope of the affected lines to the region of the document // we've already inspected. Clipping happens when background layout // has not yet completed but an incremental update happens. int endOffset = range.StartIndex + -delta - 1; if (endOffset > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending); endOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset; if (range.StartIndex == endOffset) { // Nothing left to do until background layout runs. return; } } int lastLineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(endOffset); // Increment the offsets of all following lines. // for (int i = lastLineIndex + 1; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++) { _lineMetrics[i].Offset += delta; } TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this); int lineIndex = firstLineIndex; int lineOffset; bool endOfParagraph; // We need to re-format the previous line, because if someone inserted // a hard break, the first directly affected line might now be shorter // and mergeable with its predecessor. if (lineIndex > 0) // { FormatFirstIncrementalLine(lineIndex - 1, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, out lineOffset, out endOfParagraph); } else { lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset; endOfParagraph = false; } // // Update the first affected line. If it's completely covered, remove it entirely below. if (!endOfParagraph && (range.StartIndex > lineOffset || range.StartIndex + -delta < _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset)) { // Only part of the line is covered, reformat it. using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line); lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } ClearLineVisual(lineIndex); lineIndex++; } // Remove all the following lines that are completely covered. // _lineMetrics.RemoveRange(lineIndex, lastLineIndex - lineIndex + 1); RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, lastLineIndex - lineIndex + 1); // Recalc the following lines not directly affected as needed. SyncLineMetrics(range, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, endOfParagraph, lineIndex, lineOffset); desiredSize = BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize(); } // Helper for IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert, IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete. // Formats the line preceding the first directly affected line after a TextContainer change. // In general this line might grow as content in the following line is absorbed. private void FormatFirstIncrementalLine(int lineIndex, double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextBoxLine line, out int lineOffset, out bool endOfParagraph) { int originalEndOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset; lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset; using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line); lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } // Don't clear the cached Visual unless something changed. if (originalEndOffset != _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset) { ClearLineVisual(lineIndex); } } // Helper for IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert, IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete. // Formats line until we hit a synchronization point, a position where we know // following lines could not be affected by the change. private void SyncLineMetrics(DirtyTextRange range, double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextBoxLine line, bool endOfParagraph, int lineIndex, int lineOffset) { bool offsetSyncOk = (range.PositionsAdded == 0 || range.PositionsRemoved == 0); int lastCoveredCharOffset = range.StartIndex + Math.Max(range.PositionsAdded, range.PositionsRemoved); // Keep updating lines until we find a synchronized position. while (!endOfParagraph && (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count || !offsetSyncOk || lineOffset != _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset)) { if (lineIndex < _lineMetrics.Count && lineOffset >= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset) { // If the current line offset starts past the current line metric offset, // remove the metric. This happens when the previous line // frees up enough space to completely consume the following line. // We can't simply replace the record without potentially missing our // [....] position. _lineMetrics.RemoveAt(lineIndex); // RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, 1); } else { using (line) { line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter); LineRecord record = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line); if (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count || lineOffset + line.Length <= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset) { // The new line preceeds the old line, insert a new record. // _lineMetrics.Insert(lineIndex, record); AddLineVisualPlaceholder(lineIndex); } else { // We expect to be colliding with the old line directly. // If we extend past it, we're in danger of needlessly // re-formatting the entire doc (ie, we miss the real // [....] position and don't stop until EndOfParagraph). Invariant.Assert(lineOffset < _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset); _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = record; ClearLineVisual(lineIndex); // If this line ends past the invalidated region, and it // has a hard line break, it's safe to synchronize on the next // line metric with a matching start offset. offsetSyncOk |= lastCoveredCharOffset <= record.EndOffset && line.HasLineBreak; } lineIndex++; lineOffset += line.Length; endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph; } } } // Remove any trailing lines that got absorbed into the new last line. if (endOfParagraph && lineIndex < _lineMetrics.Count) { int count = _lineMetrics.Count - lineIndex; _lineMetrics.RemoveRange(lineIndex, count); RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, count); } } // Calculates the bounding box of the content. private Size BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize() { Size desiredSize = new Size(); // for (int i = 0; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++) { desiredSize.Width = Math.Max(desiredSize.Width, _lineMetrics[i].Width); } desiredSize.Height = _lineMetrics.Count * _lineHeight; return desiredSize; } // Updates the array of cached Visuals matching lines in the viewport. // Called on arrange as the viewport changes. private void SetViewportLines(int firstLineIndex, int lastLineIndex) { List oldLineVisuals = _viewportLineVisuals; int oldLineVisualsIndex = _viewportLineVisualsIndex; // Assume we'll clear the cache. _viewportLineVisuals = null; _viewportLineVisualsIndex = -1; int count = lastLineIndex - firstLineIndex + 1; // Don't bother caching Visuals for single-line TextBoxes. // In this common case memory is important and the single line will // always be the one invalidated on an edit. if (count <= 1) { ClearVisualChildren(); return; } // Re-init the cache to match the new viewport size. // Even if we don't have any Visuals to copy over from // the previous cache, it's useful to pre-allocate space // in the cache that will be filled incrementally during // Arrange. _viewportLineVisuals = new List (count); _viewportLineVisuals.AddRange(new TextBoxLineDrawingVisual[count]); // _viewportLineVisualsIndex = firstLineIndex; if (oldLineVisuals == null) { ClearVisualChildren(); return; } // Copy over the intersection of the old viewport Visuals cache // with the new one. // It would be convenient if the code below assumed that if // viewport size has changed, we never make it this far (the // old viewport visuals should have been thrown away, since // there's no way now to map to the new constraint). // // However, because of rounding error, we can end up in the situation // where the indices/lengths between the two arrays vary, after // an arrange invalidation. int oldLastLineIndex = oldLineVisualsIndex + oldLineVisuals.Count - 1; if (oldLineVisualsIndex <= lastLineIndex && oldLastLineIndex >= firstLineIndex) { int lineIndex = Math.Max(oldLineVisualsIndex, firstLineIndex); int lineCount = Math.Min(oldLastLineIndex, firstLineIndex + count - 1) - lineIndex + 1; for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex + i] = oldLineVisuals[lineIndex - oldLineVisualsIndex + i]; } // Mark discarded lines visuals so they can be removed from the visual tree in ArrangeVisuals. for (int i = 0; i < lineIndex - oldLineVisualsIndex; i++) { if (oldLineVisuals[i] != null) { oldLineVisuals[i].DiscardOnArrange = true; } } for (int i = lineIndex - oldLineVisualsIndex + lineCount; i < oldLineVisuals.Count; i++) { if (oldLineVisuals[i] != null) { oldLineVisuals[i].DiscardOnArrange = true; } } } else { ClearVisualChildren(); } } // Retrives the cached line Visual matching a line index in the // current viewport. Will return null if no value is cached. private TextBoxLineDrawingVisual GetLineVisual(int lineIndex) { TextBoxLineDrawingVisual lineVisual = null; if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { lineVisual = _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex]; } return lineVisual; } // Adds a Visual to the line Visuals cache. private void SetLineVisual(int lineIndex, TextBoxLineDrawingVisual lineVisual) { if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex] = lineVisual; } } // Adds an empty entry to the line Visuals cache. private void AddLineVisualPlaceholder(int lineIndex) { if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { // Clip to visible region. if (lineIndex >= _viewportLineVisualsIndex && lineIndex < _viewportLineVisualsIndex + _viewportLineVisuals.Count) { _viewportLineVisuals.Insert(lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex, null); } } } // Invalidates a cached line Visual. private void ClearLineVisual(int lineIndex) { if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { // Clip to visible region. if (lineIndex >= _viewportLineVisualsIndex && lineIndex < _viewportLineVisualsIndex + _viewportLineVisuals.Count && _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex] != null) { // Mark discarded line visual so it can be removed from the visual tree in ArrangeVisuals. _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex].DiscardOnArrange = true; _viewportLineVisuals[lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex] = null; } } } // Removes a range of Visuals from the line Visual cache. private void RemoveLineVisualRange(int lineIndex, int count) { if (_viewportLineVisuals != null) { // Clip to visible region. if (lineIndex < _viewportLineVisualsIndex) { count -= _viewportLineVisualsIndex - lineIndex; count = Math.Max(0, count); lineIndex = _viewportLineVisualsIndex; } if (lineIndex < _viewportLineVisualsIndex + _viewportLineVisuals.Count) { int start = lineIndex - _viewportLineVisualsIndex; count = Math.Min(count, _viewportLineVisuals.Count - start); // Mark discarded lines visuals so they can be removed from the visual tree in ArrangeVisuals. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (_viewportLineVisuals[start + i] != null) { _viewportLineVisuals[start + i].DiscardOnArrange = true; } } _viewportLineVisuals.RemoveRange(start, count); } } } // Callback for the background layout throttle timer. // Resumes backgound layout. private void OnThrottleBackgroundTimeout(object sender, EventArgs e) { _throttleBackgroundTimer.Stop(); _throttleBackgroundTimer = null; if (this.IsBackgroundLayoutPending) { OnBackgroundMeasure(null); } } // Returns the x-axis offset of content on a line, based on current // text alignment. private double GetContentOffset(double lineWidth, TextAlignment aligment) { double contentOffset; double width = GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width); switch (aligment) { case TextAlignment.Right: contentOffset = width - lineWidth; break; case TextAlignment.Center: contentOffset = (width - lineWidth) / 2; break; default: // Default is Left alignment, in this case offset is 0. contentOffset = 0.0; break; } return contentOffset; } // Converts a HorizontalAlignment enum to a TextAlignment enum. private TextAlignment HorizontalAlignmentToTextAlignment(HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment) { TextAlignment textAlignment; switch (horizontalAlignment) { case HorizontalAlignment.Left: default: textAlignment = TextAlignment.Left; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Right: textAlignment = TextAlignment.Right; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Center: textAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Stretch: textAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify; break; } return textAlignment; } /// /// private bool Contains(ITextPointer position) { Invariant.Assert(this.IsLayoutValid); return position.TextContainer == _host.TextContainer && _lineMetrics != null && _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset >= position.Offset; } // Converts a render size width into a wrapping width for lines. private double GetWrappingWidth(double width) { if (width < _contentSize.Width) { width = _contentSize.Width; } if (width > _previousConstraint.Width) { width = _previousConstraint.Width; } // Make sure that TextFormatter limitations are not exceeded. // TextDpi.EnsureValidLineWidth(ref width); return width; } // When the content size exceeds the viewport size, TextLine will align // its content such that the "extra" is clipped in inappropriate ways. // // TextAlignment.Center: line offset = -(contentWidth - viewportWidth) / 2 // TextAlignment.Right: line offset = -(contentWidth - viewportWidth) // // This method returns a value that exactly cancels out the undesired // offset, which is used to adjust the content origin to local zero. private double GetTextAlignmentCorrection(TextAlignment textAlignment, double width) { double correction = 0; if (textAlignment != TextAlignment.Left && _contentSize.Width > width) { correction = -GetContentOffset(_contentSize.Width, textAlignment); } return correction; } #endregion Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Properties // True when measure and arrange are valid. private bool IsLayoutValid { get { return this.IsMeasureValid && this.IsArrangeValid; } } // Current visible region in document space. private Rect Viewport { get { return _scrollData == null ? Rect.Empty : new Rect(_scrollData.HorizontalOffset, _scrollData.VerticalOffset, _scrollData.ViewportWidth, _scrollData.ViewportHeight); } } // True when background layout has not completed. private bool IsBackgroundLayoutPending { get { return CheckFlags(Flags.BackgroundLayoutPending); } } // Offset in pixels of the first line due to VerticalContentAlignment. private double VerticalAlignmentOffset { get { double offset; switch (((Control)_host).VerticalContentAlignment) { case VerticalAlignment.Top: case VerticalAlignment.Stretch: default: offset = 0; break; case VerticalAlignment.Center: offset = this.VerticalPadding / 2; break; case VerticalAlignment.Bottom: offset = this.VerticalPadding; break; } return offset; } } // Calculated TextAlignment property value. // Takes into account collisions between TextAlignment and HorizontalContentAlignment properties. // // TextAlignment always wins unless it has no local value and HorizontalContentAlignment does. // // In order of precedence: // 1. Local value on TextAlignment. // 2. Local value on HorizontalContentAlignment. // 3. Inherited/styled TextAlignment // 4. Inherited/styled HorizontalContentAlignment // 5. Inherited/styled/default TextAlignment. private TextAlignment CalculatedTextAlignment { get { Control host = (Control)_host; object o = null; BaseValueSource textAlignmentSource = DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource(host, TextBox.TextAlignmentProperty).BaseValueSource; BaseValueSource horizontalAlignmentSource = DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource(host, TextBox.HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty).BaseValueSource; if (textAlignmentSource == BaseValueSource.Local) { return (TextAlignment)host.GetValue(TextBox.TextAlignmentProperty); } if (horizontalAlignmentSource == BaseValueSource.Local) { o = host.GetValue(TextBox.HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty); return HorizontalAlignmentToTextAlignment((HorizontalAlignment)o); } // if textAlignment has no inherited/styled value then // we'll check if there is inherited/styled value for HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty and take that. if ((textAlignmentSource == BaseValueSource.Default) && (horizontalAlignmentSource != BaseValueSource.Default)) { o = host.GetValue(TextBox.HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty); return HorizontalAlignmentToTextAlignment((HorizontalAlignment)o); } // return iether inherited/styled/default TextAlignment return (TextAlignment)host.GetValue(TextBox.TextAlignmentProperty); } } // The delta between the current viewport height and the content height. // Returns zero when content height is greater than viewport height. private double VerticalPadding { get { double padding; Rect viewport = this.Viewport; if (viewport.IsEmpty) { padding = 0; } else { padding = Math.Max(0, viewport.Height - _contentSize.Height); } return padding; } } #endregion Private Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Types // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Types // Booleans for the _flags field. [System.Flags] private enum Flags { // When true, TextContainer listeners are hooked up. TextContainerListenersInitialized = 0x1, // When true, background layout is still running. BackgroundLayoutPending = 0x2, } // Caches state used across a measure/arrange calculation. // In addition to performance benefits, this ensures a consistent // view of property values across measure/arrange. private class TextCache { internal TextCache(TextBoxView owner) { _lineProperties = owner.GetLineProperties(); _textRunCache = new TextRunCache(); Control hostControl = (Control)owner.Host; TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode = TextOptions.GetTextFormattingMode(hostControl); _textFormatter = System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextFormatter.FromCurrentDispatcher(textFormattingMode); } internal LineProperties LineProperties { get { return _lineProperties; } } internal TextRunCache TextRunCache { get { return _textRunCache; } } // Cached TextFormatter for this thread. internal TextFormatter TextFormatter { get { return _textFormatter; } } private readonly LineProperties _lineProperties; private readonly TextRunCache _textRunCache; private TextFormatter _textFormatter; } // Line metrics array entry. private class LineRecord { internal LineRecord(int offset, TextBoxLine line) { _offset = offset; _length = line.Length; _contentLength = line.ContentLength; _width = line.Width; } internal int Offset { get { return _offset; } set { _offset = value; } } internal int Length { get { return _length; } } internal int ContentLength { get { return _contentLength; } } internal double Width { get { return _width; } } internal int EndOffset { get { return _offset + _length; } } private int _offset; private readonly int _length; // private readonly int _contentLength; private readonly double _width; } #endregion Private Types //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields // TextBox that owns this TextBoxView. private readonly ITextBoxViewHost _host; // Bounding box of the content, up to the point reached by background layout. private Size _contentSize; // The most recent constraint passed to MeasureOverride. // this.PreviousConstraint cannot be used because it can be affected // by Margin, Width/Min/MaxWidth propreties and ClipToBounds. private Size _previousConstraint; // Caches state used across a measure/arrange calculation. // In addition to performance benefits, this ensures a consistent // view of property values across measure/arrange. private TextCache _cache; // Height of any line, in pixels. private double _lineHeight; // Visuals tracked by GetVisualChild/VisualChilrenCount overrides. private List/// _visualChildren; // Array of cached line metrics. private List _lineMetrics; // Array of cached line Visuals for the current viewport. private List _viewportLineVisuals; // Index of first line in the _viewportLineVisuals array. private int _viewportLineVisualsIndex; // IScrollInfo state/code. private ScrollData _scrollData; // List of invalidated regions created by TextContainer changes. private DtrList _dirtyList; // Timer used to disable background layout during user interaction. private DispatcherTimer _throttleBackgroundTimer; // Boolean flags, set with Flags enum. private Flags _flags; // Updated event listeners. private EventHandler UpdatedEvent; // Max time slice to run FullMeasureTick. private const uint _maxMeasureTimeMs = 200; // Number of seconds to disable background layout after receiving // user input. private const int _throttleBackgroundSeconds = 2; #endregion Private Fields } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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