/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / permissions / UserInitiatedNavigationPermission.cs / 1 / UserInitiatedNavigationPermission.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // // Description: Internal Permissions. // These are classes for permissions that will be asserted/demanded internally. // But will be granted in full-trust. // Only internal avalon code will assert these permissions. // // Using them allows the following: // We can have very specific targeted asserts. So for example instead of // a blanket assert for Unmanaged code instead we can have very granular permissiosn. // // They are still available by default in full-trust. // // Currently the only way to detect User-Initiated actions is for commands. // So by associating a custom permisison with a command we can very tightly scope // the set of operations allowed. // // History: // 09/12/05 : younggk - seperated UserInitiatedNaviagtionPermission from InternalPermission.cs // 02/28/05 : marka - Created //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Security; using System.Windows; using MS.Internal.Permissions; namespace MS.Internal.Permissions { internal class UserInitiatedNavigationPermission : InternalPermissionBase { public UserInitiatedNavigationPermission() : base() { } public override IPermission Copy() { // copy is easy there is no state ! return new UserInitiatedNavigationPermission(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // // Description: Internal Permissions. // These are classes for permissions that will be asserted/demanded internally. // But will be granted in full-trust. // Only internal avalon code will assert these permissions. // // Using them allows the following: // We can have very specific targeted asserts. So for example instead of // a blanket assert for Unmanaged code instead we can have very granular permissiosn. // // They are still available by default in full-trust. // // Currently the only way to detect User-Initiated actions is for commands. // So by associating a custom permisison with a command we can very tightly scope // the set of operations allowed. // // History: // 09/12/05 : younggk - seperated UserInitiatedNaviagtionPermission from InternalPermission.cs // 02/28/05 : marka - Created //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Security; using System.Windows; using MS.Internal.Permissions; namespace MS.Internal.Permissions { internal class UserInitiatedNavigationPermission : InternalPermissionBase { public UserInitiatedNavigationPermission() : base() { } public override IPermission Copy() { // copy is easy there is no state ! return new UserInitiatedNavigationPermission(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- UpdateInfo.cs
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