/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / MIT / System / Web / UI / MobileControls / Design / Util / MSHTMLHost.cs / 1305376 / MSHTMLHost.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MSHTMLHost.cs // // 12/17/98: Created: [....] // namespace System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Util { using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Windows.Forms; ////// /// Control that hosts a Trident DocObject. /// ///// [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] internal sealed class MSHTMLHost : Control { private TridentSite tridentSite; internal MSHTMLHost() : base() { } public NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2 GetDocument() { Debug.Assert(tridentSite != null, "Cannot call getDocument before calling createTrident"); return tridentSite.GetDocument(); } protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams; cp.ExStyle |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_STATICEDGE; return cp; } } internal bool CreateTrident() { Debug.Assert(Handle != IntPtr.Zero, "MSHTMLHost must first be created before createTrident is called"); try { tridentSite = new TridentSite(this); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception caught in MSHTMLHost::CreateTrident\n\t" + e.ToString()); return false; } return true; } internal void ActivateTrident() { Debug.Assert(tridentSite != null, "cannot call activateTrident before calling createTrident"); tridentSite.Activate(); } } /// /// /// Implements the client site for Trident DocObject /// [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] internal class TridentSite : NativeMethods.IOleClientSite, NativeMethods.IOleDocumentSite, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceSite, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceFrame, NativeMethods.IDocHostUIHandler { protected Control parentControl; protected NativeMethods.IOleDocumentView tridentView; protected NativeMethods.IOleObject tridentOleObject; protected NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2 tridentDocument; protected EventHandler resizeHandler; internal TridentSite(Control parent) { Debug.Assert((parent != null) && (parent.Handle != IntPtr.Zero), "Invalid control passed in as parent of Trident window"); parentControl = parent; resizeHandler = new EventHandler(this.OnParentResize); parentControl.Resize += resizeHandler; CreateDocument(); } public NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2 GetDocument() { return tridentDocument; } internal void Activate() { ActivateDocument(); } protected virtual void OnParentResize(object src, EventArgs e) { if (tridentView != null) { NativeMethods.COMRECT r = new NativeMethods.COMRECT(); NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, r); tridentView.SetRect(r); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IOleClientSite Implementation public virtual void SaveObject() { } public virtual object GetMoniker(int dwAssign, int dwWhichMoniker) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual int GetContainer(out NativeMethods.IOleContainer ppContainer) { ppContainer = null; return NativeMethods.E_NOINTERFACE; } public virtual void ShowObject() { } public virtual void OnShowWindow(int fShow) { } public virtual void RequestNewObjectLayout() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IOleDocumentSite Implementation public virtual int ActivateMe(NativeMethods.IOleDocumentView pViewToActivate) { Debug.Assert(pViewToActivate != null, "Expected the view to be non-null"); if (pViewToActivate == null) return NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG; NativeMethods.COMRECT r = new NativeMethods.COMRECT(); NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, r); tridentView = pViewToActivate; tridentView.SetInPlaceSite((NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceSite)this); tridentView.UIActivate(1); tridentView.SetRect(r); tridentView.Show(1); return NativeMethods.S_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IOleInPlaceSite Implementation public virtual IntPtr GetWindow() { return parentControl.Handle; } public virtual void ContextSensitiveHelp(int fEnterMode) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual int CanInPlaceActivate() { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual void OnInPlaceActivate() { } public virtual void OnUIActivate() { } public virtual void GetWindowContext(out NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceFrame ppFrame, out NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceUIWindow ppDoc, NativeMethods.COMRECT lprcPosRect, NativeMethods.COMRECT lprcClipRect, NativeMethods.tagOIFI lpFrameInfo) { ppFrame = (NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceFrame)this; ppDoc = null; NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, lprcPosRect); NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, lprcClipRect); lpFrameInfo.cb = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.tagOIFI)); lpFrameInfo.fMDIApp = 0; lpFrameInfo.hwndFrame = parentControl.Handle; lpFrameInfo.hAccel = IntPtr.Zero; lpFrameInfo.cAccelEntries = 0; } public virtual int Scroll(NativeMethods.tagSIZE scrollExtant) { return(NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void OnUIDeactivate(int fUndoable) { // NOTE, [....], 7/99: Don't return E_NOTIMPL. Somehow doing nothing and returning S_OK // fixes trident hosting in Win2000. } public virtual void OnInPlaceDeactivate() { } public virtual void DiscardUndoState() { throw new COMException(SR.GetString(SR.MSHTMLHost_Not_Implemented), NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void DeactivateAndUndo() { } public virtual int OnPosRectChange(NativeMethods.COMRECT lprcPosRect) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IOleInPlaceFrame Implementation public virtual void GetBorder(NativeMethods.COMRECT lprectBorder) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void RequestBorderSpace(NativeMethods.COMRECT pborderwidths) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void SetBorderSpace(NativeMethods.COMRECT pborderwidths) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void SetActiveObject(NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceActiveObject pActiveObject, string pszObjName) { // NOTE, [....], 7/99: Don't return E_NOTIMPL. Somehow doing nothing and returning S_OK // fixes trident hosting in Win2000. // throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void InsertMenus(IntPtr hmenuShared, object lpMenuWidths) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void SetMenu(IntPtr hmenuShared, IntPtr holemenu, IntPtr hwndActiveObject) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void RemoveMenus(IntPtr hmenuShared) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void SetStatusText(string pszStatusText) { } public virtual void EnableModeless(int fEnable) { } public virtual int TranslateAccelerator(ref NativeMethods.MSG lpmsg, short wID) { return NativeMethods.S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IDocHostUIHandler Implementation public virtual int ShowContextMenu(int dwID, NativeMethods.POINT pt, object pcmdtReserved, object pdispReserved) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int GetHostInfo(NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIINFO info) { info.dwDoubleClick = NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIDBLCLICK.DEFAULT; info.dwFlags = NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIFLAG.FLAT_SCROLLBAR | NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIFLAG.NO3DBORDER | NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIFLAG.DIALOG | NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIFLAG.DISABLE_SCRIPT_INACTIVE; return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int EnableModeless(bool fEnable) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int ShowUI(int dwID, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceActiveObject activeObject, NativeMethods.IOleCommandTarget commandTarget, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceFrame frame, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceUIWindow doc) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int HideUI() { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int UpdateUI() { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int OnDocWindowActivate(bool fActivate) { return NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL; } public virtual int OnFrameWindowActivate(bool fActivate) { return NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL; } public virtual int ResizeBorder(NativeMethods.COMRECT rect, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceUIWindow doc, bool fFrameWindow) { return NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL; } public virtual int GetOptionKeyPath(string[] pbstrKey, int dw) { pbstrKey[0] = null; return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int GetDropTarget(NativeMethods.IOleDropTarget pDropTarget, out NativeMethods.IOleDropTarget ppDropTarget) { ppDropTarget = null; return NativeMethods.S_FALSE; } public virtual int GetExternal(out object ppDispatch) { ppDispatch = null; return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int TranslateAccelerator(ref NativeMethods.MSG msg, ref Guid group, int nCmdID) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int TranslateUrl(int dwTranslate, string strUrlIn, out string pstrUrlOut) { pstrUrlOut = null; return NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL; } public virtual int FilterDataObject(NativeMethods.IOleDataObject pDO, out NativeMethods.IOleDataObject ppDORet) { ppDORet = null; return NativeMethods.S_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation ////// /// Creates a new instance of mshtml and initializes it as a new document /// using its IPersistStreamInit. /// protected void CreateDocument() { try { // Create an instance of Trident tridentDocument = (NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2)new NativeMethods.HTMLDocument(); tridentOleObject = (NativeMethods.IOleObject)tridentDocument; // Initialize its client site tridentOleObject.SetClientSite((NativeMethods.IOleClientSite)this); // Initialize it NativeMethods.IPersistStreamInit psi = (NativeMethods.IPersistStreamInit)tridentDocument; psi.InitNew(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Fail(e.ToString()); throw e; } } ////// /// Activates the mshtml instance /// protected void ActivateDocument() { Debug.Assert(tridentOleObject != null, "How'd we get here when trident is null!"); try { NativeMethods.COMRECT r = new NativeMethods.COMRECT(); NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, r); tridentOleObject.DoVerb(NativeMethods.OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE, IntPtr.Zero, (NativeMethods.IOleClientSite)this, 0, parentControl.Handle, r); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Fail(e.ToString()); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MSHTMLHost.cs // // 12/17/98: Created: [....] // namespace System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Util { using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Windows.Forms; ////// /// Control that hosts a Trident DocObject. /// ///// [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] internal sealed class MSHTMLHost : Control { private TridentSite tridentSite; internal MSHTMLHost() : base() { } public NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2 GetDocument() { Debug.Assert(tridentSite != null, "Cannot call getDocument before calling createTrident"); return tridentSite.GetDocument(); } protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams; cp.ExStyle |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_STATICEDGE; return cp; } } internal bool CreateTrident() { Debug.Assert(Handle != IntPtr.Zero, "MSHTMLHost must first be created before createTrident is called"); try { tridentSite = new TridentSite(this); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception caught in MSHTMLHost::CreateTrident\n\t" + e.ToString()); return false; } return true; } internal void ActivateTrident() { Debug.Assert(tridentSite != null, "cannot call activateTrident before calling createTrident"); tridentSite.Activate(); } } /// /// /// Implements the client site for Trident DocObject /// [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] internal class TridentSite : NativeMethods.IOleClientSite, NativeMethods.IOleDocumentSite, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceSite, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceFrame, NativeMethods.IDocHostUIHandler { protected Control parentControl; protected NativeMethods.IOleDocumentView tridentView; protected NativeMethods.IOleObject tridentOleObject; protected NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2 tridentDocument; protected EventHandler resizeHandler; internal TridentSite(Control parent) { Debug.Assert((parent != null) && (parent.Handle != IntPtr.Zero), "Invalid control passed in as parent of Trident window"); parentControl = parent; resizeHandler = new EventHandler(this.OnParentResize); parentControl.Resize += resizeHandler; CreateDocument(); } public NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2 GetDocument() { return tridentDocument; } internal void Activate() { ActivateDocument(); } protected virtual void OnParentResize(object src, EventArgs e) { if (tridentView != null) { NativeMethods.COMRECT r = new NativeMethods.COMRECT(); NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, r); tridentView.SetRect(r); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IOleClientSite Implementation public virtual void SaveObject() { } public virtual object GetMoniker(int dwAssign, int dwWhichMoniker) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual int GetContainer(out NativeMethods.IOleContainer ppContainer) { ppContainer = null; return NativeMethods.E_NOINTERFACE; } public virtual void ShowObject() { } public virtual void OnShowWindow(int fShow) { } public virtual void RequestNewObjectLayout() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IOleDocumentSite Implementation public virtual int ActivateMe(NativeMethods.IOleDocumentView pViewToActivate) { Debug.Assert(pViewToActivate != null, "Expected the view to be non-null"); if (pViewToActivate == null) return NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG; NativeMethods.COMRECT r = new NativeMethods.COMRECT(); NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, r); tridentView = pViewToActivate; tridentView.SetInPlaceSite((NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceSite)this); tridentView.UIActivate(1); tridentView.SetRect(r); tridentView.Show(1); return NativeMethods.S_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IOleInPlaceSite Implementation public virtual IntPtr GetWindow() { return parentControl.Handle; } public virtual void ContextSensitiveHelp(int fEnterMode) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual int CanInPlaceActivate() { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual void OnInPlaceActivate() { } public virtual void OnUIActivate() { } public virtual void GetWindowContext(out NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceFrame ppFrame, out NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceUIWindow ppDoc, NativeMethods.COMRECT lprcPosRect, NativeMethods.COMRECT lprcClipRect, NativeMethods.tagOIFI lpFrameInfo) { ppFrame = (NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceFrame)this; ppDoc = null; NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, lprcPosRect); NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, lprcClipRect); lpFrameInfo.cb = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.tagOIFI)); lpFrameInfo.fMDIApp = 0; lpFrameInfo.hwndFrame = parentControl.Handle; lpFrameInfo.hAccel = IntPtr.Zero; lpFrameInfo.cAccelEntries = 0; } public virtual int Scroll(NativeMethods.tagSIZE scrollExtant) { return(NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void OnUIDeactivate(int fUndoable) { // NOTE, [....], 7/99: Don't return E_NOTIMPL. Somehow doing nothing and returning S_OK // fixes trident hosting in Win2000. } public virtual void OnInPlaceDeactivate() { } public virtual void DiscardUndoState() { throw new COMException(SR.GetString(SR.MSHTMLHost_Not_Implemented), NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void DeactivateAndUndo() { } public virtual int OnPosRectChange(NativeMethods.COMRECT lprcPosRect) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IOleInPlaceFrame Implementation public virtual void GetBorder(NativeMethods.COMRECT lprectBorder) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void RequestBorderSpace(NativeMethods.COMRECT pborderwidths) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void SetBorderSpace(NativeMethods.COMRECT pborderwidths) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void SetActiveObject(NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceActiveObject pActiveObject, string pszObjName) { // NOTE, [....], 7/99: Don't return E_NOTIMPL. Somehow doing nothing and returning S_OK // fixes trident hosting in Win2000. // throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void InsertMenus(IntPtr hmenuShared, object lpMenuWidths) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void SetMenu(IntPtr hmenuShared, IntPtr holemenu, IntPtr hwndActiveObject) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void RemoveMenus(IntPtr hmenuShared) { throw new COMException(String.Empty, NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL); } public virtual void SetStatusText(string pszStatusText) { } public virtual void EnableModeless(int fEnable) { } public virtual int TranslateAccelerator(ref NativeMethods.MSG lpmsg, short wID) { return NativeMethods.S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IDocHostUIHandler Implementation public virtual int ShowContextMenu(int dwID, NativeMethods.POINT pt, object pcmdtReserved, object pdispReserved) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int GetHostInfo(NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIINFO info) { info.dwDoubleClick = NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIDBLCLICK.DEFAULT; info.dwFlags = NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIFLAG.FLAT_SCROLLBAR | NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIFLAG.NO3DBORDER | NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIFLAG.DIALOG | NativeMethods.DOCHOSTUIFLAG.DISABLE_SCRIPT_INACTIVE; return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int EnableModeless(bool fEnable) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int ShowUI(int dwID, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceActiveObject activeObject, NativeMethods.IOleCommandTarget commandTarget, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceFrame frame, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceUIWindow doc) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int HideUI() { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int UpdateUI() { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int OnDocWindowActivate(bool fActivate) { return NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL; } public virtual int OnFrameWindowActivate(bool fActivate) { return NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL; } public virtual int ResizeBorder(NativeMethods.COMRECT rect, NativeMethods.IOleInPlaceUIWindow doc, bool fFrameWindow) { return NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL; } public virtual int GetOptionKeyPath(string[] pbstrKey, int dw) { pbstrKey[0] = null; return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int GetDropTarget(NativeMethods.IOleDropTarget pDropTarget, out NativeMethods.IOleDropTarget ppDropTarget) { ppDropTarget = null; return NativeMethods.S_FALSE; } public virtual int GetExternal(out object ppDispatch) { ppDispatch = null; return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int TranslateAccelerator(ref NativeMethods.MSG msg, ref Guid group, int nCmdID) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public virtual int TranslateUrl(int dwTranslate, string strUrlIn, out string pstrUrlOut) { pstrUrlOut = null; return NativeMethods.E_NOTIMPL; } public virtual int FilterDataObject(NativeMethods.IOleDataObject pDO, out NativeMethods.IOleDataObject ppDORet) { ppDORet = null; return NativeMethods.S_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation ////// /// Creates a new instance of mshtml and initializes it as a new document /// using its IPersistStreamInit. /// protected void CreateDocument() { try { // Create an instance of Trident tridentDocument = (NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2)new NativeMethods.HTMLDocument(); tridentOleObject = (NativeMethods.IOleObject)tridentDocument; // Initialize its client site tridentOleObject.SetClientSite((NativeMethods.IOleClientSite)this); // Initialize it NativeMethods.IPersistStreamInit psi = (NativeMethods.IPersistStreamInit)tridentDocument; psi.InitNew(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Fail(e.ToString()); throw e; } } ////// /// Activates the mshtml instance /// protected void ActivateDocument() { Debug.Assert(tridentOleObject != null, "How'd we get here when trident is null!"); try { NativeMethods.COMRECT r = new NativeMethods.COMRECT(); NativeMethods.GetClientRect(parentControl.Handle, r); tridentOleObject.DoVerb(NativeMethods.OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE, IntPtr.Zero, (NativeMethods.IOleClientSite)this, 0, parentControl.Handle, r); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Fail(e.ToString()); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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