/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Runtime / Remoting / LeaseManager.cs / 1305376 / LeaseManager.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // File: LeaseManager.cs // // Contents: Administers the leases in an appdomain // // History: 1/5/00[....] Created // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; internal class LeaseManager { // Lease Lists private Hashtable leaseToTimeTable = new Hashtable(); // Async Sponsor Calls //private SortedList sponsorCallList = new SortedList(); private Hashtable sponsorTable = new Hashtable(); // LeaseTimeAnalyzer thread private TimeSpan pollTime; AutoResetEvent waitHandle; TimerCallback leaseTimeAnalyzerDelegate; private volatile Timer leaseTimer; internal static bool IsInitialized() { DomainSpecificRemotingData remotingData = Thread.GetDomain().RemotingData; LeaseManager leaseManager = remotingData.LeaseManager; return leaseManager != null; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static LeaseManager GetLeaseManager(TimeSpan pollTime) { DomainSpecificRemotingData remotingData = Thread.GetDomain().RemotingData; LeaseManager leaseManager = remotingData.LeaseManager; if (leaseManager == null) { lock (remotingData) { if (remotingData.LeaseManager == null) { remotingData.LeaseManager = new LeaseManager(pollTime); } leaseManager = remotingData.LeaseManager; } } return leaseManager; } internal static LeaseManager GetLeaseManager() { DomainSpecificRemotingData remotingData = Thread.GetDomain().RemotingData; LeaseManager leaseManager = remotingData.LeaseManager; BCLDebug.Assert(leaseManager != null, "[LeaseManager.GetLeaseManager()]leaseManager !=null"); return leaseManager; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private LeaseManager(TimeSpan pollTime) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE","LeaseManager Constructor"); this.pollTime = pollTime; leaseTimeAnalyzerDelegate = new TimerCallback(this.LeaseTimeAnalyzer); waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); // We need to create a Timer with Infinite dueTime to ensure that // leaseTimeAnalyzerDelegate doesnt get invoked before leaseTimer is initialized // Once initialized we can change it to the appropriate dueTime leaseTimer = new Timer(leaseTimeAnalyzerDelegate, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); leaseTimer.Change((int)pollTime.TotalMilliseconds, Timeout.Infinite); } internal void ChangePollTime(TimeSpan pollTime) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE","LeaseManager ChangePollTime ", pollTime); this.pollTime = pollTime; } internal void ActivateLease(Lease lease) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE","LeaseManager AddLease ",," ",lease.managedObject); lock(leaseToTimeTable) { leaseToTimeTable[lease] = lease.leaseTime; } } internal void DeleteLease(Lease lease) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE","LeaseManager DeleteLease ",; lock(leaseToTimeTable) { leaseToTimeTable.Remove(lease); } } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("_LOGGING")] internal void DumpLeases(Lease[] leases) { for (int i=0; i[....] Created // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; internal class LeaseManager { // Lease Lists private Hashtable leaseToTimeTable = new Hashtable(); // Async Sponsor Calls //private SortedList sponsorCallList = new SortedList(); private Hashtable sponsorTable = new Hashtable(); // LeaseTimeAnalyzer thread private TimeSpan pollTime; AutoResetEvent waitHandle; TimerCallback leaseTimeAnalyzerDelegate; private volatile Timer leaseTimer; internal static bool IsInitialized() { DomainSpecificRemotingData remotingData = Thread.GetDomain().RemotingData; LeaseManager leaseManager = remotingData.LeaseManager; return leaseManager != null; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static LeaseManager GetLeaseManager(TimeSpan pollTime) { DomainSpecificRemotingData remotingData = Thread.GetDomain().RemotingData; LeaseManager leaseManager = remotingData.LeaseManager; if (leaseManager == null) { lock (remotingData) { if (remotingData.LeaseManager == null) { remotingData.LeaseManager = new LeaseManager(pollTime); } leaseManager = remotingData.LeaseManager; } } return leaseManager; } internal static LeaseManager GetLeaseManager() { DomainSpecificRemotingData remotingData = Thread.GetDomain().RemotingData; LeaseManager leaseManager = remotingData.LeaseManager; BCLDebug.Assert(leaseManager != null, "[LeaseManager.GetLeaseManager()]leaseManager !=null"); return leaseManager; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private LeaseManager(TimeSpan pollTime) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE","LeaseManager Constructor"); this.pollTime = pollTime; leaseTimeAnalyzerDelegate = new TimerCallback(this.LeaseTimeAnalyzer); waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); // We need to create a Timer with Infinite dueTime to ensure that // leaseTimeAnalyzerDelegate doesnt get invoked before leaseTimer is initialized // Once initialized we can change it to the appropriate dueTime leaseTimer = new Timer(leaseTimeAnalyzerDelegate, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); leaseTimer.Change((int)pollTime.TotalMilliseconds, Timeout.Infinite); } internal void ChangePollTime(TimeSpan pollTime) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE","LeaseManager ChangePollTime ", pollTime); this.pollTime = pollTime; } internal void ActivateLease(Lease lease) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE","LeaseManager AddLease ",," ",lease.managedObject); lock(leaseToTimeTable) { leaseToTimeTable[lease] = lease.leaseTime; } } internal void DeleteLease(Lease lease) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE","LeaseManager DeleteLease ",; lock(leaseToTimeTable) { leaseToTimeTable.Remove(lease); } } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("_LOGGING")] internal void DumpLeases(Lease[] leases) { for (int i=0; i
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