AdornerPresentationContext.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Annotations / Component / AdornerPresentationContext.cs / 1305600 / AdornerPresentationContext.cs

//    Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//      AdornerPresentationContext knows that annotation comonents are wrapped 
//      in an AnnotationAdorner and hosted in the AdornerLayer. Note, implementation-wise 
//      a new PresentationContext is created for every annotation component. Executing
//      operations on a presentation context for a different annotation component 
//      (located in the same adorner layer) works, but is slower than using the
//      presentation context stored in the annotation component.
// History: 
//  04/01/2004: axelk:   Created AdornerPresentationContext.cs
//  10/20/2004: rruiz:   Moved class to MS.Internal. 
// Copyright(C) 2002 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Annotations;
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Collections;
namespace MS.Internal.Annotations.Component
    /// AdornerPresentationContext knows that annotation comonents are wrapped in an AnnotationAdorner and hosted in the AdornerLayer. 
    /// Note,  implementation-wise a new PresentationContext is created for every annotation component. Executing operations on a presentation context
    /// for a different annotation component (located in the same adorner layer) works, but is slower than using the presentation context stored in the 
    /// annotation component. 
    internal class AdornerPresentationContext : PresentationContext 

        #region Constructors
        /// Create an initialized instance of an AdornerPresentationContext. Set the presentation context of the 
        /// component wrapped in the adorner 
        /// AdornerLayer this presentation context is on, must not be null 
        /// AnnotationAdorner that wraps the annotation component.  Will be null in case of creating enclosing context
        private AdornerPresentationContext(AdornerLayer adornerLayer, AnnotationAdorner adorner)
            if (adornerLayer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("adornerLayer"); 

            _adornerLayer = adornerLayer; 
            if (adorner != null) 
                if (adorner.AnnotationComponent == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("annotation component");
                if (adorner.AnnotationComponent.PresentationContext != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ComponentAlreadyInPresentationContext, adorner.AnnotationComponent));
                _annotationAdorner = adorner; 
        #endregion Constructors
        #region Static Methods

        /// Host a component in an adorner layer. 
        /// Wrap the component in an annotation adorner, add that to the adorner layer, create and set presentation context and invalidate to pick up styles.
        /// Note, this is called from two places: (1) component manager to host choosen annotation component, and (2) presentation context when component 
        /// adds additional IAnnotationComponent. 
        /// Adorner layer the component is hosted in 
        /// Component that is being hosted
        /// element being annotated
        /// if true - put the component on top and calculate its z-order
        internal static void HostComponent(AdornerLayer adornerLayer, IAnnotationComponent component, UIElement annotatedElement, bool reorder) 
            AnnotationAdorner newAdorner = new AnnotationAdorner(component, annotatedElement); 
            // Create the context for the layer and adorner, make sure the adorner's component has its context. 
            newAdorner.AnnotationComponent.PresentationContext = new AdornerPresentationContext(adornerLayer, newAdorner);
            int level = GetComponentLevel(component);

            if (reorder)
                component.ZOrder = GetNextZOrder(adornerLayer, level);
            adornerLayer.Add(newAdorner, ComponentToAdorner(component.ZOrder, level));

        /// Sets the Z-order level of an annotation Component type
        /// the component type 
        /// level - 0 means on top of all other types, bigger number means
        /// lower level 
        ///  ZLevel defines the Z-order disposition of this component type according to other
        /// component types in the same adorner layer. Components with lower ZLevel will be instantiated
        /// on top of the components with Higher ZLevel.
        /// The Z-order of all the components with the same ZLevel is defined by the value of 
        /// IAnnotationComponent.ZOrder property with zero meaning the component is on top of all other
        /// inside the same level. ZOrder property can be changed by invoking 
        /// BringToTop method. This will move the component to the top of its priority group. If there are other 
        /// components with higher priority they will still be on top of that component. If more than
        /// one component type have the same ZLevel that means they all can stay on top of each other. 
        /// Setting IAnnotationComponent.ZOrder must be invoked only by the PrezentationContext
        /// when the Z-order changes. It can not be set by application in v1.
        internal static void SetTypeZLevel(Type type, int level)
            Invariant.Assert(level >= 0, "level is < 0");
            Invariant.Assert(type != null, "type is null"); 

            if (_ZLevel.ContainsKey(type)) 
                _ZLevel[type] = level;
                _ZLevel.Add(type, level); 
        /// the allowed Z-order values range for this level.
        /// Used to define minimal Z-order value for types that are supposed to live above TextSelection
        /// which has a fixed Z-order value 
        /// the Z-order level 
        /// min Z-order value for this level 
        /// max Z-order value for this level
        internal static void SetZLevelRange(int level, int min, int max) 
            if (_ZRanges[level] == null)
                _ZRanges.Add(level, new ZRange(min, max)); 
        #endregion Static Methods

        #region Public Properties

        /// Returns the adorner layer which acts as a host for annotation components managed by the annotation component manager
        /// UIElement for the adorner layer 
        public override UIElement Host { get { return _adornerLayer; } }
        /// Get the enclosing presentation context.
        /// Enclosing PresentationContext or null if there is none 
        public override PresentationContext EnclosingContext
                Visual parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(_adornerLayer) as Visual; 
                if (parent == null) return null;

                AdornerLayer parentLayer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer((UIElement)parent);
                if (parentLayer == null) return null; 

                PresentationContext p = new AdornerPresentationContext(parentLayer, null); 
                return p;

        #endregion Public Properties
        #region Public Methods
        /// Add the component to the adornerlayer of this presentation context.
        /// Create a new presentation context which includes the wrapped annotation adorner and the adornerlayer. 
        /// Assign new presentation context into the component.
        /// Component to add to host
        public override void AddToHost(IAnnotationComponent component) 
            if (component == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("component"); 
            AdornerPresentationContext.HostComponent(_adornerLayer, component, component.AnnotatedElement, false);

        /// Remove annotation component from host;  in our case: respective annotation adorner from adornerLayer.
        /// If this presentation context does not contain the component search the adorner layer. 
        /// Null out the presentation context of the component and set the local annotationAdorner to null if necessary,
        /// ask the annotation adorner to remove all visual children. 
        /// Component to remove from host
        /// if true - recalculate z-order 
        public override void RemoveFromHost(IAnnotationComponent component, bool reorder)
            if (component == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("component");
            if (IsInternalComponent(component))
                _annotationAdorner.AnnotationComponent.PresentationContext = null; 
                _annotationAdorner = null;
            {// need to find annotation adorner in layer, remove it and do house-keeping 
                AnnotationAdorner foundAdorner = this.FindAnnotationAdorner(component);
                if (foundAdorner == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ComponentNotInPresentationContext, component)); 


                // now get rid of reference from presentation context of annotation component to annotation adorner
                AdornerPresentationContext p = component.PresentationContext as AdornerPresentationContext; 

                if (p != null) p.ResetInternalAnnotationAdorner(); 
                // finally get rid of reference from annotation component to presentation context
                component.PresentationContext = null; 

        /// Invalidate the transform for this adorner. called when adorner inside changed aspects of the transform.
        /// This might go away if InvalidateMeasure works 
        /// (unclear if Peter means this should work on the adorner or even one down on the annotation component itself) 
        /// Component to invalidate transform for 
        public override void InvalidateTransform(IAnnotationComponent component)
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = GetAnnotationAdorner(component);
        /// Sets a component on top of its ZLevel
        /// Component to change z-order of
        public override void BringToFront(IAnnotationComponent component)
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = GetAnnotationAdorner(component); 
            int level = GetComponentLevel(component);
            int nextLevel = GetNextZOrder(_adornerLayer, level); 
            // Only change the ZOrder if its not already on the top
            if (nextLevel != component.ZOrder + 1) 
                component.ZOrder = nextLevel;
                _adornerLayer.SetAdornerZOrder(adorner, ComponentToAdorner(component.ZOrder, level));
        /// Sets a component on bttom of its ZLevel
        /// Component to change z-order of
        public override void SendToBack(IAnnotationComponent component)
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = GetAnnotationAdorner(component); 
            int level = GetComponentLevel(component);
            // Only change the ZOrder if its not already on the bottom 
            if (0 != component.ZOrder)
                component.ZOrder = 0;

        ///     Determines if the passed in object is equal to this object. 
        ///     Two AdornerPresentationContexts will be equal if they both have the same adorner layer.
        /// The object to compare with.
        /// True if the objects are equal. False otherwise.
        public override bool Equals(object o)
            AdornerPresentationContext p = o as AdornerPresentationContext;
            if (p != null) 
                return (p._adornerLayer == this._adornerLayer); 

            return false;

        /// overload operator for ==, to be same as Equal implementation. 
        /// AdornerPresentationContext to compare 
        /// AdornerPresentationContext to compare
        public static bool operator ==(AdornerPresentationContext left, AdornerPresentationContext right)
            if ((object)left == null)
                return (object)right == null; 
            return left.Equals(right);

        /// overload operator for !=, to go along with definition for ==
        /// AdornerPresentationContext to compare
        /// AdornerPresentationContext to compare 
        public static bool operator !=(AdornerPresentationContext c1, AdornerPresentationContext c2)
            return !(c1 == c2);

        ///     Delegate hash to adorner layer
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            return (int)this._adornerLayer.GetHashCode(); 

        /// Updates the ZOrder of the input component and on all components with the same ZLevel
        /// that have same or bigger Z-order as the  input component on a given adorner layer 
        /// the component
        public void UpdateComponentZOrder(IAnnotationComponent component) 
            Invariant.Assert(component != null, "null component");

            //check Z-order range for this level 
            int level = GetComponentLevel(component);
            //get the component's adorner 
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = FindAnnotationAdorner(component); 
            if (adorner == null)

            //set the adorner z-order
            _adornerLayer.SetAdornerZOrder(adorner, ComponentToAdorner(component.ZOrder, level));
            List adorners = GetTopAnnotationAdorners(level, component);
            if (adorners == null) 

            int lastZOrder = component.ZOrder + 1; 
            foreach (AnnotationAdorner topAdorner in adorners)
                topAdorner.AnnotationComponent.ZOrder = lastZOrder;
                _adornerLayer.SetAdornerZOrder(topAdorner, ComponentToAdorner(lastZOrder, level)); 

        #endregion Public Methods 

        #region Private Methods

        /// Reset the annotation adorner to null.  This is needed for reset of found adorner in method RemoveFromHost
        private void ResetInternalAnnotationAdorner() 
            _annotationAdorner = null; 

        /// Return true if the given annotation component is the one this presentation context is on. 
        /// The component that might be referred to by this presentation context 
        /// True if the component is internal 
        private bool IsInternalComponent(IAnnotationComponent component)
            return _annotationAdorner != null && component == _annotationAdorner.AnnotationComponent;

        /// Return the annotation adorner for the given annotation component.
        /// will not look at local annotation adorner, will always iterate through annotation adorners of adorner layer. 
        /// Return null if none can be found. 
        /// The component that is wrapped by an annotation adorner 
        /// The annotation adorner that wraps the component in the adorner layer associated with this presentation context
        private AnnotationAdorner FindAnnotationAdorner(IAnnotationComponent component)
            if (_adornerLayer == null) return null; 

            foreach (Adorner adorner in _adornerLayer.GetAdorners(component.AnnotatedElement)) 
                AnnotationAdorner annotationAdorner = adorner as AnnotationAdorner;
                if (annotationAdorner != null && annotationAdorner.AnnotationComponent == component) return annotationAdorner;

            return null; 
        /// Finds all AnnotationAddorners from particular Z-level that have the same or bigger z-order as the component
        /// the ZLevel of interest
        /// the component
        /// the AnnotationAdorner children
        private List GetTopAnnotationAdorners(int level, IAnnotationComponent component) 
            List res = new List(); 
            int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(_adornerLayer);
            if (count == 0) 
                return res;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(_adornerLayer, i);
                AnnotationAdorner adorner = child as AnnotationAdorner; 
                if (adorner != null) 
                    IAnnotationComponent childComponent = adorner.AnnotationComponent; 
                    if ((childComponent != component) &&
                       (GetComponentLevel(childComponent) == level) &&
                       (childComponent.ZOrder >= component.ZOrder))
                        AddAdorner(res, adorner);
            return res;

        /// Inserts an adorner after the last adorner with ZOrder less or equal of the input one
        /// adorners list 
        /// the new adorner
        /// In most cases the AnnotationAdorners are already orderd so we expect that the new one 
        /// will be added at the end of the list. That is why we start scaning from the end.
        private void AddAdorner(List adorners, AnnotationAdorner adorner)
            Debug.Assert((adorners != null) && (adorner != null), "null adorners list or adorner"); 

            int index = 0; 
            if (adorners.Count > 0) 
                for (index = adorners.Count; index > 0; index--) 
                    if (adorners[index-1].AnnotationComponent.ZOrder <= adorner.AnnotationComponent.ZOrder)
            adorners.Insert(index, adorner); 
        /// Gets the next free Z-order value for the components in this level
        /// adorner layer 
        /// Z-level
        /// next free Z-order value 
        private static int GetNextZOrder(AdornerLayer adornerLayer, int level) 
            Invariant.Assert(adornerLayer != null, "null adornerLayer"); 

            int res = 0;

            int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(adornerLayer); 
            if (count == 0)
                return res; 
            for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(adornerLayer, i);
                AnnotationAdorner adorner = child as AnnotationAdorner;
                if (adorner != null)
                    if ((GetComponentLevel(adorner.AnnotationComponent) == level) &&
                        (adorner.AnnotationComponent.ZOrder >= res)) 
                            res = adorner.AnnotationComponent.ZOrder + 1;

            return res; 
        /// Finds the correct AdornerLayer where a component lives
        /// the component
        private AnnotationAdorner GetAnnotationAdorner(IAnnotationComponent component)
            if (component == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("component");
            //find the adornerLayer 
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = _annotationAdorner;
            if (!this.IsInternalComponent(component)) 
                adorner = this.FindAnnotationAdorner(component);

                if (adorner == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ComponentNotInPresentationContext, component)); 
            return adorner; 
        /// Returns the component ZLevel
        /// component 
        /// ZLevel
        private static int GetComponentLevel(IAnnotationComponent component) 
            int level = 0;
            Type type = component.GetType(); 
            if (_ZLevel.ContainsKey(type))
                level = (int)_ZLevel[type];

            return level; 
        /// Converts the component z-order to the Adorner z-order. The adorner z-order
        /// is shifted by the minimal value for this level. Also there is a restriction 
        /// about the maximal possible value for this level too
        /// component z-order
        /// component z-level 
        private static int ComponentToAdorner(int zOrder, int level) 
            int res = zOrder;
            ZRange range = (ZRange)_ZRanges[level]; 
            if (range != null)
                //adjust the Z-order (shift it with the minimal value for this range)
                //that way the component does need to know the range for its type that is 
                // set by the application. It always sets the z-order as it starts from 0
                res += range.Min; 
                if (res < range.Min) 
                    res = range.Min;
                if (res > range.Max) 
                    res = range.Max;
            return res;

        #endregion Private Methods 
        #region Private Fields
        /// The annotation adorner which wraps the annotation component this presentation context is optimized for.
        /// Can be null.
        private AnnotationAdorner _annotationAdorner = null;
        /// The adornerLayer which contains the annotation component.  Basically what the presentation hides.
        private AdornerLayer _adornerLayer;

        /// The hashtable holds the priority level for each Component type as defined by the application 
        private static Hashtable _ZLevel = new Hashtable(); 
        /// The ZRanges for the ZLevels. 
        private static Hashtable _ZRanges = new Hashtable();


        #endregion Private Fields 
        #region Private classes
        /// This is to control the relationships with TextSelection which lives in the same
        /// AdornerLayer. Will be removed when more flexible Z-ordering mechanism is available
        private class ZRange
            public ZRange(int min, int max) 
                //exchange values if needed 
                if (min > max)
                    int temp = min;
                    min = max; 
                    max = temp;
                _min = min; 
                _max = max;

            public int Min
                    return _min; 
            public int Max 
                    return _max; 
            private int _min, _max;

        #endregion Internal classes


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//      AdornerPresentationContext knows that annotation comonents are wrapped 
//      in an AnnotationAdorner and hosted in the AdornerLayer. Note, implementation-wise 
//      a new PresentationContext is created for every annotation component. Executing
//      operations on a presentation context for a different annotation component 
//      (located in the same adorner layer) works, but is slower than using the
//      presentation context stored in the annotation component.
// History: 
//  04/01/2004: axelk:   Created AdornerPresentationContext.cs
//  10/20/2004: rruiz:   Moved class to MS.Internal. 
// Copyright(C) 2002 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Annotations;
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Collections;
namespace MS.Internal.Annotations.Component
    /// AdornerPresentationContext knows that annotation comonents are wrapped in an AnnotationAdorner and hosted in the AdornerLayer. 
    /// Note,  implementation-wise a new PresentationContext is created for every annotation component. Executing operations on a presentation context
    /// for a different annotation component (located in the same adorner layer) works, but is slower than using the presentation context stored in the 
    /// annotation component. 
    internal class AdornerPresentationContext : PresentationContext 

        #region Constructors
        /// Create an initialized instance of an AdornerPresentationContext. Set the presentation context of the 
        /// component wrapped in the adorner 
        /// AdornerLayer this presentation context is on, must not be null 
        /// AnnotationAdorner that wraps the annotation component.  Will be null in case of creating enclosing context
        private AdornerPresentationContext(AdornerLayer adornerLayer, AnnotationAdorner adorner)
            if (adornerLayer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("adornerLayer"); 

            _adornerLayer = adornerLayer; 
            if (adorner != null) 
                if (adorner.AnnotationComponent == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("annotation component");
                if (adorner.AnnotationComponent.PresentationContext != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ComponentAlreadyInPresentationContext, adorner.AnnotationComponent));
                _annotationAdorner = adorner; 
        #endregion Constructors
        #region Static Methods

        /// Host a component in an adorner layer. 
        /// Wrap the component in an annotation adorner, add that to the adorner layer, create and set presentation context and invalidate to pick up styles.
        /// Note, this is called from two places: (1) component manager to host choosen annotation component, and (2) presentation context when component 
        /// adds additional IAnnotationComponent. 
        /// Adorner layer the component is hosted in 
        /// Component that is being hosted
        /// element being annotated
        /// if true - put the component on top and calculate its z-order
        internal static void HostComponent(AdornerLayer adornerLayer, IAnnotationComponent component, UIElement annotatedElement, bool reorder) 
            AnnotationAdorner newAdorner = new AnnotationAdorner(component, annotatedElement); 
            // Create the context for the layer and adorner, make sure the adorner's component has its context. 
            newAdorner.AnnotationComponent.PresentationContext = new AdornerPresentationContext(adornerLayer, newAdorner);
            int level = GetComponentLevel(component);

            if (reorder)
                component.ZOrder = GetNextZOrder(adornerLayer, level);
            adornerLayer.Add(newAdorner, ComponentToAdorner(component.ZOrder, level));

        /// Sets the Z-order level of an annotation Component type
        /// the component type 
        /// level - 0 means on top of all other types, bigger number means
        /// lower level 
        ///  ZLevel defines the Z-order disposition of this component type according to other
        /// component types in the same adorner layer. Components with lower ZLevel will be instantiated
        /// on top of the components with Higher ZLevel.
        /// The Z-order of all the components with the same ZLevel is defined by the value of 
        /// IAnnotationComponent.ZOrder property with zero meaning the component is on top of all other
        /// inside the same level. ZOrder property can be changed by invoking 
        /// BringToTop method. This will move the component to the top of its priority group. If there are other 
        /// components with higher priority they will still be on top of that component. If more than
        /// one component type have the same ZLevel that means they all can stay on top of each other. 
        /// Setting IAnnotationComponent.ZOrder must be invoked only by the PrezentationContext
        /// when the Z-order changes. It can not be set by application in v1.
        internal static void SetTypeZLevel(Type type, int level)
            Invariant.Assert(level >= 0, "level is < 0");
            Invariant.Assert(type != null, "type is null"); 

            if (_ZLevel.ContainsKey(type)) 
                _ZLevel[type] = level;
                _ZLevel.Add(type, level); 
        /// the allowed Z-order values range for this level.
        /// Used to define minimal Z-order value for types that are supposed to live above TextSelection
        /// which has a fixed Z-order value 
        /// the Z-order level 
        /// min Z-order value for this level 
        /// max Z-order value for this level
        internal static void SetZLevelRange(int level, int min, int max) 
            if (_ZRanges[level] == null)
                _ZRanges.Add(level, new ZRange(min, max)); 
        #endregion Static Methods

        #region Public Properties

        /// Returns the adorner layer which acts as a host for annotation components managed by the annotation component manager
        /// UIElement for the adorner layer 
        public override UIElement Host { get { return _adornerLayer; } }
        /// Get the enclosing presentation context.
        /// Enclosing PresentationContext or null if there is none 
        public override PresentationContext EnclosingContext
                Visual parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(_adornerLayer) as Visual; 
                if (parent == null) return null;

                AdornerLayer parentLayer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer((UIElement)parent);
                if (parentLayer == null) return null; 

                PresentationContext p = new AdornerPresentationContext(parentLayer, null); 
                return p;

        #endregion Public Properties
        #region Public Methods
        /// Add the component to the adornerlayer of this presentation context.
        /// Create a new presentation context which includes the wrapped annotation adorner and the adornerlayer. 
        /// Assign new presentation context into the component.
        /// Component to add to host
        public override void AddToHost(IAnnotationComponent component) 
            if (component == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("component"); 
            AdornerPresentationContext.HostComponent(_adornerLayer, component, component.AnnotatedElement, false);

        /// Remove annotation component from host;  in our case: respective annotation adorner from adornerLayer.
        /// If this presentation context does not contain the component search the adorner layer. 
        /// Null out the presentation context of the component and set the local annotationAdorner to null if necessary,
        /// ask the annotation adorner to remove all visual children. 
        /// Component to remove from host
        /// if true - recalculate z-order 
        public override void RemoveFromHost(IAnnotationComponent component, bool reorder)
            if (component == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("component");
            if (IsInternalComponent(component))
                _annotationAdorner.AnnotationComponent.PresentationContext = null; 
                _annotationAdorner = null;
            {// need to find annotation adorner in layer, remove it and do house-keeping 
                AnnotationAdorner foundAdorner = this.FindAnnotationAdorner(component);
                if (foundAdorner == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ComponentNotInPresentationContext, component)); 


                // now get rid of reference from presentation context of annotation component to annotation adorner
                AdornerPresentationContext p = component.PresentationContext as AdornerPresentationContext; 

                if (p != null) p.ResetInternalAnnotationAdorner(); 
                // finally get rid of reference from annotation component to presentation context
                component.PresentationContext = null; 

        /// Invalidate the transform for this adorner. called when adorner inside changed aspects of the transform.
        /// This might go away if InvalidateMeasure works 
        /// (unclear if Peter means this should work on the adorner or even one down on the annotation component itself) 
        /// Component to invalidate transform for 
        public override void InvalidateTransform(IAnnotationComponent component)
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = GetAnnotationAdorner(component);
        /// Sets a component on top of its ZLevel
        /// Component to change z-order of
        public override void BringToFront(IAnnotationComponent component)
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = GetAnnotationAdorner(component); 
            int level = GetComponentLevel(component);
            int nextLevel = GetNextZOrder(_adornerLayer, level); 
            // Only change the ZOrder if its not already on the top
            if (nextLevel != component.ZOrder + 1) 
                component.ZOrder = nextLevel;
                _adornerLayer.SetAdornerZOrder(adorner, ComponentToAdorner(component.ZOrder, level));
        /// Sets a component on bttom of its ZLevel
        /// Component to change z-order of
        public override void SendToBack(IAnnotationComponent component)
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = GetAnnotationAdorner(component); 
            int level = GetComponentLevel(component);
            // Only change the ZOrder if its not already on the bottom 
            if (0 != component.ZOrder)
                component.ZOrder = 0;

        ///     Determines if the passed in object is equal to this object. 
        ///     Two AdornerPresentationContexts will be equal if they both have the same adorner layer.
        /// The object to compare with.
        /// True if the objects are equal. False otherwise.
        public override bool Equals(object o)
            AdornerPresentationContext p = o as AdornerPresentationContext;
            if (p != null) 
                return (p._adornerLayer == this._adornerLayer); 

            return false;

        /// overload operator for ==, to be same as Equal implementation. 
        /// AdornerPresentationContext to compare 
        /// AdornerPresentationContext to compare
        public static bool operator ==(AdornerPresentationContext left, AdornerPresentationContext right)
            if ((object)left == null)
                return (object)right == null; 
            return left.Equals(right);

        /// overload operator for !=, to go along with definition for ==
        /// AdornerPresentationContext to compare
        /// AdornerPresentationContext to compare 
        public static bool operator !=(AdornerPresentationContext c1, AdornerPresentationContext c2)
            return !(c1 == c2);

        ///     Delegate hash to adorner layer
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            return (int)this._adornerLayer.GetHashCode(); 

        /// Updates the ZOrder of the input component and on all components with the same ZLevel
        /// that have same or bigger Z-order as the  input component on a given adorner layer 
        /// the component
        public void UpdateComponentZOrder(IAnnotationComponent component) 
            Invariant.Assert(component != null, "null component");

            //check Z-order range for this level 
            int level = GetComponentLevel(component);
            //get the component's adorner 
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = FindAnnotationAdorner(component); 
            if (adorner == null)

            //set the adorner z-order
            _adornerLayer.SetAdornerZOrder(adorner, ComponentToAdorner(component.ZOrder, level));
            List adorners = GetTopAnnotationAdorners(level, component);
            if (adorners == null) 

            int lastZOrder = component.ZOrder + 1; 
            foreach (AnnotationAdorner topAdorner in adorners)
                topAdorner.AnnotationComponent.ZOrder = lastZOrder;
                _adornerLayer.SetAdornerZOrder(topAdorner, ComponentToAdorner(lastZOrder, level)); 

        #endregion Public Methods 

        #region Private Methods

        /// Reset the annotation adorner to null.  This is needed for reset of found adorner in method RemoveFromHost
        private void ResetInternalAnnotationAdorner() 
            _annotationAdorner = null; 

        /// Return true if the given annotation component is the one this presentation context is on. 
        /// The component that might be referred to by this presentation context 
        /// True if the component is internal 
        private bool IsInternalComponent(IAnnotationComponent component)
            return _annotationAdorner != null && component == _annotationAdorner.AnnotationComponent;

        /// Return the annotation adorner for the given annotation component.
        /// will not look at local annotation adorner, will always iterate through annotation adorners of adorner layer. 
        /// Return null if none can be found. 
        /// The component that is wrapped by an annotation adorner 
        /// The annotation adorner that wraps the component in the adorner layer associated with this presentation context
        private AnnotationAdorner FindAnnotationAdorner(IAnnotationComponent component)
            if (_adornerLayer == null) return null; 

            foreach (Adorner adorner in _adornerLayer.GetAdorners(component.AnnotatedElement)) 
                AnnotationAdorner annotationAdorner = adorner as AnnotationAdorner;
                if (annotationAdorner != null && annotationAdorner.AnnotationComponent == component) return annotationAdorner;

            return null; 
        /// Finds all AnnotationAddorners from particular Z-level that have the same or bigger z-order as the component
        /// the ZLevel of interest
        /// the component
        /// the AnnotationAdorner children
        private List GetTopAnnotationAdorners(int level, IAnnotationComponent component) 
            List res = new List(); 
            int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(_adornerLayer);
            if (count == 0) 
                return res;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(_adornerLayer, i);
                AnnotationAdorner adorner = child as AnnotationAdorner; 
                if (adorner != null) 
                    IAnnotationComponent childComponent = adorner.AnnotationComponent; 
                    if ((childComponent != component) &&
                       (GetComponentLevel(childComponent) == level) &&
                       (childComponent.ZOrder >= component.ZOrder))
                        AddAdorner(res, adorner);
            return res;

        /// Inserts an adorner after the last adorner with ZOrder less or equal of the input one
        /// adorners list 
        /// the new adorner
        /// In most cases the AnnotationAdorners are already orderd so we expect that the new one 
        /// will be added at the end of the list. That is why we start scaning from the end.
        private void AddAdorner(List adorners, AnnotationAdorner adorner)
            Debug.Assert((adorners != null) && (adorner != null), "null adorners list or adorner"); 

            int index = 0; 
            if (adorners.Count > 0) 
                for (index = adorners.Count; index > 0; index--) 
                    if (adorners[index-1].AnnotationComponent.ZOrder <= adorner.AnnotationComponent.ZOrder)
            adorners.Insert(index, adorner); 
        /// Gets the next free Z-order value for the components in this level
        /// adorner layer 
        /// Z-level
        /// next free Z-order value 
        private static int GetNextZOrder(AdornerLayer adornerLayer, int level) 
            Invariant.Assert(adornerLayer != null, "null adornerLayer"); 

            int res = 0;

            int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(adornerLayer); 
            if (count == 0)
                return res; 
            for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(adornerLayer, i);
                AnnotationAdorner adorner = child as AnnotationAdorner;
                if (adorner != null)
                    if ((GetComponentLevel(adorner.AnnotationComponent) == level) &&
                        (adorner.AnnotationComponent.ZOrder >= res)) 
                            res = adorner.AnnotationComponent.ZOrder + 1;

            return res; 
        /// Finds the correct AdornerLayer where a component lives
        /// the component
        private AnnotationAdorner GetAnnotationAdorner(IAnnotationComponent component)
            if (component == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("component");
            //find the adornerLayer 
            AnnotationAdorner adorner = _annotationAdorner;
            if (!this.IsInternalComponent(component)) 
                adorner = this.FindAnnotationAdorner(component);

                if (adorner == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ComponentNotInPresentationContext, component)); 
            return adorner; 
        /// Returns the component ZLevel
        /// component 
        /// ZLevel
        private static int GetComponentLevel(IAnnotationComponent component) 
            int level = 0;
            Type type = component.GetType(); 
            if (_ZLevel.ContainsKey(type))
                level = (int)_ZLevel[type];

            return level; 
        /// Converts the component z-order to the Adorner z-order. The adorner z-order
        /// is shifted by the minimal value for this level. Also there is a restriction 
        /// about the maximal possible value for this level too
        /// component z-order
        /// component z-level 
        private static int ComponentToAdorner(int zOrder, int level) 
            int res = zOrder;
            ZRange range = (ZRange)_ZRanges[level]; 
            if (range != null)
                //adjust the Z-order (shift it with the minimal value for this range)
                //that way the component does need to know the range for its type that is 
                // set by the application. It always sets the z-order as it starts from 0
                res += range.Min; 
                if (res < range.Min) 
                    res = range.Min;
                if (res > range.Max) 
                    res = range.Max;
            return res;

        #endregion Private Methods 
        #region Private Fields
        /// The annotation adorner which wraps the annotation component this presentation context is optimized for.
        /// Can be null.
        private AnnotationAdorner _annotationAdorner = null;
        /// The adornerLayer which contains the annotation component.  Basically what the presentation hides.
        private AdornerLayer _adornerLayer;

        /// The hashtable holds the priority level for each Component type as defined by the application 
        private static Hashtable _ZLevel = new Hashtable(); 
        /// The ZRanges for the ZLevels. 
        private static Hashtable _ZRanges = new Hashtable();


        #endregion Private Fields 
        #region Private classes
        /// This is to control the relationships with TextSelection which lives in the same
        /// AdornerLayer. Will be removed when more flexible Z-ordering mechanism is available
        private class ZRange
            public ZRange(int min, int max) 
                //exchange values if needed 
                if (min > max)
                    int temp = min;
                    min = max; 
                    max = temp;
                _min = min; 
                _max = max;

            public int Min
                    return _min; 
            public int Max 
                    return _max; 
            private int _min, _max;

        #endregion Internal classes


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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