/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / Policy / ZoneMembershipCondition.cs / 1 / ZoneMembershipCondition.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // ZoneMembershipCondition.cs // // Implementation of membership condition for zones // namespace System.Security.Policy { using System; using SecurityManager = System.Security.SecurityManager; using PermissionSet = System.Security.PermissionSet; using SecurityElement = System.Security.SecurityElement; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; [Serializable] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] sealed public class ZoneMembershipCondition : IMembershipCondition, IConstantMembershipCondition { //------------------------------------------------------ // // PRIVATE CONSTANTS // //----------------------------------------------------- private static readonly String[] s_names = {"MyComputer", "Intranet", "Trusted", "Internet", "Untrusted"}; //----------------------------------------------------- // // PRIVATE STATE DATA // //----------------------------------------------------- private SecurityZone m_zone; private SecurityElement m_element; //------------------------------------------------------ // // PUBLIC CONSTRUCTORS // //----------------------------------------------------- internal ZoneMembershipCondition() { m_zone = SecurityZone.NoZone; } public ZoneMembershipCondition( SecurityZone zone ) { VerifyZone( zone ); this.SecurityZone = zone; } //------------------------------------------------------ // // PUBLIC ACCESSOR METHODS // //------------------------------------------------------ public SecurityZone SecurityZone { set { VerifyZone( value ); m_zone = value; } get { if (m_zone == SecurityZone.NoZone && m_element != null) ParseZone(); return m_zone; } } //----------------------------------------------------- // // PRIVATE AND PROTECTED HELPERS FOR ACCESSORS AND CONSTRUCTORS // //------------------------------------------------------ private static void VerifyZone( SecurityZone zone ) { if (zone < SecurityZone.MyComputer || zone > SecurityZone.Untrusted) { throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_IllegalZone" ) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------- // // IMEMBERSHIPCONDITION IMPLEMENTATION // //----------------------------------------------------- public bool Check( Evidence evidence ) { if (evidence == null) return false; IEnumerator enumerator = evidence.GetHostEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Object obj = enumerator.Current; if (obj is Zone) { if (m_zone == SecurityZone.NoZone && m_element != null) ParseZone(); if (((Zone)obj).SecurityZone == m_zone) { return true; } } } return false; } public IMembershipCondition Copy() { if (m_zone == SecurityZone.NoZone && m_element != null) ParseZone(); return new ZoneMembershipCondition( m_zone ); } public SecurityElement ToXml() { return ToXml( null ); } public void FromXml( SecurityElement e ) { FromXml( e, null ); } public SecurityElement ToXml( PolicyLevel level ) { if (m_zone == SecurityZone.NoZone && m_element != null) ParseZone(); SecurityElement root = new SecurityElement( "IMembershipCondition" ); System.Security.Util.XMLUtil.AddClassAttribute( root, this.GetType(), "System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition" ); // If you hit this assert then most likely you are trying to change the name of this class. // This is ok as long as you change the hard coded string above and change the assert below. BCLDebug.Assert( this.GetType().FullName.Equals( "System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition" ), "Class name changed!" ); root.AddAttribute( "version", "1" ); if (m_zone != SecurityZone.NoZone) root.AddAttribute( "Zone", Enum.GetName( typeof( SecurityZone ), m_zone ) ); return root; } public void FromXml( SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level ) { if (e == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); if (!e.Tag.Equals( "IMembershipCondition" )) { throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_MembershipConditionElement" ) ); } lock (this) { m_zone = SecurityZone.NoZone; m_element = e; } } private void ParseZone() { lock (this) { if (m_element == null) return; String eZone = m_element.Attribute( "Zone" ); m_zone = SecurityZone.NoZone; if (eZone != null) { m_zone = (SecurityZone)Enum.Parse( typeof( SecurityZone ), eZone ); } else { throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_ZoneCannotBeNull" ) ); } VerifyZone(m_zone); m_element = null; } } public override bool Equals( Object o ) { ZoneMembershipCondition that = (o as ZoneMembershipCondition); if (that != null) { if (this.m_zone == SecurityZone.NoZone && this.m_element != null) this.ParseZone(); if (that.m_zone == SecurityZone.NoZone && that.m_element != null) that.ParseZone(); if(this.m_zone == that.m_zone) { return true; } } return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { if (this.m_zone == SecurityZone.NoZone && this.m_element != null) this.ParseZone(); return (int)m_zone; } public override String ToString() { if (m_zone == SecurityZone.NoZone && m_element != null) ParseZone(); return String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Zone_ToString" ), s_names[(int)m_zone] ); } } }
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