SqlDataReaderSmi.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / SqlClient / SqlDataReaderSmi.cs / 1305376 / SqlDataReaderSmi.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
namespace System.Data.SqlClient {
    using System; 
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.Sql;
    using System.Data.SqlTypes;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Diagnostics;        // for Conditional compilation 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
    using System.Data.ProviderBase; 
    using System.Data.Common;

        // SqlServer provider's implementation of ISqlReader.
    //    Supports ISqlReader and ISqlResultSet objects. 
    //    User should never be able to create one of these themselves, nor subclass. 
    //        This is accomplished by having no public override constructors. 
    internal sealed class SqlDataReaderSmi : SqlDataReader {

    // IDBRecord properties
        public override int FieldCount {
            get { 
                ThrowIfClosed( "FieldCount" ); 
                return InternalFieldCount;

        public override int VisibleFieldCount {
            get { 
                if (FNotInResults()) { 
                    return 0;

                return _visibleColumnCount;

    // IDBRecord Metadata Methods 
        public override String GetName(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetMetaData( "GetName" );
            return _currentMetaData[ordinal].Name;
        public override String GetDataTypeName(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetMetaData( "GetDataTypeName" ); 
            SmiExtendedMetaData md = _currentMetaData[ordinal]; 
            if ( SqlDbType.Udt == md.SqlDbType ) {
                return md.TypeSpecificNamePart1 + "." + md.TypeSpecificNamePart2 + "." + md.TypeSpecificNamePart3; 
            else {
                return md.TypeName;
        public override Type GetFieldType(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetMetaData( "GetFieldType" );
            if (SqlDbType.Udt == _currentMetaData[ordinal].SqlDbType) { 
                return _currentMetaData[ordinal].Type;
            else {
                return MetaType.GetMetaTypeFromSqlDbType( 
                    _currentMetaData[ordinal].SqlDbType, _currentMetaData[ordinal].IsMultiValued).ClassType ;

        override public Type GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetMetaData( "GetProviderSpecificFieldType" );

            if (SqlDbType.Udt == _currentMetaData[ordinal].SqlDbType) {
                return _currentMetaData[ordinal].Type; 
            else { 
                return MetaType.GetMetaTypeFromSqlDbType( 
                    _currentMetaData[ordinal].SqlDbType, _currentMetaData[ordinal].IsMultiValued).SqlType ;

        public override int Depth {
                ThrowIfClosed( "Depth" );
                return 0; 
        } //
        public override Object GetValue(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetValue", ordinal);
            SmiQueryMetaData metaData = _currentMetaData[ordinal];
            if (_currentConnection.IsKatmaiOrNewer) { 
                return ValueUtilsSmi.GetValue200(_readerEventSink, (SmiTypedGetterSetter)_currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, metaData, _currentConnection.InternalContext);
            else { 
                return ValueUtilsSmi.GetValue(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, metaData, _currentConnection.InternalContext);

        public override int GetValues(object[] values) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetValues", 0); 
            if (null == values) {
                throw ADP.ArgumentNull("values"); 

            int copyLength = (values.Length < _visibleColumnCount) ? values.Length : _visibleColumnCount; 
            for(int i=0; i %d#", ObjectID); 
            bool processFinallyBlock = true; 
            try  {
                if( IsClosed ) { 

                // Process the remaining events. This makes sure that environment 
                // changes are applied and any errors are picked up.
                _hasRows = false; 

                while(_eventStream.HasEvents) { 
                    _eventStream.ProcessEvent( _readerEventSink );
            catch (Exception e) {
                processFinallyBlock = ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e); 
            finally { 
                if (processFinallyBlock) {
                    _isOpen = false;

                    if (closeConnection) { 
                        if (Connection != null) {
                        Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);
        // Move to the next resultset
        public override unsafe bool NextResult() { 
            ThrowIfClosed( "NextResult" ); 

            bool hasAnotherResult = InternalNextResult(false); 

            return hasAnotherResult;
        internal unsafe bool InternalNextResult(bool ignoreNonFatalMessages) {
            IntPtr hscp = IntPtr.Zero; 
            if (Bid.AdvancedOn) { 
                Bid.ScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
            try {
                _hasRows = false;

                if( PositionState.AfterResults != _currentPosition ) 
                    // Consume any remaning rows in the current result. 
                    while( InternalRead(ignoreNonFatalMessages) ) {
                        // This space intentionally left blank 

                    Debug.Assert( null == _currentMetaData, "Read didn't clear metadata at end of results!" );
                    // Process the events until metadata is found or all of the
                    // available events have been consumed. If there is another 
                    // result, the metadata for it will be available after the last 
                    // read on the prior result.
                    while(null == _currentMetaData && _eventStream.HasEvents) {
                        _eventStream.ProcessEvent( _readerEventSink );
                return PositionState.AfterResults != _currentPosition; 
            finally { 
                if (Bid.AdvancedOn) {
                    Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);
        public override bool Read() { 
            ThrowIfClosed( "Read" );
            bool hasAnotherRow = InternalRead(false); 

            return hasAnotherRow;
        internal unsafe bool InternalRead(bool ignoreNonFatalErrors) {
            IntPtr hscp = IntPtr.Zero; 
            if (Bid.AdvancedOn) { 
                Bid.ScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID);
            try {
                // Don't move unless currently in results.
                if( FInResults() ) {
                    // Set current row to null so we can see if we get a new one
                    _currentColumnValues = null; 
                    _currentColumnValuesV3 = null; 

                    // NOTE: SQLBUDT #386118 -- may indicate that we want to break this loop when we get a MessagePosted callback, but we can't prove that. 
                    while(  null == _currentColumnValues &&                         // Did we find a row?
                            null == _currentColumnValuesV3 &&                       // Did we find a V3 row?
                            FInResults() &&                         // Was the batch terminated due to a serious error?
                            PositionState.AfterRows != _currentPosition &&              // Have we seen a statement completed event? 
                            _eventStream.HasEvents ) {              // Have we processed all events?
                        _eventStream.ProcessEvent( _readerEventSink ); 

                return PositionState.OnRow == _currentPosition;
            finally { 
                if (Bid.AdvancedOn) {
                    Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); 

        public override DataTable GetSchemaTable() {
            ThrowIfClosed( "GetSchemaTable" );
            if ( null == _schemaTable && FInResults() )
                DataTable schemaTable = new DataTable( "SchemaTable" );
                schemaTable.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; 
                schemaTable.MinimumCapacity = InternalFieldCount;

                DataColumn ColumnName                       = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.ColumnName,                       typeof(System.String));
                DataColumn Ordinal                          = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.ColumnOrdinal,                    typeof(System.Int32)); 
                DataColumn Size                             = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.ColumnSize,                       typeof(System.Int32));
                DataColumn Precision                        = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.NumericPrecision,                 typeof(System.Int16)); 
                DataColumn Scale                            = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.NumericScale,                     typeof(System.Int16)); 

                DataColumn DataType                         = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.DataType,                         typeof(System.Type)); 
                DataColumn ProviderSpecificDataType         = new DataColumn(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.ProviderSpecificDataType, typeof(System.Type));
                DataColumn ProviderType                     = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.ProviderType,                     typeof(System.Int32));
                DataColumn NonVersionedProviderType         = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.NonVersionedProviderType,         typeof(System.Int32));
                DataColumn IsLong                           = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.IsLong,                           typeof(System.Boolean));
                DataColumn AllowDBNull                      = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.AllowDBNull,                      typeof(System.Boolean)); 
                DataColumn IsReadOnly                       = new DataColumn(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsReadOnly,               typeof(System.Boolean)); 
                DataColumn IsRowVersion                     = new DataColumn(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsRowVersion,             typeof(System.Boolean));
                DataColumn IsUnique                         = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.IsUnique,                         typeof(System.Boolean));
                DataColumn IsKey                            = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.IsKey,                            typeof(System.Boolean));
                DataColumn IsAutoIncrement                  = new DataColumn(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsAutoIncrement,          typeof(System.Boolean));
                DataColumn IsHidden                         = new DataColumn(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsHidden,                 typeof(System.Boolean)); 

                DataColumn BaseCatalogName                  = new DataColumn(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.BaseCatalogName,          typeof(System.String)); 
                DataColumn BaseSchemaName                   = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.BaseSchemaName,                   typeof(System.String)); 
                DataColumn BaseTableName                    = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.BaseTableName,                    typeof(System.String));
                DataColumn BaseColumnName                   = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.BaseColumnName,                   typeof(System.String)); 

                // unique to SqlClient
                DataColumn BaseServerName                   = new DataColumn(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.BaseServerName,           typeof(System.String));
                DataColumn IsAliased                        = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.IsAliased,                        typeof(System.Boolean)); 
                DataColumn IsExpression                     = new DataColumn(SchemaTableColumn.IsExpression,                     typeof(System.Boolean));
                DataColumn IsIdentity                       = new DataColumn("IsIdentity",                                       typeof(System.Boolean)); 
                // UDT specific. Holds UDT typename ONLY if the type of the column is UDT, otherwise the data type 
                DataColumn DataTypeName                     = new DataColumn("DataTypeName",                                     typeof(System.String));
                DataColumn UdtAssemblyQualifiedName         = new DataColumn("UdtAssemblyQualifiedName",                         typeof(System.String)); 
                // Xml metadata specific
                DataColumn XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase      = new DataColumn("XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase",                      typeof(System.String));
                DataColumn XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema  = new DataColumn("XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema",                  typeof(System.String));
                DataColumn XmlSchemaCollectionName          = new DataColumn("XmlSchemaCollectionName",                          typeof(System.String)); 
                // SparseColumnSet
                DataColumn IsColumnSet = new DataColumn("IsColumnSet", typeof(System.Boolean)); 
                Ordinal.DefaultValue = 0;
                IsLong.DefaultValue = false; 

                DataColumnCollection columns = schemaTable.Columns;

                // must maintain order for backward compatibility 
                for (int i = 0; i < InternalFieldCount; i++) {
                    SmiQueryMetaData colMetaData = _currentMetaData[i];

                    long maxLength = colMetaData.MaxLength; 

                    MetaType metaType = MetaType.GetMetaTypeFromSqlDbType(colMetaData.SqlDbType, colMetaData.IsMultiValued); 
                    if ( SmiMetaData.UnlimitedMaxLengthIndicator == maxLength ) { 
                        metaType = MetaType.GetMaxMetaTypeFromMetaType( metaType );
                        maxLength = (metaType.IsSizeInCharacters && !metaType.IsPlp) ? (0x7fffffff / 2) : 0x7fffffff; 

                    DataRow schemaRow = schemaTable.NewRow();
                    // NOTE: there is an impedence mismatch here - the server always
                    // treats numeric data as variable length and sends a maxLength 
                    // based upon the precision, whereas TDS always sends 17 for 
                    // the max length; rather than push this logic into the server,
                    // I've elected to make a fixup here instead. 
                    if (SqlDbType.Decimal == colMetaData.SqlDbType) {
                        maxLength = TdsEnums.MAX_NUMERIC_LEN;   // SQLBUDT 339686
                    else if (SqlDbType.Variant == colMetaData.SqlDbType) {
                        maxLength = 8009;   // SQLBUDT 340726 
                    schemaRow[ColumnName]   = colMetaData.Name;
                    schemaRow[Ordinal]      = i;
                    schemaRow[Size]         = maxLength;
                    schemaRow[ProviderType] = (int) colMetaData.SqlDbType; // SqlDbType
                    schemaRow[NonVersionedProviderType] = (int) colMetaData.SqlDbType; // SqlDbType 
                    if (colMetaData.SqlDbType != SqlDbType.Udt) {
                        schemaRow[DataType]                 = metaType.ClassType; // com+ type 
                        schemaRow[ProviderSpecificDataType] = metaType.SqlType;
                    else {
                        schemaRow[UdtAssemblyQualifiedName] = colMetaData.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName; 
                        schemaRow[DataType]                 = colMetaData.Type;
                        schemaRow[ProviderSpecificDataType] = colMetaData.Type; 

                    // NOTE: there is also an impedence mismatch here - the server 
                    // has different ideas about what the precision value should be
                    // than does the client bits.  I tried fixing up the default
                    // meta data values in SmiMetaData, however, it caused the
                    // server suites to fall over dead.  Rather than attempt to 
                    // bake it into the server, I'm fixing it up in the client.
                    byte precision = 0xff;  // default for everything, except certain numeric types. 
                    switch (colMetaData.SqlDbType) { 
                        case SqlDbType.BigInt:
                        case SqlDbType.DateTime:
                        case SqlDbType.Decimal:
                        case SqlDbType.Int: 
                        case SqlDbType.Money:
                        case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: 
                        case SqlDbType.SmallInt: 
                        case SqlDbType.SmallMoney:
                        case SqlDbType.TinyInt: 
                            precision = colMetaData.Precision;
                        case SqlDbType.Float:
                            precision = 15; 
                        case SqlDbType.Real: 
                            precision = 7; 
                            precision = 0xff;   // everything else is unknown;
                    schemaRow[Precision]        = precision;
                    if ( SqlDbType.Decimal == colMetaData.SqlDbType ||
                        SqlDbType.Time == colMetaData.SqlDbType || 
                        SqlDbType.DateTime2 == colMetaData.SqlDbType ||
                        SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset == colMetaData.SqlDbType) {
                        schemaRow[Scale]            = colMetaData.Scale;
                    else {
                        schemaRow[Scale]            = MetaType.GetMetaTypeFromSqlDbType( 
                                                        colMetaData.SqlDbType, colMetaData.IsMultiValued).Scale; 
                    schemaRow[AllowDBNull]      = colMetaData.AllowsDBNull;
                    if ( !( colMetaData.IsAliased.IsNull ) ) {
                        schemaRow[IsAliased]        = colMetaData.IsAliased.Value;

                    if ( !( colMetaData.IsKey.IsNull ) ) { 
                        schemaRow[IsKey]            = colMetaData.IsKey.Value; 
                    if ( !( colMetaData.IsHidden.IsNull ) ) {
                        schemaRow[IsHidden]         = colMetaData.IsHidden.Value;
                    if ( !( colMetaData.IsExpression.IsNull ) ) {
                        schemaRow[IsExpression]     = colMetaData.IsExpression.Value; 

                    schemaRow[IsReadOnly]       = colMetaData.IsReadOnly; 
                    schemaRow[IsIdentity]       = colMetaData.IsIdentity;
                    schemaRow[IsColumnSet]      = colMetaData.IsColumnSet;
                    schemaRow[IsAutoIncrement]  = colMetaData.IsIdentity;
                    schemaRow[IsLong]           = metaType.IsLong; 

                    // mark unique for timestamp columns 
                    if ( SqlDbType.Timestamp == colMetaData.SqlDbType ) { 
                        schemaRow[IsUnique]         = true;
                        schemaRow[IsRowVersion]     = true; 
                    else {
                        schemaRow[IsUnique]         = false;
                        schemaRow[IsRowVersion]     = false; 
                    if ( !ADP.IsEmpty( colMetaData.ColumnName ) ) { 
                        schemaRow[BaseColumnName]   = colMetaData.ColumnName;
                    else if (!ADP.IsEmpty( colMetaData.Name)) {
                        // Use projection name if base column name is not present
                        schemaRow[BaseColumnName]   = colMetaData.Name;

                    if ( !ADP.IsEmpty(colMetaData.TableName ) ) { 
                        schemaRow[BaseTableName]    = colMetaData.TableName; 
                    if (!ADP.IsEmpty(colMetaData.SchemaName)) {
                        schemaRow[BaseSchemaName]   = colMetaData.SchemaName;
                    if (!ADP.IsEmpty(colMetaData.CatalogName)) {
                        schemaRow[BaseCatalogName]  = colMetaData.CatalogName; 

                    if (!ADP.IsEmpty(colMetaData.ServerName)) { 
                        schemaRow[BaseServerName]   = colMetaData.ServerName;

                    if ( SqlDbType.Udt == colMetaData.SqlDbType ) { 
                        schemaRow[DataTypeName] = colMetaData.TypeSpecificNamePart1 + "." + colMetaData.TypeSpecificNamePart2 + "." + colMetaData.TypeSpecificNamePart3;
                    else { 
                        schemaRow[DataTypeName] = metaType.TypeName;

                    // Add Xml metadata
                    if ( SqlDbType.Xml == colMetaData.SqlDbType ) {
                        schemaRow[XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase]      = colMetaData.TypeSpecificNamePart1; 
                        schemaRow[XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema]  = colMetaData.TypeSpecificNamePart2;
                        schemaRow[XmlSchemaCollectionName]          = colMetaData.TypeSpecificNamePart3; 


                // mark all columns as readonly 
                foreach(DataColumn column in columns) {
                    column.ReadOnly = true; // MDAC 70943 

                _schemaTable = schemaTable; 

            return _schemaTable;

    //    ISqlRecord methods 
        public override SqlBinary GetSqlBinary(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlBinary", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlBinary(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]);
        public override SqlBoolean GetSqlBoolean(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlBoolean", ordinal); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlBoolean(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]); 
        public override SqlByte GetSqlByte(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlByte", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlByte(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]);

        public override SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlInt16", ordinal); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlInt16(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]);

        public override SqlInt32 GetSqlInt32(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlInt32", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlInt32(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]); 
        public override SqlInt64 GetSqlInt64(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlInt64", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlInt64(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]); 

        public override SqlSingle GetSqlSingle(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlSingle", ordinal); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlSingle(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]);
        public override SqlDouble GetSqlDouble(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlDouble", ordinal); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlDouble(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]);

        public override SqlMoney GetSqlMoney(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlMoney", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlMoney(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]); 

        public override SqlDateTime GetSqlDateTime(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlDateTime", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlDateTime(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]);

        public override SqlDecimal GetSqlDecimal(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlDecimal", ordinal); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlDecimal(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]);

        public override SqlString GetSqlString(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlString", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlString(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]); 
        public override SqlGuid GetSqlGuid(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlGuid", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlGuid(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal]); 

        public override SqlChars GetSqlChars(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlChars", ordinal); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlChars(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal], _currentConnection.InternalContext);
        public override SqlBytes GetSqlBytes(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlBytes", ordinal); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlBytes(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal], _currentConnection.InternalContext);

        public override SqlXml GetSqlXml(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlXml", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlXml(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal], _currentConnection.InternalContext); 

        public override TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(int ordinal) { 
            EnsureCanGetCol("GetTimeSpan", ordinal);
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetTimeSpan(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal], _currentConnection.IsKatmaiOrNewer);
        public override DateTimeOffset GetDateTimeOffset(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol("GetDateTimeOffset", ordinal); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetDateTimeOffset(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, _currentMetaData[ordinal], _currentConnection.IsKatmaiOrNewer); 
        public override object GetSqlValue(int ordinal) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlValue", ordinal);

            SmiMetaData metaData = _currentMetaData[ordinal]; 
            if (_currentConnection.IsKatmaiOrNewer) {
                return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlValue200(_readerEventSink, (SmiTypedGetterSetter)_currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, metaData, _currentConnection.InternalContext); 
            return ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlValue(_readerEventSink, _currentColumnValuesV3, ordinal, metaData, _currentConnection.InternalContext); ;

        public override int GetSqlValues(object[] values) {
            EnsureCanGetCol( "GetSqlValues", 0);
            if (null == values) {
                throw ADP.ArgumentNull("values"); 

            int copyLength = (values.Length < _visibleColumnCount) ? values.Length : _visibleColumnCount; 
            for(int i=0; i

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