/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Server / System / Data / Services / Providers / ResourceAssociationSetEnd.cs / 1305376 / ResourceAssociationSetEnd.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //// Describes an end point of a resource association set. // // // @owner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Services.Providers { using System.Diagnostics; ////// Class to describe an end point of a resource association set. /// [DebuggerDisplay("ResourceAssociationSetEnd: {Name}: ({ResourceSet.Name}, {ResourceType.Name}, {ResourceProperty.Name})")] public sealed class ResourceAssociationSetEnd { #region Private Fields ////// Resource set for the association end. /// private readonly ResourceSet resourceSet; ////// Resource type for the association end. /// private readonly ResourceType resourceType; ////// Resource property for the association end. /// private readonly ResourceProperty resourceProperty; #endregion Private Fields #region Constructor ////// Constructs a ResourceAssociationEnd instance. /// /// Resource set of the association end. /// Resource type of the association end. /// Resource property of the association end. public ResourceAssociationSetEnd(ResourceSet resourceSet, ResourceType resourceType, ResourceProperty resourceProperty) { WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(resourceSet, "resourceSet"); WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(resourceType, "resourceType"); if (resourceProperty != null && (resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(resourceProperty.Name) == null || resourceProperty.TypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ResourceAssociationSetEnd_ResourcePropertyMustBeNavigationPropertyOnResourceType); } if (!resourceSet.ResourceType.IsAssignableFrom(resourceType) && !resourceType.IsAssignableFrom(resourceSet.ResourceType)) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ResourceAssociationSetEnd_ResourceTypeMustBeAssignableToResourceSet); } this.resourceSet = resourceSet; this.resourceType = resourceType; // Note that for the TargetEnd, resourceProperty can be null. this.resourceProperty = resourceProperty; } #endregion Constructor #region Properties ////// Resource set for the association end. /// public ResourceSet ResourceSet { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.resourceSet; } } ////// Resource type for the association end. /// public ResourceType ResourceType { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.resourceType; } } ////// Resource property for the association end. /// public ResourceProperty ResourceProperty { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.resourceProperty; } } #endregion Properties } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //// Describes an end point of a resource association set. // // // @owner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Services.Providers { using System.Diagnostics; ////// Class to describe an end point of a resource association set. /// [DebuggerDisplay("ResourceAssociationSetEnd: {Name}: ({ResourceSet.Name}, {ResourceType.Name}, {ResourceProperty.Name})")] public sealed class ResourceAssociationSetEnd { #region Private Fields ////// Resource set for the association end. /// private readonly ResourceSet resourceSet; ////// Resource type for the association end. /// private readonly ResourceType resourceType; ////// Resource property for the association end. /// private readonly ResourceProperty resourceProperty; #endregion Private Fields #region Constructor ////// Constructs a ResourceAssociationEnd instance. /// /// Resource set of the association end. /// Resource type of the association end. /// Resource property of the association end. public ResourceAssociationSetEnd(ResourceSet resourceSet, ResourceType resourceType, ResourceProperty resourceProperty) { WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(resourceSet, "resourceSet"); WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(resourceType, "resourceType"); if (resourceProperty != null && (resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(resourceProperty.Name) == null || resourceProperty.TypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ResourceAssociationSetEnd_ResourcePropertyMustBeNavigationPropertyOnResourceType); } if (!resourceSet.ResourceType.IsAssignableFrom(resourceType) && !resourceType.IsAssignableFrom(resourceSet.ResourceType)) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ResourceAssociationSetEnd_ResourceTypeMustBeAssignableToResourceSet); } this.resourceSet = resourceSet; this.resourceType = resourceType; // Note that for the TargetEnd, resourceProperty can be null. this.resourceProperty = resourceProperty; } #endregion Constructor #region Properties ////// Resource set for the association end. /// public ResourceSet ResourceSet { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.resourceSet; } } ////// Resource type for the association end. /// public ResourceType ResourceType { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.resourceType; } } ////// Resource property for the association end. /// public ResourceProperty ResourceProperty { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.resourceProperty; } } #endregion Properties } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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