/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / TableLayoutStyle.cs / 1305376 / TableLayoutStyle.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Forms { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows.Forms.Layout; using System.Reflection; ///[TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(TableLayoutSettings.StyleConverter))] public abstract class TableLayoutStyle { private IArrangedElement _owner; private SizeType _sizeType = SizeType.AutoSize; private float _size; /// [DefaultValue(SizeType.AutoSize)] public SizeType SizeType { get { return _sizeType; } set { if (_sizeType != value) { _sizeType = value; if(Owner != null) { LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(Owner, Owner, PropertyNames.Style); Control owner = Owner as Control; if (owner != null) { owner.Invalidate(); } } } } } internal float Size { get { return _size; } set { if (value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Size", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidLowBoundArgumentEx, "Size", value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), (0).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); } if (_size != value) { _size = value; if(Owner != null) { LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(Owner, Owner, PropertyNames.Style); Control owner = Owner as Control; if (owner != null) { owner.Invalidate(); } } } } } private bool ShouldSerializeSize() { return SizeType != SizeType.AutoSize; } internal IArrangedElement Owner { get { return _owner; } set { _owner = value; } } //set the size without doing a layout internal void SetSize(float size) { Debug.Assert(size >= 0); _size = size; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Forms { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows.Forms.Layout; using System.Reflection; ///[TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(TableLayoutSettings.StyleConverter))] public abstract class TableLayoutStyle { private IArrangedElement _owner; private SizeType _sizeType = SizeType.AutoSize; private float _size; /// [DefaultValue(SizeType.AutoSize)] public SizeType SizeType { get { return _sizeType; } set { if (_sizeType != value) { _sizeType = value; if(Owner != null) { LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(Owner, Owner, PropertyNames.Style); Control owner = Owner as Control; if (owner != null) { owner.Invalidate(); } } } } } internal float Size { get { return _size; } set { if (value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Size", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidLowBoundArgumentEx, "Size", value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), (0).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); } if (_size != value) { _size = value; if(Owner != null) { LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(Owner, Owner, PropertyNames.Style); Control owner = Owner as Control; if (owner != null) { owner.Invalidate(); } } } } } private bool ShouldSerializeSize() { return SizeType != SizeType.AutoSize; } internal IArrangedElement Owner { get { return _owner; } set { _owner = value; } } //set the size without doing a layout internal void SetSize(float size) { Debug.Assert(size >= 0); _size = size; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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